'Tribal Love - How Brun Met Jav'eena'

Story by FireDrake85 on SoFurry

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#1 of Gift Pieces for Brunvindr

Well, here it is, the gift piece I did for Brunvidr, who's allowed me to put it up on my user. The story features his OC and his anthro dragoness, Jav'eena - https://www.sofurry.com/view/511679 (there's another piece on his user on FA)

Her name was finalized by him after I gave him a couple of them when he first put up the picture of her, upon which I looked at the second choice and made an additional version of it, which he liked because it sounded Argonish.

Anyway, here it is and enjoy; this is the longest piece of written work I've done to date...

Brief Summary:

"To have survived a plane crash in the middle of a jungle, it can be bad luck, or a blessing in disguise.

For the dragon Brun, it's the latter, for such an incident brings him to the beautiful and wonderful dragoness, Jav'eena, a tribal girl who tends to him after the crash, and whom he falls in love with. And when she needs to be cared for in return, he gives her a passionate night, she'll never forget..."

All Characters featured in the story are © Brunvindr (with the exception of one - their name should be a clue)

The Story and Settings are © FireDrake85

(Special Note - The Thumbnail was created from the second piece of her he did - I made it to highlight this piece featured his characters)

Stories from Terra - The Anthro World

'Tribal Love - How Brun Met Jav'eena'

Unsuitable for anyone under 18, contains themes of a sexual nature, you have been warned...

This is a Gift Piece for Brunvindr; Jav'eena, Hans, Viki, Haf, Nula, Alda, Morvina and his OC are © Brunvindr

The story and settings are © FireDrake85

Special Thanks to Brunvindr for his help, with his input that allowed me to create this...

The World of Terra originally conceived by FireDrake85

This Story is set on Terra, a world of my devising; all nations and cities, organisations and such will differ from Earth, though some places still retain their Earth names.

"O-h-h-h-h-h..." the dragon groaned, as his eyes slowly opened; his body felt sore all over. "My head..."

Slowly, he placed his hand upon his brow, feeling light-headed and sore, as his eyes still adjusting to his surroundings. He tried recalling what he could remember about things, as he slowly noted the sounds of fizzing and crackling coming from around him; sounds from something broken.

His memory was fuzzy and distorted, but details were starting to come back to him as he awoke. He remembered he was on holiday, and had been flying across the continent of Saharica for the last couple of days, and that he had been flying along the west coast on his way to South Saharica, when a freak storm had occurred and caught him off guard. Despite his best efforts to get past it, a bolt of lightning had struck his plane, a light, but medium sized aircraft that he hired out, upon the right wing, knocking out the engine on it, leaving the engine on the other wing to struggle so hard but in vain to keep him in the air, before the plane finally began to descend rapidly. He remembered trying desperately to fight back for control, and the plane eventually pulled up when he did, but not enough as he recalled, as it had flown so low that it was now heading directly into a large tree above the canopy of others in the jungle below. Then, as he braced for the impact, there had been the sound of the crash, and then darkness until he eventually woke.

As he surveyed things he noted how lucky he was; while the plane had indeed crashed, it had lost both wings and the rear section during the moment, while the rest had light damage to the outside as he glanced out for a moment through the windows and doors. The interior of the cock-pit didn't fare too well either, the dials had been shot, some wires had come loose, and the cock-pit window had been shattered, a piece had fallen out, and had smashed below the console. He was fortunate the safety harness upon him had protected him from any serious harm, but the radio equipment on-board was completely useless, smashed and broken during the crash; no chance of using that for help.

As for him, his clothing seemed alright, his dark green khakis seemed fine, though the leg openings had somehow managed to acquire a few minor tears though nothing too serious and his white sports t-shirt seemed alright, though he'd gotten a tear along the right arm, which split it open, the ends dangling beneath the arm. Other than that they seemed fine and still intact.

He couldn't make out much outside for the moment, but his eyes could see that evening was beginning to set, his memory before the crash reminded him that it had been just mid-morning when the storm hit; he could only summarize that he'd been out for a several hours. His senses couldn't pick out much more from around him, only except the tight feel of the harness around his body.

However, his hand did pick up something else eventually, something which trickled onto it, and as he drew it down before his face, his eye caught sight of blood upon his fingers, noticeable despite it lying against his dark red scales. As he used his fingers to check over his forehead once more, they found the source of the blood, causing him to hiss in slight pain as he touched it; he had a cut, not a bad one, probably minor, that the crash had done, and could likely be patched up for the time being.

"Man..." he groaned, speaking aloud his thoughts, "...why couldn't I have just drove around the continent instead?"

As he unbuckled the harness, enjoying the freedom from it, he tried moving a bit, only to feel a surge of pain come over him shooting up from his right foot as he tried putting it against the floor of the cockpit. He groaned and hissed loudly, taking a moment to look at it as best he could. His foot didn't look to be bad from appearance, and it didn't feel broken, but he figured he must have twisted his ankle during the crash, probably from the force of the impact.

He was lucky to be alive, but a twisted ankle wouldn't do him good. As he took a moment to look outside, he realised just how difficult it would make things for him, considering that he was quite high up from the ground. The plane was lodged into the branches of the tree, and he was fortunate it hadn't fallen out; the fall if he was still in it would be bad, probably deadly if his luck didn't hold, and if it did, he'd be in even worse condition. Either way, he had to get out. The branches it seemed were quite strong, and if he could get out, he might have a chance of climbing down despite his twisted ankle.

That's when he heard the plane groan a bit, and a slight bit of movement made him realise his predicament wasn't over. The plane was not fully lodged in it seemed, and he knew that it would likely fall out if it kept moving amongst the branches. It groaned again, as he tried to move around inside it, and he knew it was not going to remain within the branches for long. Doing his best, he began attempting to open the doors on either side. The handle moved on each, but the doors didn't, likely they were either lodged against a branch, or the hinges had been damaged.

His mind considered what to do, and only one idea came to him; a risky one at that. Knowing it was a risk to try this, he moved over to the other side, hissing more as his right foot was moved, and using his good leg, began kicking and hitting the door that had been next to him, each attempt yielded no response from his actions. The sound of the plane groaning, and its slowly forming a see-saw movement in the branches heightened his need to escape, his efforts doubling more, as he tried desperately to open the door.

'Come, on... One more... just one more... kick!!!' he thought, and he thrust his foot out against the door with as much force as he could muster.

The impact from it, finally forced it open, not a lot though, just a small gap, barely big enough to fit his hand through. But he made good headway, and his foot soon forced the gap wider until at least it was big enough, that he could get out through it. Not hesitating, he clambered out, taking care to use the branches for support. The plane groaned again, but its movement soon subsided as he was finally out, though the pain from his right foot was constantly throbbing through his leg, his mind straining to overcome it, knowing he still had a way to go to being safe.

Taking his time, he slowly began to climb down, being steady as he searched for a foothold; despite a twisted ankle, he endured the pain enough to be able to climb down, his tail giving him support as he made his way into the canopy, and soon below it, finally seeing the ground beneath. A swath of vines, sturdy ones, helped to finally bring him down safely to the ground. He soon leaned back against the trunk of the tree, taking the pressure off his right foot, as he breathed a sigh of relief. He was safe.

Not for long though; the sound of something creaking above caught his attention, and a branch snapping and falling down just a short distance from him, prompted him to move quickly away. His reasoning became clear, as he managed to hobble away from the tree and get clear as his wrecked plane crashed through the branches and landed upon the ground where he had been, the whole plane completely smashed into it, throwing up dust and ground litter, and making such a deafening noise, it could be heard for miles while scaring away the local wildlife.

The force of the impact made him tumble to the ground, and he soon groaned from the fall. As he turned himself over, he leant his head up, looking at the smashed, and now destroyed plane. Anything inside was likely beyond recovery, and while he'd gotten out, he had to admit, his luck was not still good. He was stuck in the middle of a jungle, he had no supplies, night would soon fall, and he had no idea which way to go for help.

The lightness his head had felt was coming back, and his eyes found it difficult to stay open. His consciousness was beginning to fade away, and his strength was leaving him, his arms beginning to slump against the ground.

"Must...find...help...Can't...stay..."he tried speaking, his only thought being to stay active, to try to find help at least, but his voice was becoming weak, and it soon left him, his mind unable to keep him awake, being overcome, as his body could no longer tolerate the suffering it had endured.

As his vision began to fade, and his head fall back upon the ground, the only thing he could think of was why he had never listened to his friends before he set out...

Four days ago

"...so, as ya can guess, he vas most surprised when I moved those crates by myself onto the lorry," the canine spoke (a German Shepherd, with black fur and lighter, golden brown fur around various regions of his body, such as his neck and the underside of his tail), laughing as he finished his tale.

The canine was drinking with his friends at a local bar close to the city block the group lived around; the group all lived within the city of New Hope, one of the major cities of the FULR, and a prominent financial centre for the nation; the whole group were sat around a table enjoying drinks.

"Oh really?" his friend spoke beside him, a dragoness with green scales, and a underbelly that was darker than the others, as she took a sip from her beer bottle, a little curious as to whether it was true; her smile conveyed the notion she knew it to be false, "You moved all those crates yourself, without any help?"

"Vell, I suppose..." he began responding, from the way he had told it, it seemed there was a little deception to the truth of his tale, and he could see that the dragoness could sense he had told a white lie. "...I did have help from Alda."

"Knew it," the dragoness' friend responded, a dragon themselves, who bared earthy brown scales all over, with a black stripe down his back. He was laughing while holding a beer glass, though whatever amused him, likely the canine's admittance to the real truth was making him laugh so hard, his beer was being sloshed around in the glass and onto his light blue jeans. "I just knew it. I just did."

"No, Haf, you didn't," the dragoness spoke, she could tell her friend clearly was lying themselves, she could sense it in his voice; that, and her voice had a little annoyance, his drink was splashing out in little drops around him, and some had hit the jacket she was wearing, "It's no good denying it, you were just as enthralled with his story as most of the rest here."

Haf apologised, as he steadied himself, and set the glass down, "So, how did you guess then, Viki? What made you suspect otherwise."

"Alda told me, actually," she simply stated, grinning at having known better, much to the canine's surprise, his reaction she noted, "Don't stand there shocked, Hans. She told me how much you asked her to help; she still hasn't forgotten what she asked of you as well."

"Oh, yeah... that," he sighed, recalling what she asked of him in return as he shook his head, "She is very good to me. I just vish she hadn't asked for that little favour, but vhat can I do? I must honour my vords, even if it is..." he sighed again, "...humiliating."

"Aww, don't be so sad," his other friend spoke, a zebra girl whose stripes were brown to the usual black. She pressed up against him in her tank top, "She's a lucky girl to have you," adding a kiss to his face, "Very lucky indeed."

"Please, Nula, you don't have to compliment me. It's nice that ve are just friends who share a good time," he added, a blush seemed to form upon his muzzle. "Just like Alda, although maybe I do more vith her, that is... as I call it, 'fun'." He empathized the last word, knowing too well what he meant, grinning even at the thought of it.

"Hmm, I wonder what she's got planned, Brun?" Haf asked their last friend in the group, who was listening to the exchange of words.

"Don't know, but whatever it is," he spoke, his beer glass upon the table, as he grinned, chuckling, "You can bet Alda will post the shots of it on her Natter account," he smiled as the group sniggered, much to Hans' embrassment, as he groaned out of annoyance.

Brun was quite the specimen of a dragon, his scales were a dark crimson red, his underbelly a much light red, which both complimented his lean, well-toned body and his well-defined face, from his snout to his jaw line and his forehead, and his horns, which curved ever so slightly from his head, were a remarkable pearl white, along with the small horn that poked out underneath his chin, whilst his eyes were a light green, almost like emeralds. Like dragons of his kind, he did not bare wings; not that he minded, really.

"So, what are your plans then for this summer, Brun?" Viki asked him, once the joking died down; most everyone had plans, but Brun was the only one not to reveal his.

"Well, I've been thinking about this for a while," he began speaking, a little proud of his decision in the matter, "But I thought I'd take a trip around Saharica, see the wildlife, the jungles, the savannah, the whole lot. You know, go explore and see new things."

"Seriously, you're going to do that?" Haf asked, somewhat curious, somewhat intrigued, and somewhat doubtful, "How are you going get around? I mean, won't it cost a bit, in fact, a lot, to do that?"

"Yeah I know, but I've got that inheritance of mine I received two years ago, and that should cover it, so it's no problem; I mean, I also got my pilot licence, which I earned about a week ago, if you remember," he answered, rather full of pride. "All I need to do is charter a plane, and I can be whizzing over the continent, seeing the sights from the air."

"Hmm, I don't know though... I mean, come on, you got the licence a week ago, right?" Haf inquired, a little concerned about his friend's plans, "I can see the thrill of flying around and such, but so far away so soon? Don't you think that's a bit risky?"

"Yeah, are you sure you vant to fly over those areas as vell, and all the trouble they could likely have?" Hans asked, bringing up a paper he'd been reading, pointing a finger to a page.

The story seemed not exactly to be connected to what he was trying to get at; the article described how the FULR's finest soldiers had been involved in a rescue operation to get back a five-man squad that had been ambushed, with an account from one soldier, a gator named Sarah Fornton whose picture was included in the story, describing how brutal the matter had been along with the loss of two of those they tried to get out. Brun looked up at Hans, a little perplexed, and confused.

"Er, Hans..." he began asking, "What exactly does this have to do with you point in question?"

"Vhat do you me-" he began responding before noticing the page in question, and stopping short, "Oh, damn!! Vrong page," he quickly exclaimed as he took the paper and flipped through it before finding the page he meant to show, "Here, this is vhat I mean."

