Delightful Side Effects

Story by Seigi on SoFurry

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#2 of Cockvore Stories

Story for Seto

Edited by drass

Second attempt at cockvore and had a fairly hard time writing this due to relationship issues, mild writer's block and loosing interest in the story half way through. Honestly not happy about the ending at all. Probably wont touch this story again and fix it to be honest. Just not all that interested in it anymore.

Anyways, aside from the bad ending I'd still love to hear any and all opinions on the story and any thoughts you all might have.

Characters (c) Me

The nurse called out into the hospital waiting room for the second time, once again breaking the silence that seemed to loom throughout the entirety of the hospital. This time however, one of the six people inside the room responded and as they did, several others glanced over at who was called.

Stephen watched while a somewhat thin looking black and white scaled dragon set down a magazine he was reading and made his way into the next room. Turning his attention back to his book --an engaging read about a prince and his taboo lover fighting against the prince's tyrant father-- Stephen did what he could to ignore the nervousness inside him.

Unlike those that were waiting to be seen for whatever might be affecting their health, Stephen was to test several new medicines. This wasn't his first time putting his body on the line like this.

With no luck landing a job for the past couple months, and dealing with paying back student loans, he had eagerly taken the chance to earn some cash through medical testing; knowing that what he was doing was potentially helping others helped him continue coming back, even after he had a mild reaction to one injection a couple months back.

It was a shame his brother Dennis had a fear of needles. He too needed money, just not as badly after being able to score a job. Unfortunately for him, the company went under a few weeks ago and he had to go back to the unsuccessful job hunting Stephen was dealing with.

So waiting to be called, the otter continued with his book while time crawled by. Some of those that were there before him had gone to be seen and a couple new arrivals came to join the others in waiting by the time he had finished up the chapter he was on.

By the time his name was finally called, he was nearly half way through with another chapter. Reluctantly pulling himself away from his book, Stephen slipped his bookmark between the pages he was on, before pulling himself away from the semi-comfy blue hospital chair.

Following the petite calico into the next section of the hospital, passing the black dragon from earlier (whom now had a fairly pleased grin plastered on his face) on the way in, the feline and otter went down several turns until stopping at what would be Stephen's room for however long he would be there.

Much like the rest of the hospital, the room smelled of some sterile cleaner he couldn't name; though it brought back memories of both his times in a hospital and in a dental office.

"Your doctor will be in, in just a moment." The nurse informed the otter while he sat himself down on the blue-gray colored examining table. That wasn't much of a surprise he'd have to wait again, after all he wasn't the only one being seen (even if it was for a different reason).

Giving his thanks the nurse left the room, firmly shutting the door behind her, leaving the otter to play the waiting game again; though this time his nervousness wasn't as bad now, since his mind was more focused on what would happen next in his book.

Losing himself thought some time after the nurse left, he was able to come up with only a couple situations as to what might happen next before a few rasps on the door got his attention. A moment later the handle turned and Dr. Shepherd, a handsome golden lab with deep green eyes, walked in.

Out of every doctor he had, Dr. Shepherd was by far one of the otter's favorites. Greeting everyone with a smile and cheery demeanor and coupled with the certain air of friendliness about him, all of his patients felt a certain trustworthiness about him. Right on queue the labby greeted Stephen with a warmly smile, a firm handshake and a hello. Replying in the same manner, Stephen spent some time answering the same list of questions he'd always answered in the past and having his vitals taken, before he was tested on.

* * *

"How much longer do we have to stay here?" Dennis groaned, sitting himself down in the shade try and escape the torrent of the July sun. Across the small stone table his burly work-hardened father seated himself, not bothered by the summer heat in the slightest as he let his sit under the metallic, bright yellow, umbrella.

"Not much longer, just a couple more days so the fumigation works like it's supposed to." Roland replied, sliding a chili dog across the table to his son.

Scratching an itch on his neck the, a distinctive irritated grumble rose in the elder otter's throat.

"Can't believe we got termites . . . gonna have to get someone to look at whatever damage they caused. Hopefully they didn't do all that much, though."

Taking a rather large bite out of his dog, Roland practically scarfed down the morsel in his maw.

"So how is it?" Dennis asked as he picked at the watered down looking chili.

