Stupid Cupid- Mission One

Story by baboonfan on SoFurry

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#5 of Stupid Cupid

Eros snapped his fingers again and the crystals stopped moving. The one in front of Jerry began glowing like the sun.

"This is your first mission. Your job is to see these two get together. If you succeed, you're a step closer to getting your wings. If not, you know what will happen." Eros said in his deep growling voice.

Jerry shivered, remembering the intense pain from only moments ago. He stared questioningly into the golden crystal.

"What do I do?" Jerry asked.

"To use magic, just think of what you want to happen, and then snap your fingers." Eros explained.

Jerry did as he was told, and just as he heard the snap, he felt a tremendous pulling sensation, sucking him into the crystal.

. . . . . . .

11 years ago:

Ben Bunny was standing in front of Furryville Highschool, nervous, but excited. This was his third highschool in two years. His parents were constantly moving around for better jobs, so he didn't have a chance to make friends, but he finally coaxed a promise out of them that this was their final move. For the next four years he was going to attend Furryville High, make some friends, and enjoy not having to relocate every few months. He began climbing the stone steps of the building, feeling the thrill he always felt on the first day of school, when he saw trouble...

xxxx - p.s. when this appears in any story, it means a switch in viewpoints.

Nate Rabbit knew damn well he was sexy, and he wasn't ashamed of it.

He was the captain of the football team, and had the build to prove it. His muscles were toned to the perfection of a model, and he was easily the most buff guy in town. Usually it was the meat eaters who grew to be muscled, or bovines, whom were born with bulk, but his dedication and numerous hours at the gym had payed off. (Not including his upright ears) he stood at six foot two in his Sophomore year, taller than all the Seniors. Nate had a beautifully cut six pack and abs, thickly muscled legs and arms, and two huge pecs. His eyes were and icy blue, filled with arrogance and anger, and his nose was an adorable pink. His raven black headfur drooped sexily into his eyes. His grey fur was fabulously trimmed all over his body, from his padded footpaws, to the tips of his long perky ears. His chest had a milky white blotch spreading from his neck, across his pecs to right above his waistline. Below the waist was every teenage girl's, heck any woman's wet dream. An oversized circumcised dick lay over two orange sized balls. Flaccid he was 7 inches, but when he became aroused, he cock was a frightening 11 inches.

He knew that every girl, herbivore or carnivore, would beg to service his godlike body. He made it a point to fuck the daylights out of all of his teammate's girls, but he knew that none would retaliate because he was so big. All they could do was quietly boil away on the inside, all the while sucking up to the big dawg. He had grown up in a super conservative house with a drill sergeant dad, who always pushed him to become bigger, stronger, better. Because of this he hated sissy fairy gayboys. Nothing gave him more pleasure than messing with queers.

The second Nate laid eyes on the new kid he that he was a pussy, with that milky white fur all over his body, and the sprinkling of freckles over his face. The big droopy ears falling into his face and tiny pink nose pegged him as a gay. He signaled his underlings to attention. They knew what to do; they've done it lots of times. They distracted the bunny while Nate circled around him. In a lightning quick motion, he grabbed the new kid's pants and briefs and pulled them down to his ankles.

"PANTSED!" Nate shouted to all the kids in the courtyard. The new kid quickly tried to pull his pants up, but Nate kept them pinned down with his superior strength. All the kids near the school now where laughing their heads off at Nate's latest victim.

When the new kid tried bending over to wretch the clothes out of Nate's steel grip, he accidently shoved his ass in Nate's face. Nate was momentarily stunned and let go of the clothing, allowing the bunny the chance to pull his pants up. The damage was done though. Nate had just gotten a face full of bunny butt.


Ben wanted to die. He had never been so embarrassed. He had always been ashamed of his chubby body, but especially his ass. He had a huge bubble butt, which he had inherited from his mother. From the back, he looked like a girl in a rap video. His secret shame had been exposed to the whole school on his first day! He could feel his whole snow white body burn red with embarrassment. Ben felt his eyes fill with tears as he ran up the stairs into the school, all the while being laughed at by the whole student body. He ran into the nearest bathroom and locked himself into a stall.

He sat on a toilet seat sobbing for the rest of the day, wondering how things could have gone so wrong on his first day.


As Nate laid on his bed that night, he only had one thing on his mind, the new kid. The guy had the perfect ass, for a girl. He'd had sex with tons of girls, but none of them had the same booty as the bunny. Then Nate realized he was fantasizing about a guy's butt. He got angry. "Stupid queer." He muttered. "Only a fag had the ass of a chick. Sticking it in my face." He dozed off, determining to make the new kid's life hell.


