I Think I Won This Round...

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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This was a commission story for DefenderJDog.

Please comment/rate/fave! And Enjoy~

With a faint whimper of tiredness, John lifted his head off his arms. The sensation of his ears flapping loosely down against his head filling his mind suddenly as the scent of his bedroom filled his mind; the pizza from last night- the dirty plate sitting in the trash can still smeared with the sauce packed with italian sauces, the faint vanilla lingering from an air freshener plugged into the wall and forgotten, the sent of semen dried into the sheets below him. His eyes opened slowly, swivelling to view the room in the dull contrast of blacks and whites. The wall a dull white that once was blue, the bed a stark black that once was dark green, and the desk a vibrant white that once was light oak. For a moment, his mind reeled and eyes blinked surveying the room in it's canine black and white color code again. The edges of the room, on the sides of his view, seemed to be ripping, tearing off like the pages of a book and beneath the black and white hazy colors of his groggy, canine self were the colors of normalcy slowly coming back as a voice reached his ears.

"John? John, you fell asleep again!" A voice was scolding, his head lifted again though this time his ears were once again still against the side of his head. The wall behind the voice was blue. The desk to the side was a shade of yellow customary of oaks. The sheets beneath him were once more dark, pine green. A hand lightly poked to the side of his cheek, not cupping it but gently flopping against it to rouse him further. "John!"

This time he finally looked up, eyes catching the long hair of his female companion as she whined out his name, waving a page of paper at him. "What?" He responded, voice gruff from sleep but deep, a little manly.

The girl gave him a slow smile. Her green eyes crinkling a bit at the sides as she smiled, "You fell asleep again. Was it the same dream?" She knew he'd been dreaming of being a dog. He had told her yesterday when the same dream had kept him entertained all night. His thoughts were always on what it would be like. How it would feel to slip into the skin of an animal. To have a fur coat, smooth and silky. To see the world in black and white, hazy and faded.

"Yeah, same one, Jess."

Again, she smiled that same amused smirk. "I don't see why you find the idea of being a dog so fun. They don't do anything. My dog just lays at home all day and sleeps." The young women rolls her shoulders back a bit and attempts to change the subject, "Anyways, before you fell asleep, we were working on studying" She paused a moment to drop her gaze to the textbook spread out over her thighs, half the book resting on the pair of short jeans shorts she wore and the other half on her bare legs, smooth and tan from time outside as they neared summertime. "We are on chapter 18."

"Are you kidding me? It would be awesome!" John ignored the hints to recommence their study session, which had been going on for hours before he fell asleep against the bed. Behind him, John imagined that his tail had begun to wag as he got excited about the topic on hand. "Being a dog would be great! They have instincts! They feel things that are natural! We learn math! Dogs don't need math!" He knew as he said it that this seemed lame, but seriously studying math yesterday had driven Jessie crazy so he hoped this comment drove home his opinion on being a dog.

"Maybe it would. Maybe it wouldn't. You've got no way to prove it." She quipped back, that satisfied little grin returning with all her teeth gleaming at him with a content aura.

He glowered slightly, but behind him he still imagined his tail to be flopping, writhing with nervous energy. The excess fur that hung down off the main muscles of the appendage swishing lightly against the bed as it swayed side to side. Wag. Wag. Wag. He could practically feel it as he imagined it.

"I just really wish we could try it, then you would s--"

Jessie cut him off without words, but with her expression. Wide eyed and wordless, the usually talkative, loud, and argumentative at times woman had practically frozen to stare at him him unblinkingly.

"What? You're staring at me as if I sprouted a tail!" He said with a laugh, chuckling at him own joke but its soon sputtered and stopped.

"You did."

For a moment he just stared back at her, green eyes to brown, but then slowly his head swiveled and turn to gaze at the back end where like she said, he had sprouted a tail. The bottom of his shirt was pushed up slightly, showing some of the skin where the furry thing had pushed out. The long hairs of the swishing appendage a smooth, honey-like golden color. Slowly, around the base of the tail the hair seemed to be spreading, moving forward in waves that thickened the fur closest to the base while reaching out another ring around it. Inch by inch more of his lower back was being covered.

"Holy crap!" He yelped out, voice already sounding gruffer on the edges.

"Y-you're turning into a mutt!" Jessie screamed out, but softly in a breathy whisper of a true scream. Her body was squirming on the bed and then shifted suddenly as her legs moved up onto her knees. The shape of the leg already starting to shorten and re-form before she noticed the change. While John was slowly covered in the thick coating of fur. Jessie's body was reformed, reshaped, and made into that of a canine. Once John was covered from head to foot, still all humanesque, in fur the changes swapped and Jessie's four-legged form, still with breasts and bare skin, began to be covered while John's bones were tugged into new shapes and things were shortened and reconfigured.

