Chapter 4

Story by Kynexn on SoFurry

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#4 of Started with a Rock: Arc 1 - The Return

Mental speech key:


/everyone locally/


<|Kyn and Tensa|>



~Vendetta & Jasmine~


/...Do you have a Rayquaza here that lives in the outer edges of the sky? If not... then I was wondering if I'd be able to bring some technology here... since I doubt very many besides Rayquaza can reach the outer edges of space./

/I wouldn't know, I've never met one, but if we have all of the legendaries that you do, it would be possible that we do./ She turned her attention to Royce once the door clicked closed, she was practically glowing with the purple energy that marked her shadow claw, making her look almost as devious as Royce had at one point. "Dear you know why ghosts are considered the most dangerous Pokémon type around? It's because they, and their energy, can go through solid objects and become physical at any point afterward. You experienced this once; Royce; do you remember how it feels to have your muscles burn as they bleed?" She stood over him, and drew the tips of the energy over his side, making him wince as even her actual claws scraped him. She did pull the gag back up into his mouth; giving him something to bite down on. She saw his eyes, if only for a moment, plead with her, heard the words that were supposed to be 'no, please' but came out garbled and she could only chuckle. "You had your chance to beg with Kyn, No, the only thing I want to hear from you, is to hear you scream."

Kyn meanwhile did manage to find Riiko's door, but he didn't go in. He did take into consideration that thing about privacy. If only Marlow were still here, he'd ask that Marlow help him dig around in the room.

She extended the shadowy claws and ripped down his right side, careful only to graze the bones of the ribcage, and stay away from the vital points in his torso, then stood up and let the energy pass through his legs and then yes, stopped at his crotch, where she hooked them and pulled back, ensuring that he would never bear children. Of course, he was squirming and screaming by this point, he even curled up on himself, or as much as he could anyway, as the purple glow faded from her claws. She pulled on the spreader bar until he was straightened out completely, turning him on his back and then ran her claws down his sides again, any welts he had would bleed. "Fuck you Royce, I was a child when you got your hands on me, when you made me service you, when you drugged me to make me think my body was enjoying it, that it was my place, and I'm not the only one. LOOK AT ME!" She ripped of the blindfold. "You don't get to hide from what you've done, You don't get to pretend that this is all just a bad dream, that will go away the moment you open your eyes, Every moment of this, you will remember, and you will speak of it to no one. You don't deserve Mercy, you don't deserve a damn thing of what your casino gives you, not the protection, not the wealth, not the friends, or the ability to turn us into your slaves." She took two steps back and brought out the velvet bag, opening it; and taking out the metal, heavy cock-ring that bore the sharp points on the inside, those that would pierce the skin, and even deeper. She laid it open in front of his eyes, then unleashed a torrent of flame onto it, scorching the tiles around it, and finally, latched it around the base of his dick. She pinned him down even as he screamed and thrashed at the heat of it all, taking the latch into her mouth and welding it to him...the only way that was coming off, was if they pulled it off like a normal ring.

Kyn of course did not hear Royce's lament, due to being so far away, but even more so, due to the fact that he soundproofed the door. He figured he'd give Serena a few hours, before going back to check on Royce.

It was only when the male was on the brink of passing out that she stopped torturing him, and it was torture, she had made little effort to show attention to him sexually other than the device that now had long cooled down; but aside from that area, she had kept true to her word that she hadn't sparked blood that couldn't have been there anyway. She decided that she would turn off his ability to feel pain for a bit, letting it build like a hose with kink in it. It was about this time that Kyn would walk through the door, and he'd find her walking back towards her satin pile. /Find everything Okay?/ her mental voice sounded weary, even if she wasn't physically tired. /Close the door.../ She drained a bit of his pain off to the pleasure node, and he moaned beside himself; unwanting, unwilling. His eyes looked up at Kyn; pleading with him to let him go, or to stay, not to leave her alone with him anymore.

/Yes. Now Serena... there are a few things I need to address with you of course. I need to know what you did to him. We have stories of hell, Serena. Stories of torture so horrible. Things that would make even you cringe; and you have the opportunity to do it to him./ "I don't think that even a week will be enough to convey so many years of emotion. Is he able to speak?" Kyn said, looking over at Royce.

Serena snorted, both mentally and physically. /Only two things permanent you need to worry about. One is the ring...I wouldn't remove it...and two, he'll never be able to procure an egg to submit them to the kinds of horrors I suffered through./ She tilted her head at him and gave a smile that was worthy of Devonshire. /Of course, this means that he probably wont be able to cum for you for a bit, sorry./ "I've not done anything to his vocal chords...moving...moving would be very painful for him." She said, rather offhandedly.

