Red and the Wolf

Ever since she'd discovered how much she enjoyed his roughness, and he'd been willing to teach her, she'd been waiting for another tryst.

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The Tryst

"Thirty gold, forty-eight silver, fifty copper..." The tiger grumbled on top of his horse, a disappointed frown spread across his face. In his hands was a modest-sized brown sack, his reward from the small village he just saved. "Thirty gold,...

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"the counselor was right: having trysts _is_ therapeutic." named for free-love flings, most trysts were not created and purchased until a relationship turned sour.

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A Bitterleaf Tryst

West the Pest. That was what she had always called him. There wasn't a time Moira could remember when West wasn't on her nerves. From their earliest days as children, raised among the mountainous crags of Mount Cleft, he had stuck to her side like a...

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Ergonomic Tryst

< ergonomic tryst by: lapsa for smartwhitefang 'help wanted: i need eager individuals to help me test a new machine for public retail. any interested please call the attached number to set up a time and place.

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An Evening Tryst

"thanks foxy" you murmur, a vague, familiar term for a, vague anonymous tryst, and with a light slap on the still exposed rump, you go back into the club for a drink...

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The Traveler's Tryst.

Damn! 10,675 words!? WHAT HAVE YOUR CREATIONS DONE TO ME RAIL!?!? Anyway, this is a horny little story about Chasers, which are these things--\> []( And this one...

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Alien Tryst

Alien tryst his heart throbbed and pulsed in his head, threatening to burst forth, as fresh adrenaline surged through his body. the rapid beating of his head was influenced by his situation and by the horrors he saw an hour before.

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Moonlight Tryst

You can email at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) please put moonlight tryst into the subject. **legal mumbo jumbo:** ok, kids, this contains explicit sex scenes and is not for children.

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A Forest Tryst

#1 of sophe a forest tryst slithering through her forested domain she saw him, his long blond hair sticking to his sweaty brow as he worked.

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The Teddy and the Tryst

The teddy and the tryst by czarreynard delicate, curled lashes furled open to allow sapphire eyes to gaze about the room. from blissful sleep a vixen awoke to see sunlight spilling through her window.

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