BioLab 1

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#7 of BSI

Gina Catgirl and Jakefox told you about people getting animal DNA and becoming fursons. Here's the flipside -- animals getting human DNA.

BioLab 1 - 2009-0728.1822

TechLog, BioSyn Lab 4, Friday January 5, 2007 2007`0105F0827 Head of Research. Dr. Thomson Back from New Year holiday, lab seals intact. Check product, cages seem OK, beasts fed and watered. Waste removed, presumed flushed. See to Red Fourteen, make sure silly beast hasn't locked itself in cage again. Return to Recom order list.

Melissa finished typing and SAVEd the file. Red was on the floor, kneeling like a good slave. Red was a male Fox-Human DNA hybrid and he'd passed Mel's skill test. They'd spent a good hour and a half this morning while It had told her about its weekend of caring for Alexa the Kitty and Edgar the idiot Polar Bear. Mel sighed.

What the hell were those fool Security people thinking, assigning an R3G2 Guard to her research lab? None of the beasts was bright enough to take a paperclip or pencil, much less steal Biological Synthetics research. And she certainly wouldn't. Oh sure, BioSyn had competitors in making Recombinant DNA products, people who would pay a lot for a peek at her job log or behind the glass doors of her lab where the Kawazuki DNA AutoSynths sat cooking stinking soup into strands and eventually, things like Edgar, Alexa, and Red.

But Mark Harris and Tom Warner, who started the company fifteen years ago, still held the patents. And all the others who paid license fees were still getting the technology cheap. Mark and Tom had figured out in their garage, what everyone else had failed to realize, that DNA research was a boondoggle waste of taxpayer money. M&T made a product, they didn't care about complete genomes, and they made several fortunes from hospitals, doctors, insurers and the US Government.

Only a few years ago it was a big deal waste of time -- US Healthcare reform. M&T blew the debate apart, as if everyone had been trying to walk everywhere, worrying about paying for shoes, and M&T suggested using horses! Or they'd been building houses out of mud all these centuries and M&T said 'just make brick!' Sure you need new tech-nology, but look what you get!

Blood plasma with proteins but no antigens so no blood clot rejection. Insulin without sheep pancreases, or E. coli risk. Bone and blood, also pure, no matching problems. Whole organs, no tissue typing, just put 'em in and they work! No more expensive tests, do 'em again to make sure you don't get sued. Complete waste of money, make docs do it right the first time! Or they get fired, just like real people with real jobs. Heck, even cancer, the Big C, was stopped dead in its tracks, BioSyn parts were organic but artificial and they didn't run

In a sense, the healthcare system just collapsed. Good Rid-dance to Bad Methods! Risk just simply vanished! Someone gets cuts or abrasions, BioSyn salve eats germs, speeds healing to hours, not weeks! Car accident? BioSyn blood and body parts, organic, the new you!

Smoking damaged your lungs? Replace 'em! While you're at it, BioSyn lungs are better and stronger, don't get diseases! They just react to nicotine, you cough too much to light up! Alcohol messing up your liver? New BioSyn organs work better, you still get the taste but not the bad health effects! This way, no more bad health habits!

Docs and nurses don't have to figure out what went wrong anymore, just where! New cheaper tests with Recom DNA, clear out cholesterol, clear out all the sick junk in your blood, make you better, stronger, faster simply because you have better health, you just use the natural parts you have left to full potential. No joint pain, you walk or run places, better for your health anyway. Fewer cars, less smog, healthier air, planet doesn't get messed with.

Ooh, I forgot, BioSyn organics gobble up oil spills like a huge towel, just squeeze 'em over a new tanker, oil comes back out! Less need, less waste, less money for the religious hotheads who condemn the USA but take our money and use it to buy weapons to attack us!

Yeah, Mel thought through all this stuff. Why were old-fashioned Mark One Mod Zero humans so self-destructive? She was better than them, anytime, anywhere, at anything.

Red Fourteen was still on its knees, waiting to serve. OK, technically Red was a 'he' and Alexa a 'she' but Mel thought of all the beasts as 'it', why not, they were cooked up in a lab! In this very one in fact, right there where the organic-soup vats bubbled, the 'Synths building strands as her computers directed, making Animals with Organs, Chordate Vertebrate Jaws-and-Four-Limbs Mammals.

