
Story by kohath on SoFurry

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#4 of Monsters and their Victims

Jay stomped into my room, waving the morning paper, and started yelling at me.

"Zed, why didn't you proofread the ad before you sent it in?" He threw it down on my desk and pointed to it.

Now, I'd helped him out the other day--he's a bit on the shy side and doesn't like to go out, but I thought he needed to meet someone, so we put together a personal ad for him. We'd managed to come up with:

GWM, 25, 150#, homebody, loves to cook, seeking...

It went on for a bit, but we focused more on what he wanted because neither of us could really find anything interesting to say about him. He's not a bad sort, but you see why he's single.

Anyway, the ad his finger was on was clearly the same ad I'd submitted, only it gave his weight as 250# instead.

"Who'd answer an ad like that? I'd be a blimp!"

I was a little pudgier than Jay - a little past that number myself - but I decided not to make this about me. (He likes to cook -I like to eat.)

"I'm sure there must be someone who wouldn't mind," I said. "And if you do get a call, you can get them straightened out right away. We'll send in a correction after lunch--I'll go by the paper myself."

Just then the phone rang. Jay picked it up.

"Hello? ... Yeah, I posted the ad ... No, I'm not a 'big boy'" - he started getting agitated again - "I'm 150! ... Yeah, I know you can't print lies in the paper ... No, I don't want to get bigger, perv ... Listen, just ..." He growled with disgust and slammed the receiver down.

I was staring at him with surprise, which he misinterpreted. "Why did I do that?" he said. "I shouldn't be picky... with anyone who'd be interested in me despite my weight..."

From the moment he'd hung up, his body had changed. The loose clothes he'd been wearing were filled out to a much more generous form. He didn't seem to notice the change at all. "Dude, why am I even hanging out in here? I've got breakfast to make. Come down and help, would you?"

I watched him make breakfast--he didn't really need much in the way of help--and was absolutely at a loss for what to say. Jay didn't notice he'd nearly doubled in size.

As he reached up to grab the flour, exposing the entire lower half of his belly, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind, an attempt to orient myself: "Jay, do you have any clothes that fit?"

He immediately turned bright red and pulled his shirt down. "Zed!" he said. "I didn't know I... just any old thing around the house... didn't mean to bother you..."

I didn't try to calm him down--that never worked. And I could tell he was more embarrassed than hurt. Still, he left the room, returning after a few moments in a much looser T-shirt, and went back to putting pancakes together.

I tried not to ask any more questions. Clearly this was normal for him; I'd only make myself look stupid or crazy by asking questions. So I excused myself and went to looking through the apartment.

And nothing had really changed. Well--all right, he was definitely fatter in the couple of pictures he had of himself in his room--maybe a few extra snack wrappers by his bed?--but I guess having a 250-lb roommate doesn't make things much different from having a 150-lb roommate.

That, or I didn't notice anything else that might have changed.

That was kind of worrying. He didn't notice the change--maybe I only noticed the change I saw.

And the queasy feeling in my stomach that followed on that thought was immediately replaced by quite the reverse kind of thrill as a new idea came into my head that I immediately kicked myself for.

Because I wondered if I could do it again.

The next morning, though, I was in front of a blank Word document, trying to think, if the feat could be duplicated, what would be worth doing.

The sight of my roommate's belly hanging out had stuck with me all day and invaded my fantasies that night.

And I had thus already started Jay's new ad:

GWM, 25, 450#...

...I wanted to see that big belly. And, I thought, typing with one hand while the other stroked myself firmly through my sweatpants, I wanted to see that belly. I added "nudist" to his self-description. Be brave, Jay! Show it all off!

The paper was a small one, with what you might call an alternative audience, so I could probably get away with a lot of... intimate details, without anyone thinking it strange.

I tried to imagine what else I'd want in a fat, naked roommate and came up empty. I was fixated on seeing him big, seeing him with a bare and massive gut, seeing that body in action... Ah, there it was...

My dick was out in my hand and I was jerking it desperately as my free hand started to type--

...looking for someone to share my exhibitionist side with...

My hand was already quite wet with pre as I stroked myself to the thought of a 450-pound Jay who'd casually jerk off in the living room, watching TV...

I was so caught up in the fantasy that I neglected to watch my aim and ended up shooting my load all over the monitor.

If only it would work again!

And then I hesitated, worried. What if it didn't work? Someone would call, and who else could he think would have changed it? It'd be too obvious I'd hijacked his ad.

Baby steps, then. I left the rest of his ad the same. If he asked about the additions, I'd say I was trying to spice him up a bit. And if he asked about the weight, well... it was a typo, of course it'd be a typo.

I hit Print.

I snuck out first thing the next morning, before Jay got up, and put the envelope with the new ad and the payment in the paper office's drop box, which was on the corner of Rosewood and 11th, a few blocks from home and on the way to work.

It was the longest morning I've ever had to sit through; the anticipation kept me so hard I could barely concentrate. I avoided the phone because I was afraid I'd accidentally let my thoughts slip out--a silly fear, I know, but one I've had ever since a particularly embarrassing day in sixth grade.

