Geeks Do It Better

Story by Roxanna Foxfire on SoFurry

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Been working on this one for quite some time. Being a geek myself, I had to give a shout-out to my fellow geeks and nerds because, let's face it, we're pretty awesome. :3

Geeks Do It Better

Disclaimer: This is a work of furry erotica between two consenting adults, one of whom is a geek. No likie, no readie.

Sharon groaned and gasped as the bull cock thrust deeper into her from behind, pressing her face and bare breasts up against the locker room wall. Sneaking in after practice was a no-brainer, it was waiting for the other players to leave first so that they could get started that was difficult. Her beau was ready and most certainly willing, even after a rough practice. And Sharon liked it rough. Or at least she thought she did.

While the bull was certainly enjoying himself, Sharon, a female panther, was somewhere between being in agony and some form of pleasure. He was thick if not necessarily long, but as far as Sharon was concerned, it wasn't the best she'd had. The bull was a linebacker, and a part of her really liked the feeling of being completely dominated by someone more physically imposing. But this was just brutal.

He clumsily thrust into her a little faster, and the heavy nasal breathing behind her announcing he was close to his release. Sharon held herself up with an arm up against the wall to keep from having her head bashed into it from his thrusting and reached down to rub her clit. It was slick with sweat and their combined juices, almost too much for there to be any real friction, and thus pleasure, involved. Still, the panther was close. So close. She was so fucking--

"Oh, fuck!" he groaned behind her.

Sharon growled in annoyance as he thrust into one last time and came hard. It should go without saying, of course, that she hadn't. Fuck, indeed.

"So, you and your professor."

"He is not my professor anymore. I'm a graduate student now."

"Still, he was your professor. And it was good?"


Sharon groaned and let out a frustrated growl. "Damn it! Even the virgin is getting hotter action than I am! And yes, I know you're not one anymore, but come on!"

Nadya sat opposite her roommate as the panther ranted. "It did not work out with what's-his-name?"

"Tom, and no, it didn't." Sharon sighed, pulling her long black hair up into a messy bun. "He just couldn't meet my simple qualifications..."

"Do you ever think you are too picky?"

"Picky? Me?"

The snow leopardess rolled her eyes. "Yes, you. You are looking for a perfect man, instead of looking for one perfect for you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Try dating someone who is not a jock."

"But jocks are always in the best shape!"

Nadya smiled and blushed a little, thinking back to her encounter with Dr. Kreuss as she reached for the ice cream in the freezer. "Sometimes, a little meat on the bones is you something to hold on to while he's fucking you senseless."

Sharon's jaw dropped. "Is this the same girl who blushed when our Nursing-Major roommate first said 'vagina'? I mean...damn girl, what happened?"

"Internet porn," she answered matter-of-factually, spooning generous mouthfuls of Moose Tracks into her mouth straight from the carton.

The panther made a face. "Yeah, I can see how that would ruin anyone's innocence. But when you eventually had the real thing, what did you think? Nothing like the movies, right?"

Nadya grinned, "Nothing at all, thank god! I always thought how ridiculous those women looked and sounded! It felt so much better that he wasn't calling me 'baby' and things like that..."

"But that's the best part."

"Says the one who is still not satisfied."

Sharon frowned and stared back at the TV. Nadya had it on Discovery Channel, on some science show about two nerds and their equally nerdy friends trying to prove old legends false. This episode: the many uses of duct tape. "What is it with nerds and duct tape anyway?" Sharon wondered out loud.

"Haven't you ever used it?" Nadya asked. "The stuff is amazing--it can hold anything together!"

"If you say so." Sharon stretched and popped her back. Getting fucked from behind as poorly as with that bull, Tom, had done a number on her spine, and considering she was feline, that said something. And she was still horny as hell. "I'm gonna go to the gym and maybe hit the library. I got a paper to finish."

"Why don't you get the paper done first, then work out?"

Grabbing her bag, the panther headed out the door. "You and your logic..."

