Frodo 3: Julia

Story by mrfoxypaws on SoFurry

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#4 of Frodo

Frodo's services are called on again, but this time for a young virgin named Julia who's never had a boyfriend. Can the nervous dalmatian pup be encouraged to help educate her? Master and pet provide a short lesson on anatomy, Frodo learns what it feels like to be pleasured by a lady, and Julia tries her hand at spanking. Finally, the three of them set off to the woods where - watching Frodo and Malcolm play - Julia finally gets what it's all about.

Inspired by, and dedicated to, fido815.

Julia (by Mr Foxy Paws)

Triiing Triing Triing, Triiiiiing, rang the door bell.

'Ah,' said Malcolm, setting his coffee mug down on the small oak table by his chair in the sitting room. 'That will be Julia, Frodo. Remember? Catherine's daughter. It was Julia's twenty-first birthday last week, and her mum reckons she's never had a proper boyfriend. In fact, she thinks her daughter needs ... enlightening, I suppose. So, because Catherine was so impressed by our show-and-tell at that coffee afternoon last month, she asked if we could run a private session for Julia. Not about furries, just about ... well, about sex, I suppose.'

Frodo, who had been curled up by his master's feet, sat up and brushed a few pieces of fluff of his coat, then preened both ears. He'd enjoyed his time with the ladies.

'I'll just go and let her in, boy. Now, remember, everybody has to learn some time. You were once a young pup, never seen a horse-cock dildo or felt the snug warmth of a butt plug up your tail hole, never felt the kiss of a riding crop or enjoyed the tangy taste of a master's piss, or - heaven help us - never found the erotic potential of scrumpled paper. We all have to learn at some point in our life; you've come miles in that respect, and now it's your turn, our turn, to help Julia into her world of sexual awakening.'

Frodo looked up suddenly, cocked his head and whined inquisitively. Helping Julia into her world of sexual awakening? What did his master mean by that? Frodo had no intentions of yiffing a twenty-one year old girl, at least not with his pup-hood. The cunnilingus with Ros had been fun, of course, and he did want more practice to earn those pink strands that he now noticed more often in other furries' status plugs, but he didn't fancy normal human sex with ... with a human female.

Malcolm seemed to understand his pet's concern. 'No, Frodo, you don't have to mate with her. Just show and tell, you know the stuff. I'm sure it'll be fun. Anyway, can't keep her waiting...'


'Frodo!' cried Julia, following Malcolm into the sitting room. 'I've heard so much about you. And, gosh, my mum was right, you look adorable. Gosh, I could almost eat you -' Frodo took a couple of paces back and squinted accusingly at his master.

'That's just an expression, Frodo,' said Malcolm. 'It means she likes you. You look sweet.' The dalmatian pup visibly relaxed, then trotted up to Julia and rubbed his head against her faded denims. She bent down and scritched him playfully behind his ears.

'So ...' began Malcolm. 'So, your mum explained the birthday gift? Frodo is here, at your service. I don't know how or where you'd like to begin? We could run through some basics for you, or just fire away with questions. It's your present.'

'OK,' said Julia, 'but ... but Frodo is a dog and I'm ... I'm looking for a bloke. How's that going to work?'

'Well, Frodo is ... Yes, you're right, Frodo is a pup. And obviously he's got a muzzle, pointed ears and spotted tail, which hopefully your boyfriend won't have. But, he's still, he's still a sexual creature. Lots of things that will work with Frodo will work for your boyfriend, honest. Lots and lots.'

'Ah, good,' said Julia, relief flooding her voice. 'And you know what, because Frodo's a dog and not a man, well - and this is strange - I don't feel so embarrassed about all this.'

'Embarrassed? Good heavens, don't be that, Julia. Frodo's seen and done it all before. Well, not all. We're still working on some things, aren't we Frodo?' Malcolm smiled at his pet, and a sudden memory of the night before filled both their minds; Malcolm had tried some weight-training, seeing what loads Frodo could lift with his erect cock, or with a cord around his balls, but Frodo hadn't seen the point in it at all even though it could earn him more coloured strands for his butt plug.

'Well for starters, maybe I could see his penis?' said Julia. 'I ... I must confess I've never seen a real one. Only on television and in magazines; oh, and the Internet. But never a real, live one.'

'Frodo? Onto the paper, boy.' Malcolm had laid out several old newspapers to cover the centre of their sitting room floor.

