Devotion to the Blood Chapter 2

Story by Neko Hoshi on SoFurry

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#2 of Devotion to the Blood

Here is chapter follow James to the town. Finding new information about his brother.

Ch 2 I walked towards the next city as a wagon passed by stopping in front of me. I stopped looking at it as a man jumps off looking at me. His eyes were gentle shade of brown, dark brown hair, with a blue tee-shirt, and a brown vest, his jeans a simple light blue color, which had holes in them. The holes were near his pockets. He spoke his voice was husky "You a traveler?" I looked at him nodding my head. "Heading to the next city?" I took a deep breath speaking softly "Yeah I am." He grinned at me. There were two options ether he is going to offering a ride or wants to kill me. "Wanna ride to Shingatin?" I covered my eyes the sun in my eyes. I suppose he is the offering a ride type. "That what the city called?" "Well if it ain't then my name ain't Joe Jay. That's my name by the way." I looked towards the distance the town wasn't in sight maybe for miles on end. "I'll take you up on that offer." He grinned and climbed back up. "Well get in the back for some shade." I nodded my head as I climbed up. "Ready to go?" "Yeah I am." "All rightly then hiyeah." We were off a bit jumps and bumps came along the way. I looked at the inside and there wasn't much things a few chest and boxes. Was he a trader? Simple brown boxes and simple chests he might be. Hiding his most valuable things in plain sight. Smart I suppose. "What's your name mister?" "I'm James." "Well got a last name James?" I thought of it. What was my last name? "No I don't maybe my younger brother may remember." "Well were he at?" I looked down taking a deep breath. "I have no clue he was kidnapped along time ago. We were only sixteen when they kidnapped him." "How old are you know?" "I'm eighteen now and so is he." He took a long sigh "I once had a brother too you know?" Great. Another depressed person wanting to talk about their brothers, I find them so annoying. "Our parents gave him up as a payment to keep our home. That was over ten years ago. We were out of money and we were trying to do everything we could our parents begged so much that they grabbed him saying 'Take him and leave us alone.' So they did and we never saw those debt collectors again, but we also never saw him again." I closed my eyes sighing I hate life stories. "Tell me when we're close to the city." "All right then. Only trying to make conversations."

"Hey boy we're here." I opened my eyes to the bright light. He apparently opened the covers so I could see. I glanced outside and saw nothing. "Is this some joke I don't see anything?" He grinned as I grabbed for my blade. They weren't there. I glared at him. "Don't worry we'll be near the dome soon." "Dome? And where are my blade?" "I moved it to the side so you don't kill your self with all the bumps, and the dome is where the city is at. Shingatin is a high tech town. They developed a system to hide then selves from intruders." A cloaking device impressive. "So they don't work with magic like the rest of the world?" "Why shucks James don't you know everyone does that?" I suppose that is a stupid question everyone uses magic. "So they specialize in electricity?" Well duh of course it is. "Yup. They even have the their book in the middle of the doom. Cloaking isn't the only thing they invented, but they are a peaceful bunch." Well if Daemon escaped he would like to be in a place like this. "So what they teach anyone they want their secrets?" "Well yes they do in a sense." Ok even if this is a peaceful place that is stupid. "Oh my." "Huh?" Then I saw it the dome, but it wasn't how I thought it would be like.

Jay said that he'll wait for me. I walked into the town and saw fires still roaring. The bodies still freshly burned. What ever happened here happened recently. I saw an old man when I got to the center. "Please kill me you killed everyone else who is dear to me." What the hell I never was here before. Daemon. He was here. "Where did he go!?" "I don't know." "Dam it!!" he looked scared "That was my little brother who was kidnapped." The old man coughed "Take this then," He handed me and old book it wasn't damaged from the fire. "It's our spell book. Your brother learned it all in one day and killed everyone here." He coughed blood out. What's going on why his Daemon acting this way? I kneeled down towards him touching his forehead lightly as i began to heal him.

