The Pride - Chapter 1

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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Released back in 2011! The Pride has been cleaned up and revamped just for you guys here at Sofurry!

The Pride follows the story of Kopa, a young lion, once to be the future king of the Pridelands, now a young refugee in Amri's family. He works diligently to earn there trust, and become a full fledged member of the pride.

(Character Bio's are in a separate submission. Link here << This will give you profiles on each of the characters in The Pride. Check it out. )

As the cool, night wind rolled through the tall grass and wisped through the trees of their savannah home. The lions of the small pride rested beneath the star littered sky. Amri lay next to the warm body of his lover and wife, Hakima. Mated for life just a few years ago, they bore one daughter, Saeska who took residence right beside them. Ni and Asani slept within spitting distance of each other while the girls, Keyah and Kinu huddled close to one another. Just a little further off, was a young adult lion their family had rescued just a couple of years before.

He had come to be known as Scars by Asani, who developed a habit of nicknaming most members of the pride by either their defining traits or habits. The name stuck for a while, suiting him for the many old wounds that decorated his body. Keyah and Hakima kept to calling him by his original name however, preferring Kopa to the harsh sounding nickname.

Ni and Asani moaned as they looked over towards Scars sleeping body. He was tossing and turning once again, panting and gasping he frequently cried out from the nightmares that were tormenting him. It was a common theme, one that frustrated Asani in particular to no end.

Ni's eyes darted back and forth between Asani and Scars, he was certain he was going to wake him. Much to his surprise Asani simply huffed and rolled over, trying his best to ignore him. Scars kept whimpering and gasping, rolled onto his back, he batted the air, fighting against his tormenters. Asani growled and rolled back over to face Ni.

"Why didn't we just let him die, seriously? If he keeps me up again one more night I'll put him back the way we found him." He threatened. Ni rolled his eyes and sighed, rising from the grass with a grunt; he slowly found his way to Scars body. Gently nudging him, he coaxed the moaning lion awake.

"Hey, Scars get up." He gently pushed, tapping at his side. Scars continued moaning and gasping in his sleep.

"Just kick his fucking tail!" Asani shouted. Amri snapped up, startled by the outburst.

"Watch your mouth Asani, my daughters not a few feet from you!" He was swift to scold.

"Whatever." Asani dismissed flopping back down. Ni put a paw over Scars mouth and let his claws quickly poke his nose. The sting abruptly awoke him, meeting Ni eye to eye in terror.

"Another nightmare huh?" Ni sighed. Scars took a moment to calm down and let his breathing settle before replying.

"Yeah, another nightmare."

"Look I know it sounds cruel, but if you're going to keep having these you'll have to sleep farther away, you're keeping everyone awake." Ni explained, gesturing back towards the pride. Scars picked himself up enough to see that most everyone had been disrupted by the noise. Frowning he settled back down.

"Least you woke me up this time instead of Asani." He noted.

"Yeah well, Asani's got the next one." Ni replied with a smile. Scars chuckled and picked himself up to move a little further away. Ni stayed at his side till he found a hearty enough patch of grass to settle into.

"You're staying?" He asked, looking up to Ni.

"Oh no, definitely not. Just wondering if you're seeing anything different in these dreams?" Scars had little trouble reflecting on the fresh nightmare, but sadly he had to give the same answer. The dreams hadn't changed in the slightest.

"No, still the same black monster with yellow eyes, ripping me." He recalled. Ni shrugged it off.

"Yeah well, you never know. Memories are fickle; you might see who it really is someday. Then we can go kick his ass." He suggested, cracking a little smirk. Scars chuckled as well as he set his head back down. "G'night kido." Ni called back, walking towards his spot aside Asani.

"Night." Scars whispered, tilting his head he let his mind at ease and fell back to sleep.

The next morning Scars awoke to find the pride in their usual habits. Saeska, Kinu and Hakima were nowhere to be found, out hunting most likely, and Asani and Ni were practicing with each other. Keyah was watching, unimpressed with their displays, fighting, tossing and wrestling each other. Each trying to gain the upper hand they constantly play fought until one would submit.

Amri was refereeing the match, calling out what maneuvers to use and when. Scars wondered why he was never as well trained as the other two. Keyah noticed Scars awake and smiled. She began Waving a paw frantically at him, Scars smiled and waved back. Bouncing up she made her way over and sat happily alongside him.

"Morning Kopa." She beamed with a massive smile.

"Morning." He laughed. "Don't you mean Scars?" He proposed to her.

"Oh bleh." She replied, spilling her tongue in distaste of the name. "I'm sticking with Kopa; let the boys call you whatever they want."

"I guess so." He agreed.

"Sooo." She trailed on, circling her claw on the ground. "Got any plans tonight?" Kopa thought for a moment, pondering what he might do today.

"No, not really. I was hoping to talk to Amri for a bit, but that's about it."

"Doing that tonight?" She questioned once again.

"No, anytime today. Least, anytime I can get him." Kopa explained.

"Ahhh I see." Keyah smiled, glad that she might be able to sneak in some time with him tonight.

"Breakfast!" Kinu called out from behind them. Hakima and Saeska had arrived home, hauling across their backs a fresh antelope kill.

