Kereika High School- Part 2: Mysterious Aid Arrives

Story by Kai-Koyuo on SoFurry

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#2 of Kereika High School

Kereika High School- Part 2: Mysterious Aid Arrives

By Tenchi-Kitamura

*WARNING* This story contains violence, nudity, masturbation, gay relationships, and strong language. If this offends you, do not read. All characters and locations are © Tenchi-Kitamura (Me) and are not to be used without consent. Enjoy.

I woke up crying the next morning. I wasn't sure what to think; had it just been a dream... or something more, like a vision? My mother knocked on my door, to make sure I was up, and I replied with an emotionless "I'm up" before I went to the shower.

I took off my clothes from the previous day, and adjusted the water, then stepped into the spray. As I stood there, I couldn't help but let my mind wander. My thoughts instantly went to the boy I had seen in my dream last night, Ryu. He had been so calm and soothing, but there was a look in his eyes that showed so much more; they had shown the same feelings I had been having, and that he needed somebody too; I wanted so much to be that somebody. I continued to let my thoughts be consumed by the image of that one man, the one I wanted to be with forever. It wasn't long before I started to feel aroused by my thoughts, and my cock began to harden, poking slightly out of its furry sheathe. I let my mind completely give way to my desires, and began to paw myself off as I imagined Ryu sucking me off, and vice-versa. My heart raced as I continued to rub my hard shaft, my only thoughts being of Ryu and my inevitable release; a stream of pre-cum was flowing form the head of my cock by now, I was close.. so very close...

I came, a long, loud mew of pleasure escaping my lips as my sticky kitty-seed splattered against the shower wall. I felt my knees go weak, and leaned against the wall for support, panting from my orgasm.

When I had regained my composure, I washed myself up, and got dressed, stepping outside just in time to catch my bus. I stepped on, and took a seat behind the bus driver to avoid as much trouble as I could. I looked to my right, and saw another fur in the seat next to mine. I couldn't see his face, because he had a hood over his head, and he seemed to be asleep; at least I wasn't picking up any bad vibes from him. Maybe I could make friends with him later on

My school day went on better than the last; virtually nobody even bothered me... That is, until 7th period again.

"Hey there kid," said the Doberman from yesterday, "Learn your lesson?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled in reply.

"Then what was the lesson?" said the Lioness from before

"Don't mess with you guys and that you run things here.." I said reluctantly

"Good kitty. You deserve a treat.." Said the black wolf, who, I learned was named Shadow, unzipping his pants, revealing his engorged wolf cock, "Now enjoy it..."

I was pissed now! This worthless bastard of a fur thought I would actually degrade myself by sucking him off! I like guys, sure, but there was no fucking way I was going to even touch that wretched cock of his.

"Suck yourself off douche-bag.." I said, flipping my bangs out of my face, "I don't like worthless assholes like you.."

Bad idea on my part.

"What did you say little kitty? You want to be punished? Well, if you insist.." Shadow retorted, zipping up his pants, and grabbing me by the scruff of the neck, "We're gonna teach you to accept your rewards bitch..."

And, once again, I was surrounded by the six biggest assholes and bullies in the whole of the school. I braced myself for an absolute pummeling.

"Leave him alone," I heard a voice say, it seemed so familiar, "or your next destination is the cemetery!"

"So the little freak has a friend... Well, this should be fun.. we'll kill two birds with one stone.."

It was the hooded guy from this morning! He lunged at the Doberman, grabbing his head in mid air, roaring ,"SHUT YOUR FACE!" before slamming his face into the concrete shop floor. Then he jumped back to my location, his hood falling down to reveal his face.

"Told you I'd come... Kai-chan..." It had been Ryu the entire time.. I knew there was a reason I wasn't skittish around him earlier that morning.

"So you did." I giggled nervously, blushing in embarrassment.

"Here, hold these," Ryu said, handing me his hoody and glasses, "I'll teach these morons not to mess with us.."

With that, he was off again, easily taking out all six of them with a quick series of jabs and kicks. He came back to me and wrapped his arms around me; I blushed an even darker red, this was all too much.

"For so long," Ryu began, "I've always felt there was someone else like me out there.. someone who needed me. And that was you, Kai-chan."

I froze for a moment in shock. He said he knew someone needed him... and he somehow knew me.. What the bloody hell was going on? I decided to ask.

"How did you find out about me Ryu? How did you know who I was?"

"Like I said Kai, I've always felt there was someone like me out there, who needed me. So I got a witch friend of mine to cast a spell to find out exactly who that was. And the Ouija board spelled out your name. Then she gave me a pendant that let me enter your dreams, to let me see you for myself, and let you know I was coming.." Ryu explained

"That's... weird... But I'm glad you did it," I giggled, tears of joy forming in my eyes, "because I really needed someone like you.. all along."

"Come on, we're leaving..." he said, taking my paw, and leading me towards the exit of the school. I didn't know where he would take me, but I didn't care; he had come to rescue me, and I loved him for it...

To Be Continued...

Kereika High School- Part 3: Ryu Moves In; A Night in Paradise

Kereika High School- Part 3: Ryu Moves In; A Night in Paradise By Tenchi-Kitamura * * * \*WARNING\* This story contains violence, nudity, anal sex, gay relationships, and strong language. If this offends you, or you are not 18-21 years of age, do not...

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