Devotion to the Blood Chapter 3
#3 of Devotion to the Blood
James reached the new town with Jay by his side
Ch 3
I woke up seeing Joe sleeping near by. I stood up quietly and saw the sphere was gone. The light blinded me, but it didn't matter much to me. I grabbed the book and looked at it. "Even if you were blessed it will take time to read it all." I slammed the book shut. It was only Joe. "You are blessed too aren't you?" He grinned widely at me "Nope, but I know you are now." That asshole he tricked me into saying I was blessed by the elder wait he doesn't know that part. "How much you know?" He didn't say anything he just went away and made breakfast. "I know your brother killed everyone in that town," He stayed quiet for a bit "and that you can use healing and the fact that you killed the elder of the town." So basically he knows my life up to date that is. I grabbed my blade and glared at him. "So what were you going to turn me in at the next town over?" He laughed at me this seriously ticked me off. "Why would I do that for? I see it as your doing all you can to find your brother and blamed the man for not being able to stop him." I didn't move though. He looked up at me all calm and relaxed as if I wasn't a threat to him. Our eyes kept in lock for a while. We just stood there up to the point were my legs began to fall asleep I growled at him slightly and pointed my sword at him. "If even for a second that it seems like your going to betray me. I will kill you." I stood up walking away I could tell he was laughing. Why does he want come with me then? He knows I killed an elder, he thinks my brother is a murderer, yet he sits as if I can't kill him or won't kill him. "I know that you CAN kill me but you won't." "What makes you sure of that?" He just smiled and stood up. "Seeing I'm going to help you find your brother in the chance that we will find mine along the way." I see so he's using me. He's pretty smart I suppose.
After we ate breakfast we headed off too Shinigami Ally. We made it in record time and found the city intact. Joe told me to met back at the entrance at noon and he would wait for me if I was a bit late. I cheeked my pockets seeing how much money I even had left; only fifty pieces of style. Styles are used world round last time I heard. I probably won't be able to buy anything. Some people began whispering when I came around. Some old guy came up to me and looked at me. "You are James correct?" I nodded my head. He pulled out a book and handed it to me. "I shall give you my blessing. Take all you need from this town. Your brother is coming and you must leave before he arrives: tomorrow." "Why in hell would I leave if he's so close that I can finally met him?!" The man lifted his hand to silence me " You are not ready yet to met your brother he is far to strong for you." "My younger brother Daemon is too strong for me?" "He has been over charged with power that he hasn't learn how to control yet. If you two were to met he would kill you before you could have even said a single word to him." Daemon have you really changed so much that you would kill your older brother? "Very well." I grabbed my bag and shoved the book in it. "That book is of blood magic. It will teach you plenty, but it won't be enough you must travel the world being ahead of your brother who just started his quest to collect every spell book of each town. As you move ahead of your brother you must not look back to the towns you are leaving behind." I nodded my head.
I met a girl who was in an alley crying and then she stopped as I approached her. "Your James aren't you? Hick." "Yes I am. Why are you crying girl?" The girl looked at the ground before looking back at me. "You will say no and leave me here to be killed like the rest." I offered her my hand and she took it as I helped her up: I looked at her. She was slim, wearing a dark blue shirt and a light-blue skirt that was a bit torn at the bottom. She looked at me the tears continued to roll down her soft pale skin. Her eyes were a gentle blue color and her hair is black with a red streak going down her hair that went to her shoulders. She looked nice. "How old are you girl?" "I'm eighteen and I'm Liz." "So Liz why where you crying?" She slapped me across the face. It went bright red after she slapped me. She ran away and began crying again I could hear her muttering. "I'm sorry." Over and over. She was an odd one that's for sure.
I got to a shop that the owners looks gloomy as if they were going to die. "Hello and welcome customer." Even their tones were dry. I began walking around finding a good pair of swords. "Those two are called the twin shadow strike. They were made in dashi osuca ollal market town. It is know as Doom town by everyone else. They use shadow magic." I nodded my head and saw two different type of guns. One was white with silver carving around the barrel. The other was black with grey carvings around the barrel. "The white one is from Shirotenshi town. The black one is from Daken Rift also known as Dr town. Shirotenshi is the use of energy magic and Dr town uses warp magic: changing location of one thing to another place. They may have been made in different areas, but they complement each other very nicely."
I saw a pack of bombs each having their own symbol of the element they used. "Oh those aren't much help in fights sir. They were even made in Factory town. It's a worn down town that has no real special thing about it except for the amount of people who stay and live there." "I use to live there." "Oh. Sorry that was rude of me to speak about it." "No it's fine. I too am surprised by how many people still live there." The manger didn't say much after I grabbed a few bombs and the swords and guns. "Where is the ammunition for these two?" The manger laughed slightly "Oh those two don't need it. They got all the shoots that you need all ready." I cheeked it zero. "It's empty how are these suppose to help me?" The man nodded his head. "Well how much is it?" "For you it's free. Take what ever else you need."
I looked around and saw a blade its steal was made out of the same dark steal as my own was made. I looked at it shine. "Where was this made? I have the same sword as it." The man came over and looked at it. "Hm this is one of ten swords of the mysterious town that disappeared. Rumor has it that each one is just a simple sword but once all ten swords are united they can make a person's heart pure or destroy the world." He took a pause trying to recall more. "I came upon it last year if I remember correctly. You said you have a sword identical to this. Correct?" I pulled out the sword each sword seemed to vibrate in my hands. I could hear "Sword one cannot connect to sword five." I then saw the swords glow I couldn't see what was happening.
Once the lights dimmed down my sword had a number one on it and the shop's sword obtained a number five. I looked at the shop owner and he looked at me. "Um well you can keep it. It seems like the sword has decided to be for you." The elder came into the shop seeing me carrying the swords. His eyes widen "Those swords are the angel blades of darkness. Those swords can end the world as we know it. But in your case it may just save your brother. You must leave at once. Gather everything and leave now." His tone sounded more feared than anything else. I grabbed my weapons and my bag as I walked out.
Once I was at the front gates I saw Liz again. "So girl are you gonna tell me why you where crying before?"She looked at me with those blue eyes of hers. "It's Liz get it right, and I'm not sad any more." She smiled as Joe came around. "Seeing I'm going with you guys on your journey." It took me a moment to realize she wasn't kidding. "Well I'm going by foot I'm not going with you two." "Now James you don't even know which way it is to get to the next town." Joe was right I didn't know. Liz spoke again with a sassy attitude "That's right you don't so don't complaining about it." I have no clue when it comes to directions. So even if I didn't like it I couldn't really argue about it.
Sigh. How did it come to this? People never wanted to be with me when I was in my home town and here I am with a bitch and Joe. I took out my new sword. '5' The number was still placed there. If I have to find these swords so I can stop Daemon then I will. Someone is making him do these things I'm sure of it. I will kill that person and take my brother home so we can live in peace. I muttered slightly "I will kill who ever made you this way." Liz looked over at me "And what will you do if he isn't being controlled and he's doing it..." I stabbed my blade near her face cutting a bit of her face watching blood drip down. "Shut up! He isn't like that! Say it again and I will kill you!" She flinched and her eyes trembled with fear. "S-sorry." She turned away as I pulled my blade away. He can't be like that. He isn't a monster. I'm sure of it. Aren't I?