"I see. So, I should probably be careful with him then. But that still doesn't completely answer my question." Kyn went over to Royce and inspected him. Like last time, it would also appear that he was inspecting a piece of meat, assessing the damage to it.

She sighed. "Why don't you see if he remembers everything I put him through, if not, I'll remind him of parts that he left out later." there was a sinister tone to her voice, a threat as well as a promise. /Hell is what I was put through, I lived through hell Kyn; I told you this would be a waking nightmare for him, that he wouldn't be able to hide from it, that it would probably damage him to the point that he wouldn't be able to touch another piece of this gear.......and you wont find anything worse than what you did to him...on the surface at least. Shadow claw./

Kyn went over to Royce and looked him in the eyes. "Royce, tonight I can be both your salvation, and your damnation. I do so wish you would have talked to me earlier though."

Serena laid her head down on her claws, watching for the moment, Royce only moaned again as if he had been drugged in yet another way. /Do you still insist that in your presence, I not mess with his emotions? If so, he's going to pass out soon, if not, he may pass out when the pleasure tries to make him cum./

/Yes, I do. To me, it like toying with him in the same way that the drugs do only with a different scale. Why is pleasure even in this mix?/ Kyn sighed out loud, and dug around in his pack for the object that he would soon be using.

/Very well, but as I said, he'll soon pass out from pain taking away that for WHY I used pleasure...I only did so after all the negative emotions were on the brink of overloading, this includes pain...He's going to scream again when you remove the gag, even to put that liquid down his throat, and yes, I already know you're going to waste it on him./ She snorted, reverting the changes she had made to all of his emotional pathways, not just the one to his pleasure senses, and he went tense the moment she did as the pain began to overload and the others decreased.

/Then... when will I be able to do it to where I won't get my ears screamed off, Serena? Did I ever tell you the tale, of the man who sinned on this earthly plane, and was sentenced to eternal torture?/ Kyn pulled out the vial of clear-golden liquid, that was at this current point filled to the top.

She sighed and winkled her nose at him. "Fine, I'll take his pain away for five minutes, and take it unto myself...and no, you haven't." he might have noticed that she closed herself off from the public channel as she walked over to Royce and looked him in the eye. Almost immediately he went lax. "Now you can." She answered, in a rather rough voice; but it was obvious that she had a higher pain tolerance than the Slowking.

Kyn went over to Royce and lowered the gag. He then took off the stopper and tilted Royce's head up. Ten large drips of the liquid made their way into Royce's mouth, before he closed it again. "I will tell you the tale later. When we away from him."

Serena took her eyes away from the Slowking the moment she was allowed to, replacing the gag after he'd swallowed, and virtually held him in place as he screamed into his gag then went lax in her grip. "As you wish." She sighed and stretched her muscles. "You didn't seem to mind too much when I was playing on your emotions."

"That is a bit true, Serena. Now, take a long look and see why I keep this particular liquid with me at all times." He sat down in the corner of the room, and waited for anything else that Serena might do. About a 1/32 of the liquid was gone.

Serena's nose twitched as she watched what Kyn could not see, the work she had done in the hours, and the work that he had done in his time with the Slowking, she turned him onto his side and loosened the binder a bit so that his arms were in a more natural position, not enough that he could get away though, and removed the spreader bar from between his knees, leaving the cuffs and chain that linked his ankles almost tightly together. One might say that she was even being kind in this regard, considering she grabbed another slip of leather and bound his legs the rest of the way up, and then, of course, removed the chain linking his ankles, as well as the one connecting his collar to the floor. These, along with the others, she hung up on the wall, then she pulled the blindfold and the gag up and down respectively, to let him sleep in peace--he would need all the luck with that as possible. "Fine, I've seen. You are, as you've said, the keeper to his safety and to his pain. An angel and a devil." She walked away from them both, grabbing the door handle. "And I'm just an executioner with her hands tied."

"The story involves a case where a man is sentenced to have his innards eaten every single day. The next day his entire body is restored, and he has to go through that pain all over again." Kyn said, putting the liquid back.

"Now, are you telling me this story to make me wary of what I do here, or to make reference to what you've just done to him?" She gave him a toothy smile.

