Knot Theory (I)

Story by Orvayn on SoFurry

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#1 of Knot Theory

Jake is tired of college being hard instead of fun, so he sets aside a night for the kind of crazy fun college is supposed to be about. But one night stands aren't so simple when you meet again five months later as teacher and student.

Behold, a new series!

Expect weekly updates, until I exhaust either content or creative energy.

Follow me on Twitter (@Orvayn) to keep up with progress!

Comments, speculations, and suggestions welcome.

In hindsight, he wasn't sure what he saw in the guy. It certainly wasn't his sculpted physique or fine taste in drinks: the portly, older rottweiler sat alone at the bar, drinking a glass of red wine and punching keys on his tablet with fingers whose nails had long been gnawed away. The place wasn't exactly what one would call packed, but there were plenty of others that met his criteria lounging around in the dimly-lit pub that more fit the definition of what a gay teenager might find attractive.

Perhaps it was the way the rottweiler's chest and arms bulged with a respectable amount of muscle mass, or the way he sat a head taller in his chair than most others in the bar. Perhaps it was the way his coarse baritone caught the dingo's ears when he ordered his drink. Perhaps it was the narrow-rimmed glasses, or the leather messenger bag stuffed with loose articles slouched against a leg of his chair. Perhaps it was because the rottweiler wasn't exactly the type that normally got lots of attention in places like these: he had the brooding intellectual look more than the hot fuck look.

Whatever the reason for his approach, when Jake took a seat beside the dog and inhaled the male's earthy scent, he knew he'd picked his target.

When he dropped down into the seat beside the dog, the older male's eyes looked lazily over to him... and bingo: when they caught the dingo's form, they snapped open wide, and the rottweiler sat a little straighter. Up-close, he looked to be around thirty: old enough to be independent, with his own job, or maybe be a grad student. More importantly: old enough to not be an undergraduate. He wouldn't run into the rottweiler walking across the campus between classes.

"Hey," the dingo said. "Could I buy you a drink?"

Sixty-eight hours ago, he wouldn't have been able to ask that question unless he'd jumped the border to Canada. The dog smiled, and his baritone shot tendrils of creeping anticipation down the dingo's smile. "Well, I'm running a bit low... how 'bout a sangria?"

Jake thought he'd be much more nervous than this. In fact, he'd questioned his ability to go through with it at all. Maybe it was something about the calm, intelligent tone the older male spoke with that soothed the tension right out of him. The large, older male didn't seem like a threat at all. That, and Jake knew he was smart and clever enough to work his way out of any awful situation he got himself into.

A minute later, two full glasses replaced the one empty one on the stained wood surface of the bar. The rottweiler tilted the light cherry drink to his lips and drank. "My thanks, young man. I must ask: why the generosity?"

"It's my birthday," the dingo said, appending to the statement a sly smile. "People been buying me stuff all week, so it's time I repay the favor." It wasn't exactly true, but as they say, close enough for government work.

The dog's eyes widened again, and he nodded. "Birthday, yeah? How old?"


It was barely perceivable, but a slight twitch in the dog's chops gave away his understanding. "That so? Well, happy birthday. To you." He proffered his drink for a toast and after the clink of glass, brought it to his lips again. This time, he peered at Jake over the lip of his glass. "Got any plans?"

Jake paused a moment to admire the rottweiler's tact. It would, of course, seem inappropriate for the older male to make a move on the much younger dingo. But those words offered a perfect invitation for the dingo to make his approach. Clever.

The dingo smiled. "Not yet, but if all goes well, I might." He leaned in, and took in another breath of the rottweiler's scent. "You see, there's a dog I've had my eye on for a while."

"Yeah?" The rottweiler folded his paws over his broad chest. "What's his name?"

"I don't know," Jake said. Certainty overrode his doubts and hesitation. "I'd really like it if he'd tell me. But I'm shy, and don't know if he likes me."

The rottweiler's ears flicked. "A young man like yourself could get just anything he wants." The big dog extended a mitt. "Name's Sean."

Sean's paw enveloped Jake's smaller one with a firm squeeze. "Jake." He tilted his head. "Anything I want, you say? Well.." He smiled, leaning it just a little closer, so he knew the rottweiler would be able to smell his scent. "I could really use a place to stay tonight..."

Of course, he didn't. He had an apartment of his own, with a roommate of his own, one Joel Kefka. And he was completely sure the rottweiler knew that. The older male chuckled, and for a moment, he looked a little pensive.

"Well," the older male said, and paused to take a sip from his drink, which was now approaching half-empty. "I'm not one to have visitors over very often..."

The dingo wagged. "Can't say I've done much of it in my time, but..." He shrugged. "It's my birthday, you know?"