The article he now showed described how CoN Peacekeepers, had been sent to the west coast of Saharica to deal with guerrilla fighters in one of the poorer nations that lined the coast, and of how they had been dealing with anti-air fire and such whilst trying to support the victims in the conflict.

"That's an isolated incident, Hans," Brun said, not entirely convinced of his argument to his summer plans, "Besides I'm not likely to go over that area anyway."

"But I heard that there are freak storms that occur, especially over the jungles at times," Nula commented, adding her weight to the debate between her friends. "What if something like that happens?"

"I'll make stops along my trip, and check the weather reports," Brun simply replied. He didn't mind his friends being concerned, but as far as he believed it, it was unlikely that any issues would occur on his trip. "Guys, all I want to do is to see a bit of the world. I'm sure nothing serious will happen to me."

The other three shook their heads, all unsure if he could be right in his answer, but Viki didn't. She was concerned as a friend should be, true, but she also knew that Brun had a right to do what he wished the most, and she had known of course that he didn't want to be cooped up in the city most of his life; he said a couple of weeks ago when they had been attending a party.

"Look, guys, if Brun wants to travel and explore, I say we shouldn't stop him," she spoke calmly, like a mother to the others, as the voice of reason, but there was a hint of concern as she spoke, and as she turned to Brun, it was further added with her eyes having a hint of sadness to them, "But Brun, if you do go, please, please stay in touch with us." She also sounded as if she was pleading with him.

She laid her hand on the table close to him, as her head drooped a little, her eyes unfocused, as she thought of the possible outcomes in his trip. Brun took a moment to consider her words, but wishing to ease her fears, he laid his own hand on hers, causing her to look up at him.

"Viki, for your sake, I will," he responded, giving her a reassuring smile, his eyes had slight tears forming, knowing how well she cared about him as a friend, "I quite glad to have friends like you," he smiled as he looked to the others, "All of you. I'll be careful for all your sakes, and I'll make certain I have something for each of you from this when I get back."

Hans accepted the outcome of his words, despite sighing, smiling at him and raising his glass, "Vell, if ve can't change your mind, ve may as vell give you good luck then. Here's to you, Brun."

The others joined suit, and as Brun raised his own to chink with their glasses and bottles, he took delight in their support; deep down, he didn't want to disappoint them or leave them worrying.

"So Hans," Brun said, changing the subject, "When exactly is this favour being done? I so hope I can get to see the shots soon," he grinned cheekily at him, before sniggering, the others joining suit.

Hans could only groan in discomfort, as the conversation went back to that subject, "I vondered, I really did, vhen it vould go back to 'that' matter..."

Present Day

Darkness; nothing but utter, black darkness, no colour at all seemed to come to him.

That was all Brun could see for the moment, his eyes remained closed, but his mind was beginning to awake, and slowly but surely he could feel a soreness come over him from his body. All he could feel moving for the moment was his mouth ever slightly as a light groan escaped his lips.

"Niki wana(Sound where)?" his mind could pick up a voice, it was faint but he could make some form of words in it. His mouth let out another groan escape, his lips opening slightly more widely this time.

"Nifa den parni(You make that)?" he heard the voice again, this time more clearly. It sounded feminine, and rather sweet, lovely even. He groaned once more again.

"Kanak mo vicid, ghano mo noven(Praise be spirits, dragon be alive)!!" Whoever was speaking sounded, as his mind could make out from the way they spoke, happy, though for what reason, he didn't know whether it was good or bad. His ears could hear footsteps, then the sound of water being splashed. Eventually his eyes began to feel their strength return, and slowly opened. His vision was blurred for a while until it regained its focus, and when it did, he could finally see again.

The first thing he saw as his vision finally came back, was that he was lying down somewhere on his back, and that above him was a roof of some sort or ceiling; he couldn't really tell for the moment. His body regained more of its feelings, and he found he was lying on something, firm but soft against his back. As he moved his head around, he noticed he was in a room, not a large one, but a fairly well-sized one, with what looked like to be walls made from branches, clay, and other such material with an open window from which daylight poured in along with the sounds of the wildlife outside. Within, it barely had little much furniture to it except what looked like some sort of wooden chest, a sort of old one that explorers of old might have had, and as he managed to move his body ever slightly to be able to see what he laid on, he found he rested on a bed of sorts, crude but well made, and covered in an animal pelt over straw and feathers, which probably accounted for why it felt soft, with another pelt over him like a bed sheet, and two not badly sized pillows made from animal pelts as well, that what was stuffed in them, he didn't know, only that they looked soft.

The sound of water being slightly splashed from nearby, made him look towards what seemed to be an open archway into another room, to which he laid eyes on something, he didn't take in at first, but soon he couldn't look away from the sight before his eyes. Because what he saw, was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life; a blue dragoness, and a rather lovely one to his eyes.

He couldn't see much from where he laid, but when he tried to move out of the bed to get a better view, he felt his right foot regain its feeling and scream out its pain again, causing him to wince and hiss, before he finally uttered quite loudly, "A-h-h-h-h!!!" That caught her attention rather quickly, and soon she had rushed into the room, a hand upon his chest as she seemed to wish him to stay still, to not move. Now that she was in the room before him, as he looked at her, the pain he felt seemed to melt away, just from her presence. The light allowed Brun to be able she how beautiful she was up close.

She was stunning right there in front of him; she had blue scales upon her and a much lighter tone to her underbelly, a well lean, hourglass shape to her body, with fine looking legs and arms, and a sleek, well-shaped tail. Her face was even more beautiful, a gentle form to it, well defined, cute even, with small, cute looking spikes on both sides of her face around the back of her jaw with soft tips to each of them, and more well defined horns above them, on top of her head, small but not too small that curved upwards into the air; both the spikes and horns were pearly white. Between the horns laid her hair, fine, long, and just as defined as her looks, their colour was wonderful, a silvery light blue. But what caught his attention the most about her was her eyes, they seemed to sparkle before him, like emeralds of a lighter colour. His heart seemed to still as he took in the sight of this beauty.

His eyes did note that she wore animal pelts over her body; a short panther skirt of black tied around her waist and a thin panther top of the same colour around her ample chest, both of which hugged her body nicely enough. Around her neck was a necklace of bright, shiny panther teeth on a simple cord of string, which draped down over her exposed cleavage.

"Nifa doe gedi(You no move)," she spoke to him, gently forcing him to remain on the bed. "Nifa zulu, jope fikna(You stay, need rest)," she spoke again. He could tell from the looks of things and how she sounded, that she must have been tribal; he heard and read on the subject, that there were people who lived in Saharica that still remained isolated from the modern world. Whether she was with others, a tribe and such, he couldn't tell exactly, he didn't hear sounds of any such activity outside, other than the wildlife that moved around outside.

He groaned again, as he finally found his voice, "Where am I?" clasping his hand to his head, noting that the cut had been covered in some sort of make-shift bandage of ... leaves it seemed to the touch. His question seemed not entirely directed to the dragoness next to him, as he tried to sit up, noting as the pelt over him slipped, allowing him to see that he was still in his clothing.

She seemed, however, eager to help him, and even shuffled through the chest, bringing out another pillow for him to rest on, again made from an animal pelt like the other two, and as she laid it behind him, he found it was quite soft and comfortable as the other two had seemed. As he looked at her, she smiled at him, seeming happy at how comfortable he was.

"Ki tola nifa aksi(Me get you food)," she spoke, her voice was quite a comfort to him, as he watched her step out, and disappear from sight; he couldn't see where she was. She was only gone for a short while before she returned with some sort of wooden plate and something upon it, something that smelled nicely cooked. She lowered the plate to him, and he noticed that the plate carried strips of long, but appetizing looking meat, though from what, he couldn't tell.

"Nifa mowwa aksi, qu pola(You eat food, it good)," she spoke to him, motioning him to take the plate and what was offered on it.

His hand slowly went up to take a piece of the meat, before bringing it to his face, and sniffing it a bit. It certainly smelt good, and so out of courtesy for her, he slowly popped it into his mouth. His tongue savoured the taste of it; it was truly well-cooked and tasty, almost like a sirloin steak, except more juicy and meaty. His mouth chewed it with delight before he swallowed with a satisfying gulp, his tongue licking his lips, before he smiled at her, almost as thanks.

She took his smile with great pleasure, smiling back and giggling to herself in joy, as she offered him the plate, which he took graciously as he began to have a few more pieces. She watched for a moment as he happily ate the other pieces of meat on the plate, before stepping out again, only for a moment before returning with a simple clay jug, which she laid just below the bed to the side for the moment as she watched the dragon before her eat his food. Brun was enjoying the meat, and settled the plate down beside him when he had finished eating it all, licking his lips clean.

He glanced at her, and smiled, "It was good. Thanks," to which she nodded in response (whether from his words or not, he couldn't say) before bringing up the jug, and offering that to him now.

"Nifa yuniax? Yanzi fila?(You thirsty? Drink water?)" She seemed to be asking something to him, and Brun could only guess the jug must have something in it.

With courtesy, he took the offered jug, and once he held it, he tilted it so he could look inside, and noticed the jug contained water. There seemed to be nothing wrong with it, and so placing the beak against his lips, tipped it back slowly until the water flowed out and into his mouth. It felt cool to the touch, fresh and clear. It tasted fine, and certainly helped to wash down the meat he'd eaten.

As he gulped down all of it, he let out a satisfying sigh of "Ahhh," which the dragoness seemed to like, again smiling and giggling in joy as she watched him drink as much as the water as he liked before he settled the jug next to him, letting out another satisfied sigh.

"Thank you," he spoke, smiling to her. She loved his reaction, and smiled back.

"Kanak mo vicid, nifa telma(Praise be Spirits, you thank)," she responded. He couldn't quite understand her language at all, but whatever she said, it seemed she was delighted to help, as he could make out.

"Please, could you tell me where I am?" he asked her, gently, kindly to her. The response though, was probably something he expected to receive.

"Hmm?" she replied, her eyes showed the confusion within them at the words he spoke. He guessed as much she couldn't understand him.

"Erm," he tried coming up with something that might be easier to ask, even though the response would probably be the same. "Er, what's your name?"

Again, confusion just showed in her eyes, before she said something, "Wakka nifa dayo?(What you say?)" Whatever she spoke, it was likely out of the confusion she had.

He didn't know how then to proceed, but trying to get her to understand would be something important to do. After all he didn't how long he'd been there, and more importantly, where he was. His mind racked through a number of possible ways to try to communicate with her that could be successful. Only one idea came forward out of all he considered, and this was a rather simple one to try.

"Er," he started, not sure if she would understand this, though, "Me, Brun. You?" he asked using his hands he motioned to himself first, and then pointed to her.

"Wakka nifa dayo?" she spoke, the same words as before. Somehow, he guessed it hadn't worked, so he decided to refine the line a bit.

"Me, Brun." He pointed to himself; but again she seemed confused and not understanding. So once more he simplified it, the only way now. "Brun," he spoke, pointing his finger at himself, even placing his hand against his chest, in the hope she would understand him, "Brun." He repeated it once more, but the confusion still seemed to remain. He sighed, letting his head droop in disappointment, as he considered she probably wouldn't understand him at all.

And it would have remained, if he didn't feel a hand then press against his chest, a soft, gentle one. His eyes quickly noted the blue scales, and with a curious look, he turned to the side.

"Brun?" she spoke, her hand remaining there, "Brun?" Surprised, and rather not expecting she had picked it up well, he nodded in response when she asked again, and watched as she smiled in return, almost giddy in joy as she uttered his name with a cheery tone in her voice. Brun. Brun. Brun."

He smiled, and chuckled to himself at her display, and took the moment to hold her hand with his own, catching her attention and stopping her; he didn't want to spoil the mood, but he had to at least get something in return. "You?" he asked, pointing to her.

She took a moment to answer his question, as she withdrew her hand from him, but soon shook her head, "Ki io Brun(Me no Brun)." From what she spoke, he figured she must have thought that he was calling her his name. It was a little amusing seeing her reaction, and he understood why she thought that, but he did need to clarify what he meant exactly.

He shook his head, and got back her attention, before pointing at himself, "Brun. You?" as his hand then pointed to her. But she seemed unable to comprehend what he was getting at. That's when he had a much better idea. Her hand was still close to his, so gently, he grasped it, then placed upon his chest, uttering, "Brun," before slowly moving it and placing delicately on her own chest, and leaving it there. He then repeated his name, holding his hand upon his chest. It took a moment for her to understand his actions, but when she did, she gasped in realisation; she seemed to understand now.

Keeping her hand on her chest, she answered, rather cheerfully, but sweetly, "Jav'eena."

Using his own hand, and placing it over hers on her chest, he repeated what she said. "Jav'eena?" She nodded in response, and repeated it again and again. From this, he realised it was her name as he withdrew his hand.

Jav'eena took delight in his understanding, and began moving her own hand between her chest and his, uttering each of their names in turn, "Jav'eena. Brun. Jav'eena. Brun." She smiled as she did so, almost as if she was some school-girl playing a game with their friends, with much delight upon her face.

He smiled as he watched her continue; it was amusing but it was also sweet, and cute. He'd never know anyone to be so happy just speaking the names of one another, and the way she did it, it brought a tear to his eye, as he began feeling joy for her and compassion. As he sniffed, feeling such joy begin to fill his heart, she stopped, as she noticed the tear forming in his eye.

"Ki so bodi?(Me do wrong?)" she asked something, concerned rather at his reaction to her feelings of joy.