"Is okay." His father managed to say through a semi-chewed mouthful of food, a large red bean sticking to his chin for a few seconds before falling towards the table top. The younger mustelid very much doubted that from how the hotdog looked, mentioning his thoughts on it to his dad, who already had downed half of his first dog.

The two sat in silence for some time, Roland finishing off his two chili dogs with a loud belch before going back to the food stand a couple feet away for another two, when Stephen pulled up into the hotel parking lot across the street.

After getting out of his car Stephen made sure it was locked up tight just before going towards the hotel room he and his older brother shared. As he started his way to it, though, he noticed someone waving at him from across the street. Seeing his brother beckoning him over, Stephen changed his course and made his way across the street.

"Hey, look whose back! How'd the injection stuff go?" Roland asked after swallowing remaining bit of food he was chewing on.

"It went fine -"

"Your lips aren't going to blow up like balloons again, will they?" Dennis joked, scooting over so his brother could have some shade.

"Nah, not this time. Hey, mind if I had one of those?"

"Sure." Dennis shrugged, handing his second chili dog to Stephen.

"Thanks," the younger otter said taking the hot dog gratefully, unable to have anything to eat until after the testing was over.

"Any word on we can go back home yet?"

"Like I told your brother, just a couple more days. Think you two can hold out till then? I know this isn't the best place to be, but it's the closet place I could find near my job."

Glancing at his wrist watch, Ronald let out a soft sigh before standing up.

"Alright, I have to get going. You two stay out of trouble, okay? See you two tonight." While the elder mustelid left the two brothers to their lunch, they watched as Roland strode across the street to his old beat up pick-up truck. As he pulled out of the parking lot, their dad gave one last wave before driving down the road and out of sight.

After their father left, Stephen and Dennis chatted about what plans they had for the rest of the day; though most of their discussion was on how Dennis's job interview went earlier that day. Or at least that was what Stephen tried to do no matter how much Dennis wanted to not talk about it. Eventually he gave up, assuming the interview didn't go well and Dennis would need to go looking somewhere else for a job.

Not really sure what to talk about, a somewhat awkward silence fell on them as they finished their lunch. Going back to the dingy yellow hotel and their stale aired room, they spent the rest of the day lounging on the unshapely stiff bed they had to share. The bed, barely big enough for the both of them, taking up just enough room for the siblings to move around if they squeezed past enough other and a small television set that rested on top of a little brown dresser. Sunlight poured in through the cracks of closed blinds hitting the dull stains and peeling paint on the walls, bouncing and illuminating off the dust drifting through the air.

With nothing really to do Stephen and Dennis stayed inside and watched what ever either of them thought was interesting on TV. Hours passed by while they watched a couple movies and reruns of shows they had seen when they were younger. By the time the sun started to set and their father had come back from work, they were already deeply enjoying a marathon of season one pokémon episodes that started several hours ago.

"Dude there's no way Ash has been in a coma!" Stephen replied to the absurdity his brother had been going on about for the last ten minutes.

"Oh?" Dennis turned his head towards his younger brother, thrusting an arm forward to point at the television screen.

"Tell me how he hasn't been in a coma then. I mean if you really think about, it makes so much sense."

"Dennis," Stephen sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose "there's no way the makers' of a children's cartoon put the main character in a coma. And even if they did, when did they do it?"

"When he was hit by lightning a couple episodes back! Haven't you noticed that Ash's entire world seemed normal until after he got hit by lightning? Don't you think that's weird in any way?"

"Did you read this somewhere didn't you?"

"Mhm. Saw it on creepypasta a couple weeks ago. Also found stuff on some really twisted pokémon games people supposedly played."

For a moment Stephen just stared at his brother for a couple minutes, before shaking his head lightly. "You really need to stop reading stuff on that site, most if it is just so--"

"Creepy?" Dennis cut in, grinning.


"Oh come on, the stuff on there isn't that bad!" The older otter chuckled, playfully pushing his brother, unintentionally catching Stephen off guard and accidently sending him, semi-flailing, to the hard floor below with a thud.

"Oh fuck! Sorry man, didn't mean to push you that hard."

"It's alright," Stephen groaned as he rolled onto his stomach to push himself off the ground "I was going to get out of bed anyways."

Almost as soon as he got back onto his feet, the room started to spin around him nearly making him fall over again. Dennis, just catching his brother in time after having moved over to help Stephen up, helped the younger otter stand steadily on his feet.

