Cock is My God Chapter 1

Story by critic on SoFurry

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There are a lot of stories that we like and enjoy, except for several tiny little things. Such as endings, kinks used, character fates, actions taken, genders involved, species selected, etc. Of course it doesn't have to stay that way. Here's a rather dirty story based on an even dirtier story somewhere out there. If any recognize the basis, kudos to you, but this isn't exactly that story. So enjoy and know what happens when

Cock is My God

Yeah, I know. Religion? People talk, argue and fight over it. Whether there's a God or what name he has or what he looks like. How the shit am I supposed to know? I've never saw him so how the hell do I know he exists? But I do know this: there's one religion whose God does exist, I know cause I've seen and sucked it again and again.

Back in the day when the best way to find other guys was the bar or club or even through the personals in a local gay rag. I was just normal white furred cat making my way through life. I was at home, skimming over the latest issue of the gay mag that I'd picked up the night before. That's where I came across this little life-changing ad:


Yep. That caught my eye. And my libido. There was a phone number there, but it was toll-free. What the fuck? This has got to be some strange crusade from some fundamentalist weirdoes or something. So I put the thing aside and went on with my day. But I couldn't get that damn ad out of my head. My dreams that night were filled with, yes, me worshipping cock. After cock. After cock. After endless cock I'd wake up throughout the night humping the mattress like a madman. The words just ate into my brain: "NURSING ... COCK FOR AS LONG AS ... PERMITTED ... NEED NO ... VALIDATION OTHER THAN ... A MAN'S ... RELEASE ... ANY HOUR ... ON THE HOUR."

I was 26 years old; I know what turned me on. I loved a lot of kink, the more the better. But I never really thought about it as anything more than play, this was different, this was serious shit. There was no way I was going to let this go. I knew if I didn't take the plunge, I'd always wonder what would have happened if only I had the balls to make the fucking phone call.

So the next evening, as soon as I got home from work, I made the call. Well, it wasn't quite that easy. I mean, I sat on my bed dialing the number and thought, "Wait. I don't want to sound like some brainless dumbfuck. What are they going to want to hear?" I tried to figure that out. How do I respond to this in a way that's going to give me what I want? "And, while I'm at it," I wondered, "just what the fuck DO I want from this?"

I really had no goddamn idea. I just knew I needed something that I'd never found anywhere else before. It was as if this ad, these stupid words, brought out of me an addiction to a drug I'd never known or even suspected existed. It was then that I knew what to do. I stripped down, got on my knees at the side of the bed, and dialed the number.

The dial tone went off and it was then and there that I heard Him say "Yeah, cuntface?"

Holy fucking shit. Just hearing this guy's voice made my dick stick up and drip. I was somehow able to turn off all the instincts that were screaming inside me to hang up the phone and let my dick be my instinct.

"Yes, Sir. I'm a cocksucking slut, Sir, and I'm responding to your ad."

"Where are you, bitch?"

"I'm kneeling beside my bed, Sir."

"That's nice to hear, bitch, but I meant where in the fucking country."

God. This guy's got ads nationwide? "I'm in Tucyan, Sir."

"Good. So tell me, dickbreath, why am I getting this call?"

"Sir, I wish I knew. All I know is since I saw that ad, I can't think of anything else."

"Alright, cumwhore. Tomorrow evening, 6pm. EastPark. West of Hydon Ave, east of Neb St. There's a large monument there. Be on the Southeast corner of the monument, kneeling like you say you are now." The phone clicked off and the dial tone sounded.

And thus began the longest 24 hours of my pathetic life.

My dick was achingly hard and dripping throughout the entire wait, wanting it to already be the next day. It was like that through work, thankfully no one noticed the tent in my pants and even when I eventually came back home. Then again the whole day at work was spent mostly staring at the clock wishing with every fiber of my being that my shift would be over. Finally it was time to get home and get ready. And that began a whole new question. How should I arrive? I decided that if he didn't say, it didn't matter. I cleaned myself off, cleaned myself out, put on a pair of shorts, T-shirt, and sneakers. It was 5:45 when I set out.