"Definitely the second one. Though he'll still not be able to have children. Not even this magical liquid can undo that Serena. So he'll probably either have to steal an egg, or adopt one. I hope you've covered that angle somewhere." He went over to Royce and carefully pulled the metal phallus out of him, before letting it clang to the floor. "Of course, now I have to wash this again. Metal... ugh. Metal attracts bacteria far easier than the other types of... toys I have. Unless you've burned the hell out of it. But I'd still wash it just for the sake of being careful."

"Good, because I'm already aware of what I'm doing, and how it will stay with me just as long as it will for him, for a different reason." She looked back at him. "I CAN, but I haven't...Hm, I suppose I could have...."

"Serena, I hope that your thought process didn't just shift to what I think it did. If not, then phew. If so, then uh oh. Now, you did say a whole week. There's not really that much that I can think of that can be done in a week. Of course, I'm not exactly well versed in torture. Which he is more than likely going to wish that you weren't. Serena, that one place where you sat down in front of me and waited for my answer... this is another answer to that. We both have sides that the other now knows about."

"Mmm, I suppose so." She walked over to him and nudged at his hip softly. "Doesn't mean that it'll tear us apart...and of course, I suppose that since you're not from this world, it's perfectly fine for me to tell you exactly where I learned...if you wanted to know, and IF Heji hasn't already told you."

"I have not. He'd probably find it rather interesting." Heji commented at her.

"Well, I do in fact want to know. Of course... I learned it from... websites and personal experience but..." Kyn trailed off and figured she'd understand that that was the end of his thought and that he'd like the answer.

She jumped and turned to face Heji as she would any predator that surprised her. "I swear, Stealth Lion..." She turned back around. "Merlot...was all too happy to show the different situations, and to teach me..." She coughed. "Heji got to watch, of course."

"Merlot...? Heji's... right. I do find that rather interesting. Heji, stop using your predatory skills to sneak up on your mate." Kyn said with a chuckle.

Heji himself gave a chuckle back at this. "I will try my best, MASTER."

Serena twitched a little at the word, and snorted. "Yes, Merlot and her maid fetished servants...Udon was all too willing to let herself be subjected to a spanking...lets not use that word anymore, m'kay?" She paused "....and I don't always mind him sneaking up on me." She admitted.

"Agh. Dammit Serena. Now I've got to fight of the temptation to visit Merlot. Oh, that reminds me... there are multiple Lugia back in my world... is Merlot the last of her kind? I didn't teach him to call me that by the way. He just... heard it from other non me trained Pokémon. So.... who is Udon?" Kyn fired almost rapidfire questions, but they were spaced differently.

"Udon is a Dragonite." She was getting used to answering his questions. "...and if you do, be prepared to wear a maid's outfit. No, I don't think she's the 'last' of her kind, but she is the latest generation of the Draclugia family. Many have tried to court her, and she turns them away..." She looked up at him. "And LASTLY, yes, my mind did go there."

"Bah, a maid's outfit. Besides, I couldn't go there anyway due to being a human. Unless of course, for some strange reason Merlot decided to not be bothered by that. OH LORD, I just had the worst idea for what she might do if she did find out. Pardon me while I bleach my brain for a sec." Kyn said, rubbing his temples.

Serena laughed at him for a moment, then turned and nuzzled Heji, one of her claws going up along his side as she did, a rumbling churr escaping her throat, the semblance of a hug fading soon afterward.

"Hey, it's not funny! This is serious business." Kyn immediately shifted his tone. "...exactly how much did Udon endure? You've got me curious yet again."

At the question, she shivered, if for a very different reason, and actually had to sit for a bit as it brought up the memory. "Before I share...I'd like you to recall how strong dragon scales are."

"You did mention something about it. I'd imagine that it'd take a lot to get the equivalent effects, as to what would happen with human skin." Kyn said, trying to think of where she was headed with this line of thinking.

She passed him a memory of the big Udon bent over the desk with her hands gripping the other side while Merlot took a paddle to her already bruised rear; and still she hissed and begged for more. Of course, a tidbit of what the memory had brought up came through with it, and she looked away from him.

"Hmm well... anything short of bleeding Serena, is up to the other. I'm not sure if that particular one would... go until she bled. Though I have known some that are like that." Kyn finished exiting his thoughts, and then he noticed Serena looking away. "Serena, why are you looking away?"

"Emotions that are tied to the time of the event aren't transferred...and I'm not used to...sharing such things... Understand...previously the only one I shared anything with, was Marlow, and he couldn't...react, couldn't really judge was just reminding him of what it was like to be alive...keeping him aware." She realized she drifted off topic. "The emotions would think that someone who can reroute her own emotions would have better control over them..." She sighed.

