The Pride - Chapter 2

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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The Pride - Chapter 2, fully proof read and done up for you guys on SF.

-Multiple grammar corrections made.

-Several bits of dialogue and scenes have been improved to flow better.

If you still notice issues, please post in a PM.

Ni and Asani awoke together. The sun had just crested the horizon and race across the savannah. Yawning, Ni slowly got up and stretched out while Asani struggled to awaken. Walking over, rubbing his eyes for a moment, Ni tapped his side.

"Hey come on, get up. Time to move remember?" He reminded him. Asani rolled over before complying. Eventually picking himself up he joined Ni and aimed toward Amri; though already awake, he hadn't bothered to get up just yet.

"Morning Amri." Ni called out. Amri nodded, greeting Ni with a smile.

"Morning you two. Is Kopa up yet?" He asked. Ni and Asani looked over towards him. He was still fast asleep with Keyah wrapped tightly in his arms. Asani frowned at the sight, reminded how much he despised the fact she was courting him.

"I'll get em." Asani suggested, eager to disrupt the sight. Amri reached and snatched his tail, halting him making the attempt.

"Oh no you don't, I caught wind of yesterdays little stunt, Ni, would you mind?" Ni was wiping his face, still trying to wake himself up.

"Sure." He said with a yawn and headed over. Putting his paw on Kopa's head he shook him to coax him up. "Come on kido, rise and shine." Kopa stirred awake along with Keyah who had been resting comfortably on his neck.

"What is it?" Keyah asked rubbing her eyes.

"Moving, you know the routine. Let's get a move on, sooner we get there the sooner we can nap again." Ni informed them. Kopa let Keyah off of him and shook out his mane as he got up. "Sleep alright kido?" Ni asked.

"Yeah slept fine." Ni caught a sudden interest in his answer.

"No nightmares?" Ni wondered. Kopa shook his head and quickly realized no, he didn't have any last night.

"No. Wow that's a first in a while." He said in amazement. Keyah smiled and brushed against Kopa's side.

"He was in good company." She giggled.

"That and he probably wore himself out training yesterday. It's good to take your mind of it." Ni added.

"I think you're both right." Kopa smiled. They found their way over to Amri who had woken up the girls. Hakima was giving her daughter a bath while they all circled around Amri.

"Everyone ready?" Amri asked.

"We eating first?" Kinu was quick to question. Hakima ceased bathing Saeska a moment to answer.

"It's not far; we'll hunt on the new game trail. You would most likely have to go there just to get a catch the prey at this point." Hakima stated. Kinu accepted her answer and turned to Amri.

"Alright, let's go." He announced, leading the way off toward the stream he had pointed out the other day. Asani caught up behind Kopa and started pushing him up alongside Ni. Kopa sighed, glancing back thinking he was back onto his old habits of pushing him around.

"Really this early, you're going to get on my case?" Kopa complained. Asani shook his head in disappointment.

"No, we're going to fix those sticks you call arms and legs." Kopa's face contorted, he forgot he was going to help him with strength training.

"Oh right, sorry." He swiftly apologized and rushed on ahead. Ni kept Kopa at his side while Asani brought up the rear. They took to running out a good while before hooking around to swing back toward the pride. Kopa wasn't lasting very long, his arms and legs burned from the strain of so much running. Panting and huffing as he made it back to the pride, Asani snickered at the winded lion.

"No stamina at all." Asani mocked. Kopa didn't answer, just continued to walk panting and trying to recover his strength. Asani kept bumping him from behind, trying to get him going again. "Come on Kopa, push it!" He insisted. Kopa started to sprint once again and Ni kept to his side. This time as they ran out they found themselves at the stream, their family still strolling along a fair distance away. Kopa was so relieved to find water, ready to bury his muzzle in and drink deep but felt his nose get swatted away from the surface.

"Hey!" He cried out, much to his surprise it was Ni he met shaking his head at him.

"Don't do that." He warned.

"I can't drink?" Kopa exclaimed.

"No, not unless you want your sides to ache horribly." Ni informed him. Kopa hung his head and whimpered.

"Oh shut up, you big baby." Asani scolded. Kopa snapped to him and glared angrily. Laughing, Asani approached him face to face. "Want to make something of it?" He taunted.

"Knock it off!" Ni shouted. "Turn around, that's enough rest let's head back." They traded one more glare before heading back towards the pride. As they headed back Saeska was ready to meet up with them. The trio slowed down as she approached and met her smiling face, bouncing around them.

"Don't stop, come on!" She encouraged. Ni laughed and watched as she bounced around them, energetic as ever.

"Coming to join us I'm guessing?" He asked.

"Uh huh!" She chirped.

"Alright, let's keep moving." Ni declared. Running up to the pride they swung around them and turned back towards the stream. Saeska was really moving; she had no trouble staying well ahead of the boys, tearing the earth up beneath her as she bolted off. Asani was always impressed with how fast she could run, her legs were thick and strong and you couldn't spot any fat on her body. He couldn't deny that he felt a bit of attraction to her maturing form but, the thought of what Amri would think, or worse Hakima, easily broke those fantasies.

Saeska splashed into the stream and turned around giggling. She was waiting for the others to arrive so she could brag about beating them there. As they were coming in she looked upstream and saw something floating in the water. A light brown blob that was bobbing around, bumping rocks and tumbling about the water. Its approach was slow, but as it got close the shape became vividly clear, it was a lioness. Saeska screamed and leapt from the water onto the shore.