Frodo waved a mitted paw in the air. 'OK, you're wearing those ones, so you can't undo the flap? Let me.' Malcolm reached between the pup's legs and pulled at a hidden zipper. 'Actually, Frodo, get into begging position with rear paws apart, that'll give Julia the best view I think.'

Frodo sat up on his haunches, hind paws pointing outwards a little, and bent his knees sideways so that his cock and balls were clearly visible. His pup-sac hung low and heavy, towered over by his engorged dick.

'Here are his balls - another name for testicles,' said Malcolm, cupping Frodo's jewels in his hand. 'There are two but you can't always tell, especially when he's cold after a bath and they retreat back for warmth.' Malcolm fondled his dalmatian's sac, locating the two balls, and squeezed gently between them so that each was nudged sideways. Then he pulled the loose folds of skin down, left and right, and massaged the sac so that it hung limp and loose. 'You have to be very very careful with balls, Julia, when you finally get a boyfriend. They are very delicate - I don't mean they'll break, just that you can hurt a guy a lot by hitting or grabbing them. Whatever you do, don't squeeze hard. Go on, have a feel.'

Frodo held his breath; sometimes he deserved and got a riding crop flicking his balls, when he had been a really really naughty pup, but it seemed unfair to have his little canine marbles squeezed hard for no good reason. He wanted to say, 'Gently!', but he resisted and just whimpered instead.

Julia retreated her hand. 'Is he OK?' she asked anxiously.

'Yes, he's nervous, that's all. Hold a guy's bollocks, Julia, and you hold everything; you hold total and utter dominance. And that's fine, that's good. Just don't squeeze hard without good reason. He's just whimpering because he's a pussy, that's all. Go on, don't be afraid, cup his balls and feel each of them.'

Julia reached out again and placed her hand under Frodo's ball sac. She notice a seam running down the middle, and slight bulges either side, and - fraction by fraction - she worked the loose skin with her fingers until the dog's bollocks were apparent.

'OK,' said Malcolm, 'Now just roll them around gently. Guys love that.' Julia obliged, and Frodo squirmed with pleasure.

'You sure he's OK?' asked Julia.

'Yes. Hmm, you need to figure out from a guy's reaction exactly what he likes and what he doesn't. Frodo likes you doing that. Now, take one of his balls, and squeeze it - just very very very gently - but keep applying more pressure until he yelps.'

Julia bent closer, chose the left ball, and wrapped her hand around it. Frodo tensed, and once again held his breath. Julia started squeezing; barely noticeable at first, but the pup could feel the pressure increasing. And increasing further, so that it became uncomfortable. Frodo whimpered. 'Carry on,' said Malcolm. Julia continued, closing her palm a little tighter. Frodo whined a little more; a whine of pain, with a small hint of fear. 'How much more?' ask Julia. 'Not much, just take it easy,' said Malcolm. 'He's being a very brave dog right now.' Julia noticed Frodo's spotted dalmatian flank start to tremble, and heard the fast panting of his breath. 'Any more and I'm going to crush them,' said Julia. Frodo let out a loud howl; a sudden howl not of pain but of fear, from what Julia had said. Julia flinched and let go. 'There, excellent, you see,' said Malcolm. 'An excellent lesson in power, in real pleasure and real pain, and in simple pure fear.'


'What's that white dribble at the top of his penis?' asked Julia.

'Ah, is there some precum? It's just some of his juices coming early, that's all. It happens when people get excited. Let me show you his cock. Actually, no, you do it. The skin around his cock is loose, so just pull it down gently. It's called the foreskin. Go on, I think you'll like this.'

Julia moved her grasp to Frodo's cock, took it between thumb and forefinger, and drew the skin down towards the pup's balls, effectively peeling it back to reveal a smooth, dark purple, bulbous slitted head. 'Oh, wow,' said Julia. 'I thought his cock seemed different from those I've seen. That was the foreskin on it. And below it, there's this thing.'

'Yes, sure is,' said Malcolm. 'Go on, have a play. It's important to get a feel for the foreskin, and how it slides up and down - more so when the cock's limp, mind you. It's quite important if you want to give your bloke a hand job - you know, rub his cock to pleasure him. Go on, slide the foreskin up and down.'

