The Warrior of Ice - Part One - Awakening

Story by AusWolf on SoFurry

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The Warrior of Ice

Part One - Awakening

Hey Everyone,

This is the first instalment of a series that i hope will progress into something over time. I have never written anything of this length, nor anything of this nature before and i can safely say i never considered that i would be writing a story that would end up being published on SoFurry.

This is my first and definitely not my last story i wish to write.

For those of you who enjoy my story i want to let you know upfront that other future instalments will have other adult content such as : Male/Male, Male Incest, War, Death and Combat (Not in Yiff). If you do not enjoy any of these you may not enjoy future instalments.

This is a huge instalment. Mainly because I had to try and squeeze as much as i could of the back story into a chapter without dragging it out into others. There is so much that will be explained later on that it needed to be this size to work.

Please enjoy and I would love to hear your comments and ideas. Positive critisizm is ALWAYS appreciated.


06/06/2014 - Story re-written and re-submitted due to major changes. Part two coming soon


This story contains graphic sexual scenes not for persons less than 18/21 years of age depending on your country.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or events that may have occurred is purely coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed without consent of the author. All characters are copyrighted to the author unless permission has been given to be used in other media formats.

The Warrior of Ice - Part One - Awakening

Written by AusWolf

The morning sun woke me as its fell across my fur, its warming beam of light creeping through the open window nearby. I ran my paw through the soft pile of furs and blankets that made up my resting place as my eyes slowly adjusted to the light. The smouldering fireplace on the nearby wall glowed with red and yellow embers from the night before, their mild heat still radiated from them and washed lightly over my body as I stared at them. I rolled over and stretched out on my back as far as I could. My slumbered body groaned with cracks and pops as I worked the life back into it.

I sat up and squinted as the large familiar stone room my younger brother and I shared came into focus. The walls were lined with scribed parchments, woven tapestries, animal skin and cloths. Their colours a mixture of greens, gold's and browns. The family Sigel decorated intricately throughout each one.

I tilted my head up towards the tall roof; large wooden beams ran the length of the room, crossing at measured intervals that made the floor for the rooms above.

I turned to face the window and was met with pain as the sunlight blinding me of all vision. I cursed under my breath sighing loudly before letting my body fall limp towards the bed. I sprawled my naked body across the furs and moved a paw down to my sheath. The small red tip of my manhood barely visible between my sheaths slit. A small bead of clear pre formed at its end. My paw gave a gentle squeeze of the meaty mass inside, still slightly enlarged from my restless night. I ran my paw through the coarser fur that surrounded my sheath and travelled to my naval and down to my sack. My loins tingled at the sensation and I gave my sack a quick scratch feeling the coarser adult fur. The fur a constant reminder I was becoming more adult every day, though I still had a lot of growing to do yet. Compared to the other males my age I was still considered small.

A throbbing ache from my shaft demanded my attention, forcing me to focus. I had not dreamed during the night, or for that matter days; well not that I could remember. I couldn't remember when I last had a decent night's sleep. My mind was filled with so many other things that I couldn't understand why I kept waking in such a rutty mood. I sighed, my chest heaving in annoyance.

It then hit me, the smell overpowering my canine senses. The familiar smell of musk, sweat and male. I turned my head to the other side of the room where my brother usually slept. The small pile of furs and blankets were empty, a large blanket lay strewn across half of the bed and trailed along the floor. It was unusual for Ryn to be up before me. There was nothing the young pup enjoyed more than sleeping in till late morning. The smell became stronger as my sensitive nose pointed in the direction of his bed. Ryn was that age where he had just discovered what it meant to be a young male and the extreme enjoyment one could achieve from pawing off.

Unfortunately for me he had not yet managed to control his primal instincts and his growing body only burnt with lust and desire for release. I remembered being that age and how difficult it was at first to ignore the impulses and temptations, how every smell; every sensation sent you into frenzy. I tried my hardest to attempt patience with him but I wished he would just stop doing it inside our chambers. His bedding always smelt so strong of male.

How I wished to be twelve again like Ryn. No concerns or worries, playing with the other pups all day, the occasional wilderness lessons out in the large open forest, and wandering the city getting into all sorts of trouble. Would be nice to not have to worry about things like weapon training, or worse, Adjai (Ad-Jye) training.

The wolves of our pack have always had "unique" abilities to harness the elements of nature, yet it was considered extremely rare for a wolf to possess such talents. Those that did normally had so little control over their element that it barely counted for anything. The packs elders always spoke of the Adjai's abilities and the countless generations past that were able to move and control the elements Earth, Fire or Water.

Those with an Adjai's abilities could only ever move or shape the element, never create it, and the ability was usually passed down through family lineage, every few generations sprouting a pup or two with Adjai traits.

My father, the Alpha and Leader of the pack was a fire Adjai. He had been born into a very old lineage of wolves where a fire Adjai pup was born almost every generation. My family's elders many generations ago had been revered so highly within the tribe because of this ancestry lineage that throughout time and great internal pack conflict, my ancestors had become the leaders of the pack.

My father, Sarus, had assumed his rightful place as first born son when my grandfather Tytus stepped down as Alpha to teacher younger fire Adjai's. Like my father, my grandfather Tytus was also a fire Adjai. He was considered one of the most powerful that the pack had seen in generations. He was able to control large amounts of fire that would span almost 100 paces. My father had inherited most of my grandfather's abilities, but was still limited to moving smaller amounts of fire.

My mother had come from a family that long ago once had ancestors who were water Adjai's, but they had not beared an Adjai pup in four generations. That was until I was born. My older brother, Fintan, had inherited my father's skills. Fintan was only just starting to gain some control of his more advanced abilities. Even when he first came into his abilities he was always able to maintain a small flame at the end of his fingertips and when he concentrated hard enough could engulf his entire paw in a thin layer of flames. Like my father, Fintan had a natural talent for being an Adjai. I would often stare in awe as he played with the dancing flames, lighting things on fire and then extinguishing it with a mere thought. He came in handy at night when we needed somebody to start a fire, light a candle, or to guide us home through the darkened streets of the city.

