Trapped Within His Eye: Welcoming

Story by AngelicDevil on SoFurry

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This is the second part in my Trapped Within His Eye series, hope you all enjoy!

If you haven't read my first part, please go and find it on my homepage!


Half on hour the two female servants sliced away at the screaming man's flesh, before his voice was silenced and he thrashed about no more. The green tint along Astyra's skin was gone, replaced by a very pale coloring that was not meant for her. Katria was holding onto the nymph girl for fear of falling over from the site of such gruesome torture. As the knives were cleaned and the peices of the slaughtered body burned, both girls were led away by yet another human servant.

"They... those girls... blood... everywhere..." Katria stuttered, stumbling along and clearly not complying what happened. The scent of burning flesh and scorched bones filled Astyra's nose as she scrunched it up, coughing from the smell. "I know... just ignore it. Remember your home, where your from, how much you love it there... it'll take your mind off of... that..."

Katria closed her eyes, forcing a smile onto her face. "Mom making salmon cake... butterflies everywhere... me as a little kit..." Astyra laughed softly, Katria looking at her. "What?" The feline demanded to know. "Oh, it's just you scrunch up your nose and look like you've eaten something bad when your thinking." Both the girls needed that, laughing aloud as the feeling of complete dread lifting from the air, causing them both to get a huge grin.

"Is that what we're gonna get done to?" Astyra sounded uncertain, looking at Katira. Katira shook her head, sighing softly. "I hope not." The two females were led into a room, their eyes grew wide in shock and awe. A stream ran right through the magnificent, large room. It was like a miniature version of nature inside of the house. As soon as the door slammed shut though, the two knew there was no way out.

It seemed as if an endless sky poured out above them. An artifical sun shining in the sky with clouds that chased one another round and round. A soft wind blew the scents of flowers and herbs everywhere into the air. Trees grew round the room, even new ones started to bloom. The air held the feeling of life and renewle, even though upon closer inspection, it showed that the forest went out about a hundred feet in each direction before just ending, as though by a resistence.

There were scents of others here as well, mostly of humans whom were there before others. There was also blood lingering, lots of blood. The grass grew wild, though it stayed short beneath their bare toes. Daffodils, rose bushes, and snap dragons grew by the handfuls. The dew on them seemed to sparkle like diamonds.

Katria was already up in a tree, stretching way up and dragging her claws along the base of the tree trunk. Astyra sighed softly, looking miserable without her harp. She grabbed onto a vine and slowly started to peel away the smaller vines growing it, her fingers delicately running along it as she whispered, telling the vine how she was sorry she took its babies, but she needed it to help this forest grow.

As soon as she gathered enough tiny, thin vines, she braided them to different lengths. One as big as her, another as long as her pinky fingers. They were very fine, braided tight enough to be the width of a single string of hair. Making a single one would take her at least an hour, she knew, the whole harp would take weeks.

She didn't have time for that as the door slammed open, the feral dragon marching in and letting out a loud growl that ended in a jet of white hot flames that tickled the tops of the trees. Katria hid in a branch that hung high, only her tail peeking out and shaking. Astyra looked calm and collected, but very mad. That dragon had taken away her home and she hated him for it, filleted man or not.

But something did not seem right. This dragon was smaller, it's eyes narrow, and the voice... lighter. "You two. Come with me." Without waiting for their answer, the dragon turned round and made off, lifting its tail and flashing a pair of lime-sized testicales. The dragon was also a lighter shade of black, nearly gray with no spikes on its tail and with a curvier body.

Astyra coaxed Katria down, taking her hand softly and slowly following the large, feral beast. They were led down halls, through dark cooridors, human servants running every which way along with a few dogs here or there. Doors slammed shut as they walked, their contents hidden... for now.

"They sure do have a lot of 'Stay the hell out' signs." Katria said. Even if there were no actual signs, the meaning was clear as even more doors slammed shut. No 'slaves' allowed. Astyra was still holding fast to her freedom, though it slowly slipped through her fingers and into the neathers.