Julia pulled the loose skin up, watching it cover the cock head, then back down, revealing the cock head again, although after a few tries the pup's member had grown so thick and rigid that she had some trouble moving the skin at all. Then, Julia felt some sudden, strong twitches and a white creamy substance flew from Frodo's cock. 'What the -' began Julia.

'Oh, Frodo. Frodo, you've gone and cum. Who gave you permission to cum, Frodo?' asked Malcolm.

Frodo looked up at his master, as if to say Well what the fuck do you expect?, but then quickly bowed his head and looked sorrowful.

'That's called cum, Julia,' said Malcolm. 'It's what happens when a guy reaches orgasm, and it's the stuff that gets you pregnant. Some girls like the taste of it - well, some guys do too - but it's all down to taste.' Malcolm looked down at his pup's cock. 'There's probably a bit left inside, Julia. Just squeeze his cock a little, from the base along to the tip, and see.' Julia obliged, and another small trickle of cum oozed out and plopped onto the paper.

'Right, Frodo, lick up your mess, boy.'

Frodo bent down and lapped at the newspaper; his cum had shot a couple of feet and left at least half a dozen creamy patches across world news and hot gossip pages. In Frodo's world, it was one of the best combinations on earth: the taste of cum on newspaper.

'Will my boyfriend do that?' asked Julia.

Malcolm laughed. 'That's up to him. And your powers of persuasion! With Frodo, he does what I tell him. Get the right bloke, a submissive one, and he might do the same.'


'So,' began Julia. 'So, I've heard of fellatio. Giving head. How does that work then?'

Frodo opened his eyes, very wide.

Malcolm shrugged. 'You just suck on his cock. Take it in your mouth, run your tongue around it, and suck.'

'But ... the hair?'

'Some people like it and some don't.'

'Not sure I do,' said Julia.

'Cutters, Frodo?' said Malcolm.

'Hmm?' wuffed Frodo, pretending not to hear.


'Wuff-wutters?' woofed Frodo, pretending not to understand.

'Frodo, for the third and last time, do go and get your hair trimmers.'

Frodo slunk off, footsteps were heard in the bathroom overhead, then Frodo returned with some hair trimmers held in his maw. He dropped them at his master's feet.

'If you don't like hair, Julia, you don't have to have it,' said Malcolm. 'On your back, boy, it'll be easier.' Frodo rolled onto his back, Malcolm pulled the fursuit open a little further, and soon the room was filled with buzzing as little strands of pubic dalmatian hair fell away. Three minutes later, 'All done. Good boy.'

The sound and sensation of the trimmer had caused Frodo's cock to grow hard again.

'Oh my gosh but it looks so different,' said Julia. 'His cock looks bigger, and you can see his balls so much more clearly now. He does look a bit funny though,' she laughed.

Frodo frowned, a little indignant.

'OK, so you want to try fellatio?' asked Malcolm.

'Do I need a condom?'

'Well again that's up to you. Maybe, yeah, maybe this time but you won't get the full flavour of his cock; you'll just get the taste of rubber. Even so, you'll have a feel for it. And you can suck his balls, I suppose.' Malcolm produced a small foil packet, opened it up and passed the condom to Julia, explaining how to apply it. 'Again, this is important. You need to be able to fit a condom properly,' explained Malcolm. Julia examined the flattened condom, figured out which was the top, held the bottom against the tip of Frodo's thick member, and unrolled it back towards his ball-sac. The touch of her hands, the feel and tightness of the rubber, made Frodo's cock twitch and the rest of his body quiver with pleasure.

'Now take it in your mouth, and play with it.'

Julia lowered her head over Frodo's cock and took it into her mouth as if she'd been giving blow jobs all her life. She instinctively bobbed her head up and down, and Frodo began to writhe. He looked up at his master pitifully, pointed a mitted paw at Julia giving him head, and asked permission with his eyes. 'Yes, Frodo, you can cum,' sighed Malcolm. No sooner said than done, and Frodo's cock twitched violently in Julia's mouth emptying his dalmatian load into the condom's small rubber teat. Frodo lay back, breathing heavily, his furry stomach rising and falling, rising and falling.


'What about anal? I've heard about anal,' said Julia.

Frodo's eyes widened.

'That's taking him in his tail-hole,' replied Malcolm.

'Tail hole?'

'Oh, sorry, that's for Frodo. It'd be taking your guy up the arse.'

'Yes, but with what? A dildo?'