He smiled, as he sniffed again, he noted her expression, and had a fair idea of what she was thinking, or as best what she might be thinking, "No, happy." He used his hands to point at his mouth, as he smiled. She seemed to find it odd; what Brun didn't know was she understood tears, but only when crying out of sadness, she never understood that you could cry when happy.

"Lupina?(Happy?)" she seemed to ask, before motioning to her mouth, forming a gentle smile with it.

He nodded in response, "Yes, happy." She seemed to understand him well, and as his tear flowed down his face, he was glad she had found him. She too, seemed glad she had brought him back to her home, for she felt her joy being mixed with a delight at him now being filled with such joy for her happiness. Her own eyes began to form tears, and she felt for the first time in her life that filled not with sorrow, but with joy...

Nine days later

'I hope she's not going be long, now,' he thought as he hobbled over slowly to a simple wooden stool, one of a few used as seats in the hut, which he slowly sat down upon. The hut was quite roomy, if small, and the main room was circular, with a table surrounded by the stills, some shelves, a few pelts, and a simple woven rug on the ground, with a fire pit in the centre and a hole for the smoke to escape through.

His foot was still difficult to walk on, but the pain was becoming less troubling. It was thanks to Jav'eena, that it hurt less. Her knowledge of herbs and roots had allowed her to make some form of natural painkiller, from a mixture of a few plants; sure the stuff tasted rather 'yuck', but they did always say the best medicines always tasted nasty. She had certainly been looking after him well, providing him food, shelter, and company. She was wonderful, she knew a lot, how to hunt, cook, and survive, all in her surroundings.

The one thing he did note was that, surprisingly, he had expected her to have others close by, but one time he chose to take a look around outside, not stepping too far from the hut, he found that the only things close by was just the jungle, and some small watering hole nearby through the trees; a place he wouldn't mind checking out when his foot made it easier. He did wonder if she had family, or anyone else she knew, and slowly began to think about how she managed to cope with her solitude.

Over the days he spent with her, he made the decision to try to find a way of improving understanding between them. He began by trying to understand her language more, and picked up on a few words and what they meant. She didn't mind teaching him, and he returned the compliment by teaching her a few words in Albish, but of course she had more difficulty than him, but he made certain to help her, and in time she gradually picked up on a few.

During the time, he also learnt more about how he had ended up in her hut. It turned out on the day he crashed, when the plane had fallen from the tree and impacted with such a racket, she had heard the noise while out hunting and headed towards it source. From what she had explained in her language and with hand signals, she had found "the body of a metal bird, a dead one, and him close to it" upon which she checked him, to see if he was alright. She never seen much in the way of people, but his condition worried her, she didn't know if he was still alive, but was compelled to bring him back to her home. What amazed him was that she called for help from a couple of wandering okapi and managed to ask kindly them to help her bring him back to her home by carrying him on their backs, rewarding each with fruit when they accomplished the task, before letting them return to their natural lives.

He made an assumption from this that she had an affinity with animals, which was later proved true when, taking a moment to look out from the doorway of the hut to the outside once again, he spotted a bird rest upon her hand and take kindly to her stroking over its feathers before she let it fly off. The fact that a number of animals showed no fear of approaching her and that she showed them kindness and compassion l, it was something he really admired about her. She wasn't just beautiful, she was special, and the thought the animals enjoyed her love for them, it brought a tear to his eye just thinking it.

The sound of movement outside caught his attention, and soon Jav'eena had returned; she'd been out gathering fruit, which she brought in a basket. Despite his desire to help her, she just shook her head, "No, me do." She set the fruit upon the table, before finally sitting herself down upon the stool next to him. She sighed peacefully, before casting a glance in his direction, smiling at him, to which he smiled back to her.

"Brun nifa juki?(Brun you fine?) Hmm," she shook her head, wishing to speak as he taught her, "You f-f-f-f-f..." she was struggling with the word, but he could gather what she was asking, smiling as he leant forward, and placed a finger upon her mouth, hushing her.

"Yes, Brun fine," he replied, his voice gentle. She sighed pleasantly, loving how softly he touched her, as he gave her a playful rub, even going so far as to tickle her along her sides, much to her enjoyment as she squealed and giggled; he found she was quite playful which added to how much he admired her.

"Oh, Brun good," she said between giggles, before he withdrew. The dragoness slowly calmed down, as she felt tears form in her eyes, "Brun like Jav'eena?" she asked, looking at him, her eyes seemed to show hope he would say yes.

He nodded, with a good amount of truth in it. 'Yeah, I do. Maybe, even...' his thoughts trailed off.

"Jav'eena like Brun too," she responded, giggling, as she picked up some fruit, and offered it to him. The dragon took it, placing it within his mouth and enjoying the sweet flavour as he chewed on it. She soon took some for herself, and ate it, both taking their time before they swallowed in symmetry, giggling at each other as they noted it. Soon Jav'eena took a moment to look at his foot, "It better?" she asked, pointing to it.

Brun gave a quick check, moving it, only to hiss lightly, "Not yet, but soon." Jav'eena gave him a confused look; she still had much to learn, "Erm," he tried thinking of what she had taught him, "Erm, lafvo (soon); soon."

She nodded as she understood, before taking the moment to find the clay jug, bringing it to them, "Water?" He nodded, but refused to drink first, instead pointing out she should go first. Of course, she refused herself; she was tending to him, so he deserved to go first. He eventually smiled, knowing was no way of changing her mind, which he didn't want to, so he allowed her to give him the jug, drinking some of the water, before passing the jug over to her. She was so wonderful, so dreamy, so much about her that he...

"I love you," he uttered, and she seemed to gulp rather quickly, coughing slightly. He suddenly panicked, realising what he had done; he had just spoke his thought to her, out loud, and he worried that he might have done something extremely wrong, maybe even been too soon with it, but when she managed to get over her coughing, she looked up at him, puzzled at his reaction for saying the words.

"Liva? (Love?)" She seemed to be asking him what he said, "Erm, l-l-l-l-o-o-o-v-v-v-v-v-v..." she struggled to say the word, but eventually she managed to say it, "Love? Brun love Jav'eena?"

She seemed taken by the thought, her puzzled look, gave way to a rather tearful one, almost as if she was pleading with him, hoping he meant it. He could feel tears forming in his own eyes, a joy begin to beat in his heart, as a sudden warmth washed over him, before he looked at her, and smiled; she actually wanted him to say it again, "Yes, Brun love Jav'eena."

She was overjoyed at his answer, as she quickly placed the jug down on the table, smiled up at him, and came over to him, hugging him as she got close. "Jav'eena kinod (hoped) Brun love her. Jav'eena love Brun too," she hugged him softly, giddy with joy, much to his delight; even glad to hear she loved him too. She was so close to him, he just wanted to hold her, bringing his own arms around her, as they embraced one another.

Before he knew it, he was drawing her in closer, her face close to his, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the hug, until suddenly he drew forward, and kissed her upon her lips, his own eyes closing, halting all of her movement, as he enjoyed the feel of her lips upon his own before pulling back. As he did, he slowly opened his eyes, Jav'eena as well, as they both stared into each other's, just gazing into them, before Brun suddenly felt as if he done something wrong, again, and quickly spluttered, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean too, I..."

But she hushed him, a finger on his lips, before she spoke. "What Brun do?" she asked, curious about his actions; she had never felt something like that before.

"I...well...I kissed you," he answered, the dragon watching her eyes, as she tried understanding him.

"K-k-i-i-s-s-s-s, kiss? What that?" she asked, now curious to know about it.

He tried to explain, "A kiss is what two people who love each other do, to show their love for one another," but he wondered if he had been too hasty in doing so; maybe she wouldn't like it, maybe she might find it not right; his head drooped as a sadness clung to his face, feeling again that he had done wrong, "I'm sorry. Brun do wrong?" he asked; maybe he had been too hasty. Perhaps he shouldn't have jumped into things.

Jav'eena lifted the dragon's head up, making him face her; she was concerned about his sadness, and gave him a gentle smile before answering, "No." His sadness went, but it left him puzzled, wondering what she might say next, as she continued, "Kiss good, Jav'eena like." She made certain he knew how she felt, "Brun no wrong." She giggled, as he seemed to accept the words, feeling relieved that she liked it. "Jav'eena kiss Brun now," she finished, before drawing him in, and bringing her own lips to his, allowing him to enjoy them again, this time enjoying the moment just as much as he did.

He brought a hand up to her face, softly stroking along the side. She enjoyed it, moaning against his lips, as she returned the compliment, with Brun moaning into her mouth as well, before they finished it, "Jav'eena do good?" she asked, smiling at him.

The dragon smiled back, "Jav'eena do really good." Before giving her another...

A week later

Brun took in a deep breath of air. It felt good, as he looked outside from the archway of the hut. The jungle was a buzz of activity as always, and the weather was fine for the morning, if it was a little hot, his shirt slightly stained from the humidity.

The scenery was pleasant, just as much as Jav'eena was; every night since the day he told her how much he loved her, they would sleep together. He'd woken up beside her, the dragoness still sleeping peacefully, mumbling in her sleep, "Brun," which meant she must have been dreaming about him. He took care not to wake her, as he left her on the bed, his foot now much better to walk on, maybe not as far as he would like, but enough to at least explore his surroundings.

And the one place he thought he check out, was the watering hole he'd seen several days ago, making his way finally out of the hut, and through the trees, his nose picking up a waft of aromatic smells, some pleasant, some pungent, and some just wonderful.

Eventually he made it to the place, and found it to be an incredible sight; a clear pool of deep water, surrounded by trees and bathed in sunlight, as the canopy exposed it to the sky, while it was fed by a waterfall probably three times his height, a pleasant trickle, that flowed into the pool at one end, whilst at the other, the pool fed a stream that meandered through the trees and disappeared from sight.

Curious, he brought himself up to the water, dipping his hand in and cupping up as much as he could, before bringing it to his mouth, enjoying the cool, fresh taste. As he savoured it, he took the moment to just examine the whole place, enjoying the peaceful nature of the whole area, as he sat by the water's edge, just listening to the jungle.

"Brun?" he heard something from behind, "BRUN??" someone was calling for him. "BRUN???" and they were getting louder, "BRUN????" and whoever it was he could hear a hint of sadness in their voice; then he realised who was calling.

'Jav'eena?' he thought, and rushed back to the hut. He was right; the dragoness was standing just outside her hut looking for him, and as he stepped into view for her, he realised she had been crying, before she quickly rushed over to him, embracing him tightly, while sobbing against his chest.

"Hey, hey," he said, trying to calm her, to comfort her, "What's wrong?"

"Jav'eena thought Brun left," she said as she wept, "Jav'eena not want Brun go." She lifted her head, her eyes looking into his, almost pleading with him to stay.

Brun felt a twinge of guilt in his heart; he didn't want to make her feel sad, "Oh, I'm sorry," he let her rest her head on his shoulder, cradling her, as he felt tears form in his eyes, "I did not want to upset you, I only wanted to see somewhere nearby."

He held her close to him, not letting her go, as he eased her sadness, "Brun not go, please?" she asked softly.

He closed his eyes, laying his head against her, his tears flowing down his face; he'd made his decision on that, days ago. "Brun never go," he finally answered; he didn't want to leave her.

That perked her up, as she sniffed, drying her tears, rather surprised by his words. "Never go?" she asked, and he replied simply, "Never. Me stay."

She smiled, and kissed him softly, "Brun good. Jav'eena love." She let him hold her for a while longer, before he finally let her go, giving him a quick peck on his lips. "Brun stay," she said, and for a moment he thought she was just repeating what he meant, only for her to suddenly rush inside the hut. He was slightly perplexed, until she came out, with one of her arms behind her back, "Jav'eena make gift for Brun," before bringing it forward, presenting him an animal pelt, a normal leopard one, she had made for him; something she wanted him to have. 'She made that for me?' he felt touched by her gift, as she spoke again, "Brun like?"

His eyes formed tears once more, as he smiled, though his answer to her would be far better than words; he brought her in for another kiss, softly upon her lips, holding her there, and allowing her to enjoy it as always, before letting go.

"Brun love," Jav'eena remarked loving his answer, before handing him the pelt, "Jav'eena happy. You kiss me, please?"

Brun took a moment to examine the pelt before responding. It was so fine, and so well made; his heart felt more love for her than ever before. As he looked up at her, he noted her smiling at him, and finally answered her, "Brun kiss Jav'eena, make it good."

And slowly he brought her to his lips, this time the kiss was much deeper, fuelled by his passion for her, his tongue entering her mouth for the first time, rather unexpectedly of him; she seemed not mind though, enjoying it as she brought her own into his mouth, each moaning with passion for the other. The pair embraced one another, holding each within their arms as they enjoyed the tender moment. For Brun the only thought he had now was, 'I am definitely staying...'

Over Two Months Later

The jungle was active, as it always was, but he wasn't, not much really; he was busy learning to remain hidden from sight, learning to live like Jav'eena did, to be who able to work with her in surviving in the jungle.

'Okay, Brun, just as you've been practicing,' he thought, and quickly he darted between the trees, his movement swift. He chuckled to himself as he finished, and he slowly emerged into the open. 'Well, I'm getting better,' he thought, placing his hands upon his side, while listening all around him to the noise of the wildlife.

He took a moment to examine himself, taking pride upon his new look, his old clothing was now gone, replaced now with the pelt which he worn like a loincloth around his waist, loving how much he looked so primitive, enjoying his gift. And he always showed how much he loved it, by giving Jav'eena loving kisses every morning and evening, always snuggling up to her when they slept, and always hunting and foraging with her.

