Nocturnal Attrition

Story by KayrinSF on SoFurry

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Faced with a shortage of servants, The Mistress takes matters into her own hands, figuratively and literally!

These stories are a complete guilty pleasure to write. They're blatant smut but I love coming up with things for the mistress to do to her boys. I've got a few other ideas for this series but I'lm going to have to force myself to diversify my gallery a bit, and put them on hold. ;)

Title is a play on Nocturnal Emission, and obviously wet dreams are the principle focus.

Enjoy, guys!

Kay © KayrinSF


The sound of it permeated every crevice of the moonlit compound. A yawning darkness filled the hallways, ceding only to the starlight that trickled through the single paned windows which sat high in the walls. The Mistress was a shadow against this backdrop, Her bare feet dancing across the smooth tiles of her fortress. A nightgown trailed behind Her; She had chores to do and the light fabric was a reassuring comfort against her smooth skin in the chilled spring air.

"Hurry, boys." Her soft voice shattered the stillness that surrounded Her. Behind Her a pair of maid-boys followed obediently, both of them quickening their pace at Her demanding gentleness. They were only some of a few maids She had at Her disposal for the moment, and therein lay Her chore; a good mistress did not neglect Her charges by letting them see Her live in anything less than a pristine fortress. The boys had been quite good lately it seemed, but without a steady stream of disobedient ones to erase, temporarily of course, how was She to achieve this cleanliness!?

Her hands lifted to push open a set of wooden doors. Though large, they were non-descript and un-necessarily self-indulgent, as any self-respecting villainess would demand. The room that opened before her was large, but comfortable. East facing windows ensured the sunrise would light the interior of the chamber without the need for much artificial lighting; oh the sight that sunlight unveiled each morning! The room was awash with the sound of gentle breaths, the breath of sleepers. Two beds dominated either side of the space. A pathway was formed down the centre of the room by the long-stretched footboards, which rested low enough for anyone to climb into the bed at any point along it.

Her henchboys.

They lay sprawled every which way on the beds, curled and intertwined with each other even as they slept. The minute shifting of their bodies caused the occasional boy to stretch and roll over in his sleep, finding a new warm pillow to rest atop, or below. She basked in the sight, a grin tugging at the corners of Her lips as She strolled down the length of the beds.

"Marker." Again, the maids complied; the vacant looks on their face belied the quickness with which they moved. The cheetah smiled faintly as he held out the red marker he had been tasked to oversee. "Thank you, boy." Her hand tenderly stroked behind one of the cheetah's ears, eliciting a throaty purr from the feline that seemed to muster his senses. He stepped back, blinking once as if in the first seconds of awakening from some wondrous dream. Her attention turned back to the sleepers, however, tapping Her own chin while considering where to start. There. She seemed to almost float over the footboard of the beds, slipping Her body in amongst the others.

"Hello." She whispered into the ear of a sprawled husky. The boy's legs were covered by a belly-down panther, though the feline did little to keep the canine from writhing needfully at that single word. The boy murmured incoherently in his sleep as She giggled. The boy's cock was hard to miss in the small blue panties that stretched against it. Rock hard and already oozing precum, it jutted into the air with a pride that just demanded She admire it. Her slender fingers curled around the boy's shaft as She smiled down at him. "What a good boy, so nice and stiff. I bet you haven't cum in weeks." Each word was like an icecube on the husky's belly as he gasped and squirmed. The damp spot at the tip of that tent grew darker, Her orange eyes widening as Her grin broadened. She could feel the edges of his dreams and knew why the boy squirmed; Her own thoughts wove themselves into the fibres of the husky's thoughts and his squirming intensified. Soft mewls shuddered from the husky's lips as the panther atop his legs squirmed and rolled over to expose his own rigid cock.

She let him linger in that lustful trap for minutes before finally speaking once more. "Oh dear, you've made such a mess, boy!" the admonishment more playful than anything, as the husky had yet to do any such thing. The boy's cheeks lit brightly at the single phrase, however. Even as She watched the still sleeping husky's hips lifted slightly from the mattress. The boy came almost serenely, only a few gasping breaths overlaying the spread of his cum in the little briefs he wore. She could smell it though, and shook her head disapprovingly at the boy's orgasm. "Oh dear" all she had to say as she slashed a red X on the husky's belly with her marker. She turned away and looked for a new boy almost immediately, dismissing the husky after marking him for clean-up later. Before the boys awoke her maids would have made their rounds, dragging away any marked boys for processing as maids.