"Thank you good sir." "I'm thanking you for giving me your spell book and for telling me about my younger brother." I stood up brushing the dirt off my clothes. "He was a monster. I wish i could have done better and protected my family and kiled him." I flinched at that. I grabbed my blade quickly slicing his head off. His body hit the floor as his head rolled into a near by fire. "No one shall ever harm my little brother as long as i live!" I began walking back towards the entrance seeing Joe waiting for me. "Did you find any survivors?" I jumped back on board lying down the sun went down all ready, but the world still seems bright. "No I didn't find any trace of life here. I found the spell book though." He stopped and looked at me. "Really can you read it a person has to bless it for you well as long as they came from this place. Then and only then you can read the book." Fuck. I opened the book and I could read it I understood it all. Joe came over. "Shame not a single word in it." He walked away. I smiled more so the old man gave me his blessing as he gave it to me and I killed him. Haha well I should get on equal grounds as Daemon he learned this secrets and he may have learned others. Someone has to be controlling him though he would never have done this. By his own free will something is up. Joe looked at me "Don't worry you'll find your brother one day." "He was here probably saw what did this." He looked at me. "Well that just means your on the right track." That's true he probably isn't that far away but which way do I go?

"Joe..." "Next town is a day away called Shinigami Ally." Dead god ally. "Why is it called that?" "Their magic lies in blood magic and rumor has it they all know when they are going to die." "Suck for them. I rather go on living without knowing when I'm going to die seeing that clouds the mind." "Ether way I envy them." "Why's that?" "I rather know I'm going to die happily knowing my younger brother is fine." "What's this younger brother called?" "He is called Zenchi Jay." "Original name he got." "He uses light as his magic. What is your's if you don't mind me asking you?" I took a second and looked over the spell book. "Electricity." "Just like these poor people. Well it's a good thing you weren't born here cause they don't want people native of that area to leave." "Why's that?" "Well so that they don't get their spell book." "But earlier you said they let anyone see it what's the big idea lying like that?" "Well I ain't lying they let anyone see it, but only in special occasions actually learn from it. So ha. Well you a gear head or a weapon user?" A gear what? "What's that?" He laughed slightly. "Well rain is coming I'll tell you once we go underground." Underground is he an earth user?

He pulled on the rains and jumped out as he moved his hands making the earth go into a sphere covering us and he did this two more times. He looked at me. "Come and sit down." I jumped of the wagon and it was pretty dark. I followed his voice until I bumped into him. "Sit down and let me go back to get something to start the fire." I heard his footsteps leave. I didn't need anything I sparked a small fire and saw the bundle of wood setting it on fire as he came back looking at it. "That's right lightning can make fire." I nodded my head "So what's a gear head was it?" "Yes a gear head. A gear head is another term for people who use technology as a weapon like this." He stood up and showed me a keychain size square box blue carvings in and out of it. The color is light gray. "What this thing do?" He laughed at me slight and stopped "Basically it's used to reroute the flow of energy. For example," he grabs a stick with the fire on it handing it to me. "Toss it to me." I looked at him "You sure about this?" "As sure as ever." I hesitated a moment as I tossed it towards him. The blue carvings glowed as the fire was drained from it and was sent back to the fire again. "Wow that's a neat toy." "Sure is. Beat anyone like you for sure though can't use a simple nerve attack to me without getting your self first." I guess I shouldn't tell him I mainly use swords. "And what's that other thing you said weapon user. Is it just the whole using a sword or something?" "Basically but you can fuse your element with your weapon. Most people learn it only after they mastered their weapon and their element, but I'd say that if you gave it a go you might learn it quickly." I suppose I lived in that city a lot longer than I though I know nothing of this. Then again information never gets to our location about fighting techniques or toys like that thing. "You better sleep now James it's going to be a long ride the rain is more likely remaking the ground as we speak making travel harder." This is true. "All right then night." I closed my eyes and falling asleep listening to the crackles of the flames.

Devotion to the Blood Chapter 3

Ch 3 I woke up seeing Joe sleeping near by. I stood up quietly and saw the sphere was gone. The light blinded me, but it didn't matter much to me. I grabbed the book and looked at it. "Even if you were blessed it will take time to read it all." I...

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Devotion to the Blood

Ch 1 I looked around seeing the decaying buildings all around a few people around. Some people where still around I wonder why. The food of this area is gone the water was also down. Living here is pointless now, and I decided that hoping my brother...

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