"Sweet!" Kopa exclaimed. Walking aside them, Kopa waited eagerly for everyone to gather. Asani came up beside him and snarled, shoving Kopa away.

"Hey!" Kopa cried out.

"What?" Asani snapped back, just as sharply.

"What's the big idea?" He demanded.

"You'll eat when were done, take what you get and enjoy it, Scars!" He fired out. Kopa growled at him but Amri intervened.

"Enough, the both of you. Asani what have I told you, do not pester the boy." Amri scolded.

"Whatever." Asani replied, brushing off his tongue lashing. Keyah shook her head in disappointment; Kinu, her sister was not impressed either. Asani picked up on this rather quickly and was swift to call them out on it.

"What's with you two." He demanded.

"It's a shame the way you treat Kopa." Keyah stated, briefly ignoring her meal.

"Psh, and you?" Asani asked, turning to Kinu.

"Could care less, but you are kind of an asshole to him." She agreed.

"When Scars does something of value around here, I'll give him some respect." He stated firmly. Ni let a small chuckle escape as he ate.

"Nothing personal buddy, but respect isn't exactly your forte." Ni cracked.

"Oh you don't get respect?" Asani swung to him, challenging the statement.

"I'm still not certain you know what it means."

"That's bull, I help you out. We train together we eat together, and I don't give you a hard time unless I have to. I watch your back, and we defend our pride together, I hate to break it to ya, but that's some respect." Asani stated firmly, feeling the urgent need to defend himself.

"I didn't say you don't give me any." Ni pointed out. "I'm just saying you're very tenacious and you act on impulse." Hakima let out a loud audible sigh and paused from eating.

"Wouldn't it be nice, husband if we had one meal where the boys weren't squabbling?" She posed, looking to him with feigned distress. Amri chuckled.

"That would be the day." He agreed.

"Amri, we going to resume training after this?" Asani asked eagerly. Amri shook his head, rising up from the remains of his breakfast.

"No, I think we should go and talk a while though Asani, you to Ni." He suggested. Looking down, he seemed to be waiting for them to get up and join.

"Now?" Ni asked sadly, the nice slab of meat before him was enticing him to stay.

"Now would be preferred." Agreed Amri. The two moaned and got up to join him. Walking out into the savannah Kopa watched as they disappeared from sight.

"What do you think they're going to talk about?" He asked, looking to Keyah.

"Who knows; guy stuff." She concluded swiftly, still eating away. Kopa decided to do the same and finished up his meal.

"So what's the story old friend?" Ni asked, settling in for the talk. Amri turned and faced the two of them before addressing them.

"The usual, where to go next and how to get there."

"Oh this again, were moving." Asani sighed.

"Now Asani, these lands are not as abundant in game as others. We need to look elsewhere for a home." Amri reaffirmed.

"But are we really looking for a home?" Ni asked, picking himself up, he began pacing around Amri.

"Of course." Amri replied with a quick laugh. Ni continued pacing around him pondering the validity of his answer.

"So, why did we pass up that verdant valley we found last month?" He inquired.

"There was a pride already living there young one, come now. We can't just muscle in when we have a pride of our own." Amri reminded him.

"We didn't need to, it was so abundant in game both our prides could of taken territory with little conflict." Ni contested.

"What kind of home are we looking for?" Asani demanded. "Honestly if there's anywhere we can plant our asses and hunt easily we should just settle. Why are we wondering?"

"We need to find an area where our family will be safe. Out here, exposed in the open can only work for so long before other predators or males will seek to take advantage. Somewhere secluded enough we can keep our own safe yet, somewhere balanced enough we can eat healthy. Such a place is worth searching for, do not be so hasty to find a territory to mark up just because you can kill in it." Amri explained.

"But are we looking for a home for us, or Kopa's home?" Ni asked, questioning his motives more directly.

"Now that's a bit brash for you Ni." Amri retorted, unimpressed with his assumption.

"But it is true isn't it?" Ni insisted.

"That kid isn't part of our pride, he's just a pup you rescued." Asani added.

"Enough of that, honestly I'm astonished the rate the two of you bicker. He's enough of a member of our pride." Amri stated.

"No he's not! He hasn't fought for us, he doesn't hunt. All he does is sit there chatting up with Keyah, and I swear if he thinks he can just start breeding our lionesses-"

"Asani! That's enough." Amri interrupted. Closing his eyes, he started to rub at the bridge of his nose before answering. "You have made your points however poorly you expressed them but the truth is Kopa may yet serve a valuable purpose. Even you as hard headed as you are must understand that I cannot be around forever. Kopa is fresh blood and can serve a role if he's properly guided. I will do what I can and it will take time but as his confidence returns you may yet find him invaluable to preserving our pride." Asani bowed his head; he didn't like hearing Amri talk of his own death. Ni felt the same discomfort but unlike him he wasn't afraid to voice it.

"You know I don't like to hear you talk about that."

"It is an inevitability boy." He replied with a chuckle. Ni darted in and swung his head under Amri's.

"I don't care; you're the closest thing I've had to a father for a long time. I want you around as long as possible." He said softly. Amri held him close for a moment before releasing him, patting his back.

