Dante's Awakening...Chapter 9

Story by RuthofPern on SoFurry

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#9 of Dante's Awakening

Rena get's what she wants...but acquires something else she was not anticipating too!

Chapter 9.

"Good night?" Miles queried with a gryphgrin, as Dante and Rena descended the stairs from the suite they had been allocated. Her fur was still a little ruffled, and Dante's eyes were just slightly off colour, "Was the wine a little much for you Princess?"

"It was a delightful...night, Lord," Rena responded with a yawn, "The bed was so good that I have struggled to rise from it, and therefore apologize for my somewhat un-groomed appearance."

"And the bathtub too...no doubt..." Miles suggested, gryphgrinning again as Dante swung his head to stare at him...Miles winked with one of his enormous eyes.

Rena registered the wink, and glared at their host, "Have you been spying on us?" she asked, slipping her hand down to her scabbard. She was dressed in her usual outfit, wanting to present a no nonsense front to all the traders she would be dealing with today. A glint of steel showed as she threatened to draw...

Miles just chuckled, "Eagles have superb hearing Princess...trust me when I say that there was no need to spy upon you, as I have the hearing range of my purely avian ancestors. And I do after all have the suite next to yours. Stone walls only block so much noise..."

Rena flushed, "Ahh...I am sorry..." she started.

Miles held his hand-paws up, "No need to be...but I wish you had told me of your rather unusual relationship before last night's dinner...I would not have been so forthcoming with you..."

"Ahem...before last night, our relationship had been purely professional..." Dante said, glancing up as Captain Aspenall appeared, "I think the nature of the attack we suffered before arriving here, and the increasing strength of our blood binding, combined with the safety and comfort of this castle...things sort of got a little out of control..."

"And well I kind of forced the situation..." Rena finished for him.

"Am I missing something I should know about?" Aspenall asked, as Miles started walking towards the dining area for breakfast.

"Only the obvious, mentor...use your nose. Your employers need to use the bathtub again before they venture out on the street, or their secret taboo will be out in the open," Miles pointed out.

Aspenall sniffed at the air, and turned to face Rena and Dante, "Were you attacked again last night?" he asked concerned, the all too obvious smell of stale sex washing over his senses.

Miles burst out laughing as Rena turned scarlet, and Dante's eyes flushed pink with embarrassment, "Oh there was certainly an attack of some sort!" the Gryphon snorted through his guffawing, "Though not from an external source..."

Aspenall took a second to realize what Miles was on about, and his jaw dropped... "Oh..." was all he could respond.

"It will not affect the quest...Captain. I assure you that we will be discreet and professional at all times..." Rena started.

"Impossible in a camp...Shieldmates are always found out about...and you two cannot hide yourselves in a tent," the otter sighed, "I have no idea what the men will think of this..."

"The men will have to cope." Dante stated flatly, "I was doing my upmost to stop this from happening. And I am pretty sure that our host there can tell you...Interaction of this type between a species my size, and a normally proportioned fur...is not exactly practical, or quiet." He indicated at Miles, who just nodded, "Had I known the ramifications of casting a blood oath between those of opposite sexes at the time...I would have found another way as this could lead to heartbreak."

Rena glanced at him with half closed eyes, "You mean you couldn't love me without the oath?" she asked sharply.

"I mean that I Wouldn't love you without it, as I would force myself not to. You are a dangerous, totally and utterly ruthless bitch...but you are also beautiful, loving, and vulnerable when not on edge. Of course I love you Rena...and I think that I am stupidly lucky to have someone like you to love me back...But you admitted it yourself...You are just too focussed too love with your heart...or at least you were. I was looked upon by you as just another target." Dante stated, as her body relaxed a little, the tension seeping from her again.

"It would appear that magic and oaths can be both a curse and a blessing..." she muttered before turning and pulling his head down to plant a kiss on his lips. "If I ever lose focus in a fight though, I may force you to dispel the binding if you can."

"Or if I want to..." Dante whispered, his breath ruffling her head fur.

