your choice on which story comes first

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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Your choice on which story I write first

Hey all,

Recently I know I haven't been doing that many stories as I have been busy rewriting 'Finding your soulmate in surprising ways' as it will be going up for becoming a ebook through and smashswords for purchasing which means you don't need a NOOK or Kindle to read it only. However I do find myself debating on a few stories that I am considering on writing but I want everyones opinion of which one I should concentrate on first and I would like either a pm or a comment after this with your choice.

Okay your choices are please note that I am only going to be giving off the tags for each story to let each of you use your imagination with the stories. Also if you can think of any other tags that might go well with these stories please feel free to add or suggest them:

  1. The Horse Whisper (M/M, zoophilia, drug use, mpreg, possible Anthro, rape, forced shifting, gender shifting,mind minipulation, horses)

  2. Keep It in the family (M/F/F, F/F/F, lesbian, zoophilia, dogs, incest, impregnation, anthro)

  3. Discovering the legends (god of war, legends, centaurs, pegasus's, TG, gender shifting, pregnancy, series, aphodite, M/M, M/F, cerebsus, werewolf, demon dogs, etc)

So these are the stories that I was thinking of it anyone has a story that they would like to see written be free to pm me with it.

Thank you

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