Everything or Nothing Chapter 15-Mistakes

Story by wolftwins17 on SoFurry

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#16 of Everything Or Nothing

Chapter 15, Finished! Enjoy and please comment and tell me ehat you liked and diden't etc.

All charcacters belong to me as well as the story.

Arlen and Tam belong to Arlen Blacktiger.

Somehow she had slipped, somehow she had made a mistake. She had looked deeper, past the gruffness and past the mind shattering, body numbing sex that he was capable of. Somehow she had seen what few people had. That he could be gentle. That he could laugh. That he could cry.

(Okey she had never actually seen Arlen cry, but heck he had eyes,so he hopefully had tear ducts too!)

Why? Why did it have to be him? Him, of all the males in the world, why did it have to be Arlen James Blacktiger, that she fell in love with?

Sure, she tried to deny it at first, for months she told herself that nothing had changed. That they were still lovers in the aspect of sex only.

What a joke! She showed all the right signs, and yet it took her months. Months! for her to figure it out, that it was he.

What a kick in the stomach,to realize that it was him too.

At first she just believed that she lusted after him more the usual.

Nope, and it was the worst idea to ask him to take her that day in her office.

But at least she knew about it afterwards.

That has to count for something right? That you have sex with someone who you think you're in love with, only to realize afterwards, when you lay cuddled in his arms, all sweaty and stuff, that you actually are in love with him.

Tamra mused over these things quietly in her head, all the while stroking Arlen's forearms as they were planted firmly around her waist.

The tiger in question, let loose a soft,drumming purr into her ear, as his chin rested on her shoulder.

She could feel how the powerful muscles in his lower jaw tensed and flexed as he yawned.

Tamra shifted slowly in his lap, rousing the tiger more and more from his slumber, until a pair of silted golden feline eyes looked down on her,filled to the brim with drowsy curiosity.

"Was it a nice nap?" She drawled before she rested her head against his large shoulder.

"Very much so, and thank you for the nice sleeping pill you gave me,by the way!" Arl replied and chuckled as Tamra's face flushed.

"Well I for one, has horribly stiff legs and are going for a walk, want to tag along?" She asked dryly, but her moss green eyes sparkled.

He shrugged where he sat in the recliner. "Lead the way!"

Azuka slowly sipped at her coffee. God knew how much she had needed a good cup of it, for days now actually. She just did not have time to go and get one.

As she slowly pushed the handle to the unlocked door down with her violet telekinesis, one hand holding the cup of coffee and the other one clutching medical maps and sheets of paper against her chest, she thanked her lucky star for being born a Carrier.

"Oh my god...!" She breathed seconds later, quickly putting down the cup and the maps and sheets of paper, Azuka stood in the room, petrified with shock.

Her gaze was glued to the bed that the boy was meant to be in. But instead of a sick boy there was only an empty place, sheets half way down on the floor, and an IV in his place.

She calmly pressed her black ear piece once and then started to speak.

"John,we have a serious problem."

"I think you're ready, now I don't want to put pressure on you, so if you feel that it is too much for you, then say so now!" John said and leaned against the corridors white wall with crossed arms.

"I don't know John, being ranked up to Apprentice seems kind of sudden! And my Telekinesis is only at level three so far!" Danny said and scratched a dark ,droopy ear.

"But you have the potential to go higher!" John urged.

The young canine scratched behind his ear again, looking to think things over very throughly, if the way his muzzle wrinkled together was an indication.

Danny gave a wry,almost bemused smile suddenly.

"If it all goes to hell, I blame you!" He said playfully with crossed arms and the same crooked smile. John laughed and fondly ruffled Danny's ears with a soft gaze in his amber eyes.

"Hehehe! I would never let a good kid like you go into any danger!"

Danny blushed a dark red at the affectionate words coming from the big,burly looking lion.

John smiled and was just going to ruffle the dog's ears again,when, as always, his ear piece blipped. Letting out a weary sigh, he reached up with a paw and opened the comm link.

"Yeah, John here!" He seamed to have said that phrase at least fifty times this week!

"He's gone!" Azuka squeaked into the ear piece.

"Who's gone?" John asked, his browns disappeared into his mane when it hung slightly over his amber eyes.

"The boy!" Azuka's voice had gone from sheepish to down right hysteric.

"W-What do you mean he's gone!?" John sputtered.

"Gone as not where I left him when I went to get a cup of coffee!"

"Okey wait wait! You did lock the door, right?" John asked and dragged a paw over his face, suddenly overwhelmed with a headache.

He heard how Azuka nervously shuffled around things.