"Ahem..." Miles cleared his throat, "Now that you have that off your chests...may I suggest we dine? Then you can go and fill my tax coffers in the city?"

Dante grinned as Rena stifled a chuckle, "Very well...I apologize again for us disturbing your rest..."

"No apology needed, I just called for one of my consorts. The she bear in question is quite used to me...and well she would not complain either as a mutual night was had by us both."

Dante nodded, "Well I fear that you may have need for her for the next couple of nights too," he stated, causing Rena to flush again.

Miles just chuckled, "A situation that I am sure she will not bemoan. I pay her well with trinkets, as she knows full well a Mateship is out of the question between us."

"Speaking of which, Miles...Why are there no patters of Gryphlets around here? You have the power and position to send a ship across the ocean and seek a Mate." Aspenall asked, changing the subject slightly.

Miles dipped his head, "I tried that, mentor...There are things that you do not know about my species Aspenall. The furs that you consider to be normal in size here in these lands...serve us, in ours. Eighty five percent of them are indentured from birth. By employing and working with or for you all, instead of...owning and commanding you...I am still a slave in their eyes. Therefore no female gryphon will ever look me in the eye. Only the trading pacts stop any ships that dock in their lands from being seized and their crews enslaved. That was why I was such a prize, you see? One of the overlords children, seized and being forced to become one of the serfs...For my rescue, I will always be grateful...Captain."

"You could go back now though, couldn't you?" Dante asked as they took positions at the main dining table.

Miles shrugged, "Why should I? I have a life here now that I couldn't possibly emulate over there. I am wealthy, independent, happy, and am part of the nobility...at least for the period of time I hold office. I don't lack for female company...and have no hankering for children. The fact that I pay my staff, and not just presume upon them for no gain...gives me piece of mind as well...There is no indentured fur anywhere in Gilensia, I freed them all, and threw out those that kept them when I took my position."

"That could have made enemies..." Aspenall said.

"Ones which I am happy to have...No slave ship will ever enter, nor depart my harbour while I am in charge. Crown allegiance or not, the King has granted me leave to do as I wish as long as his revenues don't drop. In fact they have risen. The next election is in three sevendays...I will be sad to leave the castle here then, as I am sure you know that Gilensia's Lord cannot hold their position for more than two years in a row. I will stand again in two years, naturally. As is...I will be placing my backing on a female raccoon who is a freed pleasure slave that started up with her parting gift from a one of the few generous masters out there. She has built a business almost as strong as mine over the last ten years." Miles shrugged, "She will not undo the good I have done if my influence is enough to get her in."

"We can only hope that that is the case then," Rena replied, "And if any enemies should give you too much trouble...well your Mage got out of Flaughten that I am not just a Princess, as I mentioned at the gate yesterday, and I am totally discreet..." She let the comment hang heavily in the air for a minute as she ate.

Miles swallowed, "I shall bear that in mind then...and maybe one of the castle Mages should take your spell signature for if I am required to call on your services in the future."

Rena nodded, "Remind me of that, before we depart."

Miles returned the acknowledgement, "So what exactly are you looking to trade today?" he asked, changing the subject.

Rena glanced at Dante to explain, "Though I have a large amount of coin in my horde, for ease of transportation we elected to carry mainly gems...and some platinum pieces. Now we have transportation and wages to pay, we need to convert some of the gems into ready cash. I am led to believe by Rena that some of the ones we have with us could well buy half the kingdom on their own..." Dante replied.

Miles hissed through his beak, "You will not be able to get their true value here you know..." he stated.

"We know...and we also know that they are likely to be cut down by whichever gemsmith purchases them, as they are virtually untradeable in their current forms," Rena replied, "One of the yellow diamonds we have is over fifty carats."

Miles shook his head, "So you will be after coin...Platinum, gold and silver I presume?"


"You may have to accept smaller jewels as well...in fact I know you will have to."

"Pearls as well..." Rena pointed out, "We had few of those, and they easily swap hands."

Miles nodded, "Get your escort to take you to Loup's on the barracks wall first, and then Twilus's. They are the only two in the city with the trading power and reserves to give you the fairest price. Do not be afraid to bargain with them, but you will be lucky to get more than say...two pounds of gold per carat, no matter how rare the stones."

