Canis Lupus Erectus

Story by Brathor on SoFurry

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Miles, a human, struggles to adapt to life at a new school where zetamorphs - furries in our terms - make up more than half of the local population. His life gets more complicated when he finds himself attracted to them.

This is intended as the first in a series. I'll continue provided there's enough interest.

A Study in Anatomy

Canis Lupus Erectus

Brathor Cyr © 2013

I. Lecture

Miles quietly rolled a cheap condom onto his browning banana with deliberate awkwardness that he hoped matched the rest of the classroom. Since starting at Seneca East High School two months earlier, the dark-haired human had quickly learned that his new classmates could smell and hear certain things that Miles had once taken for granted at his old school. Today, he was just trying to avoid revealing just how familiar this particular activity was.

Until the end of summer, a few months earlier, Miles had spent his entire life in the small city of New Garden, now a four hour flight away - on the other side of the country. Though New Garden was relatively isolated from the rest of the world, Miles had never thought to live anywhere else. But, then his dad had been offered a better job in Seneca City. Life had been difficult for both of them since the divorce, and so Miles had encouraged his dad to take the job. Now that the dust had settled, Miles was starting to wonder if he should have tried to stay with his mom. He might still have had to change schools, but at least he'd still be familiar with the culture.

Seneca City, the second most populated in the country, was also well-known for also having the least number of humans per capita. Where New Garden had been more than 95% human, Seneca was only 30%, with the remaining 70% comprised of various zetamorphic species - humanoid-animal sentients who had started appearing in Seneca City more than a century earlier.

That didn't bother Miles. If anything, he was excited to meet zetas his own age. The problem was that Miles didn't know how to interact with them. Despite thick accents that emphasized long vowels and trills, he could now understand what they were saying most of the time, but even body language was sometimes difficult to interpret, and even small mistakes could lead to embarrassing misunderstandings.

Sliding his school-issued condom onto what Mr. Riley continued to call a "phallus" (bland as the activity was) made him think of the last night he'd spent in New Garden. Those last hours under the clear summer sky with Tyler had constituted the best sex of his young life - which was good because he hadn't had any since.

When the Greater Seneca School District had informed him that his freshman health class had not transferred, his dad had offered to appeal the decision, but in the end, Miles decided to take the easy A. He'd yet to really regret the decision, but when Mr. Riley praised his condom-rolling technique to the muffled snickers of some of his classmates, he started to.

The laughing and the redness in his face went ignored by Mr. Riley, who was slowly pacing around the room with his hands clasped behind his back and his tail lazily flagging behind him. The dog had a powerful, large build as most canine zetas did, but a small paunch that betrayed his age. Once the teacher had checked Miles's condom for breaks he was allowed to return to his desk. It was a struggle not to look hurried as he did so. The prospect of another 20 minutes of lecture slides did not excite him, but at least while he was sitting the erection he continued to fend off would be less obvious.

While he waited for the other students to be approved, Miles doodled in his notebook without much thought as to what he was actually drawing. He didn't notice the way the wolf in the neighboring desk was watching him until he looked up to check the time and came face-to-face with a pair of animalistic golden eyes that seemed to glow against coffee-colored fur. He started at first, blushed, then realized that the wolf wasn't staring. Not at him, but at what he'd been drawing. Miles casually placed a hand over the figure of a nude boy laying on his stomach - Tyler - then hoped the wolf would put it out of his mind.

This wasn't the first time he'd had an embarrassing moment since starting at East, but he was really hoping it would be his last. Miles was having a hard enough time adjusting to a new school and a new town; he wanted to wait before bursting out of the closet once again. That in and of itself was a new experience. He'd never made an effort to hide it around his friends or family growing up. Officially, he 'came out' when he was 12, but no one was really surprised.

"That's fine, honey," His mom had said to him with an almost patronizing smile. "We'll always love you, no matter who you decide to love." Gay rights had come a long way in the last few generations, but some of the religious types, like his mom, simply thought sex was dirty. It was a wonder she'd managed to get pregnant. The tension in her voice made it clear she was upset, but she at least tried to keep her "good mom" persona intact.

Fortunately, his dad had been much more sincere. "You know yourself better than anyone else, Miles. Do what's right for you," he's said. Later that week, he came to Miles's room with a small wooden box. "Hey, kid," he'd said sitting on the green second-hand couch Miles had picked up for twenty bucks the summer before. "Listen, your mom will think you're too young to have something like this, but if you're thinking about sex, I think it's better for you to have it than not." He put the box on his desk and slid it towards him.

When Miles opened it up, he found a tube of lubricant and a few condoms, though he had only a vague notion of what they were. That had been an awkward conversation.

When it was over, his dad's expression was somber. "For what it's worth, I hope you'll wait a little while before using those. On that, I agree with your mom. But, if and when you do need more, just ask. No questions asked."

Miles had been less embarrassed then than he was now, but it had still been an awkward conversation. He hadn't been sure what to say.


He managed a weak smile. "Sure dad, no problem," he'd said.

Mr. Riley's low voice drew him back to the present. "-which is why you should always use a condom, even if you're having sex with a female using hormonal birth control pills." The middle-aged German Shepherd still had his hands clasped behind his back as he paced slowly back and forth in front of the classroom.

