Kereika High School- Part 3: Ryu Moves In; A Night in Paradise

Story by Kai-Koyuo on SoFurry

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#3 of Kereika High School

Kereika High School- Part 3: Ryu Moves In; A Night in Paradise By Tenchi-Kitamura

*WARNING* This story contains violence, nudity, anal sex, gay relationships, and strong language. If this offends you, or you are not 18-21 years of age, do not read. All characters and locations are © Tenchi Kitamura (Me) and are not to be used without my consent. Enjoy.

Ryu led me outside of the school, and onto the bus, paw-in-paw the entire time. We sat together through the ride to my place, and he slipped me his cell number as I got off; this had to be the happiest I'd been in years! I quickly punched his information into my cell, a red Razor, and put it away; I'd call him later. I entered the house, not even noticing that my father's car was in the driveway. He called out to me when I came into the living room, and my ears perked up in surprise. My father was rarely home, due to his job as a CEO of a large company with worldwide affiliates; he was always in meetings in other countries, so I was always happy to see him. "Be there in a sec dad!" I yelled to him, setting my stuff down at the entrance to my room before entering the den, where my father was sitting. "So, how's the new school Kai? I heard you got into a fight yesterday." Said my father, Black, apprehensively. "It's ok now. A new friend of mine took care of the guys bothering me today; I don't think they'll bother me again." I mewed happily. "Good. I'd hate to have a repeat of what happened at your last school; the whole "therapy" experience is something none of us want to go through again..." "No kidding! The guy they set me up with had to see a therapist himself... Man, was he a nut-job!" I laughed, it was true, my old therapist was crazy himself, but that only made it easier to lie to him about things, which is the only reason I wasn't still in therapy. My mother, Alexis, stepped into the room, and smiled. It'd been a long time since I'd been this happy, and I guess that overjoyed her. She hugged me tightly, and kissed my cheek, a quirk of hers, and we all giggled a little. "You seem really happy today," my mother noted, "Something good happen?" I nodded, and told them about my dream, and the day's events. At first, I thought they'd had a heart attack or something, because they both sorta froze up and stared at me for a few minutes before they could speak. "So you're telling us," my parents said in unison, "that you met this Ryu kid in a dream last night, and today, he was at your school, and beat up six different kids to protect you? What the fuck?" "Ummm... yeah; that's what happened... And another thing; what do you mean 'What the fuck?' weird stuff is always happening to our family," I replied, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room; I wanna talk with Ryu-chan." With that, I padded into my room, closed and locked the door, and called Ryu's number as I flopped down on my four-poster bed. *ring, ring, ring* "Hey there Kai-chan..." Ryu said, he seemed upset, "What's up?" "Umm... nothing Ryu. okay? You seem upset." I replied, a bit concerned for my new boy-friend. "No... I'm not ok," Ryu said, he was staring to cry, "I came home, and someone had burned my house to the ground... I've got nowhere to go; gods, why does this have to happen to me?" "That's terrible! And you say you don't have anywhere to go, right?" "Yep... I don't know what I'm going to do... My house is gone, and I don't have enough cash left to even rent a measly apartment." "Get your furry tail over here then you silly kitty! We have a few spare rooms here at my place, and I seriously doubt my parents could possibly say 'No'" "Thanks Kai-chan... you're a life saver; and never call me 'silly kitty' again, 'kay?" "Sure thing Ryu-chan. See ya in a bit." Ryu arrived about twenty minutes later, and I embraced him in a warm hug as he came through the door. He hugged back, his eyes filling with tears again as I held him close; he was really upset. "I can't believe it," he sobbed, "my house is gone, my money's gone... I've lost all my belongings... If I find the scum who did this I'll tear their throats out!" "Don't you worry 'bout a thing Ryu-chan... You're welcome here as long as you like... I won't let anyone hurt you again..." I said softly; I hated to see him like this. "Thanks... Kai-chan..."