I got to the monument just before 6. I knelt at the corner of the statue's feet where He said I should wait. I was tempted to look around, to try to find him, but decided that I was better off just keeping my head down like the subservient slave I was aching to become.

Moments later I heard a voice behind me. "Good little sissy."

The voice was deep, masculine, but it didn't sound quite like the guy I spoke to last night. That got me a little concerned, but he then calmed me: "No, bitchboy, I'm not the same guy. But we're all on the same team. Nothing to worry about."

I then saw his construction boots in front of me. Not some leather boy's shiny black play boots. Brown. Used. Dirty. The boots of a real working man. I started wondering about the taste and smell of the feet inside.

His voice ended my conversation with myself. "I'm pleased to see a sissy knows instinctively to look down, but now look straight ahead at my crotch, bitchboy. And listen carefully to everything I'm about to say. Don't speak. Just look and listen."

I lifted my head and found the fly of his jeans within millimeters of my nose and lips. He was daring me not to lick. Inhaling, I caught the whiff of his heady sweat and musk, tiger. It was intoxicating. This guy was turning me into a fucking junkie for his scent.

"I will explain the basic setup and offer the opportunity for a few questions. Once that's done, there will be a few minutes for a decision. And that decision, one way or the other, will be irreversible. Either move ahead and find fulfillment beyond, or walk away and spend the rest of your life wishing you hadn't".

"We used to give cocksuckers a few months to get to know us, to get their sissy heads wrapped around the concept of being owned, but that didn't work out well. The bitches started falling in love with us instead of our cocks. Things got messy and we quickly learned that the kind of bitches we're looking for were the ones who would have followed us from the start. So that's how we do it now. "

"And here's the deal "

"We're a bunch of straights. Some of us are married, some divorced, some with girlfriends, maybe the occasional fling with any girl, whatever. We love fuckin' pussy and tits. But most women see sex as love ... and we know better that it's raw and primal. And that's where sissies come in. "

"Because, as you well know, although we men like to get our cocks sucked, sissies NEED to suck dick. We like to be serviced, but sissies NEED to please men. We like to get aggressive, a little rough, be pushy and selfish, and sissies eat that shit up. So it works out perfectly ... the little fagcunts are insatiable little suck- and fuck-toys that we use for our pleasure. They get off on our pleasure as well. Everybody wins. "

"We keep sissies locked in our facilities, 24/7, so that there's always a hole to fuck should somebody want it. We have the tools to deepen a cocksucker's submissiveness. And here's the first tool: sissies have no identity. I don't know your fucking name. I don't want to know your fucking name. You don't have a fucking name and don't want one. If you follow through with this, you' will no longer exist.You' will become a sissy.' One of many sissies available for use at any time and anywhere. Should there be permission to speak; any self-reference must follow that rule.A sissy is hungry,' for instance. Nod if I am understood."

I nodded, staring into his denim-covered crotch, seeing the thickness of his meat and swallowing like mad to avoid drooling like some idiot.

"We take care of our sissies so that they're available for use. But there's no intimacy, no affection, no careI only lust. We don't give a fuck about sissies except as slaves and whores for our pleasure. We get out kicks from their decadence, their depravity, their desperation. There is virtually no fuckin' limit to the kinds of humiliating abuse -- both physical and mental - we put our sissies through. Virtually" He repeated, ". A sick sissy makes sick men, a hurt sissy gives us no kicks, and dead sissy is nothing but trouble"

"And as I said, we have learned how to deepen a sissy's submissiveness. One of the deeper head-fucks we employ is in teaching a sissy to truly worship cock. Answer this question, buttlick: Do you have a religion?"

"Sir, no" I said.

I could feel the other man nodding "On the one hand, that will make the process easier. On the other hand, some of us get a perverse kick from watching some born-again cocksucker call our pricks `God.' And that leads me to our second rule. "

"Sissies, being the low-life scum that they are, don't have the privilege to look a man in the face. Or even to talk to a man. Instead, they stare at our crotches or our asses and speak to them. Because our crotches and our asses are their gods. A sissy is too pathetic to be worthy of the rest of our attention. "

"So let's see if a sissy can wrap its little head around all that. This is life spent in the divine worship of Cock. Of men and the fluids they provide that generously nourish sissies. Everything else, all the stupid little distractions that fill up a sissy's empty day, is discarded. This is a lifetime to be spent worshipping men who have no attachment to you, no attraction to you, and no use for you except as a cock-worshipping sissy."