Yeah, Edgar the Polar Bear Guard was cooked across the hall in Lab Three, same up to Mammal. But it was Recombinant DNA Level 3, just enough brain to run its body and obey very simple verbal commands. Edgar was just the next name on a list, the thing wasn't he or she, didn't have sex parts, didn't need 'em. None of the damn beasts really did, they couldn't reproduce, that was her little tweak. But the Recom Level Fours, now, were made as servants. They needed more intelligence as slave property; different ones were general servants like waiters, or house servants like Alexa the maid, or personal servants like Red.

R3s were stupid, on purpose. If you told Edgar "come over here and stand by me and hold this tray", it'd just stay where it was, because you said too much at once for it to understand. It didn't know what you wanted, didn't know the word 'understand'. You had to say "Edgar, come here", it could figure out it was Edgar, and where 'here' was. OK, it had *some* language skills. It even knew to stop before bumping into you 'here'. Then "stand by me" and "hold this tray" it would do until someone told it more or it fell over from hunger.

R3s didn't have real body feelings, and no way, nohow anything as complex as mental feelings. They didn't feel pain, just knew if parts didn't work right. Thirst and hunger weren't clear, if you asked them, their eyes would glaze for a second and then they'd say yes or no. Hell, even dumb animals knew that, and R3s didn't!

R3s don't even have enough brains to know if a thief shot them in the head! Someone broke into BioSyn several years ago and shot an R3 guard, an earlier version of Edgar, and damn near blew its whole head off! But Bears have thick skulls, and the thing simply got up from where the bullet threw it, staggered over with one eye gone with half its skull, and the thief was so shocked he stood still while the R3 came up and ripped the thief apart, one arm and leg at a time.

It had been told to Guard, and by golly, that's what it did!

Alexa Kitty was an R4G1 housecat hybrid maid. She kept the whole wing clean, all four levels, remembered where the cart was, knew to swipe her cardkey to get in offices. Didn't know what a cardkey was or the word, just call it 'this thing' and show her on each reader, she'd remember. She knew it was on a chain, hooked to her slave collar, didn't know it gave her name, BioSyn R-type, and security clearance.

Alexa couldn't read her collar, she didn't need to. She didn't read office numbers, just did 'em all, and was told if one didn't open, the little light would stay red, it was OK, just go to the next. She felt better knowing what to do, she was frightened if something New happened. Mel had made her that way, to keep her low and submissive and obedient to Humans, her'an Masters. The word 'an was a reflexive possesive, meant the speaker was owned. Alexa only knew it was the Right Way to Speak.

DNA mixes thought that way; like a dog animal, Duty had Titles. Stay! Roll Over! Play Dead! Sit! Beg! Fetch! Alexa had done a lot of Stay Beg Fetch, before she learned Be a Maid. The Human parts of her DNA let her walk upright and talk, which was mostly "Yes, Master" and "please teach me, Master". The Kitty parts gave her fur, a fun curvy tail to wave at men, a cute flat nose, sensual whiskers, and a sexy short muzzle. She even had humanlike breasts and sex parts, but they were just the way her body was, like her four paws and neck. She was an unskilled labor model, not a personal slave.

In a way it was a waste, but she wasn't bright enough to use as a spy, to overhear conversations. Human words that weren't commands to her went over her head, quite literally. Ask her what they'd said and she had no idea, she wasn't even sure Humans were talking, only that she was doing Duty and they hadn't commanded her.

Red Fourteen, by contrast, was an R4G2 pleasure slave. One of the brightest of the bunch. Not that bright really, dumber than a two-year old in many ways. Could remember what you trained him for and do it repeatedly, like a computer program was very useful but couldn't figure out what you wanted next. OK, tell a word processor to SAVE and it could ask in effect where to save, but couldn't tell if you really wanted to save or if you just forgot you did it already. And if you wanted to keep the original and the new version separately, but just said SAVE, it would destroy the original with the new version. A human would know to keep it, just in case it was needed later.

Red was bright enough to ask, 'destroy the old one, Mistress?' but only because he'd been trained. If you said yes, he'd destroy it, even if you needed it again later. It was always up to the Mistress to realize, no, keep it. All the R3s and R4s were stronger and moved faster than humans of the same equivalent age. Humans wouldn't wait sixteen years for a servant, and BioSyn never knew what people wanted, so mixes were 'quick-grown', a DNA tweak that made them grow up real fast and slow to Human normal around puberty so they could serve human masters for decades.

