Exorcising the Muscle Spirit

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a sequel to a previous story of mine, the Muscle-Growth Massage, found here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/479279

All characters are property, belong to Taiko.

Enjoy the muscle growth, and if you enjoy it, consider leaving me a little tip. It helps my writing continue as I keep looking for a job. Paypal: [email protected]/* <![CDATA[ /!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/ ]]> */

After almost thirty minutes of grunts and groans, growls and moans, the massage room finally went silent, with only the sound of soft panting to be heard. The customers that were close enough to the hallway leading to the massage rooms had lifted eyebrows at the sudden silence, but didn't bother getting up to go and check on what was happening back there. Considering the reputation of the massage parlor, they just figured that someone was getting a little extra service; as long as the customer paid for it, they weren't going to interfere with another person's fun.

If they had gone back to the massage room, though, they would have been shocked at the sight that waited for them there.

On the floor, near a wrecked massage table, were two naked men. Both were absolutely massive, even more than their species usually warranted. One was an orca, the other a dragon, and the shreds of fabric on the floor were all that remained of the clothes that the two of them had worn back to the room. The two of them were so large that most of the floor was taken up by their bodies, and what little wasn't was taken up by the broken table, shattered during their roughhousing with each other.

Despite being covered in slick cum and shiny sweat, the two of them continued to pant softly. Not in exhaustion, as the immediate observer might think, but in excitement. The bulges of their muscles seemed to shift, pressed and stroked by an invisible presence, rubbed and almost worshiped by the invisible touch. Both the orca and the dragon moaned, their sounds of pleasure guttural, deep, almost more like grunts than the softer sounds of arousal that most would have made in their place.

The dragon, Carlone, slowly pulled himself up, his cock hard and erect in front of him. Under the influence of the spirit that stroked him, rubbed him, his cock had never gone soft. It had grown massively since this morning, going from a long but more or less standard length for dragons to something that reached just under his beefy pecs when it was hard. Considering that the strange spirit didn't want him to go soft, that meant that it was throbbing just in front of them right now. He chuckled, pulling it back against his chest, rubbing the head of his cock between his pecs, feeling his leaking, dripping shaft leak more pre against his already shiny, shimmering, smooth scales, rubbing its own 'oil' into his muscles to make them even more appealing to the eye.

His red scales had gone smooth, lacking the bumps and slight protrusions that they'd had just this morning. His lighter orange chest was the same, his body constantly flexing. All over his body, his muscles glimmered with a strange oil, an oil that kept appearing every time he thought about his body, reapplied every time that he felt the wandering, rubbing hands of the spirit that had made him this way. Every one of his scales was covered with the reflective oil, from the feathery crest on his head to his large, bulging thighs, to his larger feet, grown to support his massive frame. "God... 'm sexy," Carlone muttered under his breath.

Absently stroking, touching himself, Carlone turned to look at the orca on the floor. Who would have known that the first customer of the day would have been this much fun? He chuckled, poking at the orca's side with his foot, and getting a small grunt in return. "Come...up..." His voice was grunty, throaty; not surprising, after how hard they'd just been at it. He reached down, pulling the orca to his feet.

He felt the orca's hand tighten around his, the grip powerful enough to break a regular person's hand. Heh, not that he was anything like regular, normal, anything like that anymore; the two of them would not have looked out of place among the Olympic bodybuilders at this point. Hell, the two of them might out-mass more than a few of them at this point, considering that they almost had to hunch forward to avoid bumping the low ceiling in the massage room.

Carlone thought about how good it felt to have all of this muscle, how good it felt to be so big. He'd always been fond of making others into this ideal man, but this was the first time that it had been switched around him, at least to this degree. Just looking down at his own muscles made his cock throb, dancing in front of his belly and chest. Looking over at the orca, remembering their mutual fun over the last half hour, made him start to drip. The temptation to continue their fun was overwhelming.

So why wasn't he grabbing the orca and bending him over to enjoy his body?

Something else was keeping him still, holding him in place. Probably the same thing that was stroking him all over, rubbing at his muscles, teasing him, keeping him right on the edge of excitement. He couldn't see them anymore, but he could feel those soft, smooth hands squeezing at the bumps and bulges of his body, rubbing over him, encouraging him to flex.

And in addition to that, he could feel it in his head. Not a hand - that just didn't make sense, even to his fogging mind - but as a finger, almost like something that was rapidly flicking through pages in a book. He grunted under his breath, shaking his head as he tried to dismiss the feeling, but it just stuck around.

A thought suddenly flashed to the front of his mind, a thought of another person that could stand to be beefed up. Carlone's lips curled up in a sneering grin, and his cock bounced particularly hard, a little squirt of pre shooting out and landing on the pecs of the orca. Not that the other male seemed to mind in the least; soon as the pre landed on that black and white chest, Taris reached up and started rubbing it into his smooth but hard, heavily grown chest.

Carlone looked at the orca. "Taris...you...customers...Have fun..." the dragon muttered, having to grunt out the different words. Ugh, still having to recover. Well, he'd be back to normal before long. Heh, he wondered if his voice might change like his body...just like Taris would be changing the bodies of everyone out there in the waiting room, giving them the gift of the spirit, letting them in on the secret of being so manly.

Taris nodded slowly, walking out of the disheveled room, leaving Carlone alone.

Well, not entirely alone. Carlone could feel the spirit inside of him. It wasn't entirely unfamiliar to him, considering he'd dealt with various different spirits, both alone with his own magic and occasionally with his father in law. However, this one was a little bit different, a little bit new. Instead of doing what he told it, it was telling him what to do. Or suggesting. Or something. He couldn't really figure it out at the moment, and it didn't really matter anyway.

What did matter was that it was making him big, strong, and it was giving him the chance to make others just as big and strong. Starting with a certain dragon that he'd been wanting to screw with for far too long. Oh, Kaito, he thought to himself. You might be ready for me, but you aren't ready for this.

Giving his shaft a few more strokes before regretfully taking his hand off of it, Carlone walked to the door. Having to hunch forward and walk out of it sideways due to the massive muscles that covered him from head to toe, the dragon still nearly got stuck before he got through. His cock in particular provided an obstacle to getting through the door frame, and Carlone almost resigned himself to ripping part of the wall off before it finally managed to slip through. Likely slicked up and lubed from all the pre he was leaking, he thought to himself with a chuckle.