At that point, with no warning, I started to drool. Still staring at this tiger's fly, aching for what was inside it. This man, this God, ripped right into the heart of me without knowing a goddamn fucking thing about me. He found me. And he had me.

"Alright, cumbreath. Got any questions?"

"Sir, how do I, er, how does a sissy begin?" I said.

"I see a slut was smart enough to wear a watch. Good. That will be useful. I will walk away. To the west is an old brown van. The back's unlocked. After five minutes, open it, climb in, and strip. Put all clothes and possessions on the curb. Then close the door. Inside is a burlap bag, handcuffs, gag, blindfold and headphones. Put on the headphones, step into the bag, pull it overhead and pull the cord tight. Then put on the blindfold and gag. Then lock the handcuffs with hands behind the back. "

"I will retrieve the clothing and all that remains of a sissy's identity. I'll go to the address on the driver's license and make sure anything pointing to our facility is removed. In the meantime, the driver will drive to one of our facilities and training will begin. Now nod yes or no to answer the following questions. First, is the address on the license current?" I nodded.

"Good. Is there a roommate or anyone else there I should be worried about?" I shook my head.

"Usually the fags that accept our offer don't have the balls to let anyone else know about us. Is that the case here, suckwhore?"

I chuckled inside at how well this man, these men, knew the kind of cocksucker I was. Thankfully, that chuckle started to ease the flow of tears. I nodded so he knew the kind of slut that was kneeling at his feet.

"One last question before I walk off, cuntface. Does a sissy want to worship cock for the rest of its life?"

I practically broke my neck from nodding so hard.

"Excellent, whorehole. Look at the watch, wait 5 minutes and make it happen. Or not it's completely up to you." And that huge tube of dick turned to the side and walked away.

A quick glance at my watch gave me 6:25. OK. Five fucking minutes to decide how I'm going to spend the rest of my goddamn life. No pressure. Yeah.

How the fuck does someone decide to leave behind everything they've ever known and could possibly want? I had a decent job, decent income, some friends. There wasn't anything wrong with my life. I didn't have any depressive mental problems in my life; I couldn't even say that I was unhappy. I had relationships in the past, but nothing lasted....


Nothing lasted. Nobody stayed. Everything just felt so shallow and superficial; nothing, nobody, ever got to the core of who or what I was. Until now. All the rest had been acting, just going by society's rules, getting all the things society said I should be wanting. And nothing fucking clicked.

Until now.

Suddenly everything clicked into place, the final piece of the puzzle that I had been missing all my life. I was offered what some folks would consider hell, but to me it was as if I finally found heaven. Belonging to the dicks of Men I'd never know or even get to look at in the eye.

This was fucking fulfillment. Finally. A life that made sense. Where I knew my fucking place. Where I could be doing what I wanted ... hell, needed ... and not give a fuck what society thought. Where I could be who I was inside. A true sissy slut being my cocksucking self.

A huge shiver went up my spine. Not of fear, but of enlightenment. There was no choice in the first place. I never wanted a choice at all. Time was up but the decision had already been made a long time ago.

I got up and walked quickly to the van, so not to attract suspicion. The back door was ajar and everything was just as that man described. I sat on the floor of the van and stripped my old life behind, dropping it neatly on the curb. Seriously. It was like a religious experience, putting on those headphones -- silent for now -- and crawling into the cocoon of an itchy burlap sack. It was like entering a womb to be born again. I pulled the drawstring into the sack with me and tightened my enclosure. There was a ring gag; opening my mouth I strapped it around my head. I put on the blindfold and cuffed my left wrist.

And then a gulp, a sob, of an existence left behind and a life about to begin. I pulling my arms behind my back and locked myself into place.

Shortly thereafter the engine turned on and my head filled with sounds. The sounds of men aroused. Grunts, moans, sighs coming into my head from all directions. It took a little while to realize just what I was listening to. These were all men getting fucked or sucking cock and in goddamn euphoria from the experience. An orgy of men grateful for being used. I don't think my prick had ever been harder than it was just then, listening to this celebration of submission.