Blinding sunlight hit them square in the face as a door was opened, making them both close their eyes and rub them. The dragon used its tail to force the girls out into a fenced off backyard. The ground was covered with glass, sand, dirt, and no living, wet thing. The only sign of any life was a cool, clear, flowing, white fountain that stood in the very center.

"Well, come here!" A melodious sound filled the air, but was also annoyed. Both girls looked confused and freaked out by the unknown source of the voice. "Over here!" A mermaid pulled herself onto the edge of the fountain, her silvery locks cascading down her back, completely dry though she had been submerged.

Both the girls looked ahead, shocked. "It took you guys long enough to get back here." The two girls slowly walked forward, careful to avoid the glass and dirt. Astyra tried to make something grow with her magic, but it didn't work. This land was more barren than a stone wall.

The mermaid's alabaster scales were glittering in the bright sunlight, the heat was intense out in this yard. So much that the semi-aquatic female had to keep spooning water in her hands and spreading it throughout her tailfin. "I bet you two are wondering why you are here. Come, come, sit down, we haven't got all day." The two females sat down on the edge of the fountain, aghast.

"Who are y-" Astyra began as the mermaid held up a single finger for silence. "My name is Nesteria. I am, infact, a mermaid. And before you ask, no, white mermaids are not easy to come by. That's why I was bought, as well as for you too. Sure, there are human servents who run around here taking care of the day-to-day chores, but there are special creatures here exactly for the Master."

"How ever though, " Nesteria continued. "There are as well, some rules. He is Master. Or Sir. Any door that is unlocked your free to go into. But we all have our duties in this house. There is now six of us in this house. Myself, you two, the twins, and Misty. Since there a seven days in a week, we will each be having one day, then on sunday, we shall draw straws to see who gets to go that night."

"Today is Friday, so Astyra, it's your night. Katira, you're on Wednesdays." Astyra jumped to her feet, her eyes wide in panic as her chest rose and fell rapidly. "What!? I'm suppose to... and he... big... why me?!" She slammed her foot against the ground, demanding to know why she had to be picked for this night.

"A special request from the Master himself, since he saved your friend over here, he says he has a right, and the command, to have you here on your first night. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." The nymph's heart was racing out of control. Her thoughts were a blur, she couldn't even decipher them.

She opened her mouth to scream at the mermaid, but was cut off by a human voice. "The Master wishes that the two new slaves join him in the dining room for dinner..." Katira jumped to her feet, famished. "Sweet." Nesteria and the girls said their goodbyes as they followed the human female out, even more strange doors being slammed and the contents being just out of their reach.

The female bowed as they entered a grand ballroom with a gigantic, long table resting in the middle, their new 'Master' waiting by the other end of the table, a feast laid out before him. Katira and Astyra slowly approached him, their mouths watering from the aroma that was wafting through the air.

"It all looks delicious..." Remarked Katira, her eyes wide as she gazed. The large, onyx dragon laugh, a deep rumbling sound. "That it does... Would you like a bite?" His voice seemed a bit hostile as he spoke, both girls nodding, frightened by how such a simple sentence would sound so menacing.

"Your dinner is over there." He would motion with a large, clawed hand to the farther end of the table, which seemed to be lowered to the ground greatly for better access to the... dogs of the mansion? It was true, the table stood no more than a few inches on the furthest side, yet over five feet on the side near their new Master.

The two females would venture closer to the end of the long, stone table, seeing two dog-like dishes set upon the floor with a chain and collar attached to the edge of the table. Katira looked knowingly down at them. Though they were filled with the same food as on the table, they were still upon the floor. A symbol they were only animals, things to be used, in his eyes.

Astyra, on the other hand, was a bit naive. She came to the thought, that the bowls were for actual dogs and not of the werecat, nor nymph, kind. Before her curiousity could peek though, two female hand maids came forward, attaching the collars quickly to the two girls who just looked confused and helpless.

