Under The Surface

Story by Zylen Andel on SoFurry

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This is my first story that really focuses on transformation, so I know I made some mistakes. However, overall I'm proud of the work I did in this story. Since Apollojay89 (over on FA) was the one that got me to like transformation so much, I decided to give him a starring role in this story. ^_^

This story will involve:

Masturbation of a maleherm character

Inanimate Transformation

If either of these things offends you or is just not your cup of tea...read at your own discretion.

Zylen Andel and the stort is (c) to me, Zylen Andel

Apollo Musea is (c) to Apollojay89 (over on FA)

Under The Surface

Written by: Zylen Andel

"So all I have to do is think about what I want to become and this jewel will turn me into it? It's that simple?"

Apollo had heard a lot of strange things in his time, but this red shining jewel gave him a promise that was hard to believe even for him. He held the jewel in his hand, holding the phone in the other as he question the woman on the end.

"That's it. It's a very powerful jewel. You can even dictate how long you want to be in the state that you choose for yourself. You will lose all of your powers and abilities, but it'll be worth it."

The woman made the jewel sound even more tempting than before. Apollo grinned with mischief and held the smooth scarlet stone tightly in his hand. "Thank you, Selma. I'll make it up to you, whenever you come back."

"You bet your cute ass you will."

And with that said, Selma hung up, leaving Apollo to hang up his end and lay back on the bed. As he stared at the ceiling he let his mind wander. He felt such love in his heart every time he thought about Zylen, his stomach got lighter and his chest fluttered. A blush painted his cheeks and his free hand moved over his belly, his own feathers feeling great and just the thought that this bed wasn't his own. This was Zylen's room...Zylen's bed...and he wanted his lover to have some good fun. With the influx of new customers and training new employees, Zylen hadn't really had any good alone time to let himself have fun by himself lately.

Apollo suddenly sat up and looked at the jewel...grinning slowly, "Well, he can be alone with me." He springs up from the bed, leaving the jewel on the bed for a moment. He finds a pen and piece of blank paper. He jots a note for his special one and sets it down on the bed next to him as he lays back down. He brushes his hair from his face and clutches the stone again,

"Okay. Here's goes nothing." Closing his eyes, Apollo stretched his mind out to ensnare his lover's. When he felt the familiar touch of Zylen in his mind he simply thought, "Zylen...come to your room. Now...please."

The thought that crossed Apollo's mind was as quick as any other thought, but unlike every other thought he'd ever had - this one had weight. It actually felt heavy in his mind, but he also felt a small wave of pleasure wash over him. His body shifted with his moans, but soon there's was changing. His wings began to shrink and move down towards his legs. The black and white of his feathers changed to blue but also flattened against his body - which was shrinking quickly. Apollo never really understood how a body could do things like this without any pain, but as the pleasure continued to mount he really didn't care. The processes by which a normal body could be turned into something significantly smaller eluded him for right now. He made a note to talk to Zylen about it later, but for right now he moaned again.

His weight got lighter on the bed as he body began to take the shape of the item he had pictured in his head. His legs thinned and then made themselves into a circle, his thighs staying thicker the rest of his legs, bt still shrinking considerably. His wings finally stopped shrinking after becoming something akin to rubber, then they too circled around his waist and created a stopper of sorts. His body became translucent and made of a similar material then the his wings turned into. The shape of his body started small at the tip and got bigger around the middle, but got smaller again at the base just above the stopper of his wings. There were ribs carved into the toy he had turned himself into that would give his lover even greater physical joys.

So now, all he had to do was wait for Zylen to return to his room. The door opened only a few moment later and Zylen himself entered his bedroom. He looked as elegant as ever, even while wearing just a silk robe. He had obviously just woken up as his hair was not combed properly and even his feathers looked like he jumped out of bed as soon as he had been called by Apollo. He yawned softly as if to confirm that sleep was still hovering over his mind threatening to descend upon him once more. Fighting off the sleep was enough for the peacock as he wanted desperately to see his beloved blue jay, yet he wasn't here. He looked on the bed and saw the paper with words beautifully written in Apollo's handwriting. The sight of which drew him into the bedroom with a shut of the door, his legs carrying him gracefully towards the bed - and the item that lay on it.

