Unexpected Pleasure (Part two of three)

Story by Anima Ookami Neko on SoFurry

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2620 words. So far so good XD

Skyeder awoke the next morning, excited and refreshed. "Yes! Vacation day! Whoooohoooo!" He exclaimed, leaping out of bed. First things first, a shower was in order due to yesterdays endeavors. The gryphon pranced to the bathroom, turning on shower to run cool, revitalizing water. He jumped in without hesitation, gasping as the cold water shocked his warm skin, sending waves of chills through his body. Skyeder was thrilled by what this new day would hold, the prospect of soaking in some sun and attracting other males... Once Skyeder was satisfied that he was not only clean, but smelled sweeter than a field of roses. The feminine boy climbed out and dried, trying to figure out what he wanted to wear. Well, there is that cute red dress I got last night. No, won't do, smells of sex, plus it's stained. What about my butty shorts? Ya! That would surely get a little crowd interested. He thought excitedly as he left the bathroom. He furiously rummaged through his dresser and flung clothes across the room until he found the shorts. He pulled on some cute purple panties and slid the shorts over them, allowing the panty straps hang teasingly above the rim of the shorts. He stumbled through the mess, making his way to the closet, and tore it open. What goes with shorts? Hmmmm... a tube top would be nice. And with that, he plucked a spotted blue tube top and pulled it over his head. "Time to go!" He whooped happily, rushing out the door excitedly.

As Skyeder made his way to the beach, it became apparent just how appealing he must look as he watched the guys of the neighborhood fall over themselves. One who was delivering newspapers even ran into a mailbox because his eyes were glued to the gryphon. He giggled, amused by the antics around him. He kept his pace up, leaving the neighborhood behind, but not without a follower. He glanced behind him and noticed a rather muscular equine, the stallions toned frame very apparent as to the fact he was wearing swimming shorts with no shirt. Skyeder slowed his pace, waiting for the horse to catch up.

"Why are you following me? I don't take well to stalkers." He told the horse, his face smiling so as to show he wasn't actually mad. The horse glanced at him, surprised, but still walking

"Following you? No, not really. Im going to the nude beach. It has been ages since I've been there and I am eager to visit again." He told Skyeder. He eyed the birdie up and down, taking in the feminine looks and panties, and immediately registering he was a femboi, which piqued his interest. "So, where are you going then?"

"Same place. It's the start of my vacation today, and I plan on taking full advantage of it." Skyeder told him, blushing as he noticed the horse eyeing him. My, he is quite the strapping male. Big boy you can breed me any time! He mentally yelled, smiling up at the bigger male before realizing something. "Wait, your going to the nude beach to?" Skyeder gasped, surprised but not displeased. Ooooh, horses are known for there size. Please tell me he's gay! He begged, imagining the horse riding him. He couldn't wait to see him nude.

"Yes, I often go there to... releive stress." The stallion told him. "Well, since we seem to be such good friends now, my name is Ryder, pleasure to meet you." Ryder told him, extending a hand for a shake. The gryphon gave him a funny look, and then hugged him.

"Mine is Skyeder, a pleasure to meet you to." He told the stallion, feeling the warmth of the large male seep into his own skin. His smell! He had such a rich, musky, powerful scent that drew him closer to the stallion. Reluctantly, he pulled away though, so as to avoid any akward situations. Ryder to was dissapointed with their parting, the slender males soft feathers against him... Given the chance, he would so take the gryphons tail hole.

As they topped a hill, the duo stopped to rest, the beach far below them. Skyeder gasped in amazement as he saw the large spread of white sand and the crystal blue waters. The beauty of it surprising him. Ryder was entranced by something else though, the view of the tight shorts on his new friends rear, making it look small and tight. He shuddered, half tempted to bend the other male over right then.

"It's so beautiful!" The gryphon exclaimed, walking down forwards the final destination of pleasure. The stallion set his pace to match the excited femboi, his eyes now focused on the pink fur and feathers.

"Aye, that it is." He agreed, turning away and staring at the quickly growing beach as they neared it. When they finally got there, they were met with a sign. It read 'Nude beach, leave clothes with clerk.' The stallion smiled, now having a chance to see that cute little tail hole his friend was sure to have. He quickly stripped along with the other male, carefully watching Skyeder teasingly slide off his shorts and panties. The gryphon noticed the large horse member start to harden, the cock soon reaching it's full and astonishing sixteen inches. Skyeder whistled, turning around and teasingly shaking his rear at him.

