Spring Forest Oneshot (edited by Wounded Knee)

Story by WhiteWolfMoonHowl on SoFurry

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This was originally written for my mate and myself as a continuing story, but after a while, that love faded and she became my ex, resulting in the abandonment of this story since it takes far too much work to edit everything. Not to mention as the grammar freaks will notice, there are several instances where contractions contain the use of a quotation mark instead of an apostrophe, I have no idea why that is, nor do I have the energy to go through the entire document to correct the issue. But I liked writing the oneshot too much to simply abandon it to my trashcan, so here it is.

This story was edited by Wounded Knee, since I was too lazy to go through and fix the errors. Many many thanks ^_^

She walked deep into the forest, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells. Her ears picked up the breathing of small animals as they sleep. Her nose took in the scents of foxes, owls, and a smell so strong that it hurts her nose; fear. Her eyes pick up the dens of these small animals, the nests of birds, the burrows of rodents, and the den of a fox, but as she scanned the darkness, she saw not where this fear scent came from. She growled and continued walking, more alert than she was though. Her mind wnet back to the change, and she made it happen, her body shuddered and bent into the form of a white wolf with a black left ear. Her nose now picked up the scent of a different creature, one similar to herself, except different in some way. She followed the scent, and entered a clearing, where a hot spring lied in the shadows of the trees. This is where the fear scent came from, but there is nobody there from what she can see. She shuddered back into human form and stepped into the water.

The water relaxed her and she sat on a rocky ledge under the water's surface. She tilted her head back, soaking in the warm water of the spring. She didn't notice the second creature in the spring with her. A young fox lifted herself out of the water and slowly walks toward the wolf. The wolf is so wrapped up in her bath that she doesn't notice the kitsune until she's sitting beside her. Suddenly, a large wall of water hits her in the face, drenching her long red hair.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?" The wolf growled, causing the fox to back away quickly.

"I am Alira Kitosu, the fox child. I know who you are, Kaia Harisoma, Alpha of the Rainbow Wolf Pack." The fox whispered to the wolf as she lifted her bushy red tail out of the water.

"Why do you insist on bathing with me, little fox?" Kaia asked as her white tail flicked water at Alira.

"Because I've been watching you, and I know things about you that nobody else outside your pack could possibly know. Besides, I was here first." Alira replied, not really answering Kaia's question. Her response kind of unnerved Kaia and the wolf decided to find out exactly what Alira knows.

"So, let's talk. We will each ask a question and the other must answer truthfully, no matter what the question's content might be. Does this deal sound good to you, Alira Kitosu?" Kaia asked as she sink lower into the water to cover her naked body.

"Okay. I'll answer as much as I can." Alira replied, sitting down on the rock ledge next to Kaia.

"I'll ask first. How do you know my name?" Kaia asked, her violet eyes glowing with the moonlight.

"I heard of you from my parents, the Lord and Lady Foxes of Spring Forest. They told me of your greatness as well as your looks, so I knew you the second I saw you." Alira replied. "My turn, why don't you trust any other creatures of this forest?" Alira asked and Kaia sat straight up.

"I don't trust any other creatures because a long time ago, my mother was tricked by a vengeful fawn. The poor creature was angry because our kind hunted him down and killed his parents, so he set a trap and my mother died because of them. I haven't trusted any other creature since then." Kaia replied. "Okay, when you say you've been following me, what exactly do you mean?" She asked the little fox.

"I've been tracking your pack, talking to the others in your pack, and watching your den as you sleep, I also know that the one female in your pack is very fond of you, the other one is like your mentor." Alira replied and Kaia's eyes go wide. Alira decided to go for the jugular and ask her darkest question.

"My turn again: Why are there no males in your pack?" She asked boldly and Kaia growled in frustration, as she blushed a vivid shade of red.

"Why that question? Okay, I'll answer. I have no males in my pack because I'm the only one that can mate at this time, and I don't want a male mate. I prefer females." Kaia sunk under the water with a groan, leaving one shocked little fox smiling down at the surface. As Kaia resurfaced, the fox grinned widely at her.

"I knew it!" The fox shrieked and she spinned around, dancing in the water. Kaia is amazed by the little fox's behavior and decided to ask one last question.

"Why did you want to know?" Kaia asked and Alira blushed and played with her tail. She said nothing for a few minutes and only smiled and blushed.

"I asked, because I'm the same way. And nobody else in my breed seems to be that way. I've been watching you because I really like you, and I want to see if you would maybe be my mate for a while." Alira blushed a bright shade of red as she asked this and Kaia smiled at the little fox.

