Chapter 6

Story by Kynexn on SoFurry

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#6 of Started with a Rock: Arc 1 - The Return

Mental speech key:


/everyone locally/


<|Kyn and Tensa|>



~Vendetta & Jasmine~


Serena did as he asked, finding it easier to counter balance, the blindfold was still on his forehead, and thus, easy to pull it back down, she was curious what he was going to do, and when he came back, her nostrils flared and her pupils shrank to mere pinpoints, even SHE knew what those were, and she shuddered, backing out of Royce's mind completely. She snorted, and flicked her tongue out, her logic centers registering that they weren't going to be used on her, and she calmed within seconds. /Much better; it's about time that you saw things my way./

"Royce, if you thought what I did to you earlier was painful... you haven't felt this yet." Kyn said, lowering his tone by an octave. "There will be no silly counting this time, and I will not be gentle." /Because if I'm not and he bleeds, it can still be undone eventually. After of course, he knows his place in all this./

Serena still balked, she didn't want anywhere near those things, if she had been submissive while under the effects of the heat drug, she was frightened now. She backed up to the wall, and sat. Oh sure, they couldn't tear through DRAGON HIDE...not immediately anyway, but her hide was still Lizard hide, and that tore easily to them...she made a mental note never to make Kyn this angry. /I understand... just never wave those things at me...unless I deserve it, and you better make damn sure that I deserve it; If my logic checks come back and it reads as unwarrented....well, no, I'd probably still cower in the corner, whine like a little bitch, and try to make you happy again...eventually./

Royce wasn't so lucky, he couldn't see anything, he didn't know what was coming...but the counting gave him an idea. This, again...and he wasn't going to be gentle; the last time was gentle? He started to say something, and remembered what happened last time, he braced for another pull on his arms, and when it didn't come, he was surprised.

Kyn moved closer to Royce and brought a single one with him from the tied pile. There was no warning, no indication, nothing to give Royce something to brace for. He moved his arm to the side, and using his index finger as the second gripping point, brought it across Royce's rear ONCE at full force. The immediate rush of air before it made contact could be heard by everyone.

Had Royce not been tied tightly in place, he would have jumped four foot into the air at the strike, as it was he tried to turn and look at what had hit him; and unprepared as he was, to say he yelped in pain and surprise would be a severe understatement.

"That is not even the beginning." Kyn said. He didn't look at Serena or say anything before he flicked his wrist for another strike. This was was not as much force, but like with the nylon rod, he aimed it so that the tip up to about nine inches would connect.

He flinched, bearing the pain, his eyes welled up with tears at the second strike, and he had to grit his teeth not to make a sound, still he didn't quite make it, as sound escaped him in the form of a grunt, but how long he could manage that...well, not long. "Fuck..." He gasped out; how anything could be more painful than the beating he had gotten before, but it seemed like he was MORE sensitive now that he had been healed, as the switch burned marks into his skin as if it were on fire.

Kyn was trying his best to make it so that he could do as many marks as possible, without overlapping, so that once he did, it would be even worse. The next time he walked around to the right side of Royce and repeated the two strikes, in less than a second this time.

He twitched as he cried out, to his credit he didn't yelp the first time, he did manage to grunt at that one, but the second was a full fledged yell. His body trembled, but the voice in his head, which now wasn't even hiding who it was echoed the words: 'You deserved it' over and over and over until it filled his mind, he couldn't even focus enough to tell it to shut up. Of course the pain was being interpreted as pleasure somewhere in his brain, as his cock throbbed with his heartbeat...thank the gods that it was sheltered from the beating, at least until he decided to move to the front.

"Of course that was just a warm up." Kyn said, forbodingly. /Serena. I can tell that you are affected by this. Tell me; do you know the difference between a whipping and a beating in this particular event?/

The voice, when it did come, was as meek as it might have been when she was a Bagon. /Whippings do not stop until bones are brought to the surface, beatings end when the disobedient one has learned their place. Yes, I am affected by this...I am glad that you are doing it, but I don't like it any more than you do./ She forced herself away from the wall, and back to where she had tied the chains, not exactly looking at him.