"I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon boy." Amri said, comforting him. Turning to Asani, Amri reached out and scratched his head. Asani smiled, shaking his mane out as Amri's paw escaped.

"I'm not big on hugs." He whispered.

"I think I'd rather hug a cactus then you." Ni cracked. Asani smiled and glared at Ni. Being taken in by a swing of his big arm, Asani leaned in to Amri and smiled. Ni laughed at the sight, Asani looking like a coddled angry cub under his arm.

"I'll knock you one, I mean it." He threatened lightly.

"Save it for later boys." Amri announced, releasing Asani. "Let's head back for now." The two nodded and took spots beside him as they walked back towards their pride.

Kopa lay out on his back, gazing up to the sky. The sun descending behind him began to shift the view from orange and red, to the dark blue veil that trailed behind. The wind was soft and cool, grazing over the grass beside him creating an air of tranquility to the coming night. Moaning lightly he let the moment envelope him, the scene so relaxing, until the patter of shuffling feet disturbed the grass below his feet. Keyah giggled as she made her approached, bouncing a little more with each step.

"Hey handsome!" She called. Kopa's warm smiled greeted her. "So, why are you out here all on your lonesome?" She asked, lying close to him.

"Just watching the sunset is all." He replied, glancing back he noticed that it had just dipped below the horizon. "Bah, missed it."

"Sorry, my bad?" Keyah apologized lightly. Kopa laughed and brushed it off.

"It's ok, don't worry about it." He assured her. "So, come to visit with me again have you?" he announced taking to a more proud tone. She giggled and shuffled herself a little closer.

"Well I didn't come here to watch a sunset." She cooed. Kopa let a chuckle escape and nuzzled his cheek to hers. Keyah was always quite affectionate to him and it was her purring that always threw him off. The low rumble seemed to start in her belly and trembled so loud she could be heard miles away. Each breath seemed labored as she embraced his cheek, letting a few soft licks escape.

"Every time you do that I think a humming bird is flying by my head." Kopa joked. Keyah broke out with laughter as she pulled away and rolled onto her back.

"I can't help it! I've always been like that, Kinu will totally deny it, but she's just as bad."

"I don't think I've ever heard your sister purr." Kopa noted. Rolling her eyes she smiled and agreed, it was a rare thing at best.

"Yeah totally, she's not into mating and all the fun little perks that come along with it. So I don't think she'll be purring anytime soon." Keyah stated, taking to his side once more she eagerly resumed her affectionate stroking of Kopa cheek. His face turned solemn, gently pushing her aside moving away from her as he sat upright. Keyah grew concerned and joined him, rising up beside him. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"I just, I can't." Kopa stammered, letting his head grow heavy.

"You can't what?" She asked, rubbing his shoulder with her head.

"I can't be your mate." He reaffirmed. Heaving a sigh, she halted her affection and took to planting her head on his shoulders in dismay. It was not the first time he had said it.

"Because of your dreams?" She asked disheartened.

"No, well yes and no. It's just-"

"You don't love me." She interrupted. Kopa was slack jawed for a moment before regaining his train of thought.

"No, it's just I haven't even figured out who I am, where I come from." He explained.

"What does it matter? Kopa, why are you living in the past?" She protested.

"I'm not living in the past; I don't even have a past. That's the problem." He sighed. Pausing once again he gently pawed at the ground. "I'm tired of not knowing who I am; I don't want to spend my life living as "Scars"."

"You are Kopa; you still remember your name. What else do you recall?" She asked, trying to encourage him.

"Not much." Keyah huffed and began pacing around him, pondering what to do.

"Lay on your back." She ordered. Kopa was confused at the request but was quick to comply with her. She took to his head and lowered herself down. Her muzzle resting upon his forehead, she reached for his ears and began to caress and massage them. Kopa loved the soft feel of her breath while she toyed with his ears. His back tingled with each circular stroke as she knew this was one of his more sensitive spots.

"Not that I'm complaining at all, but what are you doing?" he asked.

"Shhhh." She hushed. "Just relax." Kopa moaned with pleasure as the purring grew in his chest. She carried on, circling his ears while planting soft kisses on his head. "Think back Kopa, the first memories you have. Let's go through them, slowly. What do you see?" Kopa's mind began to wander. The vision of grasslands and fresh water began to form. The strands waved in the soft wind, while the smell from the pool began to fill his nose.

"I see tall grass, waving. It's a savannah." He recalled.

"Good, what do you smell?"

"Water, fresh water. In a shallow pool nearby." He continued.

"Keep going, look off to the left." She spoke softly. Kopa tried to focus, his eyes shutting tight as he struggled to focus on the image in his mind. All that came to surface was a white, hollow void, an emptiness that was persistently upsetting him.

"I can't see anything." He cried out.

"Shhh, move along then. What else do you see?" Kopa's mind shifted, the same grasslands, but darkness veiled them. It had fallen to night, and a rather strange yet familiar shape appeared.

"The savannah again. I can see someone there alone." He explained. "A girl, alone looking out into the night." Keyah slowed a bit.

"A girl?" She asked. "Who?" Kopa struggled once more, shaking his head.

"I can't see her face; she's looking up to the stars."