But there was more. Underneath all these groans of pleasure, a constant steady voice. So soft that I actually had to make myself hear it. His voice was deep, dark, sexual, and predatory. Seductive. I couldn't tell the species but at that point I didnveg even care.

"This is what a sissy was born to do. This is why a sissy lives and breathes. This is all a sissy is good for. This is all a sissy slut wants."

Over and over and over again. That deep, dark, seductive voice. Telling me what I was and all I was ever going to be. A cocksucking sissy. I practically shot my load into the burlap. Actually, to be honest, I did shoot, but mentally instead of physically. Over and over and over again. Emptying my balls dry.

This ride continued for a long time. At least it seemed like it; I had no way to tell. There were different types of roads. Smooth highways, rough roads. After awhile the men in my head all quieted down. Except for Him: that deep, dark, predatory voice.

"Training will begin soon, cocksucker. A sissy is brought in to a training cell where perspective is taught. It's a small cell. A three-foot cube. With a small hole. Where Men will slide in their Cocks to be worshipped.

"These Men will measure a sissy's performance. If they are satisfied, they press the yes' button. If they are not satisfied, they press theno' button. Every no erases a yes. A sissy has one goal: to get to the magic number of 'yes' votes within 28 days. And that magic number, cuntface, is 666. Get 666 men satisfied within 28 days. That's over 23 men a day, sissy.

"Failure to reach that number in time will have consequences. Brutal punishment to instill the fact that We mean business. Then it's back in the cell and the process starts all over again. Until a sissy finally gets skilled enough to suck down six hundred and sixty-six loads in twenty-eight days."

Holy shit. What the fuck did I get myself into? This was something I never felt before ... wanting something so fucking much and being terrified of it all at the same time. It was like this Man, this voice; this Man among men.... was ripping my mind to shreds. My brain was being raped and thrown in the cellar.

I hadn't even noticed when the van stopped. I yelped as the sack and I were pulled over a man's shoulder. I was carried awhile, while the headphones continued giving that commanding voice to my ears.

"The best part is, sissy, there will be no way to know day from night. No way to measure how much time has passed or how much time is left. No way to see what button a Man has pressed, so no way to know how many Cocks still need to be worshipped. And with these headphones, no need to hear what a Man has to say. A sissy has to learn by instinct. Measuring a Man's pleasure by the response of His Cock. And worshiping every Cock as if its pathetic life depended on it.

"And it does, sissy. Because Our Cocks will be the only source of nutrition, Our cum and pre the only food and drink a sissy gets, until the test is passed."

The chuckle that followed belonged to such sadistic evil I hadn't heard in my worst nightmares. I was then dumped on the floor. I felt a rip above me as the sack was knifed open. Then I was kicked forward, eyes and ears still covered. I could feel the space around me tighten as I shuffled forward on my knees, my wrists still locked behind me. Somebody fiddled with the cuffs a moment, apparently loosening them a little bit. The blindfold was pulled off and I could see the darkness of my cell. No light except for the hole on the other side. A glory hole. Then I heard a slam and click behind me.

I had never been so terrified. Or so hard and dripping. I was horny as hell and from what I could tell, my hands were going to be locked behind my back for the next 28 days or after I got 666 men off. Little chance of release for me.

Suddenly I wasn't alone; that dark menacing seductive voice was back inside my head. "Sissies only live to pleasure Men. A sissy's mouth is only open to suck cock or to kiss ass. Nobody gives a damn what a sissy thinks. A sissy is a pathetic waste unless in service...." I tried to ignore this Man inside my head and get some bearing as to where I was.

I looked out the hole. The room outside was dimly lit. Not much to it. I could see across what might be a small hallway to two other holes on the other side. Above each of them was a small ledge and a lit sign of numbers. One read "126"; the other read "552". I could only assume that those ledges each held a "yes" and a "no" button.

This was fucking real.

While I was staring, a door at the end of the hall, or at least as far toward the end as I could see, opened up. A man came in, putting a few bills back in his wallet.