"Serena, I do so wish that I could hug you after you said that. I don't care if you can do all that stuff. Sometimes it's just too much." Kyn said.

Serena glanced at Kyn, then retracted her head back into her shell, hiding the blush that was quickly filling her cheeks and the bridge of her snout. "I suppose then I'm a bit more of a sadist than Merlot thought of me....still though I wont be accepting her invitation to quote: 'come back any time.' unquote."

"Does that bother you Serena? There are several ways for you to deal with that, if you even WANT to deal with that." Kyn figured that meeting Merlot for that purpose would be... a rather trying experience, consider than he figured that Merlot probably dealt with Dragons more so than any other type. The Castle was called Draclugia after all.

"I am NOT--" She growled, "going to deal with something like this, after treating Royce as I have. I will NOT associate torturing him, to sex." She had stood, and one could see the tongues of flame and smoke curling from her jaws.

"That is not what I said, Serena. I am fully aware of the difference." Kyn recognized the signs of Serena being angry, something that recalled him back to when she was in the Bagon stage.

"No..." She agreed, swallowing back the flames. "It's what my body's saying."

"...Serena, what exactly is your body saying right now?..."

She phrased it carefully, taking a deep breath. "That it's willing to submit to..." She paused. "My family..." She snorted out the last bit, the words feeling odd on her tongue,"and My mate, properly."

Kyn sighed. "I think I can figure how that might seem a bit difficult for you Serena but... I'm not going to tell you how to think but I suppose you must feel a bit like you're losing a fight. I don't really think I can understand how you're feeling right now." Kyn said. Serena was different than the Dragons he knew and associated with, and learned from.

"I have no problem submitting to my alpha..." She rolled her shoulder towards Heji. "But yes...comparing it to Anana calling me a slut...yes, it feels like I've just lost a fight...but gauging by the response from Heji earlier...and your own admissions...everyone in the family has submitted at one point or another."

"Serena, this may sound odd but... I do believe that in some way, Anana may be jealous of you. She put that thought into your head so you would conflicted when the time came that this would happen to you. In regards to the submissive thing." Kyn decided that if anything, it would probably make sense, considering what little he knew about Anana.

"I'm not letting what she said bother me." She clarified. "She's the one who's got a cunt that you could put both hands in, and even if I was promiscuous, when I evolve it...heh...tightens back up." She really couldn't believe that she was talking about this, but considering what they had just gone through, just watched, and what she had just done, somehow talking about sex, though it still made her squirm, was no where near as bad. "Then again, maybe I just got some of that gunk on my claws and licked it off..."

"There is one way for you to know. A biometric scan. Speaking of which. You remember the Pokédex... well, it does have a scanner that does scan vital functions. You wouldn't have to go in his head all the time, to see his status." Kyn suggested. He figured it'd only make sense to offer, and if she didn't want to he'd understand as well.

"I don't mind being in his head." she sat down again, aware of how moist the guard scales were. "Probably the most annoying thing about this that I can't take care of things like this with my tongue. Not that it would help if this isn't of my own making, it would likely only make it worse...since it quite literally puts me afire as if I was in heat...just...minus the fertility rate."

"Alright... let's take a peek. If there's anything unnatural about it, it'll show up." He whipped out his Pokédex and activated the scanning feature. His eyes looked down at it, and then afterwards, and then back to Serena. He didn't say anything for a long time.

The silence told her the answer she already knew. "I suppose I should have been more careful...the problem is I don't know where I was exposed...either licking my own scales, or out of the residue on the Charmander's ring gag..." she realized, annoyingly enough, that she was making a puddle on the floor herself. "Either way, it shouldn't be as...extensive as it normally is..."

"Serena, are you really going to torture Royce for a whole six more days? It's not that I'm going soft on him just that... unless you know some things that I don't in that regard, I'm not really sure there's much more you can do." Kyn said, trying to be careful in the way he phrased it.

She smiled at him, if it came out a bit...submissive and begged, well, she couldn't help that. "One punishment can last over several days...I believe aside from being called edging, it's also known as blueballing...and it doesn't have to be done the same way each day either..." There was that devious tone again, even if it was on the back burner, and she barely stopped herself from offering to show him personally.

"So then, you are telling me that you know about that? Interesting. Very well, then I shall offer you my full arsenal. Everything in that second bag I brought... will suit your purposes." Kyn said, indicating the back that he had brought the metal phallus, as well as the two eggs from.