"Saeska!" Asani called out, concerned for her.

"Get over here! Help!" She cried. Kopa, Asani and Ni rushed down to her, crowding around her. Asani pulled her in close and held her trembling body.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly. Saeska pointed toward the water and to the still tumbling body. Ni's eyes darted towards it.

"Shit!" He cried out as he sprung into the water and began swimming up the stream. The lioness's body bumped into him, giving Ni a chance to snatch the scruff of her neck. He swam briefly before he found footing and dragged the lioness to the shore. Kopa looked her over, her features were familiar. The darker marking on her head, her slender face and missing bit of ear. Ni leaned into her chest and listened for a heartbeat. Her body was very cold and rigid. Shaking his head he backed away.

"Damn! She's gone, long gone. Probably been in the water for a day or two now." He concluded. Asani examined the limbs and body, poking and prodding away at her.

"Wow Ni, feel that. She's been in here a long time, seems every bone is broken here. Legs, back I can even feel the ribs broken apart in there." Ni joined him, checking the parts he mentioned and agreed. He gently grabbed her head and opened her eye, exposing faintly the yellow and brown coloration.

Kopa caught sight of it and felt his heart race. His mind suddenly reeling with memories once veiled in darkness, rushing back to him. The yellow eyes, the face, her build, it was all clear to him. Slowly he backed away trembling; feeling his old wounds ache on his side, he cringed and shut his eyes tight; trying to push the horrible thoughts away. The face once shrouded in darkness became clear, and the name on his tongue spilled out with a foul taste.

"Zira!" Kopa growled, spitting and snarling at the corpse before him as he backed away. Asani and Ni looked to him, wondering what was going on. Saeska had enough and dashed off toward her family to inform them of what had happened. Kopa started circling her, roaring and growling his fangs and claws were bared as he fixated on her body.

"The fucks wrong with you?" Asani demanded. Kopa didn't hear it, he continued glaring at Zira. Ni slowly walked between him and the body waving a paw in front of him.

"Kopa?" He asked. He couldn't respond, he was losing himself to the rage. This was her, the lioness who killed him, ruined his innocence and forced him from his home. The memories were flooding his mind, the rake of each swipe she made across his flesh, the blood on the ground and the scent it made filling the air. His memories brought the day to life once again, the fear he felt as they circled him unable to turn away from her eyes. Spitting up from his mouth, he could no longer contain the rage. Lunging for her body he swung his claws heavily ans slashed, tearing her open with the strike. He threw another, ripping under her arm, and another tore across her chest. Raising his paw high as he roared, he hammered down on her chest, striking it over and over.

"Kopa stop it!" Ni cried out. Kopa completely ignored him. Digging his claws into her flesh, he started tearing away at her, flipping her belly up he tore harder and harder, her body sundering as pieces fell out from the gaping wounds he made.

"Scars?" Asani whispered in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had always thought of him as weak and soft hearted, but the carnage he was inflicting was a completely foreign sight. Kopa's claws were catching on her insides, tearing out more and more body parts with every swing. Ni was mortified at the sight. He grew fed up with the carnage and rushed in, throwing Kopa to the ground and struggled to get him under control.

"No!" Kopa screamed, trying desperately to resume the destruction of her body.

"Kopa stop it! You have to stop it she's dead!" Ni shouted. "Asani help me!" Asani hurried over and grabbed hold of Kopa's flailing legs. Ni repositioned himself and held Kopa's head beneath him.

"You did this to me! You did this to me you bitch! I'll tear you apart!" Kopa screamed. Ni wrestled hard to get him under control. Kopa was trying to claw his way over to her, even with their strength combined, they could barely hold him down.

"Kopa she's dead! Just stop it she's gone!" Ni shouted once more. He tried a few more times to pull himself free, but the rage began to subside as he submitted to Asani and Ni's grasp. The two of them waited for a moment, feeling him halting his attempt to break free. Kopa's body started to shake; Ni lifted himself off to reveal Kopa crying into his paws. Ni wasn't sure what to do, he looked over at the mess of the body he made then back to him.

"Kopa?" He asked quietly.

"It's her." He cried. Ni lay down, resting cheek to cheek aside his friend.

"Shhh, I get it, I know." Ni said comforting him. Asani shook his head, still completely lost as to what had set him off.

"I don't."

"That lioness is the one, who did this." Ni replied, pointing at Kopa's old wounds. Asani understood now, looking over at the body even he found himself shuddering. The shock from his rage, gave the scene a very eerie and morbid feel. Shaking it off Asani walked over to Zira's body and called back to Kopa.

"Here's another mess of yours I gotta clean up kid." He snickered before starting to work.

"Asani, shut it." Ni scolded.

"Was just a joke, relax." Asani replied. Grabbing Zira's scruff he dragged the remains back towards the water and tossed her in. Kicking her out, Asani watched as it sank traveling downstream. He began flicking the few body parts Kopa had dug out in the process. "This is just, nasty I got to admit. I've eaten hundreds of animals but when it's lion parts it gives me the creeps." Asani said aloud still flicking pieces into the water.

"You and me both." Agreed Ni. "Kopa, are you alright?" He didn't answer; his eyes were still shut tight as he shuddered and whimpered. Amri and Hakima finally approached alongside Saeska. Kinu and Keyah were quick to join alongside them.

