Pins and Needles, Part XIII

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#22 of Patterns of the Grand Design

This story is a work of fiction and contains adult situations. No character depected as engaging in sexual activity is under the age of 18. No one under the age of 18 should be reading past this disclaimer. All characters are copyright Radical Goper.



By the time the impromptu barbeque had wound itself down, everyone was pleasantly sated and no one was feeling much pain Truth be told, the only completely sober person was Sapphire, but that was only because she would not imbibe while carrying Victor's and her kits.

The evening breeze was balmy and everyone was enjoying it, sitting in a small circle of lawn chairs, sipping beer, white wine and faux mint juleps.

"You found yourself a real treasure with this house," Pepper complimented, glancing around the expansive back yard. "I remember that tiny two bedroom place you had in the city. The last time I visited I had to sleep on your living room couch because you were using the second bedroom for your office."

Victor laughed. "I'd probably still be there if I hadn't found my perfect mate," he said, taking Sapphire's hand and kissing it. "There's nothing like the right partner in life to give someone motivation."

"Even if that partner is a twenty-seven hundred year old genie," Pepper observed. "I always knew Vic had a thing for older women."

Sapphire dipped her fingers delicately into her drink and flicked a few drops in the vixen's direction. Naturally enough, they landed precisely on the detective's nose pad. "Careful my dear," she chided smiling. "One should never gossip about the hostess' age. Especially when she can turn you into a newt."

"Here, here!" laughed Saul, clinking beer cans with Victor.

"On three?" asked the todd.

"On three," the human replied. "Ready?"

"Not again!" laughed Gwen.

"One... Two... THREE!" The two males upturned their beer cans and began gulping in a race to see who finished first.

Pepper turned sympathetically towards the other two women. "I swear, they're just like a couple of college students the night after finals."

Sapphire smiled. "Oh let them have their fun. When was the last time your partner had a chance to really blow off steam?"

"His thirty-eighth birthday party," she laughed. "He was so bombed it took six deputies just to carrying him upstairs to his apartment."

Gwen smiled. "That must have been a sight." She looked across at the detective. "How are you doing on the romance front? I bet you have to beat them away with a baton."

Pepper took a sip of wine and ran her finger around the edge of the glass. "Not really. I'm not looking at the moment."

"Not looking?" the skunkette responded playfully. "That's rather enigmatic. Why wouldn't you be looking?"

"No reason to," she replied softly, stealing a glance over toward Saul as he crushed the beer can against his forehead,

Both Sapphire and Gwen caught the look on her face and smiled knowingly. "Since when?" they whispered conspiratorially.

"Since when, what?"

"You know!" the Lappe whispered, flicking her black and white tail in anticipation.

Realizing she'd been cornered by two, very perceptive ladies Pepper sighed. "Since his birthday."

"How serious is this?" asked Sapphire.

"Very," the red furred vixen said. "We get together at least a couple times a week. But don't talk too openly about it. Saul's very shy at heart and he'd turn beet red if he thought anyone knew. I'm slowly weaning him towards a more open relationship "

The giant human punctuated Pepper's warning with a very loud belch. The women looked at each other and broke into peals of laughter.

"What's funny?" Saul asked.

"Private joke," Sapphire replied smoothly.

"One last one?" Victor asked, looking up at Saul.

"What's the score?"

"Two each," replied the todd.

Saul glanced down at the side of his chair. He counted seven beer cans for himself and five for Victor. He knew his limits and assumed the Zorr knew his. "Okay... Last one's a tiebreaker. Most spectacular belch wins."

"You're on." The todd looked over at Gwen. You be the judge... Okay?"

"Only if this is your last beer for tonight."

"You got it," Victor agreed. "This has to be the last one anyway. My toes are starting to tingle."

"Alright then," the skunkette said. "On the count of three. One... Two... Three."

The two males downed their beer in about ten seconds.

"You ready?" asked Gwen. They both nodded. "Okay... Saul first!"