He passed through the waiting room for the massage parlor, only taking a second to look at the writhing pile of moaning, growing, musky males. Through the slowly shredding bits of clothes, he could see the big orca buried at the bottom of the pile, as well as growing patches of fur and scales and skin in the growing pile that covered him up. Oh, it was spreading so fast. This place was going to be one big muscle-hump fest, and a damn sexy one at that. Taris was slick and wet with the oil that showed off his body, his muscles, and it was spreading as everyone else grew around that sexy orca.

It was so tempting to stay here, and he almost took a step towards the pile with every intent to join in. But before he could, he felt the 'finger' in his mind again, pressing down. A brief feeling of pressure, and he stopped, blinking in time to his pulsing cock. Absently, he watched it gleam as another coat of oil appeared over it, spreading over it, adding to the shimmering look started by his pre running down his length.

Why was he going over there? There were so many more people outside...particularly Kaito. Yes. Yes, Kaito. Kaito was the one that he was supposed to find. He had no idea why he was supposed to do anything, but he was going to do it. He was going to make Kaito big. VERY big.

The grin spread across his face as he walked past the grinding pile of men, stepping naked into the parking lot. The sunlight glimmered off of his shiny scales, casting a reflective beam of sunlight onto the pavement ahead of him. A few cars driving down the street at the edge of the parking lot slowed, and he could just make out the faces of the drivers as they stared at him. No doubt loving the show that they were getting, he thought with a smirk.

It took him a few minutes to find where his car was, and longer to actually find a way to fit inside. Even when he adjusted the chair from outside, putting it as far back from the wheel as he could and making sure that the chair was lowered as much as the car would let it, he could only barely fit inside, and he was hunched over so far that his dick was more or less punching him in the chin, and he was almost resting his jaws on the top of the steering wheel. The car frame itself actually groaned when he got in, leaning towards the driver's side as a result of his new massive muscled girth.

Even the act of putting the keys in the car had gotten more difficult, as he had to fumble with his bigger hands and fingers to actually find them in the glove compartment, and then find a way to fit them into the right hole. He dropped them to the floor several times, and considering how much bigger his legs were, not to mention his feet, it was an exercise in ridiculousness to find them each time.

Finally he got the car started. He started to press down on the gas pedal, the car in reverse, but to his surprise actually stepped on both pedals at once. The car just about growled at him in annoyance at the confusing instructions he was trying to give it, and Carlone pulled his foot back. After a little maneuvering that left him with even less leg room, he used some of his toes to push on the pedal. This time it worked, and the car pulled out. A little more work, and he managed to get it out onto the street, and off he went.

It was not comfortable, of course; with his cock still throbbing, dripping, he had to deal with the frustration of an arousal that he couldn't release, and the cramped feeling of a car that was three sizes too small for someone of his particular frame. The only relief he had from the cramped quarters and frustrated libido were the ever present hands of the spirit, stroking his muscles, rubbing him, giving him the appreciation that his body deserved. He would soon be making Kaito do the same thing, he - or at least he thought it was himself - thought, and that was enough to put a smile back on his face.

Of course, there were delays. Stoplights, always annoying, took on a whole new level of hate when his car was this cramped. Even the hands couldn't keep him from growling in anger whenever he hit a light that was red, and he actually honked his horn multiple times when he was stuck at them.

After the first two lights though, he found that there was a little fun to be had when he was forced to wait. There were other cars around him, after all, and if he just moved a little bit, it wouldn't be hard for them to see his superior, massive muscles, and his manhood that just deserved worship. He grinned at the thought, and rolled down his window to make sure that people had an easy chance to look inside.

The first one to look was a wolf to his right. At first, the wolf just looked at him for a second before looking back to the road, much to Carlone's surprise. However, after a second, the wolf blinked and whipped his head back around, his eyes going wider and wider as he took in the dragon's size. Carlone grinned as the wolf stared, taking his hands off of the steering wheel, lifting them up and putting them behind his head as much as he could, showing off his manly, huge body. He even managed to lift his head up a bit, showing how big his cock was, how much it leaked pre, the sign of a real, true, virile man.

The stare continued until the light changed, and this time Carlone was almost a little annoyed that it had changed, considering that he was enjoying getting a good ogling. Maybe he could find that wolf and change him into a real man later, as well. But how?

There was no answer from the spirit, and Carlone just shrugged it off. Ah well; he'd change people eventually. It just would be a matter of time.

He looked forward to the other stoplights ahead, but sadly, there was only one more. At least he was able to show off to another bodybuilder this time around; some lizard that was driving along. The lizard was a pretty big guy, maybe even as big as Carlone used to be, but he wasn't any match for the dragon's new size.

However, instead of a look of wonder, the lizard looked worried. He put on a pair of glasses, staring at Carlone for a few seconds before taking them off, and he picked up a phone.

Not sure what the lizard was doing, Carlone just shrugged. If someone wasn't going to appreciate him properly, well, he had someone not far up the road who would, if he just gave him enough...incentive. He chuckled at the thought, his cock starting to throb even harder as he got closer and closer to Kaito's home.

He pulled onto the side of the street closest to Kaito's apartment complex, shaking his head as he got out of the car.

Or, at least, as he tried to get out of the car. As hard as it had been to get into the damn thing, it was just as hard to get out. Maybe harder, as his head and horns scraped against the top of the car, catching on the roof and slowing him down. His legs were long enough that it was hard for him to swing one of them out, banging his knee against the underside of the dashboard repeatedly, cursing under his breath as he fought against the vehicle's tiny size.

Finally, he managed to wrench himself free from the car, almost stumbling out of the thing. It almost leaped back to a normal balance, as if it was relieved he had finally gotten out of the car. "Well fuck you," Carlone said, slamming the car door behind him. His bigger feet made almost thunderous footsteps as he walked towards the front of the complex. "Let's see...third floor? Yeah, third floor," he muttered to himself.

There was another delay at the front of the complex, a wall with a metal gate that kept uninvited guests out. Carlone chuckled to himself as he looked at the keypad. "Heh...well, I'm invited," he muttered under his breath, reaching out to put in the code.

Unfortunately, the buttons were a little smaller than he was used to, or at least, than his new body was used to. It didn't help that little bits of oil leaking from his scales made things more difficult, either, causing his finger to slide along the buttons and press more than he meant to. Even when he was able to press a button right on, his fingers were too big to be able to press just one at a time, just mashing them into the board.

"Stupid...buttons!" he growled. Fighting the temptation to just punch the thing and shove the gate open, Carlone stopped and thought about it for a second. Well, if he couldn't use his fingers...maybe his claws? He looked down at his hands. They had grown too, but they still had a fairly small point. It might be worth a try.

