
Story by SAMammal on SoFurry

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Another story from this little universe I have in my head. A young teen finds out that he's not who he thought he was. Got another chapter nestled away in the old noggin, so will hopefully get that down some time, when I have time...

Suddenly there was a loud cry of pure despair. The man sitting at the kitchen table startled at the unexpected noise, then looked over at the woman standing by the cooker, frying pan in hand, over the stove. She looked back with a concerned look on her face, her mouth slightly open ready to ask a question. Both looked towards the ceiling though as the sound of heavy, hurried footsteps crossed over them. They followed the thuds over head and down the opposite wall as the third person in the building rushed down the stairs. The door to the kitchen swung open forcefully and an obviously distressed young teen stormed through. "Why didn't you tell me I was adopted?" he cried, tears welling in his eyes. His parents looked at each other dismayed.

"Now what would make you say something like that Bobby?" his Father eventually asked; a little bite of anger in his voice, "What's all this noise about?"

"This." He responded, throwing open his dressing gown and revealing himself to his parents. They both gasped; at first at their son's forward actions, but then at the fact that the early teen's crotch was devoid of his boy hood. Instead the skin below his navel gave way to a smooth, greenish-yellow series of banded scales which continued between his legs and onto his scrotum-less inner thighs. His mother turned to his father and began to sob, clumsily placing the frying pan down on the stove so as to not drop it on the floor. His father's stern face quickly softened and he stood up and moved to his wife who he pulled close and cradled in his arms.

"I'm one of them aren't I?" Bobby called at his folks, "I'm one of those mutey freaks." His father looked across at his son, trying to avert his eyes from his crotch which was showing between his dressing gown.

"You're right," he eventually said, solemnly, "you are adopted. But we weren't sure if you had the mutate gene. You were found abandoned near one of their camps. But there was no was of knowing if you were one of them." He held his wife tighter as she began to cry harder, burying her face in his shoulder. He gave her a loving kiss then continued. "No one else would adopt you, because they didn't want the risk of having a Mutey son. But we didn't care. As soon as we saw you, we fell in love with you." He looked up at Bobby, a tear in his own eye. "And no matter what you are, we still do."

"What I am, 'Dad'," Bobby blurted out, "is a freak. A stinking, fucking, freak."

"Watch you language son." His father chided.

"As is blatantly obvious, I'm not your son!" With this he stormed back out the room, pounding his way up the stairs and into his room.

Bobby slammed the door behind him and threw himself onto his bed, crying loudly. Through the tears he eventually brought himself to look again at his predicament. Bit by bit, with a couple of whimpers, he pulled at the edges of his dressing gown, pulling it open until he could clearly see his new, equipment-lacking crotch. He slowly slid a trembling hand down to his lower stomach, one of his fingers catching on his belly button slightly as it approached the new, unfamiliar texture below it. The patch of small, regular scales, which were lined up to form a series of half inch thick bands across his front felt warmer than he expected. They weren't the hard, chitinous like substance he was anticipating; it was almost soft, like tough leather, but without the flexibility or give which that material has. He was also surprised at how sensitive the area still was, just as easily sensing his fingers trailing over the scales as his normal skin was.

Eventually his fingers made it all the way over the new section of his body, his tips pushing between his legs until he felt skin again just before the start of his butt crack. It was then that he noticed the extra pressure he was putting on his crotch to reach underneath it wasn't particularly comfortable. The area just at the base of his body, before it curved in between his legs was swollen and sensitive. He moved his other hand to join the one already there and carefully explored the area, gently stimulating the curious, yet familiar feeling. After a while Bobby realised what it reminded him of; it was as if he were fondling and playing with his balls. That meant they were still there; just inside his body instead. He unconsciously let out a slight sigh of relief at the realisation. Starting to relax and come to terms with his condition, his sobbing and sniffling gradually slowed as his grief was replaced with curiosity.