"You sure you're alright?" Dennis asked while quickly brushing off any grime that might have attached to him.

"Yeah, just got bit dizzy." Stephen replied, leaning against his brother for a little while longer as the room stopped spinning.

When he finally felt that he could walk without toppling over, Stephen carefully made his way to the small bathroom near the television and to the yellow stained sink inside.

"Need me to call an ambulance?" The elder otter half joked as his brother splashed some water in his face before taking a seat on the toilet.

"I'm fine, just need to sit for a while.... Think there might have been something wrong with that hot dog you gave me."

"At least we know not to eat there again, right?"

Stephen cracked a small smile to his brother's obvious joke. "Guess so huh?"

"You want me to get you a water or something?"


"Alright." Dennis began as he went to slip on his shoes.

"I'll see if dad is doing alright, too." With that he made his way out into the night with wallet in hand; Stephen stayed where he was for a little while longer, until he knew he could move without falling over.

'Hope something wasn't wrong with that hotdog...' He thought to himself while making his way back to the bed and slowly laying himself down. The thought of having to deal with food poisoning wasn't a very appealing prospect to him; more so since he had food poisoning once before in high school.

Now that he thought about it, how he felt now didn't seem the same as all those years ago. Though he was somewhat dizzy, he wasn't sweating any, nor did he even feel close to vomiting. Although... his stomach did feel somewhat off, but nothing like the pained cramps he had before. He couldn't dwell on it however, when Dennis came back from his water run.

"Checked on dad before getting your water and he said he's doing fine." Dennis said strolling over to the bed and handing over a medium sized bottle of water over to his brother.

"Whatever was in that dog, you're the only one that got it."

"That's great to know." Stephen replied as he took the bottle. Opening it up and taking a quick drink from it he sighed wearily, putting the water bottle on the floor next to the bed.

"Think I'm gonna call it a night, in a bit." The younger otter said after a while.

"Same here." Dennis agreed with a yawn. Both brothers took their time getting ready for bed, taking off all but their undergarments since neither could get a good nights rest if they wore anything more than that. After having to sleep in the same bed for years, Stephen and Dennis never found sleeping together to be weird; and on occasion, when their rooms were to cold at night, they still slept in the same bed for warmth.

It didn't take long for at least one of them to sleep. Stephen had always been able to sleep fairly quickly, whereas took several hours before finally being able to. So sitting up in bed, Dennis turned the sound on the television down low and flipped through channels trying to find something half decent to watch. Unfortunately for him there were only a handful of channels to go through and the only thing that wasn't completely boring, was the pokémon marathon that was still on for a few more hours.

Doubtful he'd get much sleep, Dennis rested his head back against the wall, watching the beginning of another episode while his brother slept. It was actually somewhat relaxing sitting in that near quiet room. The low rumble of the occasional car driving down the road, or the soft gust of wind blowing against the wood and glass of the old building could still be heard above the sound from the TV.

Even the subtle, yet distinct, smells of the room became more pronounced now that he wasn't focused on several things at once. Too bad that hasn't changed all that much since the three lutras arrived. After two days of being here, the air still had a stale odor to it; even with the added smell of two male otters.

Though there was something else in the air, something he didn't notice immediately, but he could just barely detect it if he focused hard enough. He almost thought it had a slightly pleasant combination of fish and cookie dough, two things that shouldn't smell good together, but oddly did.

Finding himself half wishing he had the sensitivity of a canine's nose just so he could tell what the smell was, Dennis shook his head to get rid of such thoughts. Letting out a heavy sigh, realizing he was bored enough to wish such a thing just to know what something smelled like, he turned his attention back to the old cartoon.

Time passed slowly for the otter, his boredom never leaving him as the marathon drew to an end. Each passing minute he breathed in, that faint smell burrowed deep into his nostrils and almost seemed to affect his libido. Such a thing pretty much impossible though, and he chalked it up to simply being a coincidence due to his higher than normal libido and not having any sort of relief for the past couple days. Coming to that conclusion did nothing to deal with the steadily swelling sheath of his, or the rising need to pleasure himself.

Most people in his situation would consider carefully getting up and quietly taking care of themselves in the bathroom; Dennis, however, thought of doing just that, but dismissed it due to how filthy it seemed to be.