Apparently I was one of several suckwhores used to get men off for payment to our keepers. I guess this place had to make some money somehow. And I was now part of that, put here to earn my keep.

And still, that unrelenting voice: "A sissy lives to worship cock. A sissy needs dick to survive. A sissy craves the nutrition of pre and cum ...." As skin-crawlingly seductive as this Man's voice was, I had to get him out of my head or I'd go insane. I shook my head to get the headphones off.

No effect. They stayed in place.

I pushed my head against the corner, hoping to slide the phones off my ears. All I managed to do was pull my ear skin a little. These fuckers were somehow attached to my ears. What the fuck had I done to myself? I was doomed to listen to this Man defining the rest of my life whether I wanted to or not.

And then darkness. A penis slid through the hole. There was only one thing to do.

I sucked. As if my pathetic life depended on it.

In spite of my fear, or maybe because of it, I was caressing this Cock in ways I never had before. There were no distractions. The voice in my head became an actual reinforcement. "A sissy lives to suck cock. The only validation a sissy needs is a Man's release. A sissy without a cock to suck is lower than a piece of trash." There seemed to be no end to the rephrasing of this one basic truth: I was now nothing but a cocksucker for the rest of my life.

I was able to concentrate on the sensations of this anonymous Cock. I felt the different textures to its skin in various places. As I softly wrung my tongue back and forth around the base of the shaft, I felt it pulse. A good sign. I allowed my throat to open and close around its head. I felt it swell. Thus began the first of many conversations my mouth would have with a Man's Cock.

After awhile, I felt the pulsing tremors of His orgasm. His Cock was too deep in my throat for me to taste his seed, but I relished it nonetheless. My heart raced as I felt His Seed flowing through His Dick. My brain was flying. I was high on the orgasm I'd given another. I felt like I shot my load through His Prick. This was something I'd never experienced before and it was a fucking revelation. That sticky white elixir flowed down past my throat into my stomach.

Yes, yes, yes ... this was where I belonged. Again I started to cry like some stupid bitch. But it didn't matter, so I just let go and sobbed, keeping this precious Penis in my cocksucking mouth, gently cleaning it with my tongue.

After awhile He began to pull away. I sucked all the harder, trying to stay in contact with the Cock that had somehow become my savior and it throbbed once again. He pulled back a little but stayed in place with just His Dickhead through the hole.

My instincts kicked into gear and I just knelt there, mouth open, not moving a muscle. I was rewarded with the baptism of His Cum. While I swallowed, the voice was right on target: "A sissy prays for the blessing of a Real Man's cum."

And prayed I did. After the final gulp of His Seed. "Thank You so much, Sir." I said as I licked as much cum from my face as I could.

I can't tell you much of the progression after that. I did the math and figured if I spent 20 minutes servicing a man, which would be 3 per hour. Seven hours of service a day would be 21 men, or 630. Still a ways short but it would be smooth sailing from there. This wasn't going to be easy, but I wanted to prove myself worthy. Yeah, it was just like that. My goal wasn't to escape. I wanted to fucking BE just the cocksucker they were training me to be.

Pretty fucked up, huh you think?

I waited for another Man to service and realized there wouldn't necessarily be a steady flow. I learned to rest with my lips against the hole so I wouldn't sleep through the chance to earn another point in my favor. I could suck cock while I slept, having the experiences leak into my dreams. I was able to squirm around enough that I wasn't always resting on my knees and lower legs, but it was impossible to stretch out. Not that it mattered, the glory hole's height forced me to my knees if I wanted to service any Cock. Yet there was a subtle but consistent agony building from the tightness of the space. To me it was the dues I had to pay, the cost of becoming what I was born to be.

"A sissy will do anything for the taste of Cock." Yes, Sir. Abso-fucking-lutely.

The hardest part was losing all track of time. The hallway outside had no windows and the lights were always on. The only way to even guess the passage of time was by the number of Men seeking service. There were times that were busier than others. But were those the busy times right after the workday ended? Late at night when they'd put their wives to bed or their girlfriends out on the town? Was it now a Friday night or late Sunday afternoon?