Rena tilted her head to one side in acknowledgement, "That is what I will aim for then, starting off of course, at four pounds. I will need more supplies as well, and horses."

Miles gryphgrinned, "That the city can provide, for coin, so trade first. You can beat those traders down verbally as much as you want!"

Rena chuckled, "Will Aspenall have trouble hiring on my behalf at the moment?"

"No...there are at least two companies and a few individuals in the mercenary barracks...I was thinking about hiring one of them myself for my last month to clear out the Southern road which has become a bit troublesome recently."

"Southern road?" Rena asked sharply.

"Ah ha...You were not planning on taking that route, were you?" Miles asked.

"I am backtracking to the only home I have ever known in order to pick a cold trail, and I know it to be South of here, so yes..." Rena replied.

"Well there is no Kingdom ruled by your family name on the coast of the ocean...but why don't you hire a crew and space on a trader to sail to say Port Humalie in the Kingdom of Harrussus on the South coast? That could take about six, sevendays, but an awful lot easier than travelling on horseback... though not as easy as by wing," he nodded towards Dante.

"The idea has merit...Ma'am," Aspenall said, backing Miles up.

Rena thought for a second, not wanting to blow her cover in front of Miles, "Enquire at the docks then, Captain," she said after a minute, before eating her last spoonful of honey sweetened porridge from her bowl, "But I want a coastal ship only...Erm...Open ocean storms could cost us everything."

"Very well, Ma'am," Aspenall replied, a slight grin passing across his muzzle, "I shall hire the additional company and buy horses first, before heading down to the docks to hunt availability on ships and trading for supplies...and information on our quarry."

Rena nodded, "I will leave that in your capable hands then Captain. Make sure that the mercenaries know that they are going to be Mage bound, just like you are. Come up to our room in half a mark for the remainder of our coin in order to pay holding deposits...that will give us time to attend to our neglected toilettes!" With that she stood, walking off towards the stairs again.

Dante just shrugged, "I think I had better follow," he pointed out, his talons skittering across the stone floors after her.

Miles just looked down at Aspenall, "Why don't you resign the quest...? Come join me here in Gilensia, or go back to Polomavit townne...It could be Aspenall townne now, you know...Their relationship could cause a lot of problems for you, and you know it," he said quietly.

Aspenall sighed, "Just another complication...they found me drunk in a bar, drowning my sorrows, so to speak. At the time, I had nothing to lose, or I may have dug a little deeper into what I was signing up for. I can't resign the quest...me and all the men with me from the guard are Mage bound by her to protect them both to our last breaths. The pay is good though, and they have so far proven to be excellent to work for, and if I survive...well I will have a good retirement."

Miles chuckled, "Not as good as being Lord of a townne...Or did you not hear me?"

"Oh I heard you...Polomavit is hardly going to step down and hand over the reins to the Captain he deposed in favour of a show piece like Frendrick," Aspenall replied flatly, not looking up so his eyes could not betray the fiction.

Miles burst out laughing, "A messenger knocked on the gates last night after we all retired Captain. He stopped only for a change of horse and to inform the night guard of his message. Polomavit is dead, and you know it...What exactly did he do to insult my guests, and your employers?" Aspenall glanced around the room, taking in the two guards, and the odd server who remained within it. "Oh do not worry about the staff...they are all bound by the castle Mages too...nothing they hear can be passed on outside without the ruling Lord's permission." Miles dismissed.

"If you know, then why are they not in chains, and my men all fighting yours to try and get them released?" Aspenall hissed, "And I would have to be trying to kill you as well due to the terms of my binding..."

Miles gryphgrinned again, "Because Polomavit was an ass...And I have no intention turning over Rena and Dante to the King's soldiers for his death. How did they do it?"

"Mage sending of one of his own daggers...One of the men had acquired it from his salle, and as she was binding him, she discovered it."

"Then you will have to give me the gossip...Care to join me in my study for a tumbler of distillate before we both begin our day's tasks?" Miles asked, stretching as he got up from his crouch.