Watching the zeta move reminded Miles of just how different they were from what he'd grown used to back home. A lifetime of television and the Internet had prepared him for the concept of zetas, but in person, they were far more bestial than he'd ever imagined, especially the larger variants, of which there were many. Being close to a large number of zetas could be overwhelming if he let himself think about it. And though he'd largely acclimated, his stomach still dropped nearly every time he came face to face with one. Something most of his classmates had noticed.

Miles swallowed as he thought about the way the wolf had been looking at him. What had that expression meant? Was the wolf intrigued? Disgusted?

A sudden change of content on Mr. Riley's slides drew his attention away from that thought. The chart on the effectiveness of various types of birth control had changed to a blown up side by side comparison of two erect human cocks: one cut, one uncut.

"For the next few lectures, we'll be talking about the nuances of male and female reproductive anatomy among various types of zetamorphs and humans. As you can see by the bare skin of the thighs and the lack of any sheath, we'll begin with a discussion of the human penis. We'll continue to cover the male anatomy through the most common zetamorphic species, then switch to the female anatomy." Riley added, "Please pay special attention to these slides, as there will be a quiz."

There were some grumbles from some of the class who had been hoping to be let out a few minutes early, but Riley was already continuing his lecture.

"The human maleness comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes," Mr. Riley was saying, "but the most drastic variation may be in the presence of the foreskin, which you can see on the left picture."

Miles raised an eyebrow at the size of the uncircumcised model's dick. Though his real life experience was still fairly limited, he'd seen enough dicks to recognize what was normal. Compared to the relatively average cut cock next to it, the thing Riley was using seemed obscene.

Of course, that immediately led to speculation about where Riley had found it. An image of the large zeta furiously masturbating danced through his head, and helped him forget about his earlier embarrassment. He surreptitiously glanced around the room and was surprised to see many of the zeta students studying the slide closely.

"Both are perfectly normal," Riley continued, "However, circumcised penises like the one on the right have had the foreskin removed, usually soon after birth, either for religious or medical reasons." The graying dog paused, which was his way of saying it would be on the test. Pens and pencils scratched on paper as a few of the students stopped staring and started writing in their notebooks. Miles didn't bother, he knew more than most about the human penis. He was surprised to note that Alec, the neighboring wolf that had been spying on his earlier drawing, wasn't writing either. When Miles looked, the wolf just looked back at him with that same golden-eyed expression. He thought the way his mouth parted was supposed to be a smile of some kind, but all Miles could focus on was the sharp white teeth that glistened with saliva.

He swallowed and struggled to keep from averting his gaze - fuck those eyes gave him goosebumps. Unconsciously, his eyes drifted lower, but that only made things more awkward. Alec was hard. Okay, maybe not full-on hard, but hard enough to pitch an obvious tent in the wolf's cargo shorts.

"This is a canine phallus." In a brief moment of terror, he thought that Riley was explaining what he'd been staring at, but that thought quickly vanished as Miles turned his attention back to the screen.

The thick, veiny organ now displayed on the front projector glistened wetly. The red organs were a stark contrast to the dark background behind them. Miles couldn't look away. He'd seen a few canine sheaths in the locker room during his second period gym class, but he'd never seen what the organ inside looked like until now. Hell, the thought hadn't even occurred to him. He'd been so caught up in missing Tyler, he'd barely allowed himself to think of sex at all except when they talked online.

Miles heard Mr. Riley's explanation of the slide, but most of it slipped from his mind as quickly as it entered. When he focused in, though, he found himself quite interested in the subject. "The bulbus glandis or 'knot' is the most distinctive feature of the canine sexual anatomy," Riley said while using a laser pointer to identify exactly what he was talking about.

"The tissue structure is located at the base of the penis. When the male organ is sufficiently stimulated through masturbation or sexual contact," there were a few more snickers at that, but Riley ignored them as readily as he had the others, "the knot expands until locked into place. Canine and vulpine females have special muscles within the vagina that can prevent a knotted male from withdrawing during ejaculation. This increases the chance of pregnancy, even with contraception. It also greatly increases the risk of sexual injury in all partners. Those of you with this anatomy should carefully consider whether you want to tie with your partner before you do so."

An awkward silence in the classroom was interrupted after a few seconds by the loud electronic chime ringing through the school. The students immediately began to pack up their notebooks, though perhaps with less of a hurry than they usually did so. As his mind began to clear, Miles suspected he wasn't the only one who was struggling with signs of arousal. The room did smell a bit more strongly than it usually did. It kind of reminded him of the locker room towards the end of gym class.

"All right, all right," Mr. Riley said as his students began to quickly pack up their notebooks, "We'll continue this on Monday. Don't forget to finish reading chapter six in your textbook and study the charts starting on page 260. Class dismissed."

As the rest of his classmates filed out into the hallway, Miles took a moment to check his phone for messages and to load up some music for the walk to his next class on the other side of the building.

By the time he made his way back into the busy corridor he was surprised to find his lupine classmate waiting for him. The large wolf was leaning against the school's beige brick with what Miles thought was supposed to be a friendly smile. He offered a polite one of his own, and the zeta seemed to take that as an invitation. "Hey, New Kid. Where you heading?"

Miles shrugged, "Computer class," he said, "east wing."