He had to hold his wrist with his other hand, but he managed to get the code tapped in, and the gate popped open. Grumbling at the delay, he hurried into the complex, passing inside of the building. He ignored the stare that he got from the person on duty at the front desk - though he did mark the fox's face in his memory for later, puny guy - and headed right for the stairs. Despite how difficult it was to think of anything other than getting Kaito to grow, to turn into a real man, he had the common sense to know that his bigger size would make the elevator difficult, if not impossible.

Besides, it'd be more fun to be out in the open, getting stared at and adored by anyone that was walking around, he thought to himself as he reached the stairs.

Yet again, the massive amount of muscle weight that he was pulling along gave him difficulty. Not much, considering how strong that the muscles made him as well, but walking up the stairs was a little different than just walking along flat ground. He was pulling himself forward and up at the same time, and he could feel his bulk more than usual. Not enough to hurt, or hinder, but enough to notice.

And appreciate, he realized as he found the hand not on the handrail groping himself, rubbing his chest and his chiseled stomach and abs. "Heh, not a man out there that wouldn't kill to have a body like this," the dragon muttered under his breath.

The stairs narrowed a bit around the second floor, and to his annoyance, Carlone had to start walking sideways as his feet were too long - and nearly too wide - to actually fit on the stairs anymore. "Damn contractors...someone could fall with these flimsy things," he growled under his breath, having to take the steps slowly, one foot, then the other, having to side step clumsily on his way up. His hands gripped the railing tightly, and his cock continued to drool pre at the insistence of the spirit's ethereal hands, leaving a trail as he moved upwards, the hands keeping his cock appropriately oiled up with its invisible touches.

Finally, he made it to the third floor. The dragon grumbled as he walked out of the stairwell and into the hallway, his shaft swaying in front of him, his walk nothing short of a strut from the size of his muscles as he made his way forward. Nobody had any windows, and there wasn't anybody in the white painted hallway. Despite that, Carlone could feel the eyes that were peering through the peepholes on the apartment doors, watching him as he passed by.

"Heh, now I know why Kaito likes it around here," he muttered under his breath. "Lots of little guys that want to play with big guys." Well, they'd definitely have a few big guys to play with by the time that he was done with Kaito. More than they could handle, probably, but oh well. At least the two of them would have fun with it.

Deciding to indulge his audience, he stopped walking, and started posing. He stepped from one statuesque position to another, clenching and showing off his muscles for at least ten seconds every time, taking a moment to drag a hand across his chest - absently noticing the way that it left a little shimmering oil along his scales as he did so - or some other part of his body before taking another step, and stepping into another teasing pose.

It was too fun to stop, and he swore he could hear moans through the doors as he made his way down the hall. He kept walking that way, counting down the doors as he walked down the hallway, before eventually stopping at the one that he recognized as belonging to the dragon he was looking for. Carlone smirked, bringing a beefy fist up and almost punching the door a few times, the pounding knock sure to echo through the apartment.

"Hang on, hang on, I'm coming," Kaito's voice called out, muffled slightly through the door but still perfectly audible. The sound of footsteps getting louder and louder made the dragon grin more and more, until the door opened.

"Hey, sorry about the-"

Carlone didn't let Kaito say anything else before he suddenly shoved forward, ramming the door open the rest of the way and pushing the other dragon against the wall. The hard slam nearly knocked the glasses off of the shorter dragon's snout, only the sturdy construction of the frames keeping them from falling off. Cracked horns bounced off of the wall, knocking Kaito's head back, then forward again. Chuckling as he looked down at the shorter, weaker dragon, Carlone's eyes flicked from Kaito's face down to his underbelly, the tan-yellow scales a dramatic counterpoint to the green everywhere else. His eyes lingered on the pierced cock that the other dragon had, hanging out from under the t-shirt that Kaito wore. Soft now, but it would be hard before long, Carlone thought as he fought the temptation to play with the ladder of piercings that ran along the underside of Kaito's cock.

He leaned forward, a wide smirk on his face. "Hello, little brother," he muttered.

"Carlone? What...what happened to you? What are you doing here?" Kaito grunted, turning his head to the side as Carlone's massive shaft nearly poked him in the face. "And what are you doing trying to get a free blowjob out of me like that?"

"Heh, don't tell me you don't want it, bro," he muttered, grinding his leaking shaft all over the smaller dragon. He watched as the front of the shirt rapidly dampened from his pre, turning dark as the wet spot spread further and further along Kaito's shirt. "You know you like my cock...you know you like me..."

"Doesn't mean...I'm always in the mood...to suck you off." Twisting hard, Kaito managed to slip out of Carlone's grip, and ducked down before Carlone could get it back. The massive bulk that the big dragon had was good for power, but not so much for speed, and he could only watch as his brother managed to duck out of reach. "What's going on here, Carlone? I thought you just made other people get big. Get tired of that?"

"Mmmm, no. I just got a gift," he said. He slowly started to advance, even as Kaito kept stepping back to keep the distance between them even. "I'm going to share it with you, too...and then we're going to have a lot of fun."

"Why don't you just come back tonight? I'd be more in the mood then, and you wouldn't have to try and catch me," Kaito suggested. He ducked under one of Carlone's swings, then rolled backwards a few paces. "Come on, there's something weird about you, big guy. What's..."

Kaito paused, his eyes going wide stared at him. The bigger dragon chuckled to himself as Kaito took another hesitant step back. "Carlone...I know you know that you have something in you right now, and around you....what is it?"

"Heh...you see it, huh? That's my brother." Carlone chuckled, putting his hands on his hips. He flexed, making his pecs bounce up and down, first together, then separate. His cock bounced in response as well, as if it was dancing to the tune of his muscles, and as it moved, it shimmered, reflecting more light as a soft sheen of oil appeared on it, those invisible hands of the spirit rubbing it in, making him moan softly. "Got it out of a bottle at the parlor. Me and an orca had a damn good time together as we grew. He's making the guys down there grow, and now I'm going to do the same to you, share the gift, you know?"

"I'll pass on that, thanks." Kaito shook his head, ducking under another wild grab from the bigger dragon. "Come on, Carlone, seriously. You can just come back later and we can fuck then, if that's what you want."

"Mmmm, but I want more than that...and I want it...right now!"

All this time, Carlone had been pushing Kaito further and further back from the front door. Oh, when they were in the living room, the other dragon had managed to keep moving, keep getting around, but eventually he'd been forced into the hallway. Once they were in there, Carlone had been able to keep pushing his brother backwards, further and further back, until they were past all the doors in the apartment but one.