What did it matter? All that mattered was that there was another cock I had the chance to service. I suckled, I nursed, and I worshipped ... hour after hour. Eventually, probably weakened by the lack of sleep, I fell into a constant state of "now" with no reason to focus on past or future. Nothing else mattered but the Cock -now- in front of me. The thanks I'd offer after service became ever more sincere as I began to see Cock as my lifeblood, my literal means of survival.

Cock determined whether I lived or died. Cock was truly my God.

At some point yet another Cock came to be serviced. As I stuck out my tongue, He backed away. A note was held in front of the window.


13 minutes left

The note left my vision, and another Cock, my God and Savior, came forward to be worshipped. I wasted no time. I was never more reverent in my pathetic life. I drooled and moaned at the taste of His flesh. I imagined myself as one of the voices on tape seducing another cocksucker's brain someday. I became a total and complete whore for this Cock, losing all pretense or even hope of pretense. I was a debased cocksucking sissyslut moaning for a Man's Cock. I sucked like a man possessed. Hell, I was a man possessed. I felt His muscles tighten and prepared for the joy of His Orgasm. And then the unthinkable happened.

The bastard backed away. Just out of reach of my tongue. After a few minutes, he re-entered and I started up again. As soon as he got close, he pulled back. I began a tug-of-war with this Man's Cock, straining with every muscle I could use to get him off. But he had a lot more muscles available to use than I did. I started to cry as I realized just how hopeless and helpless a sissy is. Where the power truly belonged. I begged and pleaded. "Sir, oh God, please allow a sissy to get You off. Please, Sir, allow a sissy the gift of Your Cum." It didn't matter.

As I alternately begged, licked, and sucked, time ran out and the back of my cell opened. I was pulled out to be punished for my failure. Funny thing, though. Even though I'd been sobbing on and off since this whole thing began, I was dry-eyed at that moment. Sure, it wasn't fair. It didn't have to be. Nobody promised me "fair". If Men wanted a sissy to suffer, a sissy would gratefully suffer for Them. Anything to remain in this holy temple of Cock.

My muscles were too weak to easily stand on my own. Two Men lifted my body over Their shoulders and dragged a sissy, me, out of the room. I was gradually able to assist as we walked through a series of halls and rooms into a very plain, long hall with locked doors on either side. On a wall was a giant St. Andrew's Cross.

My arms were pulled out to each side and my wrists locked into place. Similarly my legs were spread-eagled and ankles cuffed into place. The headphones turned back on and once again His voice led me further into submission.

"If a sissy is unworthy to be one of Our suckholes, it is placed here in the antechamber. This hall separates the cock sluts' quarters from the Men's entry and changing rooms. Consider it Purgatory, sissy.

"Although sissies have no concern for time, Men have busy lives and higher priorities than some pathetic whorehole. So a sissy stationed here has a single function: to announce the time to every Man who walks by."

Okay, I thought. Simple enough. Just get me a watch.

But of course it wasn't that easy. Instead I became an organic component in some Rube Goldberg type device. Electrical contacts were attached to my body in dozens of locations: fingertips and toes, nipples, pits, tail, and the back of the balls. There were even some contacts attached around my sissydick from the shaft to the glans. Some sort of gel was rubbed on my cock that hardened it instantly and a ring was locked around my cock. What the fuck? Finally, a bizarre device was placed in front of me. A long ribbed dildo was positioned right under my asshole. This was just part of a large stand which also had a long tube ending with a slide spiraling down from just below the ceiling. In this tube were a series of identical metal spheres, each about the size of a golf ball. The bottom of the tube was slightly above my waist. Between me and the tube was a vertical pole. Atop that pole was a horizontal pole with a small cup. The cup was rotating around the vertical pole so that at one side it would be under the bottom of the spiral tube and at the other side it led to a bucket connected to a pulley system attached to this system. Next to this complicated contraption was a simple stand with a red button.

I chuckled to myself, knowing this wasn't going to be good. One of the Men flicked a switch. The Man's Voice returned reminding a sissy just what its place is in this society. "A sissy is a pathetic anti-man. A sissy's only purpose is to worship Cock." And the electrodes started firing off with a mild current. Nothing painful -- just enough to keep a sissy alert. "If it can't do even that, then a sissy needs to be taught its place."

