Friends Or Lovers

Story by backwolf11 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer this story contains M/M and should not be read if you are under 18. With that said and you are under 18 and you read it any ways that is your choice I have no say in what you do and do not do.

**Friends Or Lovers

Chapter. 1**

OK to start this story off I have to give the intro thing like always this one will be longer than normal but not to much longer. This story is about me and my mate Andruin. I love him. Well the story is not how we met or any thing but it is more of a way to show my love and how we are in love, and what not. I hope you all like. I am working extra hard on this if you see any problems with spelling or grammar please is a wolf of 5'5 height e tell me so I can go fix it. Thanks and again I hope you all like it.

The two main characters are Andruin a dragon of 5'6 height having, red scales, deep parsing blue eyes, and large wings, he is on the football team.

Then we have Josh, having light gray fur, the tips of his ears and tail are black and he has dark gray eyes, he is on the track team.

It was early on a Saturday morning. Both the football and track team were practicing. Josh The school's second best runner was making his last lap when the coach called him over.

"Josh, I have some news for you." The coach said walking over to his.

Walking over to the coach lightly panting. "Yeah coach, what do you need?"

"Josh I'm sorry but, we wont be needing you on the meet tomorrow." starting to walk away.

"What!? What do you mean you wont need me I'm one of the best runners on the team." Running in front of the coach to stop him from walking away

Stopping for a moment. "Yes, you are one of are best runners, and that is why you wont be running tomorrow. We need you to get your rest for the states, not on some petty race like tomorrow."

Mean while on the football field Andruin is running the last of the days plays. The coach pulls out a hand speaker. "Okay maggots, were done here go shower up."

"I wonder where Josh is?" Andruin says to himself as he walks towards the locker rooms.

"Hey, Andruin guess what?" Josh says as he runs up to Andruin from behind.

"Hmm, well if you this happy I guess that means that you don't have to go to the meet tomorrow and that you can come to my house after all." Knowing that it was ether that or he had won some thing.

"Dam killjoy, I wanted to tell you." Josh turns his head and pouts.

"Hey you're the one who told me to guess, and if I didn't you would have taking for ever to tell me." Walking over to a shady spot under a tree.

"Hmm aren't you going to shower?" Josh walks over and sits next to him.

"Well scene were going to hanging out today I thought I would wait for you to take yours."

"Hey its not my fault I don't want to shower with 20+ other guys, it creeps me out okay." Crossing his arms and grabbing his knees.

About twenty-five minutes latter the shower room is empty except for Josh, and Andruin. Which both undress and start there showers.

Looking towards Andruin. "Hmm, hey Andruin looks kind of good naked. Wait what am I thinking." Ignoring the thought or at least trying two.

"Is Josh looking at me? No cant be, wait why I'm I looking at him?" Trying to divert his eyes away from Josh.

Unable to stop thinking about Andruin, Josh starts to erect out of his sheath. "What the hell is going on? Why am I getting a boner?" Turning around so Andruin doesn't see.

"Hmm, I wonder why he turned around? Crap why and I looking again?!" Feeling himself starting to get erect he try's to turn around when Josh dose and see that he is getting one two.

Seeing that Andruin saw him Josh runs out of the shower room grabs his shorts throws them on then grabs his bag and runs out to his car.

Seeing this Andruin try's to catch up with him but is to late by the time he gets out side Josh is pulling out of the school parking lot. "Josh, why are you leaving?! Dam he just runs off like a bat out of hell. I wonder why he left, unless the reason he had one was because of me." Walks back in to the locker room and grabs his stuff, and try's to call Josh, but no answer.

Later that night Josh sits at his desk trying to think why thinking of Andruin, made him get a boner and that it probable wasn't the best thing to just run off like that. Then we have Andruin laying down on his bench-press lifting waits trying to figure out why Josh left and why looking at him gave him a boner. hoping that Josh would at least talk to him again.

The next morning Josh wakes up and gets dressed. He than goes out to his car.

"Okay so I go over and apologies than tell him its ok if he never want to see me ever again, and that I didn't mean for it to happen. No, that's never going to work. He probable thinks I'm some gay pervert that was getting off looking at him." Slams head in to steering wheel. "Okay no matter what I need to go over and apologies to him, than I will leave and drive around a bit." Pulls in to Andruins driveway, walks up to his door. "Well I'm here now, might as well nock." Nock's on the door.

Hearing the nock at the door Andruin get off the couch and opens the door. "Hello? Oh, Josh its you, um hi." Lets Josh in to the house. "About yesterday."