I escaped for lunch fifteen minutes early and got to my usual coffee shop just as the new papers were arriving. I picked up a copy, a croissant and a coffee and sat down to read.

There was the ad, just as I'd written it. My imagination was running away with itself at this point--I saw I might have to make a show of dropping coffee on myself to cover the spreading stain of precum in my khakis. In my mind's ear I was hearing--

"Hey there, big fellah, any chance you might wanna hook up later today?"

Only it wasn't my mind's ear. I turned and saw a thin man in black and gray sitting behind me, talking into a large cellular phone. Could he be talking to Jay? I felt a slight disappointment that if he was, I wasn't there to see the change. But I was already so worked up that when he hung up, saying "Excellent, I'll see you at four," I actually shot my load in my pants.

I didn't even have to fake dropping the coffee; my fingers lost their grip on the cup all by themselves as I came, and it spilled everywhere, the lid popping off when it landed in my lap. I yelped, but by good fortune I'd gone for the iced coffee today, so it was only surprise rather than pain.

I cleaned myself up as much as I could and headed back to work, feeling somewhat regretful that I was stuck at work till five. Every minute the obsession grew stronger, and very shortly I was entirely failing to focus on work rather than horny daydreams. I skipped out at 4:30 with the one thought filling my mind:

I need to see Jay.

I all-out ran home. I had to see. But when I reached the apartment door I knew I should recover myself before going in--not being used to running, I actually felt kind of faint.

So I sat by the door and tried to catch my breath, though this didn't help me overcome my anticipation at all, since the quieting of my own breathing allowed me to hear heavy breathing within.

Hard again and already dripping, I got up and put my key in to unlock the door but found it already unlocked. I swung it open and there was Jay--looking absolutely enormous at 450, entirely naked, with the thin man from the coffee shop in black and gray between his legs, sucking him off, as he sat in a chair facing the door.

Half of me was thinking fuck yeah while the other half was noticing this view was only possible because the living room had been rearranged--the couch, against the wall now, would have been blocking the view before.

The thin man had stopped when he'd heard the door open, but Jay put a hand--a big, meaty hand--on the back of his head and pushed him back down to his crotch. "It's just my roommate," he said. "He knows he can watch if he likes. I wish he would--he never does."

What? I thought. Why would I turn this down?

--Well, I never did turn him down. But before the change I never had the opportunity. 'Never watching him before' apparently meant something different in this reality, but was still true.

I was sitting there flustered but Jay was still talking to me. "Are you sure you won't sit and watch with me, buddy? Just this once? Mmm..." he said, ruffling the thin man's hair. "Keep doing that. Please?" The plea was not to the man sucking his cock, but to me.

I shook my head, trying to clear off the stunned shock that had come over me even though this was exactly what I'd been imagining all day.

Whatever I'd done in the new past or the old, today I had the chance to enjoy watching Jay, and I was going to take it. I shucked off my shoes, ditched my pants, and sat on the couch, jerking my cock and admiring every round inch of my roommate as a stranger worshipped his dick.

"Awh, fuck yeah," growled Jay, grinning hungrily, and watched me as he kept his hand on his cocksucker's head, grinding his hips--those massive, round, squeezable hips--into the lucky fellow's face.

The sheer masculine power in him was enough to get me off almost immediately, splattering an enormous load all over my work shirt.

When Jay saw this he started thrusting faster into the thin man's mouth, and it wasn't long before--"Get ready to swallow, boy," and he shoved his dick deep into the thin man's throat, burying the lucky fellow's face in his pubic fat.

The man swallowed frantically till Jay let go of his head and pulled out.

I saw his whole dick for the first time--at least, the first time in the memories I had this morning. Of course now I've always seen Jay naked, but it still felt like a first time.

It had to have been nine inches and was the fattest natural dick I've ever seen.

Part of me was wondering how big he must've been before I'd made him fat.

Part of me, even though I'd just cum, was eager to put it in my mouth.

Jay walked the thin man to the door and said goodbye to him.

When he was gone, I slid off the couch and knelt at Jay's feet, immediately taking as much of that fat wet cock into my mouth as I could. He was clearly surprised, but didn't stop me.

Part of me was enjoying sucking my obese roommate's spent cock more than I'd ever enjoyed anything in my life.

And an insatiable part of me was already writing up a new ad in my head, because I'd started thinking: "What if he had two dicks this big?"


It all started with a shower of confetti. Stevens had brought a piñata to the office for my birthday party. It was enormous--almost as big as he was--and a lion, just like me. "Saw this outside that party place on the corner and thought of you,"...

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I got up before the alarm went off, slid my dick off my chest, and let it counterweight me to an upright position. Another day had brought more growth to my girth, and I've got to say, I was pretty proud of its progress. Before the Changes had...

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Arky's offer 2

**Monday** I was in the middle of my mid-afternoon pawing-off when I was interrupted by a knock at the door. I tried to ignore it, and went back to the task at hand for a while, but the knocking went on for a good ten minutes. I got up and answered...

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