"Like what you see? I know I do!" He told Ryder, giggling as put his clothes on the counter with the clerk, his own shaft solid and hard, though definatly small than the stallions. Skyeder grasped his hand and pulled him along, dragging the willing but still larger male to the surf, the cool, clear water splashing at their feet. "Look, so many people!" The gryphon exclaimed, pointing at the mass of nudists on the beach. Many ran about them, allowing their breasts or members to wave happily in the wind as they played or swam. ******************

Unknown to the pair however, a strange creature swam those waters, one not seen unless it wanted to be seen. His name was Gigas and often he came here to observe the workings of the mortals as they frolicked in his waters. Today seemed like any normal day to the sea dragon god, all except for one thing. He saw a bright pink gryphon become awestruck as he gazed upon the dragons territory. This could get interesting. He seems to be quite a specimen. Perfect for breeding... He thought darkly as he swam closer, using the tentacles on his back to move closer faster. Gigas has spotted his new prey.

****************** The day wore on from early morning to mid afternoon, the two males getting increasingly more flirtatious as the day went by. Skyeder was just about to jump his bones when the horse jumped his, the large stallion easily pushing the smaller male to the ground. Skyeder let out a moan as the horse wrapped his hands around his cock, teasing the tip as he brought the gryphon under his control. Ryder had been waiting to do this since they had first met. He teased the now dripping tip before giving it a lick, bringing his head down on Skyeders groin and engulfing the males cock in his maw. Skyeder let out a moan as the warm mouth took in his member, feeling the horses tongue swirl around his tip and tease it as the bobbing started. The horse began to deepthroat the gryphons shaft, taking it all the way in and sucking down the pre.

"Ryder!" Skyeder gasped out, moaning in front of the large crowd that assembled around them to watch the display. "People...ohhhh, they're watching." He told the horse, who either didn't care, or didn't hear as he took Skyeder to his climax. The Gryphon thrusted instinctively into the stallions maw, who happily took it to his throat as the wave of seed gushed down his throat with powerful spurts. Skyeder let out moan after moan until he was done, the last of it dribbling out. Ryder pulled away, a string of cum connecting his tongue to the still oozing member as he did. "Mmmm, tastes like candy!" He exclaimed, licking his lips in the astonished gryphons face. "However, I think that I might like that tail hole of yours...." He told the femboi smiling, much to the crowds delight as they started clapping and cheering.as he turned Skyeder onto his belly and pulled his rear into the air. "Man, you look so tight. I don't even know if I will fit!" Ryder complimented, starring down at the puckered hole. Skyeder blushed, shocked that he was gonna be ridden in front of such a crowd. He gulped, moaning as he felt the stallions blunt and dripping tip push against his rim, feeling as his hole struggled to envelope the girth of the larger male.

"GaaahhAHH!" He moaned, screaming as the shaft popped in, stretching him bigger than ever before. The pain was quick, but as Ryder stayed put, letting him get accustomed to it, it soon faded. "Alright..I'm... Im ready." he told the the stallion. Bracing himself for more pain, but was surprised not to have any, only pleasure as the horse slid deeper into him, moaning.

"Damn,... your so tight!" He groaned, pushing all off his amazing sixteen inches in. Skyeder let out a satisfied moan as the throbbing member hilted him, the heat pulsating with his love tunnle causing him to shudder with delight. He gasped as his friend pulled out, slowly, letting his tip reach the rim, and shoved right back in with a moan. As the stallion continued the process, he went faster and faster, pulling the gyphons hips back with every thrust into him. He began pumping pre into him, pre into him, the little femboi moaning in pleasure as he felt himself be filled with warning. With one final push, Ryder hilted him again, spraying his cum deep into the bowels of the male, the sheer amount causing the gryphons tummy to swell. As it started to spurt from the tail hole around his cock, the horse pulled out, still cumming as threads of it coated the panting males back, who to started cumming when the warm stickiness started striking his insides. He gasped, feeling his back heat up as the hot spunk covered him, feeling it slide down the sides of his belly and rear. The horse got up, chuckling as he dripped the last of his cum to the sand below.