Aspenall smiled, "Don't mind if I do...though only one..."


"Put your bloody bows down and answer my question!" Kalaw shouted, as another arrow pinged off his Mage shields. He was getting a pissed off now. He had been sat like a sitting duck a few hundred yards from the barricaded mercenary village for half a mark while they wasted their shafts on him. "If I had wanted to attack you, none of you would be alive now. Do you have any companies available for hire?"

The arrows ceased coming, and a rather corpulent capybara dressed in officer's clothing stuck his head up above the palisades. "Who's asking?" he enquired.

"Who do you think, you stupid bastard...What am I, an illusion?" Kalaw asked. This was the third place he had visited, and his patience was thinning. The other two were empty down to just the housekeepers, whores and kids. Seems there were a lot of petty skirmishes going on that required additional troops around at the moment. "Do you have any companies available?"

"Depends on what for..." the officer replied.

"Assassination of two targets...Take one out, and the other dies due to a blood oath between them. One is a half trained assassin Mage, a wolf bitch not out of her teens. The other is a dragon who looks almost exactly like me."

"What do you want a company for? You could hire a couple of assassins instead for half the monies."

"I have sent many assassins after the dragon...all have failed because they didn't do what I instructed them too. The bitch is a complication that has only just come on the scene, and her ability is unknown. They are travelling with at least one company of ex-crown soldiers, and part of the dragon's horde." Kalaw stated.

"Why don't you kill them yourself?" The capybara asked, "You are obviously imbued with some magical ability."

"The dragon is my hatchmate brother...If you even half intelligent, you will know that alone prevents me from doing it myself."

The capybara nodded, "Did the other assassins survive?" he asked.

"No...They killed the target, but they didn't survive as they were killed by him when he was revived by a magic bracelet he wears," Kalaw sighed, "They should have removed his head while he was still dead, or the arm which wears the bracelet."

"So this bugger comes back to life?" the officer asked.

"Yes...unless his head is removed or the bracelet. However, now he is now blood bound to this bitch. Kill her and remove her head, and he will die. I want to hire a full company at least this time, no more fucking around. Avoid the dragon if you want, go for the easy target, the bitch...but they must die." Kalaw growled.

"Watcha want him dead for?" The mercenary asked.

"None of your fucking business..."

The officer grinned, picking at his huge buck teeth, "Betcha I can guess...you want your brother's power though blood link...you parents chose him over you to continue your clan line." Kalaw just glared at him, "What? Think that because I am a Merc I am thick? Used to be a Captain in the Harrussus National Guard before I had had enough one day, and went AWOL. Much better pay when you work as an independent. Assuming your credit is good, where are the targets currently?"

"My credit is good...and the targets are in Gilensia at the moment..."

The capybara whistled, interrupting, "By the time we get there, they will be long gone..."

"If you would let me finish...I said presently. I know exactly where they are going, and where they are likely to head after arriving there." Kalaw spat out, "Now are you lot available for hire, or am I wasting my time?"

"Will you keep our hedge mage informed if their direction changes and changes in their numbers...? I assume you are scrying their whereabouts at the moment." The Merc asked.

"Of course..."

"Twenty pounds of platinum or equivalent in advance, the remainder of the horde they are transporting, and their horses when they are all dead...That buys you two companies, consisting of forty head each. Everyone dies, including their escorts...no one will live to spread the tale of who got them. Both corpses will lose their heads after execution. You will hire more local men to join us if we consider it expedient, if their escort has grown beyond what we can handle."

"Twenty pounds!?! That is ridiculous!" Kalaw exclaimed.

"Take it or leave it dragon...We are not suicidal, we are Mercs. Got kids and whores in here that need men to feed them. We don't come back; it buys them new lodging with another company somewhere else. The prime target is a known risk with magical protection, who has slain all who have come after him before...That makes him expensive. Now deal or not? I don't dicker...you pay the price or fuck off!"

Kalaw grumbled, "And if I decide to flatten your palisade for your impudence?" he asked.