It wasn't exactly the first time he had ever done this, he recalled as his left hand slipped into his underwear. A low, pleased, murmur rose from his throat as his hand touched his brown furred sheath, rubbing along its swollen surface. Glancing over at his brother for a second, Dennis pulled his hand out from his underwear and grabbed the elastic band, before carefully pulling the garment down to his knees.

After having done this countless times years ago, and only coming close to being caught enough times to count on one hand by their father, Dennis knew full well it would take a lot to wake Stephen. Even knowing that, having his little bro wake up and find out his older brother was taking care of himself in the same bed was reason enough to still be careful. Resuming what he started, Dennis stroked and teased his swelling length, all the while making sure to keep any noise he made to a minimum.

Dennis barely managed to keep quiet when he pulled his sheath down to the base, the underside of his shaft rubbed against the semi-rough bed sheet. He had gone several days, even weeks without touching himself before and relished the sensation he received from it.

The feeling of being able to touch himself once more, to bring himself past that point of no return after so long, but time felt so much different. He wasn't even fully hard and yet wrapping his hand around his member, it felt almost as sensitive as if he'd climax just moments ago. Briefly rolling his hips into the semi-rough fabric, the mushroom shaped head of his shaft rubbing into the sheet, Dennis sucked in a deep breath of that stale, fish and cookie scented air to keep from letting out a guttural moan.

It didn't take much longer after that point for his malehood to become fully erect in his webbed hand. Pumping away at his fairly girthy shaft, the beginnings of pre-come starting to form at the tip rubbed away as he rocked his hips into the sheet, Dennis laid his head back and spread his legs open slightly.

Shuddering after a particularly hard buck, the sensitivity of his shaft seemingly doubled after becoming fully erect, he slowed down the pace of his stroking. Breathing a bit quick, with each lung full of air the otter let out a long churr, squeezing the base of his shaft and keeping that tight hold as he brought his hand up to the head of his dick and back down.

He couldn't quite remember the last time he had ever been this worked up; or even remotely close to it. And that smell... That damned freaking fishy smell was practically going to drive him insane! Fifteen minutes of taking in that scent, having it bore deep into his subconscious, and all he could think bout was finding the source of it just to breathe in more.

Only able to take so much, he finally threw the sheet off. Rolling out of bed, his thick otter meat drooling a heavy drop of pre as it bobbed between his legs when he stood, Dennis started sniffing the air to find where that odor came from.

With the room being as small as it was, and the scent itself now more prominent, searching for the source would be easy. Moving near the bathroom he was only met with an old, wet, moldy odor coming from it. One hand idly stroking along his pre slickened cock, he followed the scent across the room and past the door, until he was between his sleeping brother and closed blinds.

Strangely enough as he moved closer to the bed, it seemed that the source came from somewhere near his brother. Getting on his knees for a quick peek under the bed provided no answer for his search, making him start to wonder if what he was searching for was coming through from the air vent. If that was the case, going door to door at such a late hour (and with such a prominent hard-on that could easily cause a damp spot on his pants to boot) definitely wasn't a smart idea, even to his lust addled mind.

Just as he was about to get up he froze hearing his brother shift on the bed and mumble his own name. Dennis cursed silently figuring he must have woken Stephen up. What was he going to do if his little bro noticed the rager between his legs? He couldn't even think of some sort of half assed lie to get out of that kind of situation if it happened. Though the longer he waited not facing his brother would only make matters worse, in the end.

"Y-yeah?" He said straightening himself up so he could look at his brother, deciding to face the music now rather than later. Instead of the awkward conversation he thought was going to come next, Dennis nearly involuntarily groaned as his nose was heavily assaulted from the was met with smell he had been searching for.

Stephen wasn't awake as Dennis has previously thought; the sound from earlier had been the younger otter turning to lie on his back. In doing so though, he managed to remove the sheet from the lower half of his body. With that thin, scratchy, cloth gone Dennis found what had been messing with him since he began taking care of himself.

Jutting out the front of a tight pair of briefs, the younger otter's cock stood hard and tall, throbbing every so often in the cold air. Dennis stayed there on his knees staring at his brother's prick, taken aback by the fact it was his brother's very male scent that had helped turn him on so much. He never found himself attracted to males growing up, finding the idea of two males having sex to be turn off and not something he saw himself doing. He was arguably one of the straightest people in his group of friends, but that image steadily went away with each deep inhale of his sibling's musk.