The rottweiler grinned slyly. He brought his drink to his lips, and in a short series of gulps, downed the rest of it. "Don't worry. I know exactly what you mean. You know... you remind me of me, at your age." He pushed his drink back on the bar to signal its completion and sighed. "Alright. Can't say I'd mind some company tonight. And you caught me at a good time, because I was just about to head off."

"Yeah? Well, I'd be glad to join you."

The dog rubbed his chin. "It's hard to say no to such a respectful and polite young man."

They stood, though the fairly-tall Jake stood about a head shorter than the tall rottweiler. He followed the rottweiler out into the parking lot. BLAZE LOUNGE, read the sign above their heads in angry neon-red letters. He followed the rottweiler to his car--and did a double-take when he noticed it was a BMW.

The older male opened the door for him. This was the true test of faith, the one part of the night he'd had real doubts about: could he actually make himself get into a stranger's car? He thought the answer would be yes only if he were drunk enough. But with surprisingly clear thoughts, he rested his paw on the offered door and planted one foot in the vehicle. "Thanks," he said.

A moment later, seated quite comfortably in the quite expensive vehicle, the rottweiler closed the driver's side door. "So," he started. "I'm not sure what the etiquette is these days, but I have to say that you're one handsome dingo." His eyes roamed Jake's figure.

"Honesty is my policy," Jake said. In return, he scanned his eyes down the dog's broad, muscular chest, all the way to his groin. "And I like what I see."

He didn't want to kiss the big dog on the lips; something about that just seemed... off. Instead, he leaned over and buried his muzzle in the crook of Sean's neck. He planted a long, hot kiss there; a light groan forced its way out of his lips as he inhaled the dog's scent.

He wasn't sure if it was just by nature of being with an older male, but the rottweiler let him lead. Nervous energy built in Jake's chest. He rubbed the dog's chest, then slowly stroked down, lower and lower, until he felt heavy bulge of the rottweiler's plump sheath. He squeezed it, and it throbbed in his grip. Outside, cars whirred by on the highway. "I like what I feel, too." He felt the rottweiler's own hand easing its way between his thighs, and a light yip escaped the dingo's muzzle when the dog's large mitt squeezed his own sheath.

In the spirit of vengeance, the dingo dropped his muzzle down. The contortion was a bit uncomfortable, given the tight space of the vehicle, but he managed to get his head between the rottweiler's legs, and looked up at the big dog's muzzle and caught those deep brown eyes with his own while he pressed his lips to the rottweiler's sheathbulge and gave it a long, hot kiss--the kind so deep and heated he had to pause to take a breath halfway through it--before pulling up with a naughty grin on his muzzle.

The rottweiler gave his sheath another squeeze--he wasn't going to lie: kissing the rottweiler's firm bulge had made him throb--and pulled his paw away, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're one hell of a cocktease."

Jake grinned. "That a problem?"

"You kidding me?" He turned the keys in the ignition and the engine roared to life. Sharp canine teeth glinted in the dark vehicle. "It's perfect. Strap in. I'm probably going to speed."

The ride to Sean's apartment was a horny blur. He barely resisted reaching over and teasing the rottweiler's cock when they waited at stoplights. He didn't resist when they pulled into the driveway, and his probing paw found the rottweiler already hard. Had he been hard the whole way? Jake sure had.

Up they went a single flight of stairs, and the moment they were in the door, Jake turned and wrapped his arms around Sean. He pressed his lips into the older male's neck once more, and lined their hips up together. Tent pressed against tent. The rottweiler's arms closed around him and squeezed, working a low 'oof' out of the dingo.

His fingers worked at the rottweiler's zipper. Sean returned the favor. Zippers came down, buttons came undone, and jeans fell to ankles with a soft swish. He humped his hips against the rottweiler's boxers and received a horny thrust in response. They dry-humped until at last the rottweiler's paw ventured into the dingo's boxers and tugged them down. Jake mirrored his action, and let out a long whine when the male's paw closed on his cock.

He squeezed Sean's bare flesh, feeling it pulse in his fingers. Looking down, he saw two paws closed on two dripping cocks, squeezing and stroking. Knots were already out. Fuck, had it really been two years since he'd had sex? Sean's cock was bigger than his, and the contours were different, and he loved it. His shoulder braced against the wall, and he stroked more firmly, meeting Sean's eyes. A growl left Sean's chest, and ecstasy played out on his face as he, too, stroked harder. Wet sounds of fapping filled the room.

His headspace no longer had room for a concept of doubt or hesitation.

"Shit," Jake breathed, and pulled away. He didn't know handjobs could feel so good. "I'm gonna blow if you keep that up."

Sean nodded. They were both near-panting. "Bed or shower?"

"Bed," Jake said. He cupped the rottweiler's sac and drew a teasing finger up the length of his cock. "I want you to fuck me."

Here's the part where Jake prayed the rottweiler was a top, and was in the mood to do it. The rottweiler laughed. "Good." He looked down to meet Jake's eyes, and his voice came out low and gruff. "Because I wanted to fuck you the moment I saw you."

Jake groaned and squeezed Sean's dick, hard. It felt so good in his fingers. He opened his mouth to tell the rottweiler that his one caveat was that he did not want to knot with a stranger, but the words died on his lips when Sean rewarded him with a light smack on the rear that made him first yip, and second grin.

Sean led him to the bedroom by the hand. The dark apartment was a blur around him. All he could focus on was the lift of his tail and the hardness of Sean's dick and imaginging that hardness pushing into him and splitting him apart.

"Lube?" Jake said once they were in the bedroom. Queen-size bed: perfect.

"Got it." Sean reached into the top drawer of his nightstand and pulled out a tube, offering it.

"Down," Jake said, and gently pushed the rottweiler back onto the bed. The older male lay down flat, squeezing his shaft. The label caught Jake's attention--pretty high-price stuff. He squirted a bit of it into his paw, and smeared it both under his tail and over the rottweiler's shaft. He straddled the rottweiler's hips and met the male's eyes. Strong paws closed on his rump, helping him lower himself.

"Easy." Jake hadn't done this in a while, and he wanted to take it slow. When the rottweiler's tip met his entrance and applied enough pressure to split him open, his grin faded and his jaw dropped.

Sean's arms held him still. Concern flashed in his eyes. "You alright?"

"I..." Jake shivered, and took a second to adjust. Pressure edged into pleasure, and he let out a shaky breath. He'd forgotten how good this felt; a man who never bottomed missed one of life's most intense pleasures. "I'm more than alright. God, you feel amazing."

"Yeah?" Sean pushed another inch in, and Jake knew the rottweiler savored the breathy yip and pleasured look that crossed his face.

"All the way in. Let me feel your..." Sean humped up, hilting his shaft, and ground his knot against the base of Jake's tail, hard.

That drove him fucking wild. His back arched, and he pushed down against the dog's knot. Waves of hot pleasure rocked his body when it spread him ever-so-slightly. From behind a toothy grin, Sean pushed harder against his rear. Jake tensed, a whine building in his throat. "A-ah!"

The pleasure was almost too intense. Right as he was about to burst, the rottweiler slackened off and slid out a few inches, leaving Jake panting, recovering his wits--a hard task when you still had a hot cock buried in you.

The rottweiler pushed right back in, grinding his knot harder against Jake's pucker and humping against it. The dingo howled, his vision going a little bleary. "Fuck, Iloveyourknot!" Precum shot from his tip, and he ground his rear back against the rottweiler's knot. The perspective treated Sean to a view of every aching throb of Jake's shaft.

Jake was sweating. Sean chuckled, and pulled a few inches free. "I don't have to knot, you, if you don't want it, you know."

Curse the dog for being a tease. Jake leaned forward, and pressed his lips to the rottweiler's ear. "Why don't you roll me over and fuck me like you mean it, huh?"

A fearsome growl left the rottweiler's throat. Muscles clenched, and he whirled Jake over. With the big dog's heavy figure over him, he felt so small, and yet so safe.

The dog thrust, and Jake's breath hitched in his throat. His eyes once more met the rottweiler's hazel ones, and his arms closed around the big dog's burly figure as best they could. He read in the dog's warm eyes a carnal desire to breed, and his own communicated in response a carnal desire to be bred. He clenched his rear around the dog's shaft, and that earned a deep growl that vibrated Jake's chest and wracked his body with chills, and an abrupt, strong thrust that made the dingo yip and squirt a shot of precum that nearly hit him in the muzzle.

As much as he'd loved squeezing and stroking the rottweiler, this was ten times better, at minimum. When Sean humped forward, pleasure spiked through him so hard he couldn't help groaning out appreciatively. Momentum and speed built. The teasing was done; he was taking the knot, and there was no question about it.

Thrusts became stabs became slams, accentuated by the heavy slap of heavy balls against his rear--it was like a metronome, ticking out the accelerated rhythm of their lust, crescendoing until the climax. It wasn't the calm, measured sex that so often was the norm in relationships: it was the nearly-desperate, hot-and-heavy indulgence of two males who'd enforced abstinence for far too long.

It was too quick; it was sloppy; and it was clumsy. But none of that mattered because damn if it wasn't the best rutting Jake ever had.

He saw it in the rottweiler's eyes. Now was the time. He braced himself, relaxing as best he could.

He yelled. The hot bulb of flesh that had teased him to such desperate horniness this time wasn't teasing: the force was unrelenting. He saw the look of pure bliss on the rottweiler's face as it pushed past the resistance, before finally hitting the breakpoint. In it slipped, and the dingo closed a paw around his own cock, squeezing and jerking.

He didn't need much stimulation. Right as he heard the rottweiler's groan and felt the orgasmic throbs inside him, Jake lost it: his eyes crossed, and he heard a hard splatter behind him when his seed struck the headboard.

For a solid movement, there was nothing in the room except for the sound of their panting and the dingo's musing. The rottweiler grasped him by the shoulders, and those muscular arms rolled him rather gently, so that he was once more on top, the larger male's knot still lodged inside him.

He couldn't decide if it felt awkward or not when he curled up pressed against the rottweiler's chest. His body rocked with each inhalation of the older male, and almost hesitantly, the rottweiler's paw pressed between his ears, gently stroking.I'm not sure what the etiquette is these days.

A cocktail of lightly-scented lube, sweat, and the blended musk of two horny males swirled in his nose. The scent of sex was an eclectic blend he hadn't sampled in years, and then only in the presence of a dear, close friend. Now, he didn't even know the guy whose knot was stuck bareback in his ass. And after a brief moment of contemplation, he decided that for some unfathomable reason, it was decidedly unawkward. Just to prove that point, he pressed his lips to the rottweiler's nipple and gave it a brief, sucking kiss. Still not awkward at all.

Minutes passed, and by the time he felt the rottweiler's knot soften inside him, a pleasant state of lucid half-sleep had enveloped him. It took the rottweiler tugging lightly on his ears to jolt him awake.


Jake nodded. The rottweiler's paws braced him, and the dingo winced in a bit of pain when his knot came out. "Sorry," the dog muttered.

"It's okay," Jake said. "Yeah, I think I'll go shower." He smiled down at the dog--it once more struck him that he'd had unprotected sex with a stranger, and it once more struck him how it seemed like he hadn't. "Wait for me?"

The older male nodded. "I will. It's on the left."

Jake rose from the bed, and headed into the hallway. He hadn't really taken much time to take in his surroundings when he'd come in: after all, his attention had been elsewhere. Still, he cautioned his eyes against wandering too much; despite the sexual chemistry, he was still a stranger, taken in more for the utility of a warm bed to fuck on than to have any pretense of welcomeness in the foreign space.

The pipes creaked. Water splattered the tub, and he turned the knob until steam fogged the mirror, then leaned against the shower wall and let the warmth soothe him. He helped himself to a small portion of the rottweiler's shampoo, but skipped on the conditioner. The lack of anything but sparse personal items in the bathroom told Jake this probably wasn't something the rottweiler did often.

He'd set out tonight knowing full and well that he'd do something he'd regret. That had been the plan: for once, he'd say "Fuck it." No dwelling on consequences. No brooding on attachments. And certainly no worrying about diseases. He'd go out, pick up a guy to fuck or ride, and just let impulsiveness dictate the path of the night. Doubtlessly, something he'd probably have to get downright shitfaced to pull off.

But here he was, sober and regretless. Certainly not by the general nature of what he'd done, but by the specific nature of the big dog he'd plucked from Blaze.

Ten minutes later, fur with as dry as he reasonably could get without a full-body drier, his paw was on the doorknob. He sighed and closed his eyes for a brief second before turning it and stepping outside.

True to his word, the rottweiler had waited for him, before heading to sleep. The room still smelled of sex, a scent only pleasant by association with the act itself, but climbing into the bed next to the older male brought his pleasant, earthy scent to the foreground. He perched his muzzle in its now-familiar roost at the base of the dog's neck, and inhaled. "Mmm."

A strong arm wrapped around him and squeezed once. "Keep making sounds like that, and you might get me excited again."

The dingo laughed. He planted a kiss where his muzzle rested, and rubbed over the dog's belly. "No shower?"

"I'd fall asleep," the rottweiler said. "You know, you made quite a mess of my headboard."

"Couldn't help it. You're an amazing top. Usually sex is just awkward, but..."

"Give yourself ten years and I'm sure you'll be able to do the same." Jake shivered when the rottweiler's tongue traced over the rim of his ear. The older male grunted. "Granted, it's been years for me. Guess I'm not as rusty as I thought."

Years. That gave him a little pause. "Not at all," he said, and squeezed the older male tightly. Distantly, he wondered: just who was this guy? And that was the last thing he remembered.

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