Red and Tails 5

Story by Llyth on SoFurry

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#5 of Red and Tails

Red and Tails 5

-THis probably isn't the end of this adventure. I just don't have very mush time to write stories for the next couple of months. I will try to keep up as I have many ideas for stories. We will just have to wait and see if I choose to write them-

I walked around the corner wondering where Tails was going. There she was sitting on a crate looking in the window. She had a smile on and I could feel a sense of joy and sensed a little playfulness in her voice.

"Come have a look at this Red." She said as she was turning her head to look at me. She had a smile on her face. I walked over to the window and looked in.

"What I don't see anything. It is just an empty ro..." That is when I saw it and my mouth dropped to the floor. There in the room was Naomi laying on the bed naked. She was playing with herself. She would take her fingers and gently rub them around her already wet pussy. Every once and a while she would stick two fingers in and stroke herself. With every motion in she would moan like she did the night before, pure pleasure. She would stroke in and out for a few strokes all the while playing and stimulating her clitoris. She had her eyes closed tight, enjoying her time alone.

But this was not what made my mouth drop to the floor. Standing next to the bed was Lan. He stood there proud and and was interested in what Naomi was doing. He was so interested that he took no notice of Tails and I even though the window was slightly cracked. But underneath him is what caught my attention. There hanging between his leg was the biggest dick I have ever seen.

"I told you it was big." Tails said to me with a giggle. I was in awe at how it could be that big. It had to be at least 12 to 14 inches long and at least one and a half inches thick. It was just hanging there in between his legs. He was very excited.

"wow!" I said in awe. Naomi looked up and saw Lan next to the bed. She motioned for Lan to jump up. Naomi scooted to the end of the bed so that Lan could get all the way on the bed and so there was space. Lan hoped on to the bed and started to sniff the area where Naomi had just been. He obviously recognized the sent of Noami's juices on the bed and knew what to do next. This obviously was not there first time doing this. Lan crawled over to where Noami sat with her legs spread and her pussy exposed. He started to sniff around her legs.

"Come on, you know where to go and what to do." She said with a smile. Fortunatly I could just barely see what was going on and I was starting to get a little excited myself. Tails giggled in my mind again.

"Exciting isn't it"

"Yes" I answered back in my mind. Just then Lan found what he was looking for. His long tounge extended and start to lap at Naomi's pussy in down to up strokes that hit every inch of her pussy. Naomi let out a yelp and leaned her head back and closed her eyes. I knew that the tounge of a ninetails felt good. Tails had used hers this morning to pleasure me.

Naomi started to breath fast. She started to pet Lan's head and grab at his ears. She was starting to moan and groan as she neared her climax. Lan just kept on licking at Naomi's Pussy never having to stop for breath. Just then a load of juices came out of her pussy and splashed onto Lan as Naomi hit her climax. She started to shiver and grabbed onto Lan's Head. She was screaming now. Thank god she lived alone out here because she would have woken up the neighbors.

Naomi let go of Lan's ears and He took a step back. He looked at her in interest. She still had her head back and was breathing heavily. She opened her eyes and looked at Lan and smiled.

"They must be talking using there minds" I said as I looked at Tails. She looked at me and shook her head.

"After Lan and I finished last night I talked to him about him and Naomi. He said that they have never mated and that the only thing he did was to lick her 'sensitive area'. That is what he calls it." I looked back into the window puzzled. Naomi had lied to me. She had said that they had sex. I just shook it off and looked inside again. Lan was still on the bed and his cock was still hanging out. Naomi had lain down to get some rest. She looked at Lan's cock and a little smile creeped across her face.

"Hmmm. I wonder?" she said. She got on her elbows and motioned Lan to come over to her. Of course he did what she said. She directed him so that he was standing right next to her. She sat up all the way and with a smile grabbed Lan's cock. now I was getting really excited. She started to gently stroke it and caress it. She leaned in close to it and started to sniff. and slowly she let out her tounge and licked it from the tip to the base. She backed off with a smile. She continued to stroke it and caress it whil every once in awhile licking it up and down. Lan had his tounge sticking out and was enjoying himself.

Naomi stopped for a second and repositioned Lan so he was directly on top of her. She took his cock in her mouth and started to suck and lick at it. She was starting to maon again. She would start at the tip and stick Lan's cock in as far as she could, which was about 7 inches. She would even sometimes gag herself on it. She reached her hand down and started to finger herself again. I reached my hand down and started to rub my own cock.