Then a Man stepped in front of me, folded His arms, and tapped His toes against the floor impatiently. The current flowing through the electrodes increased a bit, alerting a sissy to His presence.

Huh? What was I supposed to do? What the fuck could I do? I couldn't move a fucking muscle.

His right hand tapped his left arm just above the wrist. Ah, he wants to know what time it is. How the fuck should I know? I've been locked in a box for weeks, months, who knows how long?

Sir, a sissy doesn't know what time it is, Sir."

The man shrugged, shook his head, and pressed the red button. The electrodes' power shot up and they continued their random dance across a sissy's flesh for a minute or two. A sissy groaned in agony and perverse delight.

The Man pulled His sleeve to reveal His watch and looked behind me, nodding. A single crack of a riding crop exploded on a sissy's ass. He walked away and the current ebbed to its original level.

And the rotating cup went into motion. As it passed under the tube, a single ball dropped into the cup. The cup slowly, tauntingly slowly, spun around until it was above the bucket. The sphere dropped into the bucket, leading it to drop. However a sissy felt the dildo rise to invade his tail hole, stopping at the first of its many ribs. It was a little uncomfortable, but not all that bad.

And the cup then spun slowly back to the tube and retrieved another ball.

Uh-oh. Eventually a second ball dropped into the bucket, joining its friend and doubling the weight leading another rib on the dildo to pass into a sissy's ass. A sissy tried to count the spheres in the tube and couldn't. A sissy just knew it was a lot.

It was enough to drive a sissy insane -- watching this cup slowly spin, adding a continual flow of heavy metal into the bucket so that my ass would be violated. I was biting my lip to the point of drawing blood and it looked like half of the balls were still in the tube. By the time the last orb dropped into the bucket, I would have been doubled over in agony if I'd had that ability. All I could do, though, was sob like a pathetic loser.

Suddenly the bottom of the bucket emptied and the balls were carried up a belt. Then the dildo slid out of my insides and each rib sent another jolt of ecstasy up my spine. I yelped in relief only to scream again as the crop smacked onto my ass cheeks. Not once, but twice, once on each cheek. The tube was reloaded from the belt and the first orb was slowly spinning toward the bucket to torture my aching hole.

A little later, a Man entered from the door to the left. As He passed in front of a sissy (yes, me -- I was the only sissy there), the electricity rose a little to let me know I had a job to do. But I had no idea how to complete the goddamn task.

"Sir, a sissy doesn't know what time it is, Sir."

He pressed the button and a sissy screamed as electricity whipped its flesh for a while. There was no fucking way to anticipate which electrode would fire or for how long it would last. All a sissy could do was dance as fingers, toes, nipples or tail ... some part of its flesh was zapped. These Men were smart enough, though, to have each nipple wired separately --- the current went through a nipple, not across the entire chest. That made it safer, sure ... but it also concentrated the current on the most sensitive parts of a sissy's chest.

Meanwhile, the Voice inside a sissy's head: "A sissy is useless unless serving aMan. A sissy's esteem is based upon its ability to pleasure aMan. A sissy thinks only of how to bring a Man to orgasm."

This was unbearable. Just fucking unbearable. There was no fucking way to endure this. Just the mental torture of watching that cup rotate ever so slowly, like clockwork.

Like clockwork. Oh, Lord. I'm the fucking clock.

I peered down into the bucket. Eight balls there now. That meant there were 8 ribs inside of me. I had just been whipped twice. Could it be?

A ninth ball dropped down. And a tenth. Eleventh. Twelfth. Taking what I assumed was a minute between each drop. And yes, it could very well be a total of 60 balls in that tube.

Finally a Man came in from the other side. The current altered me to His presence.

"Sir. The time is Two Twenty-five, Sir!" He smiled and crossed to the other side.

Holy fucking mother-of-God. I am reduced to a goddamn clock when just across one of these doors is theEdenof a lifetime servicing Cock. I've got to bear this, I've got to make this work. I've got to prove myself worthy of these Men.

"Sir. The time is Five Forty-Seven, Sir!"

"Sir. The time is Eleven Fifty-Five, Sir!"

"Oh, God, Sir. The time is Three Fifteen, Sir!"