6 years ago:

For the past three years, Nate made Ben's life unbearable. He stuffed him in lockers, threw dodge balls at him in gym, slapped his lunch tray out of his hands, and an odd assortment of teasing and bullying. Now Nate was a senior and Ben was a junior. Unfortunately, because of Nate's bullying, Ben had not made any friends. The other students were too scared to come near Ben, fearing they would be subject to Nate's wrath by association.

Ben stuck it out. Although he had a terrible time at school, he still didn't want to move away. If he asked his parents to transfer again, they may never settle down. He decided to stay at Furryville and try to ignore Nate. Since freshman year, he had taken up running as a hobby. Thanks to all this exercise, he a lost a lot of weight and was no longer chubby. He had slimmed down to the trim, leanly muscled body of a runner. Unfortunately, no amount of running would get rid of his big butt, and he was still sort of short.

Ben did have one class he loved at Furryville high, music class. He could play a great number of instruments very well, and was on the fast track to a music scholarship at Furryville University. Only one more year of high school and his troubles were over.


If it was even possible, Nate had become even hotter. He had put on about fifty pounds of pure muscle, and had grown to six foot five. He had even gotten a nipple pierced with a tiny gold ring. He was the king of the school, and everyone knew it. Even when he and his posse terrorized the other students, the principle was too scared of this ripped rabbit to get involved. His favorite victim was the pussy, Ben. Nate knew he was a fag the second the second he saw him, with that dumpy body, and those long hangin' ears, and those big, brown eyes....

What the heck was he thinkin'!? Nate shook his head to get rid of the nasty thoughts. He stripped off his gym clothes and strutted to the shower, gloriously naked. He could feel the jealous eyes of the other guys as he twitched his stumpy tail, which made his big cock slap gently on his thighs. It was the last period of the day, so most of the guys had gone home, but Nate always like to stay after class and enjoy a long, hot shower by himself. Except today, he wasn't alone. In the showers, lathering soap into his fur was that homo Ben! Ben saw Nate and his eyes grew wide in terror. Ben speedily finished his shower and ran to his locker. Nate decided that he was gonna have a little fun with the queer.

Nate turned off the shower, put on his jock strap, and sauntered over to Ben's locker. Ben was still naked and drippy, and when he saw Nate, he shivered from fear and cold. Nate put on his best pissed-off face. He was going to humiliate the queer, than kick his ass.

"I saw you Bunny. I saw you lookin' at my hot bod." Nate ran his hands over his pecs, down his abdominals, stopping just at the spot above his cup. Ben's eyes trailed Nate's fingertips, as he gulped nervously.

"N.. No, I wasn't. I..I swear!" Ben implored.

"Don't give me that crap! I bet you jack off just thinking about me." Nate sneered. Ben secretly agreed with him. Many lonely nights had been filled with pleasuring himself to the image of Nate. He had long ago accepted his homosexuality, and had revealed himself to his parents, who accepted his whole heartedly. If anyone at school found out, however, his life would become even more unbearable than it was now. Nate now glared at him.

"DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!" he pushed Ben onto his knees in front of him. "TOUCH ME!" Nate commanded. Ben hesitantly raised his hands to Nate's pecs. He knew he was in danger, but he couldn't help becoming aroused. He felt his bunny dick begin to stiffen.

"GET INTO IT!" Nate shouted. Ben rubbed Nate's chest harder, flicking his thumbs over Nate's nipple, playing with the ring. Despite himself, Nate was becoming VERY hard underneath his cup. If the coach hadn't given him a special cup to accommodate his enormous package, his jock may have snapped from the pressure. Nate didn't know why this felt so good, he wasn't gay. But Ben's hands were now running down Nate's abs, feeling the wonderful ridges, and Nate almost murred his pleasure. He decided to change tactics.

"GET ON THE BENCH!" he shouted. Ben fearfully laid facedown on the wooden bench between the lockers. He felt his erection get pushed against his body, and the softness of his fur felt good against his smooth dick.

"GET YOUR ASS IN THE AIR!" Ben compliantly lifted his butt up.

"MMM, you have a sweet ass. It looks like a girl's ass." Nate bent down to Ben and pulled his cheeks apart. Hidden between the white valleys of fur, lay a tiny pink rosebud of a hole. Perfect. Before he knew what he was doing, Nate bent forward and gave a deep lick. Ben let out a surprised squeak.

