I Said Kneel
"come kneel in front of me." "no!" neil growled and moved away. "do not make me ask again, son."
Kneeling Before a Giant Gryphoness
Story © amethyst mare / arian mabe characters © respective owners **kneeling before a giant gryphoness** ** ** _written by arian mabe (amethyst mare)_ _ _ _a mini-story featuring erotic size play and size difference._ _ _ _ _ _
The Man Who Would Not Kneel
kneel before you. like you made my grandfather kneel, like you made my father kneel. but i do not kneel." the great bear chuckled and took another heavy step forward. "you asked why i did all of this...
The Ritual's Center
The cool of the night air went straight through Mallory's fur, sending a shiver down the tabby's spine. It had been pleasantly warm earlier in the day, but now that night had fallen the cat could see every breath she exhaled forming a cloud in front of...
The Witch's Trial
The cool autumn wind whistled by. The fires of torches crackled and spat. Stones and dirt crunched under heavy boots. Mallory heard it all, pointed ears working hard to make up the slack for her shrouded eyes. Most of all she heard their voices. Their...
Kneeling Before Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker
Story © amethyst mare / arian mabe characters © respective owners **kneeling before nightmare moon and daybreaker** ** ** _written by arian mabe (amethyst mare)_ _commissioned by anonymous_ _ _ _ _ "they promised to be gentler than last
Blackmail - Chapter 1 - Kneel Before Me
"all right you can kneel in front of me now kari." kari did so, keeping her young snatch hidden till she was on her knees. she got on gatomon's right side.
Kneel down beside the mew to pet it on the head
It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website: https://silverstream.ddns.net/interactivefiction/writeaboutyou/ posted using postybirb as you kneel down to pet the mew, it
Kneel down next to the jackalope and pet the mudkip on the head
The mudkip pulls away for a moment to consider you then moves up so it is under your appendage and accepts the pets. It coos and butts into your pats. The eevee and the mew come up to you on top of the jackalope. "Huaff. You are heavy, all of you,"...
Kneel down beside the jackalope and pet the eevee on the head
It is meant to be a basic browser hyperlinked interactive fiction version that i made using squiffy that is located on my website: https://silverstream.ddns.net/interactivefiction/writeaboutyou/ posted using postybirb you kneel down and pet the eevee's
I Said Kneel: Part 2 "Training Ropes"
Clancy shut the front door behind him, kicking off his boots he shed his raincoat as he walked to the kitchen. He pawed at his cock in his jeans, he had been hard nearly all day thinking about Neil in the basement. The huge dire wolf grabbed a beer...
I Said Kneel, Part 3 - The Neil Show
One day, Clancy ordered Neil to crawl into a doggie carrier that was barely big enough for him. A blanket was thrown over it and he was taken into a car, Clancy's voice came through from the front. Neil had gotten used to wearing his Puppy play fetish...