"A sister?" She asked. Kopa threw his mouth open and smiled ecstatically. "A sister, yes. I know, I had a sister!" His smile broke wider. He could hear her laughing.

"I can hear her!" He exclaimed. Keyah giggled, happy she was helping his memories return. Lost in the moment, he could hear the words creep into his mind. A lesson from someone, someone close to his heart. He could feel it, the voice was soothing and comforting, a males but, not any from his home here.

"The sky!" Kopa shouted. "The stars." He gasped opening his eyes he gazed up into the night sky. The words were coming together.

"What about the stars?" She asked. He could hear the phrase in his head, unsure himself of what it meant, eagerly he let it out.

"All the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us." Keyah seemed confused.

"Kings, what kings?"

"I don't know." Kopa laughed. "But I know someone close to my heart said it." Keyah stopped her massage and rose up. Swinging around to his side she put herself in line with him, cuddling close to bury her head in his mane. Letting her paw drape across his chest, she circled around his heart with a finger.

"You're never gonna let me in there huh?" She whispered softly.

"What do you mean?"

"Your heart." She sobbed; Kopa grabbed her paw and held it tight.

"You're already in my heart." He assured her.

"Not in the part I want to be." She corrected. He pulled her in close to him, wrapping his paws around her he held tight.

"I love you, Keyah. I'm just not ready to be your mate yet." Her eyes began to brim with tears; she had wanted to hear the words now for so long. Kissing his neck, she gave the tightest squeeze she could.

"You really love me?" She pleaded.

"Yeah." He whispered softly.

"I love you to!" She cried out. Kissing his neck over and over, Kopa returned the favor, bathing her neck and squeezing her tight.

"Stay with me tonight?" He asked.

"Mmhmm." She moaned. His body was so warm pressed up so close; she could feel his heart beating gently against hers. Using his mane as a pillow she embraced him tight as she slipped away into her slumber. Kopa, so relaxed from his massage, he easily drifted off as well, resting in the soft grass they warmed the night, locked in each other's embrace.

Kopa stepped out into the open savannah.The night was cool, crisp and well lit from the full moon bathing the land. Each step upon the earth below felt cool on his feet, carrying on until he happened upon a small female cub, staring off into the sky. It was strange that she was out there all alone, concerned he started toward her.

"You ok there?" He asked. The girl didn't respond. Shaking it off he got a little closer.

"Hey?" He called again, but the cub seemed un-phased.

"Not exactly safe out here, you should head home." Kopa suggested. Still the girl looked off into the sky, unmoving. Kopa reached out, his paw briefly landing on her shoulder. Swinging her head around he caught sight of her face. A small tuft of hair on her head. The bright blue eyes gazing strait into his. He gasped as his heart began to race, he recognized her, the name on his tongue.

"Kopa?" She asked. Kopa swiftly shot up as he awoke, tossing Keyah off of him in the process.

"Vitani!" He cried, awakening to realize it was a dream.

"Ow!" Keyah cried out.

"Oh jeez sorry!" He quickly apologized, grabbing her to ensure she wasn't hurt. "You ok?"

"Yeah, just ow." She stated, patting her head she laughed a bit.

"I'm sorry." Kopa apologized again.

"It's ok, it's ok." She insisted, grabbing him and pulling him back down to the grass. Retaking her place, resting her head on his neck she sighed and asked.

"What's a Vitani?" Kopa's eyes opened wide as he clamored for an answer.

"It's nothing, I think anyway. I'll figure it out tomorrow, maybe." He hastily explained.

"If you say so." She whispered softly, falling back asleep. Kopa ran the name through his head over and over, but eventually submitted to his weariness and fell back asleep.

Asani silently worked his way over to Kopa and Keyah. During the night she had rolled just off his slumbering body. Swiftly he crept up and looked down on them. Shaking his head he leaned his head down near Kopa's ear, he could barely contain his laughter. Taking a deep breath he let out a massive roar. The shock threw Kopa up in the air, and thankfully this time Keyah was enough distance away not to be thrown as well. The shock awoke them both as Kopa turned around with fangs and claws bared at the laughing Asani. Keyah was unimpressed as well, glaring at him.

"What in the fucking world is wrong with you?!" She screamed. Asani settled his laughter.

"Chill out, Scares, I mean Scars here." He mocked once more. "Needs to come with me and Ni."

"So why'd you scare me?!" She demanded.

"Collateral damage honey, go play with your sister." He dismissed. Sticking her tongue out she showcased her distaste for him and walked off.

"Pig!" She called back.

"What do you want with me?" Kopa fired out angrily.

"For you to actually be of some use around here Scars, so no time for sitting around on your lazy ass, let's go." He ordered.

"Go where." Kopa asked.

"To train with me and Ni, that is of course unless you don't want to?" He interrogated.

"Maybe with Ni, but I could do without you!" Kopa replied. Swinging back he walked hastily over to Kopa. Shoving him to the ground he put his face right to his.

"Well here's the deal, so listen well. We're leaving in a couple of days to find a new home. So since we have some time Ni and I will give you some basic training. You'll do what we tell you, you'll fight like we show you and you'll finish when we want you to. Now, if you don't like that then feel free to take option two." Getting up he pointed out to the open savannah. "You can get up, off your sorry tail and go out into the world and find someone else to take care of you. So, make your choice. Learn to fight with us so you can defend our pride, or get the hell out."