"I was...taught hands on about...many things in Merlot's castle. Both having them done to me, and doing them to others." A thought of Soba tonguing her out came unbidden to mind, and she curled upon herself as much as she could. "Haa...that's not helping."

"And here's the part where you explain to me who Soba is. Y'know, those are the names of human foods back home... it doesn't really seem like something that would appear here. Though you probably shouldn't give me a memory this time and just tell me verbally though hell it probably would come up anyway. Dammit, this is not going to be easy either way for you." Kyn said, putting his palm onto his face at himself.

"I didn't INTEND to give you that memory...fuck...Soba is a you might have seen...he's Udon's counterpart. Nng...No, this isn't going to be easy on me regardless of what I do."

"Serena... perhaps.... something from my world my able to help. I don't want you to be stuck in that state." Kyn was going through possible antidotes, including the actual antidote, on the off chance that the solution might treat the 'disiac as an exotic poison.

She had to concentrate REALLY hard to even be able to focus enough to look over his thoughts, "Heh...I suppose this shows just how impaired I am...can barely scan someone I have a perm. link with...there IS an antidote...I remember it from when Anana rescued't focus enough to get into his thoughts to find where he's got it hidden though..." Her green orbs looked over at Lacu, and she just looked with a begging look in her eyes. "Of course there is a catch...for it to work there has to be...well...sperm in my stomach...and yes, he showed me that it wasn't just a load of...." She laid down as yet another thought passed around. "I think...I'm going to stop thinking for a while...Stupid Serena, stupid stupid stupid." She clawed at her shell, which of course, didn't hurt her at all, but it sure made the sharp squeal like it should have.

"You go right ahead and do that. I'll wait as long as it takes. A Dragonair eh? Merlot sure likes collecting Dragons, doesn't she?" Kyn thought out loud.

"She does." She confirmed, and even as another thought started to slip, and she caught this one, throwing it back into the door about Merlot and slamming the door. She whined beside herself, and wanted to beg, just as their end goal for Royce was, and she finally reduced herself to reaching for Heji's mind with her own--insanely difficult, and practically fruitless. -Do you mind...?- The words were broken, and clouded.

-I am not sure what you are asking. But I do not think I would mind either way.- Heji replied. He moved closer to her and tried to figure out what she wanted.

-Chase the other images away...I don't want to think of dragons at Merlot's castle, when my thoughts should be of my mate.- She exposed her throat to him, to the point where they could see the edge of her scarf, which she pulled loose, she was already lying down, it just took a slight push to turn her onto her side. It probably wouldn't take much imagination to gather what they were watching, even though they should have been reaching into the pervert's mind and finding the location, and then going to get it.

-I will do my best.- He decided on which way to proceed first. He placed his paw on her shell, and then decided to begin with clearing up what she had already been making that pooled on the floor, starting with the edge of her scales. Afterward he used the underside of his tongue to massage the guard scales trying to coax them open a bit further so he'd be able to perform a more specific task.

Serena closed her eyes, it was easier to pretend that there weren't others in the room with her eyes closed...............and when she opened her eyes, sweet, blessed thought, she could think! Oh sure, she was out of breath, she was completely and utterly embarrassed out of her mind that she had even done so in front of the others, but she didn't mind; so long as she could think. "Mmmm, much better, for now at least. It's not going to stay away...what, were you two gawking this whole time?" Back to her indignant self. "No, no, nevermind, I don't want to know."

"Well too bad. I'm going to tell you anyway. It's not like this is a new thing to me Serena. You've apparently decided to feel embarrassed doing this in front of us, when you shouldn't. You, the one who said you had no trouble watching non-sentients mate. Now do you want the antidote or not?" Kyn said with his arms crossed, in an imitation of being stern.

"Perhaps -I- Should have clarified. Non-sentients of the same species, and yes, I want the bloody antidote, tch...if only it would work on the ACTUAL heat as well as this false simulation..." She tucked her scarf back into her shell, looking up at him. "But yeah, I get the point."

"You know my usual curiosity on things like this? Well, this is one time where I will lay that curiosity to rest, about this particular antidote." Kyn said.

"I don't know how it was created Kyn, You can taunt Royce with the almost identical bottle of more Aphrodisiac, after I switch the labeling around. Now, can I have the stupid thing or are you going to make me do something for you while I still have the head to do so?"

"Make you do something? What in the world are you talking about? Take the damn bottle!" Kyn held it out to her.

