The Ranch Pt.2

Story by KestralXinsanity on SoFurry

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#2 of Ranch Series

This is a continuation to my ranch series.

Authors note: I would like to apologise to my readers whomever they may be; for my long absence. I had many personal issues I need to take care of in my life as well as trying to improve upon my writing the best I can. I know to many of the advanced reader and writers out there my writing is still very flawed but I will keep trying to get better and that's all I can do. I hope you all enjoy the read because I enjoyed writing it.

The Ranch Chapter 2

The barn was still humid, moist with the fresh smell of sex. Lantern's burning on a low flame hung above from the rafters, the oil was depleting and the flames began to flicker casting silhouettes of the two figures. How had he ended up in this predicament? "Faster! Hun don't you stop!" her voice urged him on. The both of them within the throes of passion, her legs wrapped around his waist clinging tightly pulling him down onto her. "I've never had a fox before" exasperated he spoke pulling back, her sex was a vice from the likes of which he rather not escape. "I am having a fox right?" he questioned pushing down into her tight passage, causing her hips to buckle in orgasm.

"You're definitely having a fox..." her grunts were low, pivoting her hips against him she rose agilely from the hay bale embracing him "...Now shut up and enjoy it." I like having a fox, he thought regaining his balance. The tongue in his mouth roughly curled around his own. Kevryn pushed a hand through her golden locks of hair using his right hand to cup her tight rump. This did not go unnoticed by the vixen rolling her hips against him. "You sure know how to treat a gal hun" spittle connected to the lips of the spoken word, their eyes met and locked.

"Is this wrong?" he asked her pressing his forehead to her own. She chuckled nuzzling him and giving him a slight peck on the lips. "You think way too much" she answered pulling off of him abruptly; her juices spilled forming a small puddle beneath her. "Take a load off shuga, Let me drive for a while" she replied coyly giving him a sharp shove knocking him the hard ground. He gave her an unamused look; but much to his surprise and delight she crawled slowly against his body. "Don't mess up a good time baby" silencing any protest with a single furred finger against his lips.

The vixen had retaken control of the situation dragging her finger down his lips onto his chest, before palming it. She took ahold of his slick cock with her other hand. "I told you let me drive" her hand moved along his shaft. It was thick by human standards, almost three inches wide and nine from base to tip. Oh god this isn't so bad, he reasoned as a moan slipped free. The feelings he felt were heavenly, warmth from her dripping mound radiated along his groin where she knelt. I'm going to cum, he repeated in his head. The tip of his cock twitched and his balls strained with the need to release. "Not yet baby, let's not waste it" She whispered into his neck. The teeth dug into his flesh drawing droplets of blood as she lined up with his manhood.

"Oh fuck please; damn it let me fucking cum!" Kevryn shouted pushing deep into the smoldering hot sex. The walls of her pussy clamped down milking his cock for the white seed which yearned to release. "No...not yet" She moaned denying him his release, this continued for some time. They're bodies loosely locked in a constant series of shallow thrusts and gyrations.

"Fuck...enough of this!" Kevryn cried out taking a hold of her waist hammering his cock rapidly into her depths, crying out in unison the both of them came to a climax. "You're pretty damn amazing" Kevryn replied mid exhale, his chest heaving exhausted from the tryst. "You're cute, but it's time for you to go" She sighed rolling over to his side casually draping an arm over his chest, not yet wanting this moment to end.

"I admit the show was entertaining, but you know very well how dangerous this place can be" A slow deliberate voice spoke from behind them. The accent dripped with a southern drawl. "Billy...I asked you to stay out of my affairs" rolling over the vixen began to stand, dusting off the debris from her fur. "I believe I asked you to have a bit of modesty and to stop starting trouble" Billy replied crossing his arms. The lanterns in the bar had gone out leaving inside pitch black with the exception of a few rays of light pouring in from a hole in the roof.

"Is he a friend of yours?" he tried to ask bashfully covering his naked groin, leaning over the hay bale to retrieve his clothes. "No more like a babysitter" Billy chuckled moving closer. There was a distinct clomping of hooves with each step he took, confusing the human until he stepped into the light. "You like what you see? C'mon close ya trap yer gonna let the flies in" standing in the light was billy stroking the underside of his white furred snout, much like a human would a beard. The fur spanned across his narrow snout and long. It reached up to his snowy white hair slicked back over his long twisted horns.

The creature's eyes were devilish, square pupils sitting on yellowish Irises piercing deep into the human's core. The stare had frozen him in terror, fixating his gaze onto the stout humanoid. I'm going to die here; I'm doing to die in this place. Kevryn spoke to himself internally "Billy stop it your scaring him" The sweet Carolina accent broke the hold of terror and he crawled backwards in fear from the male. "I'm sorry Irene; I don't get many human visitors around these parts" Billy replied turning placing a hand in the pocket of his overalls, the other combing his slick white hair.

"Anyways he's welcome to stay the night in the guest house, but in the morning he best be on his merry way. I don't want a problem with the pack over some one night stand" he made it very clear to Kevryn that he was in some sort of danger. The comments though frightening gave him some insight. This male seemed to hold some authority, there also seemed to be others. This brought on so many questions he wanted answered. "Nobody ever asked you to look out for me Billy, stop acting like an old prude" Irene murmured grabbing Kevryn by the hand leading him outside.

"Where are we going?" He decided to ask against his better judgment, he could tell she was still livid and this worried him slightly. "We're going to see a friend of mine before bed, she has something I need" She murmured distracted almost. They soon happened upon a shelter built into the side of a hill. It seemed more of a den than a home. "Angeline! Are you still up?" Irene called out knocking on the sturdy wooden door. "Y-yes!" came a short timid response followed by the soft patter of footsteps.

"H-hello The...there A-Angeline!" A soft black furred face peered through a crack in the doorway stuttering and fumbling her words. She was small and round, adorably thick with all black fur and long floppy rabbit ears. "Oh y-you b-bring a..a..g-guest?" she stuttered as Kevryn waved at her. "Yes he's my new friend, Angeline relax what's gotten you so worked up?" she asked the rabbit who seemed extremely nervous.

"Who's the kid Irene?" A gruff low rumble of a voice replied. It was a deep bass that sent chills down Kevryn spine. The door swung open abruptly and behind the timid rabbit stood a massive wolf at about seven feet tall. "You leave him alone Skylar" Irene protested but the beast was not stopping, he approached Kevryn with an intimidatingly slow gait. The ground seemed to rumble with each deliberate step.