"What's going on over there?" Amri called out. Keyah looked down and saw Kopa on the ground crying, and a large pool of bloodied rocks and dirt nearby. She started to run towards them but Asani interjected, cutting her off from the scene.

"Let me through!" She demanded.

"Not a chance honey." Asani denied. Ni left Kopa's side and rushed over to explain.

"Ni, speak." Hakima requested. Ni took a deep breath, giving a quick glance back to Kopa before he began.

"The lioness Saeska found was the one that mangled Kopa in his youth. When he realized it, he lost his mind and tore her apart. He's broken down now; I don't know what to do with him. He won't respond to me." Ni explained.

"It was disgusting." Asani added. "He's not joking when he said tore her apart. I had to kick pieces back into the water." He explained with a shudder. Amri slowly walked over towards Kopa while Asani and Ni filled in the others with the details. Kopa was still crying, his tears soaking up the dirt beneath his cheek. Amri placed a paw on his head and slowly pat him.

"You alright?" Amri consoled.

"It was her." Kopa managed to utter between whimpers.

"Shh, I know. But what happened?" He asked softly.

"I remember it now. Vitani, and I. She and I were close. She said, she wasn't going to let us, be together. She had the others surround me, I couldn't run, and then, she." Kopa couldn't finish.

"Shh its ok it's ok." Amri comforted, picking him up he held Kopa close to him. "She's gone forever now, and you are still here. It's been set right now."

"I wish I did it, I wish I killed her."

"Why would you wish such a thing?" Amri argued softly. "She deserved to die for what she did, but not at your claws. Revenge begets nothing but a vicious cycle of further vengeance. Killing her would not turn back time, or undo the wounds you suffered. Find comfort boy, in knowing she can never do this to anyone else." Amri said softly, stroking Kopa's head as he slowed his crying.

"I'll never forgive her." He said with a shudder. Amri sat him up straight and held him closer.

"In time, you'll forget once again she ever existed. When you do, you'll forgive her. It's the only way to truly move past such a horrible thing." He counseled. He let go of Kopa and let him settle his crying. "Now come on boy, we have a home to get to don't we?"


"A home that you are a part of?" He said encouraging him. Kopa smiled and bowed his head.

"Yeah." Kopa submitted. Amri chuckled and guided him towards the stream.

"Come now, let's go!" Amri called back to the others. "Kopa, mind your footing I don't think everything Asani flung in here actually went down stream." He warned as they waded into the water. Kopa laughed a bit as he walked along side him. Ni turned his attention to Keyah who was darting back and forth between Amri and Kopa, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Hey, he's going to be ok alright?" Ni informed her.

"But, I just want to be there for him!" She argued looking ahead to them once again. Grabbing her head he pulled her ear towards his mouth.

"You are there for him, don't worry." Keyah shook out her fur as Ni released her. It felt nice to hear but it didn't change what she wanted. For now she settled for watching him and Amri lead the way across the water and into the open grasslands beyond.

They walked for a little bit, taking a quick pass over the game trail they backtracked and found a nice place to settle for a while. The new territory was still close to the stream, as well as a fresh water pond a good ten minutes south. Ni and Saeska did a quick sweep of the area around where they had chosen to camp. They found no other scents on the trees or rocks for a good running distance from where they were camped. Even then, Ni said it was very feint, and the lion or pride that was there, may have moved on. The site had a fair sized rock, about twice as big as Amri and was surrounded by a few large trees about ten feet from the rock. Amri scoured the area to see where exactly challenging males might come from.

"Asani!?" Amri called out.

"What's up?" He asked, strolling over.

"See if you can mark up the area between the trees there, a good distance off to the north, see it?" He asked, pointing ahead. Asani looked for a moment before nodding.

"No problem, you hitting anywhere?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm thinking aside from there it might be good to mark up some of the rocks and trees by the watering hole to the south."

"Ok sounds good." Asani agreed and headed off towards the north; Amri turned to Hakima and softly kissed her forehead.

"Back soon love." Kissing his cheek she smiled.

"I shall be here for you." She answered, returning the affection.

"Ni! Take the boy out training for a while if you would please." Amri requested. Ni looked to Kopa who seemed quite distressed still before turning back to him.

"You sure that's wise?" He asked.

"Yes, help him get his mind off the stream. Saeska stay with your mother, Kinu, Keyah do you think you can go fetch something to eat?"

"Yeah sure!" They both replied. Amri nodded and headed off to the south. Ni picked up Kopa and guided him further west into the open grasslands. Looking ahead they could see a large forest a good days walk from them.

"Hmm. Probably where the game come from." Ni suggested. Kopa shrugged, barely acknowledging him. "Hey come on, let's at least get some practice in."

"I just don't know." Kopa sighed. Ni sighed and halted for a moment to think. Finally he thought of an idea to get him going. Swinging he smacked Kopa hard across the backside. Kopa staggered from the blow and swung around to meet him with a growl.

"What the hell!" He cried out.

"Go!" Ni shouted as he lunged in and started wrestling with him. At first Kopa's swings and enthusiasm was lacking but as Ni swung more and more he started to feel the urgency. They practiced sparring off each other for a while before taking a moment to breathe.

"Feel better?" Ni asked, panting.

"No, not really." Kopa replied.

