Desperate To Pass {Desperation, WS}

Story by AlejandroDelFuego on SoFurry

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A random story I started awhile back, but finished today.

This story isn't that good... But it exists. PLEASE comment if you've read it, so I may improve my future arts.

(Written in December, reposting on SF now)

It was the first of december. It was snowing that morning. The time was 7:59 at a testing center. It was one of those standardized tests that colleges require you to do to see if you are good enough for them. The testing was scheduled to start at 8, when they wouldn't let anymore late comers in.

An anthro female Flaaffy of 17 years pulled in to the parking lot of the test center. She grabbed her purse and ran through the light snow towards the door. As she ran, she cursed the traffic and her busted alarm clock.

Allow us to rewind for her. The night previous, she stayed up late studying long and hard to pass this test. To calm her nerves to sleep, she brewed some relaxing tea. She drank it, and set her alarm for 6 the next morning. However, as she was getting in to bed, she hit the alarm clock with her tail, shocking it. The clock became all messed up, but not visibly. Within, it changed the time, causing it to wake her at 7:30.

When she woke up, she was about to go shower and relieve herself before preparing for the day, but then she noticed the time. She then had to rush to grab everything. She only had time to grab her purse and put on a skirt and shirt before rushing out the door if she wanted to make it in time to buy breakfast quickly and get to the test center on time. (She didn't even have time for underpants or bra, but as long as no one lifted her skirt or shirt, she'd go unnoticed.)

She had time to drive herself quickly to the coffee shop where she ordered a large coffee and a muffin. But as she got closer to the test center, traffic got thick and slow. It was 7:40... 7:50... She inhaled her muffin and completely drank her coffee in the time she was stuck in traffic. It looked a bit hopeless, but just then, she found an opening in the traffic. She cut through, and made it to the building with one minute to spare.

She ran towards the door. She ran up to the front desk, tearing through her purse to pull out the test ticket, her driver's license for ID, and her calculator to be inspected. The Blaziken at the front desk looked at his watch, then back to her.

"You got lucky, missy... Let's see... License and ticket confirm your identity... Hibana Sparkles... Everything checks out. Turn off any electronic devices, and stuff. You should know the details. You read the website. Right?"

She nodded and answered shyly and softly "Yes... I read it. I'm in room 150, correct?"

He nodded. "Last room on the right."

"Thank you so much." She darted towards the hallway, hoping to make it to the room on time. When she arrived, there was a professor waiting right inside. The room was empty except for two desks, at which the professor was waiting inside.

The professor was a female Gardevoir. Unlike most, her hair was long and flowing. She wore simple glasses, and her chest horn radiated with psychic energy between her breasts. She said in a playful tone. "You're late."

Almost instantly she walked up to her and started begging. "Please don't penalize me! This is my last chance to take this test before the application is due! I really, really want to get in to this school"

The professor smiled. "Relax, miss Sparkles. I understand how it's hard to wake up on a Saturday morning. I would've waited until noon for you. I know your mother, so I know you're a fine student."

The Flaaffy blushed a bit, and was relieved. "Thank you so much."

She nodded. "Alright, then. Let us begin."

She proceeded to explain the test and its rules. The test had 5 main parts, each varying in length. The sections were: an essay question for an hour, 45 minutes of math, 45 minutes of science, a half hour of social sciences, and an hour of reading comprehension and English language skills. In total, 4 hours of test.

She was not allowed to leave the room for any reason, or use any electronic devices. She was allowed a calculator, 3 #2 pencils, and a sharpener. As well, she was given more instructions, and the professor gave her a liter of water in case she got thirsty during testing.

The Gardevoir handed the Flaaffy the test booklet and the answer booklet, and she immediately got started.

The essay question was simple. It asked her to examine whether the treatment of nonhuman citizens in the city was fair or unfair. She knew the answer to that immediately: no. She took a half hour to formulate and organize evidence in her test booklet, drinking away at the liter of cold water to wake herself up. Little did she know that it would both torture her and work for her later on.

She wrote down the essay in to the answer booklet in very clear and beautiful script. As she did, she felt a small pressure in her bladder. The tea from the night before and the coffee from earlier had finally caught up to her.

She finished the essay, but felt a bit of dread. She had not peed since yesterday afternoon, and was regretting now drinking all that water. But, she decided that she could probably make it another 3 hours or so, if she concentrated.

"Pencils down. That is the end of the essay question." She did so and put down the pencil. "Okay. Now, I need to check to see if this is an appropriate calculator." She did a quick inspection of its functions. "Approved. You're allowed to use this calculator. The math section, as well as the following sections, is a mix of multiple choice and short answer."

After a bit more instruction, she started the math section. Math was one of her strong suits, so she had an easy time at first. But near the end of the section, she got a bit more distracted by the increasing pressure within her bladder. It wasn't so bad she couldn't focus, but bad enough to take her attention from the test. She had to bring her focus back to the test, however.

Time was once again called, just as she answered the last question. She then brought herself to focus with a weak charge of energy. "(Come on... I can get through this... I just need to focus... And not think about it...)"