Sharon's frustration didn't make writing her research paper any easier. She hated Political Science, and didn't even want to major in it. But, since Daddy was footing her tuition bill, she had little choice but to comply with his demands. She had a feeling her adviser disliked her father as much as she did. Sharon had already looked at scholarships and student loans to go to grad school immediately after graduation so that she could actually do what she wanted: biology, or better yet, chemistry. She wanted to go into botany, maybe work towards more eco-friendly means of cultivation, not follow her family's chosen path into politics and communications. She had acquired the right to vote only the year before, and didn't see much point in voting to begin with. Probably living in a family of politicians had developed her distaste for politics in general. No, just give her a garden, a greenhouse, and find a fool-proof drought-resistant grain to end world hunger...yeah, that was her calling.

The thought that this made her somewhat of a geek never occurred to her.

She stared at the blinking cursor, that tiny vertical black-as-sin line in the word processor blinking, winking, mocking her. Nyah-nyah you can't write a paper...Nyah-Nyah you are so screwed...

She groaned and held her head in her hands. It was Poli-Sci 101, probably one of the biggest bull-shit elective courses, and she couldn't write a damn paper about the controversy and constitutionality of the death penalty. Sorry, that would be "capital punishment". Only opponents called it death penalty. She found that interesting, after Nadya had pointed that out to her; the snow leopardess being quite the wordsmith had noted how people liked to use euphemisms to make something they considered slightly distasteful sound not-so-bad...or something like that.

But that fucking cursor was still mocking her. She had nothing on the page but her name, the class name, her professor's name, and the date. Her notes were spread out in front of her. The paper was due tomorrow. No sweat, she figured, I can bullshit a B, at least. But while she was good - even great - at research, she was horribly unorganized. She had her own system, but she figured her professor wouldn't know what the hell she was talking about if she went by her usual stream-of-consciousness system.

"Got Gorman?"

"Whuh?" she answered oh-so-eloquently. She turned to look down the row of computers to a bespectacled male, a thin, nearly gangly river otter. Totally not her type, of course, even if his fur looked so luxuriously soft and warm... But he did have a sweet face and big brown eyes, and he had his head cocked to the side with curiosity in a...somewhat adorable puppy-like way. Sharon couldn't help but smile back.

"How'd you know?" she asked.

The otter took off his glasses and cleaned them with the hem of his t-shirt. "I had him my first year. He's only hard as long as you aren't too stubborn about your beliefs."

"So I guess that means I'm screwed."

The otter smirked a little and put his glasses back on. "Maybe, depends how obstinate you are. What's your paper's topic?"

She held up her notes with a wan smile. "Capital Punishment: Moral Obligation or Just Un-Christian?"

He shook his head. "Stay away from religion, it won't win you points. Try 'Necessary Evil'."

"But I'm arguing against it." Sharon held up her notes as if he could read them. "I've looked at sources from the Department of Corrections in various states, compared how much taxpayer money actually goes into a lifer versus a condemned prisoner, and determined that, as long as the appeals process is, the death penalty does not serve as a deterrent, because many of them sit on death row for twenty years before they get a needle in the arm."

He smiled at her. "It sounds like you have a sound argument. Do you have the facts to back it up?"

"As much as I could find." She sighed. "Do you think he'll respond to logic?"

"What do you mean?"

"If I argued that most capital offenses happened in a spur of the moment, then the perps are not thinking of the consequences at the time of the crime, so using that logic..."

"You suck at organization, don't you?"

It was one thing to be criticized by a jock who was only coasting through school on a sports scholarship. It was another to be criticized by someone who clearly was there on an academic scholarship. Sharon's ears flattened against her head and she looked down at her keyboard. "Who asked you?" was her retort, as lame as it was. She heard his chair scraping against the floor and his footsteps coming closer.