I however was not so fortunate to be blessed with my father's and brothers powerful abilities. Instead of receiving a destructive and powerful gift I had received my mother's family's abilities'. I was a water Adjai, and after almost 2 years of rigorous training I was a still an amateur at best. Fintan at-least was useful and had potential to become a powerful and feared warrior that would one day not only command respect from the pack when he took over as Alpha from my father, but be a feared fire Adjai.

Amongst all things, only the more powerful Adjai's would be chosen to fight in the packs military battalion. Most would have to display a greater control over their element and have the ability to harness it in a way that could ultimately be used for battle or war. Most Adjai's that chose to train in the packs military were Fire and Earth Adjai. The fire Adjai's destructive power making them greatly desired as fighters, and the earth Adjai's sheer physical strength and ability to mould the terrain around them, making them useful for defences.

Most water Adjai in the tribe ended up toiling at the docks working the fishing boats gathering food for the pack, or worked closely with the Shamans and Healers to treat and heal the sick and wounded. My path had already been pre-planned before I had been born, as the second eldest son I would become second in charge of the pack and eventually become my older brother's Beta when he took over from my father.

My Adjai abilities had caused a heated outbreak of discussion between the Betas and Elders of the pack the day I first found out I was a water Adjai. My father was unsure of how to take the news when the elders first informed him of my element. He had sat quietly on his throne for a long time, thinking, as my older brother and I stood before him and his council of betas, all who were seated at the large wooden table that ran the entire length of his council chambers. My father's voice boomed as he addressed the council, all deep in conversation discussing their daily plans, news and politics.

"For as long as I can remember we have never had a water Adjai born into my family's lineage. We have had earth Adjai's many generations ago, but we have always been those born of fire."

He clicked his fingers where two metal rings met. His hand was instantly engulfed in flames, the red and orange light danced slowly across his body and face in the dimly lit chamber. His red crimson eyes focused on the flames, entranced by its movement. He then curled his paw into a fist and the flames extinguished, a smokey trail lifted into the air. The scent of extinguished fire filled the air as if somebody had snuffed out a candle. His hand and fur undamaged from the fires presence.

He then turned his attention towards Fintan and I who stood to the darkened side of the room, an attempt made to not get in the way of the larger muscled beta males whose bodies screamed male dominance, power, and respect. Their bodies ripped with muscle and were covered in an assortment of leather belts, ties, and pouches around their chests and waists, all containing weapons, books and possessions.

Many of the Betas were seasoned warriors and had seen years of battle. Some displayed scars showing where they had been wounded. None of them were larger than my father though. My father sat in his large throne chair situated at the very end of the wooden table, a parchment map and various military items strewn across the table top.

My father's throne was made from an enormous tree trunk that had been taken from the forest nearby almost 2 centuries ago. Its many knots and burrows had been moulded into elegant and detailed patterns that ran up the back of the thrown towards the chambers tall roof. His huge body was covered in thick muscles that his short dark grey fur clung to, giving even more definition to his menacing form.

His lighter grey chest fur ran from the bottom of his maw and down his large sturdy chest before it tapered towards his sheath. A large leather belt ran across his shoulder, down the front of his chest, and down the side of his hips. Attached to the front of the belt was a small metal dagger, its handle engraved with carvings', the blade head hidden in its leather scabbard.

My father's voice was quieter now, as he addressed us.

"Well I cannot say that this sort of thing had not passed my mind a long time ago when I chose your mother as my mate. There was always this possibility, and I was made aware of her ancestry before I had chosen her." He mused. "Your eyes however tell me everything I need to know. That I cannot deny."

It was true; my eyes had told him everything he needed to know. My eyes, now a ghostly shade of bright blue were different to the brown eyes I had become accustomed to for the first fifteen years of my life. The change had happened slowly as my body had begun to grow and change towards adult hood and my Adjai abilities had begun to manifest and make themselves more prominent.

I shifted my gaze to Fintan standing beside me, his brilliant red and orange eyes stood out against his dark grey fur, a perfect younger copy of our father. His gaze was off into the far distance, waiting till he was address. I stared back at my father, the same brilliant eyes were starting right at me, a concerned expression on his face.

I gulped.

"It should be interesting to see how your Adjai skills progress as you develop them with training. Fintan's beginning to show good signs that he may be a slightly more powerful fire Adjai than usual, perhaps even like his father." He turned his head to look at Fintan, a slight triumphant smile broke across his muzzle.

"However from what your trainers tell me Fintan, you may have also inherited your father's hot headed temper." The chamber broke out with soft deep laughs and sniggers from the surrounding betas as my father's smile widened. My father focused back on me again.

"We may be in need of somebody with your abilities in the not too near future pup. I will entrust you to ensure your brother doesn't burn the city down when he becomes angry." My father finished with a slight laugh.

"Still..." he mused.

"If your mother's family lineage is still able be passed down and she can bare a water pup." His hand made a gesture towards me, "Then it will be intriguing to see how your younger brother and sister will turn out. We may have another water Adjai sooner than we think. Your mother and her father will be pleased no doubt. My father, wherever the bloody hells he is today, will more than likely not be, he was sure you would have been a fire Adjai. Fear not pup, we cannot change what's done; now we must prepare for your future."

My father clapped his paws together before he shifted in his chair directing his attention to my Uncle, Damek, who sat at my father's side. My father then spoke, his voice filled with playfulness and coy.

"Damek, brother, I have no idea about these water Adjai's, organise training with a Water Master who trains the Adjai warriors. I want my pup to become master in a few years." He ordered.

My uncle bowed his head in agreement and respect.

"It will be done brother; he will have the finest training." My uncle replied.

"Your training will start as soon as possible; along with your weapons training. You should be kept quite busy over the next few years. You have plenty to learn and master. Thankyou pups that will be all." My father finished.

