Academia - Part 3

Story by Zelphair on SoFurry

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Academia - Part 3

Copyright 2008, Zelphair/YaminoFoxie

As always, the sun rose bright and early the next day, but thanks to those wonderful curtains, Kaze didn't have to rise with it. He'd never really been much of an early riser, despite his parents' insistence, and being able to sleep in, even a bit, was a luxury.

Instead of the blinding luminance of the sun, it had been the harsh, mechanical buzz of the alarm clock that woke him this morning. This had the effect of severely disorienting the already sleep-muddled fox, who knew the alarm in question couldn't be his own. He had always hated the shrill shriek of the buzz setting. It certainly did its job of waking him up, true, but a nice bit of music off the radio could be just as effective at the right volume, and overall, he found it was a much nicer way to start the day.

The thought of the radio brought with it an interesting question, one that, for whatever reason, had escaped him the previous night: just where was this place? He knew from Dylan that it was called the Academy, sure, but was that its full name, or simply what it was called by those who attended it? Either way, he'd obviously never heard of the place. Then again, he was fairly certain most of the world would be in the dark about the school, or at least about its true nature.

From the room's other bed, he could hear his otter roommate yawn, grumble, and shift about in his bed. Turning in that direction, the fox grinned slightly at the sight of Dylan struggling to cling to sleep. It seemed that although neither of them was particularly inclined toward mornings, the otter didn't share Kaze's useful trait of waking up all at once.

With another round of yawning, grumbling, and this time, stretching, the otter slowly reached his paw out toward the nightstand, shutting off the insistent whine of the alarm. Turning his head in the fox's direction with yet another big yawn, he gave what could be assumed to be an early morning approximation of a smile.

"Mmm...morning, huh?" the otter mumbled. "I swear, that comes earlier every day. Did you sleep alright?"

Struggling somewhat to keep a straight face in regard to the cutely ruffled and sleepy otter, the fox replied, "Oh...yeah...these beds are pretty comfortable." There was an awkward silence while Kaze pondered how best to continue the conversation, before finally settling on asking, "Do you want the shower first? If you go want to go back to sleep, I could go first..."

"No...that's alright," the otter responded, coming back to reality a bit quicker than the fox expected, more like he had during the night. "If I don't get up now, who knows how much longer I'll try to justify sleeping? Not that I'd normally mind, but I do have class this morning, and I'll need to show you to the headmaster's office."

With a bit of tossing the sheets about, Dylan eventually managed to extricate himself from the tangle he'd somehow created during the night. He was obviously still nude, but was up and into the bathroom too quickly for the fox to catch much of a view. After a moment, the otter's head peeked out of the bathroom door.

"You know, with both of us here now, that's twice the showers. It's a shame so much water has to go to waste." With that comment, Kaze was pretty sure his roommate had winked at him, before pulling back his head and shutting the door again. A second later, he heard a sound that could only be the otter relieving himself, then a flush, followed by the sound of the shower spray.

Was he...was he flirting with me?, the young blue fox thought to himself, with another blush that probably showed quite clearly through the white parts of his facial fur. It seemed to be the case, but with his own track record, he found it rather hard to believe. He certainly couldn't say that he found himself particularly desirable, and it was all too likely that it could have simply been a friendly joke on the otter's part. After all, there wasn't even any reason for Dylan to suspect Kaze was gay.

Still, as the soft sounds of the shower filled the otherwise silent room, the fox couldn't help thinking about his attractive roommate, naked under the spray. He imagined how the water would make the sleek fur even sleeker, how that would show off every curve of the tight young body underneath.

Inevitably, he found his mind drifting toward the ample sheath and balls he'd seen the previous night, imagining how they felt to the touch, and how they almost certainly still had the faintest smell of the otter's musk, even after being washed.

Of course, since this was his imagination and not real life, there was no reason at all for anything to remain sheathed, and the little fantasy soon reflected that. If he closed his eyes, he could see his fantasy image of the otter start to rub himself sexily, and could see the sheath rapidly filling as a result, until the bright pink tip of the shaft emerged, contrasting starkly with the otter's dark fur. His fantasy Dylan continued to work himself over until his member was fully emerged.

Of course, Kaze had never actually seen his roommate's shaft, but his imagination supplied the details, and whether or not they were accurate was hardly an issue at the moment. His mental image of the otter's member was a bit longer than average, at about seven inches, and had a very nice circumference, but not so wide that it would lead to a very sorely strained jaw if the fox ever fulfilled his fantasies. He reasoned that no matter what the real thing looked like, his fantasy might as well be ideal.

By this time, the very erotic scene playing in his head had led to the fox's own member emerging from his sheath, almost painfully erect, dripping pre onto his belly fur, throbbing with the need for release. He was torn for a moment. He was obviously quite aroused, but actually pawing off would just be urging on desires that it was all too likely were better off suppressed. It would only heighten his attraction to his beautiful roommate. He would almost certainly regret it in the future, and yet, at the moment, he couldn't seem to muster much concern. However temporarily, his cock was in control of his decision making process, and it was desperate for release.

The young fox gripped the base of his member with his silky paw, just as he imagined Dylan doing the same. Removing the sheets from his body to better spread it across the bed, the fox slowly began to stroke himself, in time with his fantasy otter doing the same. After a few pleasurable moments, though, his libido decided that he should have a more active part in the scene. With surprising clarity, he imagined himself on his knees before his roommate, the scent of musk and wet otter fur filling his nostrils as he leaned in closer, savoring the imagined experience.