She turned and slunk across the bodies of Her boys, stopping to nuzzle a neck, stroke a chest or jostle the balls of a particularly cute one. Each one She came close to stirred, sleepy purrs and heated gasps sounding in Her wake. As She pulled Herself across the body of a short-furred feline She could feel his cock dragging against Her frame. As pleasant as that was, it was the sudden warmth that caught Her attention. She looked back with a smirk as the boy shuddered, biting his lip as he came into the soft pink panties that covered him. A fox who had been resting with his nose pressed lightly against the feline's balls rolled onto his back, a paw dropping in a half-sleeping daze to stroke over his own aching cock. The scent of cum was easy to miss in the hormone-drenched air of the room, but She could smell it. Another red X was drawn on the feline's bare belly, the fox only getting a stern look and a simple command, "Stop." The boy's paw fell away from his cock immediately and her expression softened; good!

She turned to continue on her way, stopping only to snuggle up against a particularly soft-furred boy. Oh my, if only She didn't have maids to recruit. Her head lifted unenthusiastically from the chest of the boy before that orange gaze fell upon a young buck that demanded Her personal attention. Green and white striped tie-sided panties did almost nothing to hold back the shaft threatening to burst from beneath the silky fabric. Oh yes, what a good maid he'd be if he failed Her little game. She slid an arm around the boy's shoulders and licked along the tip of his ear.

"Now what do we have here?" She purred. Her hand travelled along the tall boy's body, digging Her nails into the softness of his belly teasingly. He lay on his back, one leg draped across the chest of a diminutive otter. "Such a strong looking boy, how did you fare today in the games I wonder?" Even Her whispers demanded a response, the boy quick to provide it despite being asleep. "How many boys did you vanquish, hm? Watching them fall around you both in body..." She paused only to pinch the very tip of the boy's penis between her fingers, "and spirit?" The boy moaned out helplessly, his dreams filled with delight at earning Her favour after some heated competition or another. Regardless, his body betrayed him as warm cum pulsed into his panties, soaking them through with fragrant cream while the boy squirmed beneath a light sheen of sweat. He was marked before he had even finished cumming. His orgasm tapered off at last but She was already gone; only the red X on his belly remained as a sign that she had been there at all.

As She continued She could hear the two maids She had left behind begin their work. The husky was being pulled from the bed, tugged off unceremoniously and laid flat on the floor. The feline would be next, and then the buck; they would be maids in a few hours, unmissed by their fellow henchboys. She found herself distracted by the sights around her. Tussle-haired boys wriggled against each other as she passed them, their cocks jostling in brightly coloured panties and smooth fabrics pulled taut over pert rears. Tails massaged the bodies of sleeping boys as their owners basked in some warm dream. It was as She appreciated this, and more, that her fingers found themselves pressing down against the cock of a familiar sleeper.

"Hello, Kay." Her sense returned to Her, a devilish light shimmering in the depths of those orange eyes. "And how was your day?" She asked to no-one in particular, nosing along the fine fur that covered the snow leopard's ears. The sleeping boy shivered, as though a breeze had caught the sweat-slicked feline. His cock was as hard as the other boys, making a display of his light red silk bikini briefs. Her fingers tickled along the helpless leopard's sides, drawing a series of half-gasping protests from the sleeping boy.

"N-No..." murmured Kay, his broad tail looped almost comically around the neck of another fox who lay beside him. She paid no mind to the boy's sleepy words, instead simply canting her head in amusement while tenderly massaging his ears. She slid her thoughts into his, probing at the depths of the boy's fantasies and urging them to live within his dreams. The reaction was quick; the leopard's trim body writhed in pleasure as a throaty groan rippled from his parted lips. Her playful fingers took advantage, scooping through that plush fur as the boy exposed more of his body to her attention. The fox who lay beside him seemed to be feeling the effects as well, his toes curling against the belly of a cougar while his cock ached in his dark purple briefs. Both boys moved in near-tandem, one rutting his hips against the other while they slept; oh dear, She hadn't intended this!

