Captivity Pt 1

Story by Sephirah6075 on SoFurry

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This is an old yiff story I had written years ago. I am still working on a novel involving anthros and this was a scene that would be merely implied in the novel. That gave me a desire to want to write out this scene as an adult story. So here it is: Captivity. It is a rape scene where a tigress character from the novel has been captured by the main antagonist of the story and he, well......rapes her I guess. Hope you guys like it. This is about as extreme as I go, unless I decide to do so in the future.


As feeling returned to her body, so did the unfortunate memories. An ambush...Her squadron being cut off from the main force....Blood, magical explosions, screams, going off all at once inside of her already pounding head. Then everything went blank. A sudden darkness in her memories. That must have been when they had captured her. She must've suffered some injury to her.... She winced as she reached up to her scalp to discover a large swollen gash across the back of her skull. ...Head, she finished the thought. Tigerlily had been on a scouting mission to find a proper staging area for a sudden, guerilla attack on the flanks of Asmodeus' camp. Her contingent had been coming out of the treacherous pass through Songstresses Mountain when the attack was sprung. She saw that first arrow again, whistling through the air just in front of a cloud of its fellows. As if in slow motion, it once again sank through the left eye socket of her first lieutenant before he could shout the command to raise shields.

Tigerlily had barely managed to stave off 3 arrows that had meant to turn her into a pincushion by dropping to the ground. After that one volley, a sudden roar of activity flooded through the pass as the first of the enemy soldiers decried their intentions as they flooded towards the survivors of the initial ambush of archers. She remembered that they had mainly consisted of rats. Of course, Asmodeus hated the Rat race. Still, to him they had their uses. Her blade had been piercing the throat of her first kill when she was suddenly jogged from the mental replay by the sounds of a group approaching the door to the cell.

She slowly opened her eyes to allow them to adjust to the flickering torchlight around her. At first she thought she was not alone, but as her eyes began to adjust she realized it was merely shadows playing along the walls of the large cell she had been placed in. She was surrounded by bare, plan stone walls and a matching floor. There was no view of outside or even a draft of air. The cell was devoid of anything except for the pile of straw she was on top of and a collection of chains and manacles spread around the area.

Gathering her strength, she slowly sat up fighting a spell of dizziness. Her head was on fire with pain, but it was not the first time she had suffered during this time of war. Hearing the key to her cell being slid into the lock on the door she quickly focused on her surroundings. The cell was actually quite large, enough to hold several prisoners. Tigerlily knew why she was being kept alone. A ranking officer in Xeon's army would need to be questioned. That would take time. Asmodeus' best inquisitors would be brought, she was sure. The Abomination would most certainly want to know what a small force of Zorandor's army was doing skulking around at the rear front of his sprawling army's camp. She now noticed the manacles on the ceiling attached to a chain wench in the center of the cell. Seeing this she steeled herself for the worst, knowing full well about the whips that were used by the jailers of this prison. They preferred the cat-of-nine-tails soaked in resin and then rolled in pits of discarded rock, metal, and glass. The scars of the escaped and rescued prisoners came flooding into her mind sending a sudden shiver of fear through her. She latched onto that fear, controlling it, and finally subduing it as she steeled herself for what the future held for her here.

The lock made a neat thud as the key turned and the latch fell back into place. She quickly reached to a satchel on her belt which contained her torsion wrench and picks when she suddenly realized she was completely naked. Not only had her satchels and armor been removed, but she had been completely stripped to her fur. A new sense of fear came over her. The images of the female prisoners and slaves that had been taken by Asmodeus' horde rushed into mind, tearing hope from her immediate grasp. Their minds were broken from the use they had been put to in the many tents for the soldiers of his army. But then there were those that Asmodeus and his officers had taken a liking to. Not only were their minds broken, their bodies too had been maligned in horrific ways. Some of the officers in the horde liked to take trophies or leave their 'signatures'.

Worse still were the personal favorites of Asmodeus himself. Despite having been healed not only during their duress but by the best that Zorandor had to offer, they would never be able to bear children. Their sexual organs were ruined by constant brutal use of the creature that led the horde of vile halfmen on their reign of terror and conquest. They never spoke, and only seemed able to do the basic things to live. Otherwise their time was spent in a constant stupor.