Kopa wiped his face and shook off his lecture from Asani.

"What option do you think I'll take?" He asked. Shaking his head Asani laughed.

"The fuck do you think?" He implied. Smiling Kopa started walking towards him.

"I wouldn't give you the pleasure, let's go."

"No I didn't think you would." Asani agreed. Walking for a while they met up with Ni who was sitting by an old tree relaxing. He smiled as they approached and got up to stretch out.

"So decided to come huh?" Ni asked. Kopa smiled and nodded as Ni walked by him. "Told you he was next to wake you up." He whispered. Kopa laughed, recalling the other nights warning.

"Yeah, well called."

"What do you say I break him in first!" Asani suggested eagerly.

"Nuh uh, I'll give him the breakdown of some basic technique, you can either observe, or go run for a while." Ni quickly replied.

"Tch fine, can't keep protect him forever though." He warned as he started running. Kopa shook his head at him as he ran off.

"What an asshole." He whispered.

"Asshole or not, you're gonna have to learn how to fight alongside him." Ni reminded him.

"You and Amri sure, but Asani hates me. He'd probably take the first chance to cut my throat." Kopa protested. Ni covered his face and sighed.

"Look, he can't afford to do that Scars- er sorry. Did you want to go by Kopa or Scars, I can never remember?" Ni asked, embarrassed at the mix up.

"Just Kopa is fine."

"Alright, Kopa. He can't afford to do that, whether he likes it or not we need you to step up now."

"I've wanted to train with you for a while, why did it take so long?" He asked.

"Amri wanted to make sure you could handle it. I can kind of understand why, I can honestly say I've never died before." Ni said. The thought made Kopa cringe as well. It was true, he had slipped away after his vicious assault and it took months for him to even walk again safely.

"That was, a long time ago." Kopa replied sadly.

"Yeah, I know. But still, it was a major factor. That and the hostility between you and Asani wasn't helping. But now." Ni trailed off. Kopa leaned in with concern.

"Now what?"

"Now, Amri is getting on in age. He's not quite as strong as he used to be, and he's right some new blood would help." Ni elaborated.

"Is he ok? He isn't sick is he?" Kopa pleaded.

"No no, nothing like that. He's just becoming aware of his age. Anyway, enough chatter. Let's start going over some basics." Ni stated. Standing he took a few steps away from Kopa and began his lecture. "Alright so here's the deal, you come at me and show me what you can do now. We'll clean up what you're doing wrong off the bat and start covering some techniques and pins shortly after ok?"

"Yeah ok!" Kopa agreed happily. Kopa readied himself, leaning down as if ready to pounce. Ni shook his head and laughed.

"Oh boy, here we go." He whispered. Kopa came in swinging but Ni's reflexes easily won out. He blocked and dodged every careless swing of Kopa's paws. He found time to swipe out his legs sending Kopa to the ground as he flailed off balance over and over. "Come on, stop swinging around like a girl. Take a quick shot and either follow up with something heavy or try to move in for a take down." Ni advised.

Kopa got up and nodded, readying himself once again. This time he took one quick swipe forcing Ni to block, and lunged in. Now he was satisfied, as Ni found himself taken down and wrestling with Kopa. He continued to tutor him in how to manage himself during a takedown, and how to get out of one he finds himself in. He went over where to strike in order to create the openings needed for other maneuvers as well. Like striking high then low to sweep the legs, or strafing during strikes to create openings on the side for a takedown.

Kopa was very responsive to Ni's advice and found himself greatly enjoying it. It wasn't meant to last though; Asani was returning now and watched with a smirk as the two were wrestling.

"Hey Ni, why not actually try against him. Give him a taste of what he's really in for in a fight?" Asani suggested. Ni laughed as he rolled over and pounced up.

"The kid's not bad Asani, I think Amri was spot on about him."

"Ha, I'll be the judge of that." Asani laughed, as he strolled towards Kopa. Slowly he approached him face to face, Kopa still panting from his sparring session with Ni. "What do you say Scars? Think you can handle a little bout with me?"

"I'm not afraid of you." Kopa answered firmly.

"Asani, don't injure him." Ni warned.

"No promises." He replied turning towards Kopa once more. Ni roused up and met Asani's face, his teeth bared he growled loudly.

"You hurt him intentionally during training; I'll lay into you so hard we'll have to start calling you "Scars". Do not, hurt him!" He threatened once again.

"Whatever." Asani whispered. Kopa readied to fight staring straight into Asani's eyes. They were both anxious to start, Asani had always felt Kopa was mooching off his pride, a waste that did nothing but try to sleep with their females and eat there kills. Kopa simply wanted to shut his trap, for all the mocking and insults he slung at him. Branding him Scars and for making his life with his "Pride" hard.

Lunging in the two started wrestling but Asani easily pinned Kopa to the ground. Asani took a hard swing and caught Kopa straight across the face, making him spit up from the blow. Kicking his hind legs out though, he caught Asani's and threw him off balance. Kopa swung hard now and threw Asani off of him with a hard shot to the side of his chest. Standing once again they faced off with fangs bared, growling and spitting.