As she started the science questions, she was a bit worried. Science wasn't her best subject, and she was already preoccupied by the growing pressure in her bladder. It didn't help her that every third question was about liquids, marine biology, water, and other things that reminded her of her urgent need.

Once again she just barely made it through the questions. Time was called on this section as well. By now, she was visibly desperate.

"You alright, miss Sparkles?" The Gardevoir was concerned.

Incredibly nervous, she responded. "I need to... To go... Bad..."

The Gardevoir just responded "If you leave during testing, you forfeit your scores, and there are no more test dates left for getting in this year. You understand that, right?"

She didn't want to wet herself in front of the professor. But she couldn't ruin her only chance to get in to this school. She just whimpered softly and nodded. "I-I'll stay..."

"Alright... Now is the social science section." She once again started the timer, and the desperate Flaaffy girl went back to testing. As more time passed, she was more and more unable to sit still. The questions started to get harder and harder for her to focus on.

Unfortunately for her, time was called before she was finished.

"Time is up. Pencils down."

"W-what?!" She does so, but isn't happy. "I-I didn't get to answer all of them!"

The Gardevoir reassured her. "Don't worry... You won't be penalized for not answering every single question... Just answer as many as you can correctly... We care more for quality than for speediness in test taking..."

She sighed a bit. At least she wasn't that screwed if she couldn't focus enough to answer all the questions in time.

"Alright. Now for the final segment of the test. You may begin."

The first part was easy, at least. Just checking random sentences and seeing if they had errors or not, and saying what they were. However, only 15 minutes in to the section, she felt a spasm. She brought one paw between her legs and clamped down hard. She leaked a few drops on to her paw, but contained herself. She wouldn't make it, she now realized. "M-may I p-please... G-go to the bathroom?" She begged.

The Gardevoir shook her head. "I'm sorry. I know you're desperate, but if you leave the room, you forefit..."

The Flaaffy girl just nodded weakly, whining softly. She tried to continue the test, but she couldn't focus completely, due to the bladder contractions, increasing in intensity and decreasing in interval. She worked on the test more, the questions soon becoming impossible to focus on.

Only 15 minutes from the end time of the test, she couldn't hold it any longer. She let out a soft whimper, and her muscles relaxed. Her pent up liquids streamed out of her body, pooling up on the chair before flowing down on to the floor around her. The whole time, she looked down, eyes filled with tears, just saying "I'm sorry..." She said it softly, weakly, over and over again, praying that this didn't ruin her future entirely.

The Gardevoir blushed deeply, just watching the poor Flaaffy girl surround herself in a puddle of her own pee. It was a minute before the poor girl's stream finally died down and ceased. The Gardevoir simply approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it. You aren't the first one this has happened to... Just finish the test, and I'll clean up after."

For the first time all morning, she was completely relieved, physically and emotionally. She no longer had to worry about her aching bladder, and the warm pee in her seat was actually warm and a bit relaxing in the cold room. She finished up the rest of the section with minutes to spare. She checked it over quickly, and was confident in her work.

The Gardevoir smiled. "Pencils down. This test is now over." She collected the test and answer booklet, and put them in the suitcase that was hidden in the corner of the room. "We'll mail you back in a few weeks to let you know if you got in or not."

The Flaaffy stood up, blushing deeply as she looked around to see the full extent of her accident. "Are you sure you don't want me to clean up?"

"No, no. Its perfectly alright." The Gardevoir blushed and admitted something about herself. "To be honest... I kind of like this kind of thing..."

The Flaaffy's eyes widened a bit. "You mean... Y-you like it when people pee themselves in desperation?!"

She nodded. "Yes... I know its odd, but..."

This time, the Flaaffy was the one to comfort the professor. "Look. don't worry about it. To be honest... It was pretty hot... And, I'm a bit in to it secretly as well..."

Gardevoir nodded again. "Well... If you believe that, then I hope you get in. We could have quite a bit of fun, you and I..."

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you so, so much for everything. I really hope the two of us become student and teacher one day."

The Gardevoir hugs the Flaaffy. "Have a nice day, miss Sparkles."

She hugs back. "Please... Call me Hibana... And even if I don't get in, you have my number... If you know what I'm getting at..." Blushing deeply, the professor let the Flaaffy girl go. She smiled, and walked away, her backside soaked from sitting in her own pee for the past quarter hour. As she walked away, giving the Gardevoir one more visual taste of her accident, she felt pretty content, and confident in her chances of getting in to the school.

Oh, If My Soul...

_ It is late evening, and a single man sits on by the shore. Nearby, an English harbor can be seen. Off in the distance still, a small town is visible, faint lights starting to go on with the coming of nighttime. The seagulls' cries can be heard as...

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Fantasy Moment (WS)

Its late at night, and I'm getting myself ready for bed. I head out of my bathroom after taking a long and relaxing shower. After this week, it felt good to relax for a long while I took a shower. Wrapped in a towel, I walked towards my bedroom. I...

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