"Well, that's a shame. Guess I gotta whip up on you some more." He stated and lunged for him once more. Kopa put up a fight for a bit longer before submitting to a firm pin from Ni. Grunting he tried to get free but couldn't, Ni was staring straight into his face smiling.

"Is there a point to this?" Kopa demanded.

"Yeah, actually there is. Things don't always happen when you want them to. Say that when we get back, we find out this territory is about to get moved in on. Think the males are gonna hesitate just cause you had a bad day?" Ni proposed. Kopa drew a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"No, I suppose not." He agreed. Ni let him get up and brushed himself off.

"Point is Kopa; you're allowed to have shitty days and embarrassing moments. But you can't let them distract you from what you need to do when you need to do it. You lose focus when it's just the three of us one day, your gonna get us killed or overthrown." He warned. "And that means losing your girlfriend." He added patting Kopa's shoulder. Kopa looked at him for a moment; he took yet another deep breath and hung his head. He knew Ni was right. "You're right, I'm sorry Ni." He apologized sincerely.

"It's alright, that's why you train with us. Get passed all of that, and learn to control your emotions. Asani is a good example of that; I really have to admit it."

"Asani? Really?" Kopa wondered in disbelief. Ni nodded eagerly.

"Oh yeah, he's the biggest prick you ever met when he's not in a fight. But when we're fighting off rivals, it's a complete flip flop. He listens; he's attentive and very protective. Best friend you can ask for. Doesn't show it much to you but, once you start fighting alongside him you'll see it." Ni explained.

"I remember the two males you guys smoked a few months back but, have you fought any others aside from them?" Kopa asked. Ni laughed and sat down beside him.

"Oh yeah, there was one male who tried to challenge Amri alone about two weeks after we picked you up. Shortest fight you ever saw, Amri actually agreed and in three swings the male went down. Then about a month after that we had four guys come in. One nasty looking one and two of the others were just cubs pretty much. The big guy nearly got Amri, but Asani and I came in and just blew him over and ripped him up. Amri chased the two other boys away and I brought down the fourth and that was that. Then yeah, we had the two you saw a little while back. Didn't seem very interested in fighting though they backed off pretty early. Basically we dropped the one guy down hard, he was hurt but not fatally and the other just called it off and gave up. I think they were brothers or something, but it was a dumb idea to challenge three well trained lions." Ni recalled with a smile. Kopa looked to the ground, playing with a piece of grass between his fingers.

"But if they do win, they-"

"Kill the cubs and take the lionesses." They both said in unison.

"Exactly, why we gotta get you onto your "A" game here." Ni explained.

"Yeah, I don't want to lose Keyah." Kopa stated firmly.

"You're pretty sweet on her, huh?" Ni grinned, letting a snicker escape with it.

"I owe her so much; one of the first things I remember about being in this pride is her taking care of me. She used to lay down across my chest to stop the bleeding and keep me from shaking." Kopa recalled with a laugh.

"Yeah, I remember that. That's when her mother was still around."

"I remember when she died." Kopa said, hanging his head.

"Yeah me to. Kinu took it the worst but, they both were really upset." Ni recalled.

"Yep." Kopa agreed.

"So, what you like her just cause she took care of you? Feel like you owe it up to her?" Ni asked.

"It's not just that, she's caring and so kind hearted you know? Every time I'm with her I just, feel better, stronger even. The little things about her to lately I've really started to fall for." Kopa explained. Ni nodded and smiled before adding.

"You can hear her purr from a mile away can't you?" Kopa burst out laughing alongside Ni.

"Apparently Kinu is the same way!" Kopa added.

"Oh yeah, trust me I know. I used to hear it when Hakima gave her baths; sounded a lot like Saeska running by at full speed." Kopa and Ni laughed once again. As they settled, Ni was reminded of a small detail he needed to share with Kopa. Something he, Amri and Asani had discussed before. Clearing his throat, he took it upon himself to inform him.

"Hey Kopa? I gotta tell you something though, ok?" Ni started. Kopa was still smiling but listened attentively. "Now don't get mad, it's just a technical thing but. Until you're recognized as a member of the pride, you can't mate with Keyah alright?" He informed him. Kopa seemed confused but just smiled and looked away for a moment.

"You're serious?" He questioned.

"Yes, but don't worry cause really it's just a technicality." Ni reminded him.

"What do you mean? I'm not part of the pride?" he fired off, feeling quite agitated now.

"Now relax, not officially no. You don't hunt, you haven't defended us but! That's what were changing, that's why were training you. I don't think it'll take long either; Amri really wants to push to make it official. Besides, as long as you are willing to defend us and once your trained well enough, Amri will make it official."

"Oh." Kopa softly replied. Thinking about it though it did make sense to him. After all if that wasn't the case, anyone who just came in with a friendly face could just take whatever they wanted and go. "Yeah it does make sense." Kopa agreed.

"So you do want to be part of our pride?" Ni asked.

"Of course!" Kopa answered proudly.

"And, what about your real family?" Ni slipped in. Kopa was about to answer but took a moment to think his answer out more thoroughly.

"My mother and father, believe that I'm dead. Maybe if I was little, it would have been a different story. But this is my life now, and I want this to be my family. I love my mother and father but, me coming back home would just make things more complicated." Kopa explained.

"You know, you may never see them again." Ni reminded him. Kopa smiled and shook his head.