'A dildo, yes. Well, a strap-on. You could get him a butt-plug but that's different. The thing is,' - Malcolm chuckled - 'I don't have any strap-ons for you to try, because I don't need one. I've got a butt plug though, so you can see how that works?'

'I'm not sure it appeals to me,' said Julia.

'Worth a look though?' asked Malcolm. 'So you're prepared. I've a lovely, large, ribbed plug that Frodo hasn't tried yet.'

Frodo shook his head.

'Did you just shake your head, Frodo?'

Frodo paused. He nodded.

'Did you express an opinion about taking a butt plug, when you weren't asked your opinion. In fact, when I was talking to Julia, and not talking to you at all?'

Frodo's shoulders sank down a fraction, he lowered his head and nodded again.

'Frodo, bad boy. You should know far better than that, especially ...' Malcolm paused for effect '... Especially in front of a guest. I think that means you should definitely wear it, Frodo. You know where it is. Go and get it!'

Frodo turned to leave the room, but Julia - catching Frodo's sudden sadness - intervened. 'No, really Malcolm, it's kind of you. And i'm sure Frodo would oblige, but I don't think I fancy anal. In fact,' she added for good measure, 'the thought makes me feel a little sick.'

'Ah, well, I didn't realise. Sorry. But he still needs to be punished. Discipline, Julia, is at the very heart of a master-pet relationship. Whether it'll be you over your boyfriend, or the other way, or perhaps both. Without discipline, well you've nothing. Fortunately, we know how to handle that, don't we Frodo?'


Frodo had paused by the door, on his way to get the feared butt plug. Now, instead, he trotted to one corner of the room, picked up a red leather bag in his maw, carried it to his master and dropped it on the floor.

'We'll do this with fursuit and tail off, I think, Frodo.'

Frodo stood up, and shrugged off the suit. He held up a mitt, looked at Malcolm, then looked at the mitt. 'Mitts stay on though,' said his master. 'And head too. Now, assume the position boy.'

Frodo got down on all fours, raised his butt in the air and lowered his snout to the carpet. 'Head up, a little, boy, and take the bone,' said Malcolm, slipping a ribbed red rubber bone into the dalmatian's mouth.

'Why the bone?' asked Julia.

'Oh, that's just something to bite on to stop him making a sound, plus he bites on it if the strokes hurt too much. And if he drops it, well he gets penalty strokes. For some games he has a baby's dummy, but that's mainly for diapers, and personally I find a dog in diapers just a bit odd, don't you?'

Julia stared at Frodo, with his furry head and snout, red toy bone in his mouth, spotted mitts on the front and rear paws, with fursuit and long spotted tail crumpled on the floor nearby, his delightful little doggy rump held in the air, and wondered whether diapers could really be any more odd than that. But she didn't articulate the thought.

'Want a go?' asked Malcolm.

'I ... I couldn't hurt him,' said Julia.

'Spare the rod and spoil the child, Julia,' said Malcolm sagely. 'He needs discipline. It's for his own good.' He turned to Frodo. 'It's for your own good, isn't it, boy?' Frodo nodded.

Malcolm positioned Julia to one side, just behind Frodo. 'Here, look. Stand just here, hold the riding crop there, and see how that leather flap at the end lies against his cheek? Now swing your arm back, slowly, and forward, slowly. Keep it straight. That's it. See how it lands in the soft part of his rump? Now you could do this,' he added, leading the crop up and down the pup's butt crack. 'And maybe we should do this,' he said, flicking the crop gently against the dalmatian's inner thighs. 'Spread 'em boy,' said Malcolm. The pup shuffled his hind legs outwards a little, exposing his jutting cock and pendant balls. 'Go on, have a go. Run the crop up and down the inside of this thighs. Ever so gently.' Julia followed Malcolm's advice, and watched in amazement as the pup flinched and twitched and squirmed. 'But I'm barely touching him! I can't be hurting him!' 'No,' said Malcolm. 'Another lesson, you see. Sometimes, less is more. Often, less is more. Just as fear can be more than pain. But I digress. Normally I'd punish him a lot more for such disobedience in front of a guest - shaking his head when I'm talking to you about whether I think he should take a plug - but we'll be generous and put it down to excitement. So just six swats each will do. Go ahead, Julia. Six swats on each cheek.'