The human let loose a belch that seemed to reverberate off the nearby trees and echo back across the lawn. Caught up in the contest, the three women clapped and laughed.

"Okay... Now it's Victor's turn."

The todd leaned back in his chair and filled his lungs. He suddenly got a strange expression on his face. There was an unexpected popping sound and a flash of green and gold light. The todd vanished, leaving his empty clothes strewn about on the lawn chair. Frantic movement came from within his shirt and a small dragon's head pushed it's way clear of the opening. He belched, firing off a twenty foot long gout of flame from his maw that lasted for a good five seconds. Fortunately, his head was turned up and away from anything flammable.

"Oops!" the dragon muttered when he finished. "Excuse me!"

Gwen and Sapphire, use to the sight of Victor's transformation, clapped and cheered wildly. "The winner!" the Lappe declared, laughing. Pepper and Saul just stared blankly at the pseudo-dragon.

"Are you alright Vic?" the vixen asked.

"Perfectly fine... I was just having so much fun that I forgot about moonrise."

"Dinner and a show," muttered Saul in amazement. "Who could ask for more?" Neither detective saw Gwen whisper something to the blue-furred vixen or their scheming smiles.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I have to go into work early tomorrow," the dragon said. "If you want to carouse, you'll have to do it without me."

"Go ahead," Gwen said to both Sapphire and Victor. "I'll clean up things around here."

"What... No magic?" Pepper asked.

"Not outside," the blue vixen explained. Even though there are trees and a couple acres between our neighbors and ourselves, we don't like taking unnecessary chances. We picked this house for its isolation. Less chance of people finding out about magic here than in a crowded apartment building."

"Makes sense," Saul commented. He looked over at his partner. "Ready to call it a night?"

Pepper yawned. "Yeah. I think I'm suffering from a bit too much wine combined with jet lag. I believe I'll take a nice, hot shower before turning in."

"Go for it," the human responded. "I'll be up after I help clear the plates."

"See you in a few," the vixen said, yawning again.

Saul snatched up a pile of dishes and followed the skunkette into the house while Victor and Sapphire disappeared into the master bedroom.

"Just pile them next to the sink and stand back," Gwen cautioned, filling one side of the sink with soapy, hot water and the other with cold.

The human watched as dishes, sponges, brushes and towels went to work in a scene straight out of an old Disney vid. The dishes floated across the counter, dipped themselves into the soapy water and were attacked by the sponge and scrub brush. Once clean, they dipped themselves into the rinse water then floated above the sink while the dishtowel did a quick ballet against their surface.

Curious, Saul reached out to examine one of the now clean dishes but had his hand gently, and firmly slapped away by Gwen.

"If you break the energy field, your aura will disrupt the spell," she warned.

"Naturally," he replied raising a quizzical eyebrow.

When the last dish was cleaned, the skunkette drained the sinks, which immediately cleaned themselves. She opened the cupboard and quickly put away the cleaned and stacked dishes. She then looked up at the tall human. "Before you leave could you help me with something?"

"What is it?"

"There's an old atomizer at the top of the towel cabinet in the front bathroom. Could you reach it for me?"

"No problem," Saul replied. He followed the Lappe into the bathroom and she pointed to what she wanted. It was easy enough for the detective to reach. He did not see Gwen smearing a dollop of vapor rub on her nose before reaching up to take it from the human. Standing on her tiptoes, she overbalanced herself and fell against him, accidentally releasing a small cloud of perfume. It hit Saul square in the face and he sneezed. The scent of vanilla filled his nose.

"Oops... Sorry about that," she muttered. "I think I've had just a little too much to drink.

"What is that?"

"Oh... just my favorite perfume; Odeur de l'amour."

"Kind of reminds me of sugar cookies."

"You know the French. Il ne peut y avoir aucun amour oĆ¹ il n'y a aucune nourriture,"

"Uh... right. Well, unless there's something else you need I'll see you in the morning."

"Thank-you," replied Gwen, leading him to the back door and watching as he crossed the yard to the carriage house. "Have fun," she murmured once he was out of earshot.