A shiver went up his spine as he eyed that long pole, feeling only slightly jealous of his brother looking like he was a good three or so inches longer than him, though not as thick around, while his own pulsed with need. The sound of a soft gasp of his name, followed by a groan, caught Dennis's attention as he watched his brother grab at the bed in his sleep, back arching slightly and a heavy dose of pre formed at his tip.

In the current state of mind he was in, seeing what kind of dreams his brother had about him, Dennis couldn't help himself from feeling a bit flattered. He had to be doing something right with his looks if his sibling found him attractive in such a way.

Feeling heat rise on his face as he realized he unconsciously moved one hand towards the musteline cock in front of him, Dennis didn't stop the motion. Instead, when his webbed hand reached its destination, he put a conscious effort to wrapping his fingers around that otterhood.

Stephen's body tensed when Dennis gave a light squeeze around the base of his shaft. It felt... odd, to say the least, handling another male's cock, giving it a few slow strokes while he got used to the feeling of the hot rigid prick against his fingers. Minutes ticked by while Dennis continued stroking his brother, the reality of what he was doing never truly kicking in.

He may have been actively running his hand up and down that male appendage, his sibling's no less, but the reaction his body had to it never actually came to the forefront of his mind.

Although he had not touched himself since taking hold of Stephen's prick, Dennis's own shaft was still as hard as ever, forgotten but still aching to be touched. Pre dripped steadily from the tip into a large, and still growing, dark spot on the ground under him. His shaft wasn't the only one looking like a leak had been sprung. Stephen's shaft was producing just as much as his own; something he could only guess was from either genetics or if all otter males were this drippy.

Pausing, the older brother got up off his knees when it became rather uncomfortable being in such a position. Carefully getting up on the bed, he positioned himself between his sibling's legs, moving his hand back to the engorged length he had been tending to for the past fifteen minutes.

Once he was comfortable on the bed he went back to what he started, only this time he laid a finger on top of the tip of his brother's dick. Just as he began running his slick furred digit back and forth against that pre covered slit, his other hand went to his neglected length.

Finally able to take care of his own need, he let out a fairly deep grunt as he thrusted into his hand, he unintentionally pressed his finger firmly against Stephen's urethra. When he did, Stephen's cock throbbed, slit widening as the tip of the otter's digit was accidently forced into the shaft.

Dennis just sat there stroking himself, staring at his finger plugging the otter cock and stopping the flow of pre. Although a rational minded person would have been worried about such a thing happening, Dennis was no where close to such a state. He shuddered, feeling the hot wet warmth surrounding his pointer finger, barely taking note of an occasional pulling sensation that accompanied frequent pulses of his brother's shaft.

Stephen himself had let out a sharp gasp from the intrusion, but low pleased churrs soon followed while his hips gently rocked into his older sibling's finger. Dennis shuddered and groaned feeling that tight heat pull his finger further down, the younger otter's thrusts aiding his length in taking in more of the older otter's appendage. Nearly half a minute later and already most of Dennis's finger was gone, bulging the underside of his brother's dick.

By this time Dennis didn't even question how something like this was possible, while he gave an experimental tug to see if he could pull his finger free. When he did, he found that his brother's shaft actually pulled back, as if trying to keep the digit from leaving.

Another more forceful try had his finger just barely sliding out against the tight inner walls of the member; his little brother let out a throaty moan when the furred digit came free. The slit of his brother's shaft was left gaping, the backed up pre starting to come up and drool down the length, making it seem like the shaft itself was alive and hungry for more.

Bringing his hand up Dennis's eyes wandered over his drenched index finger, his fur glistening in the TV lit room. The fishy/cookie musk his brother was giving off seemed to have soaked into his skin and moving his hand closer to give a quick sniff drew a fresh murr from his lips.

Stephen awoke, panting hard, from a dream he has been having for several weeks of his close friend, a doberman from his freshman years of college. Incidentally, the dobie had the exact same name as his brother, something that lead to an awkward walk-in when his father heard the two during a rather intimate moment alone. In this reoccurring dream he had just come home from a date with the canid male and both spending some time on the couch together. Not long after that did the dream became rather randy with the two molesting each other, clothes dropping on the floor while paws roamed each others bodies.