"Yeah, about that. I waned to apologies for what happened." Looks down and almost starts crying. "If you never want to talk to me again I will under stand." Now crying.

Acting on instinct Andruin grabs Josh and kisses him, then stops the kiss. "You have nothing to be sorry for, I love you."

Shocked at what Andruin just did Josh stopped crying and hugs Andruin tight. "You, you love me? I didn't think you were gay." Not letting go.

"Nether did I but in the shower yesterday when I saw you, it changed something in me. Come on lets go to my room." Leads Josh down stairs to his bedroom.

"Wait, what are we going to do?" Still in shock from what's going on.

"You'll see." Leading the way in to his room, and motioning to the bed.

Finally coming out of shock "About what you said earlier, when you said you think you love me, I, I think I love you to." Sitting on the bed .

Sitting next to Josh on the bed. "Well in that case." Grabbing Josh looking him straight in the eye and then kissing him passionately.

Holding the kiss Josh puts his hand around Andruin and hold's him tightly as they kiss. Then taking a chance by putting his tongue in Andruins mouth.

Feeling Josh's tongue he dose the same with his probing Josh's mouth. While still making out he starts to undo Josh's pants.

Josh now know his chance was well taken as there tongues dance he notices Andruin starting to unbutton his pants and than starts doing the same to him.

Braking off the kiss. "That was fun, but I think I know some thing that may be more fun." Pushes Josh so he's now laying on the bed with his pants unbuttoned and unzipped.

"Hmm, I can hardly wait to find out what it is." Smiling up at Andruin.

Taking off Josh's pant and then his own, he starts taking off his boxers slowly. "Are you sure you want to do this? After we start there's no stopping or going back."

Taking a deep breath. "Yes, I would like nothing better than for you to take me right now." Realizing what he just said Josh then blushes deeply.

"Well in that case." Rips off Josh's boxers and starts to rim him.

"Ahh, mmm. What ahh are you doing?" Trying to talk throw the pleasure.

Stopping only for a second. "Well I need to get you well lubricated." Then continuing.

"Mmm" Gripping the bed sheets.

Sticking his tongue in to Josh's tail hole. Making sure to get him well lubricated. "I'm going to do it now, brace yourself." As he flips Josh over so he's laying on his stomach and knees.

Taking a deep breath as he feels Andruin slowly pushing in to his tight tail hole. "Uhh, your so big." Being in slight pain as its being put in.

"Josh your so tight, it feels so good being inside you." Pushing all the way in and waiting a bit for Josh's body to relax. Then starts pulling out and pushing in.

Starting to enjoy the feeling he moans lightly. "Ahh, we should have done this sooner Andruin." laughing a bit.

Laughing. "You seem to be enjoying your self just as much as me." Picking up a bit of speed. "But I know a way you will enjoy it more." Grabs Josh's now fully erect member and start masturbating it to the motion of the thrusts.

Moaning at the feeling that he is getting from Andruin. "It feels so good is this your first time?" Jokingly saying in between moans.

Trusting hard once as payback for the comment. "That's a funny thing to say." Than starting to pick up speed with both thrusting and masturbating him.

"Ah, Andruin I, I don't think I can hold on much longer." griping the sheets tightly. As he feels him self starting to go over the edge.

Also starting to go over the edge, Andruin give one hard finale thrust. "Ahh, I'm cumming!!" Filling Josh's tail hole full of his juices.

The feeling of Andruin cumming set's Josh over the edge and he cum's all over the bed sheets. "That was, amazing."

Collapsing on to Josh panting. "Yes it was amazing, I don't think I have ever came that hard." Rolling over so Josh is laying on top of him with him still in side.

"I think I ruined your sheets." Saying half laughing recovering form his climax.

"It's ok, I think I'll live." Raping his wings around Josh kissing him passionately. As they drift off to sleep.


So how did you guys like it? Tell me, also feed back people feed back. Tell me about any thing that is wrong I want this to be perfect. Perfect for him that is, *goes off in to thought* hmm oh your still here well don't just stand there comment and feed back of any kind, also if its some thing soul crushing leave it in a shout please.

Brotherly Love Chapter.3

Disclaimer: This story has Semi-incest, M/M. You should be 18 years old or older to read this story. Well here is chapter.3 it's starts off in the shower, and goes from there. Well after that I am going to give a bit of back round and stuff to...

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Brotherly Love Chapter.2

Disclaimer thing you should be 18 or older to read this. This story contains M/M and Semi-incest. Well to start off this is chapter 2 so you probably want to go back and read that. Also I don't know if I should continue on with the story...

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Night Long Lasted

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