The deep maroon eyes moved from the paper to the light blue translucent toy and a warm smile spread over the cool gray beak. He knew exactly what the toy was and how it was intended to be used, which brought a soft touch or purple to his cheeks as he blushes. Picking up the paper that Apollo had written on, brought his words through Zylen's eyes and into his mind. "You need time to yourself, my love. So lock the door and have your fun."

"Okay Apollo. You win." Zylen placed the paper down delicately on the nightstand near the bed and turned towards a large mirror. Seeing his clumpy hair and tired eyes made it even more clear that he needed to unwind. But if he was with anyone else he'd do what he always did...make the others pleasures come first. So he sighed and slid the robe off, exposing his body to himself and bringing an even wider smile to his beak. Even with the imperfections that were so obvious now, he still thought he was sexy and desirable. His hands moved to his hips and he swayed a little, trying to find the natural rhythm that he found during sex with others, but it proved to be harder whenever he was by himself. Still, he was not deterred.

Zylen turned towards the bed, his blue and red wings flaring out as if he was challenging himself to find a way to pleasure himself with just his own body. He wasn't used to being alone when he wanted pleasure, but as he moved to the bed and sat on it he felt his arousal rising anyway. He laid back onto the bed and closed his eyes, rubbing his chest and belly softly, imagining the hands belonging to Apollo - his light and his love. A soft moan broke free from the gravity of his beak and shot out into the room like a screaming comet. Although Apollo could never explain how, he witnessed Zylen teasing himself, suddenly wishing that he could put his hands on him for real. But he watched, caught up in the magic of the jewel until Zylen had a orgasm - at least if the spell of the jewel was real.

"Oh Apollo..."

Zylen cooed with his eyes still shut as he reached a hand down to stroke his thickening member. It was a tapered shaft, more pointed towards the end and wider at the base, but it hand a series of bumps along the top and sides of the shaft. The bumps increased in size the closer they got to the base and resulted in his partners getting more and more pleasure as they take him. But right now, Zylen was only working with himself, so he flipped his hand around to try to fool his mind into thinking that he was with someone. His cock plumped up quickly after that and he moaned even louder the name of the name that he was imagining himself with.

"Apol...lo...oooooooh...you're so good..."

It made Apollo feel fantastic to know that even in solitude, Zylen thought about him. Though he wanted to scream to Zylen that he was here with him, but the magic was strong. Then Zylen looked over at the toy and smiled, "Oh, I forgot he left that for me. Come here you."

Zylen reached a delicate hand down to the toy and picked it up. He studied it for a moment, imagining the pleasures that he could have with this toy. He found the switch to turn it on and felt it rumble in his fingers, the vibrations making his squirm already. He knew what it designed for, but that didn't mean much to him. He spread his legs open and moved his cock out of the way as he touched the tip of the trembling toy to his sweltering sex, a monstrous moan rising out of him.

"AHH! Oooooooh..."

His whole body was lit on fire as his arousal spreads, both making his muscles feeling relaxed and more tense. He let out a breath and pushed the toy into his pussy, the soft material making it easy force it into him. The ribs carved into the toy bringing moans out of him as he pressed more into him. Each of the vibrations hitting him in a different spot so it felt as there was someone inside of his cunt touching different spots in order to give him great pleasure. It was at this point that Zylen blushed even deeper as he thought about nothing but Apollo; his sexy body, his soft feathers, the way he always made him feel special. A whimper broke his beak and he pulled the now now wet toy from his cunt and let himself catch a few breaths. But it was time for this toy to be used how it was meant to.

