Red and the Wolf

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#3 of FurryShots

Different pic, different Red, different Wolf, different sex. More bestial.

Red and Wolf - 2012-0412.2244 (C) 2012 Kevin Foxboy, All Rights Reserved -- Inspired by slightly naughty pic of Wolf and Red, Facebook 384836_206241212801399_100002465646675_406394_1544460145_n.jpg

"Hey there Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good. You're everything a Big Bad Wolf could want!"

Young Rolanda was sneaking out of her flat to meet her lover. Her parents would never consent, partly because Rolanda was just seventeen and shouldn't be doing this sorta thing. But mostly because Rolanda was a young human and her lover was a powerful black wolf.

Rolanda was also a rather lusty young woman. She'd met her lover only a few months ago when she was walking through the local woods with a basket of spiced sausage and stoned wheat crackers for her grandmother. Only it wasn't Granny who padded up silently to Rolanda.

At the time she was out alone in the woods and because it was a full moon she could see quite a ways through the woods despite it being a rather warm summer night. In fact Rolanda had let her fiery hair down, letting it swing below her shoulders.

She'd seen the dark shadow moving under the moon. Perhaps Wolfey wasn't as careful as he could have been. Due to her hair and the lightweight cloak she usually wore on her night walks, Gramma had taken to calling her Red.

This night was another full moon, and Red wanted to meet her wolf again. That first time had been rather scary, because the wolf was so big and furry, and he was used to wolf women.

Red didn't have fur to protect her from his eagerness. In fact tonight she wasn't wearing much at all under her cloak, just a frilly nightgown over her bra and panties. The bra was just a strip of cloth that didn't need to sup- port her perky breasts, it just hugged her bust and she'd laced the front rather loosely.

Her panties were cut quite high on her nicely-tanned thighs, showing a lot of skin. Her black fishnet stockings didn't really conceal her shape either, mostly because she knew her wolf liked her that way. The sturdy shoes held her legs taut at the calves. Also for her wolf.

Red was still rather scared of the wild wolf. Despite the fact he'd licked her wanton body, giving the young woman thrill after thrill and shaking her mind with erotic pleasure, he'd also pounced on her and knocked her down.

And ripped the basket to shreds tearing it in his powerful jaws. He hadn't cared about Red's careful arrangement, just the sausage. The way he'd torn into it, gulping huge pieces and shredding it with his teeth (well, they *were* carnassials, made for tearing off chunks of flesh from, say, deer) had fascinated the girl.

Wolfey had both terrified and thrilled Red with his animal power. She shivered despite the heat and looked around. Her red cloak swirled around her, caressing her curves and doing nothing to hide her shape.


To be quite blunt, Red only knew the beast was a coal-black wolf. It was possible there were other black wolves in these woods, although melanism wasn't all that common. She'd seen enough of his rough fur in the three nights of full moon each month to see he wasn't quite like all the other wolves.

Wolfey was waiting for his lover quietly. He'd come to this spot earlier, flattened the grass to make a nice big bed for the two of them, lain down on all four paws and waited.

He didn't have long before her scent arrived, carried on the wind of her desire perhaps. Or maybe it was his own desire, it didn't seem to matter. He saw her walking steadily down the familiar path and let her pass him. Surely she noticed the small hillock he was hiding behind.

Her footsteps continued past him, and it was an effort to keep his big bushy tail from thumping on last autummn's dry leaves. He extended his left front paw carefully, but not enough, and as soon as he put weight on it he felt the curve of the dry stick on his pads.

Crack! under his weight, and he froze. Red turned and saw the big shadow rise and stop. She turned and ran, and Wolfey burst from his hiding place, easily covering the last hundred feet between them and gaining steadily.

To be honest, Wolfey enjoyed a good run through the woods. It would rather insult his skills if she just came to him. His four toes on each foot dug into the path as he flew towards his prey.

He knew it was Red, so although his snout was open to let his long wolf tongue hang out, he wasn't going to hobble her by biting her calves. The hot wolf caught the fleeing woman and tackled her, letting his speed carry him up and over her.

He let himself roll free and heard her giggle. Imagine a big tough wolf rolling end-over-end, just to be amusing. He ducked his head and let the roll continue, then sprang up before she could rise and ran past her, cutting off her retreat.