The older males broke out into laughs and chatter, returning to their previous discussions as we slid out through the chamber door and headed back into the city.

That all seemed to long ago. Fintan hadn't spoken to me for weeks after that day. I was unsure if he was jealous or upset with me, or if the attention that had been given towards me for being the first water Adjai in centuries in my family had gotten to him. He avoided me like an illness every time I tried to talk to him. He came around though, interested in what I was able to do with my new abilities. A few months later when he had turned seventeen he was made to leave the confines of the castle to move into the cities military barracks with the other adolescent males to begin his formal training.

I still remember the day he collected his possessions from the castle a few days after his seventeenth name day. He rarely visited us and every so often and I saw him at city events and celebrations, but the military district was separated from the rest of the city. Eventually we stopped seeing Fintan and as he progressed deeper into his first year of training. It was impossible to contact him within the confines of the encampment. Only males that had reached seventeen years old were allowed to enter the military barracks and I was explicitly forbidden by my father from going there.

The military district contained new volatile male adults that were being trained to fight to the death to protect the pack and city from outside invasion or attack. My father explained that most were unpredictable and driven by their wild primal instincts, and that they were deliberately separated from the rest of the city's population until they had gained self-control.

As I became another year older so too did Fintan's training until he progressed into his second year. I started seeing more of him attending pack gatherings and feasts. It had been almost 3 whole seasons since I had last spoken to him and on the night of the winter solstice our conversation had only lasted minutes before he had left with two of his new pack brothers and headed towards the other side of city square where most of the adult males had gathered around a bonfire, drinking ale and talking. I had been stuck sitting with my mother and siblings across the fire pit at the royal table, unable to leave the safety of the city guards. Fintan was not the brother I had remembered and I feared for what he would be like when he returned.

My mind wandered back to the present. The sound of distant shouting coming from outside grabbed my attention as my ears pivoted trying to locate where it had come from. I had begun to really miss my brother's presence on a daily basis. With him not around I had taken up the role of the eldest for my two younger brothers and sister. It felt odd being the eldest still living with the family, but between my Adjai training, my weapons training and the occasional survival training I really hadn't had time to be around my mother and siblings much.

I stared at the roof again tracing the lines of the wooden beams with my eyes deciding whether I should get up or stay put. I groaned as I remembered what day it was. Today was Adjai training. Gods it was torturous. If it wasn't bad enough that I couldn't currently do anything of any actual use with my Adjai skills, it was even more embarrassing that after two years of training with Master Calder I had yet to even master the basics of moving water around, not to mention being able to hold a ball of water in the air. Every season younger pups would come into their Adjai abilities and most after their first year had already mastered what Master Calder called "The Basics." For some reason I could not grasp even the most simplest of water control and each year I grew angrier and more frustrated at myself for failing. It wasn't like I could hide from the pack and forget about my abilities. The Betas and Masters gave me consistent reminders of my royal position and the standards that I was born to uphold.

Despite being terrible with controlling water I was however better than most other water Adjai pups at freezing water. I'd once been able to completely freeze a large wooden container of water from touch and as my training progressed over the years I had been working towards expanding the range that I could freeze. As the Alphas son I had no choice of my teacher. Master Calder was one of the best and more powerful water Adjai in the pack. He was able to freely move water from its source and control it in such a way that I would often sit during his demonstrations entranced by the flowing movements as the light danced through the clear liquid. I was not even close to being able to do anything like that. The best I could do was holding a thin layer of water around my paw, but it required a lot of concentration. My head would usually begin to hurt and I would lose the water a few seconds later.

Being a water Adjai wasn't always torture; I did use to enjoy playing tricks on Ryn before Master Calder put a stop to it. I remember once Ryn and I went down to the river one afternoon to play. I had waded up to him and begun to freeze the water around his waist til he yelped at the sudden coldness surrounding him. He had climbed from the river side, a large ring of ice hugging closely around his waist. I had found it hilarious as he sat on the bank waiting for the ice to melt in the afternoon sun.

Ryn had not found it funny and his illness that had followed a few days later taught me a harsh lesson about responsibility in controlling my new abilities and the repercussions that misuse led to. Master Calder had scolded me for weeks with extra training when he had found out. He of course was right; many others had drowned, been crushed or even burnt alive due to misuse of abilities. It was only when I had become slightly older I had really begun to grasp the reality of what I would eventually be able to do, and the power I could control.

Being a Adjai did have its advantages, but for me I had yet to see any real advancement in my skills that would have made me useful in the pack. I had found my real calling being out deep in the forest, tracking and hunting. That was what I was good at. That was what I craved for. The scents, the sounds, the unseen movements and tracks through the forest. To be completely free, no rules or responsibility, just hunting smaller game that passed through the territory.

Yesterday had been wilderness training out in the small section of forest that surrounded the western side of the city. For what I lacked in skill with my Adjai abilities I made up greatly with a bow and arrow. Ever since I had started weapon training I had always been able to hunt and use a bow with deadly accuracy. It came easier to me then breathing. I enjoyed stalking the small rabbits that lived in the leafy floor of the forest, their scent trails weaving through the underbrush. The way my body moved and sensed its surrounds as I would silently manoeuvre the forests branches and bushes to get a striking position. The draw and tension of the bows string, and the inevitable release and surge of power as the arrow silently sailed through the air into its target.

My weapons master, Elder Pril, was always impressed with my hunting skills and we often spent whole afternoons deep in the forests surrounding the city as he taught me more advanced tracking and hunting techniques. Unlike many other pups my age who often shared my training lessons I wasn't one for being seated for long periods of time learning useless skills like gathering, weaving or shelter building. Every second pup was trained in these skills at an early age; it was pointless wasting my time learning things that I would never ultimately use. I wanted to learn more and more about Hunting, Skinning and traps. Things that one day would undoubtable save my life when I joined the packs military. I enjoyed this training far more than my Adjai training. From my time training I could at least say I was making better progress than being an Adjai, at-least I felt useful there.