The past couple of months and so had been something, and over time, Brun had been able to teach her well, her speech improving, allowing them to better understand and communicate with one another, while she had helped to teach him how to understand his surroundings, to hunt the animals that would allow it, and forage for the bounty given by the spirits (as she put it).

In time he also learnt that she had family indeed in the jungle, that she missed, but every attempt to ask her about them led to her just asking that she not to talk about it. After several attempts of trying to get her to open, he conceded to her request, and chose not to bother her further. However at times when she felt like talking, she mentioned how wonderful her mother and siblings were, but never gave any mention of her father oddly enough; still she was glad at those moments at least to share some stories about those she missed, in which he assured her that hopefully she would see them again.

Of course, her talking about her family, made he think about his friends, his home, his family, and he wondered how they had been, expecting that they would have done something on their end to try to find him. But his time with Jav'eena made him believe that if he was found by them or someone they sent, he would just send a message back; she was too wonderful, too beautiful, to leave alone, to leave when he made a solemn promise to himself, not to leave her ever. With a message, he could at least alleviate their fears on his safety.

Satisfied he was looking good as always, he made his way back, never finding it difficult to return to the hut that he was now calling home. As he got back, he smiled to himself, hoping to show the dragoness how well he was improving, and eagerly give her a kiss as well.

"Jav'eena?" he called as he entered the hut, looking for the jug of water. The place seemed quiet, and he could see no sign of her within. "Jav'eena?" he said again, now searching thoroughly, there was a chance she was playing with him, probably waiting to pounce upon him; it had happened before, when she hid outside and just jumped him for fun, he certainly loved how playful she was.

But still nothing; just the silence inside the hut, and he soon realised she wasn't in. His mind began thinking of where she may be, and he quickly considered one other place; he wasn't worried much, but more interested to find her, and be with her; he never liked leaving her on her own.

As he stepped outside to prepare to find her, he heard something from nearby, a cry of sorts; the cry he realised came from Jav'eena, and it was coming from the watering hole. Quickly he made his way through the trees, his heart pounding, now worried she might be in trouble. As he neared the edge of the trees to the pool, he heard another cry, but it was joy he was hearing, not pain as he had thought, and then he heard her singing. He stopped, staying hidden, as he listened to her voice. He'd never heard her sing before, but it was delightful, filled with joy, and he slowly moved closer, remaining hidden, as he looked around the watering hole from the trees to find her. That's when he spotted her, his eyes wide and his mouth hung open.

She was under the waterfall, singing in pure joy, as she bathed under the waterfall as if it was a natural shower, letting the water splash gently onto her body, her pelts lying on the side, upon a few flat surfaced rocks. She had her back to him from his vantage point, but that didn't stop him from staring at her. Her hair looked wonderful as she soaked it under the water, her hands running through it as she washed, and his eyes could not ignore it, enjoying how much it swayed as she moved. His eyes drunk in her body as they travelled downwards, and soon spotted a birthmark upon her bottom which he could make out as the outline of a star, a darker blue to her scales, but quite a beautiful thing to behold.

Soon she turned around, and for a moment, he thought she might see him, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that her eyes were closed, while her mouth was smiling as she continued singing, her hands rubbing over her body as the water flowed onto her. His eyes soon took note of just how wonderful looking she was. Without the pelts upon her, he saw just how ample her chest was; her breasts so full and round, and so perfectly shaped. He noticed that she still wore the necklace of teeth upon her which draped over them. His eyes soon travelled down her body, and soon saw her exposed crotch, her soft nether-lips looked so tender, so delicate and soft. He gulped from the sight, feeling how aroused his body was getting from seeing her naked beneath the waterfall; her hands rubbing over each of her breasts, letting the water run over them. His crotch felt like it was on fire.

"Oh!" she cried out, though this time not in joy, he could tell, her face seemed distressed. He noticed then that her hands were going towards her crotch. "Oh!" again she cried out, as one hand rubbed over her delicate lips, "Wenna ki ginza boda?(Why me feel wrong?)" she seemed to be in distress from around there on her body.

'Why would she...wait? She isn't?' he could guess what might be happening to her. And his guess was confirmed soon enough; his nostrils began picking up something in the air. He sniffed, and soon felt something strange wash over him. He felt so good, and the smell was so wonderful, more than the plants he had seen. That's when he realised it, 'That's her scent!! She must be in heat...'

"Why it not stops?" she cried out in Albish this time, and he noted how she sobbed, her face still distressed. He felt powerless as she kept weeping, trying desperately to find out why she felt like she did, unaware of what her body was going through.

'She's in heat, and she doesn't know it,' he thought. He wanted to step out, to comfort her, but her scent made him feel aroused, his crotch tensing up. He considered it not a good idea for the moment, but he did believe they should talk about it.

Her distress soon faded away, and eventually she started feeling better, her hands withdrawing from her crotch. She sniffed for a moment; the sadness was still there in her face, "What wrong with me?" as she continued bathing under the waterfall.

He figured it out why she didn't know anything; despite having revealed that she had a family somewhere in the jungle, from what he had seen, she hadn't been taught about such delicate matters and no one to teach her about them. He needed to do something about it.

He needed to teach her, if she would allow it...

Jav'eena was in a good mood as evening began setting. She was quietly singing as she returned to her hut, though deep in her mind she couldn't understand what had come over her as she had washed, why she had felt so hot around her hips, around her teeka (her spirit's gift as she remembered it being called by her mother). Still, at least it had gone for now, and she'd been able to enjoy the water splashing over her afterwards.

As she entered she looked for Brun, her loveable dragon, spotting him seated on the edge of the bed in the back room.

"There you are," she said, rather cheery, but Brun didn't stir as she spoke, his head was lowered, and his eyes shut. She could see a tinge of sadness upon his face as she got closer. "Brun, what wrong?" she asked, sitting beside him, before placing a hand upon him.

"Huh?" he stirred, before realising Jav'eena was there next to him, "Oh, hey. It's..." his voice trailed off for a moment, he seemed unwilling to talk about it. "...it's nothing."

"No, something wrong," Jav'eena shook her head; she didn't believe him, "Why sad? Brun, what makes you sad?"

He sighed, he was unsure if he could tell her, "I don't know how to say this but..." his voice trailed off again, as he stopped speaking, instead he gazed into her eyes.

"Please tell me, I listen," she spoke softly to him, giving him a gentle smile, as she tried to help him speak, wishing to hear what troubled him.

"Well, I..." he took his time answering, but he at least wanted to be honest about today, "...I saw you."

"Saw me? You mean here, when I come back?" she asked, a little perplexed by what he meant; she wondered why he would be sad about that.

"No, I mean," he was finding it difficult to tell her, but the dragon plucked up the courage to get it off his chest, "I mean, I saw you at the waterfall, and..." he tried so much to say it, that he rather blurted it out, "...I saw you naked." He felt ashamed of himself the moment he spoke, and lowered his head, averting his gaze.

Jav'eena gasped out of shock, and Brun considered how she might think badly of him because of that, feeling nervous and worried, "Brun, you saw me like that? I...I..." he dreaded how she would react. "...I... Was I beautiful still; did I still look good?"

"Huh?" he brought his eyes round to face me, "I...," he didn't expect that, and for a moment he tried thinking of how to answer, and yet, his love gave him what he needed, "Yes. You'll always be beautiful to me."

The dragoness smiled at his answer, before leaning in and kissing him softly for a moment, "I glad you do. I guess it only fair, after what I did."

Brun for a moment smiled as he felt relieved she still loved him, "I'm glad too, I loved you sti-...wait," before it went, as he thought back on her words, "What do you mean by "after what I did?" Jav'eena?"

Now she was the one who felt ashamed, averting his gaze and sighing sadly, "I got curious." Brun wondered what she meant, and asked sensitively and gently what she meant, "I saw something, when you sleeping, three cycles past. Saw it..." she pointed with her hand towards his crotch right over where his... "...here. I thought something wrong."

He went wide-eyed in his mind, 'Wait, she didn't...' She looked up at him, and her eyes show how much she felt ashamed, confirming what he guessed, 'Oh, no. Tell me she didn't see that?' "So," he began nervously asking, "...what did you do?" He didn't know how to feel, though he gulped quietly.

"You were still sleeping, so I took care not to wake," she began explaining, "Thought something wrong with your teeka, so lifted up your sami (pelt), and..." she seemed hesitant to say what she saw, but he encouraged her to speak, "...and saw something poking out of it; thought it was something wrong. But you looked peaceful."

'Oh, god, she did. Wait, she didn't then try to...' he quickly asked the question he knew he had to ask, "So what did you do to my... teeka?"

She gazed distantly to the ground, but he brought her face up, assuring her he was giving her his full attention and had nothing to be bad about, "I worried. Saw something stick out, and noticed lumps below it. I tried see what was wrong so I..." her voice trailed off, but the dragon had a fair idea what she must have done; her words soon enough returned and confirmed it, "...I touched it with hand, felt warm but stiff; lumps were weird too. Then heard you groan, thought I do wrong, so I left you alone, put sami down; thought I see it bigger when I did."

'Oh, man. She doesn't understand what she saw exactly,' he shook his head, which Jav'eena noted, the dragoness thinking she had done wrong, as she felt shame come over her. When he saw her face, he quickly wanted to correct her that she hadn't done anything wrong, but he thought it better to try teaching her what she needed to understand, "No, Jav'eena, you didn't do wrong. I wasn't hurt when you... did that," he waited for her to look, before placing his arm around her and gently holding her, trying to cheer her up, "Listen, I can teach you about what you saw, about what you actually did, but first, there's one other thing I didn't mention..."

"Huh? What that Brun?" she asked, the shame had gone for now although threatened to return, as she became curious.

"I saw you, well... in pain at the waterfall as well..." he answered, as he finally got to what he had been thinking about, "...down here," and he motioned to her crotch.

"You saw that?" she said rather surprised, realising what he meant, before she calmed down, "You saw me like that? I..." she found it difficult to answer but he placed his hand on her own, encouraging her to eventually talk, "I felt bad, my teeka hurt. Felt hot, tried cool with water, but still hot." She looked at him, rather worried, "You saw all that?"

He nodded, as he smiled softly, "Yes, I did." He figured it better to tell her what he knew, to help her understand, "And I know why you were like that."

"Oh, Brun, you know?" she asked. If Brun knew something, then she was eager to find out what had been wrong with her.

He nodded again, "You were in heat." Jav'eena couldn't exactly understand his words, and when she asked him, he decided to explain further, "Your body was in heat; it was telling you that it was ready for..." he thought carefully about what he would say, knowing what he would be talking about.

But Jav'eena pretty much asked him what he was saying, "Ready for what, Brun?"

"To mate," he finally answered. She gave him curious looks, trying to understand him, and his words.

"Mate?" she asked, curious of that very word, and what it meant, "What that?"

"Well," he dropped his head down; he wondered if he should talk about it, but his conscience told him he had to, she needed to understand, "It's what happens when lovers wish to share their love with one another..."

"Oh, so when we kiss, we mate?" she asked, interrupting him, thinking she knew now, "Because we share our love?"

"Well, yes, but mating is more than that. It's when a male and a female embrace and enjoy one another, they kiss and they feel each other's bodies, and..." he took a deep breath, before he continued, "...and they couple with their... teekas."

Jav'eena remained silent for a moment, thinking over his words, before she spoke, "Couple; how?"

"They let their teekas, 'kiss', to share their love," as best as he could describe it to her. Jav'eena showed signs of understanding, as she looked between their crotches.

"Their teekas kiss like we do with mouth?" she asked.

"Sort of," he replied, knowing he would have to explain further, "But it's much more than that..." but he wasn't going to get a chance, as he stopped for a moment; his nostrils were flaring up again, smelling something in the air. 'Gods, her scent has returned...' he thought, but any fear of trouble went, he actually felt calm as he sniffed, '...it's so wonderful up close...' His face became relaxed as he smelt it, enjoying it for a brief moment.

"Brun, what is it?" Jav'eena caught his attention, noting the delight in his face, before he composed himself. "What you smell? What good?"

"Hmm; oh, that, I..." that was something else he had to explain, "...I smelt your scent. It was so wonderful to smell. It's what your body does when it wants to mate; because it lets others know that you wish to, particularly the one you love."

She sniffed for a moment, before she soon became relaxed herself, "I smell it too. It smell good, I smell good."

"Huh? Jav'eena," he shook his head, needing to explain further, "...scents don't work like that. You can't smell your own scent, it's not possible. The only scent you could be picking up..." he stopped; the realisation had dawned on him. "Jav'eena," he caught her attention, before sighing, "That's my scent you're picking up." Her scent must have made his body active; he wondered what she would think of him.

She sniffed again, before smiling, "Brun, you smell wonderful," she was quite cheery, and quickly she realised something, which made her curious about what answer he would give, "Does that mean you wish to mate? You wish to mate with me?"

He looked up, rather surprised to hear her say that, "I don't know..." His mind thought about it for a moment but his heart decided it, she was so wonderful and so loving, so why not; he'd been wondering how to repay her, more than just staying with her. He decided to ask a better question, "Do you want to mate?"

Jav'eena smiled and giggled, gleefully like a cheery girl, pleased to hear him ask, "I love you, I really do. I would love to mate with you."

He smiled back, "Then..." his heart jumped a moment, not believing he was going to say this, but grateful still, "...yes, I will. I will mate with you," before leaning over and kissing her, "I... I've always wanted to thank you since I stayed."

"Then we mate, right?" she asked, kissing him again. She wanted to do so within the hut, right there, although she was somewhat lacking in how in it was done.