* * * *

Saul climbed the steps and entered the upstairs apartment. He looked around. In any city this would have been considered a luxury apartment. There was a large living room, a kitchen that opened onto a dining nook, two rather spacious bedrooms and a single bath. The human could hear the sound of a fur dryer coming from it. He knocked on the door. "How you doing in there?"

"Fine," came the reply. "I'll be done in about five minutes."

"No hurry," he called. Walking into the kitchen he got himself a glass of ice water from the refrigerator dispenser then sat down in the living room. It was bigger than his place. He sipped on the ice water. The taste of vanilla filled his mouth. He would definitely have to wash that off before going to bed. He didn't want Pepper smelling another woman's perfume on him all night long. He anticipated a rather quiet evening. They were both tired and she seemed to lack the energy to do much more than cuddle. Tomorrow might be different and he found himself looking forward to it.

The bathroom door opened and the vixen came out wearing a towel around her hair and another around her body. She smiled and came over to Saul, leaning over the back of the couch to kiss him lightly on the cheek. She sniffed once or twice and looked at him.

"What's that?"

"Oh... Gwen accidentally sprayed me with one of her perfumes after I helped her with the dishes."

Pepper took another whiff. "I kind of like that," she said. "It smells sharp, like... hmm... like cayenne."

"Cayenne? You mean like your namesake?"

"Namesake?" she said, sniffing through his hair.

Saul nodded, smiling. "Your cousin told me how you got your nickname."

She laughed, nuzzling against the human's neck breathing in more of the heady scent. "Did he tell you how I use to put it on everything?

"Yeah... even your breakfast cereal," he chuckled. "Personally, I think it smells more like vanilla." He felt Pepper snake both her arms around him and gently began to rub his shirt, even as she commenced nipping gently at his neck. "Hey... are you alright?"

Truth be told, the vixen was feeling a lot more than all right. She could feel her erect nipples poking against the towel and a tingling-warmth growing between her legs. The tiredness she had felt earlier had vanished completely, replaced by a surge of energy that seemed to pleasantly light up every nerve in her body.

"Mmm... Oh yeah... More than alright." She climbed over the back of the couch and plopped into Saul's lap with a schoolgirl's giggle. Craning her neck, she brought her mouth up to his and gently licked him on the lips.

"I thought you were tired?"

Pepper murred softly and began to kiss her way down Saul's chest, unbuttoning his shirt as she went. The butterfly kisses were having the desired effect on him as well and he could feel his manhood swell under her ministrations. The vixen removed her head towel. Damp, ebon curls fell free and hung like a curtain around her head, dragging along the human's chest as she continued licking and kissing it and running her hands through his thick carpet of chest hair.

The next thing to come off was Pepper's body towel. Stiff nipples danced against Saul as she began bouncing lightly in his lap, rubbing herself against him.. He could both see and smell the dampness of her mound as she left a dark, wet patch on the crotch of his trousers. He reached around and began running his hands through her silky pelt, massaging and kneading her back. She moaned softly and pressed her lips against his, gently slipping her tongue into his mouth.

Their lips remained locked together as Saul picked the vixen up and carried her into the bedroom, laying with her diagonally across the bed. His hands reached down and began to massage her butt, ruffling the fur there and brushing against the underside of her tail. She moaned, wriggling against him and flicking her tail each time he stroked its base.

Sliding down to his trousers, she quickly undid his belt and pulled off his trousers. She traced the outline of his rod with her claw, scratching at it oh so gently before pulling his briefs down and tossing them aside. Shoes and socks quickly followed. She delicately began lapping at his manhood, savoring its salty musk, positioning herself so he could reach her vulva and stroke it with his massive hands.

Pepper shivered as she felt her partner gently run his finger in a circle around her clit. The moan became a tiny whimper as she wrapped her mouth around Saul's massive cock and began deep throating him. In response, he slowly pushed first one, then two fingers between her folds, all the while continuing his clit massage. She bucked and shivered as her love juices began flowing from her cunt. She backed off Saul's rod, afraid that as she climaxed she might accidentally bite down, with unpleasant results.