"Definatly the tightest I have ever fucked."


Gigas had been watching the whole thing, having to fap off as he got aroused by the gryphons need for a rider. As the large threads of white cum swirled around him, the large dragon made his decision. He wanted that boy, and what he wanted, he got. He swam quickly to the shore, striking out as he flung the crowd aside, a large tentacle shooting strait for the femboi, wrapping him up and pulling him to the water. As Gigas pulled the struggling male into the sea, a large clear bubble surrounded the struggling male so as to keep him from drowning. ****************

Skyeder screamed as the large blue tentacle grabbed him, the slimy tendril instantly pulling him into the sea and right into a large sphere of air. He struggled and fought, or at lest tried because he was so enmeshed in the tentacle he couldn't move. He was able to catch sight of his attacker, or at least the silhouette as the large dark figure swam deep down into the ocean. It looked like some sorta water demon, maybe a dragon. Whatever it was, it increased speed and plunged deep down. As the inky darkness surrounded them, Skyeder lost all hope, his fear winning out as he started to cry. This was supposed to be his vacation. He was supposed to be having fun, not miles under the ocean! Just when he thought the darkness would go on forever, he noticed things started to glow a bright green, everything. He looked about, his eyes finally resting upon a large white castle, one that looked as though it was made from the pearls surrounding it.

Gigas swam into the palace, his form shimmering as he shrank down and dropped the shivering male onto the golden floor. He looked for all the wold like a seadragon, no wings, slender and a dark blue. The only difference was the blue tentacles that looked as though they sprouted from his back. Skyeder began to shake with fear again, gulping as the seadragon let his tentacles down, the things turning into a clear water like color as they fused with his long whip like tail.

"Welcome to my home mortal. You should thank me, no one has set foot in here for neigh over a thousand years. I chose you to be my slave. This is an honor few have ever known, and one you should feel blessed to have." He told the gryphon, his voice coming out rough and gravelly. He gazed down upon his newly entitled slave, expecting the praise he deserved. Instead though, he received something else as the gryphons fear became replaced by something else.

"BLESSED! I AM NOT BLESSED, I AM PISSED!" He roared, glaring hatfully at the large dragon. "I did not ask to be taken from the beach, I did not ask to be dragged all the way down here, and I for damn sure did not want to be a slave!" He shouted, approaching the sea dragon with his feathers poofed out agitatedly. The dragon's only response was a backhand that slammed Skyeder to the floor with a painful thud.

"A slave never speaks out of place. A slave never question and only accepts what he is told." Gigas told him, growling menacingly. "I am your master, and my name is Gigas. Obey,a nd accept. You will do what I ask, how I ask. No matter what it is." He told the dazed femboi. The nude bird stood back up, shaking his head in refusal.

"No! Never. You can't just force someone to do what you want. It's wronge, and I will never obey you." He said defiantly, only to whipped feircly by the whip like tail, the blow flinging him down as he cried in pain. The tail thrashed at him, striking his back repeatedly as it struck harder and harder, the stingings turning into small cuts as it struck him. He cried out in agony, crying as the blows continued. Once satisfied, Gigas stopped, approaching him and picking up the smaller male by the neck.

"You will learn. Trust me. Perhaps you need time to think over your situation? That I can arrange." Gigas dragged the groaning gryphon down a long hall. Once at the end it became clear what he was going for. A cell, one full of chains. "I think you will have plenty of time in here, don't you?" Gigas asked, laughing sadisticly as he threw Skyeder in, the chains reaching out an pulling him to the wall, litterally keeping him off the ground. "I will be back in a few days. Tell me what you think when I get back. Untill we meet again!" He said cheerily, leaving the battered femboi in the now locked cell, his cruel laughs echoing in the skull of the victim, who began to cry as his nude body hung there, waiting for the master to return

What kind of vacation is this? What's next? I don't want to know....

Unexpected Pleasure (Part one of three)

Skyeder arrived home, the pink gryphon clicking his beak happily as he undressed from his cumbersome work clothes and climbed into the shower. Today was the day! Well, tommorrow actually, but today he was on vacation from work for a week! He felt as...

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