A slim part of his mind was faithfully paying attention to the sound of the shower, so that he could quickly cover himself if it stopped. The rest of it, however, was focused solely on immersing himself in the scenario his imagination was generating. The fox focused as much of his attention as he could, losing himself in the experience, determined to practically feel every sensation. Placing one paw where the otter's own had been, on the base of the shaft, he looked up into those eternally expressive brown eyes, which looked back down at him with such a primal sense of need that it didn't surprise him at all when a moment later, a low whimper escaped the otter's throat, begging wordlessly for the fox to service him. Not needing any more encouragement than this, the fox leaned his head in, and began to slowly run his tongue up and down the otter's throbbing shaft. The otter made a sound halfway between the previous whimper and a moan, obviously pleased, but wanting more.

The fox had almost forgotten, in the years since he'd last done anything like this, how very much the taste of cock turned him on. Within moments of the otter's noise, the fox had opened his muzzle, and was steadily lowering it over the member before him, gradually taking more and more of it into his muzzle before slowly pulling up until just the tip was in his maw, tongue wrapped seductively around the underside. He loved the taste of the shaft in his muzzle, but he wanted it a certain way, and thus held his position there, muzzle just barely on the cock, tongue curled in such a way as to make a warm and extremely inviting tunnel.

Within moments, the tactic had its desired effect, the otter once again giving one of those half moan, half whimper sounds before beginning to thrust his hips, cock sliding rapidly into and out of the fox's muzzle. The fox, for his part, loved the more dominant turn in the otter's demeanor, moaning a bit in bliss, the sound sending highly pleasurable vibrations through the otter's cock, while the fox made light swallowing motions with his throat, encouraging the otter further.

The urging had the desired effect, as the otter gave in completely to his lust, his paws now gripping the back of the fox's head as he rammed his cock down the fox's willing throat with reckless abandon, earning more pleasured moans from the fox as his muzzled was fucked hard and fast, exactly the way he wanted. Both males could scarcely think, their heads were so clouded with lust.

Both of them were breathing much harder, and the fox's knot was rapidly swelling. In the next moment, the otter thrust hard into the fox's maw, driving home his cock down the fox's throat and moaning unashamedly. The otter's whole body tensed, his grip on the back of the fox's head tightened, and several successive ropes of warm, creamy otter seed shot hard into the fox's muzzle. Imagining the feeling of that powerful shot, and the slightly salty taste of it in his maw, Kaze's paw gripped his knot tighter as he writhed in pleasure on the bed, cock tip shooting seed as far up as his shoulders, coating his chest and abdomen with one of the largest loads he'd produced in years.

Panting slightly as he slowly opened his eyes and began to come down from his orgasmic high, the fox glanced down at his matted fur and still erect shaft, with its prominently expanded knot, and quickly covered himself with the sheets, adjusting them in such a way that his arousal wasn't obvious. He had completely forgotten about his knot, and it was times like this that he was annoyed at his own species. The matted fur he could likely hide, but his knot wouldn't shrink for a few minutes at the very least, and it wasn't exactly easy to hide. He silently cursed his decision, since he had already been pushing his window of privacy as it was, and could only be thankful that apparently, Dylan took very long showers.

Dylan, meanwhile, quickly closed the bathroom door all the way before the fox, no longer lost in whatever fantasy he was entertaining, looked in that direction. He had snuck out of the shower earlier, while leaving the water running, and had opened the door a crack and looked out, hoping to catch a glimpse of his new roommate nude. What he'd gotten was a much nicer show than he could have ever hoped for.

He had, in fact, been very tempted to walk out the door and offer his...assistance. He knew, after all, that the young fox was gay. It was part of the reason they were put together as roommates, since the Academy's policy was to put those of similar orientations together, so it was more likely they would make a friend to whom they could relate. If they knew of the almost inevitable dalliances this sometimes caused among those students who were inclined toward others of their own sex, it was never officially mentioned.

He also was fairly certain the fox was attracted to him. He'd certainly caught the lingering glances last night, and had returned a few of his own, even if he hadn't been able to see very much. Though the reasons for their nudity had been a genuine concern of hypothermia, he had made sure that he stayed uncovered for much longer than necessary. The fox's reaction to this, and to his light flirting, had been full of blushes, certainly, but no protests.

The only thing that stopped him was that he had seen the fox's type before. Kaze was obviously full of pent-up desire that, for whatever reason, he'd been unable to express. That, along with the fox's obvious shyness, was a sure sign that if he was too bold, he'd end up just scaring the poor fox off. That would be a major setback to any further developments, and besides, he already found himself caring for his new roommate, and wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable, even if it would have gotten him what he wanted. So he had merely watched, and enjoyed himself in secret.

As the otter's member started to retreat back into his sheath, he remember that the shower was still running, and that if he didn't want to make the fox suspicious (especially after his comment about wasting water), he'd better actually get clean, and quickly. Granted, the fox would need at least a few minutes for his knot to go down, but Dylan wasn't supposed to know that.

As he had some water from the shower take his own seed off the tile floor and whisk it down the drain, then stepped into the running water, the otter had only one major thought.

This semester should be fun.