Blinking a few times, he found himself back in the darkened hotel room he fell asleep in. Still quite groggy and not yet fully awake, his mind believed he had not actually woken up yet, but instead he was still in his dream and the sound of a familiar groan drew his attention to the sight of his brother between his legs, only helping solidify that the belief that he was still in a dream.

Over the past few years the younger otter had had dreamt of similar scenarios happening, where Dennis would wake him up in various erotic ways. After the first few dreams he had had, Stephen spent weeks thinking about his relationship with Dennis.

Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he didn't feel any sort of romantic connection towards his sibling and it was just hormones getting to him. By the time Stephen had another erotic dream of Dennis, he simply decided to let them be his own little secret. And so, he assumed the sight of the elder brother pleasuring himself, eagerly suckling one of his fingers, was something his mind had conjured up and relaxed waiting for this new dream play out.

When nothing happened after a while Stephen opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a sudden shaking moan when he felt his brother's hand grip his malehood and force a very wet finger into his shaft.

"G-god..." Stephen muttered, feeling all new levels of pleasure as his brother's finger twist, pull out and push back into his cock. He barely had time to process what was happening, when the digit was almost completely removed and another finger joined the first as Dennis forced them both into Stephen's cock.

A third came some time later, the younger musteline had not kept track of time and didn't know, nor cared to know, how long his brother had been finger fucking his dick, and shook hard under his brother as his cock was stretched further. It felt so odd feeling something inside his shaft, rubbing against his sensitive inner flesh, stretching his dick in ways that sent jolts of pleasure up his spine. Each movement of those digits caused his cock to throb around them and a fresh groan to escape his lips.

Not long after the fourth furry digit --or was it all five? He stopped paying attention to that a while ago-- did a new sensation start to make itself known. Forcing his head up, he let out a gasp, eyes widening, seeing what his fictitious brother who still hadn't noticed the younger otter was awake was doing to his body.

Over the past, however long it had been, Dennis had not only managed to get all of his fingers into Stephen's cock, but somehow had sunk his entire fist into his little brother's shaft. Each throb of his cock caused those slit lips to swallow more of that brown arm down, making it look far bigger than normal to accommodate his brother's appendage as it reached his elbow.

Pre-come seeped around Dennis's forearm, drooling down the engorged length, as the older otter placed his free hand on the slit, causing it to slip in with the other limb when he tried to free his arm. Dennis made no further attempts of dislodging himself as his upper body continued to be pulled down towards that musky tunnel. Lowering his head down, inadvertently pushing his arms further down the large slick tube, he lapped at the fleshy head, moaning the moment his tongue made contact with the hungry cock.

Dennis kept licking at his sibling's stretching length, cleaning as much of the abundant pre as he could. After getting as much as he could reach he took a moment to catch his breath, shivering from a wiff of intense musk coming from the core of the length he was being pulled in to. Burying his head in a gap caused by his arms, he took in another long breath of air, holding it in for a few seconds before letting out a content sigh.

That musky scent sunk into every pour of his body, drenching every bit of him, every thought he had, with it. The older otter pushed himself into his brother's stretchy urethra, churring in bliss as that velvet heat wrapped around his head. Only one thought remained drifting around his head when his shoulders were enveloped soon after. He wanted so much to find the real source of that smell, bathe in it, become one with it if he could.

Stephen on the other hand, had both hands covering his mouth to muffle the yips and moans and churrs every time his brother pushed a little harder forwards, forcing his entire body into the impossibly stretched ottermeat. Even if Stephen had realized what was happening was real, at this point, when half of his brother was inside his maleness, what was going on now was sure enough evidence to the contrary. Every bit of pleasure the younger otter felt was enough to make his eyes roll back as his shaft throbbed and swallowed up yet more of his sibling whole.

After a minute went by, Dennis wedged himself in to the elbow. After two, his hands and lower body were still free. When three minutes passed by, Stephen's cock had enough of the elder brother inside that it was ale to stand tall and let gravity take its toll.

Stephen watched as the remaining half of his brother slid down his length, his taut skin outlining the upper half of Dennis's body. Another three minutes was all that it took for the pre drenched lower half of Dennis to follow the rest of him and follow the tubing down to Stephen's ball sack. Much like the shaft, his light brown furred sac stretched easily to snuggly fit his older brother, just enough so that Dennis could move around some.