Wolf and human continued the game, although they both knew he was the hunter. Red rather enjoyed being hunted and darted away, as if she had a chance of escaping. Red didn't actually want to escape her lover.

But he had thick fur and she only had the cloak, nightgown, bra, panties, stockings and shoes. In the rough woods, she tumbled with the wolf and loved his rough play. She loved him, and never noticed the scrapes and small cuts on her yummy flesh.

Her hot wolf licked her body, and when he finally knocked her down and pounced, he walked around on her, jumped off, rolled around some more, and pounced again. He enjoyed her scent as she became aroused by his attention.

And Wolfey was enjoying the exercise too. He noticed the red cloak flutter- ing loose, and chased it a few steps before jumping on it, like a house dog on a blanket. With a giggle Red came up behind him and placed a few stones on the corners, spreading the cloak out and lying down beside her wolf.


She giggled because when Wolfey sprang up to pounce the cloak, she totally saw his wolf junk. Wolfey was quite well-sized, and Red wanted him at least as much as he wanted her.

And remember he'd eaten the sausage in her basket. Since wolves don't wear clothes, she saw his sausage, held from hanging forlornly down from his sexy furry groin by his lupine baculum.

In case you didn't know, each canid (that's canines and vulpines) male gets a bone to hold his cock partly stiff. He pokes the female a bit to make her allow him entry. Unlike a human, he's not stiff yet, until he works himself deep.

This wolf was definitely interested in Red, including her lower fur. He walked stiff-legged toward her, as if he was stalking his meal, and she was frightened by his animal lust. Or maybe it was her own feelings that fright- ened her.

Red had no idea who her lover was during the daytime. Most of the village's studs leered at her, because her body was just that yummy. Maybe he was just a shy guy normally, and maybe he could change whenever he wanted to.

There were those mysterious short footprints that appeared under her window every month for a few days. But some of them looked like animal prints and some like bootprints. It was hard to follow them because the animal and human prints overlapped.

Now this was definitely a wolf. Big, black and furry, and Red had learned to enjoy his four-legged interest. After rather a while of rolling around together (email me for details) Red managed to lose her shoes, and Wolfey sniffed them and carefully carried them back to the cloak.

Sorta like bringing a prize to his lair. Wolfey padded back to Red and began nuzzling her thighs quite suggestively. Red was willing to take the suggestion as her hot wolf began hooking the stocking clips with his carnassials and pulling.

Red giggled and rolled the black stocking down her yummy thigh. Wolfey got a good incisor grip and pulled backward, mindful of the soft flesh. Normally he'd bite and rip, but this was his lover so he just pulled her stocking off and ran with it in his mouth.

He looked quite comical running with a woman's stocking as the full moon illuminated the forest clearing. After a short run around like a Roman tri- umph, Wolfey draped the stocking over the shoes next to the cloak.

He made a rather gutteral sound, midway between a howl and a grunt. He slipped up behind Red, poked his long furry snout over her left shoulder, and nuzzled her breasts, licking them over and around until she had to moan in pleasure. Her wolf was paying a lot of attention to her dark circles, and her Twin Towers began to stiffen.


Wolfey slid down Red's increasingly bare flesh and poked her left thigh. She let him remove that stocking, run around a bit and take his prize back. He was making quite a scene of her disrobing, and Red wondered just how old this male was to be so proud of his rewards.

Anyway, by this time Red had only the panties left on. Wolfey knew his snoutful of sharp teeth weren't made for finesse, so he just poked her growing moistness and Red made a teasing show of removing her panties. The wolf gently took them and padded off, his body clearly showing his interest in the moonlight.

But instead of parading around and dropping the panties off, Wolfey made a show of prancing off and using all four paws to scrape at the earth! Then he dropped the panties and kicked the ground back. He looked exactly like a house dog burying a prized bone for later!

When Wolfey padded back without the panties, Red became amused. What the heck would a furry wolf want with such a trophy? Now that her femininity was completely revealed to him, he padded up and began licking her, rather lewdly I must say.

I dunno why a wolf would be so interested in a human woman, but that's what he told me. Maybe it was the scent of her readiness to mate. He returned to her body and began licking up the toes on her left foot, up her arch and along the sides to her ankle.

Then Wolfey turned his attention to Red's right foot and ankle. If this was his idea of foreplay Red was quite eager to learn about the main event. He licked her body with his warm wet lupine tongue and Red moaned helplessly as she lay completely nude and unrestrained.