Ni watched carefully for any foul play from either of them. They threw themselves at each other over and over, trading blows but never really achieving a clear win in the scrapes. Kopa darted in for him once again but Asani leapt off to the side, swiping at his arm. His claws escaped his paw raking Kopa's shoulder. He howled in pain, as the blood started to pour from his arm.

"Hey!" Ni shouted angrily and charged in for Asani. Blindsiding him to the ground. Asani growled and turned to him, furious for interrupting the fight.

"What the hell!" Asani demanded.

"I warned you not to hurt him!" Ni scolded. Asani shook off the blow and looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about? It's just a shoulder scrape, stop being such a baby!"

"If you can't follow something as simple as don't hurt your own pride then maybe you're the one that should get the hell out of here!"

"I'm fine Ni!" Kopa shouted. Ni turned to him in shock. "It's just a scratch, I've had a lot worse. Let him up, I'm not finished with him yet." Ni was stunned at his response, he could clearly see the blood still running down Kopa's arm to the ground and still he wanted to fight. Even Asani found himself genuinely impressed, though he didn't feel compelled to admit it.

"Get off me Ni, Scars wants to keep going." He ordered. Ni complied and backed off letting Asani get up. Readying himself again, Kopa stared straight at him once more.

"Ready?" Kopa asked.

"Ha, maybe you're not such a pussy after all." Lunging for each other they resumed their sparring. Swinging and roaring they fought for a good while. Kopa was getting a good understanding now of just what to do in a real fight, he knew Asani was providing it. He actually found himself enjoying fighting against Asani more since there was greater satisfaction in landing blows on him.

As the two finally calmed down now with the day wearing on, they took a breather, panting from there constant fighting. Asani looked Kopa over, carefully examining his arms and legs, looking at the musculature and his overall build. Kopa felt uncomfortable with the staring and spoke up.

"Not having funny thoughts about me are you?" He asked. Ni burst out laughing and fell onto his back. Asani shrugged off the joke and started over to him.

"No, I was looking your arms and legs over; you spent a lot of time flat on your ass against me." Reaching out he took Kopa's arm and squeezed the length of it. "Flex." He ordered.

"What?" Kopa asked, confused at the request. Asani took a slow swing at his head.

"Flex! You're not that stupid." He scolded.

"Ok fine!" He shouted. Kopa did his best to flex his arm. Asani cringed as he worked his way up and down Kopa's arm.

"Oh no no, come on." He cried out. "Other arm." Working his way up and down he found the same result. His arms were fair sized, but no tone. He squeezed right through fat in order to find any muscle. "This is not gonna work Scars, you need to get this toned out, and fast." Ni who had recovered from his laughing fit got up and joined them. Taking one of Kopa's arms he squeezed along as well.

"Oh yeah, you're not kidding." Ni agreed.

"This is what you get sitting around for months." Asani scolded.

"Hey now, some of those months he could barely walk." Ni argued.

"No, he's right. It couldn't have hurt for me to be a bit more active." Kopa sighed. Ni shook his head in disbelief.

"I did not hear you just agree with Asani?" He asked. Kopa shrugged and smiled.

"Stranger things have happened."

"I suppose I could give you some pointers how to train this up." Asani suggested. Kopa nodded and looked to him.

"Yeah, k thanks." Ni just looked between them over and over before swinging around and walking away.

"I'm in the wrong pride aren't I? Have we met? Nice to meet you I'm Ni." He joked.

"Shut your dumb ass up." Asani interrupted. Kopa laughed as they concluded there examinations of him and began heading home.

Hakima sat bathing away at her paw, gently wiping it over her face. Kinu was sitting before her, swishing about with her tail and watching Keyah bath as well.

"Something troubling you dear?" Hakima asked between licks. Kinu glanced up then back down to the grass.

"No nothing." She answered quickly.

"I see." She accepted, concluding her bath. Placing a paw gently on Kinu's shoulder she greeted her more closely. "You know you can speak, if something is on your mind?"

"I'm fine greatmother. It's just, well I'm sick of wondering aimlessly through the wilds looking for a home, why didn't we just stay where we were?" She asked.

"Hmmm." Hakima pondered for a moment. "Perhaps it has to do with the many times our pride was challenged previous to Amri's arrival. It may also have to do with the boy he rescued, but I am not certain."

"With Kopa?" Kinu asked.

"The boy has great admiration for us, but he is not one of us, at least not fully." Hakima concluded. Keyah overheard this and decided to join the conversation.

"What do you mean?" Keyah asked now.

"Kopa was found wounded, near death by a lion kingdom."

"What's the difference?" Kinu asked.

"In a pride, only the males are allowed to fight for the females and overtake a pride. A kingdom is much different, the males and females alike defend the territory in order to secure the land, a land held sacred to the pride that lives there." Hakima explained.

"The females can fight?" Keyah questioned in amazment.

"Yes, though there training is modest they do possess the ability; and hold the right to fight for the territory."

"So Kopa is from a kingdom?" Keyah trailed off. Hakima pondered the question for a moment once again.