We spent the rest of the day playing Mario Kart Wii, and Smash Bros. Brawl against each other, then ate dinner, and went to bed; we didn't have school tomorrow, as it would be Saturday, but we were both kinda tired. Later on that night, I heard Ryu call out my name; I was half asleep at the time, so I guess I didn't even think that it was just a dream he was having. I got out of bed, slipped on my bath robe, and walked the short distance to his room. I was shocked at what I saw. Ryu was lying there in bed, his body completely exposed, and his pink kitty-cock throbbing visibly in the air. "Gods.. This is making me hard..." I whispered to myself, my own cock forming a tent in my boxers, "I'd better leave before he wakes up... or before I get any hornier..." Unfortunately, my escape was too late; right as I was at the door, Ryu woke up, and pounced on me, pinning me to the floor. I struggled to get free but couldn't, he was stronger than I was, I had no choice but to give up. "Go ahead... rape me... I know that's what you want..." I mewed pathetically, not even trying to move anymore, "Just rape me and get it over with..." "I'm not gonna rape you Kai-chan... I just didn't want you to leave..." Ryu said sweetly, "Stay with me?" "Okay. I'll stay here with you Ryu-chan... But first, you've got to help me get rid of a little problem," I giggled, motioning my paw toward my groin, "if ya' catch my drift." "Somebody wants to be a naughty kitty huh," Ryu laughed, "fine with me; I was just dreaming about how much I wanted that little furry ass of yours..." "So I noticed..." Ryu carried me over to the bed, and then gently dropped me onto it. I looked upon him in a lustful daze, seeing his body clearly for the first time. He was more toned than his clothing ever allowed him to show, and he looked even cuter without his glasses; his most noticeable feature; however, was his 10 inch long, 2 inch thick cock. Ryu removed my robe, and then my boxers from my lithe frame, before climbing on top of me, a loving smile on his face. "So," he purred, "How we gonna do this Kai-chan?" "Well.. For starters.. This.." I said, bringing my muzzle to his, and forcing my tongue past his lips to intertwine itself with his. Our lips stayed locked for around two minutes before we finally broke the kiss, panting for air. "Good starter," Ryu purred, "but I think you need some attention somewhere a little lower..." "Go for it," I purred lustily, kissing my love on the nose, "I'm all yours... Ryu-chan..." Ryu repositioned himself slightly, and grabbed my swollen cock in his paw, causing a light moan to escape my lips. He began to slowly pump his paw up and down my shaft, making me mew and squirm as jolts of pleasure ran up my spine. He laughed at my squirming and increased his tempo, bringing me closer and closer to my climax. Just before I could go over the edge, Ryu stopped his ministrations; I whimpered pathetically, the pressure in my cock needing to be released. "Ryu... Stop torturing me... I need to cum..." "Don't worry Kai-chan... I'll let you cum in due time..." Ryu replied, "Right after I get a little piece of that ass of yours that is." "Be gentle.. it's my first time.. 'kay?" "I will, promise. But first we have to prep that little tail-hole of yours." Ryu brought two of his fingers to his mouth, and suckled them for a few moments before taking the now saliva-coated digits from his muzzle. He brought them down my body, stopping right under the base of my tail; he traced one of them over my puckered ring, and I shivered in pleasure at the new sensation. All too soon, he forced his fingers past my anal ring, and into my ass, bringing a gasp of mixed pain and pleasure from my lips. "Doin okay my little kitty-boy?" Ryu asked me sweetly; I nodded my head, and he continued his assault on my tail-hole, thrusting his fingers in and out of my virgin passage. "I think that'll do; don't you think?" I nodded, and Ryu removed his fingers with a slight *shlurp* sound. "Please Ryu," I mewed softly, "Do it... Fuck me... I want to feel that cock of yours inside my ass." "He-heh... Okay Kai-chan; since you asked so nicely, I'll do it." Ryu grabbed my ankles, spreading my legs up and apart, and positioned himself between them; his throbbing cock mere centimeters from my entrance. "Ready?" Ryu asked; I nodded, and he pushed the head of his cock against my tail-hole, slowly sliding his rod into me. I moaned in pleasure as Ryu hilted himself inside me; my own 9 inch cock was aching with need, I knew I couldn't take much more of this. Ryu began to thrust in and out of my tight ass, groaning in pleasure as my anal muscles clamped over his cock on each thrust; I was so very close to orgasm it was excruciating, and yet.. I couldn't cum. I soon found out why; Ryu had his paw clamped tightly around my aching dick, keeping me from my much needed release. I whimpered in protest, but he just laughed and purred "In due time Kai-chan..." into my ear seductively. He began to thrust harder into me, pressing against my prostate, causing me whimper in pleasure and pain; I couldn't take this anymore! Ryu came, spurting his hot, sticky kitty-seed into the depths of my ass, and released my cock, letting it shoot rope after rope of built up semen onto my chest and belly. Ryu collapsed on top of me, panting in exhaustion from our first sexual experience. I closed my eyes, still panting, and gave a whispered "Good boy" to Ryu before we both drifted off to sleep. To be Continued...