She quickly shook of the images and crouched facing the door, ready to give whoever and whatever walked through that door a reason to kill her.

The door swung open as two wolf-headed guards entered and she leapt. Her claws took the one to her left across the throat and he quickly began to gurgle his last, muttering through a spurt of blood that came forth out of the jagged gash. Tigerlily was bringing her legs to bear upon his chest to quickly spring herself on to the second guard when a wall of invisible force suddenly slammed into her.

Every bone in her body felt as though it had shattered as she flew against the wall. Her arms and legs were outstretched painfully as the force pressed her against the wall not unlike one would squash a bug under a thumb. Her head smacked against the cold stone and her vision went black. She struggled to stay conscious as her mind urged her to let go and swim away into the dark nether of nothingness. Slowly, painfully slowly, spots began to swim before her as she struggled to breathe from the pressure applied to keep her crushed against the wall.

As her eyes brought her back to the cell, her hazy vision told her that one of the guards was still alive. Also there was a large dark shape entering the room. Whoever it was, they were big. No not even big, massive. As her focus came back her mind urged her again to run away from this place. Approaching her steadily with a satisfying smirk on his pale lips was Asmodeus, The Abomination, directly in front of her. He was just as tall as she had heard, never having seen him herself in person. He was an awesome seven and a half feet tall and as beautiful as he was horrible. His skin was a grey cast not unlike that of a corpse that had been in water too long, the dark veins visible beneath. The lines of his face were that of a dragon whose bloodlines were pure as they came, except when one's eyes ran over the twisted crests of his crown. The spiny projections were arranged in sharp, random-seeming crescents, unlike the smooth sweeping crests of true dragons. She was not surprised at this, knowing full well that Asmodeus was half-god due to his father and half-demon from Lilia, his mother. His broad wings sprouted from his shoulders and were wrapped around him like cloak, clasped closed by the thumb-spikes.

Still, underneath the cloak of thin flesh, Tigerlily could tell that this was one powerful Halfman. Even his eyes exuded a power that had never before been witness, something terrible and she shuddered as that gaze ran across her, lingering upon her most private, yet now exposed, areas. That slow appraisal caused her to shudder and her breath to quicken in desperation. She wished for nothing more than to be away from the sworn enemy of her kingdom. But despite her feeble struggle against the power that held her, she knew there was no escape from the demi-god.

Her mind went back to that day that Asmodeus appeared on the plains to the north of Castle Duculum. Her and her husband's wedding had been but a week away. Zorandor had not known war inside their borders since the time of the Exodus to their plane. Somehow, Asmodeus' horde of beastmen had gotten to a place thousands of miles from their last reported location in mere weeks with no word from scouts or wounded from the front lines of Bethelier. Now, war had come without any care for that or for her own personal plans. Whitestripe, First of the Fist of Zorandor, her fiancé, had been amongst those helping King Thyorin's son learn the intricacies of war upon his arrival. There was no time for such frivolities as their wedding in the face of possible obliteration from a horror such as was only read about in the Ancient Tomes written during the Flood Wars. Shaking her head, she roused herself back to the present and the situation she was now in. She could not stop a tear or two from springing forth knowing full well that she had brought about the attention of the worst fiend to have ever walked the planes.

The images of his personal women slaves were there again in her mind causing the shudders and desperation to turn into trembling and fear as his face came closer to hers. 'Well, well, this is quite the pleasant turn of events. The messenger had told me that the brigade of rats I had sent to meet you had captured a ranking officer, but for the most beautiful of Xeon's court to have been acquired. Such a sweet surprise this is.', Asmodeus hissed as he moved his nose close to her and inhaled deeply.

'Mmmhmmm, your fear is such a delicate scent, but I can also sense your strength beneath it. You will be so much fun to break, and then I shall have some of the answers I seek. Whitestripe is so very lucky to have you promised to him.... Does he even know you're here? I'm amazed that he let you out of his sight at all', he chuckled, the grin growing into a sinister, toothy smile.

The taunt brought her rage back up above the fear and she struggles fiercely, but to no avail against the powerful magic he was using to keep her pinned there against that grimy wall. He never once moved his face from the close proximity to her, showing her further evidence that her struggles were futile. Slowly her fear crept back, this time a frantic, overpowering fear. The pressure that was crushing her was causing her breathing to be shallow. Combined with the fear and quaking, her breaths quickly devolved into ragged gasps of air as she finally began to panic knowing full well what to happen to her tonight.

Torture and death would be a mercy compared to what was her life was about to turn to. She would never be the same after Asmodeus had his fun with her. Worse still would be the pain for Whitestripe. Once she was broken and no longer useful to the tyrant, she would be taken within of the castle and left for them to find her. Her fiancé would never take her after she returned. Her body would be defiled and ruined and her mind no longer the thing he had fallen so in love with. These thought were the final straw for her barriers and fear and hopeless finally took control. She began to sob uncontrollably, tears now falling to the ground at Asmodeus' feet, staining the filthy stones of the cell. She barely noticed as she crashed to the ground, no longer pinned to the walls. Her lungs allowed to fill again; she desperately gasped air in between sobs.

Asmodeus showed no concern for her distress as he grabbed her wrists painfully and begun dragging her to the center of the room, from where a pair of manacles were hung, their chain attached to a wench fir into the nearest wall. He snapped them painfully onto her as she cried out, the cold metal far too tight and immediately compressing her wrist joints in crushing pain. The remaining of his escort began to work the wench and she began to scream as her already distorted wrists began to bear her weight and stretch sending fire all the way through her shoulders and neck as her feet left the ground.

As she watched him circle her helpless body strung up in the air by the manacles and chain, she again saw his eyes wander over her naked body, pausing on her pert breasts and her exposed sex between her legs. She tried to bring herself into a more defensive position but immediately, the pain of more tension from the attempt forced her to scream as one her wrists made a disturbing pop and her fingers in that hand went numb. She immediately stopped trying and returned to whimpering and sobbing.

'You may leave now,' the half-dragon growled to the guard, who quickly scurried out the cell door, being sure to shut and lock the heavy steel portal.

'As I'm sure you know from my previous 'examples' that have been returned to you, there is no way out from where you are now. You are mine, and we are going to have a long time to get to know one another,' he said breathily as reached out with an enormous clawed hand grabbed one of her breasts in a painful squeeze.

Quickly he increased the pressure of his grip until the pain had turned uncomfortable to downright unbearable. Tigerlily attempted in vain to writhe away from his grasp that was causing her left breast to fell as though it was on fire. As she screamed and swayed his other hand came and grabbed the other breast not bothering to work up to the painful clasp as he had done before. He was now squeezing her tender breasts so hard his claws began to dig into them bring a new, searing pain and her screams grew louder. Still he squeezed even harder, allowing his claws to bring bright red spots of blood before letting the now bruised and bleeding teats to throb painfully.

Tigerlily again was gasping in breaths as the tension on her arms was not allowing her to breathe very at all and then excruciating pain from her misused breasts was like nothing she had ever felt in her entire life.

Suddenly, Asmodeus' hand has on her pussy as he forced two of his long, thick fingers into it. Considering her current situation her virgin sex was not ready for such an intrusion and she could feel her vaginal walls fighting against the invading appendages, but to no avail. They continued forcing their way in and out of her pussy causing a strange sensation to overcome her. She suddenly realized that her body's natural desires were kicking in and her juices were beginning to flow. His thick, clawed fingers were now allowed far enough to reach her hymen where they suddenly stopped.

'Ahhhh, still untouched my dear? This is indeed a pleasure. You do realize that after this, your precious Whitestripe will never have you. He will only look upon you in pity and disgust at what I'm going to do to you. 'Asmodeus said before bursting into a fit of sinister laughter and bringing his face close to hers to stare into her watery blue eyes. 'That is if I decide to give you back at all.'

As their eyes were locked into each other's he suddenly forced his fingers through her hymen and a sudden shock of a tearing pain sent shivers through her, which only made Asmodeus' grin grow larger as his fingers explored her depths as far as they could go now. More tears came to Tigerlily's eyes as she felt the blood of her virginity trickle out of her and the tender flesh of her vagina stretch and tear as it was mercilessly violated by the half-demon's claws.

Suddenly her rage was back again. She grasped onto that and let it fill her mind, blocking out the humiliation and pain of what has happening down there. 'Damn you Asmodeus! You filthy fucking half-thing!' she said as she spat in his face. Surprisingly, he stopped his fingers from penetrating her sex and wiped the saliva from his eyes. She was about to slur him again, but he brought a large fist up and into her gut with lightning speed, causing every last breath of air to escape from her lungs.

Asmodeus' circled her as she tried desperately to gasp in air but, the pain was not allowing it just yet. 'That was a mistake that you will have to try and not make again,' he said as he brought one hand up to the back of her neck. He dug his claws into her flesh and began to slowly drag a path down her spine. 'You see, I'm in control. There is nothing you can do to stop me from doing whatever I want. And believe me; I'm going to do everything I want.' The pain of his claws slicing through her fur and skin caused her to gasp painfully, finally allowing air into her lungs only to have it escape again in screams of pain as her courage left her again.

He finished the gash down her back at the base of her flailing tail and walked back around to the front to watch her face begin to redden from crying, screaming and the lack of air. Grabbing her chin in his powerful claws he forced her face close to her. 'You are going to become a whore to me and there's not a damned thing you can do about it. I don't even want information from you because I already know everything I need to in order to destroy Zorandor.' He pushed her away from himself hard causing her to swing back and forth, bringing new pain through her wrists and shoulders.

Tigerlily regained enough control to stop sobbing again but the pain was unbearable. Yet it had just begun she knew. His claws clenched her breasts again bringing fresh tears to her eyes as his claws pricked the tender flesh. They dug ever deeper as he tightened his grip and pulling her back to him using only her tits. He brought his scaly muzzle down to one her nipples and bit it hard, forcing a short scream from her. Her sobbing continued as he chewed roughly on the nipple as his hand roughly forced it claws back into her sex. 'This is it', Tigerlily thought, 'I'm going to be ruined by Oh Whitestripe....'

Her tears stopped, there was no more whimpering. Her mind merely seemed to shut down. Her will gave over to the inevitable. Her heart sank and her body became lax in Asmodeus' grip. He chuckled as he realized she had already broken before the fun had really begun. He knew though, no matter how far she had run away inside, her screams would continue again.

He stopped what he was currently doing and lowered her chain down far enough to strap her ankles into a pair of manacles on the floor. They were spaced about a foot and half apart, perfect to spread a victim's legs apart so as to minimize the difficulty of penetration. After securing her he stood up before her, towering over her sagging body.

'You think the worst is that you're going to be raped eh, whore?' He reared a fist back and brought it back hard into her jaw causing her entire body to sway with the impact. Tigerlily's eyes widened at the pain and she spat out a tooth and a large splotch of blood onto the stone floor.

Asmodeus brought his face again near hers and looked, unblinking, into her eyes. 'Now then my little tigress. That was just a warning. I'm about to begin enjoying myself, and while I do; if you decide you want to bite me....' He paused to make sure she was paying attention, 'I'm going to pry each and every one of your teeth from your muzzle, one at a time. That's after I break your jaw in a few places of course...'

The tigress' eyes widened as he laid out the punishment for attempting to fight back and a desperate fear became apparent in her eyes. She whimpered her acquiescence. Asmodeus stood again, towering over her with his wings still folded around his body. They suddenly parted and came around behind the Abomination's back. They spanned an easy 15 feet wide and could not quite expand fully, even in the large cell they were in. His body was a patchy mix of scales and flesh in a random layout, as though pieces and parts of dead things had been pasted together to form this monstrosity. Black veins pulsed everywhere underneath the thin, dead-seeming skin and scales. His muscles bulged beneath, straining the flesh on top.

Yet still, what was between his legs was something far more nightmarish. At the sight of his semi-erect phallus, Tigerlily began to pant and try to pad backwards away from the inevitable pain it would bring. It was currently at least ten inches long and seven to eight inches around. Black veins pulsed across it as well, causing to jump with Asmodeus' heartbeat and grow visibly larger with each pulse.

The large tip glistened with precum as it dripped and spurted from the huge cock as it grew. More frightening still were the barbs. Dozens of small, spiny barbs ran around Asmodeus' cock from below the tip, all the way to base of his dick. Two testicles swung low in a gray sack below his shaft, both the size of Tigerlily's fists. His muzzle split wide in a sinister grin as the fear became obvious and she struggled more and more fiercely to get away.