She practically swiped it from his hand, carefully dripping one drop into her mouth, before putting the cap back on it. "Yick. I'm reminded of why you have to be a heat crazed, sex-starved 'mon to be desperate enough to drink this stuff, doing it willingly is just..." She trailed off and wrinkled her nose. "You get the picture."

"No I don't. I've consumed some pretty foul stuff in my time Serena, so perhaps you might be able to give me some idea, so that I might share in your revulsion of the stuff." Kyn said. "And I don't think that drinking it will suffice either. I dunno what it would do to me since I'm not... in that state."

She dug around in his memories for something to compare it to, and when she couldn't find something that compared properly, she sent it to him. Acrid, musky and bitter at the same time, with the flavor of rotten lum berries; Strong and potent as well as she could get the full bearing in a single drop.

"Y'know Serena... I'm starting to wonder. You... seem to rather have odd sense of taste compared to mine, and vice versa. I hope you can... understand." Kyn stated simply. The tiniest hint of embarrassment may have snuck it's way into the emotion of that sentence.

"I am a near 100% carnivore, but I will admit, my metabolism has slowed down to where I don't have to eat but maybe once a week, when I do, though, it's a rather large meal to counterbalance the fact that I, unlike my brethren at this stage, am not sitting around in one place and focusing entirely on the mental arts."

"Serena... do you know what time Royce is going wake up? Also, I was... rather surprised at the fact that... when I was whalloping him, he seemed to enjoy it, regardless of the drug. I... wouldn't have expected that." Kyn said, going over to him.

"A psychic's shock could wake him up at any time...and the body is always more honest than the mouth, with his least -I- bind myself to the truth, even if it's hard to speak about." She nuzzled Heji, then started peeling the label from the bottle, and pulled it off, setting both the label and the bottle on the counter, then wandering back off to his office with an 'excuse me for a moment', which she then proceeded to ransack it for another bottle of the aphrodisiac; bringing that back before peeling the label off that one, switching them, and hiding the real antidote out of sight.

"So... Royce isn't that willing to accept that type of feeling like I am. Perhaps you should... oh, please forgive me for putting this way. Perhaps you should... convert Royce." Kyn said, slightly looking away.

Had they been able to see her hackles raised, she would have raised them, as it was she hissed and spit a tongue of flame down the drain. "YOU won't let me put him in a position where he recognizes that he enjoys being beaten, because it would require me robbing him of his ability to feel PAIN for a while, and as you said, that would be messing with his emotions, just like the drug is. He'll never accept ANYTHING if it hurts him to have it done to him. Not right now anyway..." She turned her head. "Besides...the biggest required part of it, is trust, and I, nor you, have done anything to build that, as of yet. A few more days of me virtually tearing him to pieces? He'll enjoy your treatments a lot more, he'll be more willing...and then he'll be able to beg for you to give him more."

"Dear me. Well, as I have mentioned, you do have all those at your disposal. You can adapt to those that are built for those that are more dexterous, can't you?" Kyn asked.

"Still think I can't break him a week?" She stood up on her hind legs, using the counter to balance herself out, and stretched. "Yes, I can adapt to way or another...It would be a better question as to asking if I WANTED to, considering the fact that for the most part, my new set of hands is my mouth and tongue."

"That's what I was also referring to. Hm, well, you might be able to. Now I'm thinking about rephrasing. It probably won't take an entire week. Considering how he's never experienced his own... situations before." He phrased the last word carefully and thought about what types of things Serena would possibly be doing to Royce, and for various reasons, it did start to cause a tinge of minor arousal.

She grinned, for more than one reason, but she played it off as being because he had faith in her abilities; and dropped back down to all fours. "Considering that he's never had the guts to be able to put himself in this position, and he had to be forced...I don't think that he'll ever do it again after this week..." She took Royce's chin in her claws, raking across his cheek with the curled digits. "Do I really want to give him a good memory amidst the nightmares?" His face contorted at her very touch. "Well...every time he looks down he'll have a reminder that it's NOT just the drugs at least...You never did get to see what it actually was on the inside, though I'm sure from the blood that was there, you could guess."

"There is a good chance that I could guess, yes. As for what you said... I'm not sure if you should give him a good memory amongst it. He also has a human to think about too." Kyn added.

Serena chuckled. "Not to kill your buzz...but let's go check on the others and let him rest a bit more...I'm sure they're fitful dreams, what with what he partook in a bit earlier." She picked up the false bottle of antidote, and the real one from it's hiding place, tucking both of them inside of her shell, and slipped out of the room, following the line down to where she had left the others; not really bothering to look behind her to see if they were coming with or not. "So, how goes the situation guys?" Five hours, that was how long they had been left alone; and she was sure that she still smelled of sex, which she blatantly ignored. "Been having fun I hope?"