"Then you have no companies...there are no others available around here. We are being optioned by someone else at the moment, but they ain't paid up yet. Spill the Plat, and well, first come, first served."

"Will you take it in gems and gold...got no platinum at the moment." Kalaw asked.

"As long as my appraisal officer approves the gems value...then yes. Easier to shift on in any case. Now deal or not...? I tire."

"You have a deal then..." Kalaw spat, "I will be back tomorrow...Do not think of reneging."

The capybara grinned, "Done...first light if you will. We will stop them from killing you, or we will die trying. I value our reputation."

Kalaw stared at him, "What do you mean?"

The officer chuckled, "It is bloody obvious that you are scared of them. There is no way a dragon of your obvious magical abilities would spill their horde for the sake of a base family rivalry. You are in the shit, you are sinking over your head and you need someone to throw you a rope before you drown in your own refuse. We are that rope. My guess is that your brother has suddenly realised who is trying to kill him. Get your arse back here by first light, and we will save your scales for another day, or we take the other party's offer. We will be ready to ride out to wherever you tell us you want us to try an interception...or we can just sit pretty and guard your cave and wait for them to come to you? Dealer's choice...you are paying after all."

"You ain't sitting pretty...For that money, they will never reach this land. I will be here as the sun creeps above the horizon. But spend your wage wisely and quickly Captain...cause with the insults you have thrown my way today...my bonus to you will be a quick and painless death if you succeed." Kalaw threatened, spitting a small ball of fire at the palisade just under where the Captain stood, the flames blossoming out on the dry timber as he turned and took flight, leaving the cursing and shouts of the Mercs behind as they tried to dowse the flames.


"Bunch of fucking rip-off merchants..." Rena grumbled under her breath as Dante flicked the door to their suite closed behind them with his tail.

"Miles did warn you this morning..." he commented as she flopped onto the bed in an undignified heap.

She removed her skullcap, unpinning her hair and shaking it loose. "Still doesn't excuse the rates we got..." she muttered.

"And what of the rates you beat out of the seamstresses and leather workers? Did you really need all that new clothing, or all those boots and new armour?" he asked.

"Wait until I get to the blade-smith's tomorrow...It is a game to them, part of the lifeblood of trading, the dickering. Would have liked to have got more than that though for the gems..." she gestured at the pair of squat oak chests that were bound with iron and locked tightly, which now resided by the door where they had been delivered earlier. She started unlacing her chest plate, revealing the keys that hung on a silver chain between her breasts. "Should have got four chests for what we gave them..." she grumbled as her leather pleated skirt dropped next. "And I sort of went a bit rabbit in front of a campfire didn't I? Sorry...It is your money after all..."

Dante chuckled. "You could say that...I was tempted to get Flaughten to drag you out of that last haberdashery. Less than a fifth of my carried gems have been changed, so we are hardly poor. We are going to need another couple of pack horses..."

Rena growled at him, unlacing her boots and them dropping them and her bra and panties to join the rest of her clothes on the floor, "We would have needed a new Lieutenant then if you had..." she threatened, sashaying over to him and planting a kiss on his snout as his eyes wandered over her, her distraction effectively silencing him, "Now be a good dragon and let the porters in when some of my none tailored shopping arrives...I am going to wash up in the tub before the evening meal." She patted his thigh as she passed, her tail switching under his belly before she slipped into the bathing room, not bothering to close the door.

Dante swallowed hard, "You know Rena...you should start doing your assassin runs naked...No male could possibly stop you when you do that..." he said.

Chuckling started, before the sound of running water drowned it out, "But where would be the sport in that?" she shouted out at him, "Besides I am as flat and as plain as a board, they would be more than likely as not try and laugh me out of their houses."

Dante wandered over to the door and watched her as she stepped into the tub, her strong callused hands spilling the waters over her dust impregnated fur as she began washing off the city's stink, "You are beautiful..." he commented, his body trying to override his mind again as his scales tightened on his belly.

She glanced over her shoulder at him, "Eyes off Dante...love...At least until we have eaten. Then we will see if we can't work something out between us. I got my herbs, I took them with lunch...and as you can tell from my scent, they have worked. But I still want you...and not just your tongue tonight."