Fintan had always been a good hunter before he had left. He had taught me most of what I knew. Fintan however was still always better at using weapons for fighting. Even at an early age his body seemed like he had been made for combat. Fintan had mastered throwing a spear well before he left. His thick muscly build giving him impressive upper body strength to throw distances I would not have even considered. Where he was built for close combat and wielding a spear or sword, I was built for stealth and speed. I was a lot smaller than him, and I used it to my advantage.

During our training together we use to practice fight and learn defensive techniques against each other. Fintan was always a brilliant fighter but I would easily out manoeuvre him before he had even begun to pick up running pace. In close combat however he was formidable. He was never very stealthy; instead he relied on his brawn to hunt and fight. I would usually hear him thundering through the forest undergrowth before I would see him. He always hated when I would startle him by sneaking from cover and trees nearby. I missed that time together. It would never be the same again. A memory that would exist buried in the past.

A familiar feeling disturbed my daydreaming; I had to pee, badly. I sighed and sat up on my bed running my paws through my chest fur. I swung my legs to the side; the feeling of the cold wooden floor met my foot paws as they hit the ground. I shifted my toes along the ground stretching them out, my claws scratched into the wood below. With all my willpower I pulled myself up from the bed. My body ached from its rest as I stretched up into the air, releasing a series of cracks and pops.

I walked towards the entrance of the room, picking up Ryn's blanket from the ground and throwing it onto his bed. The room was decorated with an assortment of ornately carved wooden tables, chairs, chests and shelves. The possessions Ryn and I had gathered over the years lay scatted and stored across the floor, tables and shelves. Two large metal stands stood tall besides the door, their sprawling arms containing several candles that were at various lengths, hardened wax icicles clinging to the metal. I approached a cabinet where a thick leather belt and scabbard lay. I picked up the scabbard from the table, its weight heavy in my paws.

I unsheathed the fine metal dagger, its blade and wooden handle had seen better days. Large scratches and dints covered the blades edges and chips of wood were missing from the handles end. I had received this blade from my father when I had turned fourteen and had begun my wilderness training. Every pup received one at that age and was expected to carry it whenever they went when outside. Mine had been with me since then and I used it on a daily basis. My father had offered to replace the blade on many occasions, but it held sentimental value that couldn't be replaced.

I grabbed the leather belt and slung it over my shoulder doing the belt buckle around my waist. The blade sat neatly against my chest, its size and weight perfect for my stature. I pushed aside the chamber door and slipped through. The sun blinded me for a brief moment as it belted through the large stone windows that ran along the stone walkway overlooking the central courtyard. Below I could see Betas and Nobles walking around down below on the first level and around the grassed courtyard. My eyes adjusted to the daylight and I began my decent down the large stone spiral staircase nearby, into the great hall.

As I entered the great hall it became clear that it was empty. All that remained were its 3 long wooden tables that ran the enormous length of the room, a few plates and goblets scattered across the table tops. To the sides of the hall 4 great fireplaces roared with bright flames, their heat radiating into the room. I crossed the great hall and into the main atrium. A large stone staircase ran straight from the ground to the second and third floor of the castle. Its handrail embellished with carved shapes and designs. I peered around the corner checking for signs of life. None. I briskly walked to the two large redwood doors and pulled with some effort as it slowly moved from its frame.

Outside I was met by the large sprawling castle grounds that eventually ended and merged into the royal district that housed the various Betas and Nobles families of the city. Their large manor houses visible all stacked up against each other side by side; their huge structures casting towering shadows onto the bustling square below.

Large coloured flags fluttered in the wind atop the manors in the distance. Nearby a few larger sails fluttered more slowly. Their large wooden poles mounted into the ground. The flags displayed the royal family insignia, a golden wolves head on a deep green background. City guards stood stationed at random points around the grounds, their dark green and gold cloaks standing out between the large stone and wood structures of the grounds. Just outside the castles doors stood two large muscled wolves, their chests and legs covered in thick leather armour, their bodies covered in an assortment of weapons. They stood still, their loyalty unwavering. Like all those on the castles grounds these were the cities Royal Peacekeepers, highly trained city guards who protected the Royals, Betas and their families, but also kept the peace and upheld the law among the city's population. In the distance a large stone wall ran the perimeter of the grounds, protecting the castles inhabitants.

I turned and faced the enormous stone castle that was my home. Its windows all lined perfectly at the front indicating the four levels. Behind the castle in the very far distance stood Mount Greymound, its enormous size making the castle seem insignificant in comparison. I stared up at the mountain peak far off into the distance, snow clearly visible high up at the top.

My eyes darted around the grounds. My mother and younger sister were far across the other side towards the white marbled mausoleum talking to another female wolf, my aunt. My sister Asha and my aunt's pups were scattered around the large cobblestoned walkway, running around and playing. I had grown up playing with my cousins but I had not really had time to be with them a lot lately.

I took a deep breath inhaling the fresh forest air nearby, the smell of the pines trees and flowers bombarded my senses. My ears moved as they begun to pick up the nearby noises of the city. The far off banging from the metal smiths in the military district, the screaming pups playing, and the river that ran nearby. I carefully crept to the side of the castle, making sure my body hugged its stone walls as to not alert the peacekeepers to my presence. I reached a set of stone steps that led along the side of the castle and crossed into a small side garden that ran the length of the castle grounds. A stone patterned path ran its entire length, splitting each side's gardens that were filled with uncountable planted flowers and shrubs. I headed to the first break in the gardens walls and headed across another small grassed garden towards the castles permitter that hugged the nearby forest. There I found what I was after.