The wolf nodded, "Sweet, mind if I walk with you?"

He wasn't sure he liked where this was going. The zeta seemed like a nice enough guy, and Miles had been hoping to make new friends, but he had a feeling the wolf was just looking for easy sex.

Forgetting the whole zeta thing, he fit the type: charismatic, "straight," athletic, good-looking. If he was after sex, he'd assume that any guy who liked dick must surely be interested in his. Miles had occasionally indulged a few guys like that back in New Garden, but his relationship with Tyler had ended that. He'd matured since then. At least that's what he liked to tell himself. That didn't stop the photos from Mr. Riley's slides popping back into his mind in vivid detail.

"I guess," he finally said neutrally while putting his earphones back in his backpack. No sense in being rude.

Miles set the pace as best as he could while dodging larger circles of friends blocking off sections of traffic in the wide hallways. The general din of chatter was punctuated by the percussive soundtrack of opening and closing lockers.

"I'm Alec, by the way, I don't know if we've ever really talked."

They hadn't short of the occasional greeting. "I think we've said hello a few times," Miles said. "My locker's over here."

Alec stuck close to him. "Right, well, we only have the one class together. Oh, and gym. Never really see you in there though." That would be because Alec spent most of that period in the weight room.

For his part, Miles nodded while trying to remember his locker combination. The lock finally clicked open, and he smiled. The thing had a tendency to get stuck, and this was the first time he'd gotten it open on the first try.

"Truth be told," Alec said, taking the smile as a good sign, "You've seemed pretty nervous around us beasty types, so I figured I'd keep my distance, you know. But it's been a few weeks now. I thought maybe you'd be comfortable hanging out or something."

Maybe he'd misjudged Alec. He paused and looked up into the taller guy's eyes. They were still unnerving, but he thought he saw something that looked like sincerity, or at least genuine interest. "You really want to hang out?" He asked. He wondered what his dad would think about him bringing a wolf to the house. He'd always been open minded, but he was old enough to remember the days when tensions between zetas and humans were still a thing. But, if it was just a friendly thing, maybe it wouldn't be an issue.

Miles took a chance and relaxed while offering the wolf a genuine smile. "I've got the house to myself most afternoons if you wanted to walk home with me one of these days, you could. Why don't we start there?"

II. Homework

After Miles's last class, the sophomore had only been mildly surprised to find Alec waiting for him at his locker. His tail visibly wagged when he noticed Miles and his entire body straightened when pushed off from the wall he'd been leaning against. "Hey, Miles. There's no practice tonight. Can I walk home with you?"

That part wasn't so surprising. Miles's instincts still told him that Alec was mostly looking for sex. The problem was, Miles was pretty sure he was interested. It had been so long since he'd had so much as a handjob, and though he didn't want the wolf to think he was a slut, the truth was, a very real part of him was. Even Tyler had liked whispering the word into his ear while they fucked.

As Miles and Alec walked, the human found himself thinking about what it would be like to have the wolf down his throat. Or somewhere else. And, he was certain the wolf could smell the arousal on him. That didn't help with the whole awkwardness thing.

Fortunately, during the fifteen minutes it took them to cover the distance to Miles's house, the conversation took up most of his attention. At first, Miles had been sure they'd have little in common. Alec liked sports, video games, and old cars in that order. He was sweet enough, and friendly, but he knew next to nothing about music, disliked reading, and only seemed to like action movies. After the second time Miles had had to explain a reference, he realized he was probably coming across as as some kind of cultured snob, so he switched topics. It wasn't until they started talking about superheroes that they finally settled into a conversation they could both follow, and by then, they'd reached his house.

As expected, there was no sign of his dad's car this early in the afternoon. He'd probably have the house to himself for another hour or two. Miles pulled out his keycard. "Well, this is it," he said. "You live nearby?"

When he looked back at the wolf, Alec was rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah, well, no," he said, "Our place is up north."

"Wait, you mean you've just walked a mile in the wrong direction? Why didn't you say something? We could have just talked at school or something."

The zeta shrugged his big shoulders. "I just thought it would be easier this way."

Easier to get in my pants, anyway, Miles thought to himself. He should have been irritated at that idea, but he wasn't. He should have sent the wolf away with an excuse about homework. Instead, he found himself eyeing the other male's broad chest.

Alec's tail and ears perked up as he noticed the human's gaze. "So, can I see your place?" he said as the long fluffy tail began to wag once again.

Miles opened his mouth to say no. What came out was, "Sure."

The house was too big for just Miles and his dad, but the move had been so fast they hadn't been able to be selective. Though they'd lived here for two months now, most of the furniture was still unused, and full cardboard boxes were still a ubiquitous decoration through most of the house. And yet, the zeta stepped through the house with museum-like reverence as Miles dutifully showed him the kitchen, the formal dining room, the family room with the half-assembled home theater, and then the upstairs bedrooms.

By now, Miles felt the familiar thrill he always felt when he sex seemed imminent. He was half-hard again, but in his own element - or at least closer to it than he'd felt in a very long time.

"Wow, you have a huge room!" the wolf said as he ran a hand over the hastily made bed. "Is this a king?"