His face was moist, he didn't know with sweat, or with tears, but moist it was; he had learned that using his voice was not a good thing, and applied what Serena had said earlier--- that the only thing they wanted to hear from him, was a scream-- back into play.

/I might need assistance to make sure that this does not crossover into the former./ He went over to the pile and picked up another switch, and held the two of them together with his thumb and index finger. The next set came across lightning fast, five; all within the span of five seconds, and of course, double by the fact that he was using two, in essence bringing what would be a singular total up to ten for that set.

The cries came more frequent, and louder, by the end of the ten strikes he was gasping for breath.

/I...if it's necessary, I will stop you one way or another./ Her word in thought, as he knew, was as good as a promise.

"Don't pass out on me Royce. I still have plenty left." He did give Royce a break, to recover, but only to recover. He waited until Royce had regained his normal breathing pattern. /Would you have done so before I requested it?/

/......before his death. Most wielders of whips....pride themselves by being able to cleave to the bones in a single swipe...they wield them like claws./ She forced herself to turn around to look at what was going on, not that she wanted to, but she would have to.

"Pass out? nothing." The façade was clearly false, he couldn't even hold it steady as he spoke, but his body did calm back down; he was beginning to tremble on his tiptoes like this.

/Most humans... aren't really skilled or strong enough to... do what you said./ "Very well, we shall see." Kyn, took another switch and this time, tied the three together. He took aim, and gave another series of five, which would multiply into the equivalent of fifteen, at this point, things would begin to overlap. /Royce is being damn difficult./

/....When he begins to bleed, and it runs down his back and legs to the drain, he will stop being so..../ She laid down, her head withdrawn. Already she could see evidence of the switches biting into Royce's hide, she could hear the screams as they became more ragged and painful. /No more breaks though, not unless I tell you he's about to pass out.../ That right there would tell him, she knew, that she was, at least to some degree, going through it with him, and that THAT would be why she was reacting so strongly, and THAT was the reason that her voice sounded almost...hollow.

/It will not take much at this rate./ Kyn started up again without any warning, switching to using full force again, and going as fast as he could at the same time. It then turned into a mix between a delayed series of full force swings, followed by a series of swings with less force, but at an even more rapid pace. The total number of swings that he aimed to connect with Royce that time was fifteen.

Serena watched, and felt the total of forty-five separate swings, it wasn't long, of course, that he began to bleed, before the blood ran as streams down his hide, and before his cries turned to sobs. It didn't take the full amount, and he would find Serena's mouth wrapped around the bloody sticks, stopping him from the next swing. /Enough. Drop them./ The voice was commanding, dominant; and almost would make him want to obey, even without his mindset being of one that didn't like using them.

/I've... never made someone bleed with these before. Ever. I will gladly rid myself of these./ He commented simply.

Once they were out of his hands, they were out of her mouth, dropped on the ground, and she stood, wrapping her forelimbs around him. /I'm sorry that you had to...but he will....behave now...without question./ The word broken came to mind, but she refused to use it. She lingered in the hug for a bit, then walked back over to the place where she had secured the chains, and gently, ever so gently, did she lower him down to the ground on his side.

Of course at some point, due to the pain, he had soiled the front of the leather, and that joined the blood down the drain. He groaned as he felt his body released, and crumpled as he hit the ground, not wanting to be moved at all.

/My mind cringes at what would happen if you were not here for this./ Kyn did realize that in some form he had done THAT to Serena, but he didn't let any indication that he was affected by it seep through.

/Your mind cringes at many things./ She tugged at his sleeve and pulled him over towards the soft pile of silk that she had been using as bedding, and nudged him so that he would sit, or at least know she wanted him to sit, if nothing else. /Come here you two...after something like that, one can feel hollow, and the only cure is to be around those that care about you./

/This situation... Royce... I've done this, he understands now, but, I've gotten almost all of what I need from him./ Kyn sat down on the ground next to Serena.

She nosed him, wrapping one forelimb around his lap, the other behind him, protectively; she even licked his cheek. /Almost everything you need from him?/ She inquired softly.