Zylen leaned up further, after turning the toy off and pressed it to his tight pucker. He moaned softly as it slid into him quite easily thanks to his wet arousal still glistening from his sex. The peacock leaned back onto the bed, just enjoying the pressure of having that small ribbed dildo in his ass. His hands went to his belly again, ruffling his own feathers as he imagined that Apollo was here...although Apollo was much bigger than the toy currently inside of him. Still, his mind would not let him think about anyone else, his heart was beating faster as he thought of what his lover would do with him now.

"Mmmmmmm...where are you Apollo?"

No sooner had those words been spoken then the toy started up with vibrations that were stronger than before. This sent pleasure slamming into the avian's mind and he reeled back from the blow. His back was arched as the first wave of pleasure surged through his body, but he quickly relaxed, knowing instinctively how to take care of his own needs. One hand went to his shaft and started to stroke it firmly, his thumb rubbing over the head of his cock whenever he came up on his shaft. His other hand moved lover to his pussy, his middle and ring fingers slipping into his wet folds, his other fingers holding those lips open. His moans sounded desperate and needy, but he knew the only thing he needed right now was his other half.

"Oh my...oooooooh...Apollo...you're so good...just like that...my love..."

With his eyes closed Zylen could feel the pleasure of someone stimulating all of his body. He was so desperate for it to be Apollo, that even thought it was his own hands touching him he would've sworn that in this instant it felt like his lover. He had a consistent blush to his cheeks and a smile on his beak, his chest rising and falling quickly with his fast breathing. It felt amazing to be doing this, but Zylen truly believed that even if he was by himself - he was never alone. His back arched again and he shouted loudly, but managed to hold off his orgasm for another moment.

"NO! Not yet...I want more..."

Zylen fingers kept teasing his most sensitive flesh, even squeezing his cock a bit harder than he intended to. But the pleasure was the only thing that mattered now - and that meant that he had to push himself farther. The peacock slipped his index and pinky into his cunt now, spreading that blue flower open even more and letting out full deep groan as the sensations burned throughout his body. The vibrations from the toy were conducted evenly and carried straight into his prostate, crushing him under the weight of what his body was craving. There was so much going on and so much that Zylen never wanted to stop. His muscles were getting tired and aching but he ignored them, using the burning pain to fuel the fires of his lusts. He squeezed his cock, curled his fingers, and clenched hard on that toy that seemed so determined to stay in his ass - all of this happening at the same time.

"Apo...llo...I'm gonna...mmmmm...AHHH!"

Zylen let go of his cock and ripped hi fingers from his cunt, allowing his juices to squirt from his with such force that he watched it hit the wall. Even his cum flew into the air, but quickly fell back onto his chest and belly. He wrapped his arms around himself and rolled side to side as the the vibrations to his prostate continued driving his orgasm out of him. His pussy juices and some of his cum, dripped down his groin and coated the base of the toy that was still working him hard.

"Oh wow...that's so good..."

Through the pleasure and the ecstasy of his orgasm, Zylen hadn't noticed that the toy was starting to grow. The vibrations ceased and that when the expansion became clear to him. He opened his eyes as he looked down, as if he could see the toy growing, but he gripped the circular base and pulled it free from himself, scooting back and watching at the rubberized material changed. It got more dense and more - fleshy. Zylen's mouth hung open in disbelief as the ringed base of the toy grew longer and separated into - legs? The bliss of his orgasm wouldn't leave him, but more than that he felt no worry about what this thing was changing into. It was if he knew already what was growing in front of him. The blue of the toy grew into a body with arms and and a sexy chest, but the most telling thing was the head that was making itself known with a beak growing from it.

"Oh my...Apollo?"

The features quickly grew in and the feathers puffed up around the naked body that now lay before the smiling peacock. Apollo opened his eyes slowly, taking an even slower breath of fresh air. He didn't move except to turn his head and smile warmly at Zylen, "Yes, my love. It's me. I'd never leave you alone."