He could see Alec's nose working in the room. He could probably smell everything he'd done in the room over the last few days. "Yeah. The furniture came with the house. Dad didn't want to haul all of our stuff from New Garden," he said. He'd gotten used to the size of the huge four post over the last few weeks, but it did seem a little garish. Of course, it would be great to fuck on.

Alec was already moving on to his desk. "Nice laptop," he said. Then his eyes fell onto the wooden box Miles still kept on his desk. The simple but elegant thing was carved with an artistic rendering of a wolf's head amid a more abstract mesh of wood made to look like woven strands of something.

Miles didn't have time to stop the wolf before he'd flipped the lid open to reveal what was inside. "Shit," the wolf said. "This has got to be the fanciest stash I've ever seen."

The human blushed again as he rushed forward to take the box away. Miles had added a few other things to the collection over the years, including a mini SD card he liked to use while jerking off. It contained tons of pictures and movies he'd taken over the last few years and he didn't want Alec to start asking questions about that. Of course, he still kept a variety of condoms, lube, and a small bag of weed in there.

Miles carefully put the box away in a drawer, pausing only long enough to palm a small pack of lube while Alec was settling down onto the long green couch on the opposite side of the room. Miles sat down next to him a moment later, struggling to ignore his reservations.

Alec said, "I like your house Miles. Thanks for bringing me back here." He was leaning back and slipping an arm over the back of it. The move was transparent, but Miles didn't care. He could feel the warmth of the zeta's thickly muscled arm radiating against the back of his neck, and that was enough to make him begin flushing again.

"Did you, uh, want to do something?" he'd never been good at this part.

Alec just smiled - Miles could recognize the expression for what it was now. "I can think of a few things that might be fun," he said as those big gold eyes wandered over the human's body. He wondered if this was as strange for the zeta as it was for him.

He swallowed. Then leaned closer, taking in the other male's scent. It was alien, but also somehow familiar - strong and undeniably masculine, and far from unpleasant. He placed a hand on the wolf's strong chest, his breath catching as he felt the hard muscle beneath his thin t-shirt and the thick pelt of fur.

Alec's rumbling chuckle took him by surprise. "You seem to be having a hard time making up your mind, Miles."

He jerked his hand back as if it had been burned. Was that a joke? An insult?

"Relax," he said in that dulcet baritone. He leaned forward and licked softly around the edge of his ear.

Miles shivered.

"I could take you right here," he murmured softly. "Do you want that?" Alec's warm body was pressing up against his. His arm was on the side of his head holding him in place as that long, wet tongue journeyed down to the human's neck.

Miles nearly screamed when he felt the soft prick of sharp teeth against his neck. His cock throbbed while his heart pounded. He'd never felt so vulnerable with another male. Alec's natural scent was so strong this close, and something primal stirred deep inside the human boy that caused him to lose himself in this moment. He wanted to give in. To surrender to this more powerful male.

Unthinking, Miles brought his arms around the wolf's neck and in seconds he found the wolf's tongue greedily exploring the inside of his mouth while he shivered in pent up ecstasy. The ever resourceful wolf used his tongue's dexterity to carefully draw it along the roof of Miles's mouth which elicited another muffled squeal from the human. He tilted his head back to break away, only to expose his throat to the wolf. He gasped at the heat and wetness.

When the wolf pulled him close, the Miles didn't even consider resisting. Fingers pulled at his own t-shirt, and as he prepared for more, sharp pain brought Miles out of his temporary insanity. He gasped in surprise more than hurt.

He'd let his dick make a decision for him, and now the warm trickle of blood down his back warned him that he was asking for trouble. He could feel the hard lump between the wolf's leg as it pushed against him and he knew he wanted it. If he was going to end it, he needed to do so now.

He pulled away.

Alec looked shocked for a moment, then tried to scoot closer.

"That's enough," Miles said, standing up while reaching to feel the scratches on his back. They weren't deep, but they were bleeding. His fingers came away red.

"You're hurt?" The wolf said after he noticed the blood. Perhaps he'd been as caught up in the moment as Miles had been, "Fuck, I'm sorry, Miles. Are you okay?"

Miles found his voice after what felt like an eternity. His heart was still pounding, but common sense had reasserted itself. "It isn't bad, but I should take care of it."

Alec's eyes narrowed at that, but he kept his mouth shut, perhaps hoping Miles would explain. When he didn't, the wolf asked flatly, "Do you want me to leave?".

Miles nodded and averted his eyes.

The wolf didn't seem angry, though he remained stiff and overly polite while Miles walked him to the door.

To his credit, he didn't offer profuse apologies, or insist that he would be more careful in the future. He just collected the backpack he'd left by the door and said, "Thanks for letting me come by," he said. "We'll have a double practice tomorrow, but let me know if you want to hang out again sometime." He opened the door, then paused. He looked back, "It's supposed to be difficult--the first few times. I can wait until you're ready."

A few minutes later Miles was naked, in bed with his hand pumping dutifully, even desperately at his dick. In thirty seconds he was crying out as the product of his first climax splashed onto his chest and stomach. In that moment, he regretted sending Alec away, but that didn't stop him from fantasizing about the muscular wolf. When he'd finally caught his breath, he stayed in bed for a few moments trying to sort out his thoughts.