"Honey?" If he had ever sounded angry at his wife, now was such a time.

"Okay no! No I didn't lock the door, but I did it for a reason!"

"What kind of reason is that!? We don't know anything about this kid! He could be a psychopath for God's sake!" John growled back hotly.

"John!" Azuka replied, shocked at her husband's complete lack of respect.

John groaned. "I'm sorry honey! But we really do know nothing about him! Not even a name!"

"But he's still a kid, a scared kid. A tortured kid. You saw what the medical charts showed." Azuka replied softly.

"Okey, first things first. We have to find this kid."

"Agreed,but how will we find him?"

"I'll call Mike and see if he's seen any sight of him, you go and get Jorek and Arlen!" John was back into the determined commander.

"Do you really think we should bring Mr Blacktiger into this?" Azuka asked.

"He was the first to find the boy, heck he carried him to the van,for God's sake, he can help!" John returned confidently.

"Very well, I'll call Jorek and Arl! Azuka out!"

"You do that, John out!" John chuckled as he cut the comm with his wife and instead switched to Mike's channel.

Mike was the fur who had job of monitoring the cameras and their system that was spread around the base. No one could escape his sharp eye and sensors of the high tech cameras. If anyone knew where the boy was, it would be Mike.

John flicked the little button on his ear piece, flipped through the radio channels until he found the one he was looking for.

"Yeah Mike here!"

"Hey Mike!"

"Hey John, it's been what, seven hours since we last talked?"

"Yeah sorry to bother you with this, but have you seen a human boy somewhere on your cameras?"

"A human boy?" Came the perplexed reply.

"Yeah a human boy!"

"But we don't have many humans here, and all of them are at least twenty or older!" Mike replied, getting more and more confused by the minute.

"We got him in a few hours back, found the poor fellow in that ruined base..."

"Holy shit! Are you serious?"

"Yeah...unfortunately..." John trailed of, unsure of how to continue.

"Damn, I get sick just thinking what happned to him there!"

"No kidding!" John agreed quickly.

"Soo, want me to look for our Ghost Boy?" Mike replied, his tone implying slight impatience,eagerness even.

John smirked, even tough he knew that Mike could not see it.

"Any news about my brother...?" Mike asked suddenly and quietly. Some of the eagerness in his voice was gone, and in its place was worry.

John winced. His stomach twisted. The news of the brother's death was on the tip of his tounge, but he realized that now was not the time to deliver the heart-rending news, no matter how much he hated himself for it. No matter how much it weighted on his conscious.

Closing his eyes for a bit, John gatherd his composure back once more. "Check all the cameras, even those in the ventilation systems." His gut wrenced harshly once again at the tought of the young boy trapped in a tight vent, where no one could hear him scream...

"No sight of a human boy in either the vents or the basement..." Mike's voice and sharp mind was fully consentrated on the task at hand. John felt how relief soothed the waves of nausea.

"Look higher, he has to be somewere!" John softly urged.

"Got it,boss!" Mike said,and John could faintly hear the tapping of a keybord's keys through the communication link.

"I see a lone figure standing on the roof's railing..." Mike said suddenly.

John started to walk. As he was walking he said,"Describe him to me..." John said quickly, the command and authority of CO seeping naturally into every syllable.

"He's small, a human definitely, blonde hair and tattred clothes...Is that him?"

John was sprinting now.

"Yeah that's him!" John replied and barelyside steped another fur as they were about to collide in the corridore.

"Should I try to stop him Boss?" Mike inquired.

"You won't get there in time, Its on me,Jorek and Arlen now!"

"Right, good luck John!"

John thanked him and shut the comm link, pushing himself harder, he stared to consentrate on getting to the boy in time.

Oh Good God! Let me get there in time!

John bursted through the doors leading up and out to the roof.

The sinking sun was setting the white roof ablaze with its last fiery,golden rays. It made the metal railing shine and sparkle, and illuminated the siluet of the boy, a dirt-clad, tattred vision of a life destroyd against the orange,cloudly sky perfectly.

The boy's hair was gently fluttering in the calm evening breez, his back was turned away from John, and he seemed to not have heard his entery or he just completely ignored it.

"Turn around!" John barked out the command, before he realized that this was not one of his recruits.

The boy, regardless if he had heard the command or not, remained as silent and unmoving as a cemetery statue.

From the corners of his eyes,John could see flashes of white and black fur, before Arlen and Jorek materialized at his sides like ghosts.

Good work guys, I'm impressed, Blacktiger is better then I thought and Jorek has become better at moving silently too!