"We've all been taking bets as to how long it'd be before you all sort of returned to us. Looks like Striker wins. His guess was closest at four hours. You'd be surprised how few Pokémon actually make it here." Nero responded. He then began talking about how Riiko the Clefable, which none of them knew about, had come back to check on things since he hadn't seen Royce in a while, and didn't bother to ask anyone else.

"After the security woke up... we 'convinced' them, ha, air quotes via scythes, such a human thing I've picked up. We convinced them to temporarily become deaf, blind and well.. most of them were already stupid." Striker finished with a chuckle.

"To be honest, I would have been back after subduing Royce to see how things were going but...well, I got more ways than one." Of course, they'd probably think it was all sex, she didn't really care. "So...Riiko was here? I do hope that you didn't let him go back out onto the floor. My apologies, as I said, I would have been back to notify you earlier, about the Clefable and the Clefairy, Nina." Any time she had to use their names it was like she was forcing herself to spit them out.

"So, what would have happened HAD we let him go back out there Serena?" Nero asked curiously.

"Panic...the casino would be declared under a terrorist attack...erf, now he's got me using his wouldn't be considered safe for their patrons, and it would close down...the dusk stones would be disabled and we'd have three very angry Pokémon heading an army of Clefairy...well, two, since I have Royce tied up at the moment."

"Well... we are no strangers to things like this. Those bases are covered, in the sense of not leaving the ability to figuratively sound the alarm. Or literally if that is the case." Striker explained.

"I never thought you would be." She gave him an almost false smile, then it too faded. "I suppose that I...owe you all an explanation, as to why you even had to use these skills tonight; and with it, it will come an do of course deserve a break as well...let me see...If memory serves me...there's a meeting room down the hall to the right, and it's the second door on the left..." she wandered as she spoke, and tested her memory. Indeed it was spot on--the two fighting types that had been using it to nap, quickly got up and left upon seeing the golden plates of her Shelgon state.

"Feel free to, but you don't really have to. It's been a while since we've had to put our skills to use. Being a Bug-type and taking down a Fighting-type, also feels excellent, by the way," Striker commented.

Serena climbed up onto the long table, claiming it as a perch. "I would imagine represent your typing well, for an old man." She sighed. "Striker, you probably would not be surprised to know that like in Gambitville, I came here when I was younger...and of course, I was stupid...I got into trouble...with the Slowking known as Royce." She once more, spat the name, and withdrew her head back into her shell almost as if she needed protection from her own memory. Which...she kind of did. "Inferno, you stayed behind the first time, so you don't know...this place is about as straight as my tongue is while I'm talking; that is to say, Not at all. If you have any instinctual inclination, or are just lucky, you can become a target for Royce, who will take you into his office and offer to play a straight game with you...of Roulette." She paused to let what she said sink in.

"Erm... Serena... none of us are... familiar with this game that you mentioned... called Roulette." Striker spoke up for the group again.

"Not even I am familiar with it, and I travel with Kyn." Inferno added.

"I...Hm..." She stood up, walked to the other end of the table, and launched herself at the roulette wheel that was on the wall, yes, complete with the ball, though this was glued in place and clearly for decoration. "This is a roulette wheel, ignore the green space on this one, ignore the numbers too. A normal wheel will have all of these, and you can place money on either a number, or a color. the ball normally isn't...sealed to the wheel, and the wheel spins...the ball clicks until it finds a place that it becomes seated in one of the slots, which is how you know if someone has won or not." She ticked her head off to the side. "Understand?"

They all nodded. "That is very simple." Inferno said. He then tried to connect the dots between what Serena said earlier about Royce and Roulette. "That doesn't give you a lot of options though... does it? Depending on how many numbers there are, it decreases the possibility of winning, doesn't it? Unless you do the color."

"Well, That's why it's called gambling Inferno...but the wheel in Royce's office has no green, and it has no numbers, there is only red, and black, a 50/50 chance of winning...If you win, you double what you have won up on the floor...If you lose everything...and if you try again and go into lose your freedom for a set amount of time. If you refuse to play, as Kyn did last time, the security detain you and you become a prisoner here for an UNSET amount of time...that is to say, Until Royce gets tired of fucking with you...literally and figuratively; or until Anana rescues you..."