III. Study

Miles swallowed as he pretended to check his phone. Like most of the other human kids, he'd gotten into the habit of changing on the far side of the locker room, which was designed with human-sized folks in mind. Most of Seneca's zetas trended on the large size and it was fairly common for public facilities to be sized differently.

There was no rule as to which side of the locker room people had to use, but zetas rarely crossed into the human side, though humans occasionally made use of the zeta side to make use of the larger lockers and quicker access to the weight room and pool. Miles had never considered it until last night, as he lay awake with the product of his sixth climax since his encounter with Alec was cooling on his stomach and chest.

He sat on one of the carpeted benches along the wall, wearing a pair of cargo shorts and a plain t-shirt, his attention divided between an old text message from Tyler and Hodge Phillips' large equine balls and sheath. It was only after he started to feel that familiar sense of arousal between his legs that he realized just how bad a decision that had been. He swallowed hard and ignored the erection that was once again one sniff or sidelong glance away from making an awkward situation into a disastrous one. He tried looking somewhere else, only to find Mark Isaac's dick right at eye level. He had no idea why so few of his zeta classmates bothered with underwear, but it certainly made the locker room more interesting.

Flushed and realizing he was starting to breathe a little too hard, Miles decided this wasn't going to work. At least night today. Hastily, he shoved his hands into his pockets to, hopefully, hide his erection while he skulked to the bathroom and promptly locked himself in a stall. It was still early in the day, and the stall was actually clean, or at least as clean as it got in a high school locker room.

Still feeling anxious he sat down on the toilet and waited for the crowd to head out. He could handle being a few minutes late to class today. Coach Card seemed to like him, and he'd yet to be late to this class. Thankfully, no one else came into the bathroom area on this side of the locker room more than a quick piss which kept things from getting awkward. He'd never been one of those shy kids who needed to change in a stall, but today, he thought he understood what that was like a little more than he had.

It was at least five minutes before he was confident enough to head back out to his locker. There was no one else around, so before changing into his kit, he decided to take a few minutes to creatively apply some of his deodorant between his legs. The lightly scented gel left a cooling sensation on his dick and sack, but he decided that would be better than smelling like he'd just jerked off - he hadn't, but he'd leaked enough precum into his underwear that it wouldn't matter one way or the other.

It was while he was carefully spreading the gel onto his dick with his underwear down around his ankles that Alec made his way out from the other side of the locker room on his way to the gym. He was singing the chorus to some old rock song when he spotted Miles.

"There you are, Miles. Was looking for you on the other side," he said sounding genuinely pleased to see the human. He stopped in mid stride when he realized what he noticed where Miles' hand was. "Oh."

He blushed brightly as he quickly bent over to pull his underwear back up, not even thinking about the view he was giving the wolf. "It's not what it looks like," he hastily spouted, wincing at the cliché. God.

"Hey, it's cool. I've done that in here plenty of times. Usually better to wait till after class though. There's usually a few people who run late, but there aren't any gym classes next hour."

"You've got the wrong idea, Alec." he said, scrambling to finish getting dressed. Of course, that was when he processed what Alec was saying. That mental image brought his erection back in less time than it took a racecar to go from zero to 60.

Alec noticed that too. He was staring when Miles turned around. He'd managed to get his shorts on and was clutching his shirt to his chest as if he were a girl trying to hide her breasts. "Whatever you say."

The human teen had never been so embarrassed in his entire life, which included the time he'd walked in on his dad having sex last year. What was worse was that in spite of all of that, he was still battling with that incorrigible arousal of his. The wolf looked him over one more time, smiled a smile Miles had no hope of interpreting, and then resumed singing his way out to the main gym area to warm up.

Miles waited about thirty seconds, silently wondering what the hell was wrong with him before slipping his shirt over his head and joining the rest of his class. As usual, once warm ups were done, Alec went straight to the weight room with a few of his other zeta friends. Miles made eye contact with him once. He intended to say or do something friendly to apologize to the wolf, but all he managed was another blush and quickly averted eyes. He pretended to be staring at one of the air ducts instead.

"Miles," Coach Card said, snapping Miles out of his emotional daze. "Which track are you on today?"

Coach Card was a tiger zeta Miles guessed was in his mid-40s. He was pretty laid back with a typical gym-teacher build - lots of upper body muscle definition, a bit of a beer gut, and legs that probably needed to be worked a little more often, though Miles only had people like Alec to compare him too.

He shrugged. "Figured I'd go with the cardio group today," he said. He usually alternated between that and aquatics. Today, he hoped some hard running would exhaust him enough to keep his sex drive in check the rest of the day. He really needed to figure out a way to deal with this little problem of his, but at least he wouldn't have to worry about Mr. Riley's class until next week. He wasn't sure he could handle that today.

"That's fine, but take it easy. You're looking a little red. Sure you're feeling okay?"

He nodded, "Oh yes, Coach. Sorry, just having a rough morning."

The tiger seemed to accept that, and a few minutes later, Miles was out running sprints with a dozen or so other kids underneath the hot September sun.