She continued to infiltrate the leopard's subconscious desires, however. One did not disparage a good thing, and as She watched the two boys unconsciously grind and throb against one another, She decided this was most certainly a good thing.

"Now now, boys, behave. I would hate to have to take one of you away." She sat up only enough so that both fox and leopard could hear Her voice, both of them turning their heads in their sleep as if searching for it in the darkness of their slumber. She spared the fox a stroke of his belly that only excited him further, his knees bending and his tongue lolling as a sharp intake of breath punctuated the simple touch. She could smell their arousal, both of them leaking pre-cum liberally into their respective panties and neither seeming willing to cum. "So well trained." The praise was followed by another stroke, each of Her hands teasing the fur of a different boy. As She dropped them lower to trace over the outlines of their stiff pricks, the Mistress paused; Kay's breathing had caught, held tightly and escaping in only minuscule and shuddering gasps. Ready to be disappointed in Her favourite boy, She could only chortle out a musical giggle as he overcame it and relaxed once more.

The fox, trapped firmly now in the same intoxicating dream that gripped the leopard, rolled over towards the other boy. Laying partially ontop of the feline now, the Mistress' hand found itself trapped beneath his hips, wedged between that eager cock and the leopard's soft fur. She extricated it only after fully appreciating the warmth of both fur and flesh against Her fingers, cupping the fox's silk-covered rump and squeezing it roughly. The fox yipped, legs spreading as his luxurious tail gave a hard thwap against the mattress they lay atop. A ribbon affixed to the tip of the fox's tail fluttered with the movement, but Her attention was fixed on the boy's themselves.

A thought struck Her just then and as it struck Her, it struck the two boys as well. The fox began to grind in earnest, dragging that panty-clad cock against the leopard's soft fur in a slow rut. His body flexed as he pleasured himself at the sleeping feline's expense, panties rippling against his rear and fur bristling at the electric sensations She could feel running up his spine. The leopard was no different, his hips arching as a muted moan echoed in the otherwise quiet air. Both of the boys seemed focused on their dreams, unwaking even as they put on a show for their mistress. The leopard's heart was racing, She could feel it beneath Her hand as She played with his chestfur, and that cute tent was throbbing in time to it; both were close but She knew neither wanted to go over, even in their current state.

Biology always has a way of winning in the end, however, the inevitability of a physical reaction half the fun for Her. It was the fox who gave in first, however, his rutting finally pushing him over the cliff She had forbidden Her boys to do anything but peer over. He came magnificently, ropey, clingy, cum spraying into his purple panties and drenching them in musky seed. He continued to rut even as he came, smearing his release through the relentlessly writhing leopard's fur. She loved it when one of Her foxes popped, they were always so messy! Cum continued to pulse and squirt for nearly a minute before the spent boy finally collapsed, exhausted even in sleep, from the force of the orgasm. Neither awakened, held still in the grip of her control. A simple push from the Mistress sent the fox rolling onto his back once more, arm flopping lifelessly against the mattress.

"You bad boy!" She huffed with over-exaggerated scorn. The marker slid across the fox's belly smoothly, leaving an X that would have the boy dragged from the bed soon enough. The leopard, meanwhile, got a smile and a final caress of his whiskers. "Sweet dreams, Kay."

Then, she was gone.

The leopard slept on in blissful ignorance of what had just transpired, his dreams tinted with a love for his mistress that remained even after She had departed. He had no way to know he had just vanquished another boy, relegating the fox to maid duty until he'd earned his way back to a spot with the others, but as a final gift She had seeded such a thought into his dreams.

Kay awoke to the first fur-warming touch of the morning sun sneaking through the high windows. He stretched, yawning loudly before sitting up. He frowned slightly as he looked around, however. The fox that had been beside him when he'd gone to sleep was missing. The familiar ache of his needy shaft drew the leopard's paw down to it, a single stroke sending a shiver racing through the boy's body; it seemed worse than most mornings, as though something had happened to it while he'd slept... but given the dreams he'd had, he wasn't surprised! The boy sniffed curiously as he blinked himself to wakefulness, a familiar scent hanging in the air; it couldn't be...

Somewhere deep in the heart of the compound She collapsed into bed, a tired yawn wracking Her body as She slid beneath the covers. The boys would be waking soon, and She had a wonderful idea for them tonight, but for now, Her chores finished, She'd sleep and dream.