A large pond sat tucked against the base of the stone wall, trees and shrubs climbed halfway up the walls enormous height. I balanced carefully as I walked around the stone rim of the pond towards the very rear that was hidden in the corner of the garden. There I found my escape. Hidden behind the leafy brush and sunken into the wall was an old sewer grate used for the ponds overflow when it flooded. Fintan had shown me it years ago and we had often used this to leave the prying eyes of the guards and to explore outside the city unescorted. I pulled the grate from its clasp and moved the panel aside. There I could make out the small tunned that borrowed under the walls footings and emerged on the other side. I squeezed through the hole and crawled through.

As I emerged I was met with the border of the small forest that ran along the mountains base, the long stone wall lined perfectly along the other side making an almost straight corridor of green and grey. Above the tree line I could see the mountain more clearly now, it's grey and blue colours defined in their rocky face. The mountains presence made me feel safe, as it always had. I had known since I was a little pup that should any outsiders ever try and attack the city they would have to fight their way through the heavily fortified southern districts. From the North it was near impossible to get into the city, the large mountain blocking all attack from land and sea.

The nearby forests inhabitants were a buzz, the small birds darted through the tree tops chirping and singing away. The deep rumbling from the stream nearby caused my body to groan and demand I continue with what I had originally set out to do. My footpads crunched through the small leaf litter as I walked into the forest a few trees deep, finding my usual place I liked to relieve myself. I stopped in front of a tree I knew was marked as mine, the bark was worn at head height where I usually rested my paw. My strong scent wafted through my nose, its scent mixed with others scents coming from the forest surrounds. I picked up the familiar scent of my brother closer nearby, he normally used a tree a few over. I could faintly smell the small animals that hid in the underbrush of the forests floor, their scents fresh, some trailing off deeper into the forest. I would have to return later and try my luck at flushing them out.

I placed a paw on the trunk of the tree and leaned my weight against it; I was still slightly weak from waking. With my other paw I reached down to my sheath and with my fingers pulled it back towards my body. The tip of my red canine member slid from its warm cover and as I relaxed my body a strong steady stream of piss erupted onto the tree. I let out a sigh of relief. I shook my member a few times and rolled my sheath back. I gave my sheath a few pulls back and forth, the sensation sending deep waves of pleasure into my sack below.

I released my paw and my sheath rolled back over my member, its tip poking from between my sheaths slit, still growing slightly from the sudden arousal. Waking up rutty had made my body scream for release, but doing it now would make me smell of male all day. At my age I was expected to be able to have some control over my adulthood primal instincts, but recently I had found it harder and harder to ignore and fight them. I would no doubt get looks of disapproval if I returned to the city smelling of male. I huffed in annoyance and ran my paw through the fur on my head before walking off through the trees back towards the Castles towering garden wall.

I stopped at the border of the tree line and faced towards the waterfall and river that ran about 300 paces to the west. I had no urgent desire to see my family today; doing so would only fill my mind with things I did not want there. I wanted to be alone. I set off through the long grass towards the river. Beads of dew still sat atop the grass blades, their seeds clinging to my ankles as I pressed forwards.

The long corridor of green and grey seemed to stretch as far as my eyes could see before the open ocean, its blue flat surface far off into the distance. I walked until I heard the waterfalls heavy rumbling and the soft trickle of water as it flowed down the river towards the sea. I found the well-worn dirt path that lead down to the riverside, its years of use evident. In the early afternoon this place would be filled with mothers and pups from the city, attempting to clean themselves before daylights end.

The dirt path faded away to lush green grass as I entered the small clearing along the river's edge. The river flowed loudly nearby as it cascaded over its rocky riverbed below. A little further up the river was a small waterfall that rolled over the rock face, its water running down from the mountains peaks above. My eyes scanned the river's edge, the place was deserted, the only noises coming from the waterfall and swirling waters below.

I knew this place well. Master Calder often took me here to train in the hotter seasons. I moved towards the river's edge my weight shifting the grassy bank sending dirt falling into the water. I leaned over and watched the water rushing past.

Staring back at me from the swirling mass was a young wolf, his fur a light grey. A large patch of white and lighter grey fur ran from his muzzle, down his chest and stomach, and ended at his sheath. His long white and grey tail moved slowly from side to side behind him. His body was lean and showed signs of muscle forming on his chest and stomach, his arms lanky and lean. He gave a forced smile back at me, his face looked worried.

My blue eyes stared back at me as I concentrated hard on the moving water, imagining it moving in my mind. A small ripple broke the water's surface, fanning out its rings until they were lost in the rivers movement. My head begun to feel heavy, a dull throbbing radiated down my neck. I knew I had pushed too far. I sighed and looked back up across the river towards the large trees in the forest nearby trying to keep myself from getting angry. I walked along the bank until I came to a shallow inlet covered in smooth polished rocks. I knelt down at the edge and scooped up a paw full of water, bringing it to my muzzle to drink. Its coolness bought instant relief to my dry mouth.

I shifted my legs so I was now sitting on the grass, my legs stretched out in front of me towards the water. I was met by a sudden tickling sensation on my sack as it brushed against the grass. I reached down and adjusted myself, the feeling sending my body into small shivers and becoming aroused again. Damn I was so rutty today. There was no way I would make it until later in the day.

My eyes scanned around the river side and nearby tree line. It was still too early for the pups to want to go swimming, and the area would not be used until early afternoon as the Adjai pups and their Masters came down from the city for training. I was alone.

I reached down with my paw and begun to run it along the length of my sheath, the short fur picking up every sensation and sending waves of pleasure through my body. I could feel the meaty mass inside start to grow. I looked down, my canine tip poked from its furry cover, its red sensitive meat visible through my sheaths slit. A warm breeze blew through the clearing sending a wave of heat over the now slightly protruding tip. I shuddered. My paw fumbled as I undid the buckle of my leather belt. I slid it over my head and placed it carefully on the grass next to me.

I took a firmer hold of my sheath and gave a short stroke down my shaft. My sheath gave way as it begun to slide down my quickly swelling meat. I inhaled a large breath of air through my teeth, the movement making my loins inside their furry sack rise as the sensation flooded my body. I looked down towards my manhood. A large drop of precum was forming at its tip. The drop continued to grow; its size becoming too big before it ran down my exposed shaft towards my partly retracted sheath, mixing into the short hairs and skin.