"I told you Rena...that is just not possible. Much as dying in bed would be a nice thing...I would prefer my last wisp of consciousness not to be focussed on trying to revive you from my own actions," he protested.

Rena grinned at him, "I have ideas...and one of the sea otter seamstresses seemed perfectly willing to talk shop while she was measuring me up...She wanted to take you for a test drive after seeing you through the window, you know. Seen as you were not burning and pillaging and all that! She knew that as she hadn't been a virgin since...well let us say she was born into the industry, she would never get to try a dragon as an abducted maiden!"

Dante's jaw dropped, "I really hope you didn't..." he started, "And we never do that...at least not in recent history..." he protested.

Rena burst out laughing. "Don't be daft! I said you were all mine, and if she wanted you, she would have to come through me to get you."

There was a knock on the suite's door, and Dante turned, trying to hide his flushed eyes as he went to answer it, ignoring the sorts of humour behind him. He let the porters in, his eyes narrowing slightly as another three chests were dropped off. "Thanks guys...I seems your boss is going to be happy from the tax revenues my partner is generating," he joked, getting a grin from them.

"It would appear so, Master dragon. Now we must be off. The meal will be served in half a mark," the raccoon leading the six replied, tipping his head in deference before shooing the others out of the suite.

Dante turned the key, locking it before turning back towards the bathing room, "Make that five more pack horses..." he muttered, entering it without asking.

Rena chuckled again, futilely trying to brace herself on the tub's sides as he picked her up and dunked her under the water. She came up spluttering, "What did you do that for?" she asked indignantly.

"Food is in half a mark...You had better get primped up and choose something from that heap of stuff that has just been dropped off. I wish furs would go naked like us dragons...we never wear clothing," he replied grumpily.

"Ooh...Do I have a disgruntled dragon in my paws?" she teased.

"How the hell are we going to haul everything? I thought you wanted to be discreet. At this rate we might as well have buglers announcing the march of an army! This Kalaw is going to know we are coming from leagues away!" Dante protested as she stepped out of the tub, dripping on the tiled floor before reaching for a towel.

"He already knows we are on the way, what our strengths are, and our numbers. I cannot block his location scrying because of your blood link. You want me to be a Princess...? Well I am going to have to start acting like one or our ruse will be up. I cannot afford to leave a trail of dead nobles behind us when they offend me, or suss us. Better to look the part and be invited as guests in Townnes and Cities. Being a warrior Princess, I can get away with not having a maid and dresser though...be thankful for that!"

Dante rolled his eyes, "So I invited this upon myself, did I?" he asked.

Rena leaned forward and kissed him, "Of course you did...when you didn't eat me and invented my new identity..."

"I think I ate you in a manner of speaking last night instead..." Dante commented, getting a towel whip across his snout for his efforts.

"Too true...Now come on, help me dress. We wouldn't want to keep our host waiting!"

Dante shook his head, following in her wake back into the main room, ready to act as her maid!


"Lie on the bed," Rena commanded when they returned from dining.

Dante complied, belly down with a smirk on his face, "Eager aren't we?"

"On your back, you great oaf...How I am I meant to play with you belly down?"

"You are still serious about this?" Dante queried as he rolled over, watching her with slitted eyes as she peeled out of the lemon yellow dress she had selected. She has not bothered with a bra, and the whole bloody meal's conversation had been disrupted by Miles, Aspenall's and his eyes being drawn to her nipples as they fought to punch through the silk every time she moved.

Rena nodded, "As serious as if I were going to assassinate someone. Only tonight, the only thing being assassinated is my sign of maidenhood. Now up and attem...Can't do anything with your belly as flat as my chest."

Dante sighed, letting his control slip as she undid her panties and rolled them up, stuffing them onto the tip of his snout so their dampness and scent could prove to him, her readiness. His cock began to emerge from his pouch, as she hopped up onto the bed and knelt on his stomach, facing him. "You still smell of heat," he muttered as he shook his nose to free it of the sheer silk triangles.