Miles had long since given up trying to keep up with some of the zetas, especially on sprints. Anthony Meehan always did the cardio track, and on sprint days, the cheetah was at the finish line by the time Miles was at the halfway point. By human standards, he'd been considered fast, but at Seneca East, he was in the middle of the pack. The competitive part of him still kept track though, and he noticed with some pride that he seemed to be improving. Of course, that might have just been a product of whatever hormones had been pumping through his system for the last 24 hours. He seriously hadn't felt like this since the first time he'd been fucked - poor Tyler was sore for a week after, and Miles never did let him fully recover. Not that he ever complained for long.

The rest of class went by smoothly, and after thoroughly exhausting himself to keep up with his classmates, Miles thought he'd succeeded in distracting his body. He'd be sore tomorrow, but his mind felt clearer than it had all morning. Of course, that didn't stop him from taking an extra slow walk back from the track field, or from spending a solid three or four minutes fussing with his hair in front of a mirror before heading to his actual locker. The showers were still going and the typical loud teenager conversations were still echoing around the room, but most of it had died down. Miles was starving, and his dick hadn't acted up for over an hour. He was sure he could handle a quick shower without going back into cockslut mode.

He'd never been more wrong in his life.

IV. Practicals

There were four guys in the shower area each under one of the narrow shower heads. A metal pillar in the middle of the tiled room was mounted with five shower heads that were all filling the room with a familiar steamy mist. He'd showered in rooms just like this dozens of times, including in the one on the other side of the locker room he normally used. He'd never been body shy, but he felt the eyes of the other zetas on his scratched-up back as he hung his towel.

Each step towards his classmates was deliberate and measured. By now, no one was paying him much attention, but the conversation slowed as most of them took sidelong looks. He must be as strange to them as they were to him, but he turned his shower nozzle towards him and pressed the metal button to summon his own spray of hot water.

Conversation picked back up after that and though Miles didn't exactly feel welcome, he didn't think any of them minded him there. Miles went about washing the sweat from his body, and the other guys gradually finished up and left. Just as Miles thought he was going to be alone, he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Jack," Alec said in greeting the rabbit who was on his way out. He had been the last of Miles's company.

Alec had to have noticed Miles, but that didn't seem to bother him. He simply walked under one of the nozzles that was still on and began lathering up his fur. "Hey, Miles," he said as he worked his splayed fingers through the coarse fur over his thickly muscled chest, "Get a good workout in?"

Miles was busy thinking very hard about how he shouldn't let his eyes go any lower, but he managed a nod. He'd stopped trying to rinse off, and half of his body was still covered in soap.

"Awesome. I should run more, but all the guys ever want to do is lift," he shrugged, "Not that I mind. Strength has its advantages."

The human boy swallowed at that. His mind had immediately summoned one of the fantasies from the night before, in which Alec had been shoving him against the glass wall of his shower while they fucked.

Alec smiled and dipped his head under the shower head. That was when Miles realized his old friend the conspicuous erection had returned. He immediately tried to cover it up with his hand, but Alec had clearly seen. He was still smiling when he shook some of the water off of his head and straightened.

"Guess that's still bugging you, huh?" Alec said in a tone Miles thought was the same one he'd been using the other day. Was it flirtatious, or was he making fun? "That's okay, mine too." He gestured down and Miles instinctively accepted the invitation before he had time to even consciously understand the offer. His lips parted in a barely audible moan as he caught site of the hint of redness between Alec's legs. The wolf widened his stance as if to make sure Miles had a good view.

Miles couldn't look away. His blue eyes were inexplicably drawn to that shock of red. Alec wasn't fully hard; at least not like the canine in the photo from the day before had been, but at least four inches of veiny red dick was protruding from his sheath and as the sophomore looked, more continued to slip free.

It was thicker than the one he'd seen in Mr. Riley's class. Longer too, Miles realized. His mouth was watering.

If he noticed, Alec didn't say anything. He pumped some extra shampoo from the dispenser worked it up into another lather into his hands, then casually brought it down over his cock. "Watch if you want," he said.

With practiced movements, the wolf worked his fist over the eight or so inches of cock that Miles would have sworn was visibly throbbing. He could see precum drooling out in quantities that would have made any human he'd been with seem dry by comparison. The wolf's natural lubrication mixed with the soap to make a slick mess, but Alec didn't seem to mind. He adjusted his grip and started working himself a little faster. A second hand went up to brace himself on the central pillar of the shower as his breathing began to quicken.

Miles felt his knees weakening as he watched this. Later, he would say he had no control of his actions and that some instinct or unseen force drove him to do what he did next. But that would be a lie. At that moment, Miles knew he had a choice whether to be an active participant or a passive observer, and though he was calling himself a slut, Miles's knees splashed into the water only seconds before he was wrapping his arms around Alec's muscle-bound thighs and sliding his mouth over his classmate's cock: soap, pre, and all.

The taste of the soap was bitter and acrid, even when cut by Alec's natural flavor, but Miles didn't care. The heat against his tongue, the sensation of wetness on the back of his throat, and the guttural moan rumbling from the wolf zeta was worth the marred taste. A feeling of intense pleasure washed over him when Alec grabbed the back of his head and pushed his hips forward. Had Miles been less experienced, this might have scared him, but he'd learned to control his gag reflex with Tyler, and now he was putting that hard earned skill to good use. He swallowed Alec's cock up to the root on the first try, and though his throat tried to rebel, Miles mentally beat it into submission as he'd taught himself to do. It felt so satisfying to have a dick down there - far more satisfying that he'd ever remembered it being with other guys.