"Of that, I am not sure. To wound someone so young, is a malicious thing to do. The kings I have learned of never act in such ways towards the young, and since they are never overthrown by outsiders, it's unlikely it was from a rival pride. Perhaps Kopa holds a story much alike Asani's and was abandoned and wounded passing through, until his memories return we cannot be certain."

"You think his memories will ever come back?" Asked Keyah.

"He was wounded and traumatized. His head suffered little injury. In time, whether he wants them to return or not, the details of his past will resurface and we will at last meet the true Kopa." Hakima stated, gently bowing her head. Keyah wondered what the real Kopa was like. She had learned a little about his past but, it was so vague that it gave no real detail about his life.

"I will do my best then to help him recover." Keyah said nodding to Hakima. Smiling she pat Keyah's head.

"Do that child, but know this." She warned softly. "Never mate with him, no matter how badly your heart may desire it."

"What! Why?!" Keyah quickly protested. Hakima hushed her and continued.

"He is watched over by us, he has not been accepted as a member of our pride. Ni, Asani and Amri are our prime males. If you cannot choose among them, make no choice at all."

"But I love him!" She protested.

"And love him for all you can, perhaps in time he will make his choice. If it is truly love you share, he will join us and will choose you." She explained, calming Keyah down.

"Why did Amri venture out to save him anyway?" Kinu asked.

"I believe my beloved saw in him a reflection of his own past, and wished to save it."

"His past?"

"Amri watched his brother die in his arms." Hakima stated solemnly. "The pain of that day, wounded him so. To watch another die in a like manner, I don't think he could bare it."

"Mom!" Saeska cried out, returning from her run. Hakima turned around and smiled.

"Yes dear?"

"The boys are coming back!" She called out again.

"Good, is your father with them?"

"Uhh." She trailed off, darting off ahead for a bit. Hakima waited for a moment before Saeska turned around and came back. "No I don't see daddy with them."

"Find your father love, and tell him to come home." Hakima requested. Saeska eagerly nodded and burst back out into the savannah. She ran hard towards the nearest hill to get a better view of the surrounding savannah. Glancing off towards the east she saw the visage of a lion resting by a pool.

"Got ya!" She told herself as she raced off. Saeska had little trouble running, she absolutely loved it, and her speed was unmatched. Even Asani often found himself left in the dust trying to trail the spry and fiery young lioness. Her legs were well developed and snapped the ground hard with each stroke, firing her forward faster and faster. Approaching the small pond she slid to slow herself down, kicking up dirt and startling her father.

"Goodness!" Amri cried out, suddenly aware of her smiling face only a few feet from him.

"Come on daddy, time to come home!" she said, swishing around him still wrapped in her dopey smile.

"Look off to the west my girl, do you see the river?" He asked. She took a quick glance out west then back at him.

"Yeah it's pretty, can we go now?" She begged.

"The game is rushing off towards a trail opposite to that river, the watering holes around here to are becoming crowded quite regularly, and will eventually be to filthy to drink. We should move tomorrow, at first light towards the river. Clean water and good hunting should meet us there." Amri stated firmly. Slowly he turned towards his daughter who was pawing at the ground.

"Can we go, can we go." She was singing softly under her breath. Amri shook his head in disappointment.

"Child have you been listening?" Quickly she looked up and smiled at him.

"Wake up, first light head to the river for clean water, game trail just across the way for fresh food and something more interesting than a dinky little pond-hey dad look at the sun let's ROLL!" She blurted out, swinging around and rushing back home. Amri stood dumbfounded at his daughter's response.

"I have the strangest daughter on the face of this earth." He whispered with a laugh.

Arriving home, Amri looked over his pride. Asani was talking to Kopa on how to get some strength training in while Ni and Kinu casually chatted. Hakima was being informed by her daughter about what her father had decided to do as Keyah relaxed in the fading sun. Eventually one by one they turned their attention to him, Amri nodding to each one as they looked. They gathered around and lay down before him as he lowered his body with a huff to the ground.

"So, Saeska says you have located a new game trail?" Hakima asked her husband.

"Yes, across the river off to the west." Amri acknowledged.

"So when do we leave?" Kinu asked apathetically. Amri frowned and sighed at her, he knew how much she hated roaming.

"We will move at first light tomorrow." He replied. Kinu moaned and laid her head down, her eyes half closed.

"Amri, mind if I take Scars and Ni up ahead to scout it out? I was going to put him on some strength training anyway tomorrow but, if we're moving already." Asani began to explain.

"No no, I don't mind go right ahead just stop within ear shot of the pride. Circle back around if you're focusing on strength but to be honest Asani, the move is not that significant. I believe we will reach the game trail within an hour or so. All we need do is move off of it a bit and find somewhere comfortable and just a tad secluded." Amri explained. Ni, Kopa and Asani all nodded in agreement with the idea.

"Sounds good." Kopa replied.

"How did your training go today Kopa?" Amri asked, interested to hear what had transpired today. Kopa laughed scratching the back of his head.

"Went ok I think, me and Asani fought it out for a bit but thankfully not before Ni gave me a few pointers."

"Well that's good!" Amri said encouraging him. "So you two have stopped bickering?"