Rena grinned, "Yup...herbs only suppress the side effects. If you were another canine, I could still get pregnant doing this tonight. I won't though, so you ain't getting out of this one!" She turned and flagged her tail, pressing the raw source of her scent up against his neck as she reached out and began running her fingers over his emerging cock, "You going to warm and lube me up then?"

Dante sighed, "What exactly did your new sea otter friend tell you about this sort of thing then?" he asked, slipping his tongue out to do as instructed as she leant into his swipes with a sigh of pleasure.

"Oh this and that...and that she had entertained our host successfully...And had even dabbled with some erotically trained circus stallions in her youth in a show," she drew in a sharp breath as his tongue pressed against her chastity.

"So you think that because she, a whore from birth could possibly handle someone my size...you can?" Dante asked with a hiss as she wrapped her lips around his tip as it came within reach of her.

"With practice...yes. She is smaller than me, and...well...It is only muscle control and discipline, which I have plenty of...Never try to hilt," she mumbled like a mantra, her tongue circling him with her every word.

"What do you mean?" Dante queried as she swallowed his pointed glans for a second.

She coughed, spitting him out, "Fuck...that is more difficult than she said," she exclaimed. "You are wet enough now though for the next step."

"You didn't answer my question," Dante pointed out, as she pulled away from his muzzle and turned around to face him, "And I am guessing now that you were not only being measured up..."

Wrapping her legs around his now fully aroused shaft, she sat gingerly, it rubbing along her puffy lips which were dripping with his saliva and her arousal, "I mean...that when pleasuring partners too big for her, she says that you must stay in charge and on top..." She slid backwards down his length, leaning forward so her small breasts enveloped it with her actions. She hugged it to her neck and chin, tongue slathering his glans again as her thighs flexed, kneading his base where it emerged from his body.

Dante just lay there passively, watching and trying to keep control as his heart rate increased, and her improvised pole dance progressed...his bracelet began to glow green again, bathing them both in its worrying light, "I can't hold much longer Rena..." he murmured as his cock involuntarily jumped, spitting some more pre out onto his chest.

Rena just smiled, increasing her pace as she used the lubrication to slide further up, never leaving off her inner thigh clenching until his tip jumped up and jammed on the underside of her tail as she knelt on all fours on his belly, "It is time, I think..." she said, her whole front matted and soaked in his maleness. Reaching one hand underneath herself, she guided his point down, and he felt the heat surround it and the barrier press on him as she moaned. "Gotta take this slowly..." she whispered, letting her breasts press against his wing pectorals, breathing almost as heavily as him as she kissed the base of his neck.

"You're scared...I can smell your fear mixed with your arousal...You don't have to do this..." Dante gasped, his words cut off mid flow.

"I do..." she whispered back, and with a hiss, pushed herself backwards a couple of inches in a single smooth motion, groaning as her maidenhood gave and her thighs were pushed apart from within. "Fuck!"

"Y...you...you...alright?" Dante panted, as tears ran from her eyes, the iron smell of blood suddenly filling his nostrils as a runnel of said liquid ran down his shaft.

"Y...Y...yes..." she stammered, clenching her peristaltic muscles periodically as her canal adjusted to its spreading, "But I fear that is as much as I can take for tonight..." she panted.

Dante nodded, "You want to pull off then?" he asked, the green glow deepening in hue, "Before it is too late."

Rena shook her head, "Soothe my pain with your orgasm..." she begged, bringing her ankles together, manipulating the throbbing thickness between them.

Dante swallowed hard, "You know that could hurt you more..."

Rena just growled, tensing every muscle she could around him, repeatedly fingering her own clit with her loose hand until she flipped into a full orgasm from the stimulation, her mouth opening with a feral howl that threatened to rattle the windows.