Within minutes, the changes were finishing. John's mouth had stretched forward till his nose was easily visible, the pale pink of it soon covered by a glistening black. The small nub twitching curiously while John began to explore his new found ability to smell. He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes to the sight of a matching golden retriever Jessie stretching out on her side. John dragged that air in slowly in through his nose, noticing the smells of his bedroom. The coke spilled over the rug from earlier and carelessly cleaned, the cleaner still bubbling deep in the rug, the shampoo in his hair, the perfume clinging to Jessie's sweatshirt, but the last smell he couldn't place. It was rich, a deeper smell than the rest that sent his tail into a mad spiral. His ears even perked up slightly from their limp state as he shuffled forward on the bed, towards where Jessie lay, scratching at her stomach in a peaceful way, with one leg slightly lifted in the air giving the male canine a glimpse at her pink sex. At this close distance, his nose again jumped at the intoxicating scent. It was thick to his nose, like a cloud of the aroma was forming between the Golden Retriever's furry thighs. For a moment, the fragment of John's logical human mind still trapped within his canine brain leapt forward to note what the scent belonged to, to explain, and to understand it, but before this could be done John's canine instincts took over. His front paws suddenly leaping up onto the female's hindquarters, hooking at the front of her thighs to pull her backside towards his crotch while his sheath was stirring. Slowly, from the small opening emerged the fleshy, red tip of his shaft. John's eyes staring down at the shoulders of the female in front of him while his hips started to rock, smearing his emerging tip into the girl's wettening sex. The smell thick in his nose, stuffing him with want.

Over one shoulder, Jess looked back at him. Her long pink tongue dropping out into a casual pant. Her ear lifted slightly as if in a question; "what's taking so long?" She seemed to wonder as the canine John have a hot huff against her back. His shaft fully emerged at the paws on her hips tugged harder, keeping her in place while the tip shuffled for her entrance. The leaking wetness of the needy hole creating a smooth motion into her, the tip piercing the other canine in one, choppy thrust forward. The hot warmth that suddenly swallowed his length drawing a howl of enjoyment for John. His thick, bushy tail jumping to life behind him while his hips started to work in short, hard thrusts into the female. The bed rocking beneath them in a steady pattern of canine rutting; thick, smooth claws dig into Jess's plush side to pull and coax her back roughly, hips rock forward quickly with no pause, the throbbing length of the male canine slams forward till the tip bashes the cervix, and the motion is repeated with a hot heavy breath.

Both dogs panted. Jess was mostly still while her tongue hung from her mouth, leaking with blissful drool. Her own whines of enjoyment adding to John's loud huffs and grunts of exertion as a minute of the hard, fast mating passed. The plump bulge at the base of the fiery red shaft starting to swell and grow, bashing into Jess's stretched pussy lips now with each thrust, making a wet smack as their mating continued.

"Unf. Unf. Unf." John panted noisily, tongue draped over Jess's neck. His noises mixing with the symphony of their bodies coming together, building up with a pant, a slap, a squelch. Hips slamming forward into her backside. The front of John's groin hitting the upturned plump ass of the female, slapping into it with a hot ring that echoes faintly in the room with each following thrust forward. Breathing is harsh and ragged, desperate for more air to power the engine like motions of a harsh rutting. The wet, lewd noises of Jess's canine sex accompanied by the wet dripping of her arousal down onto the sheet, spreading the intoxicating scent into the air of the room till it hangs around John's panting tongue like a cloud, giving him a rich taste from the air alone. And finally a pop as the plump knot at the base of John's shaft forces its way into the now whining female whose front has slumped forward but whose rump stays lifted high for the male. The fat bulb forcing her sex wide open as the lips clutch to either side of the knot, plugging her tunnel completely, marking it ready to be filled.

John gives a howl then and stiffens. His shaft has gone from pulsing to beating as if his entire heart has been placed into the tip of the sensitive organ, one last, hard thrust rocking the bed with a noisy creak and sending the first burst of white cum into the needy bitch before him. The thick gunk shoots forward into her, painting the pink walls of her sex which constrict tighter, clutching the spitting head of his cock within her while the female lets out a weak whine of bliss. Her own tongue draped over the sheets she has sunk into while John's tongue tucks back into his mouth out of the way and his teeth gleam in the light for one moment and then in a flash, drop down and dig into the loose cuff of flesh around her neck, gripping in a mating bite as his warm, thick cum pumps into the willing partner beneath him. Each spurt further adding to the growing volume within the Golden Retriever. The spunk building and pushing into her womb in a deluge as its volume is steadily increased.

With his teeth clenched tightly around the loose skin of her neck, digging in, and marking her as his own and his hot spunk exploding forward into her tunnel and flooding her womb, John's human mind returns for only a flash and, John thinks to himself that he may have won this argument.