Her orgasm was a long one, punctuated by her soft howling yip. It seemed to roll on forever. When it ended, she was surprised to find her loins not only felt hotter than before, but tingled as if they were already building towards another release.

Pepper decided she wanted to feel Saul in her, so she turned around and positioned herself above his cock. Slowly, she eased herself onto him, twice having to stop to stretch herself. When she did, she moaned and tremored slightly, enjoying the small orgasms that washed over her.

Having made love to the vixen before, Saul found himself pleasantly surprised to find she seemed both hotter and tighter than anytime before. The walls of her sex squeezed and massaged his cock, soaking him with her fluid as she slowly impaled herself. Hilting him, Pepper began to slide up and down on his rod, slowly at first, pulling up as far as his tip, then settling back to his base. She paused and clenched against him, sending ripples of pleasure not only through his body, but her own.

Again she climaxed, murring and moaning loudly as she arched her back. Her plush tail whipped back and forth across Saul's legs like a velvet brush. Deep within, she could feel herself building towards something epic. She gasped, feeling hotter than before.

Pepper abruptly began pistonning herself, riding her partner's cock as if there could be no tomorrow. The more she bounced, the hotter she felt. The hotter she felt the more urgent finding release became, forcing her to drive Saul as deeply into her as she could.

"OH...OH GAWD! No! I...I... OH SAUL...FUCK ME, Please FUCK ME HARD!" The vixen moaned and whimpered, thrashing against her partner like a wild creature. Another orgasm wracked her body. She stopped bouncing and fell across Saul, writhing in pleasure as it tore through her. It passed, but behind it there was still that insatiable need, driving her, forcing her to seek release.

Saul had never seen her like this before. Gone was the tender lovemaking they'd often enjoyed. Raw passion ruled the moment and he could feel her need for release. He pulled Pepper's arms behind her, trapping them. He rolled her onto her back and began thrusting steadily into her. The vixen squirmed beneath him, then wrapped both legs around his waist and pulled him in toward her.

Every thrust he made was deep, rhythmic and strong. He could feel his partner as she squeezed against him, tighter and tighter. He was close to release himself, but instead of increasing his pace he kept it steady, hoping to come with her and thereby quench the fire he could feel within her. He felt her shudder under yet another orgasm, but instead of pausing he continued his thrusting.

Pepper felt herself climax once, then twice, but Saul wouldn't stop. Each wave of ecstasy was pushing her steadily closer to that ultimate release she sought; then like a dam bursting she felt it. Her back arched. Her vision filled with white flashes of light and she howled silently, her voice paralyzed by the power of that final orgasm. She felt Saul shudder atop her as his hot, pulsing seed warmed her insides.

The sensation passed and Pepper slumped onto the bed, panting furiously. Sweat ran in rivulets across Saul's body as he pulled out of the vixen then reached across to enfold her with his immense arms.

"Oh... my!" the Zorr muttered. "That... that had to be the most... most intense sex I've ever had." She chuckled softly. "It feels like I just ran a marathon. I feel so warm... so fulfilled. I love you," she said, punctuating her remark with a delicate kiss. Pepper nuzzled her head under Saul's chin and fell into a deep, exhausted sleep.

"Good night, fuzz-ball," the human rumbled closing his eyes.

Across the yard, Sapphire and Gwen lay facing each other with Victor tucked gently between them. The pseudo-dragon was breathing softly and his eyes were shut.

"You sure this is all right with him?" the skunkette whispered.

"Positive," the djin said. "He doesn't have to catch the train to work until nine o'clock. That gives us about three hours after moonset to properly initiate you into the family."

"What about our guests?"

The blue-furred vixen chuckled. "After tonight, I'd be surprised if either of them woke before noon."

Gwen looked down at Victor and smiled. "He looks so cute, curled up like that between us."

"Well..." observed Sapphire, "at least this way he won't fall out of bed."

To be continued: