MTR - Chapter 1

Story by umd223 on SoFurry

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#1 of MTR

Era : Me

Brodie :

Nathen : Me (though not a main fursona) xD

(C) Me

Warning, Contains content for adults (18+) if you're not 18 or over you have been warned...

If someone can send me a proof-read file of this id be happy to look it over and give credit :3

If someone can do a cheap but well done avatar for this story aswell, it would be nice to make a deal about it xD

btw, Ive named the file MTR but over time forgot what it stood for o.o;

and a Character Reference page will also be up soon, to describe the characters more thouroughly in detail :3

The musky, white feral Akita-Inu woke up with a large yawn, its maw stretching wide to take in a deep breath,' letting out a cute and short squeal as it did so.

This canine happened to be male, studying the comfortable area around him' he smiled and recalled the events from last night, laying before him peacefully his two owners slept peacefully still.

They could not communicate normally, but he understood them quite well due to past feral canine training before being put up to be sold to a hopefully good owner,' thankfully he was sold to two very good owners.

His species were usually not that out-going, but full of stamina and really affectionate to family. He however, was very outgoing to other species and anthro alike' another perk of training, and bursting with energy throughout most of the day.

After uncurling at the end of the bed, the pup padded over between the two anthro's, snuggling between them as he drifted off to sleep again; waiting for his owners, names unknown to him, to awaken.

Cody woke up with a heavy yawn, a careful stretch and nuzzle to the puppy in between him and his mate.

He recalled the events quickly and giggled as he tensed his tailhole muscles to test if it were still sore from last night.

They were slightly; but the warmth that still lingered inside compensated for it' letting out a soft murr as he focused on it; his sheath tingling warmly as it added more pre to the already matted fine fur around it.

He stretched his arms out alittle, and ran his paw softly over the pups back,' awakening him suddenly, he was too content to move about and tried to make as if he was still sleeping to get more stokes across his fur; his tail however betraying him, thumping against the bed happily.

His owner behind him giggled at the reaction and hugged the pet closely, reaching down alittle more to rub his belly.

Brodie then awoke suddenly to the heavy thumping behind him, after yawning heavily he smiled brightly, rolling over to pat the unnamed pet as well; after a few moments of patting Brodie spoke. "Good morning my sexy puppy"

"Morning" Cody said half asleep still, tail thumping very lightly against the bed, along with their pet in between them.

"We still have to think of a name for him" Cody nodded and smiled

All three of them thought long and hard for a name, cuddling each other gently as their pet licked the both of them over and over at their necks, eliciting soft murrs from the two.

"How about Sam?" Brodie remarked

"Sounds too short, cute but short" Cody giggled and repeatedly stroked just behind the Shiba's ears.

Quickly Cody piped up as if won something worth a life time of thinking, "Why not Nathen?" his tail swaying rapidly behind him in enthusiasm.

Brodie pondered on this for a moment, but after a few eager licks from the feral canine between them, he giggled and nodded in defeat.

"Nathen it is then" leaning in for a quick kiss Cody did the same, before both of them turned their attention to the cute puppy in between them, waggling his tail so fast they swore he would turn into a roflcopter if it waggled any faster.

After a few laughs and snuggles they pondered on what to do now, the soft grumbles in their bellies deciding for them not a moment after.

After getting something to eat, and getting something for Nathen to eat, all three of them headed to the shower to wash off their dried cum and pre matted to their fur from last night.

It was just the right timing. The hazy orange sunrise light from outside reflecting off an automated angled mirror into a tunnel of highly reflective ceramic panels angled at random but only slightly; In the end, shining through the beads of warm water on the three canine's fur onto the panels of the shower walls.

The walls were made of a special glass that reflected light in between layers that made up the panels, causing a blurred but bright steam and holographic effect on the surfaces of the glass. It was a beautiful sight, causing a content and almost sleepy atmosphere in the room.

This didn't stop the two anthro's from being energetic and cheerful however, although Nathen was more content and tired than ever. Besides the beautiful colours reflecting around the room from the surface, the warm water and still being in a very slightly sleepy state, he just wanted to snuggle and share affection with his owners.

The two took notice of this, and tried to shake up the day abit though; giving him random and sudden belly rubs, grabbing lightly at his tail to get him in a more playful mood, or in the end, rubbing very softly at his sheath.

It only took a moment for this to trigger a full arousal, jetting small amounts of pre into the flowing water below. When his masters noticed this, Brodie picked up and cradled the Shiba gently, one arm around his back, holding the pups side to his own belly; the other tracing the soft, pulsing veins of Nathen's member.

After some exchanging of expressions and words between the two anthro's, Cody moved forward and parted Brodie's maw into a deep kiss; tongues swirling and pushing against each other as they brang about almost pure lust.

As Brodie' s paw digit traced Nathen's member, Cody used one of his own paw digits to rub and lubricate the pups tailhole for a few moments, before slowly traveling down the both of them. He licked softly at Brodie's nipples through his fur, down to Nathen's member giving a few licks, before stopping at his tailhole. Lapping softly but prolonging at it, over time applying pressure and parting the pups puckered hole, swirling his tongue around inside.