"Oh, Please, Lord God, Sir. The time is Six Fifty-Nine, Sir!"

I was exhausted. Sleep deprived. In absolute agony. Delirious even but there was no fucking way I was going to fail these Men.

"Sir," <gasp> "the time is" <gasp> "Four o'clock" <gasp> "Sir!" <gasp>

Imagine being in this kind of mental and physical exhaustion. Knowing that in about 30 minutes the pain will be excruciating. A brief release while the hours are counted with crop strokes to your ass. And the process starts all over again for another hour. Constantly keeping track of how many of fifty-nine balls are in the bucket while the same amount of dildo ribs are stuffed inside you. Not being able to get off when that dildo slides out of your ass because of that ring around your cock.

And the whole time, "A sissy's holes are in constant hunger for Cock. A sissy has no reason to live except as a Man's suckbitch."

After having been blissfully unable to tell what time it was while in the cell, to simply exist in a state of "now" ... the structure of time had become literal torture. Shit. These guys were fucking geniuses. There was no way a sissy would ever want to re-enter the world of minutes, days, or hours after this. Every thought of a second was a torture in itself in contrast of the blissful unthinking "now".

Eventually another sissy was dragged into the hall and I was uninstalled. I wondered if there was some way I could cue him about his duty here, how to make it work. But no, he had to learn it on his own. A sissy had to learn to be a sissy.

When I was kicked back into my cell, I was once again a total pussy, tears of joy rolling down my sissy face. I kissed the edge of the glory hole in joyous rapture. A Cock presented itself and a sissy sucked and worshipped like it had never known possible. A sissy thought it had shown gratitude before, but it hadn't even scratched the surface. "Dear Lord God, a sissy is completely Yours " it said to some stranger's Erection. And it had never been truer. Shortly thereafter, one Cock was serviced and there were six hundred and sixty-five to go.

A sissy had reached a state of blissful, euphoric peace. A Sissy was evidently successful the second time because at some point a Sissy was dragged out of the cell and a series of preparations was begun to install me in the main compound. It's important to understand that two huge shifts happened in a sissy's brain while servicing over 1300 anonymous Cocks in that cell.

First, there was no "me", no "I", not even "it". After listening to His Voice for God knows when, there was only "a sissy" in this flesh. And every other cocksucker in the compound was also "a sissy." Who the sissy was did not matter for a sissy was. In trying to describe these events, it's stupid to say "a sissy sucked Cock while a sissy licked toes. A sissy was also kissing His ass while a sissy was being spanked...." but that's exactly how it took place in a sissy's (my) brain. There was no "he", "him" or "you" in regards to other sissies. We were all sissies ... interchangeable parts of a collection of sissies, all craving and living for nothing but Cock. A sissy was no different from any other sissy.

The second thing is, well, Cock. It's also stupid to say "A Cock walked into a room...." But that's exactly what every sissy saw: nothing but Cock. Sure, there was a man attached to the Cock, but He was beyond our focus. The Cock was the only thing that mattered. To focus on the Man would mean removing our focus from His Cock and that would be heresy. Sure, we serviced any part of a man that He desired, but to a sissy, they were nothing but extensions of His Cock. All Cocks were one Cock. There were sissies, and there was Cock. End of Story.

So, a sissy's indoctrination continued.

[To be continued]

Cock is My God Chapter 2

**So here is the continuing saga of the feline sissy slut being inducted into his true cocksucking self. Now the story diverges from the source but still I hope you enjoy this little twisted fantasy. Do remember its a fantasy, and reality is a...

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Derek the Barbarian Chapter Two-Reclamation Near the Cliffs

Two Years Later After Oaths of Iron in Snow A great wolf stepped into the The Club and the Mug, a tavern in the middle of the town of Hallowton. He crossed the threshold of the building and strode silently and with ease towards the barkeep. "A mug...

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Derek the Barbarian Chapter 1-Oaths of Iron in Snow

Listen now to the soft footfalls in the snow made by stealthy paws. Hear the tension of a bowstring being pulled back along with an arrow being nocked. A shot in the winter air flies swift and sure into the neck of a young buck deer and spills its red...

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