Highschool Secrets pt 3

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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#3 of Highschool Secrets


the bell of the school rang us out of first period. All three of us went to Ryan's locker before we began our way to the next class. Ryan reached into his locker the get the right book for the upcoming class. Brian on the other hand was just standing next to me, everytime ryan looked away into his locker Brian gave me one of those looks that he give me when we're together.

"Uh guys there is something I gotta tell the both of you."

"Uh yea Nick, what is it." both Ryan and Brian said almost at the same time.

"Look the both of you know I'm gay."

"Yea I do...wait you know too!?" the husky and dragon said in a real suprise tone.

"And well what the both of you don't know is that I had sex with each of you and I dont know which one I love more.

"You what!" said Ryan with his face getting red.

"Well I love Nick...but it looks like I'll have to get rid of the compition." he said reaching into his locker and pulling out a 9mm handgun and pointed it at Brian as he got a scared face and started to step back slowly. I looked around and it was wierd that there was no one was around.

"Wait please don't kill him please Ryan." I begged as I tryed to yank at his arm

Ryan just ignored me and pointed it at Brian's head and pulled the trigger. The gun went off and Brian went down to the floor as the bullet went through his forehead. I screamed no as he fell to the floor. A few tears went down my face.

"How could you...you...you..mother fucker!"

"So I can have you in me with out him with you.'

"Ok...what...do you mea....."

Right there he got me in his muzzle. He was big enough that as soon as he did I was already halfway in. In two gulps i was slidding down to his stomach. I knew no one was around but I was still screamming at the top of my lungs.


"Nooooo! Nooooo! Spit...me... ouuuuut!" I said as I shot up from Ryan's couch.

"Holy shit what's wrong did you have a bad dream?"

"Yea I did Ryan. What time is it?"

"Uh 10:38. Wow we were asleep for 5 hours we must have been really worn out from the earlier organism."

"Oh my god I got to get home."

I got up and grabbed my clothes. I rushed to put them on, I fell while I tried to get my pants on. I mentioned to Ryan that I told my mom I'll be home by 10 so that I was late. He understand. I notice he was looking as my ass as I walked torwards the door and I blushed but he didn't see that redness in my face.

As I was walking back home in the dark I was thinking of what to do. Could that dream be a sign not to tell, but I just don't know. Brain was a nice husky, he's so sensitive but I like being held by a bigger fur. That's one reason why I like Ryan, when I'm in his warm scalely bpdy I feel safe, protected. Though with Brian I can hold, and protect him and I really like that too.

"Aw man I just don't know what to do." I whispered to myself.

Luckily the weather was nice tonight cause I was walking at night with long jean pants a hoody. It was not to hot or cold it was on of those nights during this time of year were it dosen't matter what you were you will not over heat or sweatie or even shiver a bit.

I arrived at my house and the lights to the living room were still on. I was a little scared that my mom will be mad or over worried about me being which is now 45 minutes late. She was like that she was either worried or mad or both it all depends on her mood. I walked to the front door and opened it. My mom was sitting on the couch watching her favorite progaming, she had a look on her face so I'm guessing that she was mad this time so I think she didn't have that good of a day at work before I left.

"Why were you late hun?"

"Uhh...uh Ryan and I was playing madden NFL 08 on line on the Xbox 360 and I just lost track of time."

"Ok hun but your punishment for being over an half an hour late is that for the rest of the night you cant watch tv before you go to sleep."

"But I can't sleep when it's completely dark and silent."

"Too bad and you'll got directly to bed."

"Oh man ok."

I walked directly to the bathroom for two reasons, I had to pee and brush my teeth. After I was done that I went up to my room and striped down to my briefs, got under my bed sheets. It took me until 12 midnight to finally fall asleep.


I was eating dinner when my cell rang, it was Brian calling. So I just smile and answered happliy

"Hey hun, what is it?"

"Nick I need to talk to you meet me at the allyway on the same street as my house but its about 5 house down form mine. You know were that is?"

"Yea I do is something wrong?"

"Just come here I tell you everything."

Just a that moment I hung up my cell slipped it into my pocket and I went off to my car, got in and turned on. I drove to the spot as fast as I can without going over the speed limit. When I finally arrived I started to walk down the allyway as I saw his shadow then I ran to Brian.

"Hey I'm here. Is something wrong?"

"Oh no Nicki boi nothing is wrong we just want you here so we can do something."


"Yea Ryan is right here behind me." he said as Ryan walk out of the dark.

"So what do you want to do with the three of use?"

"We both wanna do you?"


"Yea that's right." Brian said right before walked over and started kissing me.

As Brian was kissing me I saw Ryan smirk and walk over to work my pants down. Now I was kissing Brian in my underwear. Then Brian broke the kiss and took my shirt, after he through my shirt onto the floor of the ally they both took my underwear, Ryan on the right side of me and Brian on the left.

I was now standing in the ally nude, I was pretty sure that no one could see cause we in the darkness of the ally but strangely we could see each other just fine. While I was there standing nude Ryan and Brian were staring at me then I saw a tent start to form in there pants. They as quickly as they could they stripped down and ran to me. Ryan told me to get on all fours, I did as I was told. He put his cock in my face and I started to suck on it. While I did I felt something poke at my tail hole, it was Brian about to go all the way in. He slowly pulled it out again then right back in picking up the pace with each hump. Now back up front, I was lapping his cock with my cock and he was moaning really loud I was surprise no one came to see what was gonig on.

Ryan held my head in place and he started to face fuck me. I was moaning on his cock pretty loud. Brian on the other hand was moaning as well as he pumped at a super fast pace now, he let out a little howl as he blew his organism, pump by pump of cum I felt enter my ass it felt so good I moaned and blew cum myself on the floor. After Brian fell over in the after glow not Ryan blew straight down my gulit. His cum tasted so yummy I wanted more but he pull out of my mouth and kissed me.

"Good Foxie."

The end of 3

Highschool Secrets Pt 4

Riiiiinnnng "oh man what a dream" I looked down to my briefs and there was a wet spot, I shot some cum during that dream. I actually really enjoyed what happened in that dream maybe I should tell them. But how should I? Should I wait a little...

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Highschool Secrets pt 2

The next morning it was Saturday and I woke up next to Brian. He looked so cute with eyes closed and that smile on his face. I slowly got up out of bed so I wouldn't wake him up. I yawned and rubbed the eye crust from my eye. I walked over to the...

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Highschool Secrets pt 1

The morning clock rang and I slowly lifted my head off of my pillow to pound on the clock to make it stop. I was cursing at and it took about a minute for it to stop. I sat up to stretch and I stood up to go to the bathrrom to take a shower. All I did...

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