Zylen crawls over to him and climbs on top of him, pressing their bodies together and kissing his neck. The jay was such a sweet man, willing to put himself through something like this in order to give his lover the attention he needed. "I know. I love you so much, Apollo. I didn't even consider that the toy might you. That was a great idea."

Apollo wrapped his arms around the peacock, holding him close as he spoke softly, "It was fun. And I'm glad that you liked the idea. Because I've got another one."

There was kiss of something cold that was placed in the small of Zylen's back, but just as quickly it was gone. And before the startled peacock could ask what was placed on his back, Apollo moved a hand up to his beak and held it shut. There was a fire in the jay's eyes now, a fire that Zylen only saw during Apollo's dominant streaks.

"I helped you get off, now you're going to help me." Apollo let go of the stone gray beak of his lover, but his silence was not broken as the top and bottom parts of his beak had fused together. Zylen was shocked and scared, but Apollo wrapped his arms around his and held him close, not saying anything but lovingly rubbing his body. "Just relax, sweetie, it's gonna feel weird, but a good weird."

Zylen felt it first in his hands; his fingers were pulled straight, tight, and together. Then the digits began growing in length, thinning and changing into a soft plastic that would be comfortable but keep it's hold without slipping. His arms began to thin into the plastic material as well, then he noticed his legs were also doing it. His limbs were fading, but strangely he could still feel them. This wasn't an entirely discomforting process - it wasn't painful at all - just strange. His thighs rounded out and thickened into the bottom of what many would consider to be butterfly wings. Zylen's own natural wings change too; shrank and changed shaped to form a hard rubberized version of the top of the butterfly wings, connecting to his thighs and then the rest of his body was converted to the hard rubber. Changed into the shape of a small butterfly, his beak slightly opened towards the end of the process, creating a small alcove that seemed out of place but he had every confidence that everything that had just happened to him had a purpose.

Apollo looked over the butterfly vibrator that now say on his chest. "Mmmmm...see? That wasn't so bad was it? And now you get to help me the same way I helped you."

Apollo scooped up the vibrator and got to his feet, sliding it where it needed to be. The alcove in his lover's beak neatly nestled around Apollo's exposed clit. "Like a glove. You fit me so well, Zylen."

Zylen couldn't believe this was happening - this was so humiliating...so degrading...and yet it was so hot. With his rubberized beak wrapped around the sensitive nub it was easy to tell how aroused Apollo was and Zylen found himself wanting to make his lover happy anyway he could. And it was only for a short while right? He had only gotten one orgasm out of him before Apollo changed back. Apollo fastened the straps around his thighs and waist to keep the butterfly vibrator in place.

"Oh and I have good news...well for me. I made it so you won't change back for a while...so I hope you don't mind. But if you do, feel free to get me back after you change back."

With that said, Apollo turned the vibrator on and fell back onto the bed, moaning from the vibrations given to him by his lover turned sex toy. There were many things that the two of them enjoyed together; some things everyone knew, but there were other things - things like this - that they kept hidden just under the surface.

~~F~~ I ~~N~~

Not Playing Fair

**Not Playing Fair** Written by: Zylen Andel Commissioned by: Apollojay89 The sounds of the fair were all around them and they were enjoying the sights as well. Apollo had taken Ruby to a nearby fair as a sort of bonding time with him, but...

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One Weird Night

**One Weird Night** Written by: Zylen Andel Zylen Andel stirred from his unexpected sleep. His body felt normal with no injuries presenting themselves. In fact there was no real trauma to speak of. There was a strange pain in his left hip, but his...

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Reptilian Aggression

**Reptilian Aggression** Written by: Zylen Andel The warmth of the dreams was long forgotten as the male's eyes fluttered open. Zylen yawned and went to stretch, but discovered he couldn't move his limbs. The peacock's eyes opened wider trying...

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