"My memories are coming back. I'll see them as I remember them, happy. I'm in their hearts as well, so they can see me as the son I once was. I think its better that way." Ni smiled and rose up to his feet.

"Good, then you have my vote to join." Ni informed him.

"Your vote?"

"Amri, Asani and I will vote on it when you're adequately trained. Given the progress you've been doing, id say that's a couple weeks, maybe three. Amri I know will side with you joining and with me in agreement, I'd say it's a sure thing."

"You don't think Asani will vote for me do you?" Kopa wondered.

"Maybe, maybe not. But Asani is usually on board for what's best for the pride so who knows, he might just say yes as well. He might not like it." He added with a quick laugh. "But he might say yes to."

"You all need to agree?" Kopa asked.

"No, just two of us." Ni answered quickly. Looking west he noticed the sun was setting into the late afternoon. Dinner was probably arriving, and although the activity was somewhat short, Ni was growing hungry. "Hey, wanna head back and see if have any food?" Ni suggested. Kopa smiled and agreed.

"Yeah, let's go!" He cheered and headed back towards the pride.

Ni and Kopa arrived back home. Asani had already returned from marking and Amri was just off in the distance on his way back as well. Asani nodded towards Ni who paused for a moment to acknowledge him. Gesturing him over, Ni excused himself from Kopa who went on to join Hakima and Saeska.

"What's up?" Ni asked. Asani hesitated for a moment, as if listening for something or a scent to come to him.

"Something's wrong. I can feel it." Asani whispered softly.

"Something, as in what?" Ni asked.

"Where's Kinu and Keyah?" He wondered.

"There hunting, remember?" Ni reminded him.

"It's never taken them this long."

"You think something more serious is up?" Ni questioned, his tone growing in concern.

"I don't like it. Just one of those funny feelings, and believe me I don't get them often." Asani explained. Ni gave his approval and aimed toward Kopa and the girls with Asani behind him. Arriving before the three, he began.

"Hey, Asani thinks something's up with Keyah and Kinu. We're just gonna go check it out."

"You think there alright?" Kopa asked urgently.

"I think so, but Asani says they've been gone too long. Better safe than sorry." He explained.

"Let me come with you." Kopa pleaded.

"I don't have a problem with it." Ni agreed. Amri finally arrived home and joined the trio, curious about what had stirred their attention.

"There a problem?" He posed to the three.

"The girls aren't back yet, was going to take Kopa and Asani to go look. Sound ok?" Ni suggested. Amri felt a goodly amount of worry; he felt it was suspicious as well.

"Wait, they left a good hour or two ago. They aren't back?" He asked. Kopa and Ni both shook their heads. "The game trail is only a few minutes from here and neither of them are incompetent hunters. Please, make haste and investigate it now!" Amri urged, shooing them off. Ni, Kopa and Asani darted for the game trail nearby. Within a few minutes they arrived to find the trampled grasslands fairly empty and quiet. The three looked around, seeing little disturbed in terms of any kills and only the wind sounding through the trees.

"They've been through here." Asani stated.

"Spread out, check through the tall grass carefully, look for any scents or signs of a struggle." Ni instructed. Asani and Kopa nodded and fanned out, cutting across the trampled grass and grazed earth to the thick grass trailing along either side. Kopa sniffed along the ground, occasionally breaking to catch the wind. Nothing was coming to him, the worry made him sick. He and Keyah had grown much closer over the last few days. To think something may have happened to her was causing him to panic a fair bit. Passing by a large acacia tree something caught his attention, a scent he knew well. It was feint but without a doubt he knew it was Kinu's.

"I got something, I got something!" He shouted repeatedly. Asani and Ni snapped to Kopa and began racing towards him. Kopa followed the scent as it grew stronger and stronger. Looking on he saw a paw sticking out from behind a rock. Fear rushed over as he ran over to investigate. Swinging around the rock it was Kinu, lying on the ground, unmoving. Leaning in he slammed his ear against her chest. He could hear the beating going strong. Heaving a sigh of relief he called out again.

"It's Kinu! She's out cold!" Asani and Ni rushed in and examined her slumbering body. Ni lay down near her head, licking and gently tapping her cheek trying to wake her.

"Come on Kinu, wake up! It's us!" She groaned but didn't wake. Ni examined the other side of her face. She suffered a small gash, surrounded by a massive amount of swelling. Clearly she had hit her head very hard. Gently he stroked the undamaged portion of her face. Kopa was looking around frantically; in his panic he couldn't find any scents. Asani turned around and grabbed his attention.

"Hey hey hey chill out! Pull your head outta your ass, you found her. Now let's find Keyah, she can't be far. Take a deep breath, pull it together and let's go." Kopa shook himself out and followed his instruction. Taking a deep breath he began sniffing about once more. Running across to the other side of the trail he began to search. Asani watched as he worked while staying close to Ni and Kinu. Kopa was about to start panicking again when he caught it, and stronger then when he found Kinu.

"Got it!" He called out. Ni glanced up to Asani.

"Damn, he's pretty good at that." He complimented. Asani nodded and began looking to where Kopa had called out. Glancing at the tree nearby he raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Eh. Let's see if he finds her now." He snickered.

"Stop being an asshole, now's not the time. I'll get Kinu home, get over there and help him!" Ni demanded.