"I'd like that very much." Kaia replied. Alira splashed Kaia in the face with her tail and the wolf splashed back. The two play in the hot spring, splashing each other and play fighting. Suddenly, Alira pinned Kaia's hands against the rock ledge and kissed her gently on the lips. The wolf growled and snaked her tongue out, gently licking the fox's lips. The fox opened her mouth instinctively and Kaia's tongue entered, touching Alira's tongue lightly, making the fox moan out. Beneath the water, Alira's tail wraps around her body and brushed against Kaia's inner thigh, making the wolf gasp in pleasure. Kaia's tail wraps itself around Alira's body, pulling the two closer together. Kaia moaned and Alira's tail slipped between the wolf's legs, brushing against her most sensitive area, earning a sharp gasp from Kaia. Kaia growled loudly, and suddenly Alira found herself beneath the wolf, with Kaia's tail brushing against her, the sensation making Alira moan out with pleasure before unknown to the little fox. The two creatures' tongues intertwine with yet another fiery kiss, and Kaia broke it to nip at Alira's lower lip with her sharp fangs. Kaia's hands traveled down the fox's body, sharp claws playing her flesh like a violin, stroking and rubbing until Alira felt as if her spirit is soaring high above the dense trees of Spring Forest like an eagle. The wolf chuckled softly as she heard the growls of pleasure erupt from her young lover.

"Kaia, please, more." Alira whispered with a ragged, breathy voice. The wolf only smirked and lifted the kitsune out of the water and sat her down on a patch of grass near the edge of the spring. The little fox opened her mouth to protest, but Kaia placed a finger against her lips to silence her, and then gently placed one clawed hand on each of Alira's thighs, spreading them open. Alira shivered softly from the cool night air whipping across her naked flesh, but Kaia cupped her hands and filled them with the hot spring water, throwing it onto the fox to keep her warm. Then the wolf gently took one long finger, sheathing her long claws like a cat and gently ran it across Alira's inner thigh, earning a sharp gasp from the kitsune. Kaia pushed Alira's legs open further and then she gracefully lowered her head between the fox's thighs. Kaia growled possessively and her tongue darted out and flicked across the young kitsune's opening, causing Alira to throw her head back and moan loudly.

"Do you like this Alira? Am I pleasing you enough?" Kaia asked as she looked up from between the kitsune's legs. Alira looked back down at her with deep amber eyes, tinted with the red of lust.

"Don't stop, Kaia. You are very talented, my love." Alira rasped between moans as the wolf continued licking. Suddenly, Kaia stopped and smiled at Alira, then she rose up and unsheathed her claws, a throaty growl escaping from her mouth as she looked at her kitsune lover. Alira watched her with a quizzical expression on her face, unsure of why her mate has suddenly sprouted claws. Kaia smiled gently and places one clawed hand at the kitsune's opening and smiled down at the fox.

"This might be a little painful, but I promise it won't hurt for long." Kaia whispered in a breathy voice and she rammed two clawed fingers into the little kitsune. The fox screamed in pain as her barrier is ripped by the wolf's claws, but the scream soon turned to moaning as Kaia began to thrust her fingers in and out of Alira.

"Alira Kitosu, I claim you as my mate. No other creature may touch you the way I have tonight. You are now part of my pack, and you are expected to live with us now. Are you ready for this honor?" Kaia asked, each word emphasized by a thrust of her fingers as the kitsune looked at her with lust-filled eyes.

"I am more than ready, this is what I wanted." Alira whispered. A loud moan escaped her lips as Kaia added a third finger. Kaia continued thrusting her fingers in and out of the fox with increased speed until the fox felt her release building in the pit of her stomach. Kaia sensed this and thrusted faster, bowing her head and licking in time with her thrusts. The fox's inner walls close around the wolf's fingers and Alira climaxed with the fox equivalent of a howl, spilling her juices onto Kaia's hand. The wolf licked and sucked at the fox's opening, cleaning her of all traces of their actions before pulling her fingers out and licking them clean as well.

"Kaia, that...was...amazing." Alira whispered between breaths, body still trembling from the force of her release. Kaia smiled and lifted herself out of the water, lying next to Alira on the grass. She turned and captured the kitsune in a fiery kiss, allowing the fox to taste herself. Alira began to tremble once again from the cold, but this time Kaia shuddered into her wolf form and used her tail as a blanket to keep her kitsune warm. They lay there for hours; together and happy.

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