But he had a better idea, "We will, but let's do this slowly; let me teach you what to do. Here, come with me," he grasped her hand before standing up, asking her to walk with him, as he took them outside...

The watering hole was peaceful and quiet as the night began, the waterfall splashing gently into the pool, while the moon shone brightly, bathing the place in pleasant light.

The pair had settled upon one of the large flat rocks near the waterfall, where they were deep in an embrace, kissing passionately with one another. Soon Brun pulled back, and while he felt nervous about this, his heart gave him the courage to weigh it down. Jav'eena was the same, though a little scared as well, which he picked up on, and gave her a quick kiss to comfort, to assure her it was fine.

"Remember, we both have to think about the other in this," Brun explained, as he rested his hand on her leg, "We have to take things slowly, make the other feel wonderful. Mating has many things involved with it. A kiss is the first step when we mate," his other hand came against her side, "Stroking slowly, softly, gently, around each other's body is the next one," and he took his time rubbing sensually along her body, taking in every bit of her wonderful form. Jav'eena moaned at his touch, as he glided his hands along the sides of her body, along her legs and over her chest, the latter of which caused her to moan even louder.

"Jav'eena," he said softly, looking up at her, making the dragoness gaze into his eyes, "Kissing doesn't have to be just on your mouth, it can be wonderful over your body too." His eyes travelled down towards her chest, noting the shape of bust, "Even your tongue can be wonderful on it too," he looked up at her again, his eyes seemed to be pleading with her, "May I..." he gulped a bit, trying to fight his nerves as he made his request, "May I remove your sami?" he pointed to the pelt around her chest.

Jav'eena smiled, his touch had been wonderful, and she wondered how much more it could be, so rather than answer the question, she pushed his hands back off her before undoing the pelt herself, letting it slide off and slip down into her lap, before she put it to the side, leaving her necklace on, "Brun, show how wonderful they are."

"I will," he replied softly, as he finally got his chance to see her breasts bared before him. Up close they looked magnificent, "...but first, let my hands give these more of their touch," and soon his hands cupped them, enjoying the feel of them now that they were no longer hidden. His fingers lightly rubbed both, running over them, at times his thumbs lightly teased her nipples, rubbing each nub softly, the effect led to Jav'eena moaning in delight; she had never felt such a thing before, and found it wonderful.

"Please, Brun," she said, looking down at him, "Please show more, it good," and he complied, leaning in, before kissing around each breast, soft kisses around each nipple, then one on each of the nubs, then once more around them, the dragoness gasping from each kiss. Then when he had finished, he slowly drew out his tongue and began lapping over them, savouring the feel of them upon it, providing his love with a sensual massage from it, as it circled around each nipple then lapped over it. Without thinking, he drew in each, and sucked on it, surprising her, as she squeaked in joy, before moaning. He gave each soft, but firm sucks, almost like a new-born suckling their mother before finally withdrawing.

"Did you like?" he asked, though not really necessary as it seemed; she was already showing her answer, as she panted lightly before finally smiling at him gently in appreciation.

"Yes. I love," she added to her answer, before leaning in towards him, "May I show you love?" she asked, her hands slowly caressing along his body.

Brun just smiled, "You don't need to ask. Just show," he said softly, and closed his eyes as he felt her rub over him, her hands so soft and gentle against him. He moaned softly as she caressed him, her hands gliding over his legs, his arms and his chest. Cheekily she leaned in for a kiss on his lips which he happily allowed, "I should have thought of that with you," he admitted as she continued caressing him.

Soon he felt her mouth touch him, kissing around his chest, Jav'eena giving him the same love he gave her, moving around his chest, her lips lightly touching him, causing him to moan softly, before she began licking over him, her tongue gliding over the scales on his chest, "Oh..." he moaned even more from such treatment. "That's good..." his voice trailed off, as he felt immense bliss from her.

The sensation grew as she moved downwards, her tongue licking over his navel, much to his delight for a moment, though it began to get a little too close to his groin. "Oh, oh," he let out, quickly pulling her up, "Not too far down, my love, we want to take this slowly," he gently spoke, and she nodded, retaining her lips and tongue over his chest.

Jav'eena soon gave him one last kiss, this one a long one upon the centre of his chest, before pulling off, "Did I do good?"

The dragon looked at her, and smiled warmly, "You did very well," leaning in and kissing her on the lips, letting their tongues entwine, much to her delight.

"So what we do now?" she asked; he was teaching well, and she was eager to learn more, "What next step?"

He smiled at her, loving her eagerness, "The next step is make the other feel even better, to prepare them," he answered. She was a little curious about that, until he motioned for her to move up to the edge of the rock, her legs touching the ground. He slid off and moved in front of her, kneeling down, before gently placing both hands on the insides of her legs. "Jav'eena, could you move these, please?" he asked softly.

She nodded and complied, moving them apart, allowing him to move in closer, "So what we do to make other better? We do as before?"

"That's right, but this time, we also use our mouth as well," he answered as his eyes gazed at her crotch, a part of him giddy knowing he was to see her hidden treasure any moment, "Could you remove your sami here, please?"

She complied and undid the knot holding it around her waist, before pulling it away, and setting it down with the other. "Now what next, what we do?" she asked, eager to know what he had planned.

"Now I tend to you, and give your..." he chuckled inside with what he was going to say next, "...your teeka some love." His gaze fell down to her crotch, drinking in the sight of her beautiful slit, before leaning down towards it.

She watched in amazement as he gave a kiss upon it, jumping a bit from the touch, "Oh!" as he continued kissing. She felt funny at first not sure how to react to his kisses, but the touch of his lips upon her teeka was unbelievably good, and she wanted it, panting and moaning as he continued.

As he kissed around the soft folds of her lips, he brought his hands up to her crotch, rubbing around her thighs, which heightened the sensation, "Oh, Brun, that good..." she moaned. He continued kissing and rubbing her, giving her as much stimulation from both, as his kisses circled around her slit, before he pulled back and rubbed over them with his hands, enjoying the feel of them against his fingers.

"Oh, Jav'eena?" he asked as he continueed rubbing, moving slowly so she could listen to him. She looked down, slightly moaning, as he smiled, "You know, this is called something else by the way, well, several names actually." Jav'eena, ever curious quickly asked him to tell her, "Well, your teeka is called a vagina. It's also called a cunt, snatch, vulva, slit and a few other names." Jav'eena was quick to ask what they were, but Brun just shushed her, "It's not important. What is, though, is that I further treat it to my mouth and tongue now, and show you just how good it can get when I treat it with greater love."

The dragoness watched as he leaned down, kissing her slit, before slowly letting his tongue out, licking over and around them. "Oh! Oh!!!" she called out as his tongue rubbed slowly over her folds, before he pulled it back, 'Well, it's now or never.'

The dragon licked his lips as he began bringing the tip to her opening. The dragoness wondered for a moment why he withdrew, until she felt the tip of his tongue start to poke through, and soon enter her. "AH!!" she gasped as she felt his tongue begin to go in further. It felt strange but pleasant and so satisfying. But the one thing she felt more of than any feeling she had now was pure pleasure, as she felt him lap within her, his tongue circling around her passage. She moaned loudly, loving it.

She wasn't the only one; Brun enjoyed how good she felt, his tongue feeling how soft she was inside. As he stroked her inner walls, he moaned softly, his mouth was so close to her slit, that the moans surprised the dragoness, causing her to gasp in joy. "Oh! Oh! It's wonderful," she called out, and it encouraged him to start lapping within, stroking and massaging her depths, rubbing over every inch within against his flexible tongue.

As he continued using his tongue inside her, his fingers ran along her thighs, rubbing them softly in circles which drew nearer and nearer to her crotch, before they finally rubbed around both sides of her slit, rubbing and stroking all around.

"Brun, it so good," she spoke softly, her body beginning to feel tense from the treatment, her moans being added to with slight gasps as he lapped over certain spots. A couple of them caused her to squeal loudly in delight, catching his attention.

'Hmm, she has 'sweet' spots... how nice; let's tease over these then,' he thought, grinning, as he licked his tongue over them again, hearing her gasp loudly as she bucked her hips slightly, her walls beginning to squeeze against his tongue. He chuckled to himself, and decided to tease her a bit more, withdrawing his tongue from within, before giving her vulva a kiss. He looked up at her, watching how she panted. When she could she looked down, her eyes pleading for him to continue.

"Brun, please, it so good, please, I want to feel it," she begged him. He loved it, but instead of complying, he drew one of his hands towards her slit, two of his fingers poised before it.

"You will, but one thing 'I' can do for you now," he began to explain, smiling passionately at her, as he prepared himself, "...is to use my fingers just as well as my tongue to please you." His fingers soon entered her, thrusting in and out slowly.

Jav'eena gasped, and found the sensation just as wonderful as his tongue. Leaning her head back, she once more moaned loudly as she felt him caress her passage now with his fingers, his tips massaging her walls softly, taking care to ensure she could enjoy the moment. He even leant in and kissed around her naval, and even moved up a bit, keeping his fingers in her passage, as he kissed her breasts again, licking them once more.

Jav'eena felt like thanking him, complementing him, anything really, she just wanted to speak, but the pleasure kept her voice silent, the only sound was her gasping and moaning from the dual sensation across her body, as she felt her body further tense from the bliss she was in.

Soon he lowered himself back down, thrusting his fingers quickly, but not as he wanted to; a primal urge within him had taken control, eager to bring her to the edge. She writhed and squirmed under his treatment, fully enjoying everything he did. The only thought on her mind was the memory of their first meeting, and only to thank the spirits for bringing them together.

Brun soon withdrew his fingers, noting how slick they had gotten, his eyes spotting something seeping from her slit, which he leant his head down to, and used his tongue to lick up, 'Mmm, she tastes divine,' realising her body was leaking her juices. She looked down at him as he sampled her, and begged for him to do more; before she knew it, he forced his tongue back in, this time thrusting it in and out.

The rational part of his mind quickly tried to take back control, as his tongue lavished her inner depths, 'Wait!! Let this be enough, don't force it too much!! We want to love her, not force her into this!!' but the primal urge inside him forced it back, roaring it away, before pointing out how she needed release, never having it before, 'Come on, you saw what she was like, she never knew anything about this, why not let her have what she needs? We're going to give her what she needs and more, anyway.' His rational side quickly pondered that, and then, 'Brun, give her more, bring her pure bliss like never before! Make her feel so special, that she'll always have you to love her forever!' It urged him to delve in deeper.

That was all he needed to know, and soon his tongue delved in deeper, his mouth pressed up against her lips, as his tongue swirled around her passage, the tip flicking over her sensitive spots ever more. Her body responded by allowing more of her juices to flow, his tongue eagerly collecting them for his mouth to savour. His nostrils flared up, picking up something; her scent had become even stronger, and he loved it, sighing as he continued treating her. His body reacted well to it, his crotch becoming aroused, as his slit began to part, his member starting to poke out beneath his pelt.

"Ah...ah...ah..." her pants and gasps were becoming more frequent, and his tongue could feel her walls constrict and squeeze around its length; she was getting close, and he decided to bring things to an end. His tongue began thrusting in and out as fast as it could, and he felt her body beginning to reach her peak. For her the pleasure was getting unbelievably good, and she was panting like nothing before, her body getting hotter around her crotch, and she could feel something building within, almost ready to burst, until...

"A-A-A-A-A-A-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!!!!!!!" she cried out, squealing as her hips bucked, and she felt her body become overwhelmed with pure delight, while her passage exploded, her juices flowing out and around his tongue and into his mouth. The dragon eagerly collected everything she gave, his tongue lapping up her juices before he finally pulled out, swallowing what he had, as he watched more seep out of her slit. 'Wow, she must have been pent up for ages,' he thought.

As he pulled away, his eyes looked up to her, curious to know how she would react. The dragoness soon brought her head up, looking down at him, her mouth hung open and her tongue hung out as she panted, her face just barely able to show how much she loved it, "Brun, that really good." As she began to recover, she noticed his mouth was coated in something, "What that?" she asked, pointing to his lips.

Brun smiled when she did, "This; this is your teeka's special juice," his tongue flicked out and licked around his lips, cleaning it off, as he moaned, "Mmm... this is what it gives when a male pleases your vagina well."

Jav'eena was curious about it as she felt her body calming down, "Is it good?" rather unknowingly licking her own lips. Brun caught sight of this and grinned.

"Well..." he began; he thought to say yes, but he had a better way of answering her, bringing his fingers around to her slit and dipping them into her juices, coating a couple, before bringing them up to her mouth, "...why not try it yourself?" as he offered them to her.

Jav'eena leant in, sniffing them, before flicking her tongue out upon them, which caused the dragon to lightly giggle from the touch. Her tongue collected some of it, before she picked up the taste, finding it good and rather enjoying it, before cleaning the rest of it off his fingers, eagerly savouring the taste with much delight. "Mmm... it tastes good," she remarked, licking her lips, as she closed her eyes.

He chuckled quietly to himself, before leaning in, and lapping her slit, causing her to gasp, as he collected more of her juices on his tongue. But rather than swallow it, he held it in his mouth, lifting himself up, so that he could kiss her passionately again, much to her surprise. Her eyes opened wide at first but closed again as she enjoyed it; his tongue soon entered her mouth, and she noted the taste of her juices upon it, eagerly taking the offering into her own as her tongue cleaned his of every drop, moaning into his as she tasted herself again, before he finally withdrew.

"That good, Brun," she remarked, opening her eyes as she smiled at him. Brun smiled back, laughing softly in delight, happy she liked it as he stood up, hearing her giggle along with him, as the pair closed their eyes to enjoy the moment. He was caught off guard, though, when he heard her gasp, and as he opened his eyes and looked at her, he saw her eyes were wide open, before he noticed that her gaze was aimed down his body.

'Wait, she's not...' he thought, guessing where she must have been staring, and looked down his own body. His eyes noticed what she had seen; a large bulge had formed in his pelt, and only now did he realise how much his member was sticking out from his slit, all of it now stiff, and tenting the pelt right before her.

His eyes looked back up, gazing at her face. He watched as the shock in her face disappeared, replaced with a growing curiosity, and, he also thought, a slight desire, noting her lick her lips, before she faced him, her eyes seemed to be begging him to let her return the treatment, "Can I see again, Brun? Can I see teeka?"

His nervousness had returned, covering his face, though rather against, he slowly nodded, before sitting himself next to her, upon the edge like her. He watched as she stood up and moved round in front of him, kneeling down just as he had done, and placing her hands inside his legs. He nodded as if she had asked for his permission to get closer to it, and spread his legs out, allowing her to up close to his crotch.

Surprisingly he watched as she brought a hand up to the pelt, and touched the bulge, her hand feeling it. Brun felt himself grunt a bit from the touch, forcing her to withdraw her hand, as she looked up, worried she had done wrong. But he smiled down at her, trying to comfort the dragoness.

"No, Jav'eena, you didn't do wrong," he explained, "I was just..." he didn't how to explain it well, so he thought about what she had mentioned before, "When you touched it before, you heard me groan, right?" She nodded, and he continued, "Well, when I did, it was because your touch was good, it was wonderful. Like how I was making it feel wonderful for you, touching you on your teeka." She seemed to understand, her hand drifting back to the bulge.

"So, when I touch, you like it?" she asked; she had enjoyed his touch, and she began to understand that he had to be. His nod to her confirmed it and she soon brought her hand on the bulge, rubbing it softly, hearing him groan in response, which she took delight in, "You do like it."

He let her rub his member through the pelt for a little longer before he eventually drew her hand off, looking at her. "Want me to remove my sami?" he asked, but she shook her head. He wondered why, but watched instead as she moved her hands around behind him to undo the knot that kept his pelt around his waist, before eventually taking her time removing it, placing it amongst her own. As she returned her attention to him, her eyes finally saw his member, now out and fully hard, standing proud before her. She gasped at what it was like, before looking up at him. He smiled gently at her.

"Jav'eena, let me explain what you are seeing," he began, bringing her attention back down his body, using his hand to point to his ridged member, "This is my teeka, a male one. This is called a penis, and like your vagina, it has other names too, such as cock, dick, prick, dragon-hood, shaft, and so forth. But it's much different to yours. When a male is enjoying the touch of a female, their appearance without their samis and their scent, it comes out of their slit here," pointing to it around the base of his shaft, "...and grows in size, as it gets stiffer, until it's like this. It sometimes throbs, because a male likes to show he's all there for a female to enjoy," a point demonstrated easily enough, as she watched it throb in front of her.

Jav'eena nodded, understanding him, as she listened to his words more, "So it coming out when I saw it?" she asked, and he nodded. "It so..." she began to speak, taking in the sight of it, even leaning forward and sniffing it, purring, "...beautiful."

"Yes, it is," Brun responded, feeling a sense of anticipation come over his body with her being so close to his cock. His hand soon pointed to his sack, "And this," his words getting her attention focused there, "...is my sack. It contains my testes, which can also be called balls, orb, nuts, and so forth. They provide my juices when I've received really good treatment from a female. My juices are known as cum, and it can also be called my seed or pre."

Jav'eena listened to his words, looking over his sack. "So, I please you, then I taste your ...cum?" she looked up at him, rather eager to see his reaction as she spoke the last word, and he smiled at her, nodding; he was secretly eager to let her enjoy him now.

"Why not begin with your hands?" he asked her, "If you start pleasing it, it will leak some from the tip for you to taste." The dragoness looked up, smiling in delight, before lowering her hands to touch him, Brun gasped as he felt her finally touch over his member and sack, feeling her begin to rub over them. Her hands began softly, delicately like he had done with her, and he groaned as she did, finally able to enjoy the feel of them upon both, as she used what she learned earlier, to treat him well. Her fingers lightly touched over each, enjoying the shape of his sack, and the flesh of his shaft, even the ridges on the underside, and the tip, feeling over all to take in his shape.

"It big," she remarked, looking up at him, as she continued caressing him, feeling every part of it. Brun moaned as she did, before bringing his hand to hers, grasping it lightly. She thought perhaps, she wasn't doing enough, or maybe not right at all, but he smiled gently at her, he wanted to teach her more.

"Here, place it around my shaft, grasp it like you would a stick but gently," he said, placing her hand delicately against his length. She did as instructed, and her fingers wrapped around it, as she heard him moan lightly, before he continued, "Just as I rubbed you around your slit, you should stroke along my cock, up and down it." She looked up at him, nodded, and then began moving her hand, watching herself do this.

Brun began to purr in delight, leaning his head back, his eyes closing and a smile forming upon his mouth, as he enjoyed the sensation, her hand stroking along his cock slowly, down to the base, then from it to the tip and back again, the motion making him moan lightly. Jav'eena watched how he was, loving the feel of it in her hands. She considered adding to it, and not needing him to tell her, used her other hand to rub over his sack, causing him to moan slightly louder. "O-o-o-o-o-h-h-h-h... wow, you learn well," letting his hand rub over her head, petting her, which she took pleasure in accepting, as she sensually stroked his balls, whilst rubbing firmly along his shaft by now. Seeing him enjoy her touch made her feel something; the somewhat cheery girl she was, was letting a new friend next to it, a primal urge of her own, as she continued treating his cock well.

Her urge made her grin, as she considered her next move. Her hand soon stopped around the base holding it up, while her other went to rubbing around his crotch, and before he knew it, she began kissing all over his length, first the head, then along the shaft towards the base, then over his sack upon each ball, back up the shaft and finally on the tip. He groaned as he felt her mouth touch him, quite surprised she had done so without him teaching her or asking for it, but then the next thing he found against his cock was her tongue, slowly lapping all around it, all over the tip and along the shaft. As she drew her tongue back up to the head, it flicked over the underside of it.

"A-a-a-h-h-h!!!" he cried out in pleasure. Jav'eena looked up, seeing how his surprised look gave way to a warm smile and soon, "O-o-o-h-h-h!!!" hearing him pant a bit. Knowing how much she enjoyed him pleasing her and touching over those sensitive spots of hers, she gave him a few more, hearing him gasp and pant and squirm from her tongue, as it smoothly licked over the rest of him, licking the underside of his shaft from tip to base and back. His reaction was pleasing to hear, and she kept it up. The dragon before her, could feel his member throb, and soon he felt a bead form upon the tip.

The first moment that Jav'eena knew of it, was when her tongue lapped over the tip, and soon picked up something, as she withdrew it into her mouth. She tasted something salty, but also sweet, and as she looked, her eyes spotted another bead upon the head, which she lapped up, and realising what it was continued her treatment, lapping up each bead that formed, until finally his cock began to leak a steady flow for her, the dragoness savouring it as she did.

"You taste good, Brun," she said, the lust easy to hear in her voice, as she continued lapping over him. The dragon could feel how much she wanted to have more, and so lightly lifted her off him a moment, his shaft throbbing, knowing what he was about to ask.

"You're doing well," he said as he panted, smiling down to her, as he gulped for air for a moment, "Could you... could you..." he was trying his best to say it, "...could you, like... like place it in your..." but he couldn't so instead, he used his hand to grasp his shaft, removing hers, whilst gently placing his other on her head, bringing her close to the tip, as he pointed his cock towards her lips. She didn't know what he wanted, but just kissed the tip, licking it, before he spoke again, "Jav'eena, a female can really please a male, if they..." he still struggled to say it, so instead tried a different way, "...Could you... could you... open your mouth please?"

She withdrew her tongue, and did so, opening her mouth for him, "Wider, please," and as prompted, went wider, before he soon pointed the tip towards it, and let the edge of it touch her lips and the tip of her tongue. She found it strange, but she soon heard him sigh, seeing his face light up with delight, before he spoke again, holding the tip just on the edge of her open mouth, "When a female uses her mouth to please a male, she can do more with it. She can take his cock into it, and encase it, move it up and down along its length, suck it gently, use their tongue around it, anything that is gentle and pleasing. Mine will still leak it's cum into you, and let you savour it better as you do it. Could you try those out, please?" His eyes seemed to beg her for this, and so she smiled up to him.

He watched in amazement, as she slowly drew in the head, her lips wrapping around it, much to his joy, as he moaned feeling her mouth begin to work on him. "Yeah, like that," he managed to say, as she slowly suckled the tip. Just as he said, his pre continued leaking, and she found it much nicer to have it flow into her mouth. Her tongue even lapped around the tip in her mouth, causing him to gasp and stroke her head, before encouraging her to take more in.

She slowly drew her mouth down along the shaft, taking in more of him, before he stopped her about halfway along, coaxing her instead to slide back and forth along where she was; he didn't want to force her to take all of him in, not yet; if she could do so that was. She began drawing back and forth along his cock, slowly bobbing along it taking it nice and easy, while he moaned; for her, it was weird and unusual to be holding a part of him in her mouth, and yet, the lust and joy of pleasing him gave her a thrill, as she took in his shape. He was wonderfully formed, and his pre was so good, she found herself moaning around his member, which caused him to have added sensations run through it into his body, causing him to gasp and groan as she did, releasing his hand from his member.

"Oh...you can make things fun for both of us if you want; would you like to?" he asked, watching as she stopped moving along it and began looking up at him. He could sense she was eager to listen to anything he had, though for him, trying to talk wasn't easy, she was still swirling her tongue along the underside, "Well, you can... (Oh)... try moving faster along it, or holding the tip... (Oh, wow)... in your mouth, anything to please me. Sometimes you... (Oh)... you can tease the other... (OH!)... Make the other beg to give them what... (Oh, her tongue)... give them what they want... all to make the moment even... (Man, she's good)... even better for each other..." he gulped, as he found himself unable to do much, but enjoy her tongue against him.

Jav'eena loved how he enjoyed things, but his suggestion gave her ideas, devious ones fuelled by the increasing lust within her; she had loved how he had played with her and how much she adored teasing him in their games, so the thought she could tease him in this way, using her mouth to control how much he enjoyed it upon his dick, thrilled her even more. And considering he had made her beg him for more of his wonderful treatment to her teeka, she felt it was time to do the same in return. But first, she thought to make him think that wasn't going to happen.

Quickly she began bobbing faster along his length, even starting to draw in more, much to his amazement, as he felt his body being overwhelmed by bliss, at her beautiful mouth. She kept drawing in more each bob, while her necklace bounced around from her movement, until eventually her lips lightly smacked into his crotch, causing him to gasp, as he saw to his surprise, that she could take him fully into her mouth. She kept it up, Brun finding her eagerly willing to please him. He found himself unable to keep his eyes open as he closed them, letting his head tilt back and relax as he enjoyed the moment. Jav'eena took a moment as she bobbed to see his face, and seeing he was liking it, added to the pleasure by bringing a hand to cup and squeeze his balls, causing him to grunt in surprise as she did, her hand and mouth keeping him nicely satisfied.

Once she felt he been given enough for the moment, she slowed her pace, moving ever so slowly while lavishing his shaft with her tongue. The change of pace caught Brun out, though it was remarkable how well she was doing; he didn't think she would learn so quickly. Of course, she was learning more than he realised, as she kept it up, making certain every inch of his cock was treated delicately, whilst collecting his pre, before she finally pulled off.

She left his member alone, watching it throb and pulse, eager to have her touch back, and although she was tempted to, she controlled herself, waiting to hear him beg. She didn't have long to wait, for only a few short moments later, she heard him whine, wishing for her to continue. She grinned at how good she had been, and rather than take him back in, teased him by grasping his shaft, and making slow strokes, so slow, that instead of purring, he continued whining, before he finally looked down to her, his eyes pleading with her, just as she wanted them to be.

"Does Brun want me to please him?" she asked, looking up at him rather seductively and teasingly, and he nodded, as he continued to whine, "Does he want me to give his..." she leant forward and whispered the next word to him, "...cock..." rather surprising him, before she leant back, "...more pleasing? Does he want to give me his tasty, wonderful, cum?"

Brun couldn't believe how much she was teasing him, how much her voice and words were driving him mad with desire. He could only nod, as he finally gave her the words he presumed she wanted, "Yes... yes... YES!! I want to, Jav'eena; please..." he begged, his body felt tense, and his balls were aching from the torment (as he now considered it) she had given, and wanted nothing more but release, "...please, I want to give you my special cum... I want to mate with you... I want to give you everything you want... just please, please, please I so want to badly give you all my cum..."

The lust left her, now replaced with love, joy and pure delight, as she smiled, giggling at his words, though even more delighted at one line in particular "...I want to mate with you...", before finally lowering her head, "Then I give, Brun, what you wish." He sighed softly as her mouth encased him again, watching as she bobbed slowly all along his length, before finally picking up the pace, remembering how he had made her feel as he finished things, her necklace bouncing about as she moved up and down.

Brun took delight as she started going faster, her mouth caressing his cock so well, that he could feel his pre leaking out in a torrent, giving her a taste of what was to come. Soon the smile he had begun to give way to the struggle his body was having to hold back, as the pleasure began growing to its peak, the dragon panting and grunting, finding himself instinctively, but without control, bucking his hips into her mouth, feeding her his cock, as his grunting got louder. His balls were aching like crazy, screaming to be emptied, and her mouth was starting to finally become too much...


He roared before her, as he felt himself explode, his cock pulsing as it shot load after load of his cum into her mouth. The dragoness eagerly took what she could from him, savouring the taste before, surprisingly, swallowing it, and pulling off his cock which was still shooting but smaller amounts by now, which hit her upon her body, above her breasts, just missing her necklace. Each was panting from the session, Brun more, as he finally felt his body coming down from the pleasure. As he looked down at Jav'eena, he noticed the mess upon her.

"Oh, I guess I was more pleased than I thought," his face rather apologetic to her as she heard him speak, looking up at him, "Sorry..."

"Why sorry?" Jav'eena replied, not out of curiosity though, rather understanding and satisfaction, as she didn't mind feeling his seed upon her, her fingers scoping up the bits and taking a quick taste of them, before bringing them up to him, "Want taste?"

His tongue slowly came out, and took the offering, licking her fingers clean; it was weird for him, but tasting himself on her was quite, well, remarkable. As he took his time, cleaning her, she noted how his cock was still leaking it, dribbling down his shaft. Once he had cleaned them, she leant down, and licked up the rest from his shaft, causing Brun to moan softly, as her touch kept him from softening. Once she had cleaned him, she pulled back, and smiled up at him, eager to know what was next.

"Well, I could show you something, that you might like," he spoke, watching her become giddy with excitement.

"We mate now, right?" she asked, but he shook his head, as he stood up, moving around next to her.

"We will, after we do this, I promise," he replied, before lying down upon the ground. Once he had done so, he motioned Jav'eena to him, "Could you sit on my chest please?" She nodded, taking care, as she rather straddled him, before sitting down, facing him. He chuckled before he spoke again, "You listen well, but, could you turn around and face my legs?" She was confused, but she nodded, doing just as he instructed, her fine tail now facing him, while his eyes could also see her birthmark now up close, it still remained a wonder for him to behold; while she let her eyes travel down to his cock, which bobbed below her; it knew what he was planning now.

"So, now what, Brun?" she asked, and he told her, gently, to lean forward while raising her hips up. She did so, allowing him to see her slit, which had become wet from her performance with him, making him lick his lips. She was just the same, her head was close to his cock again, and she smelt it once more, wondering what the dragon had planned, as her necklace dangled from her neck, swaying lightly.

"This is something that is just as good as what we did to each other; in fact, it lets us please each other at the same time," he explained, his head leaning up to her soft folds, as his tongue licked over his mouth again, while he smelt her scent once more, "We can enjoy each other, please each other, even reward the other. If I was to do this well for you..." he licked over her nether-lips with her tongue as a demonstration, causing her to gasp in delight as she felt his tongue again, before he pulled it back, "...then you could..."

She grinned, as she interrupted him; she knew what he was going to say, "Then I could do this for you," and she leant her head down to his cock, her tongue licking over the underside, much to his liking, as he purred from the touch. She did so a little more, before pulling back, "Like that, right?"

"Yeah," he answered, before he had a nice idea to spice things up, "You know, Jav'eena; since you love games, I've got a good one," watching her eye light up with excitement, as she eagerly asked him, again and again, what it was, before he continued, "Let's see who can get the other to give them another taste of their 'treat' first," he said, grinning lovingly at her as he revealed the 'prize', "The one who does, gets to have a 'special' treat from the other, after we mate."

"A 'special' treat?" Her face lit up, as her mind imagined what she could possibly get him to do, though from what they had been doing, she decided on what she fancied and giggled softly, "Jav'eena going to win." And quickly she began licking his cock again, causing him to groan out of surprise, 'Cheeky little girl (!)' he thought, though he didn't mind her eagerness to start, and quickly got in to the swing of things himself, as he began licking over her slit once more.

Each worked at the other, licking over their sensitive 'teekas', from slow, long licks by Jav'eena on his cock, to sensual circling around her lips by Brun, before they changed to lapping at each other, the result being each groaning and moaning from the other's touch. In time they switched from their tongues to their hands, Brun was first, bringing his hand up and rubbing his fingers over her slit, before delving them into her vagina, thrusting into it. The dragoness gasped as he did, and rewarded him by bringing her hands down and stroking his length, which in turn caused him to gasp lightly, "A-a-a-h-h-h..." whilst she lapped the head with her tongue.

Each soon felt the other begin to leak their fluids, which they eagerly savoured, as they continued giving the other as much wonderful treatment from their tongues and hands, at times speeding up and then slowing down, while massaging each as sensually as possible, the pair moaning softly as they did.

Eventually, Brun made the next move, once more delving his tongue into her depths and lapping it around inside. The dragoness moaned loudly as he did, and rewarded him soon after by taking his cock back into her mouth again, bobbing slowly around it, his reaction was to groan from feeling her suck on him again, as the pair got into a rhythm of bobbing and thrusting at one another; while the necklace the dragoness wore, shook and rattled around as she moved.

Each time Brun did well, she would moan softly, treating him well by either bobbing a little faster for a moment or holding the head in her mouth and lapping it with her tongue; and each time Jav'eena did well, his tongue would lap over one of her sensitive spots. Of course, every time the dragon moaned into her passage, she would moan around his cock, and the vibrations of their mouths on one another increased the sensation they were getting.

While the dragoness had closed her eyes to concentrate on winning their little 'game', his eyes opened for a moment and noticed her breasts were dangling free and jiggling about from the movement she made, her hips bucking slightly from his tongue and her head moving up and down his shaft. He grinned as he saw them moving, and slowly slipped his tail round under her, drawing it around them before stroking them with it. Jav'eena squeaked around his cock, opening her eyes and looking behind her, keeping his cock in her mouth. Upon seeing what he was doing, she returned the treatment, continuing to bob along his dick, whilst her hands caressed and rubbed his sack.

Soon they began to feel their bodies struggling to hold back the pleasure they were receiving, each finding their breathing increasing while their moans began to change, hers into squeals around his cock as she bobbed, his turning into grunts whilst his hips began to lightly thrust towards his mouth, and both finding their noises getting louder as they continued, each wanting so badly to hold out and claim the 'prize' of their game.

Jav'eena wanted it so badly, she tried even harder, but her body would not let her, finding the dragon's treatment to be too much to handle; Brun was lapping her sensitive spots much faster than she wanted, and soon it became too much...

"M-m-m-m-m-mmm....." she squealed, her voice muffled by his member, as she felt her inner depths explode and release her juices; she was not upset at losing, she didn't mind really. Besides she was giving her love another chance to taste her again; and she continued squealing, and soon moaning whilst she bobbed along his length faster, as he collected every squirt she gave. Of course, all her squeals and moans over his cock were getting too much for him, as he began grunting louder and louder until eventually it was too much to hold back...

"A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!!!!!!" he grunted, his mouth muffled as it was pressed against her soft folds. His cock throbbed and pulsed as his seed shot out again, the dragoness eagerly taking every load he gave as she swallowed it, bobbing slower and slower, as she drunk up what he gave. Soon though, they pulled off each other, panting heavily, as they gave each other a look of satisfaction.

"My... that was... Oh-h-h-h..." he moaned as Jav'eena gave his cock a quick clean, before she moved off him, and laid alongside him, her head before him, as she kissed him deeply for winning.

"Brun, you win," she admitted her defeat, as she pulled back, "You get 'special' treat; but after we mate?"

He smiled; the time had finally come, "Yes. We mate," he answered, watching her smile and sigh, before he moved around, "Lay back, my love," he asked, spreading her legs once she did. His member was throbbing, as he brought himself over her body, lining his cock up to her entrance, as he rubbed the head against the slit, hearing her moan, as he began his final explanation on mating, "When a male mates with a female, he places his penis in her vagina, and begins moving it in and out."

He demonstrated this by slowing pushing it in, groaning as he finally entered her, his cock enjoying the warmth of her passage, as she did feeling him enter. He continued, until he hilted, then waited for her to look at him again. "A male does this," he began moving in and out slowly, being gentle for her as he did, as he continued to explain, "...so he can couple with a female," groaning a bit as he felt how soft she was inside, "He does so, so that when he and the female enjoy it so much, he can fill her with his seed. That is how he mates." He watched as she smiled, eager for that, as he leaned in closer to her, "I'll be gentle with you, for your first time," he spoke softly, as he did so, "...We can kiss as we do this, if you-"

She didn't need to wait for him to say it; she leaned up and did so, planting a passionate kiss upon his mouth, hushing him, as the pair moaned into one another, while he continued moving his hips back and forth against her crotch, his member sliding into her slit with ease.

'So we mate like this...' she thought as she kissed him, finding the feel of his cock in her immensely satisfying, 'I love this...' Her eyes gazed into him, almost wishing for him to make it even better within her.

He smiled, somehow sensing what she wished, and began moving a little faster, eager to do all the work now, as he began showing her the immense love he had for her, the ridges of his shaft rubbing smoothly along her inner walls, 'Oh, Jav'eena...' while he leant forward again, using his tongue to lick over her body, teasing her nipples and breasts, the dragoness moaning to his touch, 'Oh, Brun...'

Their love for each other coupled with their lust, and as he continued delving in gently, treating her body well, she slipped her tail around him, the tip touching his sack, and stroking over it, "O-o-o-h-h-h..." her movement sensual, causing him to begin thrusting more, while he brought a hand up and rubbed over one breast while his mouth suckled on the other.

"A-h-h-h-h..." she sighed, the feeling was incredible; she had thought his tongue was wonderful, but his member was a true blessing for her; in her mind, the spirits had blessed him well, as she felt him continue to enter her, his thrusting beginning to get controlled by his lust, though her own made her care less, eager to let him continue on.

His thrusting grew in speed, and soon he was grunting, his body eagerly moving to let him fill her, while she panted in delight, her own eagerness willing him to do so, as her tail continued flicking and rubbing over his balls, feeling her walls begins to massage and coax his cock more. She could feel her body getting tense, as his hips lightly smacked into her, causing her body to shake back each time while she continued gasping and squirming from his movement, her necklace and breasts jiggling as it did.

His urge to mate her was incredible, so wonderful, but as he continued to enjoy it, he found it was growing out of control, wanting him to screw her like an animal, which was not what he desired, and soon, he was forced to roped it in, slowing his thrusts into her, until they were slow and gentle, despite how his balls began to ache again, wishing he hadn't, his own body feeling tense too.

Jav'eena found herself gasping less, her panting dying down a bit, as she looked up at him, her eyes pleading with him, "Why you slow down?" His eyes conveyed his apology, he didn't wish to, but he wanted to make it special for her, not harsh and rough as he explained. She leaned up, though and kissed him deeply, before pulling back; she didn't mind but was thankful for his kindness, before whispering to him, "Please, could Brun do again?" wishing to let him mate her however he wanted.

He nodded to her, relieved she didn't mind, as he watched her smile gently to him, before he picked up the pace, once more shifting back and forth with speed, hearing her gasp and moan beneath him. He soon felt her squirming around him more and more, until eventually...

"A-a-a-a-a-h-h-h-h-h..." she moaned loudly, as he felt her passage explode, her juices seeping out and coating his shaft, making her slick for him, that he was able to keep going on, smoothly entering her now, whilst they seeped out under his cock, and onto the ground.

He continued it more, hearing her moan and groan, wanting nothing more than to feel him release in her, to fill her with his seed. He was soon grunting, his body getting closer and closer to the edge, wanting ever so much to give her what she desired. As he did, he heard her calling out between pants and squeals, "Brun, you're so... OH... my love... it's... Vicid, ki telma (Spirits, me thank)..." He knew what the last part she spoke meant, adding his own inner words to them, 'I thank the spirits, too, Jav'eena,' smiling as he continued.

His grunting got louder as he felt himself getting closer and closer, his cock being squeezed and massaged by her inner depths, coaxing it to give up its treasure. Soon he began to slow down again, before finally pulling out slowly until only the head remained within her, as he panted and watched his love look at him again, pleading and begging him to finish.

He smiled as he leant his head forward, before whispering, "You ready?" She nodded, leaning up and kissing him, before he spoke again, "Ok, I'm going to give you all I have, so... so..." he didn't finish, but just thrust into her again, even harder and faster, as he kept it up, now desiring nothing else but to release, to fill her until she was full, hearing her squeal and moan beneath him even louder.

He grunted more louder than ever, his voice soon showing him struggling to hold back, his grunting getting quicker as he slammed into her, not with too much force, but enough to show her he was getting ready to give. His struggle to hold back was getting too much, that eventually...

"Oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...OH...OH...OH...OH," he was feeling it coming until he couldn't hold out anymore, "O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!!!!!!"

He roared again, as his balls released, his cum flowing down his cock, and exploding from the head into her, filling her well. Jav'eena gasped as he did, before moaning as she felt his seed enter her, feeling satisfaction like never before, whilst the dragon grunted with each pulse from his shaft, before they turned into moans, as he finally gave her his seed, now relieved to have done so, and ever delighted he had given her a gift, a blissful one, as a token of his love.

They remained together, as he bucked a few more times, before finally withdrawing, moving up next to her and lying beside her, the dragoness turning her head to face him, her satisfaction easy to read on her face, as it was on his. The pair shared another deep, passionate kiss between them.

"Did I do well?" he asked, and she smiled, kissing him again as her answer, "I did." He lay back, as he began to recover, his member softening and beginning to retreat for a moment.

"Brun," Jav'eena spoke, remembering what he'd won from her, "What I do for you now?"