That sound. That was the sexiest sound Nate had ever heard. None of his girlfriends made that sound. He was hard as steel behind his cup. He needed to hear that again. He gave another lick to the pucker. No sound. He tried again, but he only heard the barest whimper. He looked at Ben's face. Ben had shoved a hand into his mouth to muffle his sounds. Nate yanked Ben's arms back, and gave Ben another lick. Ben let out another defeated squeak. It sounded like a chew toy, but it drove Nate crazy with lust.

Yes, this was what he wanted. This was what he had been dreaming of for years. Why hadn't he done this before? Nate let go of Ben's arms, and Ben gave a surprised squeal. Nate now knew what he wanted. He pulled off his jock when he heard voices coming through the locker room door. Some of his teammates must have had a late workout. Quickly Nate donned his shorts and t-shirt and quietly ran out the back door of the locker room. The stunned Ben was left on the cold bench, holding the athletic supporter. A senior monkey saw him first.

"Holy shit!" The monkey shrieked. "That fag is humping the bench!" The second linemen, a falcon, chimed in. "He's jackin' to some guy's jock!"

"Fuckin' pussy!" a pitbull growled. The footballers pounced on poor Ben, punching him in the stomach and crotch, yanking his ears, and their final act of cruelty was to stomp on his hands, knowing his love of music. Then they left him of the icy floor of the locker room, bleeding and semi conscience until the night janitor discovered him later.


Oh my god. That was soooooo good. It was also very close. Nate wasn't the quarterback for nothing. He ran quicker than any guy on the field, and when he had heard the guys entering the locker room, he ran home. When he arrived, he found that no one was home. Immediately he stripped and laid down on the sofa. Nate needed to relieve himself of his load. He stroked his big dick, picturing the image of Ben, naked and wet, squeaking with desire, going mad with pleasure. Only two strokes finished him off. He groaned and thrust up his hips. Instantly a shower of cum shot out of his dick, coating him and the coach with a thick layer of rabbit jizz. Nate sighed with relief and tweaked a nipple. He needed to start cleaning up now.


After three days, Ben was still in a slight coma. After the janitor found him, he immediately called 911. At first it was difficult finding the culprits, until one of the girlfriends of the jocks overheard him and his buddy bragging how he put that faggot bunny in the hospital. Ben parents pressed charges on all Ben's tormentors, most of which ended up in juvenile hall. Of course, Nate was named the top tormentor, and his parents were informed of some of the horrible things their son had done the past couple years. They had decided to send Nate to the toughest military training school in the country. They had offered to give him one chance to make things right. Under the strict supervision of an extremely muscled male nurse, he was allowed to visit Ben and make amends. He wrote a letter of apology to Ben and asked the bear if he could please deliver it when Ben woke up. The bear agreed and led him out of the room, into his bleak looking future.


Ben woke up two days after Nate's visit. He held Nate's letter carefully in his bandaged hands. The doctor had told him that although he would recover, his fingers would never regain their former dexterity. He would never be able to play an instrument again. With tears in his eyes, he carefully opened the letter.

Dear Ben,

I'm sorry. I know that I can never undo what I've done to you, but I'm only can hope that you will forgive me one day. I never realized why I picked on you, until now. I'm in love with you, and it took me until now to figure it out. I loved you the first time I saw you on the steps of the school. I will probably never see you again, so you don't need to worry anymore. I hope to see you again someday, when I'm a better man. Hopefully Nate Rabbit will just be a distant bad memory.

Love, love, love


Ben closed the letter angrily. Why did this have to happen?! He finally found someone who loved him and now he would never see him again. After crying for half an hour, he decided to look at some collage brochures. His heart may be broken, but he still had his dreams.


4 years ago:

Ben had just got out of his music theory class at Furryville University. His professor had droned on and on about Bach's composition, and he just wanted to get to his dorm room and fall asleep. When he arrived at his room, he saw cardboard boxes strewn about. He probably got a new roommate. The guy walked out of the bathroom and gasped. It was Nate! His shiny raven hair had been cut into a buzz cut, and he had put on even more mass, but it was definitely Nate!

"Ben..."Nate breathed. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. If you want I can change rooms.." he couldn't utter another word, as Ben had launched himself on top of Nate. Ben was desperately clawing at Nate's clothes, yearning to touch him.

"Hehe, I missed you too." Nate chuckled. "So you don't hate me?"