"Try this: put forth the more conservative argument most," he said, stealing the chair next to hers. They sat knee to knee, and Sharon could pick up the subtle scent of Old Spice coming off him...classic, old-fashioned, but he wore it well. It certainly smelled better than that Axe crap her previous boy toys wore. "The trick is to know your audience. We know he's more right-wing than you are. Appeal to his beliefs first to get his attention--too many students try to get their arguments in first, and he loses his interest. Just as if you were pro-capital punishment and appealing to a crowd of those that opposed it: appeal to them first to get their attention, acknowledge their arguments and the logic behind them, then follow with your arguments and the proof to back them up. Conclude with your 'most logical answer to the debate, according to my findings'." He paused, then poked her shoulder. "You can steal that last sentence from me, I won't tell anyone."

"That...makes a lot of sense." Sharon smiled at him. "Thanks."

He gave her a sweet, close-lipped smile, that somehow made his face so much brighter and his brown eyes shine behind the lenses. "Anytime. I'm Russell."

She smiled back, feeling her stomach fluttering and flip-flopping. "Sharon."

Russell picked up her notes and started shuffling them around, and for the next two hours, they were able to knock out the skeletal structure (and some musculature) out of her formerly blank paper. Sharon was absolutely enthralled with the otter, who turned out to be a Political Science major himself, with a minor in Rhetoric. She was more interested in his looks, though. From afar, he really did look awkward, but up close, she was amazed just how graceful he was. Every movement was made as if choreographed long before, thoughtful, methodical. His brown eyes and glasses reflected the monitor's light, and though he wasn't her physical type, there was an air of self-assurance in him that Sharon never saw in the other guys she had dated. They were all about competition, and being better than someone else, having the physical advantage. Russell wasn't anything like that, as far as she could see. He didn't seem to care about proving himself to anyone. He was patient and thoughtful, saw the issue at hand in shades of gray rather than black and white. She liked that. A lot.

About three and a half hours later from start to finish, Sharon had a nearly-completed paper. Russell offered to print it out and proof-read it, but Sharon declined, citing her English-major roommate.

"Listen," she said, pulling her long black hair back into a messy ponytail, "I really owe you for helping me with this."

Russell just shrugged, packing up his messenger bag nonchalantly. "De nada, I was happy to. You're not like a lot of girls, Sharon, and I liked helping you."

"How am I not like other girls?"

"Let me rephrase: I hate to generalize, but most girls who um, dress like you do..." he looked uncomfortably back at her, "...they wouldn't give me the time of day. Not that I blame them - I know I'm pretty funny-looking."

"No..." she said as she shook her head. "You're plenty cute...and wicked smart, too. Listen, I owe you a coffee, at least. C'mon, a large coffee at Cool Beans, my treat?"

The river otter hesitated, unsure if she was actually being nice, or if she was stringing him along. Sharon was sure he'd been used before by pretty girls; it explained why he was so guarded. She had no ulterior motives: he had saved her ass (and likely her GPA), and she felt she owed it to him somehow.

Finally he came to a decision, after visibly running over the pros and cons in his head. "Okay, I could go for some coffee. I got a science test I need to review for, so I'll be up most of the night anyway."

"Which science?"

"Chemistry," he said with a groan. "I can do Algebra, I can do Geometry, and Biology, no problem, but Chemistry? I suck."

Sharon finally grinned. "Chemistry, huh?" Oh, there were so many different ways she could have taken that... "You're in luck--I'm pretty damn good at it myself. I'll quiz you."

The look Russell gave her was pure adoration. "If you do that, and I get a passing grade, I'm buying you dinner."


Sharon and Russell got their grades late the next week. Her paper got a B, with a note from her professor on the final page: "Interesting arguments, you made some intriguing points". She took that as a huge compliment. Russell too got his grade back for his paper: a solid 90% and a "great job" from his professor. So, true to his word, he arranged to take Sharon out to dinner. Nothing fancy, nothing formal, but not the local sports bar. Instead, he took her to a little hole-in-the-wall Indian place down the street. She tried samosas, chicken tikka masala, and saag paneer for the first time, and loved each dish. Russell also introduced her to lassi, a sweet yogurt drink that was about as addictive as the naan dipped in saag. He was a complete gentleman; the minute she reached for her purse to pay her half of the meal, he took out some cash and immediately put it in the bill folder.