It was only as miles nearly collapsed that he realized he was setting a new world record for most intense orgasm. The sensation gripped his young body by the balls and forced them to release six or seven ropes of human DNA over the tiled floor. Miles hadn't even had to touch himself.

Had Alec not been holding his head, Miles would have surely been forced to release Alec's dick. Fortunately, Alec seemed to have some experience of his own in these matters. Or maybe he just liked the sensation of a human throat wrapped around his cock. In either case, Miles considered it a good thing at that moment. Even as the climax faded, his erection continued to throb with need between his legs.

Sadly, he wouldn't have a chance to bury his nose back into Alec's soaked pubic fur for a while. The wolf's knot was starting to form, and as ambitious as Miles was feeling at this particular moment, he was certain he wasn't going to be able to get his lips around that. Of course, that didn't stop him from beating them against those hard bulbs of tissue with gusto as he continued to suck the zeta's cock with as much skill and energy as he could muster.

"Miles, slow down a little. You don't need to go that fast," Alec murmured to him after a moment.

Miles knew that this kind of feedback was important for most good sex, but he still took it as a bit of an insult to his cocksucking abilities. It also made him self-conscious enough that he started to lose focus and soon he was forced to pull back as a muscle in his jaw threatened to cramp. He kneed there in the water, the shadow of this animalistic male looming over him as he panted and rubbed at his red lips, now puffy and swollen from self-abuse, resting against the tip of this beautiful cock he'd been felating for what felt like hours. WIth lust-filled eyes, he looked up at Alec.

The wolf was looking down at him with another expression Miles didn't know how to interpret. He thought it might have been something like respect or appreciation, but it could have just as easily been simple lust. In either case, it made Miles shiver and kiss the other male's cock as if it were some great treasure that he'd been searching for, smearing spit, soap, water, and precum over his lips. His jaw was still sore. As was his throat. The mixture of fluids, worked into a slight froth was dripping down his chin. At some point the shower had stopped and he hadn't noticed.

He wasn't sure he could continue, but as he prepared to try anyway, the wolf stopped him.

"Stand up," he said with a slight snarl. There was no question there, and though Miles had trouble with zeta body language, the expected obedience was impossible to misinterpret. Miles did as he was told. They kissed again, the zeta's tongue dancing over his lips in slow passionate movements that made miles simply open up to the stronger male. And as that wet, pink tongue danced inside him, Miles let out a soft moan, all the while keeping his hand wrapped around the zeta's pulsing erection. Feeling bold, he let his hand close softly around Alec's knot. Would that be enough to finish him off?

"Miles," he gasped after a few more heartbeats that felt like hours, "If you're going to stop me again, now's your last chance."

That set off a red flag somewhere in the teen's mind, but he was long passed caring. He needed this. As did Alec, apparently. He nodded.

The next thing Miles knew, he was being shoved onto his stomach while the dripping wet wolf climbed over him. The soapy wet floor and his own wet skin made it difficult for Miles to keep his knees from slipping, but Alec braced his own legs next to his and held his hips in hands that easily circled around his entire waist. His claws, noticeably blunter than they had been the night before dug into his flesh for added grip.

"You're fuckin' slippery," he muttered as he slid a thick finger down his cleft. The touch was enough to make Miles think he was close to cumming again, but he still hadn't bothered to touch himself. Alec pushed gently but insistently against his opening, which gave way, but only reluctantly. "And tight. . . are you really ready for this?"

Miles rested his head on his forearms which he'd gathered underneath him as a makeshift pillow. He wasn't sure he'd be able to keep himself upright without the support. He was weak, his head was spinning, and his body ached with a feverish need. He was a bullet about to be fired by a very thick hammer. He nodded.

Alec didn't ask again. The zeta withdrew his finger and soon replaced it with the slippery pointed glans of his cock, though he didn't force himself inside. At least not yet. Instead, he slid the broad column of masculinity against the smooth skin of Mile's ass while smearing more and more precum against his cleft. Somewhere, Miles registered that he was slicking his cock up, but he was filled with a desperate kind of impatience. It made him feel far more animal than the wolf that was preparing to fuck him.

Sensing his impatience, or perhaps just acting on his own, Alec shifted his hips and grabbed the base of his cock. In one relentless, determined push, the wolf shoved the tapered length as deep as it would go. Miles grunted and clawed reflexively at the ground to get away from the sharp, burning pain, but his body was simultaneously wracked with another unexpected orgasm. Alec should have waited. He should have pulled out and given Miles a chance to catch his breath. He didn't. Miles wasn't even sure Alec had noticed his discomfort.

There was no gentle rocking, stretching, or humping. Within seconds, Alec was delivering full-on long-dicked thrusts to the smaller male. If anyone saw them, there would be no mistaking the hard rutting for anything else. This was near-mindless fucking punctuated by the sound of heavy hips wetly smacking loudly against Miles's bare flesh and Miles' occasional gasp for breath as he tried to endure. Neither seemed to notice or care that they were making so much noise.

When Miles's eyes uncrossed, he vaguely realized he'd been drooling onto his arm. He lifted it to wipe his chin, but the force of Alec's body slamming into his caused his head to nearly slam into the tile floor. Hygiene would need to wait.