"Maybe when he doesn't suck." Asani quickly replied. Kopa frowned and hung his head with a sigh. Amri chuckled covering his face.

"You two, I swear."

"Daddy!" Saeska called out, sitting right next to her father. The shock threw his head up.

"I'm right here dear! What is it?"

"Mind if I go for a quick run before bed? Legs are feeling restless." She asked, widening her eyes.

"That's ok Saeska just stay within ear shot." He replied softly. Darting she smiled and kissed her father's cheek.

"Thanks daddy!" and with that she took off running. Asani watched as she burst from the pride and began sprinting out.

"Look at that kid move." Ni said aloud.

"She's been a runner since she was little." Kopa agreed. Kinu, Keyah and Asani agreed.

"I feel bad for the sucker that's gotta mate her." Asani thought out loud. Hakima glared at him for a moment before he finally realized his mouth was still going.

"Why is that?" Hakima firmly questioned.

"Nothing, sorry." He quickly apologized. Amri was just as unimpressed.

"Do not speak ill of my daughter Asani." He scolded.

"I didn't mean it to sound that way, sorry!" He reiterated. Kopa chuckled and pat his back.

"Maybe I should teach you a thing or two about females." He joked.

"When you earn some respect I'll consider it." Asani replied. Kinu got up and stretched out, yawning she looked to her family.

"Good night guys, I'm going to sleep."

"Yeah, me two." Ni agreed. They took turns saying good night finding soft spots in the grass to settle down in. Keyah walked alongside Kopa and settled near him for the night. Lowering himself slowly into the grass he groaned as he touched down. His arm was bothering him, and rubbing it only irritated the scratch from earlier. Keyah rushed over placing a paw on his side.

"Hey, you ok?" She whispered.

"Yeah I'm fine, just my arms a bit sore." He explained, showing her his mildly wounded shoulder.

"Oh no, here let me get that!" She insisted. Kopa shot a quick glance to his injury before returning to her.

"It's ok; it's not the scratch that hurts I think I just over did it for my first day." He quickly explained.

"Still, let me take care of that for you." She insisted. Kopa refused to argue with her, the comfort of her touch was always more than welcome. Grabbing his paw she leaned in and began bathing the three tiny cut Asani made in his arm. It stung at first, but eventually the pain faded as she worked. His shoulder mildly soaked he leaned in and kissed her cheek as she finished.

"Thank you." He whispered. Keyah moaned with pleasure, leaning in to his cheek and under his chin.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you to." He whispered, as they nuzzled. Reaching out he pulled her closer to him, wrapping her in the same fashion as the previous night.

"Good night Kopa." She cooed. Giving her one more quick squeeze he replied.

"Good night Keyah." And closed his eyes. Asani watched the two cuddled together and scowled, shaking his head.

"Still don't like the idea of him and Keyah." Asani stated, glancing to Ni who had chosen to settle in near his side.

"Why's that?" Ni questioned.

"She's our lioness, not his." Asani insisted, turning back toward the two.

"Ours or yours?" Ni retorted. Asani remained silent for a moment before replying.

"She could have been mine." Ni shrugged it off, but saw how much it was upsetting Asani. Patting his shoulder he offered what consolation he could.

"She's not your type Asani, she wouldn't have taken you. Don't take it personal."

"What do you mean?" Asani asked.

"She's had a crush on him since he arrived as a little ball of leaves and blood."

"She was still a cub, how could she have a crush on him then?" He interrogated.

"Keyah was the one who almost always looked after him. It's not surprising they have grown so close. Beside Asani, you could still choose Kinu, or even Saeska I suppose when she gets a few more months older." Ni suggested.

"Yeah right, Kinu I'm certain despises males in general, and Saeska well. I'm sure even Amri would banish me for touching his daughter." Ni huffed and rolled over to his side.

"You're too narrow-minded my friend. Go to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning."

"Whatever." Asani dismissed falling back to the grass as well.

"You gotta learn to stop saying that." Ni perked up with a chuckle.

"Why?" he asked. Ni paused before replying.

"Why don't you try talking to Hakima tomorrow morning, huh? I'm sure she could explain it better than me." Ni suggested.

"I don't think Amri's wife would be too generous with courtship advice." Asani countered. Ni felt the need to elaborate his point but, sometimes when it came to Asani's habits he was too thick to appreciate good advice.

"Good night Asani." Ni said, opting to just end the conversation there.

"Night Ni."

The Pride - Chapter 2

Ni and Asani awoke together. The sun had just crested the horizon and race across the savannah. Yawning, Ni slowly got up and stretched out while Asani struggled to awaken. Walking over, rubbing his eyes for a moment, Ni tapped his side. "Hey come on,...

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The Pride - Character Bios.

Amri Age: 10 years 10 months Description: Long, lean yet very strong. Dark brown coat, Thick black mane that extends nearly to his waist. Large blue eyes, often calm demeanor. Birthplace: Hall of Voyagers, The High Reach. Father: Akinlana Mother:...

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Taking the Lead -

Littlefoot began his day as any other, bounding joyfully through the lush, verdant grass of the great valley. After a hearty meal, gathered up by his loving grandmother and grandfather, he seemed set to find his friends to seek out a new adventure for...

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