Without a word, Asmodeus stepped forward and grabbed her muzzle with both claws prying her jaws apart. She resisted as best of possible, but the strength of the half-demon was far superior and she recalled his warning. She gave up the struggle and allowed him to painfully stretch her muzzle open. He brought the monstrous cock to her muzzle and her breaths quickened again. She knew that the barbs, while not fatal, would scar her mouth and, if he decided to force the thing down her throat, ruin it.

He quickly began to enter her mouth, the head and shaft quickly filling her muzzle even stretched as it was. The barbs were harmless as he went into her, but as he came back out they teased the inside of her cheeks with sharp, pricking sensations. As Asmodeus would continue to get harder, they would eventually stick out from the phallus at a slight angle, causing them to catch against the soft flesh easier.

Tigerlily's assessment of the situation was quickly interrupted when Asmodeus gave no warning and shoved the entire length of his shaft into her. It wouldn't all fit but the tip and some length had gone all the way to her throat and she quickly began gagging. The convulsions from her throat brought a moan to Asmodeus as he held her there, still stretching her muzzle open with his powerful claws. She was having a hard time breathing from her snout after he had hit her so hard in the face. Still he held the cock into her as it pulsed faster and grew ever slightly larger and stiffer, forcing itself farther into her throat. As her breaths were coming so short she thought for sure she would pass out from a panic the cock stopped throbbing. The full twelve inches of shaft was almost two-thirds of the way into her muzzle as her eyes began to roll into the back of her head.

Asmodeus brutally pulled out his massive dick right before Tigerlily passed out. He allowed to her to take a few precious gulps of air before grabbing her small ears and forcing as much of his cock back into her muzzle as he could in that one shove. Tigerlily immediately had to force the bile from her stomach back down as his monstrous cock forced its way farther down her throat, immediately gagging her and causing her throat to seem on fire as precum met with the small piercing wounds of his barbs from the previous exit. Her eyes bulged as he pulled out again, the barbs tearing small holes into her mouth again before he pulled on her ears so hard they seemed to want to come off and he thrust as hard he could back into her.

She was unable to stop the bile this time as Asmodeus was so strong that he had actually forced all twelve inches of his massive dick into her muzzle. Her nose had actually hit his pelvic bone hard, jarring her and bringing ever more tears to the tigress' eyes. Her throat pulsed and fought against the length of thick cock that had forced it way down. Asmodeus held her like this, allowing her to almost pass out again before yanking his cock back out, wounding her more.

When he pulled out he did not attempt to go back in immediately. Tigerlily was so very grateful for the respite. Her throat heaved out bile from her gag reflex being out of control. The bile was mixed from blood from her injured mouth and throat. Breathing was so hard to do that her vision began to fade.

Suddenly, a warm sensation flooded over her and the taste of blood and bile faded from her mouth. The pain eased as well, and her breathing came easier. Tigerlily greedily gasped in air as she looked up at the beast that was performing the healing, and the breath caught in her throat. It was Asmodeus standing over, incanting the wards for a basic healing rite. The smile that he wore was even more sinister in the glow of such beautiful magic being used by something so evil.

After the healing was done, Asmodeus continued to violently facefuck her over and over again. Stopping only to heal her moments before the pain, or blood loss, caused her to lose consciousness. Finally, his grunts quickened and his thrusts became harder. She began to feel a warm trickle from her nose where it was hitting his pelvic bone so hard. With one final thrust, Asmodeus buried his entire shaft into her muzzle. Tigerlily began to gag again as huge spurts of hot semen came rushing down her throat. She could not breathe and there was so much cum being released so fast that if she tried to breathe she would surely choke. She desperately began to try and swallow with each every throb of her torturer's massive cock. Finally her desperate swallowing had drained Asmodeus' balls of all he had and he slipped out of her throat and then her muzzle. He hung there, suspended, coughing up his foul tasting jizz along with blood, spittle, and tears. She did not have the strength to look up at Asmodeus when he approached her chuckling to himself.

'You did well tonight my young tart. For now, I will grant you a respite.' He suddenly brought a knee up into her ribs so hard that a series of cracks could easily be heard. This time, she could not breathe at all. She couldn't even try. She merely hung there, convulsing as air tried to go into her body, but her body said no. The last thing Tigerlily heard as she faded into a dark abyss was Asmodeus' maniacal laughter reverberating loudly off the cell walls.