The God Son

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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Hello, everyone. Just sharing one of a few stories I've been working on in between work shifts, family obligations and sessions of The Last of Us. I hope everyone who takes the time to read it enjoys, and as always all constructive criticism is welcome!

Also, I feel like I would be remiss if I didn't warn readers that there is some strong, potentially offensive language in this story. I feel it's appropriate given the setting, but I thought fair warning was due for anyone who might be offended by ignorant jerks spouting foul language. If you're O.K with that, please enjoy.

"Dude! Did you guys just see that total MILF who just walked in?!"

The jock who just came into the cafeteria hurriedly rushed over to his buddies at the table two down from where my friend Rick and I were sitting. Whether the little hip check the bulky lion delivered to me was intentional or an accident in his haste to get to his buddies I couldn't tell, but after nearly two and a half years of high school bullying I'd had already braced myself when I sensed him coming close. What would have sent me sprawling over the table normally only shook me slightly as the lion joined his football buddies.

"What? No, bro, I didn't see anybody." The hyena glanced around his buddy, trying to catch a glimpse himself. "Is she really that hot?"

"Dude, she is a fox! In more ways than one!" The lion gave a very vulgar description of the woman he'd just seen as I folding my silver wolf ears back in a vain attempt to block him out. When that didn't work, I threw my hands over them as well. My raccoon friend's brown eyes glanced briefly at me from behind his slender muzzle, but no more; he knew exactly what was going on already.

I've heard a lot of adults say they wish they were back in high school, that it was the best time of their lives. Those people were either part of the popular crowd, lying, or just crazy. Midway through my junior year, and I couldn't wait to get the hell out of here. The class work and teachers were fine, but the student body could be merciless to those who don't fit in. A couple of the jocks next to us were known trouble makers, but their star performance on the football field over rode any trouble their bad behavior and poor schoolwork should have gotten them in.

"Hey, look at that fag!" Crap; here we go again. In an instant the lion and hyena were on either side of me, while their gray skinned rhino friend stood behind my chair. I was trapped by a prison of varsity jackets, body spray and ignorance. "What's the matter, fatty? You don't like girls?"

"Yeah, he probably doesn't. Hell, his tits are almost as big as hers!" The hyena grabbed my chest through my shirt, his nails digging in slightly as he squeezed tight. I glanced over to the study hall teacher, the little mouse continuing to grade his papers. I almost didn't blame him for not helping; almost.

"Leave him alone, guys!" Damn it, Rick, shut up. I appreciate the help, but it's the tanks job to draw the agro, not the mage. Where my weight hovered somewhere between 240 and 260 pounds, Rick looked almost anorexic, barely hitting triple digits with his own weight. Physically we couldn't have been more of a mismatch, but since the freshman Friday that found us both so badly beaten that we ended up in the nurse's office at the same time, we'd become close friends. As much as I didn't want him involved in this, I couldn't help but smile on the inside a little at his willingness to stand up to a group that could probably break him like a twig.

"What are you, his little fuck buddy?" The hyena moved from beside me to behind Rick, smirking as he loomed over my friend. "Yeah, I bet you two fuck all the time, huh?"

"N-no!" Rick stammered a little, but tried to put on a brave face. "Alan likes girls, just n-not that one!"

"Huh? How-oof!" The hyena started to respond, but stopped when his lion buddy hit him in the shoulder and pointed toward the doorway of the cafeteria. Soon, their eyes were joined with every other set of male eyes in the room, with Rick and I being the only exceptions. I didn't need to see who it was to know who was drawing all that attention, the first words out of her mouth confirming my suspicions.

"Excuse me..." The soft voice that came from the doorway sounded almost melodic, filling the room with her sweet sound she looked around. "I'm here to pick up my son. I was told he was in here?..."

"Dude, what did I tell you?!" The lion whispered to his friends, temporarily forgetting about me and Rick. "Total MILF!"

"No kidding! I'd hit that any day of the week!" I couldn't help but shudder a little, trying to shake that image out of my mind. "What's wrong, fag? You wouldn't hit that? Not that you could even if you wanted to!"

"No, no I wouldn't." I sighed, gathering up my stuff. I pushed my chair back into the rhino behind me a little harder than necessary as I got up. He glared but didn't do anything, not wanting to look like an idiot in front of what they thought was a hot woman.

Don't get me wrong; she was without question beautiful. Even wearing a bulky, dirty gray sweatshirt and sweatpants couldn't hide the large, pert breasts and round rump underneath the long red tail that ended with a white tip at the end. Her chocolate brown furred hands reached back and tied her fiery red hair into a simple pony tail while her blue eyes gently scanned the room, seemingly oblivious to all the attention she was getting. Still, as Rick used the opportunity to slip away from the pack that surrounded us, neither he nor I could never see her the way my tormenters would.

"Where the hell are you going?!" The lion asked as I started to get up. Rick was probably retreating to the safety of the library, and it was time to make my own escape. I waved gently to her, and had to hide a smirk seeing the jocks jaws nearly hit the floor when she waved back and smiled.