Flicking his eyes back to the boy John said, "If you jump, I'll be very pissed!"

At this, the boy slowly turned around on the railling, like a piece of paper being gently blown in the wind. John's eyes grew in astonishment. The boy just shifted his legs, standing vertically on the railing.

The gesture in itself was feline, which was unnatural and a tad frightening becuse the boy was after all human, and should not have such a great sense of balance as his own kind.

The boy's eyes fluttered out tears that glided like melting glass over his pale,but clean cheeks.

"Don't do something you'll regret!" John heard how Jorek said.

The boy's face however remaind a cold mask. Jorek's pleading words seamed to have not touched him in the least.

John glanced at Jorek, who shrugged his shoulders.

John looked at the boy once again.

"Do you understand anything of what we're saying?"

The boy looked at him penetratingly.

The silence grew harder and harded with eatch passing second.

"Yes..." the boy finally answerd. John nodded firmly.

"Good, then get down from there!"

The boy smiled, but it did not reach his eyes.

"No!" He breathed.

John's pupils dilated in terror.

"So you're just going to kill yourself is that it!? We saved you, a little thankfulness would not-"

"It was a mistake! One I'm going to graciously correct for you!" The boy hissed suddenly.

"The hell you are!" Jorek growled. He started to briskly walk towards the boy, but Arlen caught his wrist and pulled him back.

"Let me go fucker!" Jorek hissed angrly at Arl.

"Let me handle this,Mackgart!" Arlen said, his voice was so diffrent from Jorek's, instead of anger and worry, Arlen's voice was calm and collected.

He slowly walked towards the boy, almost like he was approaching a frightened animal.

The boy's face wasn't so emotionless anymore; He was visibly gritting his teeth, and tears still streamed from his white eyes.

When he stood a few meters before the boy he said " Get. The. Fuck. Down!" Through clenched teeth.

"No..." The boy said quietly.

Arlen huffed. "Why do you want to die so badly?" He crossed his arms over his chest as casually as he could.

"Beacuse I have nothing to live for..." The boy replied as quietly as before, more tears cascading down his face. Sadness seeping into every word that left his mouth.

"Nothing to live for!? Nothing to live for!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Arlen roard, his baritone voice ecoing over the roof.

"You don't want to die!" Arlen said in pure desperation.

"Yes I do...!" The boy argued.

"No! You really don't want to die!" Arlen growled.

"Yes I do!" The boy screamed, and suddenly jumped against the black tiger.

Arlen caught the boy into his arms, and sat down onto his knees.

The boy was trembling, repeating again and again that Arlen was wrong, that he wanted to die and that Arlen was wrong.

"Let me go! Let me go!" The boy screamed and trashed widly in the mercenary's arms, but to no avail, the black tiger had him in a secure hold.

Arlen felt a paw on his shoulder, looking away from the boy's angry,tear leaking face, he saw that John was kneeling by his shoulder, a syringe in his paw. Nodding, Arlen gripped the boy tighter and held him still.

The boy's eyes grew with terror when he saw the syringe, and doubling his efforts to escape, he started to flail wildly with his arms.

"NO! NO! NO SYRINGES, PLEASE PLEASE NO SYRINGES, PLE-!" His screaming ended the instant the needle pierced the skin on his shoulder, and seconds later he became limp in Arlen's arms.

"Phew! What a day!" John said.

"Yeah...You guys don't think that this kid would have actually jumped...Right?" Jorek asked, looking extremely confused.

"Who knows, only he knows the answer to that question." John replied, "Well come on, let's get him to bed, I don't think his little trip to the roof has made him any better!"

Arlen nodded and gently lifted the boy into his arms, his head falling back to gently rest on the tiger's shoulder.

The trio then made their way to the door. The sun was slolwy fading away at the horizon.

Everything or Nothing Chapter 16- Pale

"Do you actually believe that this boy knows something about that base?" Jorek asked. They were sitting in a small room inside the interrogation room, the large glass window giving a good view on the persons inside it. The boy had awoken a few hours...

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The Crimson twin Ritual-Chou's flight

"Are you scared?" Hetsua asked his twin brother. Hetsua was a seventeen year old wolf. With striking white fur and metalic blue eyes. A curly white mane spilled over his back to rest at his waist. He was dressed in a white sacrificial kimono, a red...

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Everything or Nothing Chapter 14-The Strange Boy

"His liver don't look so good" John said and examend the stats on the digital screen showing the boys internal statics. Its green glow cast deep shadows over his face. Azuka removed her glasses and looked at her husband like her had lost his...

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