Julia flicked the crop on the pup's left cheek, barely touching it at all. Frodo didn't seem to notice. The same for the right cheek. 'Hmm, a little harder, I think. It's all in the wrist. Honestly, you can't hurt him. Well, yes, you can hurt him, but not damage him. And it's not like with his balls, it's a different kind of pain. Be firm, Julia, Be hard. Imagine your boyfriend. Imagine him looking at another woman when he's meant to be taking you out to dinner. Imagine finding lipstick on his collar. Imagine -' But Malcolm had said enough already, and Julia launched a rapid series of swats on Frodo's hind quarters. A total of ten on each. Frodo yelped, his smooth butt cheeks burning.

'Oh, my, that's good. Very good. A few too many, but then we let him off the plug, so I reckon that's fair. Isn't that fair, Frodo?' asked Malcolm. The dog nodded. 'OK, now get your suit back on, then stand up.' Frodo obliged, then felt his master clip his front paw mitts together. Next, he felt a leather collar being looped and buckled about his neck, and finally he heard the distinctive sound of his leash being clicked onto the D-ring.

'It's early evening now, so he needs to go out and do his business,' explained Malcolm. 'Come on.'

Malcolm led the way, not to their back garden, but out to their garage. Julia followed in silence, watching as the master opened his estate car's rear hatch and Frodo jumped in to the back cage. Malcolm opened the passenger door for Julia, then got in the driver's side.

'You do this every night?'

'No, not that often. It's usually just the back garden, or an indoor tray, or sometimes' - he shrugged - 'quite often he uses the bathroom as it's so convenient. But now and then, we go out for a drive. Julia turned around and looked at Frodo who sat panting happily in the back of the car.


They'd been travelling for about half an hour before Malcolm finally drew the car up a narrow country road and pulled into a small lay-by. The area was deserted. Malcolm switched off the engine, got out and let Frodo down from the boot. 'OK, Julia, just a short walk into the woods there's a clearing we normally use,' said Malcolm, leading Frodo by his leash, into the woods.

Five minutes later, the three of them found themselves in a small treeless opening. All around was silence, the birds having begun to roost for the night. Malcolm unclipped the leash. 'Fursuit off, boy, keep mitts on, then go do your business.'

Frodo stepped out of his suit, got back on all fours and trotted to an old pine tree stump to one side of the clearing. A cool breeze wove through the trees, stroking his thighs, caressing his balls and chilling his cock. Reaching the stump, he cocked a leg and pissed; something he still hadn't quite mastered. Then he returned to his master.

'Done already? Call that pissing, boy? It's a bit feeble. Let me show you how it's done. Down boy, on your back.' Frodo lay down on the cool damp grass, and automatically stretched out his front and rear paws. His master walked around him, nudging the legs a foot or two further apart, pushing tent pegs into the soil, fixing each peg to a mitt's D-ring. Frodo lay there expectantly. Malcolm then stood between the pup's legs, unbuttoned his flies and removed his cock. 'This is how you piss, boy. Not some unbalanced one-legged two-second wazz against a tree stump.' And with that, his master let forth a fountain of heavy yellow rain, the jet reaching the length of Frodo's body, covering his muzzle and stomach and legs as his master guided the stream back and forth, left and right, up and down, for a full forty seconds.

'Can I go?' asked Julia.

'Go, or have a go?' asked Malcolm.

'Does he like it?' asked Julia.

'Is he complaining?'

'Well. Well, OK.' Julia walked over and stood astride Frodo who was lying prone on the ground. She lifted one leg, then the other, to slip off her underwear, then she crouched down over Frodo's face. Frodo closed his eyes. 'It's coming boy,' she said, and relaxed her bladder. A long shower of fragrant warm rain hit the pup's face, wetting his hair, running down his cheeks, dribbling into his ears, streaming across his lips. Half a minute later, the stream became a few dribbles, then a couple of drops, and dried up. Frodo licked his lips; the taste was quite pleasant. Very pleasant. Although perhaps, he wondered, it was because the bitch was on heat; certainly her scent had hints of that about it. Julia saw him licking his lips. 'You want more, boy?' she asked, and lowered herself on to his face, shuffling back and forth an inch or two until her pussy was over the puppy's mouth. 'Lick and suck, boy, lick and suck.'