/The one thing that makes it different. I want it to be so that, although he can relieve himself... he won't truly be able to get off unless we are both here. However... we're probably not going to be./ He waited for a response before continuing his thought process, due to the fact that it could also be taken AS a complete set of thought.

/He knows I'm able to get into his head now, I dropped all covert behavior began./ She had an idea of what he was referring to. /I guess this Slowking will need pants...since he wont be able to tuck it away./

/Now Serena, is there anything else YOU needed to do?/ Kyn figured she was in reference to the strange cock ring that was currently housed around the Slowking's member.

/The only thing I need to do, is to give him the actual antidote...and I suppose that I should remove the ring too, but by that point we need to be ready to use your cure all almost immediately...the almost coming in because it's going to split like an Oran berry sliced with a six sided blade...not all the way through, of course, but....and for that, I will be playing with his emotions to make him feel pleasure instead of pain there./ She laid her head down on his leg with a sigh. /Thank you./

/You're... welcome...?/ Kyn rested his hand on Serena's head, and thought about what exactly an Oran berry split six ways WOULD look like. /Serena... that's going to look very odd. I think my penis just cried a little./

Serena looked up at him, letting a rumbling thrum in her chest be the marker for her mood. /I'm sorry...that was the least graphic way I knew that I could put for why I said thank you...well...the six days shrank down to probably IS about morning, by the way.../

/Ah, I see about the graphicness. Now, I'm guessing that you don't need the rest of them then? Are we going to unbind Royce, or will he stay like that?/

Serena shook her head a bit beneath his claw. /Until it comes off, I want him bound...speaking of, we should probably do that before he passes out from blood loss...../ She picked up a large strip of the silken bedding with her mouth, pulling away from him carefully so that she didn't cut him with her long fangs. /If you're ready, that is./

/I'm ready. It'll probably take most of it to heal it. I'll be having to go get more from the village./ Kyn said, standing up.

Serena walked to Royce, and first pulled the chains from him with the understanding that he wouldn't be going anywhere, then sat the dazed Slowking up, delving into his mind and rerouting all incoming pain to pleasure before grabbing the ring with her two claws. She braced against him...and then pulled. Flesh stripped away in large gouges all the way around the member, blood oozing out in it's wake at the blades of metal continued to cut, all the way to the tip, which she quickly wrapped with the silken cloth. Of course, he couldn't cum like this, the seed dripped back along his front rather than out the tip. "Any time now Kyn..." She squeezed the bloody and infernal cock ring, crushing it in her unused claw.

Kyn had the vial opened and ready. He poured in literally half of what was remaining and then waited.

She examined Royce, very much like he was still a piece of meat to ensure that everything was healed, then pulled the blood soaked silk from him, much to her relief he was whole once more. She ensured things were back to normal in his mind; and then walked around to unbind his arms; then his legs; letting him sit on his own.

Royce was dizzy, understandably so, considering what he'd gone through just moments before, but he was handling it well, considering the fact that he had nearly had his dick ripped to shreds. He flinched at the idea, and also understandably, reached down to touch himself to ensure that he really was in one piece again.

/Yes, of course. Alright Serena. He'll probably take off the blindfold himself soon./ He watched and waited, wondering what Royce would do next now that his arms and legs were free.

Serena padded away from them both, picking up the cup from earlier and filling it with water again, setting it beside Royce, then laying down just out of arms reach. She didn't trust him, wasn't sure how his mind would react to this new acceptance.../ Perhaps you expect too much of him to have such freedom, I was the one to put down the blindfold, normally, one would ask if they can remove least, in my experience./

Royce heard the water, heard the cup, and heard the claws and the scraping of the shell against the floor as she laid down. He wasn't sure who was in charge, but his head was dipped when he tried, not 'looking' either of them in the eye. "May I....remove the cloth from my eyes, that I might drink? Or will lady Serena assist me in the feat so that I do not spill?" The voice was raspy, again understandable due to the events that had passed not moments before.

/I believe I did expect to much of him. But that is alright for now./ "You may. Unless for some reason Serena does not wish you to do so."