Despite two consecutive climaxes, Miles thought he was handling things fairly well. Tyler had always been a considerate lover (overly so, Miles had thought more than once). By contrast, Alec was... well, a beast. The human's body was a conduit of intense sensation. He couldn't hold back his cries. Yes there was pain, but above all was an overwhelming pleasure and a sense of need.

As in his fantasy the night before, Miles soon realized that Alec would want to tie soon. Perhaps he did already. He could feel what Mr. Riley had called the _bulbus glandis _rocking hard against his body with each downward thrust. And like in the fantasy, Miles was certain that no amount of force would make it fit. Of course, on the internet the night before, he'd read all about how to properly grip a zeta canine's dick when he was about to cum. Dutifully, and admittedly eager, Miles reached back and grabbed at Alec's dick.

The ferocity of the sudden growl and tightening grip on his hips shocked Miles and brought a sudden moment of clarity as the rational side of Miles's mind surfaced amid the sea of hormones and sensation. Something wasn't right. He reached again, and this time, Alec grabbed his wrist and pinned it painfully to the small of his back.

His thrusts were slowing, but somehow getting harder. He could feel the wolf grinding against him and rocking his hips while his body futilely tried to accommodate the massive knot. Miles felt more full than he ever had in his life. "Alec, stop!" It was too big. God, he thought it might tear him in half.

Alec just shoved harder and Miles groaned both in pain and fear. He had felt vulnerable before, now he was entirely at the other male's mercy. There was little Miles could do to stop the stronger male from doing whatever he wanted, at least not here. He scrambled uselessly at the floor, but the soap kept him from gaining any traction. "Fuck, no! Stop!"

When the wolf slowly withdrew his length, Miles allowed himself a relieved sigh. The wolf had finally heard him, he thought. The violent shove that lanced the full length back into him, knot and all, obliterated that, along with most of his other thoughts. His entire existence in that moment was an intense burning pain and the terrifying sensation of his insides being stretched to their absolute limit. He screamed, but Alec stifled it with a hand.

The painful tugging at his insides that now accompanied the movement of Alec's hips served as confirmation to Miles as to what had just happened. All anger faded the moment he also began to feel the immense warmth accompanying the throbbing and twitching of the wolf's dick. Miles sobbed between paralyzing shudders of pleasure. He was cumming again. He still hadn't bothered to touch himself.

The time immediately after the tie was a haze in Miles's memory of the event. What stood out was the feel of Alec's heavier body resting against his while his cock continued to pump cum into him for what felt like an eternity. The wolf was licking at Miles' shoulder, neck, cheek, and anything else he could while whispering words of praise to him.

The human's next moment of clarity came when Alec's dick finally released its seal with Miles's insides. He suddenly felt very empty as a flood of hot liquid poured out of him along with Alec's softening dick. The wolf slowly got back to his feet, and though Miles realized he should do the same, his limbs refused to move.

Alec broke the relative quiet, "Miles, we should get cleaned up."

Miles grunted and managed to get back to his hands and knees. The floor was still slippery, especially when his knees slid through the mess that had been inside him a moment earlier. Alec, ever so helpfully, turned the showers back on. "Fuck," Alec said in a chipper tone. "That was intense."

Miles felt tears stinging his eyes as he finally managed to get back to his feet. He gingerly felt his tender ass. Even clenching, his hole still felt too big. He'd seen the word "destroyed" used in porn to refer to something like this. It had never seen so real.

"Dude, are you crying?" Alec said. The jock swagger had vanished from his deep voice. He sounded legitimately concerned and he stepped towards him, looking confused and a little hurt. "I thought I did a good job," he said placing a tentative hand on his shoulder, "Was it that bad?"

Miles didn't know what to say to that. The anger he'd felt before boiled back up and he brought it all to bare in a punch he delivered right to the side of Alec's muzzle that sent him stumbling back. "What the fuck!" he yelled.

Now it was Alec's turn to look hurt. He rubbed his cheek and looked at Miles.

"What part of 'Stop' didn't you understand!?"

Alec looked even more confused by that. "I...I thought you were just trying to get away. It was..."

Miles had no idea what this was all about, but he wasn't going to back down on this. He'd never felt more violated. "I was! It fucking hurt!"

The wolf made an expression that Miles had no idea how to interpret. A grimace, perhaps? Or maybe anger.

"Miles, I warned you. I asked you. Twice." The wolf looked to him as if expecting that would explain everything. When Miles didn't react, he sighed. "I'm sorry," he finally said. His shoulders visibly sunk and he lowered his eyes. "This was a mistake."

After the wolf left, Miles, still shaken and stunned, struggled to pull himself together underneath the steamy water. Sometime later, after he'd managed to clean himself up and get dressed, he found himself laying down on one of the wider benches on the human side of the locker room. He was too sore to sit comfortably. Alec was right about one thing, this had all been a horrible mistake. But he couldn't deny that in spite of the violation, deep down, he'd enjoyed it.

Finally, the bell for lunch rang and Miles forced himself to stand. He was already thinking about how he'd manage to sit comfortably in his next class when he heard a familiar voice. "Miles," said Coach Card from behind him, "we need to talk."

End of Part 1