"I'm going with her." A slight growl slipped out of my throat as I turned back to them one last time. "That, 'MILF', IS my Mom, you assholes!"

Before they had a chance to respond I started toward her, brushing a stray black hair out of my eyes. When I got close, Mom gave me a huge, firm hug.

"Hi, honey!" She smiled, holding me firmly to her as her tail wagged furiously. While her clothing did little to hide her feminine curves, it did conceal the slim, solid muscles that lay underneath. She was no bodybuilder, but it was also clear that she was no helpless maiden, either. She'd somehow achieved an almost magical level of size and firmness that accentuated her more traditional feminine features even more. "How was your day?"

"Alright." I smiled gently, trying to put on a brave face for her. "Is everything O.K?"

"Yup!" She moved to a side, one of her arms around my shoulders as she guided me out of the building. "I just finished up at the agency for the day, and I figured I'd pick you up on the way home as an early present. You only turn sixteen once, after all!"

"Thanks, Mom." We made out way out to her dark red convertible. The first time she picked me and Rick up together, he said she looked like she'd stepped out of a magazine. I told him that he was close; she had been in a magazine advertising a car, but in that she was laying back on the hood of the car in that picture. It was one of many pictures Fiona Vulpos was in, and while she wasn't a household name, she made more than enough to support the two of us.

Besides Mom's extended family, it's always just been the two of us. I have no idea who Dad is, what he looks like, or even his name. No one in Mom's family knows anything either, and when I've tried to ask her about him she never gives me a straight answer. He'll be around when you really need him, or he's someone very special who just can't be with us, she says. She's never said a cross word about him, and the only guys I've ever seen her with have never been more than casual friends. For someone who seems to have just abandoned us, she's very loyal to him.

"So, it looks like my timing was pretty good. I think it's a pretty safe bet that you've already tried to get them to stop, with little success. Do they always call you that?" Mom asked.

"No, the fag thing was something new. Usually they just call me fat and/or ugly." Mom may look like a centerfold, but no one's who's ever spoken to her for more than a minute has every called her a bimbo. "And yes, I've tried ignoring them and reporting them. Things only got worse after that. My guidance counselor suggested peer mediation; I haven't laughed that hard in a while."

Mom sighed as she nodded. "Things haven't changed as much as I thought since I was in high school. The girls were pretty vicious to me, and the guys were none too flattering, either. The only way to get something through their thick skulls will be to beat it into them."

"Probably, but that'll never happen." I glanced over at Mom as we pulled out of the school parking lot. "Wait; people used to pick on you in high school? What were they, jealous?"

"No, no..." Mom giggled a little as she shook her head. "I didn't always look like this, dear. I was called all sorts of names, had food dumped on me, and found nasty notes in my locker. One girl I thought was my friend even lured me into a meeting with a boy I was really interested in. She promised he'd meet me a diner, and I waited hours for him. He never showed, and when I was going to confront her the next day I found her laughing with some of the bitchiest girls in the school about it."

"Ouch..." And I thought I had it bad. I didn't have many friends, but at least they never did anything like that. "To say that you must have felt betrayed would be putting it mildly."

"Yes; that was about the lowest I'd ever been." A dark cloud was slowly settling over Mom's beautiful face, but she shook it off an instant later and smiled. "But then, something magical happened, and everything suddenly turned around."

"Really?" I tilted my head a little. "What happened?"

"I told you, something magical." I arched an eyebrow at that response. "It's hard to explain."

"Whatever you say, Mom." I glanced out the window as the light changed and we started to move again.

We drove in silence for a while, giving me some time alone with my thoughts. I don't know what kind of magic she was talking about, but I could certainly use it. I did everything I could to try and get in shape, with absolutely no success. Diet, exercise, supplements had all proved useless in taking off more than a couple of pounds, all of which came back as soon as I gave up on it. Mom was always incredibly supportive with whatever choices I made, which was about the only thing that kept me from going nuts with each failure.

"You know I'd love you no matter who you love, right Alan?" I nodded. Mom was pretty awesome about a lot of things. For as much time as she spent in front of cameras for people to gawk at her, she was just as uncomfortable as I was when we had the bird and bees discussion. About the only thing she made clear was that she would always love and support whoever I chose to love, whether they be male, female or otherwise.

"Good. That being said, I take it from all the remarks that your, 'friends', back there don't know about your feelings for Sheila?"

"You're kidding, right?" I shook my head. "That'd only make things ten times worse if they knew I had feelings for the head of the cheerleading squad."

How could anyone resist her? Her beautiful smile and soft brown eyes always lifted my spirits when I first entered my algebra class. She was a beautiful wolf, with fur as white and pure as fallen snow, and blond hair that surrounded her head and framed it like the angel she was. She wasn't seeing anybody at the moment, which meant I theoretically had a chance to get together with her. That her last boyfriend was the school quarterback and the fact that I haven't been able to say more than a, "hello", to her yet made it seem like it would always stay just a theory.

"I'm sure she'd like you if you put yourself out there. You just need to have a little more confidence in yourself." Mom suggested. "Why don't you try really talking to her tomorrow, as one of the first things you do as a sixteen year old?"