"Huh?" he uttered, before remembering, "Oh, that; could you..." he spread his legs out, letting her understand what he wanted, well at least what she thought he wanted. She nodded, and moved in between them, lying down on her stomach, as she let her tongue drag over his length, making his cock begin to pulse and harden again. She was almost about to suckle it, when his tail quickly covered her mouth, "Could you put it..." his tail lowered down her body, before brushing it over her breasts, her eyes watching it, before she looked up at him, "...between these, please?"

She wondered for a moment, but considering he was asking for a treat, and that was what he wanted, she smiled and nodded; the dragon motioned for her to remove her necklace first, using his tail to take it and lay it on the rock with their pelts, before she moved her full breasts over the shaft, hearing him shiver as they touched it before nestled in her cleavage, "Could you... please..." he gulped, trying to control his gasping, "...rub them around it; squeeze them around it?"

She considered it, but wondered how; then she remembered how he used his hands on them, so gently placed her own upon them before squeezing them softly against his dick, feeling the ridges press up gently into her cleavage. He sighed as she did, looking at how well he fit into them, before tilting his head back. She loved it too, and remembering what he asked, she slowly rubbed them up and down around it, hearing him groan from her touch.

She found it easy to do, and loved how his cock poked out of the top of them each time she rubbed along the shaft, feeling his warm length against her, as she soon picked up how well to do it, listening to him groan and moan softly as she did, moving her body up and down, keeping her breasts firmly wrapped around him, moaning as she did, realising he had taught her another way to please him. She liked it, and continued doing so, using her earlier practice to give him a good time, from slow long rubs, to fast, quick ones.

Soon the tip began leaking pre again, as his groaning got louder. When the dragoness felt his pre begin to flow over her breasts, she began considering adding to her treatment, tilting her head forward before letting her tongue lap over the head, collecting his pre each time the tip poked out.

"Oh!!" he grunted, not expecting it, but rather delighted in how quick she was to please him.

She continued doing so, hearing him groan as she kept lapping the head, her breasts being made slick by his dribbling cock, making it smoother to rub it between them, as she kept it up, eager really not to tease him again, but make him give her another load of his seed. Before he knew it, she had stopped moving her breasts against it, and for a moment he wondered if she had given him enough or was teasing him, only to discover her mouth engulfing his tip, suckling upon it, before she resumed stroking him.

"A-a-a-a-h-h-h-h..." he moaned; she was really good now, and the way she was handling him, he guessed by now she was really just getting him give her another lot of his seed to swallow, so he just allowed her to what she liked; he considered the idea of rewarding her for this when it was done.

She continued suckling him, her tongue licking over it in her mouth, as she kept massaging his cock with her breasts. She was quite enjoying it, eager to savour him again, as she swallowed his pre, wishing to make him let her taste him again; she certainly was enjoying how 'special' his treat from her was.

"Oh...oh...oh..." he began to pant by now, and she could hear him moaning loudly, his hips bucking a bit, pushing his cock in and out a little, not that she minded, she could guess she was getting him close, and so began stroking his member faster now, coaxing more out of him. It had the effect she wanted; his moaning was getting more frequent, and his breathing was getting quicker.

"Jav'eena, please, I so want to reward you," he let out, eager to give her what she wanted. When she heard that, she secretly giggled inside, and kept stroking him more and more, as her mouth suckled harder, pushing him further and further to the edge. Brun could not hold out much more, as his moans were getting louder and louder until...

"O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!!!!!" he moaned once more, as he finally released, letting her mouth savour his cum again, his load spilling into it quite well, as she swallowed what she could. This time, a little seeped out her mouth, coating his shaft and her breasts. The dragon watched as he began to recover, as Jav'eena released him, panting herself, as she took a moment to look at him, her eyes showing how satisfied she was from this, before she let his member go, as it flopped over his groin, as she cleaned herself.

"Oh...oh...oh...that was...really good..." he said between pants, as he started to regain his breath. Jav'eena was quite enjoying it herself, but soon noticed how messy he was getting leaking cock.

"Brun, I clean you," she simply stated, before taking a moment to lick his cock clean of his pre, and then his groin, hearing him groan again, smiling at him, before she gave his member one final, long lick from the base, and a kiss on the tip, before lying next to him. "You like treat?"

"Yes, Jav'eena. I loved it," he answered, giving her a kiss. "You did more than you had to so I should reward that." He smiled before getting up, moving around and collecting their pelts and her necklace, before slowly lowering himself before her and picking her up, much to her surprise, in both his arms. He kissed her, before he began carrying her with him, before she asked him what her reward was, "We head back home, and I mate with you again."

She squealed in delight at this, as they moved back through the trees before re-entering the hut. He took her back to the bed, and laid her gently upon it, placing her, so her legs trailed over the edge and bent down to the ground, spreading them, taking a moment to light the fire pit before returning to her.

He knelt before her, licking her slit again, teasing her, but also getting her ready again as he heard her moan, before standing up. He lifted her legs up with his arms, holding each with them, much to her surprise, "It's okay; when we couple, it can be done in different ways," he explained, as he slowly drew his cock to her slit, entering her again, much to her delight, as she listened, intrigued by his new information, "And if you want, we can go through a number of them tonight."

She nodded, eager to know more, as he began moving in and out of her again, feeling her around his member once more, as he worked to give her much again, while her body moved softly to each thrust he made. As he continued thrusting, changing the pace every once in a while to stimulate her, he knew the night was still young; they had plenty of time to do much, though it would be a long night indeed.

And as he once more drew himself close to the edge, he knew that the two of them would be mated for life; something he felt good about, as he finally released once more, as the fire glowed upon them.

"A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!!!!!" he roared filling her again; she was going to be filled quite a lot of times by him it seemed...

The Following Morning

Jav'eena stirred from her sleep, her body deeply satisfied from the night's activity. Her hand drew down to her slit, feeling how good it was to have been mated; the experience so rewarding, so fulfilling. Her other drew around to search for her lover, eager to stroke him, but could not find him.

"Brun?" she spoke, her eyes opening. The bed was empty, except for her, her pelts and necklace. She lifted herself up, looking around her. The dragon was not there. "Brun???" she called out; for a moment, she had thought he was gone again, and her face almost filled with sorrow, until she noticed something, sparking her curiosity, as she got up to look at it.

Resting upon the chest was a scrap of paper with markings on it, and some writing to which she quickly smiled with joy. The markings were a map, with the hut and watering hole upon it, and a "B" placed at the hole; the writing was as followed: -

"Jav'eena, went hunting while you sleep, came back and left this. I'm at where B is. Come find your love here, Brun."

Quickly she stepped out of the room, noting the meat he had gathered, which she was grateful of; she'd be making him a truly loving meal for that. She didn't bother putting her pelts on, just her necklace, as she stepped out and headed to the pool, eager to see him.

When she did, she saw him beneath the waterfall, the dragon bathing under the water that splashed over him, his pelt lying on the same rock they had been on the night before. As his head turned, she noticed his eyes were closed, so playfully, she snuck up on him from behind, keeping quiet as she stood there, the water splashing her, as she soon embraced him, snuggling into his back, as her arms held around his chest, her hands stroking against his scales.

When that happened, Brun just gasped, before moaning, as his eyes slowly opened, looking behind him, "Hi, Jav'eena. Sleep well?"

"Yes, Brun," she answered as she held him, her head resting upon his shoulder, "Glad I find you; could we..." one of her hands went downwards before reaching his crotch and rubbing over his slit, "...could we mate, please?"

He moaned from the touch, but felt it better they rest before they did so, "Jav'eena, we can't mate always..." he moaned again she rubbed over his sack, hearing her moan behind him before she asked why, "Because we have to give the other we love, time to rest, and..." he slowly had her let go, before turning round to face her, "...I'm not ready to do so again, but..." he stroked her head, smiling as he assured her they could do something else at least, "...but we can please each other if you want? If we don't feel like mating, we can let the other just enjoy our body; would that be alright?"

She smiled and nodded, "Yes, I like that." Her hand once more rubbed over his slit, before it parted and the tip began poking out. As she knelt down, he knew she was truly a wonderful lover to have. And as she coaxed it out, and began to suckle the head, eager to please him instead of mate with him, he could only think of one thing.

'I will always be her mate. Always, with all my heart...'

Two months later

"Ya, ya, I'm coming!!" Alda called out, making her way to the front door of her apartment. And just as she was enjoying the latest thing she had made Hans do for her.

The autumn months were rolling by, and yet, she and the others were still wondering about Brun, after they learned he had gone missing; they had received news about over a month ago that his plane had been found completely smashed, but no sign of him in or around the wreckage. Although most of the search party had given up, those that still continued and his friends, hadn't, but there still hadn't been much news since then.

When she got there, she peered through the peephole, seeing a dragoness on the other side; a familiar one too, as she opened the door to her. When she saw her properly, she noticed her weeping, but with a smile on her face.

"My dear, vhat is it?" she asked, ushering them in, before closing the door. "Vhat has gotten you like this, Morvina?"

"It's Brun," the dragoness answered, her voice sounded happy, as her yellow eyes wept tears of pure joy across her black scales, "He's alive, and he's safe."

"Really???" Alda asked, surprised to hear this news, quickly bringing her into the living room, and offering her a seat on the couch, "He's alright? So vhat happened, vhere is he, then? Oh! Hans needs to hear this..." she turned to face the archway that led into the kitchen, calling out, "HANS!!! Get out here, ve got news on Brun!!!"

Morvina watched as Hans appeared; despite weeping in joy, her hand quickly covered her mouth as she had to stifle a few laughs. Hans was wearing a maid's outfit, the full set with stockings and garters to boot, a cute head piece, and a duster in his hand.

"Oh, great Alda..." he groaned, as he felt humiliated at being seen in the outit, "Ve had an agreement, that I vould not be seen by the others..."

"Ya, I know, but please," she motioned him to sit on the couch next to Morvina, "...Did you not hear? Brun; ve have got vonderful news about him."

"Really?" Hans said, intrigued as he sat down, "Vhere is he then?"

"Oh, well," Morvina began explaining; when she had come over, she had been carrying a laptop bag around her shoulder, which she opened before removing her laptop, a nice model, before opening it, and turning it on. "You know my friend, who has a brother who works in the Peacekeeper Forces of the CoN, as part of their Aid and Rescue Division, right?"

The pair nodded in response; they knew who she meant, after all she had shown pictures of them.

"Well, she sent me an e-mail whilst in South Saharica," she continued, as her user loaded up, whereupon she quickly went to her inbox, "Anyway, the point is, she and her brother met whilst she was taking a break over there, and he gave her something to pass on to me, saying it was important. I was quite curious about it, so when I checked out her e-mail more, I was utterly surprised, but relieved."

"Really? So vhere he is then?" Alda asked again, "Vill he be coming back soon, then?"

Morvina shook her head on that last question, sparking the pair's intrigue, curiosity, and eventually, slight confusion; they wondered if he was coming back.

"No, he isn't, but for good reason. He's..." she wished to answer in words, but her mind told her it was better to show, as she loaded up the e-mail, "...Take a look and see."

The pair nestled up to her, as all three read the e-mail; it revealed how the remainder of the search party that had been still searching for Brun, eventually tracked him down. As the dragoness scrolled it down, the pair read each word carefully, before she loaded up an attachment that had come with it, a picture which loaded up onscreen. When it did, they were completely taken aback, their eyes going wide and their mouths hung open. First they were shocked, then surprised, then relieved, and then finally thrilled, happy and joyful for him, each in their own way; for Alda, she sighed, "Aw-w-w-w..." along with Morvina, who couldn't resist doing so a second time, while Hans just grinned, "Vell look at that."

The picture was of Brun embracing a dragoness, a beautiful one, and both wearing tribal clothing, as they kissed one another, the love easy to see. As they looked at it, Alda asked to read the e-mail again, whereupon she noted the section that had been written in relation to the image: -

"Hi, Morvina,

How's my cousin doing? I'm sorry if I haven't been in touch and left you and our friends worrying about me. I've asked that this message get to you so you know I'm safe. I hear the news of the plane crashing reached you, but it wasn't too bad.

Well, after that incident I got rescued by the most beautiful dragon I ever met. She really cared for me, looked after me, and I fell in love with her. I've been staying with her, and, well, I'm going to stay with her forever. She's so wonderful, and we've become quite close. Really close. She's been learning to speak Albish, and she's quite a good learner. Oh, she wanted to add something here for you..."

Alda noted the next line below it: -

"Hi, my name is Jav'eena. I am wonderful person, and Brun is my love. I look after for you, keep him safe for his tribe. His tribe welcome to see us any day. Me and Brun, we are lovers for life now. Will make him very happy, and he makes me happy too. I will be happy more to see you soon."

Alda felt herself weep, "Aw...She sounds so sweet..." as she continued reading the message: -

"Anyway, we're happy, and I hope you'll come see us. Your friend's brother has promised to bring any mail and such from you if you wish to stay in contact. I do miss you, but at least I can tell you how happy I am; we are.

Please do me a favour, and show this and the picture I had taken to the others, so they can see I'm alright, and promise me you'll look after my things back home; that inheritance I got, I want you to have it, as I won't be needing it, though what you do with it is your own decision.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Your loving cousin, and mate,

Brun and Jav'eena. xxx"

As Alda finished reading, she took another look at the picture. "The two of them look wonderful together," she remarked, as she smiled, "They really are a perfect couple."

"Yes," Morvina answered, smiling at her, "My cousin has been truly blessed to find her." She gave the picture another look, her eyes focused on the two in their embrace. "Truly blessed indeed..."


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'Chef's Diner Special'

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