"Astyra... This isn't what you think it is... Just get down on your hands and knees and don't look at me... Please just listen..." Katira's voice was barely above a whisper. Astyra looked confused, only hearing bits and pieces. "Huh? Hands and knees? Why?"

A loud growl silenced them both and made them drop quickly to the ground as their Master bit into a whole chicken, the bones cracking mercilessly between his teeth. Katira stifled back any of the pride as she had and gently leaned down, small tears dripping out of the corners of her eyes as she ate.

Astyra looked down at the food, sitting up on her knees and looking at them. The bowl consisted of a roll, small pieces of fruit, a few leafy greens, and a large piece of meat right on top of everything else. "I can't eat this. I'm a vegetarian... I'll get sick..."

The Master looked annoyed, glaring at her but not wanting one of his newest slaves to die of starvation or end up throwing up on him in the long run. He waved his paw once more, gesturing to another one of his servants. The male came quickly, taking away the bowl and replacing it with one filled with only fruit and leafy greens. She smiled to him and bowed her head softly as Katira sat up, finished, even more tears pouring out of her eyes as she lightly started to clean herself.

Not getting the memo, Astyra ate quickly with her fingers as the food was slowly being taken away by even more servants. Both girls were uncollared as they stood up, talking silently. The large, male dragon would walk forward towards the girls. He stepped between them, forcing them apart a good ten feet.

He looked at Kit. "You. To your room." His gaze wavered on her for a second before she slowly started to walk away, breaking into a dead run as soon as she was out of sight. "You." Astyra jumped slightly and turned to meet his gaze, only to jump back when she found his maw had been inches from her own body.

"My servants will dress and clean you. You will be in my bed chamber by sunset." With that he walked away, lumbering down the hallway as his tail swung carelessly from side to side, the spikes striking the wall and cutting into them.

"Come with us, slave." A deep, gruff voice emerged from behind her. As she turned, she expected to see a large male. Between her and about two feet, was a large, heavy set German woman. She wore an apron that was covered in small smudges of different colors, a small amount of flour on her face as her large, blue eyes looked the girl over.

"Too skinny for me." The woman quickly led Astyra down a different hallway than the previous others, this one lavished richly with tapestries and priceless paintings hanging on every wall. It was clear this was the main hallway that most guests saw.

"Black... With purple and silver... Yes...." The female seemed to be muttering to herself before she turned her head and began to speak to directly to her. "The men I know prefer plump women... Your a twig compared to the beauties back home. But the Master prefers the smaller ones. He says it feels better..."

'Feels better?' Thought Astyra, 'What on earth could she mean?' "Um... Excuse me? Where are we going?" She was led into a room, a handful of men and women gathering a black and silver fabric along with purple trimming and making a small fitting gown. "Shush, slave. He wants you to be pretty before he breaks you."

At those words, the nymph's eyes grew two sizes. "Breaks? I don't want to die!" As she turned to run, it seemed the lady was a step ahead of her. Her arm was quickly snatched as she was forced onto a type of of podium, the dress slipping over her head as her arms were forcing through the holes, the leaves she wore slipping down off her body and her hair falling all over her face.

Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes as she watched as the few leaves she had managed to save were roughly brushed from her hair and thrown away. Once more her hair was brushed and combed, something sticky rubbed into her scalp as pins stuck into her head, holding her hair in place as some sort of fake flower piece was stuck behind her ear.

"You all are monsters! You're destorying the very thing that created you! Your killing them!" The dress makers would seem to ignore her as the cook lady went on. "You will arrive at his bed chamber and wait upon his bed till he comes into the room. You will not touch anything, or even more from where you are told to sit."