Frodo found Julia's treasure immediately, and - following the experience with Ros - soon found himself rimming her pussy lips, then locating and teasing her timid clitoris, before delving his hot wet puppy tongue deep into her love hole. The moistness, the firmness, the warmth, the taste, and - above all - the aroma made his head swim. Julia started grinding herself into the little dog's face and, after a few moments, he felt his cock make some involuntary movements. 'Aaaah yes!' cried Julia, squirting into Frodo's mouth, at which point Frodo too fired his own load.

'Frodo! Frodo that's the second time today you've cum without permission. Bad boy.'

Frodo gave out a little whine: he hadn't wanted to cum; he hadn't even realised he was close. Malcolm got up from the fallen log, where he had been sitting and watching his young pup pleasure the girl. He walked over and released Frodo from the tent pegs.

'Fursuit off, over to that log, now!' said Malcolm. Frodo shrugged off his suit and padded over to the log, followed by his master. 'Stand up straight, pup,' said Malcolm. The dog obeyed. 'Hands behind your head.' The dog obeyed, again. 'Legs apart.' Frodo spread his legs. 'More.' Frodo moved his legs further. Malcolm got up and walked around him, then stopped in front of the pup, reached down and grabbed his balls. 'Whose are these?' he asked. Frodo nodded towards his master. 'Are they yours?' asked Malcolm. Frodo shook his head. 'If I want, can I squeeze them?' asked Malcolm. Frodo nodded. 'Can I crush them?' Frodo nodded. 'If I want, could I have you doctored? Have them cut off? Maybe turn you into my little furry bitch?'

Frodo hesitated; only for a second, but it didn't go unnoticed. 'The answer, boy, is yes. Yes, I could turn you into my little bitch. Sometimes I think I should; a little bitch would be far better behaved, I'm sure. Your cock makes you too randy. Or we could just get you neutered. That might work.' Frodo whined.

'Down on all fours, boy, do it now.' Frodo obliged, unsure what his master had planned. 'I've not got your red bone here, so you'll have to use this rolled-up newspaper boy,' said Malcolm, holding out a tabloid into which Frodo sank his teeth. His master then disappeared and, suitless and exposed to nature, the young pup waited obediently until he was aware of his master approaching from behind. 'Spread your cheeks, pup!' ordered Malcolm. The dalmatian reached back and, as best he could with his mitts, pulled his butt cheeks apart. A moment later, he felt a generous application of cold lube around his unfurred tail hole. 'I've not cum once today, pup, and i'm the master; you've cum three times, if not more ... in fact i've lost count ...' Malcolm positioned himself behind Frodo, and slapped the pup's right buttock. 'But the point is -' Malcolm slapped the left buttock '- the point is that you've cum without permission.' Frodo felt his master's cock sliding up and down his crack. 'And that's one of the top sins, Frodo. You should know that.' Frodo felt the cock find his tail hole. 'And I won't -' he felt his master pushing '- have -' he felt his tail hole opening '- an ill-disciplined -' he felt the penetration of his master's cock '- pet.' Frodo felt the whole length of his master's cock slip inside him, felt another two stinging slaps on his buttocks, then felt his hair being tugged gently backwards, causing him to turn around and look up at his master. 'Do -' another thrust '- I -' and again '- make -' and another '- myself clear?' His master continued thrusting for another five minutes, with increasing power and speed, pounding the young pup's arse, until Malcolm finally fired his own human load, followed shortly by Frodo releasing yet another spurt of pleasure.

Julia applauded.

'Did he cum again?' asked Malcolm.

'That was brilliant. Absolutely bloody brilliant,' said Julia. 'I get it. I see it, now. The whole thing. Intimacy, lust, pain, pleasure, domination, submission, humiliation, love and ... and bonding. You're such a perfect pair, you and Frodo. Something for me to aspire to.'

'You're welcome,' said Malcolm, forgetting about Frodo's latest illicit orgasm.

And, more than happy to have helped serve his second mistress, Frodo murred.

The End.

Frodo 2: Ros

**Ros (by Mr Foxy Paws)** 'Remember, Frodo, you have to be on your best behaviour this afternoon,' said Malcolm, as he started running the bath for his dalmatian pup. 'Woof,' replied Frodo, stepping out of his fursuit and dropping it down onto the...

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Frodo 1: Malcolm

**Malcolm (by Mr Foxy Paws)** "Goodnight Frodo," said Malcolm, as he pulled up the covers and snuggled down in bed. Frodo, Malcolm's dalmatian pup, curled up on the bedspread and rested his chin on the warm bump that was his master's body below the...

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