Two days of no release had taken its toll; my shaft was so sensitive to every movement. I continued to slide my sheath further down my shaft as it grew and swelled. My sheath came to the thicker part of my wolf-hood, its slit stretched wider, tugging at the sensitive flesh beneath it as it tried to accommodate the widening length. The feeling almost sent me into release right there as my claws dug into the earth beneath me.

I pulled my sheath back as far as I could, the red soft flesh beneath now fully erect and throbbing from the teasing. My cock stood before me at its usual 7 and a-half inches. It wasn't large by any means when compared to the other males of my pack, but for my age I was quite endowed compared to pups my age.

I had seen many of the other males of the pack with fully aroused shafts as they walked around the city, most of them easily being over 9 or 10 inches long. My father however had one of the largest manhood's of the pack. He easily was about 13 inches long and sported a thick girth. I had seen my father's manhood at full size numerous times as he paraded around the city performing his usual daily tasks. Nudity was something that never really was discussed often, but still lingered in the back of your mind. For countless centuries the wolves of my pack had chosen a natural existence allowing us to truly grasp our primal instincts and embrace our true nature as wolves. Everyone was different, yet we all experienced the same embarrassments, uncontrollable urges, emotions and behaviours that were considered pack norm. We were all wolves. Modesty was the least of the packs concerns. Nudity was part of daily life, an expected norm.

I gingerly placed my paw onto my exposed shaft, the rough surface of my paw pads sending waves of ecstasy through my body and down to my loins as they scratched at the raw flesh. I moved my other paw to my sack and begun to slowly massage the two swollen orbs that radiated heat in my palm.

My cock throbbed as a small amount of pre shot from my tip, landing in the coarser fur that surrounded my sheath. It clung to the fur, reflecting in the sunlight. My paw left its grip on my wolf-hood causing it to slap against my stomach. With one paw massaging my furry sack I moved the other and ran my fingers through the course adult hair, mixing the liquid deep into my fur. My breathing caught me off guard as I gulped and panted heavily trying to catch my breath. My chest was heaving, my body shuddering and squirming demanding for release.

Instinctively I lay down on my back and bought my paw back to my shaft. I took hold of the swollen meat as it clung to my stomach. I could feel my knot had started forming and was slowly trying to squeeze past my already stretched sheaths constraints. I bought my paw from my sack and wrapped it around the base of my cock, my knot clearly visible under the stretched skin. With one long pull my sheaths slit stretched further and further as I tugged it over my knot, releasing it from its prison. My sheath quickly closed back around the base of my shaft locking my knot to the outside air. I let out a low growl from deep within my throat as the wave of pleasure washed over me. I glided my paw along my shaft slowly, the pulsing red mass now at its full size. The smell of my musk was heavy in the air as my hot and sweaty body radiated from my arousal. A mixture of pre and sweat covered my fur and sheath as it glistened in the sunlight.

I quickened my pace. Each stroke making me moan louder. Large spurts of pre had started erupting from my cock and clung to the surrounding fur. My red swollen tip leaked as it rolled down my shaft, lubricating my paw as it glided along the slick flesh. I could feel I was close and I began to pick up pace. I bought my free paw to the base of my knot and wrapped my palm around it, tugging at its base, squeezing it often. It swelled and grew larger in my paw. My heart pounded in my ears as my body heaved trying to breath. The tension inside my body rose rapidly and I could no longer contain it.

My body went rigid. My legs went into spasms that rippled up my spine. I let out a loud howl from deep within as large ropes of white seed erupted from my cock; my loins pulsing as they emptied. The first rope landed high up on my chest, its warmth instantly began seeping into my chest fur. Smaller ropes of seed splattered out across my lower chest and stomach, their heat also noticeable under my fur. I continued to pump my meat as my body continued to convulse in orgasm. My cock emptied its remaining seed until it all but dribbled from my tip and begun to make its way down my shaft, pooling at the base of my cock.

I sprawled out on the grass basking in the afterglow of my release. My heart throbbed and raced in my ears, my heavy panting uncontrollable as I came down from my high. I rested my head against the ground; blades of grass came into close focus in front of me. I breathed slowly trying to calm my body down.

My heart returned to its normal rhythm and I pulled myself up onto my elbows. I looked down at the mess that lay in front of me. Large ropes of seed sat neatly atop my fur, their heat now diminished. I had needed that release more than anything I could imagine. At my age it was rare that I had been able to go so long. It had become clear a few months ago that I had lost most of my internal struggle to deny my impulses. I was a slave to my primal instincts and cravings and I was a fool to deny them. My cock was still hard but no longer engorged and swollen. I looked up at the sun. It was directly above me, meaning it was close to noon. I really had slept in later than I thought.

My mind returned to reality. If I didn't head back to the city soon I would miss my afternoon Adjai training. The idea of skipping training had run through my mind many times, but I would regret it later. Master Calder would no doubt find me, and make me do more training than usual. I felt my expression tense into a frown. I didn't want to hurry back, I wanted to stay here, resting in the sun, not having to think or do anything. I took a deep breath in filling my lungs. I really needed to head back soon; others would undoubtedly come looking for me. As a royal pup we never really had the ability to disappear and reappear for a long period of time without raising suspicions. If I didn't return soon Peacekeepers would probably come looking for me. I pulled my chin to my chest trying to get a better glimpse of the mess. This was a problem that in the heat of the moment I had forgotten to consider.

I slowly made myself stand and begun brushing the loose strands of grass from my fur that had clung to my back and tail. I needed to get clean before heading back to the city. I needed to remove the existence of my release. I stared at the rivers water that flowed slow but steady. About 50 paces upstream was the deeper part of the river that ran directly off the large lagoon the waterfall cascaded into. Without second thought I sped off along the bank, my leg muscles pushing my light frame quicker and quicker. I hit the river's edge with a strong jump and launched myself into the air. I pulled my hands into a dive, hitting the light brown swirling water below.

