forelorn love-part 3

Story by gaylordtay on SoFurry

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well, here it is, part 3. I hope you enjoy this.

They each grabbed a pair of clean clothes and headed for the bathroom, Taylor reaching it first. He set the water at a comfortable temperature, turned on the shower head, and both furs stepped into the flowing stream of warm water. Jake was the first to do the washing, but not himself. He grabbed the soap and started to lather up his lover. He was sure to lather every square inch of the cougar's body, soliciting a purr from Taylor. This just caused Jake to get an erection, which Taylor noticed immediatly.

"Mmmm... my little man is growing up..." he teased.

"Observant as usual, kitty." the liger cooed. the cougar purred even more as his lover used his favorite sexual nickname once more, which just turned Jake on even more. As he rinsed, he ran a forefinger up the slim cougars semi-muscular chest. Taylor ran his own finger up his lovers back, this time causing the liger to purr. This served Taylor's purpose, to give him the erotic pleasure this time. He know that Jake was enjoying every moment of this not only by the purring, but by the large 'pride' swelling and poking against his own hardening shaft.

"Your turn, loverboy..." he said and, with a devilish grin, took the soap and, lathering up his lover, got even more arousing purrs form this liger lover. He knew that soon they would be at it again. And this time, Taylor thought to himsesf, I'll be teh one going anal. After he rinsed off his lover, he knew that the moment to start had come. He stepped forward, wrapped his arms around Jakes slender body, and kissed him deeply, passionatly. Before it fould go any further, however, Jake happened to notice his sports watch.

"Oh shit!. Dad's gonna be gome soon!"

"I guess that we will just have to wait a little while then, that's all." Taylor said dissapointedly. They finished showering, toweled each other off, and got dressed. Later that night, long after Jake's father had went to bed, the night found the twom teenage boys lying on the floor in each others arms, kissing passionatly once more. Then Jake broke the kiss, a look of mixed concern and confusion on his face.


"Yess, darling?"

"I want to tell you something..."

"What is it?"

"I want to, but I just don't know... I don't know how it will affect our... relationship.

"Jacob Thomas Graves, you know me better. You know that whatever you have to say, it won't affect our relationship in any way, shape, or form." He smiled and kissed his lover's forehead affectionatly."well... what I want to say is..... I ... I love you..." He shut his eyes and braced himself for a heart-shattering rejection, but instead...


"Yes. Do you hate me for it? I...I will understand if you do..." But instead, Taylor kissed his forehead again and said "Jacob, I don't hate you Far from it. If anything, I am glad you told me. I have been nothing to you but your longtime friend and lover for years. And I'm glad you told me becuase," he paused, blushing furiously,"I love you, too." He smiled weakly, still blushing, and looked up at this beautiful fur before him. In Jake's eyes, he saw and felt a love stronger than any he had ever before experienced. And felt an equal amount of love in his own heart. He scooted closer to Jake, he doing the same. They embraced each other tightly for what seemed like forever, tfeeling the warmth of their love heating their bodies on the cold night. Then they kissed. They kissed hrd, deep, and passionatly, and then Taylor got an idea, a better one than the one he had in the shower.

"I want you to take me right here, right now. Take me as your one and only lover. Take me, and make me your own. I want to be yours forever."

"So you wish it, wo it will be my love." At this, Taylor smiled seductivly and kissed his new mate again and aagain, slowly moving down with each kiss. Soon he was at Jake's boxers, slowly pulling them down with his teeth to reveal a pink tip poking out, already dripping with pre. He saw this and started to tease it with his tounge, getting a moan from his half-breed hunk. He teased and teased until the entire shaft was out of its sheath. And that's my que, Taylor thought to himself. On that thought, he quickly and hungrily took all the cock into his muzzle, sucking greedily and getting more moans form jake. This only encouraged the cougar to go faster, and faster he went. He started caressing the liger's taught tomach,m muscluar chest, perfect abs, When he went to caress Jake's sides, he heard him laugh.

"Ooh, so we're ticklish, are we?" the cougar teased.

"No, please don't...hahaha." Jake started to plead when the cougar started to tickle him, taunting him the whole time.

"Haha, no please! Hahahaha, stop! Haha!" he begged through fits of laughter.

"Soooo ticklish that we can't even talk proper without laughing at people. It's not nice to laugh at people..." Taylor continued as he tickled and taunted the now hysterical Jake. Soon he stopped and Jake calmed down, but Taylor still remembered to use this ammo when he needed it. Aslo he rembered he had a job to do. His precious liger[s cock was now nice and slick, perfect for riding. He took off his won boxers and mounted Jake, ready to be impaled by his mate's manhood. He sat down on his mate's cock and instantly started moaning. He got up a little, just to the tip, then went back down, moaning more. Each time he did this, his lover also moaned. He built up a steady rhythem, bobing up and down, and soon he felt Jake start to throb. Soon he would be cumming, so he went faster, and the faster he went, the closer he got to milking his mate. Then, as he thought he could bear no more, Jake gave one hard, deep thrust, injecting Taylor with his seed. This was also enough to send taylor over the edge, ejaculating all over Jake's chest fur. Exhausted, Taylor collapsed on top of Jake.

"well, now we need anoither shower." Jake stated. At this, Taylor simply laughed silently and began to lap up hisseed from his mate's chest. After that they covered up, snuggled together, and went to bed with these few last words.

"I love you."

"I love you. too"

There it is. Theres more comming soon, so if you liked this one, you'll love the next!