What could go wrong?

Story by TyVulpintaur on SoFurry

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Ty and Emily find a genie, but as usual, the wishes don't go quite as desired...

Story by furaffinity.net/user/liardy

Ty and Emily are mine

What could go wrong?

"Are you sure we should be here?" Emily asked, spinning her long blonde hair around a finger nervously. "This place has been abandoned for years, who's going to care if we take a look around?" Ty said back, looking for the basement. All the good things had probably already been taken, but maybe they could find something pretty cool down there. If not, there would at least be something that made coming here worth it...right?

"B-but what if someone sees us? They might call the police!" She glanced back and forth, almost expecting to see someone walking by and finding them. She continued followed Ty, though.

Ty kept looking around, until he found the door under a pair of old stairs. That's got to be the basement! He ran over to the door, careful not to step on the random debris around the floor surrounding it. The door was much different than anything else in the house, where the wood in the rest of the house had been rotting, this door seemed almost brand new, there was hardly a scratch on it. It was also very nicely made, and seemed to be worth a small fortune alone, unlike the cheap looking house it stood in.

"Emily...come look at this!" he called to her as he tried to open the door. He expected it to be locked, but was surprised when it simply opened wide. The room inside was huge, but empty. The floors were covered in bright red carpet, the walls were vacant, and aside from a single pedestal at the end of the room there was nothing here.

"What is this place?" Emily walked forward into the room and looked at the walls. It was covered in some angel wallpaper. While she was looking it over, Ty walked right over to the pedestal.

The pedestal was very ornate, it had gems going all the way down it, and at the top was a red velvet pillow holding what appeared to be an old fashion lamp. The lam itself was less impressive than the pedestal it sat on, being all covered in dirt and looked really cheap.

"Why would someone put a piece of junk on such a pretty table?"

Ty jumped at Emily's voice, not expecting her to be right behind him.

"Don't do that!" he scolded her, "And I'm not sure. How come no one has taken the gems in this? It's not like it was hard to find this room..." He took a closer look at the gems. If they weren't real, they were very good fakes...good enough that any thief think they were real. He brought his attention back to the lamp.

"Maybe if we rub it we'll get three wishes!" he joked as he grabbed it. Emily reached out to it too, and while they were both holding it Ty took a bit of his shirt and have it a rub. The lamp started to violently shake, making them both drop it and jump back. As it hit the ground, it kept shaking, and started jumping off the ground on it's own and spewing out a pink smoke.

"What's going on?!" Emily shouted as the smoke began to fill the room. The smoke, after filling the room, was suddenly sucked back to the middle of the room and began to condense, forming into a beautiful woman in Arabian clothing. She floated above the lamp, her legs still made out of the smoke and began to stretch. Ty stared at her in a trance, he couldn't believe what he had just seen. She looked down at the two siblings and seemed to be searching for someone.

"Where is Lia?" she asked in a very smooth voice causing Ty to snap back to himself and jump up.

"Who is Lia?" Emily asked. However, before the genie got a chance to answer Ty jumped in.

"There is no one else living here. We found you in this abandoned house."

The genie took a moment to think before smiling. "So then, that means you two get three wishes. And since you were both touching the lamp, the wishes will effect you both. Think wisely."

The brother and sister jumped in excitement, three wishes! They could get anything that they wanted!

"This is awesome! What should we wish for?" Ty asked Emily as he grabbed her hands and was hopping up and down. Emily thought for a moment, trying to think about something she wanted. She had wanted a pet, maybe they could get a pair of foxes?

"I wish we had some pet foxes!" Emily told the genie who smiled.


Ty instantly knew something was wrong, his whole body tingled and the room started to get bigger around him. A sharp pain in his back caused him to reach back and hold where the pain had been. His eyes went wide when his hand rested on something pushing out of his tailbone. Frantically he looked over to his sister and saw she was getting smaller too and what was growing out from her back could only be explained as a tail..... what was happening to them, they wondered. Did the genie do this?

Suddenly his whole body because extremely itchy, unbearably so. He attempted to scratch as much as he could, even falling to the floor to try to use it to help, but it didn't. He watched in horror as a light gray fur began to grow all over him, covering his whole body. Horrible pain in his hands caused him to yell out and snapped his attention to them. His bones were reforming, becoming smaller and more compact. He felt like they were being squeezed from all sides Within seconds they looked like paws, nails turning into claws and his palms into pads. The pain continued up his arms as it also started in his feet. He rolled onto his side and closed his eyes shut feeling his body change. Once the pain left his feet the feeling began to be...enjoyable. The feeling traveled through his chest, and finally to his head. He could feel his face changing, his ears moving, but he kept his eyes shut. The feeling left him, but he kept his eyes closed, afraid of what he might see. He moved bits of his body, getting used to how everything felt. It was...different.

"Ty! What happened to us?!" Emily's voice caused him to finally open is eyes and look at himself. He was definitively an animal now...but it wasn't until he looked at Emily that he realized what animal. A gray fox.

Ty didn't answer her, instead he turned to the genie who had a huge smile above him.