"Put it away," he said.

Confused, Sharon said, "I want to pay for my half. It's only fair."

"I'm treating you. Put it away."


"Put it away."

Still baffled, Sharon put her wallet back. None of the athletes paid for the full tab, no matter where she went. They also didn't pull out her chair for her, or open the door for her. She was a feminist, and knew that men didn't have to do this for her, but she couldn't help feeling a bit flattered from the attention. He even walked her to her apartment door, even though "I figure you can handle yourself, but no woman should have to walk outside alone so late". None of the guys Sharon had dated had ever considered her this way. Russell never insulted her intelligence, he always treated her with respect, and much to the panther's surprise that really turned her on.

So when they got to her door and she pulled out her key, the panther turned to the otter and said, "Hey, I know this is completely out of left field, here, but would you like to come in? One of my roommates is home for the weekend, and the other is at her boyfriend's for the night. We could watch a movie, or something." It was a somewhat desperate ploy, perhaps, but she genuinely enjoyed spending time with him and, as far as Sharon could tell, Russell enjoyed his time with her.

The otter stood on her doorstep, looking a bit uneasy, but must have given careful consideration before agreeing.

"I warn you," she said as she closed the door behind them, "You might not like some of my taste in movies. My friends make fun of it all the time."

Russell wisely bit his tongue, even though Sharon knew he was likely thinking "Please dear Christ don't let her like crappy romances or any Adam Sandler movies". Instead, she surprised him by picking up one DVD in particular. "Do you mind?" she asked. "I haven't watched it in--"

"You like Princess Bride?" he stared.

"Yes," she said guardedly. "Why? Is that so inconceivable?"

Not missing a beat, he replied in a flawless Spanish accent: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it does."

Sharon grinned. Russell grinned. This was turning into a better date than she expected.

They cuddled on the couch, Sharon with her arms all the way around his thin frame, and Russell's arms casually draped around her middle. The panther rested her head on his shoulder, sneaking in sniffs of his body wash and detergent. She had no idea why, but the way this male smelled was so much nicer than what she'd known before.

"Won't your roommate be back soon?"

Sharon shook her head. Nadya had stated, in no uncertain terms, just what her plans for the evening entailed. "Nah, I'll be lucky to see her before noon tomorrow."

Russell settled back into the couch, careful where he placed his hands. Such a gentleman! By now, it was pointless for her to continue comparing him to previous guys - many of whom would have used the movie opportunity to grab and grope. Not the otter.

By the end of the movie, she had relaxed completely, content to be cuddled on the couch, just like this. It was late, but she wasn't tired. She could tell he wasn't either.

"Coffee?" she offered.

"Nah, I should get going. Don't want to hold you up..."

"You're not! I mean...I'd just be alone here anyway, probably go straight to bed."


Thus followed an awkward silence.

"Will you stay the night?"

"W-what?" he asked.

Sharon looked into his eyes. "Please?"

"I..." Russell stammered, blushing behind his glasses. "I...are you sure? Don't think you have to just because I helped with your--"

"I don't. I mean," she said somewhat sheepishly, "I want to. I...I really want to."

"You're sure?"


Russell looked into her eyes again, then slowly, gracefully, he closed the distance between them and gently kissed her forehead. Sharon's eyes fluttered closed, her lips parting on instinct. Next she felt his lips on hers, a chaste, sweet kiss, one that sent shock waves through her. His hands rested on her waist as he pulled her closer to him, pressing their bodies together. He deepened the kiss, and Sharon's arms wrapped around his thin body; she was surprised to feel some muscle definition beneath his clothes, right in the biceps and pectorals. Breaking the kiss, she stood, taking his hands and leading him to her bedroom. She didn't bother to turn on the lamp as she closed the door behind them.

