If DitD 1 was a fanfic...

Story by Of The Wilds on SoFurry

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#3 of DitD Outtakes

hears my favrite fanfic of my favrite story teh dargon in het dungun if u havent red it its by Off Teh Weeds and its relly good and its sexy too with a hot girl and a hot dragon and then it makes you sad in a good way.

i worked relly hard on this to posted it by April 1st...dont be men to me i tried my best but not a good speeler and i make mistakes on spelling and grandma okay but its gud

one time in the kingdom of illndra there was a woman going down the long stone stares. it was a long stairs and her name was Alia. alia was really hot with blak hair and big boobs and grin eyes. alia wore black pants and a dark greek shit.

the stairs took a long time cuase it went to the dungun that was underground and she was nervous. there was her guards too and they told her the dungeon was dangerous. the guards wore shiny armoirs when they went to see the prison cause the prisoner was a big dargon.

there was a dragon in the dungeon like the title

alia was a servant and one time the royals touched her big boobs so she got mad and bet them up. so she thought they made her go feed the dragun because she didnt play that with no royal.

the dungeon was relly dark, and finally the dragon came. alia saw he was relly old but still a relly sexy black dargon and he saw that alia was hot with big boobs and even tho he was a dragon he was like damn!1!

then he told the ugards to go away and alia said it was okay so they guards go away but they warned her not to get eated.

then alia is alone with the dragon and says can i touch your face. the dragon growls and shows his teet and fangs but hes not so bad and he lets her touch on him. alia says damn yo are dirty and i will built you a tube to take a hot bat in.

Than the dragon walked away and alia saw a big scar on his leg and she know the dragon wood always walk with a lamp cause his leg was hurt. she thought if he was bad or good and maybe she woudl be nice either way cause if she was a prisonerwho had a big scar and walked with a permanant lamp she would want them to be nice too her to.

so she called the workers and told them to build the dragon a bath tube. they bilt it from wood like a big barrel of rum but it was for a dargon not for rum. finally wehn there was hot water she told the dragon to get in. he got made and acted like a douche but finally he got in. then he said get in here and wash me. and she was like okay. and he was like, take ur clothes off. no. yes. no. get naked said the dragon!

"no ur perv" alia said and hit his nose.

just do it baby ur hawt murrrr, said the dragon murrfully waving his pause.

okay fine but only cause your a sexy dragon, alia said sexfully

so lia got nekkid to her bare boobs and stuff, and the dragon was all, wow, ur boobiful i mean beutiful haha, cause he was witty and stuff too.

so alia got the washclot and began to wash him all over. when he was clean his thing came out. it was red and she was like wow its big and he was like thanks wanna touch it and she was like totally so she did. so alia gave him a bandjob with her hands and when he was close to comin she opened her mouth and gave him some aural too and it was relly good aural and he cummed in her face.

then the sexy black dargon pushed her up and put his head between her legs and for a while he licked her yiffslit until she screamed and was juisy.

then the darkgon said, i liked that and i liked you plez come back so i can yiff ur murrhole

alia said okay and made a pooty face as she trouted off to the stares

then end!

leaf a comet if u liked it plez thx stay yiffy murrrrrrrr

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