"I appreciate the advice, Mom, but I think the odds of that happening are about as good..." I struggled for a second to come up with something that would be just as improbable. "...they're probably about as good as Dad showing up for my birthday tomorrow."

I regretted the words the second they were out of my mouth. She didn't need a reminder about how Dad had abandoned us, and left her with a baby to raise on her own with no support at all. Mom had been there for me every time I needed her, and here I was making trying to make her feel guilty about me not having a father in my life. I gotta apologize, tel-

"Oh?" Mom smiled, her voice just as bright and cheerful as they were when she first picked me up today. "If that's the case, then I'd say the odds are in your favor."

...O.K; wasn't expecting that answer. I started to ask for an explanation, but I figured she would just dance around the question like always and decided to save my breath.

The rest of the way home was quiet and uneventful, as was most of the rest of the night. I spent the time before dinner finishing up my homework, and after a quick pizza dinner spent the evening playing a couple of games of Word Rabble with Mom. My brain was just as much a point of pride for me as my body was not, and I always kept my mind sharp with games and puzzles. Mom still won two of the three games(Damn, how is she so smart AND good looking?), though all of them were very close. After checking in with Rick online and confirming he'd escaped from the jocks, I started to get ready for bed.

Standing in front of the mirror in my room, I took a good, long look at myself. I really was a good looking and nice guy beyond my huge waistline and gut. I had nice amber eyes, soft black hair that I kept pretty short, and I was smart and kind, if a little shy. Did I really deserve all the crap I got at school? Shouldn't I be able to talk to the girl I really like? Why can't anyone, myself included, get past my weight?

With a heavy sigh, I climbed into bed. Mom insisted I go to school tomorrow; she said we'd go out to celebrate tomorrow after class. She'd said I'd feel like a whole new person the second I turned sixteen, and that I'd want to go out to celebrate when I got home. I remember thinking that she was probably just trying to reassure me and give me some false hope after a rough day as I laid down in bed and started to drift off to sleep.

Turns out, she was right.


There was no sound, no voice that said those words. It was as if the thought was suddenly just forced into my head. I stirred slowly, only able to tell it was still dark as I slowly sat up.

It slowly dawned on me that someone else was in the room with me, and that they were standing right next to my bed. I turned my head slowly, and came face to face with the largest set of testicles I'd ever seen in my life. The silver wolf-like sheath was bigger than my arm, wider than my neck, and completely soft. Behind it were what I thought at first were two silver bowling balls, given their size and shape. It took me a minute to realize that they were in fact a hugely oversized pair of testicles.

My first reaction was confusion; I hadn't really had an interest in other guys, and waking up to another man's junk in my face wasn't doing anything to change my feelings. I wasn't upset or angry, just confused as I tried to figure out what was going on.


Giant paws wrapped around my sides, lifting me up from my bed as if I were as light as a feather. Whoever was handling me like a doll wasn't just well hung; he was HUGE. I have eight foot ceilings in my room, and the massive wolf's ears were brushing against them as he lifted me up. The silver fur that covered him was bright and gave off a sharp glow, making it hard to see details as I was temporarily blinded by the bright light.


"MMMPH!" I got used to glow just in time to get smothered in it as the arms that lifted me up now crushed me against the chest of the owner. My arms were helplessly pinned against my sides as my muzzle was forced hard against what felt like a hairy concrete wall. This man's chest was rock hard under his fur, the width of my shoulders only slightly longer than just one of his pecs. I was being smothered in a wall of muscle and fur as I kicked frantically as his thighs, doing little more than ruffling the fur on the stone pillars that were his legs.


"Gaackk!" With a lot of effort, I managed to work my muzzle into a position where I could speak. Spots started to appear on my vision as I forced out what I thought were going to be my last words. "Can't... breathe!"

<BREATHE?> There was a pause, and a hint of confusion in the voice going through my head. Things were starting to go dark as he contemplated what I was saying, and I remember thinking that at least Mom could save some money on my tombstone if I died on the same day I was born.

<YOU REQUIRE AIR; I APOLOGIZE.> The crushing walls surrounding me suddenly eased the pressure, the burning sensation in my lungs slowly easing as air filled them again. Air has never tasted so good in my life

The paws slowly slid under my arm pits, the owner holding me like a toddler as things starting coming back into focus. The glow he gave off was not limited to his fur, his golden eyes giving off a similar glow as he looked into my eyes. He seemed genuinely happy to see me, a smile lighting up his muzzle.

<I SOMETIMES FORGET HOW FRAGILE MORTALS CAN BE. I APOLOGIZE.> His muzzle never moved as the words continued to enter my head. I didn't know why there was some strange man in my room, how he was more built than some skyscrapers, and why he was glowing and somehow speaking without actually using words. My head was still spinning in confusion and from the lack of oxygen, but his next words came through loud and clear.


I hope everyone who made it this far enjoyed the story and is looking forward to more in the future. If you'd like to see about getting your own stories or just helping me out a little, you can follow this link to my commission page:

Thanks for reading, and hope to see you all again soon!