He disrobed her before she could do much else. The panther gasped and softly moaned as he took his time kissing each inch of skin her undressing revealed. She lay back in bed and ran her hands up under his shirt, tugging and pulling him closer to her. He paused only long enough to tear his shirt from his body and unbuckle his belt.

"You tell me if you get uncomfortable or want to stop," he said, taking off his glasses.

Sharon leaned back against her pillows. "I will."

He shed his jeans. "Tell me what you like."

Now she got bashful - of all the times! - because no one had asked this of her before. She pleasured herself regularly, but she had no idea what it felt like to have someone else touch her that way. Most of the time, she was just another pussy to fuck. "I...I actually have no idea."

He climbed over her on the creaky college mattress, peering into her eyes in the semi-darkness. "Then let's find out." He kissed her again, running his hands over her waist and hips. When his hands reached her hips, she squirmed a little. He kissed her neck, and she arched her head back to give him more room. The otter left little nibbles on her flesh and fur, careful not to bite. His hands moved up to cup her breasts, his fingers tracing along the curve of them before gently taking hold of them. He rubbed his thumbs over her nipples, feeling them harden beneath his hands. He squeezed her breasts gently, softly, not grabbing and groping until it hurt.

Sharon ran her hands over his back, then gripped fistfuls of hair when he lowered his head to one breast and took one nipple into his mouth. He licked and suckled, and Sharon moaned appreciatively while he massaged her other breast. He stopped, then repeated the treatment on the other breast; Sharon shivered when the cold air hit the saliva-slicked nipple he had just tasted.

She whined a little when Russell pulled away, but sucked in a breath as he kissed all the way down from the valley between her breasts, down, down past her belly button, and further down before stopped. "May I?"

"Yes. Please," she pleaded.

He parted her legs and lowered his head, taking in a long whiff of her natural scent before kissing the top of her slit. Sharon nearly squealed with delight as his tongue snaked out and flicked over her clit. "Oh god..."

"Yes?" he asked.

"Yes!" she said.

Russell smiled and got back to work, kissing around her slit, then leaving little licks and nibbles on the inside of her thighs. Sharon was in heaven. No one else had ever done this for her. His tongue slid up between her folds, thrusting in and out, going deeper and deeper each time. She sighed happily, curling her fingers into her hair and drawing her legs up and around his shoulders.

He paused only long enough to put two fingers into his mouth and suck on them. Sharon watched him in the half-light and mewled with anticipation as he centered the fingers at her slit. "May I?" he asked. She nodded, and gasped when one finger entered her slick passage. He slid the digit in and out, agonizingly slowly at first. The panther squirmed and mewled louder, tossing her head from side to side. He added another saliva-slicked finger, and she winced a little, until he lowered his head again and licked her clit.

Sharon moaned louder and ran her hand through his hair. "That's it," she whined. "Don't stop..."

He hummed an affirmative answer, and the vibrations against her clit caused her to shiver. She could feel her inner walls clamping down hard around his fingers. He started thrusting them in and out faster and faster, a little firmer each time as his tongue swirled around her clit, pressing against it, leaving long and slow licks up the sides of her inner thighs. Her moans became more desperate, her fingers gripping the pillow. He pulled his fingers out of her slit and put his entire mouth over it. The panther could see that hand snaking down to his crotch, wrapping around an impressive erection that he started idly stroking; he spent more attention on her pleasure.

"Russell..." she gasped.

"Mmm," he moaned against her slit, sucking gently on her lips.

"Oh god, Russell..." she moaned louder. She wanted him inside her. She wanted it so badly it hurt. Her insides throbbed. She needed something inside her, something hot, something hard, something fucking her senseless. Sharon wanted the otter badly, and the mere thought of him taking her, thrusting his cock deep inside her, spreading her wide open made her squeal with arousal. She was going to come. She wanted him inside her when she came, she wanted to clench around him, but his fingers returned to her slit and all she was able to get out was a strangled cry as she came hard, her whole body jerking off the bed, her slit quivering and spasming and a rush of fluids to her nethers she had never felt before. She should have been embarrassed, but her whole body was on fire, and she wanted more. She wanted Russell, and by god, that otter was going to fuck her one way or another.