Unlike an R3G2, an R4 had real sex parts. They didn't work to make babies, but boys and girls grew up to have sex drive and want to please Humans with their parts. R4G1s usually weren't trained but R4G2s were, even waiters would suggest more expensive meals 'for the lady's enjoyment' and leave the result unsaid, 'and maybe the gentleman's enjoyment, later tonight'.

R4G2 sex models were raw, primal, liked rough sex if you wanted it, could take harsh punishment and bounce back for more. Their bodies were made for it, strong, greater endurance than humans, wouldn't get heart attacks with rough Mistresses. Their minds were made for it, wanting sex, needing sex, but never demanding, always submissive for men or women. Available for gentle use, rough use, kinky use, bondage and more vigorous use. Anything a human paid for.

All were just BioSyn's Recombinant DNA products. Living, feeling and seeming to be thinking. But beasts nonetheless, no civil rights; less than beasts, not even animal-abuse laws applied to non-natural animals. They'd scream in pain if you beat them, and some people really get off on that; struggling and fighting the chains to please you and let you feel powerful for mastering such a beast.

Red Fourteen had suffered that way, sold to an insecure man who thought 'being a man' meant beating the crap out of everyone, in trouble with the law over his ex-wife, taking his anger out on Red because he could, legally and morally. It was just Red who suffered, the more so because Mel and BioSyn had messed up his mind, on purpose, never making the brain connections that would let Red hate the man for mistreating him, let Red think about escape. They wouldn't even let Red soothe his suffering by begging for mercy, he was just obeying commands, what he was made for. And no one cared if he suffered.

It was a neighbor who heard Red's canine whimpers, howls, and screams. Inhuman sounds of pain from an inhuman throat, raw from screaming. Red had been taken by Animal Control, his owner cited only for disturbing the peace. Red couldn't talk right until his throat healed, and even then he couldn't accuse his'an Owner of abuse, his mind was too messed up by BioSyn to even realize he'd been messed up! The man had simply been doing what was his right as Owner, Red knew he'd been hurt terribly but couldn't tell it wasn't normal!

It was only Mel who was human and felt remorse for what Red had suffered. She bought him from the city pound and took him home, but he was too terrified she would hit him and she took him to work. He'd been made to feel fear when something New happened but it was nothing compared to what he'd been through with the sadist. Now Red Fourteen was better and was Mel's personal servant in her lab and in the spare room with the cot. He learned the feeding and waste-disposal care of Lab 4's mix residents -- himself, Alexa, and Edgar. He got food and water for them, always measuring carefully the same amount he'd been told. He let the maid out of her cage in the morning and bedded her at night. He unchained Edgar to Guard when people went home in the evening and Edgar knew to let Red lead him back to the big cage in the morning when the Human came in.

Red was even bright enough for simple lab tasks. He'd check Alexa's cleaning work, nothing out of place, and twice in his three months he'd stopped her from breaking something with her tail when she turned quickly. He had no idea what it was, and it wasn't important that he know, but Mel's PDA would've been hurt if it'd fallen. Red was a Good Boy.

Another thing about mixes is they're honest. Too dumb to trick you or lie to you, but they'll obey a command. They can keep a secret if they're told to, and Red Fourteen was keeping a secret because Mel hadn't thought to demand the details, just as he didn't bother Her with trivial stuff like 'I just went to the bathroom and everything came out OK' because he obeyed Her command.

Red was a male R4, Alexa was a female, and both knew what sex parts looked like. She'd noticed Edgar had none, but Red was a boy almost an adult, and none of the mixes wore clothes. Just the fur and collars, just like the family dog. Except mixes wore leather slave collars and cuffs. Alexa had seen Mistress Mel walk into the small room and close the door, then a pause, then the water moving sound. She'd been trained to go there herself, when she needed to, and seen Red and Edgar standing there. She'd seen Red's boy parts hanging and that weird feeling there was something to them, maybe she'd be told about it later. Red and Edgar had another part, that swung a bit, but she didn't know what it was for. How come she didn't have one, was it because she was a Cat mix?