The simulation was too much...Dante closed his eyes and let nature be...A spasm wracked his cock, lifting her clear of his belly for just a few seconds, before the orgasmic maelstrom around his glans caused it to flare, new blood joining the virginal stream as the violent expansion tore her V slightly and her howl became mixed with a scream of pain. Internal balls contracted, squirming against her ankles within his shaft, trying to find the pressure required for his draconic tie, but failing as his own essence began to spew from them, filling her aching tract and soothing the final itch of her maidenhood with its flow. His bracelet flared in the dark suite, almost blinding him for the first time. Then his cock burst free, the void filled beyond holding and fountains of his seed plastered them both as his consciousness slipped away.

Rena blinked away further tears from the light flashes that were burning her retinas with afterglow. She was on fire, both inside and out, her loins aching with pain as her normally flat stomach belled slightly before flattening out again as her sex emptied of Dante's gift of possible life once his glans had popped free. Though consciousness had gone from her now somnolent partner, his bracelet continued to glow, cycling shades of green varying from emerald through to the darkest and most-damp of forests...almost black in hue.

Her body froze...A spell taking her unawares into its grasp, her tongue unable to move in order to sub-vocalize a counter as the oldest of old magic stole her breath from her body. Her eyes tracked around the room, her mind wanting to scream for help as the bracelet began to writhe in her vision, splitting and dividing into two separate strings of...She didn't know...until four diamond-bright pinpricks of light shone from the thickest point in the green mass.

"Why did you make the choisssssse child...? Why did you complicate your livessssss sssssso...?"

A sibilant hissing sounded in her skull, the four diamond eyes blinking at her as the two miniature crested, dragon snakes released their tails from their mouths. "What choice?" she thought back desperately.

"Why the choisssssse to Mate and fall in love with a dragon of the Draconissssss order...A dragon of the mosssssst powerful Mage clan of all time...And to capture hissssss heart...?"

"I...I...Don't love him..." She protested, "And I didn't..."

"Hisss sss ss sss sss ssss ss ss ss..." the creatures laughed, before one broke free and dashed across the short space between them, green flashing across the black scales of her lover's belly before it's green tongue pierced her left breast, tasting her heart within, and leaving a needle of pain behind as it withdrew, before winding sinuously around her neck, pausing as if considering for the briefest of seconds before slipping down her spine, across her dripping sex and then forming a garter-like circlet around her thigh with a brief constriction that burnt her with a pain worse than any suffered in her prior life. "You two are now one child...You gave your greatesssssst gift to him...The choisssssse hassssss been made...We know...Your heartssssss are forever linked until your deathssssss...Sssssso we ssssssplit to ssssssave you until your blood oath is over. We cannot contrive for you to have offsssssspring, your bodiessssss are jusssssst too different. Sssssso when the quesssssst is over, and the one that warped our protectionssssss upon Dante is dead, you musssssst sssssshare him if you sssssstay with him. The clan musssssst go on, and for that to happen a ssssssuitable dragonessssssssssss musssssst be found...If you block that...We will kill you, assssss the clan leader issssss the mosssssst important of our ten millennia chargessssss. You need not bleed yoursssssself now to revive hissssss sssssshort term memoriessssss...that much we can do for you together, if not for him alone at pressssssent. His clan memoriessssss and magic casssssssting ability can only be resssssstored when Kalaw'ssssss geissssss upon ussssss issssss lifted...Until then...You are the true sssssspell-casssssster, and you have ssssssoul accessssssssssss to hissssss heart'ssssss resssssservessssss assssss long assssss you are within ssssssight of each other...Do not burn yoursssssself up ussssssing it though... assssss you are unable to channel that much power through your more fragile body often. We go now...return to our watchful ssssssleep...Do not try and remove my ssssssisssssster from your thigh, assssss sssssshe will kill you assssss effectively assssss sssssshe will now ssssssave your life...we sssssspared you the humiliation of a collaring, but you belong to her now assssss if you were Dante'ssssss reprodussssssing mate..."

"Wait!" she screamed mentally...but it was too late.

Her body slumped as it was released from the ancient magic's grip and the light faded. She collapsed flat to Dante's belly exhausted...eyes unable to stay open as every single ounce of her magical reservoir had been drained. "Oh Fucccckkkk!" whispered from her lips as both their chests virtually stilled, only the play of their hot breaths revealing that they still lived to the world around them...