Buried: Prologue

Story by Star the Mutt on SoFurry

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Heres a little sneak peak of my new series I hope to be working on called "Buried"

Usually I tend to write one shots but I wanted to take a stab at this.

Proof read (sort of) by my friend UB VinylScratch

Running...Panting...Gunfire...I won't let them take me back. I can't let them take me back. I will not die here. "Over here! She went this way!" More running. Legs burning, out of breath, but I can't stop. I can hear them right on my tail. Their itchy trigger fingers just waiting to unload their guns into the next living thing in sight. Another sharp turn, out in the open, nowhere to hide. I frantically look for a way out, anything to escape. "I see her! Over here!" No time left to think, just start running again, keeping my head down to avoid any more unwanted bullets. Shrapnel flying left and right, adrenaline kicking in. Running faster, can't stop. Shots graze me, pain ignored. Eyes darting around, looking for an exit to this gauntlet. I spot an alleyway off to the side, I quickly make a sharp turn only to be met with a large barbed wire fence and a manhole on the ground. "The Underground...they won't have the balls to follow me there...but then again, I'm sure I don't have them either..." "She's in the alleyway, come on!" Either them, or the atrocities under there. I lifted the manhole with the remainder of my strength and hopped down. Then, I sat and waited, what will they do? "Where'd she go?""Maybe she went down to the Underground...""Don't be stupid, no one goes down there, unless they got some sort of death wish""Yeah...guess you're right, lets keep looking"The quiet sounds of footsteps provokes a long sigh of relief before I get back up on my feet. Sharp stings all over my body remind me of the firefight just a few minutes before. I kept trudging along anyways, despite the pain. I attempted to gather my bearings. I'm in a dark (and quite smelly) tunnel of sorts, to dark to tell which direction it leads. I just picked a direction and started moving slowly along, sliding my hand across the smooth, damp wall as I walked. I walked for what seemed like miles in this darkness. It got me thinking: maybe the myths of the Underground aren't what they seem. All those children's stories that we were told when we were cubs. They say deep in the Underground, its littered with mutants, demons, and other disgusting products of too much exposure to hazardous chemicals. What a load of crap. That was, until I started hearing...things. Gurgling growls and high pitched squeals and screeches sending shivers down my spine. Odd grunting and low-pitched roaring keeping me on my guard. Visions of malformed, morbid, creatures appeared in in my mind. Not what I needed right now. I started to run again, hoping that I'd get away from the noises so I can concentrate on finding a way out of here, back to the surface. My hand suddenly slipped from the wall I was following and stumbled into what I supposed to be a larger room. I couldn't

really tell, as it was still pitch black. I desperately waved my hands in front of me, trying to find a wall or door or something. My paranoia was drilling its way into my subconscious. Stupid stories, I still don't know how I let those get the best of me. Silently cursing at myself as I panicked, spinning and hyperventilating. My body tells me to calm down, but my mind is screaming at me to panic. I just had to-CLANG

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