Naomi started to quicken the pace. She must have felt that Lan was close because I could see a little pre-cum come from the side of Naomi's mouth. I didn't need to know what it tasted like because I got a mouthful of it last night. I looked at Tails when I thought this and she just looked at me and smiled. She also noticed that I had my hand in my pants and smiled again. She scooted of the crate a little.

I heard a cough and we both looked back inside. Lan had come and his seed was overflowing from Naomi's mouth. It was spilling down her face and onto her breast. It just kept coming. She pulled away when he was down and laid down on the bed. Lan went to work cleaning off Naomi and she petted and rubbed his head.

After a minute of his cleaning or so Naomi sort of pushed him away so she could roll over. She got on her hands and knees and started to strech. I looked at Lan as he was staring contentily at Naomi's pussy. It took me a second to regester in my head what was going to happen next. I didn't realize it until it was too late. Lan hoped onto of Naomi and started to hump her. Naomi yelped in shock.

"What are you doing Lan. GET OFF!" She screemed. Lan wouldn't listen. He just kept humping and hunting for that right spot. Naomi's face was one of terror. I was about to run in and help her when Tails grabbed my pants.

"Don't. He could kill you if you tried to stop him. Plus she will enjoy it when he is in her." Tails said in my mind. I was still worried but was reassured by that thought from Tails. I looked back inside just in time to see Lan hit his spot. He entered her only an inch but the look on Naomi's face was one of shock and horror. LAn just continued to hump and enter her little by little. I was getting extremly turned on and remembered Tails had scooted of the crate a little. I know this was only going to be quick so I took advantage of the moment. While watching Naomi and Lan, I slipped my dick out of my pants and raised Tails butt to get better entry. I didn't warm up I just went straight to work like Lan did. I tried to match the rhythm of Lan but he was too quick. Tails was liking it.

As I pumped in and out enjoying the warmth of Tails pussy I could see that Lan had entered all the way into Naomi. All 12 inches of his dick was inside of her. Naomi was now rocking back and forth with a look of pleasure on her face.

"Oh Lan. Good boy. Make me cum. Give me your seed." She would say every now and them in between moans and groans. I started to speed up my pace with Tails. She was growling a little to so I knew she was about to cum as I was. I could feel the walls of her pussy start to grab at my cock. Lan was still humping away like there was no tomorrow. Naomi started to squeal and scream. She was about to have her orgasm.

"Make me yours Lan!" she would scream and the all of a sudden Lan stopped and Naomi started to shiverI was still pumping into Tails and Tails was humping back. I could see cum start to drip out of Naomi's Pussy as Lan stopped humping.

"There is so much. Too much." Naomi screamed as she was shivering.

"OHHH Red. Oh you making me cum. I want your seed, GIVE IT TO ME!" Tails screamed in my head while she put her head down and was concentrating on what was happening out here and not in there.

That was all that I needed to make me cum. I grabbed onto Tails rear end tight and slammed into her pussy with all my might. I let all the cum inside me pour into her while the walls of her pussy pulsated in rhythm with the spurts of my cum. I closed my eyes and Tails screamed in my head.

I Relaxed a bit after I had finished cum and Tails had finished her orgasm. I looked inside to see that Naomi had collasped with Lan on top. Lan was slowly licking her neck and she was smiling. I pulled myself out of Tails and put my dick back in my pants. Tails hopped down from the crate and got on her hind legs and licked me on my face. I smiled back. I walked back to the front of the cabin and walked inside. I grabbed some pen and paper and wrote down a message for Naomi.

'Thanks for letting us stay last night. We had an excellent time. Here is my e-mail address if you want to keep in touch. your friends Red and Tails.

ps I hope you will now get to experience what me and Tails do now that you and Lan had sex. By the way, it looked like you really enjoyed yourself.'

I set down the pen and quietly exited the cabin.

"What did you write" Tails asked me

"I just wished her the best of luck with her relationship with Lan. and to let her know that she isn't alone when it comes to talking with the one you call mate and lover." Tails smiled and we started to treck out into the woods.

"Where to next?" Tails asked. I bent down and smiled. I patted her on the head.

"Where ever the road takes us." I said and we walked of into the distance never looking back at the cabin. The place that started this little adventure. I will never forget how and when me and Tails started out together. How it will end. Who knows?