"Why did you turn us to foxes? And why can we talk still?" he growled, sticking his trail straight out and making his fur stand on end. It felt natural to do while angry, and even felt good.

"I granted your wish. You wished for pet foxes. Well, I can't create life from nothing and bringing a fox kit would take it from it's family, which I was unwilling to do. So I simply made you each your own pet fox. The reason you can talk is it would be very hard to grant future wishes without being able to understand you, don't you agree?" She shined a bright smile. Ty sighed, they should have been more careful with the wish. Now they were foxes, a wish down, and it would take another wish to become normal again.

"Emily, let me do the wishes, alright?" he told his sister, who hung her head sadly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen."

He looked back to the genie trying to decide how to wish them back. 'I wish we were human again' might not make them same as they were before their transformations. 'I wish we were back to how we were' could be anywhere in the past, maybe even as babies.

"Ok, I wish we were back to normal!" The genie smiled and snapped her fingers.

"Wish granted."

The pain returned, almost worse than the first time. However, this time it was focused around his pelvis and shoulders. He fell down onto his side a second time, feeling his new fox bones reforming back into human shape excruciatingly slowly. With a final POP that caused him to yell out in pain, the feeling spread to his hands and he watched as they changed from paws back to normal, though still furred. Finally, the pain faded. He looked at himself, he was still covered in gray fur...his feet, though now more human shaped, were still paws, and he still definitely had a tail. He felt the top of his head, finding his ears were still that of a foxes. He was some kind of Animal Hybrid!

He started to stand, but a sudden force hit him in the stomach causing him to double over. He could only watch in horror as he not only started to growing a second pair of legs...but his normal ones seemed to be moving back. He shivered at this new sensation, it was like his butt was stretching out...like he was gaining a second back. He took a look at Emily and was worried, but not surprised, to see the same happening to her. She seemed to be farther along...and thoroughly enjoying the transformation, rubbing her hands across her new back...it was like from the waist down she was still a fox, but above it she was an animal hybrid...not what he would call normal.

Finally he felt like the changes were over, so he attempted to stand on his new feet...it was different having four feet as well as two arms...but he was getting used to it quickly. One thing he didn't notice, however, was that he was still small, about the size of a fox kit still.

"Genie! This isn't what I wished for! I wished to be normal! This is far from normal!" he shouted at the genie, who only laughed.

"Changing you to 'normal' would have canceled the first wish, which I can't do. So, instead I went for a middle ground. If you'll notice, you're both a fox and human. And, to satisfy the 'normal' part of the wish I made it so it's normal for you to be like this. Everyone will remember you like this. You should be thankful that I didn't twist your wish, it could have been a fun one." She giggled loudly.

"Will we ever get to be bigger?" Emily asked, not all that worried about staying like this. She liked her new body.

"No, sadly. You're stuck at that size unless you wish otherwise."

"Can we Ty? I want to stay like this, it feels...right!" Emily begged. Ty had to agree, this body did feel better, it felt like he was meant to have it. His family and friends would see it as normal, too. The only issue was size...

"Alright. Genie, I wish we were bigger!"

"First..." the genie blinked her eyes, and suddenly they were outside in a field. Ty and Emily were puzzled why the attic wasn't good enough, but before they could think too much the genie finished her sentence. "Good. Now, Wish granted...enjoy."

Ty felt a shock wave run through him. It was unlike anything he had felt so far, it wasn't a pain at all, it only felt good. It was like a full body massage! The ground started to get farther away, he was growing! Emily too, seemed to be growing, and at the same rate! He tried to figure out how fast he was going, and he estimated maybe two or three inches a second. This was awesome, it felt great and in just a few seconds he'd be as tall as normal!

He overshot his normal height and continued growing. He didn't seemed to be showing any signs of slowing either, if anything he was growing faster! The massaging started feeling more intense Ty could almost not handle it, it felt so good!

"What's going on?!" He shouted at the genie, who was now smaller than him.

"I granted your wish. You're becoming bigger...you never said how much bigger though, so I took a guess. I hope you like my choice."

Ty couldn't couldn't reply, the only thing he could think about was the feeling of growing, it was so intense that he couldn't even think about anything else. He was growing to an absurd size, much bigger than he had ever expected.

Then, suddenly, the feeling simply vanished. Gone instantly, and Ty looked afraid.

He was huge! Much bigger than any house he ever lived in, and even bigger than most buildings he had ever seen. Emily was just as big as him, and looked equally as surprised.

"I made you both one hundred feet tall. I would say that's bigger than the six inches you were before."

"Wait! Make us smaller! This is too big! People will think we're monsters!"

"I'm sorry, but you used your three wishes. However, behind the kind hearted genie I am I already made it so that people will see this as normal. Well...people who know you will see it as normal, anyway." The genie turned back into smoke, and flew back into the lamp, which then vanished.

"Ty...what do we do now?" Emily asked. Ty looked at her, and took her hand.

"Let's go be normal....."

The Agency

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Ty's Other Taur-iffic Adventure

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