"So then... you probably could tell that Kyn would be the type to refuse... right? He wouldn't know the consequences of refusal." Inferno asked, thinking about all the things that could go wrong with gambling.

"Annnnd that is why last time we were here, Heji and Striker took out the security before he could get himself into deep I did." She knocked the wheel off the table carelessly. "I didn't know either. I was a kid, who relied entirely upon instinct to see if the others had a good hand, and like a good hunter, was unreadable...I was invited down, and I politely refused...or at least I thought I did. I exited the room and was, as you know from fighting them, out matched at only a bit more than a hatchling..." she drew her claws across the table. "I learned...the hard way, what kind of debt that Royce claimed that I owed to him...he believed that I owed him my body, and the use of it whenever he pleased." Her pupils narrowed to the characteristic slits.

"So then..." Striker spoke, picturing it, "Kyn would probably damage the guards. If not, they'd sure as hell have a time with ALL of us combined. He'd probably get thrown out... though not in the literal sense, unless like... four of them swarmed him at once."

She looked at Striker as if he had just turned into a Clefairy. "We're not here today protecting Kyn...If anything, Kyn is helping me...heal an old wound by making about forty...I've got one week to treat the Slowking to everything that he did to me, took from me, and more...and I plan on breaking him in that time...the last time that Kyn might remember, Inferno, he didn't even say goodbye to me...because he let his fear rule him...I'm trying not to do the same...sharing that memory with him on the river bed opened a whole can of worms, that are just being rounded up and put back..." She looked away from them. "Because he didn't think I'd know the difference between rape, and consensual bondage."

"I suppose that we might have guessed that. For those of us that are rather on the aged side... I wouldn't have really expected it myself." Striker admitted. "Though I suppose that's all out of the way now, isn't it?"

"It is...yes. To the point that he's finally willing to accept me as a family member and not going to try to shelter me anymore." this...was said with a bit of pride.

"Well, then, perhaps it is time that we start thinking about the future for a while and where we are all headed together." Nero suggested.

"Perhaps..." She inclined her head to Nero. "But right now, my future includes staying the hell away from any green bottles of this one." She pulled it from her shell and twirled it between her claws and the table. "As you should too....since it will send you into an artificial rut. Just one drop will keep you that way for a week."

"Hmmm, well... no need to worry about an artificial one Serena..." Striker said vaguely.

"I'm..." She started, then chortled. "Still socially awkward I suppose. At least when the tables are turned on me." She gave him a toothy grin. "Well, I did say to enjoy yourselves, so by all means, within reason of course, enjoy yourselves." She hopped down from the table. "Just...try to avoid occupied rooms...they're likely still under the effects, and are not willing participants in all this." She looked back over her shoulder at them. "There's three gear rooms, the one in the red hall is...occupied."

"Hmm, well, I suppose it will be best for us to examine them." Striker said. He lead the way to one of the rooms and entered with Inferno. Nero stood outside as a sort of guard.

Serena had to get back, as much as she might enjoy watching, rather than being watched, she did have a captive to torture, and so while they were examining and enjoying themselves, She returned to where she had left Kyn, Heji and Lacu. It was to her credit that she was able to laugh such things off now, considering how uptight she had been about them only two months before. It struck her that she had never asked exactly what had been done with Riiko and Nina...but then, she figured it didn't exactly matter.

"So... I take it the others are currently occupied... with non-security related manners?" Kyn said with a clearly understanding, but questioning tone.

From her chuckle, the answer was yes. "Well, they weren't needed to stand guard anymore, so yes...and I explained Royce's game for them; teaching them how to bet feels a bit dirty, but they asked, and I told." She stretched, as if to work out the kinks in her muscles. "I figured that I should come back; lest you get bored and start without me."

"Serena... can you imagine how it must feel to have someone to help you with... things... after being alone in a cave for fifteen years without any semblance of hands, claws, paws, or whatever...?"

"I suppose, that depending on the type of Pokémon, it could have been extremely disappointing, as they thought that they were beyond that need by then, or to where they were almost in a desperate flurry...I would be grateful, personally, though I doubt that I would last long." She did look at him. "He, as a warrior, though, should have been flexible enough to suck himself off."

"Of course he was. But that's not the point. Fifteen years... Anyway. I offered to help him once or twice and well, you can probably understand my feeling on this matter." Kyn tried.

"On THIS matter?" She retorted. "I'm afraid you'll have to be specific, since I haven't done anything...yet...and I can do without you piecing together old stories that you left details from because you thought you were sheltering me. My mind has already done that, did that about after I finished the eggs."