Breathless, she propped herself up on her hands and looked down at him. His face was still between her legs, his fingers still inside her. He slowly withdrew them, but she grabbed his hand before he could react and stuck them in her mouth, sucking her own juices off. He moaned as her tongue wrapped around his digits and she moaned in response. Finally taking his fingers out of her mouth, she said, "I want you inside me. Either you fuck me, or I fuck you. Either way, I want you, Russell, right now."

He wasn't one to turn down such an offer, she knew it, and she was right. He got off the bed and searched for his jeans. She grabbed his wrist and brought him back, opening her nightstand's top drawer. "I got condoms," she said. "I want to taste you first."

"Not tonight," he said. "I mean it, if you do...I'm not going to last." He took the offered condom, tore open the package and carefully rolled it down his hard cock. Sharon laid back in bed and felt herself getting wet all over again as he positioned himself over her. "You sure?" he asked again.

"Russell, please, I need you so badly," she begged, reaching her hand down to rub her throbbing clit.

He nodded once and carefully positioned himself before sinking into her body. They both groaned, Sharon's turning into a gasp by the time the otter hilted inside her. He was bigger than she expected, and he spread her wide. "Ohh god," she moaned and wrapped her arms and legs around him. "Oh, please..." she begged.

He wasted no time and started to move in and out, slowly at first, building the tension for both of them. The panther shuddered beneath him soft moans leaving her with every move. She was desperate for his touch, and his hands moved all over her body, tweaking her nipples, caressing her breasts, gently gripping her hips. His kissed her neck, raked his teeth across it as he sped up his thrusts, going deeper and deeper.

Sharon felt her own pleasure mounting again, much faster than before. Her passion was practically on fire, and she dragged her nails down his back, urging him to go faster, harder. Her hands came to rest on his ass, groping and pulling him closer to her. She thrust her own hips back to meet his.

Russell sat up, grabbed hold of her hips and began to fuck her hard. Sweat beaded on his forehead, ran down his neck and chest, covering him until he glistened in the twilight. Sharon reached her hand down between her legs again and began furiously rubbing her clit, her other hand coming up to grope and rub her breasts. Russell groaned loudly and stared down at her with half-lidded eyes, his breathing ragged, his thrusts becoming shorter, more erratic.

"God you look so sexy," he said, and she could hear the desperation in his voice. He was close, but he was holding back. "Come for me, Sharon. Come on, come for me..."

Sharon arched her back to angle her hips in just the right place. His covered cockhead hit the right spot inside her, and with her fingers furiously rubbing herself, harder and harder on her clit and deep inside her, the panther threw back her head and yowled loudly, crashing into an orgasm even more intense than her first.

It only took a few more hard thrusts into her spasming insides before Russell came hard, burying himself deep inside her, spilling his seed into the condom. Sharon could still feel him throbbing inside her, his cock still hard despite the massive load it was unloading.

Russell pulled out of her far too soon for her liking, and she whined when he did. He sat up and disposed of the condom, then lay back down next to her. "How do you feel?" he asked.

"Fucking amazing," she panted. "Thank you. You're very good."

"You're just saying that."

"The hell I am. You think any of those jocks could fuck me like that? Russell, I loved it."

He smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Well, if you liked that, there's more where that came from."

She grinned. "Good."

When Nadya got back the next day from her own night of carnal delights, Sharon could hardly wait to tell her what had happened. The snow leopard didn't seem particularly surprised when Sharon told her everything, the former only nodding in total understanding and sipping her tea.

"But I don't get it," Sharon finally told her. "Why was he better than the other guys?"

Nadya rolled her eyes and smirked, "You really don't know?" She took another sip. "I thought it was obvious: Nerds are better because they know how to study."

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