Nathen's moans above him were music to his ears, music that gave inspiration to go on further; and as soon as he felt warmth and pressure against that spot, he started Cumming hard; almost barking as thin ropes of canine seed shot from his member repeatedly, not slowing down much over the course of minutes.

It was a murrful sight; the pups ears against his muzzle with his tail waggling rapidly against Cody's chest, as torrents of cum erupted from the firm red pulsing member pointing at the pups belly. The noise of running water blocked out by the mostly animalistic moans and soft howls of the Shiba-Inu in Brodie's arms.

Oh but the fun wasn't over.

After those few minutes passed, Cody's tongue stopped lapping softly at the pup's prostate, pulling out and retracting into his maw as he stood up; Nathen's tailhole now well lubed up and stretched.

Brodie turned the pup around, so that his belly and member was pressed up against his, legs wrapping lightly around Brodie's sides. Both paws occupied with holding Nathen against him, Cody positioned Brodie's member right below Nathen's tailhole.

With one slow thrust and a long moan from the two, his member was completely hilted inside of him. A few moments after letting Nathen adjust, Cody then put his own canine members tip against Nathen's tailhole and Brodie's member.

They're pets eyes widened after realising what was about to happen, not in horror but in general curiosity and surprise; he had never taken two at the same time before, though he had taken practice toys wider than that of Cody and Brodie added together, only just.

After a minute or two of slow but forceful thrusting and constant kissing between the two, both cocks sat firmly inside' pulsing one after another, constantly leaking pre; Nathen's tailhole stretched nearly to its limit, clenching slightly against the two intruders.

Brodie started thrusting in and out slowly at first, Cody thrusting in opposite timing at the same pace; both eventually speeding up and being able to thrust easily, causing loud moans from the three of them, Nathen's member already hard again, leaking a steady constant stream of pre down the underside of his member, into Brodie's belly fur.

The tightness of their pets tailhole was almost unbelievable, the lube and relaxing warmth being the only things allowing them to thrust, when they thrusted deeper however, it got even more so tighter as it were relaxing; Nathen's puckered tailhole pulsing in bliss and confusion rapidly around the two intruders.

After mere minutes of constant, loud moans and deep,' fast paced thrusting the three were close to climax. Nathen was of course the first to go, after his furry orbs retracted further against his body, his tailhole clenched around the two as tightly as it could to instinctively milk them of their seed. Loud animalistic but cute squeaks resounded throughout the room as stream, after thick stream of warm wolf cum sprayed between his belly and Brodie's, due the vast amount building up; most of it ran down Brodie's belly and legs, puddling around his foot paws.

During this his two masters sped up throughout the tightening around their members, almost cumming in unison as they both thrusted in deeply, ending right up against Nathen's prostate; Letting out two pulses of streams, of hot,' more dominant seed almost continually for a few minutes more.

The amount of pleasure forcing its way through Nathen's mind was almost enough to make the puppy pass out, just barely hanging onto consciousness.

He wasn't the only one having trouble keeping up though; his two masters were almost on the verge of collapsing right then and there as they emptied their balls deeply into him.

Thankfully their knots weren't tied to him, his tailhole too tight to take them, but jut tight enough to keep the main shafts locked in him after they stopped thrusting.

After those few complete minutes of fathoming the receding pleasure, he just noticed that Brodie was hugging him tightly; the heat between both furry bellies instead not too hot, but extremely content and comfortable.

Cody was also huggling around him and Brodie from behind, exchanging comfortable warmth between his back and Cody's soft, furry belly. The most comfortable warmth of course was below and in his rear however, making him tired and completely trustworthy of the two.

They stood like this for around 15 minutes, seeming like an eternity of pleasure, warmth and content between the three.

Afterwards, their members slid out of Nathen's tailhole slowly, a splash of cum and pre resounding from the shower room's tiled floor, following a soft moan from the pup and his two masters.

After Brodie put Nathen down, he and Cody left the shower room to dry each other. Looking back to see the pup lying down on the warm tiles, almost sleeping as his tail swayed tiredly behind him.

Both of the anthro canines naaawwww-d and giggled, smiling brightly as they picked the pup up, and carried him to their bedroom after drying him, cradled in Cody's arms as Brodie's were already spent.

After several minutes of getting comfortable on the bed, Brodie relatively spooning Cody releasing a sigh of content from the two; Nathen stretched before crawling to lie next to Cody. A giggle emitting from the two behind the pup as Cody spooned him as well; the three drifting off to sleep quickly as the room began to heat up slowly from the sun rays beginning to pour in closer to mid-day.

Thankfully the blinds mitigated most of the heat and kept them in a peaceful, comfortable slumber; as their furry orbs refuelled themselves for when they woke up.

MTR - Chapter 2

Nathen slept peacefully, more than he ever had; half covered in a dark blue, furred/cotton blanket with his muzzle lying sideways on a soft but firm pillow. Every time Cody or Brodie passed him; they would give him a stroke or soft pat in absolute...

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