"Don't need to." He swiftly replied. Ni grunted, frustrated with his response; especially after singing his praises to Kopa earlier.

"Sometimes I swear you just love being an ass-"

"Kopa! By the tree! Use your damn eyes!" Asani called out. Ni paused his tongue-lashing and glanced to the tree he spoke of, he could see what looked like ears sticking up, just breeching the tips of the blades of grass.

"Wait, you spotted her and didn't go to help?" Ni snapped. Asani gave a quick glance to him and back to the tree.

"Oh? No, once he caught the scent I just happened to look towards the tree and spotted her ear." He explained.

"Oh, sorry then." Ni consented, hoisting Kinu onto his back. Kopa rushed over and found Keyah lying on the ground. His face went flush though, as a thin trail of blood was also apparent on the ground.

"Oh no." He cried softly. "She's hurt bad!" Asani's face turned grim.

"Now, I'm heading over. Get Kinu home right away, let Amri know were bringing Keyah back hurt." He urged. Ni nodded and rushed off hefting Kinu home. Kopa gently grabbed Keyah's face and kissed her cheek, coaxing her awake.

"Kopa?" She mumbled, her eyes struggling to wake. Shocked at her response he nuzzled her cheek and kissed her again.

"I'm right here, it's ok. How bad are you hurt?" He blurted out.

"My side. It hurts." Kopa slowly eased her over, exposing two cuts fairly close together. They had run deep, seemingly from tusks or horns. Asani arrived to see the wounds exposed.

"Ahh geez Keyah. What did you do?" He complained. Kopa starting picking her up onto his back.

"Let's get you home, that need to be looked after." Kopa stated as he sured her position. Asani paused him for a moment before letting him move to pat her good side.

"Caught a set of horns huh?" He asked calmly.

"Yeah." She submitted quietly.

"You'll be ok, Hakima will take good care of you. Just don't be so careless next time. Might turn Scars here into a blubbering mess." He cracked with a cheeky grin. Keyah smiled and held Kopa a bit tighter. "Come on." He said leading them back towards home.

Hakima and Amri rushed over as they arrived. She wasted little time examining the wounds on Keyah's side. The bleeding had slowed but not stopped, and was trickling along Kopa's back.

"Set her down over here." Hakima instructed, pointing towards the tree. Kopa obliged and stayed close, Saeska began hovering nearby. Amri turned his attention to Kinu. She was still unconscious and the swelling on her cheek remained large.

"Take her down by the stream Ni; Keep her cheek in the water to help the swelling." Amri advised.

"It won't get cold enough till nightfall." Ni pointed out.

"It's cold enough for now. Stay at her side, keep her head adrift and don't let her nose dip in." Amri stated.

"Alright, I'm on it." Ni agreed and continued his haul over towards the stream. Asani and Amri watched as he walked off with Kinu on his back.

"What happened?" Amri asked.

"Well, judging from the wounds on Keyah's side it looks like they failed bringing down a buffalo."

"Well I figured that much as well Asani, did Keyah say anything? Was Kinu awake when you found her?"

"No, she was out cold. Keyah barely said a word, I'd go ask her."

"Very well." Amri sighed. Hakima had begun cleaning the wounds on Keyah's side. Kopa was holding her paw and held her head under his. Saeska laid down nearby and watched her mother cleaning.

"So, stupid." Keyah cried. Hakima hushed her before resuming her bath.

"What's wrong?" Kopa consoled.

"Yes, do tell us." Amri chipped in, joining them. "What had happened out there Keyah?"

"Husband, do not bother her now." Hakima protested.

"No, it's my fault." She cried once again. Kopa kissed her cheek and started bathing her head trying to comfort her.

"If you would like to tell us Keyah, I'll listen. I'm just happy you're alright." Amri said softly.

"We tracked a few buffalo that were close together. Kinu and I split them up and started taking one down. Kinu had the throat, I had the back. I was supposed to watch for anything coming back, but one of the big guys we chased off came back. He got me from the side. When Kinu let it go, she took its horns to the face. I tried to get up, but I couldn't from the pain. They ran off after." Amri hung his head.

"I'm sorry girl, this is my fault."

"What?" She asked as Kopa and her looked up to him.

"I should not have sent the two of you alone. It's a new trail, new habits. The blame here, falls to me." He said bowing his head once more. Hakima finished cleaning Keyah's wounds and looked to her husband.

"Fault does not matter now. Keyah is home, she is cleaned and safe. Ni will tend to Kinu, but now we still have the issue of food. Something to nourish these poor lionesses." She said looking to Keyah.

"Yes, I'll go fetch us something." Amri offered.

"You will not." Hakima interrupted. "I will go with our daughter, and we will not be going alone." She announced looking to Kopa.

"Me?" He asked. Hakima nodded as Saeska bound over to his side.

"Us!" She declared proudly, her paw slapped to her chest.

"Watch our backs Kopa, we will be counting on you. My love, stay with Keyah, and await Ni and Kinu's return if they should soon." Amri smiled and wrapped his arm around Hakima. He laughed softly as she kissed into his mane.

"I love you." Amri said softly.

"I love you as well." She replied releasing from him.

"Asani and I will stay here and look after Keyah." He agreed.

"Keep a paw pressed on her wounds, and clean it now and then." She instructed.

"I will love, be safe. Kopa, take good care of them." Amri ordered, smiling to the young lion.

