Description of Dr. Edgar Folly

Story by Ethren on SoFurry

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#2 of Dr. Edgar Folly

Decided to put this in the same folder

Dr. Edgar Folly the raven/equine taur

Began as a human, He's kind of a mashup, worked in a science town called "Eureka" *cough cough* in the dimensional studies. Without meaning to he ended up poking into at least three other dimensions, his own self smashed together with himself from the other dimensions, ending up as some sort of centaur, a pure white lower body of a feral stallion with a tattoo of broken beakers on his rear flank, a top half of a white chested anthro raven and surpisingly easily hidden twin stingers like scorpion tails, hidden behind his wings.


450 pounds total weight

5 feet from tail to upperbody's pelvis

7 feet from front hooves to the tip of his beak

3 foot hybrid penis

4 inch thick flared head

3.5 inch thick unflared head

3 inch thick shaft

3.3 inch thick series of 5 ridges along the shaft

6 inch thick knot when swollen

8 pound total weight of testicles

White furred equine bottom with thick downy feathers on corvid top half

Wears a torn lab coat

The Folly of Doctor Folly

> Dr. Folly quickly pulled his lab coat on, today was the review for which projects would continue and bear fruit and he sure as hell didn't want to be the one to be redacted. His research was on a space time anomaly that had been happening since the...

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Surviving A Mostly Human Highschool (2/-.-)

His entire walk home, people stood up from lawn work and sniffed at a peculiar smell, making him blush and keep on walking a little faster . Only a little ways till home he kept telling himself, home and privacy to figure out what's going on. With...

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Surviving A Mostly Human Highschool (1/-.-)

\*BEEP BEEP BEEP\* With a deep groan and wide yawn the young armadillo lizard began smashing the defensless alarm clock into his bedside table. Slowly sitting up, he looked down at his bed and gave a grunt, "Gonna need more thread again", he commented...

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