The ice cold water surrounded me as I plummeted deep into the water, all signs of light no longer visible behind my closed eyes. I surfaced gasping for air as the coldness stole what little remained in my lungs. I shivered as the cold penetrated my thick fur. The cool water lapped at my heated body and bought instant relief. My shaft quivered under the water at the sudden change and begun going down quicker than usual. I paddled around in the water trying to wash the seed from my fur. I usually didn't like to paw off onto myself; it presented too many problems to clean up. I floated as I ran my paws continuously through my chest and sheath fur trying to get off as much seed as I could.

I removed most of the seed I could from my fur and watched as it swirled freely in the water. My paws ran through my stomach fur; a large clump still clung deep into my fur. I swam downstream towards the bank until I could stand my head just above the water. I felt the soft sand and silt shift between my toes. Taking a large breath I dove under the water, emerging with a large handful of silt; its blackened colour seeped through my hands and swirled through the water. I bought my paws up to my stomach and begun rubbing it down the front of my chest, repeating the process until I was sure I had washed most of it from my fur. I stared up at the sun again, a further reminder the day was passing me by quickly.

My eyes followed the water swirling around me, it moved in unusual patterns. It ran in one direction, then suddenly without warning swirled in a spiral mid-run as if it had struck some unseen object. I waded closer to the bank, the rivers embankment rising under the water bringing me to chest height in the water. My soaked fur clung to my small frame giving my reflection an even smaller stature.

I pulled my paws up from under the water and placed them gently on the water's surface, their touch sending a few large ripples across the surface. I focused on the water in front of me, concentrating hard, imagining the water turning to ice and spreading out towards the other side of the river. The temperature of the water suddenly begun to cool around my waist. I focused on my paws, small ice crystals begun to form around them, their size increasing as I pushed further out.

Within a few seconds the water surrounding my paws had become hard ice. My paws now rested gently atop the floating mass, the flowing water of the river lapping over its edge. I tightened my jaw and concentrated harder. I felt my brow furrow as I focused all my mental control and strength willing the ice to expand out into the river. In front of me the floating ice begun to slowly creep out along the surface of the water until I could sense the 2 paces wide sheet of ice. This was the best I had ever been able to do since I started my Adjai training. Compared to Master Calder this was nothing. He could freeze a thick path of ice across the entire river and still stand on it without it loosing form.

I put all my concentration back into pushing the ice out further. The ice expanded about a quarter of a pace. My head was suddenly overcome with pain and throbbing. The ice before me instantly melted back to water, sending a large wave across the river. I smashed my fists down into the water in annoyance, their splashes hitting me in the face. I huffed in disappointment and moved my paws to remove the water from my eyes.

I knew that all-in-all I had only just started to scratch the surface of my Adjai training and that I had many years ahead of me, but the simplest little things I attempted to do, and never could, were things that all the other water Adjai pups my age had already begun to learn, some even mastering them. There were still so many things the others could do that I had barely even begun to comprehend yet. Why did it come so difficult to me? Was it the diluted blood of my mother's family lineage that had weakened my Adjai abilities? Or was it just me? Was I destined to never experience my full potential? An embarrassment to my family and pack.

The last thing I wanted to be was a disappointment to my father. I would be forever remembered as the first water Adjai pup born into the Royal family lineage that couldn't even do anything but freeze wooden pails of water and create a thin sheet of ice on water. I groaned and ran my hands through my wet head fur. Today's lesson was going to be incredibly painful. Sometimes I wished I was still Ryn's age, before I had found out I was an Adjai, before any of this shit had even begun. Things were easier then. Knowing Ryn's luck he would more than likely end up being a fire Adjai like Fintan and my father. Ryn was only a few years off from the age I first found my abilities. It would be no real surprise if Ryn did become another fire Adjai in my family, leaving me to be the odd one out, the first Ashai (Ash-eye), or "useless" Adjai of the family.

I sighed, holding back my frustration. The sun warmed my damp fur as I waded further up the rivers bank and pulled myself out of the water. I stood soaked and dripping. I shook my body quickly as the remaining water sprayed off me into the air. My fur clumped together making my small frame visible as it clung to my muscles. I ran my paws down the front of my chest. Almost all of the seed was gone; the only remnants remaining were deep down on my skin causing only a few small clumps of fur to bind together. I wasn't going to get that out until it dried and I could brush it out. I was at least now decent to head back to the city; the usual lingering musk washed away in the rivers waters.

I began walking towards the dirt track that led back. I collected my leather belt off the ground and threw it over my head, tightening the buckle around my waist. My wet fur clung to the leather as I walked. I came to the familiar sight of the stone wall that stood adjacent to the tree line. I continued to walk slowly, dreading the inevitable conversations I knew would soon follow when I made myself present. I returned to the far corner of the wall and found the small entrance to the drain. I carefully climbed its incline before emerging back out the other side, replacing the grates hatch to sealed appearance.

I glanced down quickly at my sheath making sure I was no longer hard as I walked across the yard, through the side garden and past two stationary Peacekeepers at the entrance of the main grounds. Both moved into attention in recognising my presence. As I entered the main grounds I found my mother who was now walking through the labyrinth of raised garden beds filled with rows of roses. My sister walked in front of her, balancing on the stone beds rim, he hands wobbling keeping her balance.

I walked further towards them, my mind taking a conscious effort to keep my legs at a constant pace. My stomach began to churn and butterfly's fluttered deep within.

Nobles had emerged around the castles grounds now, moving between their various meetings and appointments with my father and the betas. Two large males walked side by side along the other side of the grounds heading towards the castle. Both males were wearing large open front gowns died a dark purple. Financial advisers perhaps. I couldn't care. Another group of wolves were closer towards the castle grounds gate, this time females, highborn. I could faintly make out their naked bodies, draped in gold and silver jewellery and chains, two of the four were wearing dark blue cloaks that trailed behind them as they moved. I stared at their bodies, regretting the decision instantly. I felt the tight pressure of arousal in my loins as I begun to imagine them in my head, my mind begun to race getting away from me.