"You shall listen to him, obey every word he says. His consequences for disobeying are not fun... I heard he nearly ripped Nessy in half the first time she came here. But above all else, you will refer to him as your Master." She walked up, firmly gripping the girls chin as she looked into her eyes. "You are his now. And he will use you whenever and however he pleases. Got it?"

Her eyes had grown to the size of plates by the time she had gotten dressed and the woman had finished talking. So far, all she could do was nod as yet another servant led her out by her arm towards the Master's bed chamber. She didn't say much, she was still in shock.

'What did she mean by use me? Am I gonna be a stool now?' The thought of trying to support his weight could have made the breath in her lungs be crushed out at the very idea. She slowly walked down the long, lavished hallway, taking a deep breath. All she had to do was be brave in the face of something that could kill her. Perfect.

The doors to her Master's bedroom opened, and she wanted to run more than anything. But before she could, she was shoved in and the door was slammed, leaving her in a room that glittered like gold. Gold and jewels littered the floor in gigantic piles that surrounded an even bigger bed that held... the Master. He eyed her like a piece of meat.

Astyra bowed slightly, shivering in her thin silks. She didn't want to make him mad, who knows how he would 'use her' then. He motioned for her to come over, so she did. She took a seat down beside him, swallowing slightly as she watched him look her over. His claws gently ran along her bare leg, chills crawling up along her leg as she pulled away slightly. He felt cold, more dead than alive. She was against everything he was for.

He was liquid fire, probably being able to produce it as well. He destroyed the world she grew up in to make that shack. He hunted her down to process her. Well, not really. But he was a slaver and the slave market had captured her. Or at least that was how she thought it worked. She usually stayed out of the city world for this reason. They were all tree murderers! He had a fireplace burning bright, making her shutter in fear from the thought of how many of her friends it had already killed.

He drew in a deep breath and she expected to be baked to a crispy salad right there. "Where were you born, Astyra?" His deep voice rumbled, a single silver eye looking over here. She was shocked, her mouth hung open slightly as she stuttered. "Well-I'm from... The north? I think. I was born between two great oaks whose branches intertwined and created a large shelter. I lived there ever since I was taken away."

She glared at him slightly, but only received a chuckle in return. He licked the side of her once more, grinning toothily. "Well then, that explains why you smell and taste like the bark of one." She shuttered, wiping the slimy residue off of her body. He was disgusting. "Now," he smirked, watching her reaction. "For my next question. What are your abilities?"

She lit up slightly, looking at him with confusion and excitement. "Ummm... I can make my own bow and arrows, I can sing, I help the forest grow. Without me, spring will have never shown up. My personal specialty is making peach trees bloom. If I didn't do that, most of the surrounding villages would either have worm-covered flesh or be rotten to the core. My pollens keep them as a delicacy."

"What are your abilities that could be useful to me?" He would grumble, slightly annoyed. She seemed slightly confused, only half-knowing on what he meant. "Well, like I said. I help grow the peach trees. There was this one girl I knew. I tried to teach her the ways of the forest but she ended up leaving the country. I see I should have as well. So many of my beauties die-" He would growl, completely annoyed now as he stared her down.

"Those are of no use to me. You have one more chance." She should shake softly and lean back, her lips trembling. "Well, I... uh... I can sing. And cook a little." She swallowed hard as he seemed to relax visibly. "But no meat, is that right?"

She would nod softly, rubbing her arm. "It makes me violently ill." He suddenly reached a paw out as she cringed, closing her eyes and curling up tightly. His paw would wrap around her as he pulled her closer, pressing her right against the side of his foreleg. His tail wrapped around in front of her, blocking her exit to the door as she completed the circle by laying his head down, his eyes staring at her. "Sleep now. Your night is finished."

She opened her eyes, staring at him in confusion and wonderment. She opened her mouth to speak but he interupted her. "Your dress shall be retired till Sunday night when you six draw straws. I am hoping I can meet with you again though." He would grin toothily, roughly licking her thigh as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Astyra didn't close her eyes for one moment.