"'Course not. I love you too! I've been waiting to tell you that for over two years! Now FUCK ME!!"

"Happy to oblige." Nate stood up and took off his pants. As Nate took off his shirt, Ben ran his hands through the fur on his stomach. Nate's body was even more defined than before. Muscles bulged and relaxed with every intake of breath.

"I'm feeling kinda exposed, being the only one nearly naked." Nate said.

"Well, let's fix that." Ben smirked. He stood up stripped. Since high school, he had slimmed down his figure into a very sexy runner's body, his muscles tight and defined. He turned around and exposed his pride and joy. The ass he used to despise now turned heads. It was just as big as before, but now it had become higher and more defined, the perfect bubble butt. Nate stared at the juicy ass, more aroused now than ever before in his life. Ben glanced at Nate over his shoulder, his ears drooping sexily into his eyes.

"Aren't you going to sample the goods, or are you just window shopping?" he asked coyly.

"Teasing bitch!" Nate growled as he ripped the flimsy silk of his boxers from his body. Instantly, his mondo cock sprung upward and wetly slapped him in the chest. Pre spewed from the cock like a river, dampening the fluffy fur of Nate's stomach.

Nate grabbed Ben and pulled him into a tight embrace. He kept Ben's body facing forward, as they shared a passionate kiss over his shoulder. After a few minutes of the tongue fest, Ben panted out, "Please, it's been so long. I need you. NOW!" Nate needed no encouragement. He pulled Ben over to his bed, and had him stand, hands down on the bed with his ass up, his cute furry stub of a tail reaching for the sky. Nate kneeled on the floor, his dick dripping on his knees. He began tonguing Ben's rosebud, making Ben squeal with pleasure. Then the noise stopped. Nate looked up in alarm. Why did it stop?! Then he saw that Ben had stuffed a fist in his mouth.

"Why are you doing that?! I love the noise you make. Don't stop." He yanked the fist out of Ben's mouth. Then he bent his knees slightly and rammed his dick up Ben's bunnyhole. Ben lurched forward and gasped. He suddenly felt so full.

"Stop. I don't want to make that sound. It's so embarrassing." Ben moaned as Nate thrust forward. Nate gave one more deep lunge, and Ben let out a very high pitched SQUEAK!

"Oh, that was wonderful baby. Can you do it again? Can you? Please?" Nate begged. He punctuated each question with a powerful thrust. Each of his motions was reciprocated with a loud squeak from Ben. Finally, they both reached their peak.

At the final moment, Nate grabbed Ben's chin, turned his around and kissed him. They both gushed torrents of cum out of their dicks onto the bedspread, moaning into each other's mouths. Afterwards, they lay spent in each other's arms exhausted and happy. In the office of admissions, a hugely muscled bear smiled as he gazed into a crystal.


5 minutes ago.

Ben raised his conductor's wand to direct the woodwind section to play more softly. A raccoon girl whispered excitedly to her gal pal next to her. "GOD, he is so HOT!"

"I know, did you see his ASS?!" her lizard friend said. "And I LOVE his eyes."

A marmoset student walked into the music room of Furryville High. "You got a note from Mr. Rabbit sir."

"Oh, really?" Ben said with pretend disinterest. He glanced quickly at the note and smiled. "Be back in a few kids. Coach Rabbit needs something real quick. Just keep practicing your finger exercises." He quickly walked out the door to the teacher's lounge.

Sitting in a padded chair with his legs propped up on the table was the sexiest rabbit in the world. He pushed the baseball cap out of his eyes and grinned. He stood up and stretched, the muscles under his shirt threatening to rip his shirt.

"Hey, babe. Care for a quicky?" Nate asked with a grin. "You know it stud." Ben answered, locking the door.

1 minute ago.

Mr. Tiger was talking to the janitor, Mr. Bear outside the locked door of the teacher's lounge. "What's the problem Jerry?" Mr. Tiger asked. The big hunky bear grinned. "Got a problem with the plumbing. Keeps making a weird noise. Don't know why."

Inside the lounge, the muscular coach was pounding the hell out of the music teacher's ass while he made a squeaking sound reminiscent of a possessed dog toy. The panting studs were blissfully unaware of the danger they were in as they expressed their love in the most beautiful way possible.

Jerry grinned after Mr. Tiger left. He cupped a hand over his ear to better hear the sounds of love coming from inside. "Mission accomplished." Then he snapped his fingers and disappeared.