Stephen panted hard, struggling to catch his breath after what he experienced; gripping his still hard, drooling, shaft he quickly stroked over the one again normal shaped cock. Grunting with each squirm his brother gave, Stephen rubbed over his member faster as the need to release his pent up lust grew.

The faster his hand flew up and down, working his pole to give himself as much pleasure as he could, the faster the lumps and bulges of his brother started to smooth out. Thrusting into his hand eagerly, not noticing his over grown nuts were shrinking ever so slightly as time went on and the squirms of his dreamed-up brother began to become more faint, Stephen opened up his mouth in a silent scream as he finally reached his peak.

Stephen's newly sized balls drew up to his body while his shaft throbbed hard, before gouts of hot white strands of semen burst forth striking the wall behind him, his torso and the bed. Rope after rope the remnants of his brother turned come surged forth, covering everything in their path in musky seed for what seemed like forever.

Close to a minute went by as Stephen convulsed on the bed, the pleasure of a seemingly endless orgasm wracking his mind as each throb of his cock sent out another wave of come. Writhing in bliss, he gasped out trying to catch his breath after experiencing such a powerful orgasm. His shaft continuing to spasm and release more of the sticky substance. The never ending onslaught pleasure was all to much for the otter as he blacked out mid-orgasm, all that was left of his brother covering him in a thick gooey blanket in the cold night.

The next day Stephen awoke feeling more relaxed and strangely satisfied than he had been in years. However a heavy weight on his chest caught his attention when he tried to stretch. Chuckling softly he figured Dennis had cuddled up with him during the night. That was probably the only real problem sharing a bed with him; the older otter was one of the biggest cuddle bugs Stephen had to have known. Blinking a few times to let his eyes adjust to sunlight seeping past the partially closed blinds, he went to shake the sleeping male up only to find his hand in something thick and wet.

'The hell is--" That was all that left his mouth seeing what his hand had touched: A thick layer of semi-white goop covered him and his brother from head to tail tip, along with most of the bed. Virtually all of the thicker portions didn't even look close to drying up and the thinner areas were either drying up, or just starting to become transparent in color.

He just stared, dumbfounded at what could have happened to make such a mess and bringing the hand that touched the goop on his brother to his nose, he sniffed at it. Surprisingly, the stuff gave off the same musk he did whenever he was aroused and, more out of curiosity than anything, he licked at it, finding the stuff tasted just like his own semen. Then he remembered what happened the night before, those vivid images and surreal sensations in his dream.

Realizing what he first believed to be only a dream actually might have happened, he shook his brother hard.

"Dennis! Dennis, wake up!" Stephen got the desired affect he wanted after a few rough shakes, rousing his brother from his slumber.

"Mmng, what?" Dennis groaned in response from the rude awakening, in turn causing him to nuzzle into his sibling's chest and inadvertently rubbing off a thin layer of come into the soft brown fur.

Stephen felt his cheeks warm up in response, more so noticing his underwear were dangling off one foot and his brother was naked as the day he was born. Putting a little more force behind one last push, he forced Dennis off of him and back on his side of the bed.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?" Dennis grumbled as he sat up on his haunches.

"What was that for? Dude, what happened after I fell asleep and why are you covered in my come?!"

That last part caught Dennis's attention and he looked down, finally noticing what Stephen was talking about. A small gasp left his lips seeing what had to have been, at least, eight months worth of semen covered himself and the sheets.

"No way..." He muttered quietly, looking over drenched forearms.

"What is it?" Stephen asked, blushing more when he noticed his brother's sheath swell out.

Not knowing his brother had been awake during the events of the night before, Dennis just shook his head and looked up at his little brother. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

Forgot Something

Finally the week had come to an end, ushering in two days of relaxation to rid oneself of stress; or to work on projects that were put off. Jake didn't have the slightest bit of concern for such matter as he lay in his bed, recently awakened by the...

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Adam and Steve: A year together

Wind blew gently across the surface of the sea, kicking up water into a spray of droplets coating two furred forms lying on a nearby beach. Steve shivered and cuddled close to his father, who wrapped his arms around the smaller german shepherd,...

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Doctor! Doctor!

Story for a friend over on SF Edited by friend on skype I've been trying to get better at writing short stories, so I'd really really REALLY love to hear feedback on how to get better at it. 'Come on you can do this; just go in and get...

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