"I have no reason to deny this request." She said simply. /He's not going to test his limits anymore, you have to understand, It's not like you just imposed a limit on one of your Pokémon here, break someone is much different...I'm guessing that you haven't done that before?/

Upon the response he pulled the cloth up above his eyes, and picked up the cup carefully, hands...well, without his arms in a binder as he had for over 8 hours now, he was shaking a bit as he did drink. He noted that his tail was still clipped down, a clear 'stay', in his mind.

/Well. I've really had no reason to. However, I have imagined it before. It was, rather something I was afraid of, but once again, as I have said, Royce is something different./ Kyn crossed his arms, and examined Royce with his eyes.

/To be truthful, this is not something that I've dealt with either, but I've had it described to me, the signs were input into my head as best as Merlot could...that is, to say, via memory.../ She too watched Royce, careful not to do anything to set them off, and when he finally stopped drinking. "Royce, do you remember your normal? The way you were before this event? We're going to be working from that base." Her voice was rather neutral. "Do you understand?"

"Yes...I remember, and Yes, I understand, m'lady."

/Well then I suppose we'll just have to deal with together. For now you should do most of the talking. I will sit back and watch a bit until my input is needed./ It was rather interesting, that Royce was... apparently this easy to be broken. /Since the word broken is being used, then I suppose that that means that Royce was rather... fragile in that sense./

/It's odd to hear a title attached to my name, but Lady is better than Mistress, I suppose./ Serena didn't break eye contact with Royce. "Good...the first alteration to that is that you're not going to have your security rough someone up if they refuse to play, they're for your defense only. If they lose playing your double or nothing, then you may still offer them something else, but it will not be a stay under your control. These rooms down here will be used for your night life entertainment, sure; a specialty of bondage, for people who are into that kink, and each one will have a safe word so that they can stop something when it goes out of their range of comfort."

/ a word for it./ "On that do not know enough about your own body to be considered a Master over anything; not even your own hormones. I believe that we will have to put something in place so that you do not forget that." /Although, can you call someone fragile when you've got someone tearing down both mental, and physical walls?/

Royce listened, that was all he could do, really. Had he had any pride left he would have argued that he could control his own body, but in the haze of the drugs...could he, really? Did he really not know that much about his body? If Serena was saying it, it would have to be true, she wouldn't lie to him. "If you deem it necessary, m'lady."

"Mmph. Serena, it took me six years to get control of mine, and... not only do I not know how old Royce is, but... I don't know much about Slowking in general." Kyn finally spoke, but it wasn't at Royce.

"He's comparable to your age, at least as maturity is concerned." She answered Kyn before she addressed Royce again. "Since you will not be able to act upon your hormonal responses, we will expect to BOTH be present when you do finally are allowed to get off. Am I understood?" She waited for a response before continuing. "Good. you have any questions?" It was open to both of them, if Kyn had any questions over what she put in place, or if Royce did. /That goes for you too./

"No, no questions yet." Kyn responded, then waited for Royce's response.

Royce would wait to speak until he was sure that Kyn didn't have anything to say, and then ask. "How am I to go about getting the word out that these services are available for the patrons, m'lady?"

"You have waitresses that deliver drinks, they could easily give out a business card that on the back, has information about services you provide. If there are questions about what 'night life entertainment' means, which I do hope there wouldn't be, considering this town and how well it's known...then you can offer to meet with them and speak to them about it.."

Royce nodded in acceptance, that would do well enough. "Yes M'lady, understood." He paused. "What is the rest of my week going to look like, now that I know my place, Lady Serena?"

Chapter 5: The Bolt Badge

As we exited the gate, a bit of commotion was happening outside the entrance to the city. The group had decided which ones of them would be staying outside during the visit to Nimbasa city. In the distance, we could see the signature of Team Plasma,...

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Chapter 7

Not even a full day had come an gone before Kyn met up with Serena at the top of Dragonspiral Tower. He had much to report. Serena turned her head as she felt Kyn approach. Yes, it was cold here, she had conserved her energy, but was spending her time...

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Chapter 5

"Hey now. Don't you be makin' any secret deals with Tensa now, ya hear?" He joked right back at her. He wasn't surprised at the fact that Fire-types weren't affected by lava, but here was Serena proving that Dragons were just as resistant as...

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