Cowboy Closeness

Story by Axel Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Transformation

This was RP me and Frisky-Lime did yesterday and I decided to upload it. At the end, I added another part of what happens after all is said and done. Well, I hope you guys enjoy! Also, the title was the only thing I can think of. Not to be confused with the "Cowboy Closeness" pic I uploaded a while back. There might be a connection between the two though I am still debating on that. Anyways, enjoy!

axelwolf04: Mmmm, such a sexy bull. ;P

Frisky Lime: *blushes hard*

Frisky Lime: *cloping his hooves heavily*

axelwolf04: *blushes back and pets the sexy bull*

  • 01:48:33 PM -

Frisky Lime: mmmooo!! *squeeaks! blushing so hard!*

axelwolf04: *blushes madly as he starts to get really aroused from the petting of the rubber bull, from the smell of the rubber bull and just the sheer beauty of the rubber bull* Mmmmm...

Frisky Lime: *blushes madly too, seeing and smelling you as well* mmmooo!! <3 <3

axelwolf04: *he leans in to kiss the rubber bull on the snout, inhaling the intoxicating rubbery smell* You like sexy bull? <3

Frisky Lime: *the rubbery bull nod noddles, blushing so much!* mmmooo!

Frisky Lime: *huffing abit, clopping his hooves*

axelwolf04: *pulls off his clothes but just leaves his cowboy hat and boots on as his cock was fully erected* So, what does the sexy rubbery bull want me to do with him?

Frisky Lime: mm mmmoo! *blushing even harder, the rubbery bull himself is only clad in a hat, and belt* <3 <3 <3

axelwolf04: *chuckles as he leans in again and kisses the bull's snout as he walks to the side of him, rubbing his cock against the smooth rubbery skin, making him moan deeply* <3 <3 <3 I mighty like your hat and belt there, handsom.

Frisky Lime: oooh aahhh ahh! *Squiireeeaaks, feeling you ruuuub along his rubbery body* mmmooo! ww why thank yah *his voice having such a country accent, only making him blush more*

axelwolf04: *he walks behind the rubbery bull's backside and sees the most handsome thing, the bull's rubbery tailhole looking so eager to take his cock and blushes very deeply as he hears the rubbery bull speak a very handsome country accent as well* Mmmm, can I please mount ya? *he is a kind and generous human*

Frisky Lime: ooohh mm mooooo!! *blushing so hard as you explore around him, he may be big and ruff and heavy, but hes clearly a softy to this* oooh ahh ah suppose it wouldnt hurt *squeak!*

axelwolf04: *blushing a very deep red as he leans in to smell the intoxicating smell from yer rubbery tailhole as he kisses it before moving his cock towards the tailhole and with one loud squeaky slurp!, his cock easily slides in making him moan deeply* Yeehaw! Yer such a handsome rubber bull pardner!

Frisky Lime: oooh! mmoooooo!! *Squeeeaaks! feeling you sliiiide right in, traveling up into him, blushing madly* mmmmnnff oohh *panting, huffing hard through his big bull nose and clopping* yy yoour right ff fine yourself! *moaning*

axelwolf04: *Moans deeply as he thrusts in and out of the sexy rubber bull, panting deeply* Oh, how I wish me and you could become one mighty handsome, rubbery, gay cowboy. *rubs his hands on your smooth rubbery bull skin and leans in to kiss the shiny brown skin*

Frisky Lime: *blushing so incredibly hard as you call him a big gay cowboy* mmm mmmmooooo!! *huff! squeaky clop! moaning as you thruuust in and out of him, ruuubing all about his squeaky skin, unknown to them though you might just get your wish! as suddenly the two start to stick to one another, but neither notice it just yet* mmmmmff ooohh, ww.. one? partner? *before you can answer though you suddenly find your face stuck to his head where you kissed him*

axelwolf04: *he opens his eyes and at first panics but then lust clouds his mind as he continues to thrust himself deeper into the sexy rubber brown bull, knowing this was destiny and he wants it to happen SO much* Mmmmmmfffff....

Frisky Lime: ahh ooo oohh! mmmmooo!! yy yyurr awfully close there partner *pant squeak huff* pp partner... herp... *the bull feeling rather odd now too, not realizing as he is sinking down over you, your cock and body and head all flowing into his* ....!? *suddenly losing control of himself as well as their bodies and mind meld into something entirely new, his mind becoming different too* ...mmmooo!? mmmnf! *squiiireeaak!*

axelwolf04: *he grunts and groans as his entire body is now within the rubber bull as he felt his body melting away as he felt his and the bull's minds begin to meld and become one* ...mmmmmmnf! Mmmmoooo! *squiiireeeaks!*

Frisky Lime: ooohh aaa aahhh! *suddenly feeling stronger, buffer, becoming abit more mentally stern and a proper cowboy as they join bodys and minds, the two having no idea though, all their past memories gone, but he knows what he is and he loves it* ooooh mmmmmooo! *squeeaak* well now would yah look at me! *flexes, mmooooo out* mmmm! oh yah! i love mah job! *mooing out proudly, cloping his hooves hard*

With that, the new rubber cowboy bull, decided on the name of Stetson since sounded good and mighty handsome as he picked up his cowboy hat and happened to saw a pair of jeans and a leather vest which he put on not before seeing the pair of brown cowboy boots on the ground as his bull cock got stuff as he picked them up and inhaled the leathery insides of the boots as he sat down and began to rub the boots all over his rubbery bull shaft. The squeaks against the boots made Stetson moan as pre leaked out, coating the boots as he moos loudly as his rubbery bull cum coats them completely. "Dang, that was pretty darn good!", Stetson said as he was surprised as the cum is absorbed into the boots, merging the leather and rubber into a new subtance that can never get dirty, never get damaged nor never be worn out. "Well, ain't this a good surprise! Let me see if I can wear these handsome boots!", Stetson said as he puts the boots on which he was shocked to see his hoofs conform inside the boots with no problem. "These are some mighty good cowboy boots if I say so myself!", said Stetson as he likes the brown shine the boots were giving as he got up and zipped up his pants as he saw a shirt though it wouldn't fit him but he is one to not leaving something decent laying around. "I can see if any handsome fellow cowboys can wear this shirt...huh, what is that?", Stetson said as he walked over to see a tan looking cowboy hat with a brim that on the front of the hat has the letter "S" which brought a smile to his face which he put the hat on his head. "Well, I guess I better find a ranch or something that would love to have this bull cowboy as their ranchhand!", he grins as walks off to where the ranches are, not fully knowing about the abilities he possesses. But first, he knows he needs to take a shower to get his rubbery bull skin all clean and shiny again. As he walked off, he couldn't help to say to say it outloud, "YEEEEEHAAAAAAW!!!"

To be continued?

Toon Wolf 2: Double the fun!

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