He then suddenly gasped a little as he realised his unwitting playing with himself actually felt quite nice. He pulled his hands away, aghast, but it was too late, he began to feel a familiar warmth in his crotch, followed by a slightly less familiar tightness, almost as if he were wearing some snug fitting underwear which was impeding his boyhood's desire to grow. In spite of his revulsion at the possibility of turning himself on while being such a freak as he was now, this new pre-erect sensation was very stimulating, causing the tightness to grow and the front of his crotch to bulge visibly. Bobby's jaw dropped as he watched a previously invisible slit start to form down his front, spreading from just below the new patch of scales, down to just before between his legs. Suddenly the slit split and a little point of deep red flesh poked out of the very centre of the line. Bobby's eyes widened as the protrusion grew; slowly at first, but then speeding up as more and more of the brightly coloured shaft pushed out. It wasn't long before his new, reptilian shaped penis was fully erect, pulsing and straining, standing proud from his reclined position.

Bobby couldn't believe how turned on he was by looking at his new member. It was horrific to look at; bright red and covered in tiny little purple veins. The tip was no longer the round and stubby human glands he was used to, but a pointed, sharp spear; looking all too eager to be plunged into someone. There was still some form of a head, only the glands now sported two lumps underneath it to separate it from the rest of the long, hard shaft, which ribbed length curved a little towards his body before spreading out into a wide thick base which spread open the full span of the slit at his crotch.

But it wasn't what it looked like that was drawing Bobby's attention; it was the fact that that inhuman shaped head was gently bobbing a good couple of inches higher than his belly button. Compared to his previous, childish four inches of length, this new beast was massive and he couldn't help but gawp at it in awe. He sat looking at it for a while, until finally deciding that he had to touch it, just to prove that it was real. He lifted his left hand and tentatively began to wrap it around the base of his cock. As soon as his fingers came in contact with the hot flesh a spark of electrical pleasure fired through the length, causing it to tense and jump wildly. He was amazed at how sensitive his new member was, but also, at just how large its base was; he was barely able to get his fingers to meet around it. When his shaft gradually stopped bouncing Bobby noticed a shimmer to the understated head. As he watched a clear blob of pre grew out of his deep urethra, filling it with a pool of transparent slime until eventually it became too heavy to stay attached and dropped onto his stomach in a long stringy globule.

Bobby was so turned on now. All feelings of sadness and disgust had been washed away by the roar desire to put his new, dripping member to test. His hips thrust gently as he gripped his hand tighter around his base, while at the same time raising his other hand to touch the pointed tip with his finger. Another explosion of pleasure shot through his meat and into his crotch as his finger pressed against the head of his cock, picking up some of the pre which was steadily oozing out he smeared it around the tapered tip before stroking his finger down the full length of his shaft's underside. Bobby's eyes rolled and he tilted his head back, letting a gentle moan escape his lips as his finger slid first between the firm spherical lumps underneath his glands, then over the shallow ridges which lined the underside of his throbbing rod. The sensation of his finger bobbing up and down as it rode over the ridges felt so natural and so good, that by the time it made it down to his other hand his hips were rocking rhythmically, his toes were starting to curl and a heavy, warm pressure was beginning to build inside his scaled crotch.

Realising his imminent orgasm Bobby tried to steady his breathing, concentrating on keeping his composure so that he can investigate this new level of pleasure more, but, his attempts were too little too late as felt his cock swell even bigger, instinctively clamping his right hand around his base as well so that he could feel his thick meat throbbing then pulsing as a large package of seamen was shot up the length of his shaft. He gasped and moaned loudly as he reached his peak, reopening his eyes and looking down in time to see a thick wad of deep cream coloured seed explode out of his swollen cock head. The hot, sticky fluid shot through the air and hit Bobby squarely in the face. Throwing his head back from the force he was left to feel the other massive blasts shoot across his chest. After five more powerful releases his orgasm eventually subsided. Breathing heavily he looked back up at his crotch, over his sodden front. Even though he was spent, his cock was still steadily oozing cum over is stomach. He picked up some of the discharge and smeared it over his rod, stimulating the hyper sensitive flesh. Being a teenager, he'd masturbated several times before, but this time was definitely the most intense orgasm he'd ever had, so much so he had to take a while to catch his breath, still holding his large, slimy meat in his hand.

"Perhaps there's some good things about being a mutey." He said to himself as he gazed at his gradually receding cock, which was slowly sliding back into his new slit.

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Charles n Tyler Part 2

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