As Wolfey licked up her shins, calves and knees on his way around her thighs Red lay still and enjoyed. Only her heaving bosom betrayed her stillness as her lover's exquisite tongue-work excited her more and more. Her soft moaning became erratic with her breathing.

Wolfey ignored her attempts to grip his ears and encourage his tour of her body. He was almost cruel in the way he drew out Red's lust, making her need him but denying her satisfaction. His baculum-enhanced wolfmeat slid up her body in a thin trail of lust.

Finally Wolfey reached Red's left thigh and licked her toward her center, making her moan loudly and lose control of her lust. She held his ears gently and guided his moist nose directly between her nether lips.

Well that was fun I must say! Wolfey smiled carefully because of his sharp teeth while Red squirmed around, impaling herself on his wild animal snout and generally carrying on in a rather unladylike manner.


He was big, and being bad, but sometines being bad is good, y'know? He certainly enjoyed stuffing his muzzle into Red, and making her moan and squirm, but he could only hold his breath a few short minutes and had to extract himself.

Red was disappointed, so Wolfey took a few quick breaths and began licking her hood. It was rather red from all the exercise and Wolfey took advantage, licking her nub when it poked out and forcing what little remained of her mind to take a break.

Wolfey was used to pure animal lust, and he roughly rolled the nude wench over so he could nibble her rump a little. Of course, he was the only one there with a tail, so she had nothing to lick out of the way.

Wolfey poked Red in a totally lewd way that would get you a rough overnight in your local bobby station. She moaned again and begged him to use his wolf sausage.

Sigh, what's a guy to do? The wolfmeat was still mostly limp, but he had a good view of her moist sex, and he *was* a canid, so he walked around on her back, stood up on his hind paws and howled his lust to the full moon.

Wolfey poked her knees, then mouthed her neck gently as his desires were made plain by his stiffening wolfmeat. Red saw his large balls hanging and got the message. She quickly rose to her knees, bent down a bit at the front and presented shamelessly.

Well, he was a wolf, so what position would you expect?

The Big Bad Wolf was obviously aroused, and so was Red. Her stiff nipples stroked along the ground, and even through the blanket the soft grass felt good. She folded her hands and rested her forehead on them, leaving her creamy rump quite invitingly exposed.

He seemed to take quite a while looking at her puffy sex. He pranced away and stiff-legged back. His big black bushy tail swung and waved. What the frak was he waiting for?

Red felt his furry wrists sliding up her body and his pawpads stroking her heated flesh. As Wolfey got to her shoulders his entire weight was on her, forcing her down and pressing her knees deeply into the blanket. He was holding her in place, rather roughly for a lover.

But I may not have mentioned that Red liked it rough, especially with her lover. She moaned hotly and wiggled her rump invitingly, but she moved away a bit until she felt his hot body on her back and his teeth near her throat.


He was trying to be careful, aware she was just a human, but his lust made his big head increasingly fuzzy. The little one was waking up and demanding control, and he had a lovely sexy female on her knees.

Wolfey slid his furry body all the way up the woman and forced her down with his weight. A month or two ago when they'd first met, his belly had been full of stag and he'd been more careful with her.

Oh, he'd chased her a bit through the woods, pounced her and torn that basket open. He wasn't so full he could ignore the sausage. As a carnivore he hadn't cared for the crackers.

It'd been a test, of his relf-restraint and her terror. He'd jumped her and licked places that made her blush, and growled at her when she tried to push him away or escape.

Then he'd stuffed his snout under her peasant dress and made her stop fighting him. He was a bit surprised anyone would be out alone in the woods at night. He was only there because he'd been bitten by another wolf the month before, while cutting firewood.

Wolfey only had broken scaps of memory about that night. He'd awoken at first light the morning after, his clothes in tatters, his body bruised and torn, hurting in places he hadn't had to be aware of before.

But not bloody. The first shock was he realised he'd been attacked, the second was he was still alive, the third ... he vaguely remembered being licked and the red devil eyes. He'd really enjoyed being licked, especially the places that didn't hurt.

When his wounds healed, inhumanly quickly, he realised what had happened. He still looked human, and nobody seemed to notice his changes because he lived off the main village roads.