"I got it." Kopa acknowledged and headed off with them to go hunt.

Kopa and Saeska walked side by side while Hakima lead them up toward the prey. Glancing between him and Hakima he wondered what was going on in their heads. Saeska was simply happy, bounding along eager to hunt while Hakima seemed more focused on the task at hand.

"Kopa?" Hakima called back. Before replying he ran up beside her.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Do you know what to do?"

"Hunting you mean?" he asked once more.


"Keyah told me what she could while she was learning, so really just the basics. Stay down wind, stay down low and watch every step." Hakima nodded as he explained.

"Good, Saeska and I will handle the prey itself. If they should however attempt what they did on Kinu and Keyah, I expect you to be ready and intervene."

"Of course, greatmother." He complied. Saeska crept up, taking to her mother's side.

"Momma. Are we after the same buffalo that hurt Keyah and Kinu?"

"Perhaps with some luck, but we are just after food my dear." She explained.

"But I want to bop the ones that-"

"Shh!" Hakima shushed as she lowered to the ground. A fair distance ahead was a herd of buffalo. Kopa could tell from the arced horns and hefty build. "We are just slightly upwind, Kopa, Saeska get down and move with me." She instructed. Skulking into the grass Kopa was careful not to topple any rocks or twigs. He found himself moving a lot slower though than Saeska or Hakima who seemed to glide easily through the brush with little disturbance. Eventually he managed to catch up and settled alongside them.

Kopa watched as the herd moved about, grazing on the grasslands. Hakima stared at them, unblinking and oddly enough Saeska was the perfect mirror of her mother. It was rare to see her concentrating on anything. As one of the buffalo began to move Hakima and Saeska broke away and rushed in after the herd. Startled they started moving, but it was far too late. Saeska had leapt onto a big bulls back while Hakima grabbed at the throat and clawed at the creature.

Kopa watched the herds movement very closely, it seemed most of them had ran off with a few lingering around. As the bull went down though, one of the herd began to move back in towards them. His head bobbing as he ran he appeared to be charging strait for Saeska and Hakima. Kopa burst from the grass with a booming roar and charged toward it. As it grew closer to the girls it seemed fixated on Saeska. Just as it came close, Kopa hammered the bulls side and threw him to the ground. Lunging in Kopa bit over and over near the neck of the creature as it groaned and cried, trying to catch him with a stray horn.

Fed up with bits Kopa wound up and took a hard swing at its neck. His claws raked through the flesh and caught an artery as blood spurted from the open wound. The beast tried to get up, managing to rise up on its hind legs and front knees. Kopa strafed and swung again along its side. Saeska and Hakima alike were both astonished at how deep his claws were cutting. The skin hung off the wounds on its side as the creature groaned and fell to the ground. Lunging in Kopa gripped its neck in his fangs, and waited for its final breath. Having made their kill as well, they joined Kopa as he released the buffalo.

"Thank you Kopa!" Hakima praised. "I could not bear any harm come to Saeska."

"No proble-"

"My hero!" Saeska cried interrupting him and tackling him to the ground. Hakima stood slack jawed as her daughter kissed away at Kopa's cheek and mane over and over.

"Saeska! Let him up!" She demanded softly. Darting up with a big smile she hopped off.

"Kk mommy!" Hakima smiled and chuckled as Kopa got up from his affectionate thank you.

"No problem." He said, finally finishing his sentence.

"You did a fine job Kopa. But the task is not yet complete; we must still bring these home." Hakima informed him. Kopa turned to the buffalo he killed and to the one she and Saeska had brought down.

"Going to bring them both?" He asked.

"Certainly, we should not waste such a gift. Now go on, pick up your kill and bring it back home." Kopa turned to his kill once more and walked over. Flinging it's hooves over his back he began lifting the beast across his back. It was heavy, very heavy. He struggled just to raise it off the ground. He could feel his front legs shaking as he stood upright. Hakima sighed and rushed over.

"Foolish child, you will hurt yourself that way!" She scolded. Adjusting it she turned it the length of his body draping a hoof on each side of his shoulder and waist. Though the pressure on his back was eased, the weight was still astounding. Saeska and Hakima worked there kill between both their bodies and walked close. Kopa took baby steps at first, trying to get a feel for the movement with such a creature on his back. Hakima looked back every now and then to make sure Kopa was still with them. Eventually the weight really started getting to him. His front and hind legs trembled with each step as his panting grew loud and rapid.

"Kopa, take a moment to rest." She called back, lowering her kill and Saeska down. Kopa slowly followed suit, panting hard as his tongue grazed the grass. Hakima eased her portion off her back and walked over to him.

"Are you alright?" She asked, placing a paw on his.

"It's just heavy." He replied between breaths.

"You're doing well, not much further now either. Just think, the closer we get home the sooner you can rest with Keyah." She encouraged. Kopa smiled at the thought, but his earlier conversation came to mind with Ni.

"Rest with her, but it's not like she can be my mate, right?" He questioned. Kopa felt the need to validite what was said before, surely if anyone would know the full story, it would be Amri's wife. Heaving a soft sigh, Hakima frowned with a hmm.

"So, Amri finally told you?" She inquired.

"No, Ni told me."

"I see." She acknowledged.

"So it's true then." Kopa concluded.

