
Story by Nathaniel King on SoFurry

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#1 of Erotic Stories

Marcus was a simple shepherd, which applied to him in two ways: first as his species, second as his profession. He enjoyed spending his entire days in the open field and, living on the land, there was always good use for wool around here, so herding sheep came as sort of an obvious conclusion.

Nonetheless he was a playful nature. But the sheep not always served for much entertainment. And he knew it was his job to take good care of them. But he simply couldn't resist to at least sometimes chase them around.

If he wasn't leading his flock over the green fields, they were put into a wide area, bordered by an electric fence. The voltage was very low, thanks to animal-protection laws and the all around mentality to not harm the animals they herd. Wood would have served, some of the animal-protection groups say, but for the little dog it was more expensive than the elastic electric fence, which didn't break nor rot.

However, there were members of such groups who did not agree with that kinda thing, no matter the arguing. So at some day, while Marcus felt alone and secure, running through the herd, using the sheep as challenges to jump over, two figures appeared, hidden in shadows of the near by grove, watching the shepherd. After a while they exchanged a few muttered words and nodded at each other. Tonight they would free the sheep and teach that cur a lesson.

Marcus was completely exhausted and the warm day did his best to make him all tired when he had just finished all his duties about sheep-care, providing them with water and some extra feed for the night. He threw himself into the grass outside the fence just to take a nap before walking home.

It was some grass in his mouth and an uncomfortable position of arms that finally managed to wake him up. For some reason he was lying on his belly. And the pair of hooves in front of him seemed much larger than what he was used to. And he heard a deep voice "Guess that'll do for now." from behind him. "Good, now get him up." the hooves said.

A force fit for a work bench got him by the neck and pulled him to his feet in an instant. He yelped and simultaneously spit the grass from his tongue and realized his arms were tied together on his back. The hooves in front of him carried a set of leather armor and knives, covering the skin of a goat. Judging by the voice and force from behind him his fantasy quickly adjusted the image of a bull or bear or anything stronger than what he usually allowed to get him by the neck. Not that he would ever allow that to anyone.

Wiping some grass and spit off his leather the goat grinned with a irritating sense of hospitality. "Ah, you are awake, very well." He gave a sign to the force behind Marcus and turned, walking along the electric fence. It wasn't dark yet but nor was it all bright anymore. "Just in time, young shepherd. We need your assistance with that awful device of torture." He pointed toward the small generator, a plastic cube not even high enough to reach ones knees, protecting the low-voltage device. Marcus frowned. Since he woke up only seconds had passed, but finally his consciousness found it was time to take the initiative. "Let go of me!" He tried to kick in the air and behind him, just to realize that every movement resulted in a stinging pain running up into his skull and down his entire spine from the awful grip on his neck. "What the hell you want from me?!"

Without turning the goat reached the edge of the fence and headed toward the generator. "We will free the sheep from your medieval methods. You should have seen that coming, everyone knows we won't ever agree to pain as part of animal treatment."

Marcus was puzzled, yet his moment of silence rose from the pain fading way too slowly from this neck. "They had no electricity through the medieval times." was the first thing he came up with and right away felt rather stupid for it. Thankfully an irritated snort was all the reaction he got.

As they finally reached the generator Marcus slowly realized there was something different about it. The electric poles which marked origin and destination of the electricity were extended with a feet long metal bar each. Standing in front of the device the goat grinned terribly at the shepherd. "Let's begin."

The next moment he felt himself positioned over the generator, his legs being spread by the force who, to his terror, had a second arm of equal violence. Even though there was a little relieve in him from feeling solid ground below his hindpaws, he felt even more confused. "...what the..?"

"Be a good boy and sit down."

Realization smacked him full in the face. He looked down at the two metal bars, which slightly glittered from a layer of something that could be nothing else but lube. Marcus wished himself back into confusion. It was ineffective.

Looking back up to the goat, ears tilted, he managed but a yelp. The goat just growled "Sit down!" and at the same time the force returned to his neck and shoved him down.

Marcus howled with a mixture of pain, humiliation and a pinch of a moan when the cold metal intruded his tailhole with ease. Unfortunately the intrusion pushed the strength away from his legs, getting him even further down. The seconds of paralysis gave the force enough time to bondage his hindlegs, preventing any attempt of going back up. Already he felt the slight sensation of rhythmic electric jolts running past his anus and he began to pant.

"Good boy." The goat teased and patted Marcus on the head. "Now, as I mentioned, we need your assistance here." The goats grin grew into something diabolic enough to make Marcus whine and gulp at the same time. "And if I'm right your chance to help us should be >growing< that very moment."

The goat glanced down and Marcus followed his gaze. As should have been clear to him they had unclothed him somewhere around the time they had tied his arms together. Now they were looking straight at his sheath, which was already stretching out and showing off the tip of his red length. "Oh, perfect! I thought I'd have to lend you a hand there, but you are eager to help us. Good boy!" Marcus whined silently. His length grew further, the metal bar inside him being enough to get him aroused, supported by those tingling electric jolts. Soon he was panting more than he was able to whine, his length fully outside now and twitching with need for attention.

"Good boy." The goat repeated, sitting on his heels. He reached out to get the dog by his shaft, softly massaging the red skin. "Now then, it's time to teach you a little lesson that will make you think twice before you use electricity on poor animals. And we will get time to free the sheep by the use of that handy lever."

The moment the shepherds tip touched the metal bar, the whole electric fence got bypassed. He had no time to get hold of any further thoughts. The first electric jolt made him moan with arousal and pain, loud enough to startle the flock. The electricity ran straight from his tailhole through his prostate and shaft back into the generator. It wasn't enough to really harm him, of course, but enough to pierce through his sensitive parts right on the line of too much for him. The quick jolt seemed like it would never end, the break after not long enough. While the goat fixed the dogs dick into position, the hard thuds of the generators voltage hammered into his prostate and shot through his member, causing his body to jerk. The shepherds moaning yelps grew quiet for he found no time to catch his breath. The last thing he was able to realize was the goats amused voice "Don't act, I can see you dripping!", before he drowned in a world of rhythmic electro-stimulation.

The two figures took their time to remove the whole electric fence. When they were down they spent another lot of time to make the sheep scatter over the fields before they would go to sleep. Marcus meanwhile, overstimulated and painfully sensible, was unable to count or even realize the amount of his orgasms. After the rhythmic jolts had stopped he was unfixed by the force and right away dropped into the grass. At least he was able to watch the goat slip in the puddle of Marcus' seed before he lost consciousness.


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