And now that they were in front of the bedroom door, he wasn't going to play nice anymore. With a broad grin on his face, he charged forward, his greater height, bulk, and mass keeping Kaito from being able to get around him and back down the hall. His brother had just enough time to look shocked before Carlone barreled into him, carrying him through the open door at the end of the hall. A slap of his tail shut the door behind them, but he kept going, and going-

Until he tripped over the bed, falling on top of Kaito and pinning him down to the large and surprisingly well made bed that the green and white dragon had. Grunting from the impact, Carlone nevertheless chuckled as he pulled his head back, looking down at his brother's dazed look. "Heh, never had to handle someone this much bigger than you, huh, Kaito?" he asked.

"Never had to...have a monster in my room. Or trying to wiggle its way up my shirt." Kaito grunted, his hands pressing against Carlone's chest. Probably he was trying to shove him off, but all it felt like was a good chest rub, a good appreciation of his rippling pectorals. "Come on, Carlone, get off of me! I'm not in the mood."

"Oh, but you will be...you will be." He smirked to himself. So what if Kaito wasn't in the mood? With the spirit's help, Carlone knew it would only take a few moments to get Kaito ready for him, and then neither of them would be wanting to leave the bedroom for a good long time. And hell, when they did, it would only be to get some of the bachelors out there that wanted to serve big men like them, and to turn them into big men as well.

He could already feel the spirit surging forward, the hands sliding along his body, along his cock, and following the lines of his body over to Kaito's pinned form. "Heh, it won't be long now," Carlone whispered, his hips moving on their own, grinding his cock against Kaito's shirt a few times before sliding under it, grinding against him directly.

Already he could see the touch of the spirit effecting his brother, sliding around his limbs. Under his hands, Carlone felt oil sliding under his hands, soaking the scales of his brother as the muscles started bunching up, expanding rapidly. It was hard, tough beneath his fingers, only slightly pliable and that only because of his own strength. It spread from there, heading both above and below where he held his hands on Kaito's arms, thickening up his arms as it went.

Kaito looked up at him in shock. "What...what is this thing, Carlone? What is this spirit?" he asked. Despite the growing concern in his eyes, though, Carlone heard the catch in the other dragon's voice, could hear the slight twitch. There was excitement there, slight, but it was there.

He laughed. "No idea, brother...but it's good...it's very, very good...and it's going to make you as big, manly, and sexy as me."

It was easy to hold the smaller dragon down with all of his muscles. Not just because of his own strength, but because he could feel his brother's struggles weakening. The look of worry, the tightness on his brother's face behind his glasses, disappeared, replaced by wary relaxation, and growing pleasure.

And why shouldn't Kaito be feeling good, he thought to himself. The little guy was finally getting the muscles he deserved as a dragon. They were growing faster and faster as the magic of the spirit flowed down his arms, spreading over the green and white reptile. His biceps were already bulging out, too big for the older dragon to be able to close his fingers around, and they were still growing, the change spreading further and further down the arms, and into Kaito's body proper.

It throbbed under his hands, Kaito's body pulsing hard as the spirit's - and, he realized, his own - magic sped up the changes. The bed suddenly seemed much smaller as his brother's shoulders pushed out, getting larger, wider, and thicker as slabs of hard tissue piled on top of the already existing muscles. Bulges, hard and chiseled, pushed up against his dick under Kaito's shirt, the smooth muscles pushing against his cock in a way that made him moan, almost like he could push the shirt down around his cock and just fuck his brother's chest like that.

Tempting as it was, though, he didn't do that. No, that kind of muscle worship would be for later, after his brother was changed, changed to be the big man that he deserved to be. Kaito moaned under him as he kept changing, and Carlone grinned, sliding back a little, sitting on top of Kaito's thighs, and rubbing his cock against his brother's growing erection.

And it was growing, growing hard and fast, faster even than the muscles that were building, bulging, and growing along Kaito's body. The 'ladder' of piercings along the underside of Kaito's cock seemed to throb, their slight chill a major counterpoint to the rest of his hot cock. Carlone was fascinated by the way that they glimmered along the underside of his brother's cock, still huge and obvious, even as Kaito's cock continued to grow, stretching up and up, a little bit longer each time he ground his cock against it.

Suddenly, to his surprise, Kaito yanked an arm free. Rather than try and fight him, though, he grabbed their cocks together. His hand, enlarged until it was as big as Carlone's, was more than big enough to wrap around their cocks. Kaito looked up at him with a smirk on his face, and bucked his hips upwards, dragging his cock along Carlone's with just enough friction to draw a moan from Carlone's lips.

Carlone didn't let him keep control, however, and put his hands on his brother's shoulders, shoving him down against the bed. He grinned down at him, leaning down and pressing his head against Kaito's chest. It was so big, so thick, that it had already started to rip through that stupid t-shirt of his. Why bother to wear any clothes that would hide something so perfect as his developing body? He'd never understood it, but at least now he'd be able to get his brother properly nude, as real men should be.

He didn't even have to rip the shirt free, as the magic brought his brother to a size too big to be constrained by the formerly loose t-shirt. The shreds fell to the side where they didn't simply lay on top of Kaito's chest, and even those were brushed aside before long. Carlone smiled, licking his lips at the way that the spirit was not only bulking his brother up, but making him nice and smooth. The oil spread over his little brother's growing body, the scales shimmering under the oil as they flattened, losing what little bumpiness they had as they became completely uniform, no up and downs, no bumps, but just a flat expanse broken only by his new muscles. Just like him.

Between them he could feel their cocks throbbing, twitching, pulsing with eagerness, and he could feel his chest getting smeared with pre, both his own and Kaito's. The air was filled with the smell of their musk, the smell of male virility, and he reveled in it, snorting it in like it was a meal of the highest quality, like it was some delicious scent that he'd never be able to catch again.

Kaito's frame was getting bigger and bigger as he was filled with the spirit's power as well, his brother's thighs lifting him up as they thickened, actually pushing the other dragon's legs apart a bit as the muscles got that big. He smirked down at him, his fingers curling along the top of Kaito's shoulders. "Mmmm, now you're getting to be a real man, Kaito; how's it feel, brother?"

"Fucking good," Kaito grunted, his hips almost constantly twitching upwards, dragging his cock against Carlone's again and again. His grip along the base made both of them feel good, and Carlone could feel that they were both getting slick, very slick with the pre that their productive cocks were leaking all over the both of them.

He could feel the growth continuing, not just through his brother, but also through him. His cock throbbed, and he felt it start to grow again, a tugging, pulling sensation at the top and at the base, slowly pulling it further and further out from his groin. Already, the tip pressed just under his pecs, but it was threatening to get long enough to touch his chin while he was standing up straight. How he was getting the blood to keep it hard and stay conscious, he really didn't know, but he sure as hell wasn't going to question it more than that.

Not just his cock, either. His entire body was growing again, the spirit rewarding him for his obedience. Not that he could remember obeying - he was doing what he wanted to do, after all - but he accepted the reward. His arms bunched up with even more muscle, the sheer size of them giving them an actual feeling of weight on his shoulders for a moment. Of course, that disappeared as the muscles grew in more in his shoulders, his chest, his back, everything else balancing out to catch up. He could feel every part of his body changing again, felt the tingles, then the expansion as the tissue built on top of itself, adding more and more mass to the already huge chiseled piece of art that was his body.

The same rapid growth was happening all over Kaito's body, and Carlone could only moan as he watched his brother surge to massive sizes. From his head to his toes, the younger dragon was getting bigger. It was a miracle that Kaito's glasses were still on his face as it got bigger too; must have been held on by some kind of magic or special strap or something. There was no way that Kaito would be able to wear any kind of clothes that weren't custom made, and even then, he'd have to find some way to hide his cock if he didn't want to be arrested for being in...inde...heh, who was he kidding? Nobody would arrest a muscle stud like him, and nobody would do that to his brother, either.

He chuckled to himself, and in the space of time he took his eyes off of his brother, Kaito surprised him by flipping him over, ramming him down on the bed and taking a turn pinning him down. The bed creaked under them from the sudden movement, not to mention the heavy weight of Carlone and all his muscles hitting the bed, and he looked up at his brother in surprise.

"You think that you're going to be in charge all the time like this, Carlone?" Kaito asked. He laughed, his fingers wrapped around their cocks, his glasses slightly stained with cum, a few droplets of pre over the lenses making it a little harder to see his face. "Besides...you're not going to let me just ignore all those sexy muscles of yours, are you? If you think I'm a big guy, you're enormous. You need a little...appreciation," he said, winking.

That was something he understood immediately, and Carlone smirked. "Then get your mouth over here, bro; I want to see what you can do."

He watched as Kaito leaned down, and closed his eyes as his brother pressed his lips to his chest. Just like all the other parts of their bodies, his lips had been made smoother too, and Carlone could feel it as they pressed against him again and again, kissing his massive chest muscles, feeling the pecs get pecks of attention. Not even bothering to be quiet, he moaned out loud, arching his back to grind his cock up against anything that he could reach. Whether it was his brother's chest, cock, stomach, or something else entirely, the dragon just didn't care; he just needed some contact down there or he was going to go nuts.

Thankfully, he was able to meet his brother's chest, even as Kaito kept kissing his chest, and his brother's cock drooled against his due to the extreme length that they both had. By this point, he didn't know how Kaito was able to keep hold of them both with one hand, but it was a good thing that he did, otherwise they'd be consistently bumping each other in the chin with the big cocks.

As it was, he barely focused on the awkwardness of their massive shafts anymore. All he focused on was the feeling of Kaito's tongue dragging along his muscles.

God damn, but his brother was good at this. Who knew that he'd been hiding this talent with his tongue for so long? Carlone had his eyes closed, just so he could focus on the feeling of the tongue along without seeing it, but fuck, he was good at this. Each lick pressed firmly against his muscles, leaving a warm trail of wet behind as it was dragged first up his pectorals, and then back down again. A few licks to his nipples, then back to going up, and down, up, and down.

"Mmm, yeah...just like that," he moaned under his breath. "Come on...show me some real worship...get me everywhere."

"Heh, just gimme some time bro, and I'll do that," Kaito said back. He pinched Carlone's nipple, drawing a little grunt from him, and laughed. "So sensitive, bro; what, you turning girly on me here?"

"Call me that again, and you can spend the night with that smart muzzle in my pit," he growled.

"Promises promises."

Tempting as it was to just grab his brother and teach him a lesson, Carlone just growled and leaned back again, panting as he did his best to keep his random humping under control. It was all for nothing, as he just kept starting up again as soon as he got himself under control again, but he thought he should...but why? Why should he stop enjoying himself, stop showing what a horny, virile, strong man he was?

He didn't know...he thought that there was a reason...but maybe there wasn't? He couldn't really think of one, so maybe it was just that he'd never been man enough to just go with it before. Yeah, yeah, that had to be it.

His little brother had slid down to his stomach while he was thinking, and had pinned Carlone's cock under his armpit. Groaning and growling, the red dragon arched his back off of the bed, thrusting against the tight passage between his brother's huge biceps and his huge chest, his pre dribbling into that space and down Kaito's back, even as the other dragon dragged his tongue along his flat, but massive abs. The warm licks were ridiculously pleasurable, making him moan even more, and buck, hump that much harder up against that tight muscled 'hole'. Even that spot was slick with the oil spreading over them, the spirit doing all it could to keep them happy, keeping them slippery and shiny.

And through it all, the spirit continued to stroke him, touch him, tease him and please him. He knew that Kaito had to be feeling the same thing, luxuriating in the sensation. How could...mmm...how could this get any better?

The door crashed on the floor, shocking them both out of their fun and drawing their eyes over to the source of the crash.

Leaning against the cracked door frame was a massive male, though not quite as big as the two of them. He was an orc, green skinned and shirtless, with little bell piercings hanging from his nipples and a kilt covering him from the waist down. His braided hair was pulled back, hanging down his back, and was just long enough to be visible while he shook his head. His beard, braided as well, was spread just enough for his tusky smirk to be completely obvious. "My, my, look what we have here; two dragons just waiting for Bruha to have some fun with them," the orc said, shaking his head.

Despite his surprise at seeing his father in law at the door, Carlone's face burst out in a grin, the spirit's touch suddenly making his cock throb hard, slapping up against his brother's arm. The orc...the orc was already so big, so muscled, but the spirit could give him more, could make him the best, the most masculine of the three of them.

The spirit must have told Kaito the same thing, because they both rose to their feet, the bed groaning as they took their weight off of it. Their heads nearly scraped the ceiling, having grown to massive muscular versions of their former selves, utterly huge and towering over the orc, a marked change to the usual dynamic between them. Carlone smirked as he approached him.

Yet, despite the height difference, Bruha kept chuckling, smirking. "You two really think you can take me on?" The orc smirked, one of the many gems that were strewn through his braids flickering as he looked Carlone in the eye. "Or is it the pathetic little passenger you're carrying that makes you think you can take me?"

Carlone stopped in mid-step, blinking. He hadn't wanted to stop...why did he stop? Was it -

Bruha pulled himself up straight, holding his arms out to his sides. The orc grinned, showing his teeth. "Come on, spirit. Show me what you got; I'll give you one free shot at trying to get a new member of your harem here. You better make it count, though. If you can't get me on the first shot, then you're going to regret it."

The dragon brothers looked at each other, and Carlone could just feel the spirit considering the chance here, searching his memories, pressing down on his brain as it compared itself to what he knew of Bruha. The orc was strong man, very strong, both in magic and body. Much stronger than Carlone was, normally, but the spirit couldn't find any specifics in the dragon's mind. Bruha was an unknown, a variable. It should have...should leave...

But the temptation was too great. The spirit had to have the orc amidst its muscle group, had to make him big, and make him part of its collection.

The two of them reached forward at the same time, each of them grabbing one of Bruha's arms. Kaito grabbed the left, and Carlone grabbed the right. True to his word, Bruha didn't fight them, just standing there with that toothy smile as the spirit shoved its powers down the dragons' arms, shoving it into the orc's body to change him, take him for the spirit's own.

Shiny oil flowed out past their hands, running down Bruha's arms, up towards his shoulders. Immediately, they could feel the muscle thickening underneath the small layer of clear oil, growing bigger, the biceps getting stronger, thicker, bigger. The dragon brothers grinned, and the spirit exulted in the sight of the big orc getting bigger.

Only a few seconds into it, Bruha arched an eyebrow, and just like that, the growth stopped. From the upper parts of his arms all the way down to his elbows, his muscles were massive, expanded to a size that most would never even dream of, a size that only the best of the bodybuilders in the world would even think was possible. Past that, he was still exactly the same, unchanged.

The spirit inside him was shocked, Carlone felt, and he could feel it pulling on his magic, forcing it down his arms to try and keep the changes going. His fingers slickened, the oil flowing out of him as well as his magic, and it took all of his strength to keep his hands from slipping down the orc's arms. Yet, despite all of the power that the spirit exerted, no matter how much Carlone pushed with his own powers, nothing happened. The changes did not progress.

And through it all, Bruha was just grinning. The gems in his hair flickered lightly, some little light coming from them as he waited. The orc took the magic for almost a full minute, and then shook his head. "Spirit, you're pathetic. Here I thought that I might get a challenge of some sort after hearing about you from a friend, but you're just a weakling."

No motion, no word told them to expect a spell, but one came anyway. A powerful, invisible shove knocked both dragons away from Bruha, sending them halfway across the room. He didn't let it end there, though, as he reached under his kilt, pulling out a little bottle from some pocket beneath it. Tossing it on the floor, he looked at Carlone. Or, looked through him, at the spirit on the other side of Carlone's eyes. "Alright. Am I going to have to make you get in the bottle, or are you going to do it on your own?" he asked.

The spirit shook its head, and Carlone shook his own in response. His cock throbbed as the spirit made him lunge forward, his body suddenly flooded with a new coat of glimmering oil as the spirit exerted itself more fully, more powerfully. It was not going to let itself be caught, not without a real fight.

Laughing, Bruha leaped forward at the same time. His large hands grabbed hold of Carlone by the wrists, and to the astonishment of both the red dragon and the spirit within him, managed to hold him at bay. "HA! I can say this for you, you got some courage, spirit...but you aren't...going...to win!" Bruha grunted, twisting his wrists and arms in a way that sent the both of them spinning.

Carlone hit the floor first, and the orc landed on top of him. Dragon cock pushed under, and then out of Bruha's kilt, but it was completely ignored. Bruha looked down at him, and as the gems in the orc's hair glowed again, Carlone felt...strange. Like something was being pulled out of him, and like he was drying out at the same time. He tried to raise his hands, tried to knock the orc off of his chest, but it was useless, as some great pressure kept him pinned down to the ground.

With a great wrenching feeling, a great gout of goo shot out of his mouth, pulled up into a circle in front of him. Another one joined it shortly after, pulled out of Kaito's mouth.

That removed, Carlone felt...strange. There was no more direction, no more ideas of what he should be doing. His brain was completely surrounded by a fog, one that kept him from being able to think, kept him from moving. What...what was he supposed to do?


Bruha shook his head at the blank-faced dragon beneath him, then turned to look at the green dragon. "Just ridiculous...to think that my family got sucked in that easily." He shook his head as he stood up from Carlone, the goo ball that was the spirit rotating in place in front of him, contained by his magic in this form.

Reaching out with a bare foot, he gripped the top of the bottle with his toes and pulled it off of the ground. Grabbing it in his free hand, he held it underneath the ball of goo. "Now, is that all of you, or did you spread out even more?" Bruha asked the spirit.

It was silent, so he squeezed his fist, his magic following the gesture and condensing the ball even further for a second, making it go from the size of a baseball to the size of a period. He didn't hold it there for long, of course, but he made sure that it got the point before he allowed it to expand again. "I'm sorry, I'm a little hard of hearing. Did you say something?" he asked.

The spirit managed an ethereal sort of squeak, and immediately relayed more information. It took a little translating spell, but Bruha managed to get the gist of it. "Ah, so you spread yourself around a massage parlor too, hmm? Well, that's not going to be much of a problem. I know your sort; you always come back together with the first exorcism. Can't have a part of yourself floating in the air while the rest of you is solidly attached to different bodies. Tends to start tearing you apart." He looked down the hall. "Won't be long now...I guess I can spare Kaito a little more property damage," he muttered, looking over at the younger dragon. He stared ahead blankly through cum covered glasses, and Bruha shook his head as he stepped out of the bedroom. "How can that slut see anything?"

Walking down the hall, Bruha made his way to the door of the apartment. A crash from down the hall told him that he was right in guessing that it wouldn't take long, and he chuckled to himself. "God I love being right."

He pushed the door open and held out the ball of goo, which expanded as it was hit by one, two, three, four five, six, seven eight nine...up to twelve more pieces of itself, the goo slapping against the spherical 'body' of the spirit and making it ripple before it turned smooth again.

Shutting the door before he could get any questions from the neighbors, Bruha picked up the bottle and held it right under the spirit. "Get in there, now. Or I'll make you go in," he said, exposing his teeth in a more threatening sort of smirk just to make his point.

This time, the spirit didn't bother arguing. Whether because it thought that he would deal with it harshly if it didn't, if it thought it could escape him at a later date, or some other reason, it was more than willing to get into the bottle. It even compressed itself to make sure that there was plenty of room inside of it for the cork, almost like it was cringing, or bowing in respect.

Bruha liked that. He smiled, making sure that the cork was secure before putting the bottle back into an appropriate pocket. "Now, make sure you don't do anything mischievous down there; just because you might surprise me doesn't mean I won't kick your oily ass if you try something," he warned the spirit as he walked back into the bedroom.

The dragons were right where he'd left them. Neither had changed, though they were both a little less slimy looking with the spirit taken out of them, back to being shiny rather than gooey. Better for appreciating the muscles, he thought, but it would be a pity that they didn't get that shiny on their own. He sighed. Ah well, sacrifices sometimes had to be made for fun, he thought to himself.

It would have been easy to turn the dragons back to normal, and for a moment, he even considered doing it.

But then he had a thought, looking over their bare, buffed bodies, and just how mindless they already were. It would be just as easy to take control of them. And with his grandson so busy right now, Alek wouldn't be able to follow him right away. It'd be a good start on a harem of dragons, and with these two already so susceptible...and it WOULD be a good way to teach them a lesson about dealing with spirits that they weren't ready to handle...

Heh, it was perfect, Bruha thought to himself. "Alright, boys, get ready for your new master." He walked over to Kaito, grabbing the dragon's glasses and pulling them off. They dripped cum on the floor before he threw them onto the bed, bouncing before settling. He ignored them, laying a hand on the dragon's forehead. "Heh, don't think, I'll do that for you." A flicker of light went through Kaito's eyes before they glazed over, the dragon hunching forward slightly, relaxed at Bruha's touch.

He walked over to Carlone, and he watched the same light flicker through the dragon's eyes as he sent the same spell through his son in law. "That's it...you don't have to think...just listen and do what you're told, like a good dragon should," Bruha muttered, watching the remaining thoughts that could slip past the spirit's control fade out of the red dragon's eyes.

As he pulled his hand back, he couldn't stop himself from laughing under his breath. This was it. The first time in all too long where he finally had some dragons he could have fun with. And not just any dragons, but some of the sexiest ones that he had seen in some time.

But first, he had to make sure that he wasn't going to be interrupted by anyone.

Bruha walked back to the front door, looking through the peephole. There were a few people walking up and down the hallway, but nobody that was giving this door any attention. He continued to watch for a little while, just to give anyone that was annoyed or angry time to work up the courage to come over, if they were.

Thankfully, nobody was, and he pulled back, locking the door before turning back to the bedroom. Putting his hand to his cheek, Bruha shouted, "Dragons! Get out here!"

The boys hurried out, carried by hypnotized feet into the living room. Both looked at him expectantly, patiently, waiting for him to tell them what he wanted. The orc smiled. That was the look that he lived for, the look that every dragon should give him, he thought. Such a pity that his grandson always wanted to take them away from him before he was done, but at least this time, he'd be able to have fun for a while.

Sitting down on the one couch in the room, Bruha put his feet up on the coffee table. The motion lifted his kilt up just a bit, enough to let both dragons get a good look at what he was packing beneath his single item of clothing. Both of them were still hard, and while he wasn't sure if that was from the residual effects of the spirit or from looking at him, Bruha chose to believe that they were just that happy for their new position. Smirking, he lifted a hand, wiggling a finger to call them over to him.

Both dragons moved over to him, hunched forward slightly and their eyes half closed. They didn't bump themselves on anything, though, and soon both were standing at his sides, one at his left, and the other at his right. The orc grunted in approval, the sharp, deep sound cutting the silence in the room, and making his nipple bell piercings jingle at the force of exhalation. "Alright. You're going to show me some proper appreciation, the both of you." He looked over at the green one. "Kaito, might let you remember, not that I think you'd really care that much about having to do this." He turned to his son in law, and his smile got a bit bigger. "But you, Carlone, you're going to remember this for a good, long time. You don't want to learn better magic? You think that just being a dragon is enough? Heh, maybe you'll think different after I finally get bored of having you in my harem.

"Even if you don't, you'll remember everything that I make you do." He chuckled, leaning back against the couch and putting his hands behind his head. "Alright. It's time for the two of you to go to work. Kaito, you get up here, show your respect for a real man's muscles. Start at my chest and work your way up my pits to my arms. Got it, dragon boy?" he asked.

Even as Kaito nodded, he turned to Carlone. "You, for starting this whole fucking mess, get to start down at my feet. Heh, not that I bet you care; you wouldn't have needed your magic to size up MY cock, unlike the things you and your brother are waving around in my face, and considering you're starting at my feet, you'll be able to get to it long before your brother does." He knew that saying something like that while Carlone was 'awake' would have gotten the dragon annoyed, but now, it was just fun. The dragons looked at him, asking him with their vacant gaze if there was anything else. "Begin, boys."

Both dragons got to work immediately, with Carlone down at his feet, kneeling by the coffee table, while Kaito sat next to him on the couch. The naked dragons continued to drool pre all over the place, making the entire apartment smell like sex. Bruha sucked the scent in with a deep, snorting breath, blowing it out slowly. "Aaaaaah, that's it...good boys. Good dragons," he muttered, patting Kaito on the head lightly. "Yes, you know this is what you want...where you belong...with me."

He looked down at Carlone as the older orange dragon started to lick along the bottoms of his feet. His lips went up at the feeling of that forked tongue dragging along the bottom of his foot, working at the bits of tension from walking and traveling across the city barefoot. Even though the foot was relatively clean, he knew that his son in law was getting quite the mouthful of musk, of sweat, and he knew that there would be a part of Carlone that would remember all of this, remember the 'humiliation' of being made to give service and respect to an orc like this. Despite all of his likely frustration buried under magic and the fog of the spirit, though, Carlone licked at his feet eagerly, almost hungrily, and Bruha resolved to pursue this further, to find out if this was all his magic, or if there was something that Carlone hadn't told him.

Kaito, on the other hand, was being just as obedient. He looked down at the green dragon, chuckling as the younger brother licked obediently over his chest. Even with the bits of hair there, and having to deal with Bruha's beard, Kaito didn't seem to have the slightest problem with doing what he was doing. Admittedly, he might have been fine with it anyway - Bruha didn't know this member of the family as well as he did Carlone or Alek - but he had heard of some of Kaito's antics. They were quite...extensive, and it seemed more like Kaito liked to be taken advantage of, rather than in the case of the rest of the family, where they liked to be the ones taking advantage. In either case, he was doing a damn good job of giving the orc's pecs the attention that they deserved, and Bruha started thinking about keeping Kaito around a little longer, even after he was done with them in his harem.

In any case, there weren't any arguments from either of them. Spell or naturally willing, the both of them went at their tasks with no complaints, and Bruha settled back in the couch with a growing grin on his face as the two massive dragons likewise settled into their new - and in the orc's opinion, rightful - place.

The two dragons licked over his body, neither of them bothered by the smell of musk or the taste of sweat as they licked. He could feel his green skin getting wet from their tongues, except that he was getting wet from spit instead of the oil that soaked into their scales. It would do for the moment, he thought to himself, but as soon as they were able to get home, he would have to make sure that they actually got the proper oil for showing their appreciation. After all, there was something to that look...

Bruha cleared his throat, and both dragons looked up at him. He nodded, and they moved along, Kaito to his pits, his smooth tongue licking over the sweaty, musky spot, licking it clean and showing submission, while Carlone started to kiss, rub, and lick his way up the orc's legs. He moved a little bit faster than Kaito, and Bruha couldn't help but wonder if the older dragon had a lust for his father in law after all.

The brothers were surprisingly good at this, and he couldn't shake his curiosity as he wondered just how much experience the two of them had. He knew his son in law was somewhat experienced, due to the way that he messed with so many men, but he hadn't though that Kaito would be so appreciative of his muscles. Heh, not that he was going to complain about his dragon slaves doing so well.

He closed his eyes, enjoying the wet, warm feeling of dragon tongues flicking over his pits and and his legs. Kaito's tongue was a little wider feeling than Carlone's, and the green dragon definitely needed it. It wasn't as dexterous, but it was dragging over his chest, shoulders, and pits perfectly, going over his chest, leaving warm trails behind as it 'cleaned' him and showed him the appreciation he was due.

But it was the feeling against his legs that was getting him particularly turned on. Both the licks directly against his muscles and near them were bringing grunting moans to his lips, and he could feel little tingles of arousal heading straight for his crotch. It wouldn't be long before his kilt would be utterly useless, considering that it would have a not-so-little pole tenting it up high. And he had just the things to deal with that...deal with it again, and again, and again, until the dragons were as hungry to taste his cock and cum as they were to worship him like the god he was, compared to them.

Chuckling, he brought his arm down on top of Kaito's head, pinning the younger dragon under his arm for a moment, keeping him trapped in the space between his biceps and his chest muscles. He felt some small struggles, but not enough to break free. Not that a mind zonked dragon could, not from him. "Boy," Bruha grunted, getting Carlone's attention again as the dragon licked at his upper thigh.

Carlone looked up at him, and Bruha lifted his kilt, pointing at the green shaft that was starting to rise up. "Suck, boy," he said.

The command was all it took, and the orc closed his eyes as he felt his dragon slave suck his cock into his mouth. He leaned his head back, moaning softly as he lifted his arm back up and felt Kaito's tongue continue its way up his arms, lips and tongue working their magic along his big muscles, showing their proper appreciation to a work of art. "Hehehe, this is going to be the best month I've had in a long time. I hope you're well rested, boys...not that it matters, really." He laughed again, settling in for a good, long session of worship.


A little awareness returned to Taris's mind, just enough for him to be aware of what he was doing, though not why.

He was in the middle of a cluster of other men, each one with a cock as long as his forearm, if not longer. The orca grunted, realizing that there was a massively endowed horse behind him, a flared cock slamming in and out of his hole, and very conscious of the feeling of oil and cum leaking down the back of his legs, coming all the way down to a pool of the two substances, his feet soaked in the substances.

All around him, different males were clustered together, in groups of anywhere from two to four. They were huge, massive, their clothes gone and ripped to shreds, thrown like confetti all over the room. Hands wandered all over exposed bodies, though they seemed to stick to the muscles more than anything else.

Not that Taris could blame any of them. Everyone was so hot, so fucking sexy as they moved. Just shifting positions flexed muscles out, making them as obvious and bulging as a regular bodybuilder. When they started flexing actively, striking poses for the groups that they had formed, it was clear that anybody here could out-lift, out-flex, and out-sexy anybody outside of the parlor. Taris would bet money on it....if he knew what that phrase meant.

His mind was simple. Fuck, grind, grope, hump; everything that he wanted, he could get right here. All the most sexy men that he could imagine were gathered around him, from the fox twin brothers that had turned into vulpine masterpieces, to the stallion only just now pulling out of his ass, making it drool more cum down to the floor, to the oiled up komodo dragon under him that was grinding his cock against Taris's massive member. Each and every one of them could have been a centerfold model for any porn magazine, and they were all here, all naked, all intent on showing themselves off for anyone that wanted to look.

He could remember a vague reason for being here, that there was a purpose for him being out in this waiting room with all of these guys. There had been some...some obje...ob...some reason for it, something that had made him split up from that sexy dragon who'd helped him get this way.

Yet, he couldn't remember it.

For a few seconds, he tried to think of just what it was, but then he shrugged it off. There was no reason to remember why he was doing it. The point behind it didn't matter; all that mattered was that it felt DAMN good. He moaned as he was suddenly pulled back by the horse, that ever-ready erection pressing between his legs. The komodo lizard below him, with scales as smooth as his own shiny skin, stood up as well. Both of them grunted mindlessly as they sandwiched his smooth, muscled body between them, dry humping against his chest and his back, their massive shafts leaking their own 'oil' on top of him in tribute for his muscles.

The room around him stank of manliness, and he bucked on instinct, even as the massive men on each side of him held him off of the ground and rubbed against him. He barely was able to keep his eyes open, but he was glad he did, as he watched the other groups stand up, coming towards him and his sexy friends one by one. They grabbed him, groping his arms, his legs, feeling him up and moaning as they dragged their fingers along the swells of his muscles, the bulges along his arms, legs, chest and stomach.

Tongues replaced their fingers before long, and what little thought remained in Taris's mind disappeared, chased away by the sheer pleasure and the last vestiges of the spirit's command, though he'd never remember that. He just would know he had to buff...to suck...to play with all the manly men around him, and let them play and do what they wanted with him. That was his purpose. That was what he wanted.

That was what he was here for.