Now he wanted to pass on his gift. Young Rolanda hadn't been the first young woman to pass by, but the other was rather old and didn't scent tasty. She'd quite likely have enjoyed what a young stud could do to revive her body, and he was enhanced with wolf power now.

With a shrug Wolfey set aside his personal life and let the little head have its way. His lover Red was on her knees, yummy rump curved invitingly, breasts pressed into the cloak and hands cushioning her head. His heavy Wolfbody pressed her down.

Wolfey lifted his muzzle again and howled at the full moon. It wasn't a cry of pain or despair, or hunger. OK, yeah, it was hunger, but not from his belly. Lower down, try to keep up, OK?

Wolfey howled in pure animal lust. The blood oozing from Red's many small scrapes was making him horny, and her body warmth and scent added to his mind fog. He ducked his head and took her neck in his open mouth, biting her roughly and drawing blood.


Speaking of blood his wolfmeat was throbbing too. Red was hot and ready from his licking and barely noticed the bite. She moaned in heat and shook, not to dislodge her lover but to encourage him. She wanted him to take her virginity.

Wolfey was no longer in a mental state to consider the suggestion. He pres- sed roughly against Red's lower lips and forced himself inside her, biting her shoulder to distract her from the pain.

His intruder broke her portcullis and made Red a woman. Engorged with his lust it sank into her maiden passage, moist from his tongue and her readiness. He paused to let her body accept him and stroked her outside with his paws as he gently stroked her inside with his stiffening organ.

Red screamed loudly from the sudden pain, then fell to the cloak. He held her through her pain and kept her on her knees. Soon it dawned on her that she was invaded, and her keep was filled quite delightfully. Her pain soon became the strangest sort of pleasure.

As the hot Wolf stroked inside Red, forcing his baculum-enhanced wolfmeat into her and cruelly withdrawing, she understood the power of his lust. He forced her forward and pulled her back, rocking the new woman on her knees and making her forget the rest of the world.

All that was left to Rolanda was the exciting force of her wolf lover, his hot breath on her neck and shoulder, and wave after wave of uncontrollable pleasure from her groin. It burst on her mind and flowed throughout her lust- ing body, taking her away on a rising tide.


In the early morning when Red awoke, she was naked and alone. She hadn't really expected the beast to stay with her; it was enough he hadn't simply taken his pleasure from her, rolled over and snored.

Okay, yea, he'd taken her, but he certainly gave her pleasure too. Actually he'd forced it on her, as he'd forced his lust... but Rolanda didn't really mind, she'd enjoyed her Wolfey's animal power. He pounced her and held her down, licked her sweaty body while he forced her heated flesh, used her roughly and left her.

He'd scratched her naked voluptuous body, and he'd nibbled a lot, but he'd merely scraped her and lustily licked her blood, not bitten her. Not deeply anyway, not enough to infect her with his saliva... she longed to kiss that elongated snout of his, she wanted that long flat smooth pink tongue in her mouth.

It had felt *so* good slipping wetly up her toes, feet, ankles. He was skilled in conquering her; the reluctance from hearing Mom tell her to save it for a husband all those years, was knocked aside by Wolfey's patience. Last month she'd been afraid the Big Bad Wolf would eat her, and when in fact he did, it was... incredibly exciting.

There was foreplay, despite his animal lust... maybe because he *was* a beast, at least during those three nights, and not just pretending. Humans have all that sapience nagging at them -- the local priest didn't know what he was warning the nubile young women about. He just read the book, and he probably molested the choirboys after service.

He'd never warned women that sex would feel *so* good! That they'd forget to fight, forget their innocence. If it was a test of their faith, why was it so rigged for them to fail? Rolanda didn't believe that enjoying God's gift really *was* sinful. And anyway, if the Devil was evil, he wouldn't punish humans, he'd reward them.

Rolanda lay nude and *very* satisfied on her blanket in the forest. She could still play Mom off against Gramma, and avoid pointed questions about where she'd spent the night, except for all the cuts and scrapes. Her wolf had been rougher with her this full moon.

Ever since she'd discovered how much she enjoyed his roughness, and he'd been willing to teach her, she'd been waiting for another tryst. Red had been naive, hadn't known that her nudity and his lustful eyes, his furry paws roaming over her curves, his tongue stroking in such wonderful places -- all felt so good, so *right*, so incredibly powerful.

Red's morals had been corrupted, she had enjoyed even the pain...