"You must fulfill your role in our pride Kopa. You are most precious to us, but it is not fair for someone who does nothing to reap the glories of those who stride to protect us." She explained.

"No, its ok I understand that much. It's just hard to think that this whole time this hasn't really been my pride."

"We are your pride, and I should slap you firmly for thinking otherwise. You just have to earn your keep if you wish to take a mate, Kopa." She reiterated. Letting him think for a moment she continued. "You've taken a good step towards that today. You protected my daughter and myself. You have my respect Kopa, now train hard. Prove you can defend us, grow in strength each day and heed with Asani and Ni have to teach you. Do this and you will have strength beyond any who dare to challenge us." Kopa met her eyes for a moment and bowed. Saeska ran over and giggled joining them.

"You got my vote to; I'm going to be very jealous of Keyah." Saeska added.

"Why?" Kopa asked with a smile.

"She will have herself a very fine hubby." She replied kissing his head.

"Saeska, enough. Come, we must get home." Hakima announced. Kopa grunting as he hoisted the creature up once more. Saeska and Hakima hauled there's as well. Crossing the plains they spotted Amri, Asani and Keyah in the distance. Kopa eagerly started moving towards home. Amri and Asani watched as he bobbled home, panting with a large buffalo on his back. Asani started laughing, covering his face. Amri started to giggle, turning to his friend.

"What's so funny about that?" He asked.

"Wonder where that buffalo's junk is stuck?" Asani cracked with another fit of laughter.

"Oh come now!" Amri cried out. Asani rolled over laughing, Amri found himself at the mercy of the crude joke as well. "You have to get your head out of the ditch boy."

"You laughed!" He protested.

"I didn't say it didn't put the picture in my head." Asani flung his head back and laughed again. Kopa arrived and flung the kill before them.

"Now that, was heavy!" Kopa called out in relief.

"Hard on your ass to?" Asani posed, shooting a brow up.

"What?" Kopa snapped to him, confused. Amri leered at Asani and gave him a quick swat on the cheek.

"Ow! Worth it."

"Buffoon." Amri scolded with a chuckle. "Kopa, how did it go?"

"Daddy!" Saeska cried out charging her father for a hug. "Dad, you should of seen it, we picked off the big guy here and this other one comes charging back like rawr rawr rawr! Then Kopa goes boom! Right out of the bushes and whack! Knocks it over and-"

"Kopa stopped the one from coming back and attacking Saeska." Hakima interrupted, muffling her daughter. Shaking free, Saeska shook out her mouth.

"My story was better momma!" She protested.

"So you saved her did you?" Amri asked turning to Kopa.

"Yeah, I knocked out this guy that I brought."

"Wait wait wait, you hauled this all the way back to on your own?" Asani interrogated.


"From the game trail?"


"Non stop?" Asani asked, leaning in closer.

"No, I took a breather." He submitted.

"Psh, pussy." He dismissed looking away. Saeska kicked out her hind leg over Asani's mouth and held it there.

"Shh you! Kopa's my hero of the day so you be nice or I'll kick your tail!" She threatened. Kopa looked down on Keyah who hadn't said a word yet.

"Is she ok?" Kopa asked.

"Huh? Oh yes yes she's quite fine. The poor thing was just exhausted." Amri explained. Kopa lay down and moved a little closer to her.

"Uh, can I just stay with her for a bit." He asked shyly. Amri chuckled and pat his head.

"Go ahead boy, let's get this food served up." He agreed. "Good job today Kopa." He added.

"Thanks." Kopa replied with a bow. Asani began walking away as well before pausing and looking back.

"Good job Scars, aside from this morning you did pretty decent." He complimented.

"Ha, thanks. Hey, would it kill ya to call me Kopa?" He asked.

"Yes." He quickly replied. Kopa laughed and shook his head as he gently took Keyah's slumbering body into his arms. Lining his face close to hers, he softly ran his paw over her shoulders and head. She moaned and smiled from his touch and began to purr. Leaning in they locked his lips for a moment, before Kopa moved down to her chin and neck.

"Kopa?" She moaned as she stirred awake. Kopa gave her a dopey smile as she began to stroke his mane. "I like waking up next to you."

"Give it time; you can do more than just wake up next to me." He added.

"Mmm, I can't wait. So they told you to?" She asked.

"Yeah." He answered softly.

"Not mad?" She wondered, still stroking his mane.

"No. You're worth the wait." The smile blew across her face as she leaned in to kiss him. Kopa pulled her close, wrapping his body around hers as they kissed over and over, before she finally settled atop his mane entranced by the warmth of his body and euphoria of her wake up. They remained in each other's arms until the food was ready to be distributed; even then they found it hard to part from one another.

Tribute to Fangclash Bay.

Blessed rays of the twilight sun, pierced the clouds and glide along the surface of sea. Each gentle caress of the water, ebbing them closer to the shallows until at last finding solace upon the white sands of the beach. Enclosed in a veil of green,...

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Brotherly Love

It had been quite the adventure, traveling all the way back home for the honor of placing his mark. Kenai felt so proud of himself that his tribe had finally recognized him as a man, fulfilling his totem by taking in Koda, his new adopted little...

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The Pride - Chapter 1

As the cool, night wind rolled through the tall grass and wisped through the trees of their savannah home. The lions of the small pride rested beneath the star littered sky. Amri lay next to the warm body of his lover and wife, Hakima. Mated for life...

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