I shook my head violently in an attempt to shake the thoughts from my mind. It really was true what others said about the males of the pack and their overly active mating instincts. Everything seemed to set me off these days, and I was finding it harder to control. I shot a quick glance down again; luckily I had not become hard at my minds wanderings. I would have to be extra careful.

"Nice of you to wake," a voice bellowed behind me causing me to jump in panic, clearly not focusing. I knew who's voice it was instantly. I turned quickly, anger on my face.

"What..?" I hissed, questioning. He smirked as he met my gaze.

"Nice of you to wake." his voice was full of judgement and sarcasm as he raised an eyebrow. It was Ryn. I hated when he did that. I stared at the young wolf who like me had inherited most of my mother's fur colours. His fur was a slightly darker grey which covered his small frame. His chest and stomach was a whiter, lighter grey, but still slightly darker than mine though. It ran down from his chest to his sheath. For a twelve year old he was quite tall, but I was still taller. His small lanky frame was completely deprived of any muscle.

I felt my expression change from anger to a smile at his attitude, replying in a playful tone.

"Well good morning to you too brother, or should I call you Pup Rut-a-alot? I'm surprised I COULD sleep in that chamber with all the smells you have made in there. One would assume you were trying to drive me out..?"

His body tensed. His eyes moved so they glared right back in mine. Fury crossed his gaze. He hated when I called him this, and I knew it. His ears folded back against his head, clearly embarrassed.

"Shut up you idiot, you do it too." He cursed under his breath. "And I told you. Don't call me that."

I laughed at him; he couldn't have given away his secrets any quicker. His body language said it all. I lowered my voice so that only he could hear.

"Well yeah... I dooo" I joked back putting emphasis on the last word. "But let's keep it outside of the chamber, yeah? Mother will notice otherwise. You're lucky it's just me you share with and not mother. If the others picked up on it, at your age, you wouldn't exactly get away with it anymore." My whispers had turned softer towards the end.

He nodded once in understanding but still appeared angry, no doubt not expecting to be greeted with my insults.

"And might I ask why you are awake so early dearest brother? This is very odd behaviour for you, are you ill?" my tone again playful and teasing. "You're not one to be up before me, have we swapped roles for the day? Can I go and play down the river with the other pups while you attend my training?"

His tongue poked out at me as his crossed arms became tighter in further annoyance.

"Well if SOMEONE hadn't kept me up all night with his tossing and turning I would have been able to sleep. I kept being woken by your whining and crying. I didn't get any sleep at all last night. In fact that's why I haven't had a decent night's sleep for at least a week." His maw broke out with a smirk, clearly happy of his choice of words.

He looked me over noticing that I was still damp, his nose screwing up in confusion.

"Why are you wet?" he questioned abruptly.

I didn't respond.

"Idiot..." he grunted.

I stared at him confused, "I don't whine when I sleep. What makes you say that?" I quickly lied, turning my head from his gaze.

This time it was my turn to be embarrassed. I felt my ears fold back against my head, my body betraying my lie. I actually hadn't slept well the past few weeks and I had woken many times during the night, my mind and thoughts racing. Sometimes I would wake covered in sweat and be lost for breath, but I had never whined when I slept. This was new.

Ryn examined my face, clearly understanding that he had struck a nerve. His harsh face dropped its angry expression and changed to one of apology. He must have seen something in my body language as I contemplated my restless nights. Ryn dropped his arms from his chest and took a few steps towards me, leaning in to hug me around my chest.

Ryns hug took me off guard and I shuddered in panic. I quickly snapped my head to look at him. His fur and body felt warm against mine, his small wet nose and breath tickled against my chest. This was not like Ryn, he didn't hug, and he most certainly didn't show emotion.

Ryn was a headstrong pup who refused to never back down on any argument and would fight tooth and claw to avoid all emotion, and he most certainly didn't like others seeing him vulnerable. Like most males his age he had demanded to be treated as an adult and had given up pup-ish things long ago. His voice sounded deep as he spoke against my body.

"You really are nervous about today aren't you...?" He looked up at me and managed an understanding smile. "You will be fine."

This was not like Ryn at all. Maybe he was ill.

"You will be fine...yeah?" he questioned looking up at me.

I nodded slowly, but wearily. My face expressionless.

He let go of me, lightly punching me in the stomach as he stepped back, teasing.

"That's for calling me that name," he laughed. "I'll see you tonight."

He then turned and walked off in the direction of the Castle.

I stood there thinking about what he had said. How had he known? Was I really that readable? I thought I was doing an alright job of hiding my thoughts, especially from him. Obviously not well enough. For a twelve year old he was more in tune with his surrounds then I gave him credit for.

I turned to face my mother, who had my youngest brother, Koa, wrapped in a cloth sling on her back. He was fast asleep against her shoulders. I began to listen to the conversation between my mother and sister. They were watching some insect crawling on a flower, Asha laughing loudly and giggling.

I continued to walk towards them. My stomach began to flutter again.

My mother checked the knot at the front of her chest that secured Koa and turned around to face me. She did a double take as she recognized I was standing a few paces away from her. She smiled as she began walking towards me. Her breasts bouncing as she walked, her neck draped in thick golden chains encrusted with large blue gems.

"Morning mother." I said as I faked a thin smile.

"Good Morning Arryn, you slept in late." Her warm smile showing off her large white canine fangs.

"Yeah, must have been tired" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well you deserve it my pup, I can't believe today is your seventeenth name day. The city's newest adult." She crooned proudly as she moved into giving me a hug, squeezing me tightly against her warm body.

I swallowed hard in her grip,

"Thanks" I managed.

My mind begun to race.