Mistress had trained Edgar and Alexa before Red came, but Red seemed to learn things the first time Mistress showed him, so she felt a little like obeying him. She needed to be shown some things several times, like the thing hanging from her collar that opened doors, but only if she held it just so and put it just this way on just this part with little lights near the door. She thought they just looked pretty and took some time pushing the collar thing, making the lights go red and green and red and green again...

Mixes aren't bright enough to feel jealousy, Alexa simply realized Red learned faster, and he'd never treated her as less than himself. Heck, they both knew Edgar was slow-witted, but it wasn't an insult, it was just the way Humans made a Guard. Insults were nonsense, no one would insult the floor just because it let mixes walk on it, no one would insult an R4G1 Cat for being what she was, what she'd been made for.

Red learned about the door card, and Edgar was just told to ask a Human or Red to let him out when he needed it. He was OK with being locked in the big cage to sleep, he knew how easily Human bodies broke apart in his paws, and that was men. Women like Mistress and mixes would get broken and stop working if he wasn't very careful, and Guard Duty often made him forget. He vaguely knew he would make Red stop working if he even squeezed the fox's small paw, so he let Red lead him. Once he even showed a glimmer of intelligence by handing Red his leash, but that was after seeing Mistress hold Red. Bear see, bear do.

Red Fourteen had been told to Take Care of Mixes Over the Weekend, and he did. Took Care of the Lab while Mel was away, he didn't need to know where. She showed him a box on Her desk and put a big green sticker on the side with a line to a certain button. Push it and let go, see the light go on. Put your front paws on the desk, hear the beeps and touch a finger for each one. If you get done all of them on both paws and don't hear my voice, push the button with the line again. See the light go out? She went out of the lab and told him to try it after she closed the door.

An R4G2 was too dumb to know he was speed-dialing a telephone, but he could follow directions. Mel let her cell phone ring six times then answered. Of course it was Her beast Red Fourteen, and she'd set the speakerphone for all calls. She and Red talked and she went back in, Red knelt like a good slave and greeted her. He seemed very confused when he heard Her voice from Her lips, he'd just listened to it on the phone! Mel told him it was just the way the desk box worked and the slave mix accepted it. He didn't have to understand it or how it worked to Obey his'an Mistress.

If Red ran out of common food for the three mixes, or Bear, Fox, or Cat pouches, he'd push the desk box button for help from Mistress. If the machines started making odd noises or parts flew out, push. If Edgar broke someone, push. Let the Human lab assistants in each day, out for lunch, in again, out for home. She didn't say stay away from Alexa.

So Foxboy and Catgirl started learning about each other. Red was made to please Human women, and Alexa obeyed Men, but his and Alexa's beast instincts found another way to behave. Sure, it was New doing things with each other while Edgar slept during the day or Guarded the Lab wing at night, or Alexa did Maid Duty while Red Checked the Lab. And so they were Afraid at first, but it was like what they were made for, and they *were* beasts, and nature led them by the paws.

Alexa found out what that swinging thing Red had was for, he found out about her breasts and girl part. They both found out it felt good. And they both liked brushing each other's fur, fluffing out Red's tail, getting her to purr. They touched with their paws, then their lips, then their tongues, the raspy feline one moving around the smooth canine one. They curled their tails around each other's, because it felt good. They had absolutely no idea there was such a thing as a security camera, that any eye was there without a Human to scent and kneel down to and obey.

BioLab 2

BioLab 1 - 2009-0731.2341 \* \* \* TechLog, BioSyn Lab 4, Friday January 5, 2007 2007`0105F1008 Head of Research. Dr. Thomson Melissa Thomson looked over the Recom order list. She worked for Biological Synthetics Incorporated in Butte Montana...

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Kevin Foxboy - Bedchains

Kevin Foxboy - BedChains - 2009-0713.0001 I woke up slowly, saw the low morning sunlight. I lay with my eyes closed, enjoyed the softness as I lay on my back, and stretched. Or tried to, I couldn't move more than a few centimeters, I was held by...

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Penal Pleasures 1

Penal Pleasures - 2010-0428.0031 I awoke to a kiss from my chainmate Lorin. Still half asleep, I mumbled "Just a few more minutes Mom", just as if I'd been home, still a cub. But it wasn't Mom and I wasn't in my home den. Lorin kissed me again...

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